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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 25, 2024 8:30am-9:00am MSK

8:30 am
vladimir mikhailovich, what weather reflects your mood, are you clearly sunny or still cloudy with clearings without precipitation? sometimes it's clear and sunny, sometimes it's partly cloudy, and sometimes it's hail, snow, and tornadoes. and flood, all in one.
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my guest always knows what the weather will be like and whether to take a zone with him. he does not believe in omens, but trusts scientific forecasts. today my guest is the head of belhydromet, vladimir babuk. vladimir mikhailovich, hello,
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good afternoon, well, let's talk about weather, how often do you get asked this question? well, this question is asked to me, probably, by everyone with whom i communicate, what the weather will be like, what awaits us in the near future, and answering this question, i want to please everyone, to say that there is no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothes, out of season, obviously.
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which we would not answer, or which would compensate us, were not asked to us at all, and so we try to make sure that questions, but there is such an expression that for weather forecasters there is no bad weather, this is so, this is so, a weather forecaster, his main job is to predict what the weather will be like, what it will entail, what consequences or what phenomena there will be, whether it is good or bad, it is not for us to decide, that is, you are so objective. you assess the situation, well, somehow yes, but nevertheless, what kind of weather do you like? i probably love warmth more than cold, i would answer this way, that is, your favorite month, in the summer it can also be rainy and cold, sometimes it snows in may, that is, i love it when it’s warm, sunny-bright, sunny-bright , where you can relax, sunbathe, on one side, on the other side i love it when it’s winter, where you can go skiing. when again it’s sunny
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and frosty but frosty and right.
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they talk about climate change, but has it really changed significantly over the past 10-20 years, because everyone remembers the line from evgeniy onegin from school that snow only fell in january? yes, this question seems to be the case, because we observe that it can rain in winter, it can snow in may, the climate is really changing, and this is confirmed by global meteorological...
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winter comes later, summer comes later, there have been a lot of reports in the world media lately that we are entering the little ice age, and scientists continue to talk about warming, that’s who to believe, well, even i find it difficult to answer this question, it seems as it is true that foreign researchers say at the same time what ours say, well, the question is probably ambiguous. well, after all, they make such statements on the basis of some kind of research, they just don’t act unfoundedly, probably, undoubtedly, well, maybe i would answer like this, that for different countries, for different latitudes, some phenomena are more visible somewhere, and
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somewhere they are less visible, that is, we in belarus do not notice something that is visible, for example, there in african countries and so on, well, they talk a lot about how melting ice...
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well, this is the influence of nature itself, but there were some long-term forecasts that such a phenomenon could happen to them, yes, we predicted this, after frost there will be heat , then there will be a sharp cold snap, of course, this is our direct work and we will place great emphasis on this including long-term forecasts. it’s very interesting, but on the basis of what research are these forecasts made? are these some kind of space images, what’s there?
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the main source of information regarding space is russia, of course, but meteorology there is really developing at a good level. yes, russia is probably our most important assistant, i would say, our comrades-in-arms in terms of making forecasts, providing us with assistance, both technical and professional, at the level of training our personnel, at the level receiving some additional... education, and sharing experience of course. in addition to forecasts, well, say, on a national scale, there are also regional forecasts. yes, our network is located not only in minsk, it is located throughout belarus. accordingly, we make a forecast both for minsk and for district and regional centers, well, in principle, we are ready to give
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a forecast anywhere in belarus, where we have a weather station. scientists promise belarus a hot summer every year. what are the forecasts for the coming summer months? i would, i probably answered this question in such a way that not a single hydrometeorological service, not a single one, can predict that far...
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belarus is located in the center of europe, but fortunately we do not yet experience problems such as floods, which occur annually in european countries. how can we explain this and are we threatened with natural disasters such as floods, tornadoes, and earthquakes in the future? well, i’ll say this about the floods this year.
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by any means, vladimir mikhailovich, in general , humanity has technologies, which can change the climate globally? yes , of course, you probably heard, there was such a device in america, probably there is now, i can’t say for sure, in the territory of the former ussr there was such a device, this is the so -called climate weapon, and it really works and can influence what - moments at a certain time. well, in any case, they can also disperse the clouds and also, yes, they can probably assume that
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if there are some more serious technologies. vladimir mikhailovich, how serious? weather and climate affect the economy of our country. well, here, i would probably say there is a direct relationship. a sharp change in climate and weather immediately affects the agricultural sector, where appropriate measures must be taken. well, in other sectors of the economy. or buy equipment that will work under such and such conditions, but the same snow, if some extreme amount of snow actually falls, then we will admit that we are not ready, or not quite ready, for it right away.
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damage, if it occurs, reduce consequences, how many days or months in advance can an accurate weather forecast be made? well, it says an accurate forecast, accurate, accurate - this is a concept, that’s interesting, not accurate, clear, let’s say, well, let me put it this way, belhydromed gives daily forecasts, gives a forecast for three
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days in advance, the longer the period, the more likely it is..
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a forecast is a calculation model, these are numerical models where a supercomputer calculates. at the moment, belhydromed has such a power of 48 terlops, a lot or a little, that’s how for for the average user, this is of course a large figure, but for using it in calculations in the field of hydrometeorology, this is probably very little.
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vladimir mikhailovich, it’s customary to criticize the weather, along with the forecasts, so how do you react to criticism? well, of course, when they criticize in a negative way, it’s bad. and we face this all the time. here i would like to emphasize that at one time, probably,
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not enough was given to popularizing the activities of belhydromet. hydromedical service of belarus, bilgidromed, this is the only organization that can issue.
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the cat has its paws covering its nose, which means it will definitely be cold soon. do such signs have any scientific basis? well, i would say that it is scientific. probably not, this is just an observation of many, many generations associated with certain actions of the same animals, or the influence of weather on
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a person’s well-being under certain conditions, this is all an observation, undoubtedly there is something in this, and i listen to this, myself, one might say, i believe in such signs, but still hydrometeorology is a science. then this always comes true, how do you feel about the concept of weather dependence, can the weather affect a person’s well-being? well, i would say
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that probably yes, because after all, weather dependence and those about the physical processes that occur in the atmosphere, they of course affect the well-being, the well-being of a person in general, people are predisposed to the same solar storms, maybe what something magnetic storms. yes, it probably affects their health, their well-being, well, yes, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, for myself i don’t think that’s the case i noticed, so i can’t say unequivocally that yes, i can’t, and i can’t say no, i can’t do that either. what weather can change your mood? well, the mood will most likely be changed not by the weather, but by some other factor, the weather can, well, maybe contribute to this to some extent, what if you are sad there. sad rain or snow outside, then it will somehow leave its mark in the compartment, or vice versa, when some joyful event on the street is sunny and warm, then this will also somehow
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affect your worldview, well, not moreover, how do you feel about these weather changes, i mean, well, somehow objectively, that it does not depend on us, as it were, a person where he is powerless must be accepted, we already talked about this at the very... at the beginning that the weather is formed by nature, not man, so it is presented to us as a fact. vladimir mikhailovich, i know that this year the hydrometeorological service of our country is celebrating its centenary . yes, this is true, on july 1, the hydrometeorological service of the republic of belarus celebrates its centenary, we are ready for this event we are preparing, preparing certain festive events, advertising in the city, etc. some of your new products, something somewhere, you will see about all this in the media, well , on the streets of our city, or maybe some exhibitions that you can visit,
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get to know in more detail the work of your organization? this means that in the near future , a museum of the hydrometeorological service will be organized on the territory of belhydromet, which later, of course, you should definitely visit, thank you very much, in continuation of our conversation - questions about the weather, i would like to make a small gift to your program, i know that your first episode of the program was released in the twentieth year, this is the gift that i will give you now, it will show our activities and what we can do , at the same time, you can decorate the interior, and a person will be pleased, thank you very much, we need to open a museum already. that means i’ll explain, this is a weather certificate, that means what kind of document this is, let’s call it a document, that means it’s dedicated to the meaning of life project,
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the project was founded in the twentieth year and lasts to the twenty-fourth, in this certificate we reflected what sunny days there were, how many there were, how many hot days there were, where were the peaks, when did it rain, when did it hail, when was there real fog? let this certificate decorate your collection, oh, thank you very much, it will really take its rightful place in our editorial office, thank you very much, well, our last question will not be about the weather, but about the meaning of life, what is the meaning of life for you? good question, i remember from my student days, this is a problematic question philosophy, for me the meaning of life is the path that... a person must go through, leaving behind a trace that the future generation, the current one, your friends, acquaintances, societies, states as a whole, could be proud of.
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9:00 am
live news to belarus 1. in the studio olga kalairova, good morning, watch the episode. farewell to school and the road to adulthood. the last bells for ninth and eleventh grades will be heard throughout.


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