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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 26, 2024 4:50am-5:40am MSK

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there won’t be presidents, you know who will decide, a lot has already been decided overseas, what hasn’t been decided, they will decide later, i deeply analyzed for myself, in general, these problems with the powers of vladimir alexandrovich, now i realized that it’s all useless, according to experts, opponents do not expect such firm positions, but nevertheless, other conditions are already obvious. it won’t, the west would like to see confusion, would like to hear vague formulations about the fact that we are simply for peace, that a negotiation process is needed, well, what a negotiation process with them process, well, what to talk to them about now, they behave extremely aggressively, and here, of course, there is a very big question for the population of the countries of the european union, for the population, for example, of lithuania, the population of poland, do they generally understand where they are being pushed, russia and belarus wants peace.
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they have wanted this for a very long time and talk about it constantly, the leadership of belarus generally strived for belarus not to get involved in any conflicts, to deal only with the economy and resolve the issue of the well-being of citizens, but it has to, well, it has to show fangs and be on guard. two more topics in the query rating, the first - have the parties agreed on energy resources? answer: yes, and in a long- term formulation. and the second news for citizens of the two countries, especially those who travel a lot, is a solution for a single home network for mobile operators in belarus and russia. there will be a sufficient informal part in the negotiations between the two leaders; in total, the official visit lasted 25 hours, it was half past twelve, after which the russian plane departed home the day before, late in the evening. even more we watch details about the negotiations between the presidents on the main broadcast, as well as how...
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responding to the hypocrisy and pressure of the west, why there are no small things in security, and what minsk was told in tehran, let's look at the political week from a different angle in the time of the first section. a friend and ally flew to minsk. negotiations day and night. we asked lukashenko and putin about security. we don't need war.
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this is criticism, but how do you personally feel about criticism? and also a real race around the palace, fascinating footage of the pulov bustles, forward at work, the photo tradition of the personnel day, the political behind the scenes and what is always in the foreground. the football boom today has occupied the torpedo stadium in zhodino and its surroundings. a few minutes ago we learned the name of the winner of the belarusian football cup. in a cool football atmosphere following an exciting match. neman won the travey trophy. right now andrei kozlov is going on air from the scene, he has everything. emotions of this fight,
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but from such vivid shots we burst into the air of tv channel belarus 1, in general, neman, the winner of the belarus football cup is in mode right now. egor, very briefly, right on the air, the emotions are clear, you have great ones, yes, as far as you’ve shared with the audience right now, i’m honestly grateful to everyone, all the team members and fans, the most important thing is that this is a victory for my family, wife, children, parents, a big hello to everyone, i won’t give the championship jersey to anyone, but all with victory, well done, your attention, right now, let’s see how the grodno football players are doing. all for your attention, so grodno the region is rejoicing today, you
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can see it perfectly, and let’s look again at this brilliant sector, which also arrived from grodno today, here’s a small inclusion on our panorama program. in general, neman, winner of the cup of all fans, i congratulate you on this great achievement for grodno football, colleagues, right now i’m giving the floor to our brilliant studio, thank you very much, but a little later we will come back and show the cup after all, andrey, thank you, today neman won the belarusian football cup. nato can use the fifth article of the organization’s charter in response to... cyber attacks, this was stated by the secretary of the alliance in an interview with the economist. let me remind you that the notorious fifth article provides for the joint use of force in the event of an attack on one of the nato members. and given that the authors of any cyber attack can only be determined presumably, stoltenberg
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actually said that the alliance can attack anyone, the main thing is that it suits its interests, that is, there is no longer any need to invent any paola test tubes. this was before the attack on iraq. simultaneously, the militant secretary called for ukraine to be given the go-ahead for strikes with western weapons on targets on russian territory. let me note that for now, nominally, officially, this was prohibited by the british, americans and germans. well, on your screens you can see the positions of russian troops in ukraine in case moscow detonates an atomic bomb. the polish official was stingy with details. and here there is a suspicion that he gave away an imaginary one.
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territorial losses for the country are inevitable. the publication welt, citing sources in even ukraine’s allies have already realized, intelligence reports that the losses will be much large, they should be expected before the end of the year. this is all the more likely since ukrainians categorically do not want to go and die for the interests of washington and london. this is the kind of massacre that unfolded in odessa. where employees of the military registration and enlistment office tried to forcibly send several townspeople to slaughter; given such public sentiment, the chances of surviving in the presidential chair until the end of the conflict
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are quite doubtful. how did the guardians of world values ​​become the standard of double standards, inhumane repression, murder, violations without borders? all this is their democracy with a mark dangerous to life, what rights washington has trampled, we will break it down point by point in an understandable policy, only the facts on monday, after the panorama.
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not everything is calm in the british kingdom, to put it mildly. london is on the verge of large-scale unrest and new social riots. bloomberg reports that britain is facing its worst crisis in 70 years. the country's next government will have to make enormous efforts to avoid disaster. premier sunok leaves just in time. slurp the brewed conservatives will probably have a mess, not for him, and not even for this party. britain's national debt is equal to national gdp. at his service. and in general there is no money to service budget obligations. the new cabinet that will come to power following
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the parliamentary elections on july 4 will be forced to raise taxes and cut social services, which means the british will become even poorer. let me note that the united kingdom is the leader in europe in the number of homeless people. social inequality is generally the main scourge of the anglo-saxon world. for example, in the usa, every seventh child lives in poverty. england and the states. is rapidly plunging into a serious economic crisis, which explains their persistent aggression in ukraine and palestine. well, then leading western economists began to recognize the harmfulness of washington’s policy of sanctions; instead of making big money for the ruin of belarus and russia, the sanctions, on the contrary, resurrected high inflation in europe, america, and britain. wrong decisions hit the satellite countries even more painfully. baltic ports are on the brink. why western policy is always a minus and how belarus accepts
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the right decisions to increase the well-being of your people, alexey avdonin about hidden relationships, politics and economics. hello! this is simple economics with alexey avdon. in modern conditions, an incorrect understanding of the laws of economics, an attempt to change them to suit oneself inevitably leads to disastrous consequences. in the west, they began to openly admit that washington’s sanctions policy caused more harm to western countries than it brought benefits. thus, on may 10 , business insider, citing the famous canadian economist jeff rubina said: the united states miscalculated. imposing harsh sanctions on russia as the west itself faced
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the negative consequences of economic restrictions. the result of rash policies was the resurrection of inflation, which had not been observed in a number of western countries for more than four decades. sanctions became the impetus for its sharp revival. in the united states and the eurozone, the inflation rate rose to a record 80% in 2020. now prices have dropped. but inflation is also at relatively high levels, more than 3%. previously, until the twenty-second year, inflation did not exceed 1.5%. washington’s wrong economic decisions hit its satellite countries even more painfully. thus, statistics of cargo transportation through latvian ports showed that they are going bankrupt. the reason is the gap in favor of the united states and the eu, the economic relations of the baltic states with belarus and russia. further saving. the desire to curry favor with washington may inevitably bankrupt the ports, while the united states is drawing in the
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ruin of its vassals, the russian and belarusian economies are showing extreme high results. russia's gdp growth in the first quarter of 2024 accelerated and reached almost 5.5% compared to the same period last year. according to the imf, russia is among the top ten countries among the world's largest economies. century it increased eightfold. focusing on an integration union with the russian federation produces significant results. for national economies, for example, in belarus, the growth of gross domestic product in the first 4 months amounted to more than 105% compared to the previous period of the twenty-third year, industry growth more than 107% due to the production of high-tech products and vehicles, construction - 109%, food production - more than 17%.
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wood processing, pulp and paper industry, inflation is significantly lower than planned forecasts for four months, less than 103%. real incomes of the population increased by 9%. the average salary exceeded 2,000 rubles. there is an increase in pensions. the population today is inclined to spend, and there is a significant increase in retail turnover. such positive dynamics became possible due to state social policy or politics. with care for people, as we see, correct political orientations not towards the west determine the success of the national economy and lead to an increase in the well-being of each of us. it was simple economics with alexey avdonin. well, we
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are returning to the stadium in zhodina again. andrei kozlov and the belarusian cup are in your hands. right now, can we go on air too, for a second, can we come here for a second, please, it was really hard to pull out, let’s go live belarus 1, first of all, it’s really heavy, yes, how heavy, tell me, so much so that it knocked out my shoulder at the beginning of the game, it’s hard to lift it, to be honest, when they asked me to lift it three times it was completely impossible, it turns out, well, everything got stuck in yours, yes, well, what is the inner feeling after this?
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civilian life, not knowing about the army routine, and today they themselves talk about their changes. in the first month we had a test run with the tank, we shot, threw grenades, went to exercises, to training grounds, it was very interesting and exciting. the most unusual thing was dig under the bmp and then shoot at it. at first it was difficult, but then over time you get used to it. for the uninitiated, the oath
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is simply a reading of the text out loud, but the ceremony has legal force. after him, recruits become. patriotic war, when the belarusians showed the world during the great years that the whole country rose up against fascism. on the banks of the bug and dvina, berezina and dnieper , more invaders were destroyed in battles than by all the countries of the anti-hitler coalition in the west.
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after decades of peaceful skies, many still want to feel like soldiers, for they sound military. i am proud, i am proud that my son continues the glorious traditions of our ancestors. all of our grandfathers served and fought, many of them have still not been classified as classified, so yes, the city is happy that it is capable of defending our country if necessary. at first we were very worried, now after hearing the words of the oath, seeing how the child matured in 3 weeks and meeting wonderful commanders, somehow. in the spheres of military affairs , advanced technologies are being introduced, but people always remain the main thing. by their example, the military must show how the country and society are developing, officers and parents
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of recruits understand this. after the oath, the military personnel will go on their first leave, upon return from which they will undergo intensive training, study, and everything that the military themselves call army everyday life. vladimir korolev and andrey ivanenko, tv news agency. large presentation of the minsk region at vdnkh in moscow. the belarusian pavilion presented the cultural tourism potential of the region. why does the minsk region attract russian tourists and what details does a small copy of the mound of glory reveal to visitors? the identity of the central region of belarus in the report of our own correspondent in moscow, daria belousova petrovskaya. hello, dear guests, i am glad to welcome you to our region. muscovites, guests of the capital,
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who come these days to the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh, listen to her stories about the history of the sludsk belts, the national relic of our country. they became popular among the belarusian nobility in the 18th and 18th centuries, when oriental silk belts were in fashion. then in in slutsk they opened a manufactory for the production of their belts. which in quality and beauty surpassed their foreign counterparts so much that they were even counterfeited in europe. the most expensive payasas contained up to 200 g of gold. it was quite difficult, because the gold thread could not always lie very evenly, so they used a kind of press and it turned out that the gold was clamped and it became smooth and shiny. and thanks. this train was shining with this sun. in 2012, by order of the president of the country, the technology of sludsk belts restored. and today this clothing accessory
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of the belarusian gentry is a brand not only of the minsk region, but of the whole of belarus. looking at the queues near the stand with tourist routes of the minsk region, it is clear that the demand among russians is very high. over the past 2 years, the flow of tourists from russia has increased several times. with its beauty. greatness beckons the famous nesvizh castle, a pearl of belarusian architecture of the middle ages, a place full of legends of love and political intrigue of the rodivilo family. judging by the export of tourism services, and if last year for 22 it was 107% of the level of the previous year, then 2023 is 170%. today in the minsk region there are about 130 hotels, almost 30 sanatoriums and more. 400 farmsteads. tourists are attracted by the beautiful nature and the opportunity not only to relax, but to improve their health. belarusian health resorts are always top of mind for russians. more than 80%
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of vacationers are citizens of the russian federation. people come to us from the surrounding regions, these are moscow, moscow region, st. petersburg, leningrad region, smolensk region, tolsk region, so from distant regions, these are the arkhangelsk region, the mormun region. minshchin is a place that carefully preserves the history of the great patriotic war. the first thing that guests who fly into the minsk national airport or drive along the minsk-moscow highway see is the majestic mound of glory, a symbol of the victory of the belarusian people over fascism. the height of the mound of glory is more than 70 m, but here in the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh there is a smaller copy of it. this has its advantages. you can carefully examine all the details. for example, four obelisk bayonets, which. are on top of kurgan, they symbolize the four fronts that took part in the liberation of belarus, and of course, a special, one might say sacred place, not only were they burned alive, and
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today the sculpture of an unconquered man is a symbol of the insubordination of the belarusian people during the great patriotic war , symbol of memory and sorrow. daria belausovskaya alexander lyubitelev, tv news agency, moscow. and also about our history, exactly. 80 years ago the first separate french fighter an air regiment known as the normandy neman was sent to the third belarusian front. the squadron took part in the offensive operation bagretion, including the defeat of enemy troops at the airfields of bolbassov in the varshansky region, dokudov in krupsky, near tolochin, borisov. for successful actions during the crossing of the neman, the regiment was given the honorary name neman. 148 pilots of the air regiment. made over 500 sorties, conducted 869 air battles, shot down about 280 enemy aircraft and damaged 80,
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many of them were... awarded orders and medals of the ussr, four were awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. a street was named in honor of the regiment, normandy neman in borisov. during this period , french pilots accompanied bombers on combat missions, and they managed to do this absolutely without a single loss. this is especially so to say, it stood out as a special merit. yes, they had to retrain here in the soviet union.
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has become a matter of honor, let us remind you of the cordial friendship of front-line friends and learn the lessons of history, watch it tomorrow evening on the main broadcast. today is perhaps the most exciting a touching day for belarusian graduates, more than 55,000 eleventh grade students began their journey to adulthood . awareness from the stage of life that has already been passed will come later, but most importantly , many pleasant memories will forever remain in the memory. victoria sharkova collected the emotions of graduation day. 3, 2, 1! white doves in the sky, with them the dreams of a happy future for graduates. the latest lines have united all schools and gymnasiums in belarus today, and if the ninth grades can be said to have a dress
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rehearsal. over the past year we have been very finally, the word school got closer - it ceased to be some kind of just educational institution, but probably became more like a home and even some kind of family. in total , this year the twelfth gymnasium of the capital has over 200 graduates, including 3rd/1st grade, which is almost 90 boys and girls. doctors and scientists, developers and linguists. i want to connect my life with diplomatic relations and promote the interests of our country in the international arena. let all your dreams come true, let everything come true, all your wishes, but we will support him in every possible way. in in the first grade they took the first step onto the first step, and then, some climbed, some ran, now they got there, now they have already
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stepped over this one.
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i am very afraid of my grandfather, he is a very important person for me, and he is an authority for me. according to the tradition of celebrating this day on a large scale in belarus for many years, graduates listened to the last bell not only in their native schools, but at the evening celebration in the minsk arena. the grand celebration brought together more than 11 thousand people. mixed emotions, indeed, awe and joy, at the same time, i'm very nervous before the exam, actually, but i'm very glad that we have this
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opportunity before. relax, enjoy exams, watch a concert, this holiday should be remembered for a lifetime, because each of us says goodbye to school, retains in our souls a good memory of school, teachers and... it’s very nice that young people today are talking about this , a beautiful and spectacular start to adult life after such a holiday is certainly assured, the guys will move on to the most important stage of centralized testing, but this is a little later, but for now the celebration continues. victoria sharkhova, elena vitkoy and dmitry karkusha, news agency. sergei syrankov was elected first secretary of the central committee of the communist party of belarus. the decision was made at the tenth plenum. central committee. in addition, today we reviewed the results of the participation of the communist party in the elections of deputies at all levels, as well as the tasks of preparing for the next congress, which will be held in november. we will discuss issues of interaction with other political parties, with all
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public associations, organizations, institutions of civil society, and we will also express our position regarding the most important upcoming socio-political campaign for the election of the president of the republic of belarus , taking into account. and attracting new methods of information work. from summarizing local problems to developing specific proposals for regional development. under the council of the republic , the council for the interaction of local
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self-government bodies has been created and is functioning. about how effective it is to establish feedback with local councils of deputies using specific examples yulia khmel will tell you. we are located on the territory of the village of kopeynoye, dukorsky village council. on the territory of the dukor village council, work is being carried out to improve rural settlements. at the moment, we are near an empty house, which, after work under decree 116, was declared empty and put up for sale. this village house was well preserved even before the military construction, but the heirs found it unnecessary. over the past 3 years , no one has appeared here; by court decision it was declared empty. and this is already a house in the agricultural town of drichin, it also came under decree 116 and was recognized.
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natalya kachanova once again emphasized that the council for interaction between local self-government bodies has become such a platform where it is possible to summarize emerging issues locally. it was created under the council of the republic 17 years ago, and today, as practice shows, it is not in vain. at this council , we consider the most pressing issues that arise in the work of local self-government bodies, in particular our colleagues in the deputy corps, and those issues that we submit, they are very important for consideration, why, because in... so in the seventh convocation of the council of the republic , eight similar meetings were held under the leadership of the speaker of the upper house of parliament: among the venues were shklovsky district, slavgorod, dokshits, petrikov,
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columns, grodno-brest . there are many questions, it was necessary to evaluate the work of local councils of deputies in preserving historical memory and developing regional medicine, the effective use of natural resources, the creation of additional... slavgorod district slavgorod district -
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one of the most injured in the accident at chas. over time, the contaminated area shrank significantly. unpretentious support measures from the south-east, benefits for investors, the opening of new industries, and at the same time jobs. a modern sports and recreation center, a new multi-storey microdistrict, pripetsky national park, for example, petrikov received a powerful impetus for development through the implementation of an investment project for the construction of a mining and processing plant. and this is shchuchin, here in the past the first in the eighth convocation meetings of the council for the interaction of local government bodies in the spotlight are problematic issues in the field of land and property relations, by the way, the area was chosen as a platform for the meeting not by chance, here land and former objects of military camps are quite successfully involved in economic turnover, as an example of competent land use, modern a complex for growing champignons, the only one in the grodno region, third in terms of production volumes. in the country, due to the sanctions policy that is unfriendly to us
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countries, it was decided to build its own complex for the production of substrate for growing mushrooms; construction has now begun and we plan to complete the construction and introduce comprehensive operation by the end of 2025. using the example of such on-site meetings of the council, you can see not only the development of the region, but at the painful point, and most importantly, if necessary, find the right solution, however, comfortable living of people in every settlement of the country is one of the priority areas of the state politicians. yulia khmel, alexey youth, tv news agency. cookies with the taste of childhood. the slodych confectionery factory today produces more than 100 types of butter, sugar, and long-lasting products. over the past year we produced over 14,000 tons of products. these are also various types of sweets, caramels, gingerbreads, waffles. marshmallow. the president was at the enterprise in ninety-
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eight. the situation was not easy then, but the factory held on more than confidently, maintaining its traditions; now it is one of the leading confectionery shops in the country. we will carry out our quality control tomorrow on the main broadcast. that the best taste since childhood. cookies and sweets that have already become a brand.
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drozdy, tnyanka, and the minsk sea are ready to receive visitors with fresh sand, a cleared bottom of the water area and safe locations for swimming. the situation on the water is monitored 24x7 by rescuers to ensure the readiness of recreation areas, ilya tsvetkov.
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forecasters' forecasts are positive: hot, dry and a lot of sun, and these are ideal weather conditions for those residents of the capital and guests of minsk who can't wait to move closer to the water. water area and coastline of capital cities reservoirs are ready. for the meeting of guests, everything is organized for a complete relaxation with a taste of the sea breeze. transparent water and an atmosphere of summer relaxation accompanied by the sound of waves 23 beaches in minsk. specialists and prepared for the swimming season, among them eight beaches on the zaslavsky reservoir, more than ten locations on the komsomol lake tsne in drozdakh. first of all, they brought it to the coastline, cleared it of debris and stones, and leveled the golden sand. particular attention to infrastructure, beaches, for the summer season all
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coastal locations are equipped with sun loungers, denei canopies and changing cabins. updated gazebos and barbecues are ready for vacationers. also children's playgrounds and safe mini-pools. in 2024 , over 300 units of new equipment were installed. now we are on the beach of the tsnyanskoye reservoir, beach number three. new shade canopies, changing cabins, swings, trash cans, and sun loungers have been installed here. dozens of new sites with sports equipment, now available to all visitors: workout zones, volleyball fields with nets and for playing beach soccer, everything it overlooks the water, the capital's athletes, amateurs and professionals are already giving their assessment. i run a circle around the senyansky reservoir, then i always work out at this site. in recent years , i have noticed that the infrastructure of everything is improving, improving every year. the issue
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of clean and safe water is also under control. the sanitary and epidemiological service of minsk conducted its inspection of the beach areas. as a result, laboratory water samples were also taken. no significant deviations from the norm were identified, entry into the water areas is permitted, but only in those places where divers carried out work to clean the bottom, the area is fenced off with buoys, 80 meters high, the bottom is cleared by divers, garbage is removed, swimming is allowed accordingly, monitoring is carried out on boats, as well as during foot raids, drones are also used, those who like to swim beyond buoys are returned to shore to avoid an emergency, depending.
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we keep fit, that is, we play sports. very soon the wakeboarding season will start on the shores of tsnyanka and the minsk sea. travel on the waves is already out and the first subboarders. rescuers remind you that on aqua-boards you also need to be within sight of the osvod observation points and follow safety measures so that relaxation by the water brings only positive emotions. a portion of vitamin d was brought from the capital’s beaches by ilya tsvetkov, nikolai lashkevich and dmitry golovach. tv news agency.
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when we start talking about new products, probably our confectionery industry is always the flagship here, that is , the summer period is approaching, we traditionally produce certain simulated summer ones. some lines, of course, tropical flavors prevail there, for example, some fruity ones.
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our line of confectionery products with the addition of milk powder is developing, it is also quite popular, and based on the results of last year it has proven itself well. probably, on the eve of the same summer period, current developments in our oil and fat industry, in particular, i think it will be interesting for the consumer to try rapeseed oil with the aroma of dill.
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to what extent do belarusian standards correspond? international requirements, are there any problems with supplies abroad?
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we don’t have any problems with supplies abroad, in principle, all issues are resolved in a working order, that is, if for certain markets, say the middle east, it is necessary to obtain kosher and halal certificates, this never becomes an obstacle, that is, it is much more difficult here find, let's say, a consumer.
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