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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 26, 2024 7:50pm-8:50pm MSK

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hello, before the world had time to come to its senses after fitz’s shots, the news came about the death of the president of iran. let me remind you that on may 19 , ibrahim reisi’s helicopter crashed, all eight people on board were killed, the duties of the head of state are performed by the first vice president. early elections
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will be held on june 28, the date was approved by the council of guardians of the constitution, but there are different versions of what happened due to a technical malfunction before the assassination attempt, but they all agree on one thing: the deceased president resi was a bright personality and a talented politician, under whom both rivals and allies. which way will the country go now? olga igorievna, do you have an idea of ​​the answer to this question, given that. there are a lot of introductory notes on this topic, the emotional background is very high, and of course, today’s iran and its leaders have a very special status; in order to be content with some superficial answers to this question, do you have a general vision? well , first of all, we are talking about the loss of life, so we probably need to start with condolences to the relatives of the people of iran, who are going through a very difficult period today, when the highest officials in the state die. but
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there are always a lot of versions, but with regard to iran, there are two segments here, i would highlight, this is internal, and we see that iran is ready for any situation, because setting an election date is not just an entry in the legislation, it is an ability , a very high adaptive ability to respond to any circumstances, to maintain stability in the country, so this is the first step, we saw it, it exists. we cannot predict how the situation inside will develop further, because iran is a very a complex country, its internal situation depends not only on internal factors, but also on external ones. we know what role iran plays in the region and what role iran plays in the global agenda. let’s not forget about the sanctions, about the pressure, about the confrontation, the great confrontation with the united states, which iran withstood and proved that this can happen, that...
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no, of course, i definitely won’t happen in the foreign course, because iran is a foreign, an external factor is mandatory, which means the first thing, this is how iran, belarus and russia are similar, i’ll start with this, the fact is that iran stands like a bone in the throat in the united states, the united states, they understand perfectly well, this similarity with us, that the problem of uranus cannot be solved by military means, therefore for them the bet has always been placed on the fact that iran is political inside split, and there were some... political processes
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that would lead to a change of power there to please the united states of america. and by the way, they did a lot for this; they managed to achieve a little success, just a little bit. whereby? we remember very well the situation that took place in iran and with protest sentiments, all this happened against the backdrop of the fact that young people who grew up in iran, many of them went to study all over the world, somewhere they began to open businesses, somewhere they succumbed to this influence, this is there. but on the other hand, iran is very strong. religious bonds, a very strong influence of the leaders of the islamic revolution that took place there, the spiritual leader is alive, thank god and well today, the guards of the islamic revolution are a guard corps that plays a huge role in stabilizing the political system of this country, what am i talking about, but what is the risk, the risk is that the president who died, sincere condolences, this was a man, not only a friend of our president, not only a friend of the entire region, this is a man who... for all
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world politics , without iran, in principle , there can be no stability in the middle east, if iran collapses, if this is theoretically imagined, the entire middle east will be engulfed in flames, it will be impossible to stop this flame. the president of iran was the heir, everyone was talking about it, the spiritual leader, of course there are certain risks in this, but i i’m convinced, why i’m convinced, because i also know this region well, iran has enough strength, iran has enough of this solidarity within the country, enough opportunity to get stronger, to withstand this test, this test for the people, because the leader died, which was very popular in iran, in fact, people loved him and...
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flew on a two-blade helicopter, nine people, instead of boarding a four-blade helicopter, they suddenly flew on a two-blade helicopter, the second point is that the highest the political leadership of iran has always traveled, well, as a rule, always on russian-made helicopters, which
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are under the jurisdiction of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, it was at this moment, at the time of this visit...
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information came out, russia and russia offered assistance in the investigation of iran, and other countries that are ready to conduct a comprehensive investigation into this tragic case, while we are talking, but listen, what the west has not done before to stop the unwanted, what they did with gaddafi, there is only one reason, he said, i am a dollar i don’t want to, they began to destroy the country, saddam hussein, i want to sell oil wherever i want, i don’t want to sell to the west, i want to pursue an independent policy, the whole country was destroyed, yugoslavia was bombed, politicians were not killed in europe.
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until there is an official verification of all the circumstances, until there is an official investigation, conclusions will not be reported, but from the point of view of coincidences, of course, as they like to say: i don’t think there are coincidences, because today we see that the united states has entered a very tough stage of confrontation with iran, for several years now this confrontation has been going on with a constant increase, it all started with tension there in the persian gulf leading up to the possibility of a military clash, and the fact that there, for example, the americans today officially decided to consider iran a state organization, guard corps. terrorist islamic revolution, the fact that on this basis they are striking at
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a terrorist organization, the fact that the americans are not coping today, are not coping in first of all, maintaining order and comfort in the persian gulf for their activities, they cannot influence the yemenis, they can counteract incidents with american ships there that occur against this background... we are seeing that iran today is entering into close, close allied relations with the russian federation, that iran is joining and actively participating in building the logistics of the new silk road, which is one of the important corridors along which the north, south, this branch goes, of course, in such conditions we cannot exclude that the task of american intelligence, american special services includes all kinds of tension. not that, of course, the unconditional friend of russia, as he is called, and they talk a lot about this and emphasize risi
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that he died tragically today, and this to some extent, well, at least temporarily , will complicate communications between the russian federation and iran, according to at least until the election of a new president and the formation of a new government, that is, in conditions where today there is a confrontation, an active military phase of the operation near kharkov. russia's offensive in this region, when we know that there is military-technical cooperation between iran and russia, then of course, for the purposes of the united states of america, its intelligence services, it could be that some factor was included so that at least for a few days , weeks to weaken communication, interaction between iran and russia, and thus everything can be used here, uh-huh, well, then let's move on to... the news that we touch on one way or another, because they are nearby, because the news about that lives are being lost,
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or in this case the top officials of the state may lose their lives, this is of course a sensation, there is also that high-profile topic, the assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia robert fitz: the first act of shooting at european politicians since 2003, when serbian prime minister djindjic was killed. the attempted murder of fitz was a serious blow to kiev, it is clear that this topic is already being actively discussed, we will not go into any details, but do you agree with those who say that, alek sergeevich, the attempt on the life of fitz, shooting him is a signal for orban, a signal for vucic of all those who want to act primarily in the interests of their state. i drank before, but not with bullets, but with repression, pressure, look, any
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politician in europe, that is, who says that peace is needed, any politician who begins to speak common sense about the need to improve relations with russia, sanctions in relation to belarus - this is stupidity, we don’t need war, let’s sit down at the negotiating table, even the position is not pro-russian, not pro-belarusian, its own, pro-national, and they are starting to discredit him in the media, incite hatred, now yes to this hatred.
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we need it, not europe, we need it, but in my opinion, this will still play a role before the elections in consolidating those forces that advocate the sound position of ending the war. an interesting detail about the writer who shot slovacki is that he was the founder of a social movement against violence. it’s not surprising, our greens are the most aggressive, which means those who advocate tolerance and equality between men
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and women, lgbt and, therefore, transgender people, they are ready to kill any person.
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the movement of this narrative that ukraine is an unconditional victim, and russia, for example, and belarus attached to it, is an absolute evil that must be fought by any means, and also thanks to that rabid russophobia, thanks to the policy of abolishing everything russian, which was demonstrated in europe, the tricking of citizens, of course, these are, as they say, urban madmen, they exist, they sit in society. and thanks to these actions, primarily propaganda, of these city crazy people bring out the light, but of course robert fitz also interfered and not only with this ordinary ordinary russophobe, but interfered, of course, and did not fit into the harmonious chorus of european politicians praising the united states, its wise policies and
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promoting the idea of ​​​​the need for a clash with russia, together with orban and slovakia.
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let's go a little further, because here we are already tracing a clear trace of ukraine, ukrainian history, because it runs like a red thread here, no matter what version you take, everyone points to what is fueling emotional background of ukraine, in parallel we see how in kiev they are really waiting for this meeting to take place in switzerland, that the so -called zelensky formula will be
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supported, despite all the evidence on the other hand that none of the serious states... will recognize negotiations without the participation of russia, why do they stick to this version then? well, i would say briefly on the previous question, too much technology has been developed, work with the public, it has become so deeply in practice against us that from the very beginning they did not understand that it will work in exactly the same way against them, because there are no other technologies, and the city crazy people who appear are the result of the twentieth year in belarus, this is what was developed for us, now it is returning to them, so this can...
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usa, help is a continuation of the war, there is no help, when zelensky announced this week another, non-zelensky, petition appeared on the internet, delusional, which means that ukraine needs to leave. create a new organization with those who are her friends, but the most surprising thing is that she has friends other than belarus and no, if you look at it, we only wish them well, and russia, which in fact was forced to carry it out from its own, and those who supply missiles and at the same time say: you will adopt a new law on mobilization, let tens of thousands more die, these are friends , these are not friends, but we need to somehow activate this help, so at this conference, naturally, the main conversation will be about how much more money there is. how many more weapons should we pump out from europe so that it all goes to ukraine, but this conference has nothing to do with the world, and now i return to according to the president, in what way the president is wise and
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right on the issue of ukraine, that negotiations are being delayed every month, he spoke about this 2 years ago, a year ago, recently several months ago he warned, when zelensky’s powers have now ended, you can argue as much as you like, he is legitimate, illegitimate, there is only one fact, that for me it is illegitimate, i am the leader of the party, this is my opinion, that means, but the fact is that it is now much more difficult for ukraine to start negotiations after the expiration of this deadline, because russia will think 100 times with whom at all talk about what talk, no one will deny this, and our president told them, today it is necessary, yesterday it is necessary, the day before yesterday it is necessary, and this conference, unfortunately, unfortunately, which will take place, will push the world back even further, there will be no peace now, unfortunately, the topic the most important, yes...
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ukraine and russia, as well as belarus, are neighboring states, we need peace here in the region, this is our life, this...
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the peace is that it was never even initially planned to invite russia to this conference, how can you talk about peace in the region if you don't invite a key participant? this conflict, that is, then we immediately talk about peace only on ukraine’s terms. ukraine, incited by the west, voiced western wishes that peace on its terms would mean a complete surrender of russia, a return to the situation before the start of not only
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a special military operation. but in general, by 2014 - this is the return of crimea, this is the return of all the regions that became part of russia as a result of referendums, non-recognition of all this, plus some other compensation payments from russia for the restoration of ukraine, we see that literally the other day, a decision was made that all interest from frozen russian assets will be sent to ukraine, this is supposedly said for restoration,
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yes, because now the figures are placed very clearly on this board, so china is sending clear signals about how it sees the format of the negotiations, at a recent meeting between putin and sidinpin, the parties fixed: russia welcomes china’s readiness to help in the political settlement of the crisis in ukraine. beijing, in turn, supports moscow’s efforts to protect its sovereignty, opposes outside interference in its affairs, and with his european visits in may, xi made clear the position that we are actively broadcasting, well, absolutely.
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china, therefore, to their peace initiatives. china, you said correctly, clearly supports and respects those countries that have sovereignty and independence, when in europe they are offended that they are poorly received in china, a good attitude towards peoples, for example, china wants with europe. china respects sovereignty when it accepts
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vladimir putin as our president well, beautiful, it’s not that our people are treated better, no, it’s just an indicator of what they say, this is a sovereign state, they themselves. determines its path, now returning to ukraine, the whole problem with the war today is not only that ukraine has limited sovereignty, but all together we could finally force it to negotiate. the trouble is that europe today, in my opinion, has limited sovereignty, it is not completely independent, if it were, don’t politicians in europe understand that you have war, america lives on an island, they don’t have a war, australia lives on an island, even great britain sits on an island. this is somewhere far away, today a sociological survey was published in the united states of america. where do you think the americans stand on ukrainian problems and the war in ukraine? at the end of the list, crime is ahead, which means
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economic problems, democracy in their understanding, how they sort it out, everything, this is at the end of the list. who is worried about ukraine today? neighbors and europe, you are suffering from sanctions and war. and i will also support you. anyway for another decade, don’t the europeans understand all these tons of weapons, all these tons of cartridges, all these tons of pistols, today the conflict will stop, in europe it ’s still a decade, it’s not going anywhere, it’s still decades to sort it out and do it, it won’t go away. we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science. people began making the first weather forecasts in ancient times. what modern technology and equipment do you use to make weather forecasts today?
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weather radar data. data satellite, and numerical modeling. and i want to say that forecasts are still not made without qualified specialists. we share interesting facts and ask the most questions. exciting questions, we are looking for answers to them. for the first time they encountered this problem in belarus in 2001, then there was an outbreak in 2003, and after a lull for almost 10 years, they are literally fueled by beetles and bark beetles. where does such a small beetle have so much strength? powerful mandibles allow them to bite off pieces of wood directly, and thus build passages inside. watch in the science nearby project on the belarus 24 tv channel. a show where they fight not only with the help of physical strength, a show where the main weapon is intelligence.
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if i set myself a goal, i always have to achieve it, but of course, when i found out that i had passed the casting, my emotions were simply overwhelming. which ancient country, along with greece, gave the name to the olympic games? rome, italy, roman empire, i accept this as the correct answer, but activism will also play a role. which italian coach will be in may 2023 broke sir alex ferguson's record for most appearances in the champions league? carla ancelotti. carla ancelotti. two steps forward. look. we are embarking on an expedition in the depths of our country. do not destroy the love of unity with your fellow countrymen, it is not independent of the hell where we live, we are living in hell between and between the borders of the country.
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let's open our arms to the front of the past land. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads: mommy for that distance. let's once again take a quick excursion from the former adaminak, who worked in the lezny district luscina 50 batrakov's family asked
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france macron to come to the republic to help get rid of the soviet yoke and russian influence in the caucasus. emmanuel macron promised me almost from the moment of my election in 2018 that he would come, he must do this before the start of the election campaign in september. this is not only about georgia, it is about ridding the caucasus once and for all from the soviet yoke and russian influence. since when do we have macron as our savior from the soviets?
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we need to talk not only about georgia and armenia, here is another very important point with armenia, here is the entry that france plans to make, that’s all. if we talk about georgian politicians, it is fair to
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say that they are different and the litmus test is the attitude towards them not only in paris, washington, first of all in the united states they are preparing sanctions against georgian politicians who promoted the law on foreign agents. a corresponding bill will be discussed in congress in the near future, writes the politician. it says that tbilisi, quote, openly attacked the united states and other western organizations promoting democracy, and also seeks to strengthen ties with russia and china. speaker of parliament. russian and look how they are being crushed by the united states,
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the law on foreign agents, what is needed, so they ask me the question, what do the americans need from georgia, what do they want, in fact, the current leadership has simply shown interest in their own national interests, it is in the interests of georgians to trade with russia, to develop relations with the cis countries, but this is economically feasible when the president of georgia says that it is necessary to abandon russian and soviet past, i don’t want to turn into medve. americans need georgia using ukraine as an example. remember saakashvili, who started a war with south ossetia and abkhazia, what did he lead to the situation in georgia? well, not for the best. today , americans need the same georgia. therefore , look, the conversations are going on like the ukrainian scenario.
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they want a big war in the caucasus, they really want it, because these are the southern borders of russia, if it would catch fire there, if it would burn there, that’s why the americans, having started the war in ukraine, really armenia, which is now in the udkb, needs to think about it; we will do everything to remove these contradictions.
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which also saved armenia, which throughout the soviet period maintained peace between armenia and azerbaijan, standing on top of the battle, separating the parties, yes, if it had not been for this, in fact, both soviet and earlier russian intervention, the caucasus would have been in flames anyway, and indeed
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sergeevich is right that to politicians, primarily of the united states of america, this region appears simply as another one pressure point. on russia, and not only on russia, because this is the same iran with which we started today, the possibility of putting pressure on it, the caucasus, again, presence in this region, this is an opportunity to influence china’s plans related to the construction of a new branches of the silk road, of course, americans are very worried today, despite the fact that, well, if you agree with oleg sergevich, that there is not a pro-russian regime there, but still pro-national today in georgia, and... those who are in power, georgian prime minister and government, they today they speak from the position of national interests, then they deprived america of the possibility of influence, the same saakashvili, he was a typical protege, this little pig, bright, so grown, installed, and who did everything, and who
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really brought the country to a direct military conflict , which caused the collapse of trade and economic ties with russia, then the georgians felt it very much. what does it mean to live without the possibility of supplying georgian wine, georgian fruits, georgian mineral water, without russian tourists, and the current government, despite everything, yes, it is still trying to maintain this balance of interests, and the laws that are being used today are further squeezing out of the sphere of georgia and in general this is, as it were, an opportunity to put a barrier, a barrier to activity in the caucasus these non-governmental... non-profit organizations, we support them with different western ones than the united states does, which is copied from american law and which in america this law is interpreted as very wonderful, but when they start to use primarily against the americans, then it causes such an effect, and now we also see that they
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are now reaching the point of actually outright intervention, when four foreign ministers, three baltic republics and... and iceland, when they are right there on standing at the rally, foreign ministers of foreign states, came to georgia, speaking at the rally shouting, like, screw your government, screw your laws, but what is the general framework of normal diplomacy, a normal attitude towards the sovereign? the state, this can fit in, we have the opportunity to tell them to put it in place, but adrusia does not yet have such an opportunity. he met the other day with the chairman of the kgb and talked about security issues, the good neighbor policy that we proposed to our neighbors, poles, lithuanians and latvians, given the visa-free space, they respond in the opposite way, we see an attempt,
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in addition to an information war, to impose on us the war of sabotage groups, we... have also been celebrating this lately and are fighting against it, we see that they are preparing various kinds of armed detachments, and almost regiments, as they call them, in order to carry out an invasion of the territory of belarus, a lot has been said about this, well, i’m not even talking about those sanctions, this is actually an economic sabotage war against... and how he is on our way with such large states as russia and china, our vector in this regard is completely the same,
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we are forwarders, but at the same time we see that the better things go for us, the stronger the pressure is on us from that western directions, and from the side of our closest neighbors, through them first of all, and this will not end, we must clearly understand that this pressure will not disappear in a year or two, we are very important geopolitically, very important, the fight for belarus, west to finish. is not going to, because we , well, have strategic importance in order to weaken russia and china, including through us, therefore, understanding that there is no way to defeat us by military means, understanding that here is the president over the years, look at the past years and nuclear weapons and russian belarusian joint grouping, strengthening the army, rearmament, which means strengthening the special services, that is, it won’t work out externally, so it’s necessary from the inside, through whom, through the fifth column, which has settled with... neighbors and through these neighbors, the bet on what will be done? the president is talking about this: sabotage, extremism, arson,
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internal political swing, again some kind of creation of a fifth column through other methods, the twenty-fifth year ahead of the presidential elections, that is , to undermine from within at any cost, they will try the same thing in thirty to thirty-five, we must clearly understand this, therefore the president pays the utmost attention to security issues, right? neighbors, while we clearly share the leadership of lithuania, latvia, poland there, and the common people, we will not refuse a visa-free regime, there are no normal relations with these people, because this is our neighbor, a very important note, the prime minister of poland tutsk ordered convene a commission to investigate russian and belarusian influence on the situation in the republic in the period from 2004 to 24, what do they want there, listen, well this is obvious in general; all the failures in europe lately are always attributed to russia and belarus. i’ve read everything, the slightest thing happens in their economy, putin is to blame. the second point, information war means against us, here we translate it
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into reverse language, when he says: we will counteract our influence, i translate it into simple, understandable language, we will spend even more money on the information war against our neighbors, this millions of dollars will still go to their media, more more lies, even more deception, that is , today we live and will continue to live in the era of information wars, this... if we look at politics, at the politics of poland, at the politics of lithuania, then they are on their territory, that’s what the president was talking about , they actually form terrorist groups, train them , sponsor them with money, give them mentors not only from their polish officers, but also american intelligence services work there, preparing plans for the aggressive seizure of the territory of belarus, for the introduction of...
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groups like all sorts of coordination councils, for what? in order to then, on their basis , proclaim a certain new government of belarus, which will immediately turn to them for help, ask them to send troops, for example, into the territory of belarus, that is, all these plans are known, we saw it all, in response to this we had to introduce tactical nuclear weapons to asymmetrically respond to such actions, but in fact oleg sergeevich is right that here aesop’s language is all so veiled.
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we recognize their government, they are trying not to recognize ours, based not so much on their own, but on these pro-american interests, and what the president is talking about, unfortunately, losing on the ukrainian front, today they will try to ignite the belarusian front, look for new points of pressure, so they need to justify more, so they detain new spies every day and say, these are agents, here simpler story, let's remember the beginning.
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behind the scenes of all the action that we are watching, discussing, but you need to see it, while the kitsch is right there in your eyes, which means it’s already a sign of the times. and again amazing, in this strange avant-garde french authorities are trying to be. paris is preparing for the olympics, and in honor of this, the first assistant to the mayor of paris, emmanuel gregoire , proudly talks about his recent meeting with a transvestite. and he writes, it means that he is happy to welcome our bearer of the olympic flame, minima zht, to the mayor’s office. on this day of the fight against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia, i’ll be honest, at the sight of such transvestites you can really fall into a real trance, just imagine, this will carry the olympic flame on the opening day of the olympics in paris, and older people looking at such a dawn, where the world is heading, and i ’ll ask this, olga igoryevna, where their world is heading, this meeting that you voiced,
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this is a given, this is reality, this is what we have to deal with.
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30, i don’t know, the mayor of minsk did not hold such a meeting, and what today seems incredible to you and me, then, thanks to the overton window, overton windows, did not turn into the norm, and you and i would sit quietly and watch, what is this happening, i’ll start with europe, which means who else is a barbarian is no longer known, i i think that muslims will teach them a lot of good things, including normal family values, even if there are different muslims, by the way, you can learn a lot from them. this is the first, second, there is even more terrible news: in germany from today there is criminal liability for possession of child pornography, there is no such thing, only an administrative fine, and you know what explanation the german ministry of justice came up with, we should know this, this is where europe is heading , there are few prisons, but there are too many pedophiles, so we will make fines, that’s what’s going on there, now about the amulets, of course we
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understand perfectly well that we, too , are not insured against anything, if we say: everything is fine, we have traditions, we will always live normally, that’s it it will be good, no, we have to do this, we have enshrined in the constitution the institution of family, we have enshrined in the constitution respect for our history, this is where it all begins, if only the germans and french taught more history in school, there would be less war with they wanted to untie us, knowing how it would end, they remembered their family values, traditional and christian, which belarus preserves today, as a true, by the way, ark of europe, noah, which means they... we should all join later, but the entire belarusian people's assembly is just the same, i will return to it as a delegate to those from tools, one of the foundation stones that should help us stop, as you say, such a non-mayor of the city of the future, i hope we will never have a mayor like that, which means, thank god, all the mayors were good, that means politics, what party something if someone there will go crazy, or some
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official, we will stop, for this we must... the role that in the catholic, that in there christianity has stopped playing any
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protestant version, here we have today, thank god, we see at the state level there is interaction with confessions, we are still ready to open the way for ourselves in schools and universities to interact with religious organizations that... or try to promote some unnatural things as a base. thank you, stay vigilant, thank you for this conversation, that's all for today.
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review of the most interesting sporting events, the ruslan soley prize was awarded to sergei kostitsin, that is, a hockey player who showed leadership qualities. dmitry kravchenko was recognized as the best coach of the extra league , and mikhail sholagin became the best hockey player of the extra league. in the seventh round of the major league , slutsk created a sensation, beating mazyryan 1:0 at home. thanks to this victoria , slutsk moved to tenth place in the standings. exclusive. interviews with athletes, a huge number of people are waiting it’s so easy to see me at master classes, to communicate, and i had the opportunity to play for clubs, we have a new team, a new team, we are starting our, well
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, long-awaited, i think, such a way of returning to the major leagues, bright moments, real emotions , 8 years later magnitka is a champion, i have never seen such emotions, it seems to me that no team has how happy the metallurg players are. in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel, in order to become one of our own in a foreign country , we don’t have to be born there


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