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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 26, 2024 10:30pm-10:51pm MSK

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how can you look at photographs of her from 1974, she turns out to be 50 years old, that’s what you see on her in general, what might delight you, surprise you on her? and the very inspired people in this photo, very kind, are watching with interest, the atmosphere is somehow festive, you can immediately see, well, at the same time, exciting, a spectacular sport, you are up to the last meters until the last milestone, i never know what will happen, every sport is a spectacle. in their own way, everyone has something that touches you. surely they know this girl right now only experienced belarusian fans of sports and in general can hit the bull’s eye with this plot, or the opposite may happen, but that will make it more interesting to watch the belarusian biathlon career of kseniy schneider, because similar, but only partly, stories in our country received cool and even legendary development. it seems to me that every stadium is imbued with some kind of history, especially when this. since
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then, now, and how it’s all changing, and well, you’re always very reverent in such times, you can’t just forget about this place, except you remember those events that preceded the fact that you are moving because your personal story is very cool, you generally understand that now you have to defend the honor of another country, i am ready to fight for the country in which i feel like houses. did you follow the olympic games at all, except for biathlon? yes, that’s what you followed, what inspired you most and interested you? well, winter - this is probably figure skating, well , also skiing, probably even skiing somehow attracted me more as a child than biathlon, this somehow this already started happening in my teens, i liked watching luge, and freestyle, you two belarusians then won gold at the sochi olympics, i’m always interested. don’t you remember the quartet
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well at the olympics? well, yes. what is the phenomenon of the belarusian quartet in korea in your opinion? it seems to me that from start to finish they walked very well, that is, everyone did their job, which is probably what was required of them, yes, that is, they didn’t get lost anywhere, they always walked somewhere close. and dinara smolskaya, you won’t be performing in one team. in principle, this is her first season when she began to show consistently high results. well, this stability helped me win this globe. and we have two ninth-year biathletes -
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in fact, i didn’t know him at all before, if that’s the case, that is, somehow i didn’t attach any importance, then somehow we were sitting in the company of mutual friends, it turns out, and somehow i don’t know, i looked at him and thought, damn, i really like his pretty eyes, he’s actually very kind and caring. open. this week ksenia our biathlete, maxim varobey became husband and wife. the ceremony has so far been modest, but they promise to improve at the end of the summer season, but for now they will work fruitfully. the fact that a young biathlete follows the russia-belarus route and begins to defend the colors of our flag has already happened in the long, rich history of belarusian biathlon. but this is hardly the first time to leave for their spouses. i feel like there will probably be more like this now. attention
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from all sides to me, that she has moved, and if suddenly there is no result, there will be no at the beginning, yes, yes, this is scary, of course, it still affects the psychology a little, well, it will affect you, well , that is, the way your life is going now, you are generally happy, but how much, let’s say on a scale from one to ten, well, probably nine, of course, every athlete wants olympic gold, but you are no exception, i am no exception, of course i want it, i have always had such a dream, the most important thing is that interest in your sport is never lost, so that it only was taller, developed so that people were the same as in this photo, there were just as many people always in the stands, when i first came here, it seemed to me that this is a very clean, uh, probably a clean country, very green, your grass is very green, i want to say, straight, but they don’t paint it, yes...
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but there are a lot of jokes about this, well, it’s probably kind of friendly, you feel comfortable where you are, it’s like minsk or moscow, well, i like minsk better, because they remind me of something. for some reason, when you look at these people , you understand that you can rely on them. this week was another significant one. date: may 25, 1944 was sent to the third belarusian front. normandy neman regiment. the air squadron consisted of french volunteer pilots who worked closely with soviet mechanics. together they flew more than 5,000 combat missions and fought almost 900 air battles. legends were made about them, and the nazis, of course, were afraid of them. french pilots were awarded
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orders and medals of the ussr, and four of them were awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. how the french flew away from the vichy dictatorship, why de gaulle considered it a matter of honor. fight against fascism shoulder to shoulder with the soviet union and what are the trends in relations between front-line friends today. historical report with a current agenda by nina mazeiko. i get excited when i hear french spoken, i remember distant years. veterans hug, and the soviet pioneers rejoice. this is not a diplomatic, cordial meeting of kamarade comrades. there are french pilots there. in the rain and fog they struck the enemy. the song about the pilots of the french squadron performed by bernes became very popular, the author of the words evgeniy dolmatovsky even received french medal. the composition is called memories of a squadron. it's time to recall this story. as a result of
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the campietian truce, 2/3 of the country of the paris commune of the internationale and the marseillaise was occupied by german troops. the rest became puppets.
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the yak is not easy to maintain, especially in the cold season, so the coupling of the french pilot and soviet mechanic turned out to be the most durable at the front. mom, i have a wonderful friend, my mechanic, when i rest after a fight, he doesn’t sleep, he repairs my plane so that i can fly into battle again in the morning, so i would like to learn russian so that i can talk to him as to my very close friend, that’s you... from a letter from second lieutenant jacques gaston, who died a heroic death on june 26 44, liberating belarus. in borisov , an entire 5 km long street was dedicated to the air regiment. the sky over borisov is a separate chapter in the history of the air squadron. here, not far from here, in dokudovo, there was a strategic
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point - an enemy airfield. bombing attacks were carried out on enemy reserves, and some of the french pilots found eternal rest here forever. gaston, when she visited our club in 1970, she brought us the dress uniform that he wore after graduating from flight school in 1939. students of the military-patriotic club can describe in detail the history of each exhibit in the regiment memorial museum. it is located in secondary school number nine, the only one of its kind. only here are personal belongings of real heroes of that war, photographs and documents stored, the case when the opportunity touching history gives a winged dream for... a generation, i hope, in the future to connect their lives with military activities, and also to sit below, fly airplanes, and since the school, the students studied french, it was very interesting for them, and thanks to our teachers , they did a tremendous amount of work in search of all the pilots who
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survived, established correspondence with the veterans of the normandy neman regiment, and the veterans all responded, they came on their own, bringing some valuable things with them. before you get into museum, they would have been in the hands of the food heroes of that time. today the name of junior lieutenant jacques gaston can easily be found among the soviet soldiers in the mass grave we read junior lieutenant. 1944, like 41 other french bream, he never returned from the soviet front. they needed victory like air. today these words sound especially relevant. on the cinema screens, spectators competed with gerard philippe, michelle morgan, alain delon. until recently, the last witnesses of that war could not breathe the same air. in the archive many meters of black and white are stored.
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and in fact they are proposing another world war, but remember these statements by president macron about sending french troops to ukraine and their readiness to send, in fact this is inciting a new world war. this suggests that, unfortunately, the western ruling elites do not learn lessons from history, and history can, of course, be said that it does not teach anything, but it painfully punishes for unlearned lessons. the war took place in belarus, but we managed to rise from the ashes, collect our history according to grains, rebuild cities and... raise several generations so that they will be remembered even after 80 years. on the main broadcast are nina mozheiko,
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vitaly selyavko, grigory kristofovich and vladislav lopatin. and that’s all we had time to talk about today. maxim uglyanitsa and victoria senkevich were with you. see you on the main broadcast. happily. i welcome you, dear tv presenters, to the beginning of the last thousand years of the last summer. darechy, seleta, naprikantsy may heavenly office paraded the zhikharov of belarus with a claw. velma hutka we know, what kind of courtyard chakaetsa for the next few days. tens of people have become the new praise for the flood in
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afghanistan. patsyarpeli pravintsy far'yab na poinachy krayina igor na zhadza. spіsakh ahvyars are not less than 120 chalavek, ladies and rural gaspadarchy ўgodze are busted. in afghanistan, more than 300 years ago, due to the overextension of heavy seasonal incomes, they died in the last thousand years. there are thousands of pashkkojans. at the same time, the night right of baghlan, which suffered from the flood of may 10. you, who survived, found yourself without a home, without land, without shelter and income. this catastrophe was due to adraz shepherding the stormy floods, which took away the most precious 70 years from the beauty. motsny doshch na udnevym uskhodze vietnam staў prychynay pyaschanaga pathopu. flood waters gushed from the hill and reached the streets of the town of fand. yana brought it. hell, i'm falling asleep in two seaside restaurants and parked mats. to clean up the area
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, it was necessary to use a special technique, such as the removal of meat fryers, which was not used here in the past 50 years. storms that counteracted hurricane winds were observed in the american states oklahoma and kansas. the region was visited by a dust storm and tarnad. hutkast wind reached 160 km/gadzin. although this is not an absolute record, it is still very close. hurricanes easily tore the trees from the ladies, boiled away centuries-old trees from the koran, and drilled the ladies. in many towns, classes have been canceled in schools, and students have been assigned outposts at home. marski kiselna, shestsi myaduz in anapa, the black pestilence here has become like a sting. tourists are asked to go to hell if they go to water, then only on boats and boots. experts say that this is not true fished and took care of... nepagadze and no global ekalagic attacks in such a situation. you are no less, the cap of the mars lived
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in nelga, because it is possible to take care of money. the turkish people respected the extraordinary malanka. in the abras of the iskravoga, i am reading a map of the country. the terrible news was destroyed in the city of kaysera. turkish people are wondering what this means, and this footage was taken by byalgradze. malanka hit the hell out of hell. a quick moment from garad. changes to advanced carcinoma of naval disorders. in danish city hunest. uppershynyu it was completed in 2012 and for the 13th time already, tourists have traveled to the small fishing towns with a total population of 8 thousand. arganizatars say that this unlucky treatment changed them to choose the theme of faith and to learn the basics for sculpture. here there are
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works on the theme of the flat earth theory and the version that there was no landing for a month. and a sculpture on the theme of falling eyes and faith and the power of greed. geta only pachatak. more than 10 maystr from other countries will be taken away there are sculptures here for the last two thousand years, and the last week is a festival and spring. and at the same time we are preparing reports and forecasts for tomorrow for our neighbors and for the territory of belarus. in panjadzelak on may 27 in the regions of central and western europe in the courtyards. as soon as a region of higher atmosphere floats, there will be variable cloudiness without major downfalls. in the countries of western europe there are cloudy skies with clear yard, hours will pass by , hourly sales, magchyms on the walls. night europe has a variable get cloudy without real downfalls. the countries of western europe are experiencing variable cloudiness, and no major downturns
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are being predicted. at panjadzelak on may 27th. berlin has hell +16 and +23. cloudy. from navalnytsia, near warsaw it is 14 and 28° cypla, clear, without apatka, near kiev - 14:27 with plus signs, cloudy, near vilnius it is +12 and +27, clear, ryga - +16 +28, and here without apatka, near talina 15:25 with plus signs, cloudy, light rain with navalnitsa, near st. petersburg +14 +27, clear, near maskve +12 +23. taxama is clear. at the panyadzelak on may 27, the washhouse in belarus the main thing will be the area of ​​increased atmosphere and the whole atmosphere. chakaetstsa variable clouds. during the day of the month, it is important to go through the hour-long sales in the dark forest of the republic. navalnytsy. the wind temperature is +8 -14. during the month, the western regions will rise to 5-7°
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above zero. udzen hell 24 and 30° tsyapla. wind temperature. at the cloudy centers near grodno it is cloudy without apatka ; the wind temperature starts at 13-16 pm and 27° above zero. bresce has clear air and temperature pvetra at night +12 +16, during the day +28. gomel has variable clouds, without apathy. the wind temperature was initially +15°, in the evening it was 28°. magileu - variable cloudiness. during the day , the clock ticks and the clock falls. tura pavetra at night +13 +16 during the day and 27° above zero. vitsebsk is in constant clouds. during the day there will be a dajji walk for hours. the wind temperature was initially +11 +14. udzen and 27° chicks. the capital of our country is experiencing variable clouds. chakayuzza clock drops. the wind temperature at night is +17. during the day and in the morning.
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records have been fixed for already 11 months. zapar. and 2023 will become itself. as evidenced by the entire history of the year since 1850, the summer of 2023 has become the hottest year in 2 thousand years. navuktsy stated that the data was alarming about the rise of global captivity. it's been a while since the last night, when the global temperature rises again. this is the year 2023, and the climate change from germany is new , and once again so hot. it was eternal city in the year 2046, when the streets of kali were filled not with the hellish hells of tourists, but
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with the fires of the ancient crimea, which poured into the gladyatar show at the kalizi. vyadoma. in the past there were sleeping bastards, but the news from them would not be so extreme. the closest pakazchyk were amal 1800 years old there. extraordinary temperature changes occur within the framework of the meteorological periods observed. geta dates back to 1850. this time, the following people tried to reconstruct the climate of europe over the past 2000 years. for the getag, the yana grew zvernutstsa and records created by the creator herself, yes drev. on the right is that they are great... this information is adlustrouvaietstsa in fortune-telling rings, in whole favorable reptiles there are yana shireys, which are caring and arid.


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