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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 27, 2024 7:20am-8:00am MSK

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and committed violent acts, then on the landing caused her grievous bodily harm, from which the woman died. the goyim reminds you of the rules of the road, especially when there are cyclists on the roadway. in mogilev, on bolshaya chauskaya street, the driver of a lada car hit a woman on a bicycle who was passing the road at a pedestrian crossing. and, judging by the video, the driver let the guy pass, but did not notice another participant on the left. and in babruisk, gili’s friend fell under the wheels. also on a bicycle, seventeen year old guy in the hospital, in both cases gai understands the circumstances. fire in the village of yagodnaya, osipovichi district, two were rescued, one person died. when fire crews were on site, the roof of the house and barn were burning with open flames. according to neighbors , the owner of the building could be inside. before the rescuers arrived, the neighbor was able to carry two people, the son and grandson of the owner of the house, out of the burning house. the man saw fire and smoke, broke the window and pulled out a nine-year-old boy through it, and then helped him get out. also to the guy’s father, already
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emergency workers under the burnt structures a dead pensioner was found. four people died in fires in the minsk region in one day. the first emergency message to line 101 was received on saturday, closer to 11 am. a residential village house was on fire; during the extinguishing process , rescuers found the deceased owner in a room near the window, and his acquaintance was found in the next room without any signs of life. and on the same day, at night, information was received about a fire in a non-residential building in the village of novosady, borisov district. inside, emergency workers found the bodies of two people; the identities and cause of death are being established. rescued in zhabinkovsky district husband and wife from the garage basement. a man called the rescuer and said that in a neighboring farmstead he needed help for his unconscious wife in a closed space. it turned out that the owner of the household went down to the room to paint the walls with waterproofing mastic, but lost consciousness. seeing this, the woman called a neighbor, but without waiting for help, she went downstairs and also lost consciousness. rescuers rescued a man and a woman from the basement. doctors took the couple to
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the hospital for examination. such adrenaline the young ladies from khotimsk clearly did not expect this. at a height of 18 m in a stuck cradle of a ferris wheel. an amusement park employee informed rescuers about problems with the electric motor of the structure at the recreation park. the reason is a short circuit in the wiring. and the girls descended to the ground with the help of the ministry of emergency situations lift. this was the news from zone x. stay with us on belarus 1.
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hello, hello everyone, i, nastya rudskaya, am ready to share with you the brightest news from the world of media here, in the new issue of wow news, take a seat make yourself comfortable, because today i will tell you which famous football clubs fought for the belarusian athlete, why are the seagulls no longer worried? telegrodno and what a new product will clearly
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surprise fans of lost. two famous spanish clubs competed for the talented player. a boy from belarus, in the end , twelve-year-old alexei mayorov, chose real madrid over barcelona, ​​why ask about everything in order. the boy trained for several years at the academy of the minsk football club. in 2022, in one of the matches at the kolyvanov cup, he scored seven goals, which interested russian scouts. the move to moscow was not long in coming. in the twenty- third year, alexey trained at spartak, but his parents’ ambitions were much greater.
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your restrained smile signals that you are very happy, of course, vanya, how are you, how is it in vitebsk, the weather, and we know +30 today is not... answer, well, for now it’s 7:20 in the morning, a little - a little cooler + 20, but yes, everything hints that the day will indeed be very hot, and summer is still a galaxy; ivan hints at this that summer is almost approaching, i tried, i did my best, well done, and now let’s talk about the news, at the media center of the vitebsk region the winners of the regional stage of the golden pen of white russia competition were awarded, it is held among young journalists. under the age of 35. this year the competition is dedicated to the year of quality and the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. the common theme is being belarusian. 50 works were submitted to the regional stage, two dozen became winners in four categories, pupils, students, amateurs and professionals. the competition has been held
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for more than 10 years. great, these are our future colleagues, maryana vasilyevna, so perhaps we will soon see someone here in minsk. let's move on to the next news. the vitebsk regional library awarded the winners of the creative works competition book cat folliant. it was dedicated to the mascot of the rare book department. the library cat could be drawn, sewn, glued, or created using any technique. the competition took place over two months, under the guidance of teachers, students of schools, gymnasiums, pupils, art studios, hobby groups, 288 cats of all types were created. the jury selected 12 winners in different age groups. exhibition of works participant. in the lenin library will be open until the end of summer, there you can vote for your favorite cat, he will become the local mascot, by the way, if you are interested, i cast my vote for one of these cats, and how cute it is, and there is this the sky cat was beautiful, it was all painted in some kind of landscape, there was some kind of landscape right on it
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drawn, dedicated to all cat lovers and book lovers, vanya, i wanted to ask if you have a cat or a female cat, and this has happened in my life. we’ll find out later, move on to the next news, a student park will appear in vitebsk, construction work is already underway, the site is located on moskovsky avenue, the student park will be equipped with benches of unusual shapes, swings for children and adults, the site will be decorated with small architectural forms, decorative arches, the project also includes includes the creation of bicycle parking and an outdoor cinema, there is also a place for street food, the creation of such a park is a youth project...
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present to you the story that my colleagues prepared. the most friendly creative family was chosen in vitebsk. the regional stage of the sixth republican competition family of the year was held at the regional philharmonic. five large families from gorodok and tolochin districts, vitebsk, polotsk and ushachiy took part in it. my colleagues will tell you how the competition went and who won. anya, thank you very much. thanks a lot. yes, now we will get acquainted with a family that may become a republican winner in the future. again. thanks to vitebsk, let's look at the story. the most friendly creative family in the northern region was chosen in vitebsk. five large families from the gorodok and tolochin districts of vitebsk, polotsk and ushachiy took part in the regional stage of the sixth republican competition family of the year. with songs, dances,
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theatrical miniatures and a physical education minute. in the hall there are noisy support groups with posters and chants and loved ones ready to take care of the smallest ones. bye families. deputy minister of labor and social protection of belarus valery spoke about new trends in the field of state support for large families. their financial support for raising a child will increase; as of may 1, the number
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of higher educational institutions also doubled for large families, amounting to almost 124,000, that is, it has almost doubled over the past 15 years. it is very important that we still have families who participate in such events, competitions, that they win, that they educate my children have morals, certain values, i myself come from a large family, so...
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you need to live, there were constant rehearsals of some kind, it was, of course, they took time off from work, and it’s quite hard, but it ’s worth it, it’s emotions that will be remembered, i think, forever. juno, yana, ariana, arthur and evelina, beautiful names of children in the family of tatyana and vitaly serafimov from polotsk. the family spoke about their travels around belarus and received first place from the jury. we are very happy, to be honest, in general. they did not expect, but we are very happy, we tried, we are grateful to the support of everyone who rooted for us,
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supported us, who prepared us, mutual understanding, friendship, support for each other, this is the most important thing, we love, respect and support each other, therefore, probably everything works out here, the palochans will represent the northern region in the republican final of the competition, it will take place in minsk in october on mother’s day. the bustle is endless, here the day changes and we rush along the oncoming road. catching up with my own, and i really want to exhale and turn off the road again
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i will meet with loved ones and relax with my soul, and we will be happy, i will smile and celebrate, i will celebrate, and we will be happy, reproach all the wests. warm yourself with your loved ones, loved ones, with warmth and joy, joy, start your new day with new words about love, we communicate so rarely, we are looking for a reason to meet, forgetting that the main thing is for us to take care of each other. then you can breathe out and be confident,
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then you can stand and win in everything, and we will be happy, smiling and celebrating, celebrating, and we will be happy, to all winds in spite of this, be warmed by your loved ones, loved ones with warmth and joy, joy, start your new day, new day, new words of your love. and we will be happy, we will be happy, smiling and celebrating, and we will be happy, despite all the winds, and we
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will be happy, smiling, celebrating. and we will be happy, despite all the winds, warm yourself with your loved ones, loved ones, warmth and joy, joy, start your new day, new day, new words of love.
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new week, secondly, this is the last monday of spring, may 27, today, and what my colleague will tell you what the weather will be like. i can demonstrate what the weather will be like today just by my appearance. today i am wearing the costume of the unquenchable sun. actually, this is the weather awaiting us today. +12, this morning in minsk, the same temperature in brest, in vitebsk 11:13, it will also be cloudy with
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clearings everywhere in all cities, namely in vitebsk, gomel, grodny, mogilev. what am i saying? in general, cloudy skies all over the country , friends. during the day the picture will change significantly, let's see how exactly, so, in minsk up to 28 with a plus sign, the same temperature indicators will be 26-28 in brest in grodno, in gomel and mogilev up to 30° heat in vitebsk 27-29, also cloudy with clearings, this is wonderful weather, we let's just rejoice and enjoy, as far as i know, the same temperatures will remain the same until the end of the week. as you said, you ’re in a suit of the unbearable sun, then i’m in a suit of lilacs, which have already bloomed, they ’re fading, but rhododendrons and azaleas are blooming, there’s something you understand in general, in this in a beautiful atmosphere, in such high beautiful temperatures , school graduations took place, and in the second part of our live broadcast we congratulate all the graduates on the fact
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that you have graduated from school, that you are moving into adulthood, but your first life exam lies ahead. yes, today the centralized exam for eleventh graders begins, but our olesya boyarskikh, she’s not just like that, yes, she went to the last bell and saw how it was, all the emotions in our plot, tomorrow adult life awaits them, well today a beautiful holiday in my favorite school, bouquets, beautiful dresses, tears in my eyes, the last bell for graduates of the ninth and eleventh grades at secondary school number 52 in minsk was bright and unforgettable, parents, teachers, as well as honored guests came to congratulate the children. we have one of the largest schools in the city of minsk, we graduate 10 ninth grades and two eleventh grades, that’s almost 400 graduates. the guys did
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a lot of work, the teachers worked hard, tried hard, we put a lot of effort into the children. important event for schoolchildren and teachers began to prepare in advance. today we will surprise, our teachers have prepared a performance for their graduates, we hope that they will really like it. we prepared for the last bell very carefully, there was such thorough preparation for a whole month, we came in the evenings, rehearsed, stayed after classes. they say that last call is a sad holiday, is this really true? well , on the one hand, yes, because you spend so many years with people, now we are graduating, we most likely will not seeing each other, on the other hand, is joyful, because... you are so looking forward to this moment, i will miss you, because school is a second home and the teachers have already become almost like a mother, i will never forget all my school days, all my
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misdeeds, sad , because we have already matured, many are already leaving, and this is all very sad, you are entering adulthood, but i would really like to go back to first grade. well, you'll come back to me, yes. first-graders also joined in the congratulations. at the ceremony, they wished the graduates to boldly enter into adult life and are not afraid of anything. we also wish you that you never forget your school in any region. what would you wish your friends for graduation? i would wish that everything would be good for them in the future, that they would become better, and i would wish my friends that everyone who wanted to enroll would do well, go where they want,
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i would probably wish them success in life , further advancement, firstly, i want to say that our classmates are going to college, some, some are leaving in the eleventh, well, tenth grade, i would like to say what to wish them luck, let's say , when they go to college, because this is a difficult matter, do you wish? good luck to everyone, well , good luck and that you worked, and that this is college, there is no children’s life here, as they say, for them to enter and in general for them to have a white streak, remember how you went to the first grade, of course, in the first, first class is a new feeling, you understand that you are entering, this is the second stage of a new life, you also remember your first textbook, well, perhaps yes, and what kind of textbook it was, well, let it be... mathematics, not a primer, i started first grade in 2015, i was about six years old, then there were a lot of people, and i was little, parents,
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grandparents, barely holding back tears, wished all the best to their beloved graduates, what would you wish to your child in adulthood, patience, probably good luck, you remember your last call, such moments are usually... and here it is, the climax, the farewell
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roller will excuse the last call, there is an exciting time ahead, exams for admission to selected universities, lyceums and colleges . our the program also joins in the congratulations and wishes the graduates all the best on their journey in life. first, let's figure out what it is - is this plant-based milk , does it have at least something in common with regular milk? how is plant milk made? they take the nuts and chop them. they are then beaten together with water with air, then all this slurry is squeezed out and a certain whitish
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liquid is obtained, which in color and consistency is very, very reminiscent of milk. why does it resemble milk? because exactly the same just like in milk, in plant milk, there is a suspension of small fatty particles that take on this white color, that is, in essence. and milk is a suspension of fat, and plant milk is a suspension of fat, but plant milk will contain much more monounsaturated polyunsaturated fatty acids. on the other hand, dairy products will contain much more saturated fatty acids, but more calcium, more vitamin d, and more complete amino acids. no other plant product has the same complete a set of... amino acids that real milk has. as for feeding children under 5 years of age, plant-based milk is not recommended as a replacement for regular milk. in
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the nutrition of such children under 5 years old, why? because they don’t have enough calcium, not enough vitamin d, not enough amino acids, and despite the fact that today most of these products are fortified, that is, they are enriched with calcium, and vitamin d, there is not enough data yet on how good these same vitamins are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract kids. after 5 years, such milk is quite acceptable. for consumption in limited quantities, but here it is worth remembering such an important fact that natural - the extraction of nuts and grains - is a rather tasteless , generally quite strange in consistency, liquid, and so that it is more or less pleasant to the taste, uh sugar, salt, vegetable oil, and sometimes trans fatty acids are added there, and
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the sugar content in some... such specimens is sometimes comparable to the sugar content in soda, so think about whether you need excess sugar in such a product. nevertheless, plant milk remains the product of choice for people, for children, for adolescents with lactase deficiency, with allergies to cow protein, but in this case , authoritative organizations still recommend fortified soy milk, thus, plant milk is an interesting and quite curious alternative to regular milk, but unfortunately, it cannot completely replace it in any way.
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good morning everyone, let's continue to wake up to meet this amazing tuesday on may 27 on the calendar maryana murenkova in the studio, tuesday, i said tuesday, i’m in a hurry to live, monday, of course, a week, what a beautiful woman in this studio, beauty, immigration, i would say, yes, the most beautiful representative of the service security guards from all over the country met this year in magilevo, where the third competition of the ministry
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of security department, quality in beauty, was held. and we are pleased to welcome belarus to the dobraya ranitsa studio, the winner of the inspector-engineer of the partisan department of the security department capital, police captain anastasia pugachevskaya, second vice-miss alina nimagai, policeman of the police battalion of the leninsky department of the minsk security department, police sergeant. we have never seen such beautiful sergeants and police representatives in general in this studio, but no, we saw them last year. please accept our congratulations, tell us what your impressions were. competition, what you remember about it, maybe you remember it with relief, or with joy or with slight sadness. good morning, thank you very much for your congratulations, it’s very nice to remember everything stages of the competition and the festive atmosphere that the organizers created for us, a rich program, excursions were very prepared, we sailed on a boat on the dnieper river, the draw took place in a picturesque place,
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what is it all about, how to participate in it? well , for me, the most difficult thing was this improvisation competition, because it was impossible to prepare for it in advance, that is. we were told some kind of life situation, we needed to immediately figure out what we would do in this situation, for example, yes, what kind of life situation did you come across, i needed to get a job as a canine handler in the security department, and what did you need to improvise, how do you pass the interview? yes yes? for a dog handler, for a dog handler, i even presented my acting abilities, and as i understand it, everything worked out right away, they won, and in terms of the amount, and what was your situation, and i had a question so that i could change in 2025 in
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the competition ms. security department, so what did you answer, and i answered that i would add more sports to our wonderful girls, that is, you didn’t have enough shooting skills to hold various events, that is... volleyball, basketball, that is, for the girls to play, relax, make friends, respectively, for some kind of movement like that, yeah, i think that your innovation was heard, yes, perhaps next year we will also talk about them in this very studio, but we know that there were more than 100 applicants from all over the country, you represented minsk and the police department, but in general only 16 people got into final out of 100, well actually it's that big a decent competition, and what do you remember most, yes, of course.
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i just remembered 100 points, even more, such a vivid emotion, but i’ll miss it, okay, then let’s move on to a serious topic, but before that it was not serious, well , we talked about this about the competition, and here about your profession, what brought you to security department, you are such fragile, beautiful, smart girls, somehow don’t associate yourself with such a profession, tell your story, i have always considered the profession of an internal affairs officer to be very prestigious.
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that is, he has been working in the security department for 20 years, and accordingly, since childhood i looked at him, he always came home, in uniform, so handsome, i was so small, i ran to him, met him, that is, accordingly, throughout this time, i grew up and decided that i wanted to continue this wonderful dynasty to surprise him, conquer him, and make him proud of me.
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show my colleagues how multifaceted i am, and how i can express myself, show myself on stage, and, accordingly, they everyone is proud of me, so i gave them the opportunity to visit the wonderful city of mogilev, to travel, a sudden excursion, an excursion, yes, that is, what our winner will say, but you generally have such a title, you now need to not only keep your back straight, but also and how to live up to this title in all your actions. this competition gave me a wonderful acquaintance with only positive emotions, for me it is of course very exciting, very pleasant. where will the funeral be kept? will you come to work wearing a crown? by the way, yes, sometimes i will,
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yes, to remind everyone who is the queen here and we have a little time left, next year the competition will be held in gomel. what would you wish to future participants? to future participants i. i wished, of course, faith in yourself, in your victory, be sure to participate in this competition to win, and the advice from you, self-confidence, go on stage, the live broadcast is coming to an end, so don’t switch, see you right after
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the news block. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. at that very second the merchant decided to give praise to the gods, on a nearby island, he first erected a temple, then built huts and founded a city. and off we go. an amusing trip. he is like a magician, controls the light, extinguishes and lights the lanterns, thereby marking the beginning and end of the day. permanent, like the sun and the moon. are you entitled to leave or do you have a double? to show how extraordinarily wonderful our country is. please note that the top of the gate is decorated with a sculpture of a stranger; who she is is still unknown. locally she is called the patroness of small small town. behind the walls. of which these ruins remain, issues of national
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importance were resolved. well, yes, ruzhany castle was in no way inferior to the palaces of the kings of the grand duchy of lithuania. in ruzhany you can literally see the holy trinity church from everywhere. the uniqueness of the temple is that it has never been closed. even in soviet times, like other churches in belarus, it was not turned into a storage facility, a cultural center, or a theater. watch the program "cities of belarus". on the tv channel belarus-24. a show where they fight not only with the help of physical strength, a show where the main weapon is intellect, if i set myself a goal, i always have to achieve it, but of course, when i found out that i had passed the casting, emotions simply overwhelmed me. which ancient country, along with greece, gave the name to the olympic form of wrestling? artyom, rome, italy, roman empire, i accept this as the correct answer, however.
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two steps forward, watch the intellectual sports project, head game.
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the morning broadcast on belarus 1 and belarus 24 continues with news in the studio pavel azovik, hello, landmark, more than 2 million tons of milk per year, high. for minsk region result


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