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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 27, 2024 12:40pm-1:00pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] we were in no hurry to look for agronomists, livestock specialists, and tractor drivers. in relation to each, decisions were often made at the level of regional committees and even the central committee. in march 1944, the secretary of the central committee of the communist party of the republic avkhimovich, addressed to the central committee of the all-russian communist party of belarus, noted. calls have been sent through the regional committees of the all-union communist party of belarus and land authorities with a request to second specialists to our disposal. out of the 850 people registered, only 246 arrived; specialists from the saratov region, where 43 people are still there, penzinskaya 26, gorky and chkalovskaya 28, are especially poorly released people, we ask you to instruct the regional party committees to expedite sending agricultural specialists to our disposal
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. but there were no complaints, people worked selflessly in the hope of reviving the village and helping the army and the country. the republic was raised by the heroism of the people. this is how kirill mazurov, later the first secretary of the central committee of the party of the republic, recalled this period. the leadership did everything to support the peasants in those difficult conditions. the measures
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are different. which were tested in this region, it was the allocation of land to the peasants, that is, to them the land that they owned before the german attack on the soviet union was returned. the specifics of the region were taken into account, the priority to private farms, but a characteristic feature of the restoration of agriculture in the western regions is that they did not begin to force collectivization there; collectivization had already begun somewhere towards the end
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of the forties. the region was left completely without land holdings. long live the national celebration. victory day over nazi germany. hitler's germany is defeated. victory. comrades! with these words the legendary announcer vladimir yuryevich began his programs on may 9 , 1945, belarusian radio. on this day there will be a live performance by red army soldiers, writers, artists, and workers. a lot of attention
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to rural workers. in the republic , the pre-war number of collective farms and state farms was practically restored. over 2.0 tractors and 3.00 cars were transferred from the regions of the rsfsr. 223 combines, about a thousand threshers, and other agricultural equipment, a difficult path to its revival began for the belarusian village, the main ones on it became heroism and selfless labor of people. hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina
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karaman. let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today we are talking about why security measures have been strengthened in belarus, whether a person can be hit by a shot fired. kilometers away, is fear contagious? go! public security measures have been strengthened in belarus. the background was an event in the moscow region. on friday, march 22 , a terrible terrorist attack occurred in the crocus city hall concert hall. inhumans in camouflage with machine guns burst into buildings and shot people. the wounded who showed signs of life were finished off with knives. the perpetrators of the terrorist attack filmed all this on a mobile phone. the first-person recording ended up online. a day after the nightmare came to life, when panic in the crocus reached its peak, the terrorists set fire to the premises and fled the scene. special services officers followed them all evening and night, tracked contacts, and thanks to this
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, already in the afternoon of march 23 , they managed to detain not only everyone who participated in the cold-blooded extermination of citizens of their country will be found will suffer punishment. there is no reason for russians not to believe him. in the 2000s, the country's special services already stopped the wave of terrorists. attacks, but , alas, it is not possible to quickly cope with stress, even for people who watched the events only on tv. this is exactly what the organizers of the terrorist attacks are banking on. those who plan attacks on civilians want not just fear, but constant background anxiety in the society at which the attack is directed. remember, the collective unconscious lives within us. we're all not fixating on it attention, we identify with ourselves. with his people, when several of its representatives receive a blow, the echo of this blow is felt by all members of society. therefore, while we have sincere compassion for the martyrs of wars in the middle east, we do not fall into panic and depression while watching what is happening there. this is far from
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us not only geographically, it is far from our collective unconscious, therefore it does not hurt so much. we have more than just a union state with russia. we have a common history, language and genetic memory. for belarusians no not much difference. pain for the people who died in the crocus or tears from those who never left the minsk metro on april 11, 2011, because the terrorist attack in the moscow region is our common grief with the russians, because the russian embassy in minsk is at the consulates in other cities, already through an hour after the tragedy there were belarusians with flowers, lamps and children's toys, the shots deprived them of peace and at night drove out hundreds of kilos of people here into the street. from the shooters of their victims. the organizers of such attacks always count on this effect and they estimate how many people they can hit without direct contact. conventionally, victims of a terrorist attack can be divided into
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four groups. the first is the direct participants in the event. these are people who have been physically injured, experienced a life-threatening threat, or seen other people being killed. the second group is the relatives of the dead and... those who suffered, those who have lost loved ones are at first in shock, and then in grief, and the state of grief can last for several years, those whose relatives suffered cannot believe it for a long time and then recover from what happened. in the third group, people who live near the terrorist attack zone, they cease to feel safe for some period. and the fourth group are people who track the chronology of the terrorist attack in the news and are completely immersed in its atmosphere. and these may be. not several countries at once, all of the above experience strong emotional stress, fear of death, fear for the lives of loved ones, fear of uncertainty, loss of trust in others, this is reflected in the way they live and work, with long-term consequences
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such a traumatic experience can result in psychosomatic diseases , post-stress personality changes, some of them cannot be corrected, in this case society loses active citizens. as you can see, the defeat of a terrorist attack is always much wider than the location in which it occurred. those who were directly involved in the misfortune and their families need a crisis. psychological help is a technique that helps a person understand events, accept changes in life and not get stuck in a traumatic moment, you can get such help and you need to turn to specialists, for people who live in dangerous zones, where terrorist attacks and other emergencies occur constantly, the way out of chronic stress is moving, it was chosen by many israeli residents of the gaza strip even before the situation worsened, the levies after the civil war in 2011,
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stress from news feed, filter the quality, limit the amount of information about what can be done by people who receive their dose of the incident, it sounds banal, but it works: the less we spin the flywheel of fear in our minds, the less chance we have remotely seize post-traumatic syndrome, infect others with fear, scientists... this is an evolutionary mechanism that allows a person to convey information about the danger to the group without words, when without an objective threat, he is afraid for himself and bitter for others, but there is no way to help them, as soon as the willpower is enough to switch for some action, preferably physical. remember, as baba shura said in love and doves: put your thoughts on housekeeping, modern doctors insist on universal pain relief for the same reason: the head, you can’t let your leg hurt, otherwise you can
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end up with a chronic pain syndrome, while we are in a stupor without taking our eyes off the news feed, our help may be needed by loved ones who are also worried, our ability to think critically and work is necessary for society, we don’t want to fall into a state shock to stop the economy to the delight of the organizers of various attacks, and they expect this from us, and they also expect that in a cocoon of fear we will become obedient, lose our own self, agree to any proposed conditions for the illusion of security. law enforcement officers already protect us. as i already said, public security measures have been strengthened in belarus. crowded places are now under special control. armed police officers are constantly on duty at airports, train stations, concert sports venues, markets, shopping centers, restaurants, bars and nightclubs. they're not the only ones. ready for any development of events themselves, they instructed the
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security service of each establishment and developed a scheme for joint actions in case of emergency, strengthened control over the stay of foreign citizens on the territory of belarus, there were more police units in all parts of the country, they were increased and reinforced with armed riot police officers. in addition, patrol services and gi were armed with machine guns. but the main work in the interests of our safety is hidden from the eyes of the average person. on duty 24/7 internet intelligence. employees of the ministry of internal affairs are in all open closed chats of social networks and instant messengers, and any attempts to commit crimes against the residents of our country will be stopped immediately without ceremony. there's really no need to worry. however moderate vigilance will not hurt each of us. ordinary citizens are advised to pay attention to unattended bundled bags in transport and public places. if such an item. outside, you cannot approach it,
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much less open it. you need to report your find to the administration, organization where you are located, or the driver of the vehicle you are traveling in, and then call the law enforcement officers. it is recommended to pay attention not only to ownerless bags, but also to suspicious persons. if together with good cross-country ability for a long time a strange person is hanging around, if a lady with an atypical manner of behavior has strong manly legs and a wig on her head, if an unfamiliar car has been standing next to any building for a long time, which no one takes, these are also reasons to be wary. in our time, no one would perceive a signal about such things as a symptom of a mental disorder. calmly, like our grandfathers, we did not choose the time in which we live, we can only choose how to live it, in fear, panic and despair, just in case, or with understanding of the situation, dignity and participation in the fate of his country. this is not the first year that russia and belarus have been under pressure. for the fact that we dared to go our own way, and as the president noted at
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a meeting with the omsk delegation on monday, we will not be given a quiet life yet, but this does not mean at all that we cannot live peacefully in these circumstances, yes, terror is the lowest and cruelest way of putting pressure on people, if it is used, then other methods did not work, but this century began with terror, in 2001 the twin towers fell in new york, in 2002 the explosions died down... and our part of the planet was struck by the hostage crisis in the moscow theater on dubrovka. in 2004, the world watched in horror for 3 days the events at the beslan school. in 2011 norwegian. a psychopath named breivik single-handedly killed 77 people in two different locations in his country. in 2015 , terrorists carried out a massacre in paris. a couple of months later , a plane carrying passengers crashed in the mountains of the sinai peninsula. the cause was a bomb on board. from 1995 to 2010, moscow
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experienced a series of terrorist attacks in residential buildings at metro stations. in 2011 , minsk mourned those killed in an explosion in the subway. shots explode. from the hands of terrorists have forever left craters in our hearts, the names of the murdered people will be heard in services in our churches for decades to come, but those who remain must live, and we will not crush the people who have stood on a solid foundation for centuries, here it is again before us, fasting again again the time when all the hope for faith is in the army, all thoughts about our neighbors and about the fatherland, and since these values ​​pulled our great-grandfathers out of the fire of wars, it means we will come out of... the division of the world unbroken and together, i am marina karaman and how stay ourselves, when the world changes, we figured it out,
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everything is clear, see you later. marat kozey, was born on october 10, 1929 in the village of stankovo ​​near minsk. his military
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biography began immediately after. as they approached, fourteen-year-old marat kazei blew himself up with a grenade. for his heroism in the fight against the nazi invaders, morat kazei was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union.
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posthumously. the news is live now, pavel lazovik is with you. good afternoon. belarus is counting on intensifying partnership ties with altai


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