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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 4:50am-5:45am MSK

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therefore, if any of you have chosen the dream of becoming president, i want to say again that this is a very heavy burden, and this is a very big responsibility, if you still dream of someday leading the country, then for this you need to be very good study, work a lot on yourself, and what law would you pass first if you did become president, well... you can answer formally that the president does not pass laws, but the president signs laws, and he will be the first to sign exactly the law that went through all the stages of approval in parliament and went to his desk, from the point of view of the president , he signs decrees and orders, but if you go to the answer, i would probably issue a decree that children should never get sick, study well, listen to their parents and be happy.
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well, the question is, you probably still need to ask the residents of the grodno region how they think their lives have changed, and the main achievement, probably, for me to put is that through joint efforts a team was formed, a good team of managers who are capable of course, it is possible to solve not only emerging operational problems, but also strategic thoughts and set normal plans. i list that of the four bridges in grodno, we have repaired all four over the years, and they cannot be touched for 25 years, you can throw in numbers about how many roads were built, or you can remember the last visit of the head of state, when a capsule about a new hospital was laid, there was a clear instruction to build it within 2 years, but i still probably think that the main merit is the surplus budget, which allows us to have an airbag, to provide...
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i have a question for you: what is happiness for you? a difficult question, perhaps. for me , happiness is still a family, these are healthy children who realize their potential and achieve their goals, these are loved ones who are doing well, this feeling that you are understood and that there are people next to you who are always will support you and who treats you with love, positively...
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emotions, probably satisfaction from what you do. this signal means that time questions for the hero have expired. vladimir stepanovich, now you have to choose the best question of this program? no, all the questions were worthy, all were interesting, but there was one question that caused an emotional reaction and made me remember the difficult ones again. times of the first wave of covid, when we did not yet know what we were faced with and how effectively we could counteract it, so i think that the best question for me is precisely due to the emotional response and the opportunity to explain to you why certain things were adopted the decision is yours, please introduce yourself, where do you study in what class? hello, my name is emilia, i study at secondary school number 23 in the tenth grade. according to the rules of our
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program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest, this is a gift that has the logo of the grodno region, this is what we know how to do well, there is a book that will tell about the region in more detail, and i can say that this is also included if you decide as a family. visit the city of grodno, and you will contact us through the organizers of the program, we we will also organize a tour for you in the grodno region, not in the grodno region in the city of grodno, so thank you for the question, thank you, we are waiting, vladimir stepanovich, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question, i would like to clarify what it means to you to be adults, when will you realize that you have become an adult? perhaps becoming an adult
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means accepting responsibility, for example, for some misdeeds, for wrong decisions; for me, becoming an adult means accepting and sensibly assessing. for some situations, but as for me, adults - this is when you can sign up for a clinic yourself and go there without your mother, this is taking responsibility for your health on your own. thank you, but to sum it up,
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i can say that the majority said to take responsibility, to resolve issues, i can only say one piece of advice, that at the first stage you will probably still often make mistakes and accept. not always the right decisions, only one request, among adults, you have no enemies, the main thing is that whoever is nearby is always an adult who is for you in this moment will help, i was lucky with teachers from my loved ones with my family, i hope that you will be lucky too, thank you guys, vladimir stepanovich, well, it’s time to say goodbye to our audience, so, the governor of the grodin region vladimir today. visiting the program 100 questions for an adult, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to the site, thank you, all the best, this is where i’ll ask you to stay. vladimir stepanovich, what was the most difficult question for you today? it’s hard to choose, it’s probably hard to answer the question, what is for me
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happiness, what is the soul, that is, there were some philosophical questions that really concern many adults, and it was somewhat surprising to hear this... from children, to answer in words, and at the same time not slide into banality and some cliches, it was very difficult , and what question were you waiting for, but it was never asked? i am often asked how tall i am, but i didn’t hear this question today. today you managed to answer 65 questions, tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to come? with pleasure. i am addressing our audience, do you think that our guest today was as frank as possible with you? who thinks so, please raise your hand. it seems to me that vladimir stepanovich was absolutely honest with us today, because he has nothing to hide from us, and he himself is a very conscientious and honest person. and, it seemed to me that he was as sincere as possible
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with us, because he was even able to tell us the warmest memories of his childhood. he didn’t think about it, he answered as it was, in each of his... answers, he put his soul into it, this it was palpable, well, mentally, who thinks that vladimir stepanovich was telling the truth, but perhaps not all of it, maybe he was a little disingenuous, raise your hand, well, i still think that it is impossible to tell the whole truth, and that then i had to hide it, because that , after all, we are not some close people, we don’t have to tell everything straight out like that, well, hiding is one thing, but collecting is another. vladimir stepanovich, we have such a rule that the hero always has the last word, sum up the conversation that took place. thanks for this conversation, thank you for the wonderful positive emotions, for the strengthened confidence that our country has wonderful young people and a wonderful future.
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i want you to always be proud that you live in a very beautiful, very kind, very comfortable country for living. and see you again. thank you very much for the communication, the governor of the grodno region vladimir koranik was a guest today at the program 100 questions for adults, see you in a week. watch in the next episode! archbishop metropolitan of minsk mogilev joseph stanevsky. is it possible for an orthodox person to go to church? if a priest falls in love,
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what should he do? what is hell? can children go there too? why are there no women among the priests? is there anything in your life that you would like to change?
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belarus, bear with us the ardent hearts of our dear
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land, let us make every effort, you are in honor of the cherished war of the land, hail our bright land.
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servant, to the land, our bright name, to the peoples of the orthodox union, our beloved, mother, rodzina, all ours, ichnikila. our beloved matsi radima forever alive belarus,
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the friendship of the people, the strength of the people is ours, we are victorious, our paths are sweet, our mountains are found. the clear truth is the fear of work and the joy of the holy, our evil land, the bright, the arrogant people, the ancient union, our beloved mother, the races.
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from the automotive industry to tourism, belarus is committed to intensifying partnerships with altai; our president, at a meeting with the governor of this russian region, proposed to give impetus to cooperation. nato or not nato, that is the question, while there is no agreement among the comrades, to take or not to take ukraine into the alliance, into the independent
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they are famously spending other people's billions on studying antarctic penguins. and belarus sent humanitarian aid. the regions of russia that suffered from the flood, my colleagues will complement the picture of the day: a regional line of union cooperation, we are strengthening ties with altai, supplies of equipment and the agro-industrial complex, and what else will we tell you about the details of the negotiations between the president and the governor of the region. a large-scale testing has started in belarus; this academic year, for the first time , the final exam for high school graduates will be held in the form of ce and ct. we'll tell you the details. in panorama. family capital in a new way, early use of funds for housing, education and medicine, and also what does the employment of the head of the family have to do with what will change, we will discuss with the guest in the panorama studio. belarus is committed to intensifying partnerships with altai, our president stated this at a meeting with the governor of the region. a representative delegation from the region arrived in minsk. in
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belarus they have a busy program with visits to a number of enterprises and negotiations in the regions. the focus is on import issues. it is no coincidence that altai is called siberian switzerland. hundreds of thousands of tourists come to these places with unique energy every year. putin loves altai, and alexander lukashenko also once spoke of his desire to visit here, but for now he is meeting in minsk the governor and the delegation of the region, who came from the very heart of eurasia. well, as
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i was told, alexander lukashenko will say, the region is very close. we are in spirit, it is rightfully considered the breadbasket of siberia and one of the largest agricultural fields in russia, more than half of the entire territory of the region is arable fields. in terms of volume of unthawed grain, first of all high-quality wheat, you are among the top ten regions of the russian federation. i’m not even talking about buckwheat, for which the leader would be recognized to purchase more of it, although we are trying to provide it in our region, where we didn’t cultivate much of it.
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a starting point for activating old and creating new partnerships. alexander lukashenko proposes to seriously accelerate key areas of cooperation. pandemic passions have not helped in recent years, but they were still able to return 100 million in trade turnover, but in in the future it may be much greater. we are ready to supply you with the latest equipment for harvesting grass, harvesting corn, i mean. combines, as well as new tractors to belarus. the program of your stay includes visits to the largest enterprises in belarus, such as mtz, amkador, mas, whose products have proven themselves well not only in the russian federation, but in foreign markets. in turn, we are very
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interested in the supply of components for our engineering industry. in this plan. we actively cooperate with you, i i was pleased to read in the reports that today more than 60% of replaced elevators are belarusian, taking into account your plans to replace elevators this year, this is in almost 400 houses, we are interested in participating in tenders, winning, supplying you with elevator equipment for new construction, we guarantee also service and...
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center in the altai territory. a test drive of buses and electric buses will help you decide on the equipment; we are ready to export livestock equipment, feed and premixes to the region. in general, everything that makes belarus strong is it's better to see with your own eyes. within the framework of the new.
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economic cooperation , first of all, here is everything that concerns our interaction in different sectors of the national economy, we already have certain
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achievements, we are not, as they say, working from scratch, we are starting, we continue to look for ways where we can still significantly improve, well in those indicators and results of our activities that are visible and, most importantly, needed by the people of belarus and the altai territory. a period of great opportunities, this is how people in minsk now evaluate time in belarusian-russian relations. a conversation with the government will help bring all ideas for cooperation to life. one of them is a direct flight from minsk to barnaul, which, by the way, is not only for business trips, there will be more and more of them, but also for those who want to be impressed by the fabulous atmosphere of the altai region. natalya breos, alexey volkov, svetlana lukinyuk, alexey kondratenko and ilya puchko, telenov agency. by the way, this year 11 delegations from russian regions led by governors have already visited belarus, the russian ambassador to minsk said boris grizlov, and today in the house
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of representatives issues of further development of contacts were discussed, including at the parliamentary level. as the chairman of the house of representatives igor sergienko noted, the intensity of interaction between belarus and specific regions of russia is quite high, and most importantly, it is filled with specific agreements that are being implemented. boris grizlov. in turn, he emphasized: the parliamentarians of belarus and russia should have a lightning-fast reaction to the statement of the west. when the collective west creates, in their opinion, unbearable conditions on the territory of russia and belarus and wants to bring our countries to their knees, we need to jointly resolve all these issues in a brotherly manner so that this does not happen, and this is not happening. now there are materials for three months. in the twenty-fourth year there is growth, gdp, growth, industrial development, very good interest rates, trade turnover is still growing
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between russia and belarus. boris grizlov also said that the next session of the parliamentary assembly of the union of belarus and russia will be held on the territory of our country on june 17, and as noted by the chairman of the standing commission on international affairs sergei rachkov, minsk is already preparing for it. a national delegation to the parliamentary assembly has been formed. we, parliamentarians, keep our finger on the pulse and exercise certain parliamentary control over the progress of implementation of the main directions. implementation, implementation of the union treaty, and there is a lot of work here, you know, 28 sectoral programs have been completed, new tasks are now planned for 3 years, they are very serious, ambitious, this is in the economy, in industrial cooperation, in the agro-industrial complex. sergei rachkov emphasized that issues related to
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strengthening are not left aside. defense capability and security of the union state. life has confirmed, together: we ensure the technological sovereignty of our countries, for example, take equipment, sanctions stimulated our own production, the union's leverage in the supply of components. russia began to purchase more of our cars, and we developed the principle of multi-brand centers representing the whole line of equipment. one of these works in tatarstan. this is a successful example of active turnkey promotion with full maintenance of our machines. as today.
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but belarusian tractors are now represented in various regions of russia, what is your specialty, what niche do you occupy, is it necessary to occupy this special niche of yours today? the center where we are located, the entire line of belarusian products is presented here, practically from the main manufacturers, this is the minsk tractor plant, and the minsk motor plant, all equipment holding, and gomsilmash, and maza, as you can see, a number of manufacturers of auto components and
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so on are all also...
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present on the market, mtz was as ready as possible for this, against the background of all other segments, i repeat, mtz, at least did not lose its position and continues to strengthen. belarusian equipment is distinguished by its quality, and we focus on price, quality, the client chooses precisely according to these parameters, first of all, here we have an advantage. it is important not just to sell equipment, but to accompany it throughout its life. cycle. this. provision of service support, spare parts, within the framework of this, a project has already been discussed, agreed upon, approved, which is now undergoing examination for the launch, construction of a central distribution center for spare parts, this is also one of the stages of providing customers with reliable, original, high-quality spare parts in a short time , when purchasing equipment , the client pays main attention
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to these parameters, we are developing online sales, any consumer can order both equipment, so spare parts without leaving home, but on the other hand, we all understand that china will sooner or later improve its service in terms of development in 2-3 years. service and we are developing this area, we see the dynamics, this is the development of the overhaul of equipment and the tradein program, a very relevant topic, that is, any client can hand over old equipment to buy new one, this works for us today, what effect will such a distribution give center? the goal is to provide all seven within 24 hours all positions, all spare parts for the end consumer, this will be even higher... all world standards, yes, let’s say, you have another special project, this is unmanned equipment, it is available in such a volume almost only here, we are talking about tractors , again, this is the future, by the end of the year we plan to go into mass production
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of unmanned mini tractors, by creating certain kits, this is real, this already exists, these tractors, which are presented, ranging from mini-equipment to the largest, they are already unmanned, they exist, our task is to make it before... ahead of the curve, which is what we are actually doing with the times, we need to try to keep up with the minsk tractor plant, so that competitors not only do not catch up, but are left far behind. it’s also important to feel each other’s shoulder where they can’t handle it alone. on behalf of the head of state, belarus sent aid to the flood-affected regions of russia. this morning, trucks with humanitarian cargo set off for
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the orenburg and kurgan regions. items essential needs are agreed upon with the receiving party. belarusian rescuers have been entrusted with delivering the cargo. quantities of humanitarian aid will be delivered to the russian federation. the humanitarian cargo includes food, essential goods and other medical supplies to assist the population in the wake of a natural disaster. humanitarian cargo will be delivered by road to the kurgan-orenburg region of the russian federation. in the spring, several regions of russia faced extremely high water level in rivers. in some places the level exceeded 12 m, there was a shortage of food and basic necessities, and mass evacuation was announced. and of course, we work on security issues together. a joint flight-tactical exercise with the air force and air defense forces of belarus and russia
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is taking place these days. aviation military units, units of anti-aircraft, missile and radio technical troops, crews of reconnaissance, fighter and army aviation of the two countries are involved in the maneuvers. during the exercise will be processed. management of diverse aviation forces, as well as organizing interaction when performing tasks. the main efforts are aimed at protecting government and military facilities from air attacks. the crews will also have to practically work out a number of issues in the interests of covering the ground forces unit. the maneuvers will last until the end of the month; they are being carried out as part of improving the unified regional air defense system of belarus and russia, as well as in the interests of increasing interaction and training of pilots. a also governing bodies. european governments are showing miracles of ingenuity in finding ways to drive ukrainian male refugees into the trenches back
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home. expulsion is simply impossible from a legal point of view, and trials of hundreds of thousands of draft dodgers could drag on for years. and here it is, democratic know-how. should i take away the gingerbread? the head of the polish. mead proposed depriving ukrainians who are hiding abroad from mobilizing social benefits from doing this; in the minister’s opinion, all eu countries should be in solidarity. true, the effectiveness of such a measure is doubtful, because even after losing money, ukrainian men are unlikely to want to go to the donbass meat grinder. as for ukraine’s entry into nato, western politicians have spoken out on this subject especially often in recent days, but nothing encouraging has been said for kiev. help with money. please, but only for war, membership is unlikely. only the lazy have not commented on the relationship between ukraine and nato over the past few days. olaf scholz said that in the next 30 years there will be no chance of membership for ukrainians, however, a representative of 30
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years or, on the contrary, the waiting period will increase, the explanations from scholz’s office did not specify. obviously, until the end of hostilities , the notorious timing of entry will not even be discussed, simply because the war after expansion at the expense of ukraine may require direct participation of the alliance, but this? everyone diligently avoids, if nato forces are directly involved in the conflict, if they attack russian targets in the sky or on the ground in ukraine, then we will be in a situation in which it will be very difficult to maintain the alliance in... the conflict, meanwhile, it was stoltenberg’s statement that caused a general outburst of emotions, who recently demanded that all restrictions on the use of western weapons against targets on russian territory be lifted. i believe the time has come to discuss the legality of restrictions on ukraine's use of weapons provided to it by its western allies. ukraine should have the right to strike targets located on russian territory. the senior comrades immediately corrected the general secretary. italian vice prime minister salvini directly demanded that stoltenberg either give up his own. or resign. the german chancellor
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also confirmed that restrictions on the use of german weapons will remain. the hungarian prime minister noted that the excessive belligerence of the alliance forces budapest to declare its special position and its reluctance to participate in operations that it considers an adventure. our lawyers and military personnel are working on these issues as part of clarifying allied obligations. serious work is underway to clarify the question of how hungary can remain a member of nato without participating in nato operations outside the territory of the alliance countries. stoltenberg laughed sharply in his tone. according to him, this is not about changing the agreed position of the alliance. no, the secretary general only suggested that each of the western governments think about the feasibility of giving the green light to attacks on russia with their weapons. this is the decision of national governments, not nato. there are various restrictions on the use of different types of weapons. i'm not saying that there should be absolutely no restrictions in the future, but i believe that these national restrictions should be reconsidered, especially in connection with the fighting now going on in kharkov.
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british missiles, for example, are already being used to attack russian military vessels, including outside the waters that ukraine considers its territorial. there is reason to believe that american missiles are being used against targets on russian soil. at the same time, formally, ukraine is obliged to follow the prohibitions of its western partners. however, these prohibitions are very mild; their violation does not entail any punitive measures. the same is true with money. help. and... it flows into the ocean of corruption, from which all and sundry draw. for example, the day before it became known that kiev had allocated multimillion-dollar budgets for the study of antarctic penguins for the third year in a row. this would not be worthy of attention if you did not know that the ukrainian budget is almost half formed at the expense of donors’ money; a certain evgeniy diky, a trusted man of the head of the president’s office, is going to study the penguins. when even penguins receive money from military budgets, is there an incentive to look for peace. olek romanov, tv news agency. particularly in this cacophony, as usual this
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time, is the voice of our neighbors. derspiegel argues that if russia achieves a strategic breakthrough, then poland and the baltic states will send troops to ukraine. this warning was made by the baltic deputies by a representative of the german authorities, tabloid reports. politicians said that the west is only sluggishly helping kiev, because of which the situation could worsen sharply, they do not intend to wait for the deployment of russian troops on their borders. a large-scale introductory campaign. this academic year , for the first time, the centralized exam and ct are being held on the same dates for graduates of the twenty-fourth year, graduates of previous years and colleges. 144 points have been organized for testing, including 40 in universities. each participant must have a passport, pass and a pen with black ink . at the beginning of the introductory campaign. our correspondent sergei ladosev followed. how
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last year graduates of centralized support for teachers arrived at points to pass the centralized exam exactly half an hour in advance, that is, at 10:30, all participants of the centralized testing need to do in advance, the main thing is to have a passport, a pass and a gel or capillary pen with black ink. as for the tasks themselves, this is a completely school curriculum, so there shouldn’t be any difficulties. even before the start of the test, the schoolchildren admitted that today it was exciting, but the mood. combat, only at bspu today almost 2.0 schoolchildren are taking the exam, these are graduates of thirty-seven educational institutions in the moscow region. today i’m going with excitement, of course, i’m in a good mood, but still a little scared, i ’ve been preparing for a year and a half, i constantly took the rt at each stage, two options, well , this happened eight times, i probably want to pass with an 81 plus, of course, so that i can get a ten in the certificate i was, i ’m taking math, i’m good at math, so i’m basically not worried.
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the entrance campaign began in the regions, for example, in the gomel region more than 8.01 11th graders registered to participate in the ce. in the region, 26 points accepted applicants. on the basis of universities. institutions secondary specialized and general secondary education, residents of small settlements were centrally transported by school buses from rural educational institutions. we are the fox of the ministry of emergency situations, we must be role models, i am only positive about good results, i am ready to pass the centralized exam in mathematics, anxiety largely influences
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how we write the exams, so i try not to worry and go into the classroom with a cool head . i try to somehow calm myself down so as not to give orders. in mogilevskaya region , more than 6.00 eleventh graders registered to participate in the tests. there are 24 examination points in the region. one of the locations for taking the test was mogilev state university named after kulishov. there , over five thousand eleventh-graders tested their knowledge. the requirements for the organization directly at the venue in the classrooms, they remain the same.
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now it’s clear that everything depends on the exams, so we need to try and continue to try, but i’m most likely going to a pharmacist, i’ve been preparing for this since the summer, and i think that there should not be this anxiety, and of course, if a person has prepared, he will succeed, combine testing and an exam, this is an innovation this year, the form is convenient, and you will find out the results faster, the tasks of future students should not surprise you, this is a completely school curriculum, not the scoring system also changed . even before the tests began, the students were overwhelmed with emotions. a little nervous, but i ’ve been preparing for the second year, so overall i think everything will be fine. i'm counting on a result above 90, but i'll try to score maximum. the excitement was at the beginning of the year in the middle, but at the end it went away, because well
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, i understand that i know quite a lot. what definitely does not change is control over the course of the introductory campaign. the deputy prime minister is personally monitoring, he assured that for the comfort of delivery. all the necessary conditions have been created, we are very determined to demonstrate our knowledge in the centralized exam, the mood is positive, well, from the point of view of creating all the necessary conditions for a comfortable demonstration of knowledge, i mean drinking water, and ventilation of the audience, well it turns out that today is a really sunny, hot day, but the company starts at 11:00, i hope everyone will make it on time. we saw that, if necessary , timely medical assistance was organized at all points if anyone needed it. during the ce and ct, there are a number of rules that must be followed, in addition to the mandatory presence of an identity card and arriving at the classroom on time, there are a number of prohibitions. today, actually passing
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a centralized exam or centralized testing, a graduate and the applicant must have documents with him. a pass and, accordingly, a pen with black ink, that’s all, no phones, no other means, communication of cheat sheets for everything else in all regional examination commissions, working groups have been created in the state control committee, direct lines have been opened, today 55,516 eleventh grade graduates passed the centralized exam, 151 students. did not show up, this is less than 0.3% of the total, this figure is significantly lower than last year, that is, we can say that the turnout extremely high, we analyzed the reasons why they did not show up, most of them were either due to illness or participation in international competitions. if a participant does not appear for the ce or ct for
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a valid reason, he will be able to take them on reserve days. this year it is june 19, 21 and 23. the results of the first ce will be available from... no later than 10 working days, eleventh graders will receive certificates with centralized exam certificates at the graduation party on june 14, the ce results will come only within 2 weeks. the certificate itself for centralized testing, the applicant will need to be picked up at the point where the test took place. sergey ladosev, yulia khmel, natalya ignatenko, dmitry garkusha, telenews agency. in terms of popularity , the highest rated show can only be matched by another very democratic one. in our country , the family capital project, here it is, the social state in action, more than 137 deposit accounts have already been opened for large families, many want to spend the funds. more than 84,000 such applications have already been submitted, the lion's share of them is for improving living conditions; money is also sent to
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receive medical services, education and purchase goods for the disabled. more than 82,000 decisions have been made based on these statements; how they are distributed by region can now be seen on the map. large families are most active in the brest region; there are also good results in the capital, the central region and the gomel region. let us remind you that from january 1. the amount of family capital is 31,480 rubles. in this amount it is assigned to families at birth, adoption, adoption of the third or subsequent children in the period up to december 31 of that year. and starting tomorrow, we will see a number of changes regarding the purpose of early use of family capital. our correspondent anton malyuto learned all the details from the head of the relevant department of the ministry of labor, svetlana belysh. svetlana, hello, of course, family capital is most often
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used to improve housing conditions, that’s what has changed here, hello, it will be possible to use family capital ahead of schedule for families if they do not have housing, the family does not have housing in which there is more than 15 km of living space per person, in the capital there is more than... more residential space in the case of a referral ahead of schedule for reconstruction, the main condition will be that these funds can be directed towards family capital funds as a result of the reconstruction, the living area will increase. one of the measures is the condition that residential premises acquired using family capital cannot be alienated for 5 years after registration of ownership for... residential premises and also education and medicine, it is clear that it may not be as in demand as housing, but people are also actively directing funds there, what has changed here?
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yes, in general, areas such as medicine and education are also quite in demand, and are gaining momentum. in particular, for education, a condition has been introduced that family capital funds will need to be used in parts, that is, to pay for educational services for the current academic year or for the previous one academic year, or to pay off the debt for these years when. family capital funds are used for medical services, in particular dental ones. the first condition is that family capital funds can only be spent in public health care institutions, the second condition is also aimed at using funds in parts when a citizen applies for dental services, that is , when concluding an agreement , 50% of the funds will first be paid family capital and final payment upon completion of work, since. dental services are quite lengthy, and it can be six months, a year or more, so the final payment is made upon completion of the work. and, probably
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for the first time in the legislation on family capital, we now take into account the family’s employment, yes, what has changed here, why is this so fundamentally important? yes, by providing state support, of course, the state has the right to count on, let’s say, the active life position of the family itself in that using state funds, the family will also strive and provide their well-being. families, therefore a decision was made and conditions were introduced such that when appointing, early disposal of family capital in a complete family , the employment of an able-bodied father-stepfather will be considered, and in a single-parent family, the employment of an able-bodied parent. an important condition for granting the right to family capital is such a condition as the absence in the family of signs, indicators of the socially dangerous situation of children, that is, today, if a child is in an unfavorable environment for him, there will be no capital be appointed. also , the right to early disposal will not be granted, as soon as the situation in the family normalizes, all these indicators and signs have been removed, which means that accordingly you can apply for family
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capital, for appointment or early disposal, we are already receiving many requests, yes, well, but what if suddenly there is some trouble there a little bit, yes, we are now working on this, today by decree, the decree abolished the six-month period for applying for the assignment of family capital from the date birth. child, that is, this restriction has been lifted, and the family can apply at any time until the child turns 18 years old, when at least in a year, at least in two, when it is convenient for her, that is, the funds will not be spent, no, the funds will not be burned, yes , that is , summing everything up, if the state sees that the child is growing up in comfortable conditions, the parents are working, then the state is ready to support, yes, there are no problems with this, family capital over the years of work, i think, has proven its popularity, now the number requests are growing and the effect is also felt, yes, the effect. it feels like we see that the number of large families is increasing, when compared with the 2019 census data, there were about 104,000
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large families in the country, yes. now, according to our data, according to our accounting of the automated information system, we have 123,600 large families in our country, that is, we see how their number will increase significantly, and the most important thing is to emphasize that in general large families are prosperous families, that’s why we confidently provide government support, well, families use it, i think this is the best indicator of effectiveness, yes, svetlana, thank you very much, yes, thank you. and finally , a sports announcement: a grand football event on june 7 will take place at the dynamo national stadium, and the football federation and the ministry of sports and tourism of our country will do everything possible to make the holiday memorable for the audience. the belarusian national team will play a home international friendly match against the russian national team, which intends to bring its strongest squad to minsk.
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today at the house of football, at a special press conference, they announced that a special working group had been created on... of course, i want to show everyone that big matches can be freely organized on the territory of our country, i would like more spectators to come, because they always say there when many people ask, when do the european cups and the nations league play, when did we play, when are we already at home, when are we already at home, but i would like to be at home, well, now is such a good chance to go to the stadium, cheer for the team, watch good football nation, which starts in september.
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