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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 7:20am-8:00am MSK

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protection from forced seizure of property, as well as the possibility of applying to an international arbitration court to protect one’s rights and interests. retail fuel prices in belarus are changing today. the level of maximum retail prices for gasoline and diesel fuels at gas stations increases by 1 kopeck. so, a liter of ninety- second gasoline costs 2 rubles 28 kopecks. on the ninety-fifth - 2.38, and on the ninety-eighth - 2 rubles60. cop. diesel fuel 2 rub. 38 kop. and earlier, belneftekhim announced a phased increase in fuel prices by 8 kopecks. the change will occur weekly in increments of 1 kopeck. let me remind you that the first one was on may 21st. now the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange. our ruble has strengthened against the dollar and yuan. and this morning the next course. dollar 3 rub. 17 kopecks for 10 yuan at auction they gave 4 rubles 30.6 kopecks. 3.57 costs
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100 russian rubles. and the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3 rubles. 45 kopecks kfor clients were unable to receive and send parcels for more than a day due to technical problems. the company did not process orders manually to prevent errors when processing these orders. but from today they promise to restore work completely. sdek promised to conduct a full analysis of the causes of the failure and take measures to prevent such problems in the future. situations. frosts in early may drove up retail prices for strawberries in russia to almost 600 rubles. this means 20% more than a year ago. wholesale prices will rise due to crop shortages, sellers warn. but the russian ministry of agriculture does not expect prices to rise this summer. so in may, strawberries in russia usually begin to become cheaper. the first harvest berries from the southern regions are coming to the market krasnodar territory and rostov region. i'll note it. this was the economic news,
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good mood to you and see you on the air. the morning broadcast on tv channels belarus-1 and belarus24 continues with the program “zone x”. i'm yuri shevchuk. hello. two perverts were detained in minsk for seducing minors. morality operatives established that a thirty-nine-year-old man met a 13-year-old schoolgirl in a thematic messenger group. knowing the girl’s age, the defendant conducted intimate correspondence with her and sent his candid photos. after he insisted on
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a meeting in the entrance of a residential building, he abused the girl, in the evening he went to his home with a girl, he got a minor, then they went to the room, sat, talked, after that there was sexual contact, for such actions fellow participants of the central ruud , a thirty-six-year-old working capital organization, a man, was detained seduced an underage schoolgirl whom he met on a social network, criminal cases have been initiated against the defendants, their involvement in powerful crimes is being verified crimes. regarding minors, dear parents, pay special attention to organizing your children’s leisure time, it is important to have information about what the child is doing on the internet, because that is where it is easier to meet pedophiles, establish a trusting relationship with the children, and if you become aware of a crime, notify the police immediately. next on the air is karina poshkova, she has an overview of criminal and emergency incidents. arrested in hot pursuit.
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courier of telephone scammers , a seventy-one-year-old resident contacted the police kobrina, she became a victim of swindlers, the woman received a call on her home phone from a stranger, he said that her daughter had been in an accident and needed money for treatment. as a result , the frightened mother gave the courier, who, by the way, arrived in a mask, more than 22,000 rubles in equivalent. employees of the uur department of internal affairs of breshchina, together with colleagues from the kobrin and brezovsky district internal affairs, established the route without delay. a suspect was detained in the city of bereza, he turned out to be a two-year-old resident of the city of minsk, who explained that he found an advertisement for a criminal part-time job on the internet in kobrin, i only managed to complete my first task; at the time of the arrest , the following address was given: the entire amount transferred to the victim was found with him, which will subsequently be returned to her. i hear crying on the phone, my daughter’s crying, and mommy save me and the woman on the phone, i can trace it. fell for the trick of scammers
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who blocked his phone and demanded money to unlock it. it started with an acquaintance on a specialized website, then the girl asked for help in solving her problem. she couldn't log into her account after updating the operating system, which is why she asked me to log into her account and remove her device from the list of devices, i agreed, after which she sent me the data, that is, the login and password for logging in with which i logged into... my account , immediately after this the password was changed, i realized that i had fallen for scammers and contacted the police. the criminals remotely blocked the menchan’s gadget and demanded 600 rubles to return access. after which the student contacted the police. on this fact
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, employees of the defense industry complex of the leninsky rud carried out inspection, a criminal case was initiated. we remind you that in such cases, do not follow the demands of the blackmailer, save all his threat messages and contact... toxic chemicals were transported illegally by a driver in the kostyukovichi district, traffic police officers stopped a mercedes car for inspection, 29 bottles of pesticide were found in the trunk, with a total volume of 145 liters. the driver, a thirty-year-old resident of osipovichi , was unable to provide accompanying documents for the goods. the cargo and the car were detained and placed in a guarded parking lot. an inspection is underway. i updated my wardrobe at someone else's expense and ended up in police reports. a minsk resident filed a complaint about the theft of a package with new clothes. the girl explained that she had forgotten her purchases on the bus. the detectives quickly found out that the forty-two-year-old female passenger liked other people’s things. by the way, she doesn’t work anywhere. the lady
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kept the new bag, dress and jewelry that were in the package for herself, the police say. law enforcement officers assessed this shopping within the framework of the law and opened a criminal case. vitebsk rescuers helped a woman and child who lost in the forest. the incident was reported by the girl’s mother, the woman said that her mother and daughter could not get out of the forest, which is located within the city, the ministry of emergency situations immediately went in search of people, they contacted them by phone at the coordinates they found the woman and child. this was the project zone x, our news is on the project’s youtube channel on instagram. have a nice day and stay on the bright side. and with us to belarus alone. see you in the evening and sum up the results of the day's crime chronicle.
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tuesday morning, we meet you, ekaterina antonova and tatyana motasevich. but i remind you that on our calendar it’s really tuesday, it’s may 28, and now our colleagues will join us via teleconference. grodno, but in particular valery kurba. good morning, valeria, share your news. ler, good morning. good morning belarus. good morning, colleagues, we are glad to celebrate this day with you. well, right now we will share the most interesting news from the grodno region. let's start with some tasty news. the sixth one received a new canteen, equipped with the latest technology. a separate guards mechanized brigade, which is stationed in the regional center. its opening became possible thanks to the implementation by the country’s armed forces of a project
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of large-scale modernization of the infrastructure of military units, which is provided for by the concept of national security of the republic of belarus. construction lasted 10 months and was a gift for the eighty-second anniversary of the founding of the 6th guards mechanized brigade. now the new dining room can comfortably accommodate 254 people at a time. in addition, the canteen workshops are equipped. equipment for cooking, which will significantly improve and diversify the menu of military personnel. now let’s move on to tourism: in the grodnin region this summer there will be 42 recreation areas and 44 beaches. on the eve of the season, which officially starts on june 1, the sanitary and epidemiological service checked the readiness of such sites throughout the region. it is important for specialists that the created conditions are safe and comfortable for people. therefore, the quality of water in rivers and reservoirs located next to recreation areas is constantly monitored by the commission.
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control. to date , 126 tests have been carried out in different areas of the region; they meet all indicators; with the beginning of summer, water samples will be taken every week to ensure safe swimming, so lovers of water sunbathing procedures should definitely visit our regional center. and we will pay tribute to the memory of the defenders. soldiers of the red army, the solemn event was attended by government officials, labor collectives, local residents, and also relatives of the soldiers. they came from borisov and slutsk to say goodbye to their loved ones and even arkhangelsk. at the solemn ceremony, the relatives of the soldiers were awarded.
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food tasting, master classes and interactive platforms, once every 2 years , the grodno region unites representatives of different nations at the festival of national cultures. this year the festival will bring together 856 participants and 36 delegations, which will surprise local residents and guests of the city. the duslyk tatar-bashkir society has traditionally been preparing for
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the republican festival of national cultures in the second grodno library. we work with the public association duslek more than 20 years ago, when this cooperation began, no one could have imagined that it would be so fruitful for a long time. years passed, priorities changed, but the library still remained the center of tatar and bashkir culture. society members gather here.
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and also show musical performances, which will definitely be a traditional event for the regional center. preparation of the tatar-bashkir society for the fourteenth republican festival of national cultures, which this year will be held in grodno and its environs from 7 to 9 june, ended with a tasting of national
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dishes. in addition, duslyk participants happily shared their recipes. how long has it been since you held a book in your hands, flipped through page after page, greedily tasting every word, of all the manifestations of human creativity, the most amazing and worthy... the voices of people are clearly heard, everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages
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of books , man... of the century, reading brings generations together, we value the past for our present. belarus 24. we know exactly how to start morning is right. this has been said and said thousands of times; breakfast is the main meal of the day. for those who are trying to live effectively, i, of course, highly recommend adding slow carbohydrates to breakfast so that you have the energy to work and stay awake during the day, together with the audience we will prepare a delicious breakfast, today we will have a salad with bulgur, beets and vegetables, it sounds interesting, but it seems to me that it’s difficult, these are proteins, good, not saturated fats, what
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omega 3 will give us, what will give us a good hormonal background, beautiful uh... and we’ll get a boost of vivacity and energy for the whole day. you can spend a great time in a way that will give your body what it really needs, which is energy, health and vigor. during exercises, i do the usual rotations with my head, shoulders, stretch my chest, back, these are all light exercises 10 times. watch the breakfast of the champion project on our tv channel.
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our live morning broadcast continues, friends, i remind you that today we are celebrating tuesday with you, this is may 28, tatyana matusevich and ekaterina antonova, and we are ready to tell you about '. this is what the temperature will be today, but for the cities, let’s get a little more detailed. i’ll tell you right now, so, let’s start from the capital in minsk +26 +28, cloudy with clearings, rain is expected, in brest also up to 28, but cloudy with clearings without
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precipitation, we move north in vitebsk +26 +28, cloudy with clearings and wait thunderstorm, in gomel today up to thirty above zero and no precipitation there, in grodno 26-28, damp and cloudy with clearings in mogilev today until 29... the thermometer will rise, cloudy with clearings, and rain is also expected, yes, that’s how it turns out, not according to the calendar, a little earlier, real summer has arrived here, and meanwhile, by the way, summer events from the ministry of emergency situations are gaining momentum, i i want to remind us all that on june 1 we will celebrate international children’s day, so olesya boyarskikh will now talk about how to convey to the little ones the most important information that can save lives in emergency situations, because she has already visited at the republican rally, do not leave the children alone, we are giving the floor to her right now. don’t
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leave your children alone, a republican action from the ministry of emergency situations is taking place in belarus, this is its essence, you will find out right now. the most joyful event in a family is the birth of a child. growing up, the baby begins to learn something new day after day. however, along with interesting discoveries, numerous dangers await him. the promotion is timed to coincide with the celebration of two holidays: family day and international children's day, held may 15 and june 1. these holidays not only focus attention on issues of family values ​​and the safety of children, but in turn, as part of our campaign, they draw attention to various incidents that may be associated with children. a bright and varied program has been prepared for... cinemas, children's goods stores, and residents of children's entertainment centers, as well as other public places. emergency services on duty, how can i help you, what
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happened to you, what could be on fire in your apartment, maybe a tv? during the promotion for for the children of their parents, interactive areas are organized with competitions, quiz games, where rescuers talk about behavior on reservoirs, in the forest on the street, remind emergency call numbers from... they also repeat actions in the event of a fire, where we use electrical appliances, is it possible - stick something into the socket, some pencil or hairpin? no, what do you remember most during the action? do i remember the phone numbers? yes, who should you call if there is a fire? 101 and 112. possible to play with matches or not? no, why not? because when any child can take any match from a box,
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light it like that and put it on the field and do this a lot, there will be a fire. the republican action “don’t leave children alone” also affects educational and health care institutions. also, special emphasis is placed on orphanages, boarding schools, family-type homes and large families. leave phones on charge, don’t leave appliances on, don’t let children play with matches and lighters, don’t overload
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extension cords should always be turned off at night , the charger should be turned off, first, do not panic, second, do not hide anywhere, third, run away from the premises, fourth, inform adults, fifth, call 112, by the way, the republican action will end, do not leave children alone on june 1 in the international children's day, and remember, calling rescuers in a timely manner by calling 101 or 112 will help prevent misfortune, so that information is available, one of the superfoods that is fairly accessible in our country, although of foreign origin is avocado, adverse reactions - there are usually no allergies to avocados, and allergies to avocados are rare. avocado can be introduced into a baby’s diet starting from the age of one. avocado is a valuable
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fruit that... has polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, which are very important for development, including the child’s brain. avocados have many vitamins, especially beta-carotenoids, precursors of vitamin a, and avocados also contain quite a lot of protein, from avocados, and after one year of age you can prepare purees such as avocado with chicken, avocado with pumpkin, and many, many different recipes you can add there. a small amount of vegetable oil, a small amount of salt to taste if necessary, and rest assured, your baby will gobble up this puree with appetite. the next superfood that can also be introduced to a baby after one year is spinach. spinach, both fresh and frozen, will retain all its most valuable substances and transfer them to your baby. spinach is a very valuable source of folic acid, which we know is very important for
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development of the nervous system. spinach is also rich in b vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, selenium, calcium, and phosphorus. you can make soups from spinach, you can make puree from spinach, you can also mix it with pureed meat, and this will also enrich your baby’s dish with vitamins and minerals. one of the most valuable products that can also be used in a baby’s diet is dried rose hips. rosehip is the richest product. vitamin c, and although today the role of vitamin c in the prevention of acute respiratory diseases, nevertheless, it is still believed that a sufficient amount of vitamin c in a baby contributes to his good physical development. if your baby is addicted to chocolate, then don’t rush to sound the alarm, because cocoa beans, from which chocolate is made, are also a valuable superfood, and contain large amounts
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of iron, zinc and antioxidants. for children of primary school age , dairy products, especially fermented milk products, are also a superfood. if a child tolerates milk and dairy products well, this will be an irreplaceable source of calcium, phospholipids, fat-soluble vitamins, and also essential amino acids, from which the child’s body will build its own proteins. as you can see, it is not necessary to turn a child’s diet into a super diet. overseas spirulina and berries, you just need to go to the market or store to buy natural products from which you will make a healthy, tasty, balanced meal.
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they are at the forefront of protecting state borders, today our republic celebrates border guard day, so on this festive occasion we are pleased to welcome to the studio of good ranitsa belarus, the head of the legal department of the state border committee of belarus, colonel andrei kuksov. good morning, andrei alexandrovich, good
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morning, good morning, of course we want.
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without a visa to enter our country, but this year alone more than 88,000 citizens of these three states have already taken advantage of it, but in general, so you understand, first, and this... then, maybe you know, there are some plans for renewal? well, maybe i’ll tell you it’s valid until december of this year, which will disappoint you a little, i’ll say this:
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the competence to extend this regime falls within the competence of the head of state, so of course, if the head of state supports such an initiative, then this this regime will be extended. well , as of today it is valid until december 31, so, well, such questions, as a rule, arise towards the end of this period, we will soon find out, yes, we will soon find out whether they will extend it or not, okay, but here’s something else i want to talk about, july is not mountains, very soon the slovenian bazaar will take place in vitebsk, so whether visa-free travel will be established for guests of this festival and in general under what conditions it will be possible to come to us, absolutely true, traditionally every year in july in vitebsk.
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they will let you through, you need to make sure that you enter, plus the receiving party also look at the rules of their entry, this is the first, second, well, this is the most common problem, when citizens look at their passports and just go. and then they are surprised to discover that their border guards they don’t let you through because the passport is not valid, well, it also often happens when all sorts of seals of government bodies are blurred, the photograph is the same, which is blurred, it is impossible to identify a person, that’s why i wish that on the eve of trips citizens prepare for them, look at their documents, all the necessary information on crossing the border is available on our website on the internet andrey aleksandrovi? remember some situations with which you, not specifically you, were approached by the committee in general, maybe there were some non-standard ones, you know, quite often people come to us with all sorts of requests, appeals, as a rule, they all relate to issues of crossing the state border, but if
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you remember the last one, you know, i really liked the situation when in the month of january at the checkpoint on the state border, it was frosty in the month of january. -18° and a bus with passengers was heading out, and the bus driver turned to the senior shift guard of the border guards, the bus broke down, people began to freeze and the senior...
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happy today's holiday, happy border guard day, so the camera is at your disposal, congratulate your colleagues, dear comrades, border guards, veterans of the border service, i sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday, happy border guard day, i wish you a peaceful sky above your head, good health to you and to your families, good luck, happy border guard day, andrey aleksan. once again, we congratulate all of your colleagues on this holiday and thank you for taking the time to come to our studio. let me remind you that in our studio there was head of the legal department of the state border committee of the republic of belarus, andrey kuksov. and this is how the second hour of our program turned out. we, tatyana matusevich and ekaterina antonova, are saying goodbye to you for a very short time, because after the news block we will return to this studio again. see you. i wish you peace, i wish you well, i wish everyone health with all my heart, and
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i don’t need much, i want my loved ones and all my relatives to be close, i wish you all to be healthy, and that the sun will laugh at you more easily than on madagascar to get water live so that they don’t know grief and... so that your children fight for you, the sun is shining brightly , the children are laughing, and we are hand in hand, walking next to you, and there is no need to talk, everything is clear, and i am pleased to tell you all, wished! so that you are all healthy, and that
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the sun shines brighter on you than on matagascar, that you live long enough, so that they know grief, and that your children make you happy, that you live long enough, so that they don’t know grief, and that your children made me happy.
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the tv news agency continues to provide information. broadcasting to the studio olga kalairova.


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