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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 3:25pm-4:39pm MSK

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that is, to sunlight, if sunlight hits these places, on the skin, where the juice appeared, then after some time, sometimes quickly, sometimes within a day , severe burns will appear, even blisters, so we take an antiallergic drug, we try to help ourselves, be sure to contact a doctor. the only invasive species is the sorcerer, with whom the specialists of the committee for the protection of natural resources operate, this region is disintegrating, the carnivore system is suppressing growth. other races and descendants agrarians well, these are the same species as the springing cities of pelargonium, arms, petunia and tanks. pautar million kvetak suleta budza ў bouketse stalіtsa. cucumber growers have already planted more than 250 thousand garden plants and several thousand bushes, but landscape designers are increasingly giving priority to water plants. there are at least 90 thousand of these plants near the jumpy central streets of the city. let's do it. an exhibition of boxes with
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hanging plants, awards for dividing strips, we have about 16,000 such boxes this year, so far at the moment, boxes have already been put up on the fence of pobediteley avenue and pretytskogo street, we are also planting and displaying more low-architectural forms with the same hanging plants, both along the road network and in parks and squares. themed flower beds, flowerpots, and flowerpots are springing up in the skin area of ​​the city. the flowers have sprouted and new vertical structures have appeared. the dark sky is holy in dziarzhynsk there was an exhibition of photography by master anatoly kazik. the artist’s works depict the jumping of belarusian landscapes. fatagrafue autar grodzen region, dze naradzіўsya i vakolіtsy dzyarzhynskaya dzeya zhiva sennya. the exposés expanded on the local centralized library system. it all started somewhere in childhood, when this word was just beginning. photo, i saw how
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photographs were taken, even with a kerosene lamp, the first photograph using a simple camera for an amateur, illumination, contact printing, it was very interesting to see all these lines appear on photographic paper, in general, this is such an infectious process, you can i can say that improvement has been going on all my life, anatole kazik, photo mostak amateur. in the professional work of vnu, you are free to add time to your work and add it to your well-deserved adapachynku. a bright start to the tourist season with national historical and cultural museums in the nyasvizh nature reserve, concerts of jazz, classical music, christian singers, festivals and open air.
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a new musical project “jazz” in the city of n. we are conducting this project together with the mikhail yakovlevich finberg orchestra. and two jazz evenings are also in the open format air takes place here in the central courtyard of the castle. another of our museum projects, which is also traditional, is the grand kermash. this is a project dedicated to the revival of fair traditions.
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the oldest dance cults of belarus, deserved are the amatar dance ensemble kryzhachok, sennya dats shtogadov solo concert stage of the belzhad philharmonic. already in the coming year the creative calendar will be holy.
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our essence, the concert is ready, completely, emotionally charged, everything is done, everything that is possible, i think we will work well, there are no worries, because everything was done by me.
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the hero does not look for easy ways, he challenges himself, overcomes doubts. and fears, the chosen ones are ready to conquer the world of the game, the time of testing has come.
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they believe in the impossible and are willing to do the incredible. adventure lovers are back in the game, they are ready to hunt for crystals. all our participants are real athletes and have been tested in more than one test, but what we have prepared for them is true to them. today, two new teams will take a step into the unknown, but will they be brave enough to get out? i don’t doubt my guys, because for there are no hopeless situations. sea robbers, masters of the seas and oceans, a crew of pirates!
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i love extreme sports, i really like it, my most cherished dream is to jump with a parachute and dive to valalgo, it’s very interesting , everyone should try it, i would like to become a rescuer, i don’t have any fears, i motivate myself by the fact that if i don’t if i can handle it, then maybe the team can’t handle it, then i have to help everyone win, i strive not to be afraid of anything, i would like to jump from a parachute. favorite hobby is running, play sports, draw, there is a spirit of competition in all competitions, it increases self-confidence, you understand that there are not weak people on the track with you, and you try to win, yes, i love risks, 13
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years old, my dad gave me my first motorcycle, i i have no fears, i'm absolutely not afraid of anything, i 'm into kickboxing, i like this sport because it teaches me my character... my dream was to become a firefighter, in this profession you can save people's lives, i'm the fastest on the team, my rivals should be afraid of me because they have no chance victory. my team is a single organism that works, it’s a chain, they support each other, they chose the strongest, the most agile, the fastest, the main thing is to communicate with the team as much as possible, maintain morale, say that they are the best and there is no better one here, about heroes of our future, heroes for today, they are all the guys who are here on the site, they already know that they got here, we came to win, only victories are all, nothing else interests us.
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here they are, the pirates, will go in search of crystals today, hello guys, how are you? things are going well, we are determined to win, right? yes, super, great, the chains of these formidable warriors have passed for more than a thousand years, but there are still legends about them! meet my vikings team!
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"mám rád výšky a mám rád adrenalín, mojím snom je byť hasičom pomáhať ľuďom zachraňovať životy, so ako mne už neraz zachránili život v mojom detstve, so chcel by som keby im to och platiť, že moji rodičia ma už od malička v tom vychovávali , aby som pomáhal ľuďom, požiarničky, šport ako hasiči majú k tomu..." ešte viac dotiahli, som dvojnásobná majsterka, teda na slovensku na výstup teda hasičskú vežu cez 100 m cez prekážky aj majsterka slovenska v 60, keď väčšinou sú tak v núdzi, tak väčšinou im vždy pomôžem, ale aj cudz ím aj blízkym, preto chodím na pedagogicku, však sa dostať čo najďalej a vyhrať ju, ak by sa to dalo. so
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that's it ým chudobným ľuďom a tam kupnúť, ak tam žijú silné stránky, tak ja si myslím, že rýchlosť, celkom sila, mršnosť. určite mne slovo hrdina znamená hasič, lebo hasič je určite ten najväčší hrdina, ohľade záchranárstva, či aj po lekárskej stránke, povodne, oheň, sila, vytrvalosť, psychika na urč, ite ich namnadiť s tou psychikou, aby sa nebáli ničoho, aby si to prišli užiť.
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what important people are coming, nazdar, hello, oh, hello, hello, hello, hello, lords of the seas of the oceans. my vikings, clap even louder, come on, hey! teams, today you will go to conquer new worlds, they are waiting for you dangerous adventures, exciting chases and grandiose battles. today you are at the first level of the game, in order to win it, you need to pass four elemental tests, these are water, air, earth and fire. crystals collected throughout all stages of the game will help you defeat your opponent.
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we will find out who will take the main crystal at the tower. the ability to calculate the battle in advance will be useful to you in the first test, the element of water. this will not be just a fight, but a headhunt, sharp, intense, merciless. vikings and pirates. your native element, who will defeat whom? today? the nature of the water is not predictable; it will turn calm in seconds. a storm, a test, the element of water, in this test the opponents need to: walk on suspended platforms over the sand, stay on the monkey bars,
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fly on a rope over a wall of rain , jump on a net, and lower. along it, without plunging into the water, then climb the web to the downhill on the trolley , ride it down and exactly land on the island, having accelerated, fly up onto the frame and pick up the victory crystal from the totem, don’t get your feet wet, the belarusian pirate jim is ready to conquer the element of water, although in my opinion pirates with water are at a loss... medalist of the republic of belarus in fire and rescue sports and kickboxing, that is, the battle will be the most powerful. it seems to me that fighting the vikings in general is not an easy task, especially with thor, the patron of thunder and lightning. come on, thor! create a real storm here, go, go!
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andrej, ja som si vybral preto na túto disciplínu, lebo je jeho výška, rýchlosť mŕšnosť je podľa mňa superná, presne na túto disciplínu, siel som, že bojí sa vody, ale tento blázon vie tak dobre plávať, že... on to preletí tú vodu nespadne do nej, the first one to start is of course always exciting, the main thing is not to make a mistake, tim, well done, how slowly they started this test, good, super, guys, i remind you of the opponent here, thank you, thank you for clarifying,
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crystal all the crystals, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, you need to... calm down a little, thor, come on, come on, i understand, listen, i almost slipped, hush, hush, hush, both here and there, ah, be careful, be careful, hold on, that's what, grab the net.
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you need to get your bearings here first and faster than your opponents, don’t be afraid, with your hands, with your hands, fight, core, come on, extremely focused, give us strength, now we’ll go down the trolley on a weight, come on , come on, come on, that’s it, fight, stronger, come on, calmly, don’t jump , don’t jump, we have every chance, of course nothing can stop him, the main thing is to land exactly on the target, now, okay, that’s it, come on faster, bring it up, please, i remind you, the opponent is still nearby, well done, get there,
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get there, thor, thor, thor, i believe in you , hurry up, let's ramp and crystal, ramp and crystal, come on! he would have had more strength to climb, you know, now he understands that he hasn’t brought everything to the crystal team, to climb the frame, to overcome himself to some extent, this is much more important,
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come on, come on andrey, he’s already tired, he started to catch up with ours, that's why. there are so many cool, exciting challenges ahead, well, vikings, let's get together, look, your thor hurt his hand, look what's wrong with noah, something else with his leg, let's hope that he can continue our game, thor is very- very hesitant to approach specialists, because that he is still afraid of letting the team down, it seems to me, and secondly, with injuries it is...
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it is not yet clear what will happen to his fate in our game, but i still hope for the best, that he will be able to continue the test , the coach of the vikings team will be right now. tora, what should we do? everything is possible here, you need to be prepared for anything, but it’s still a game, it goes on, well, well done, congratulations, well done, well done, well done, calmly passed, what are you already mate?
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leg and i couldn’t unwind it for a long time when the pear swayed, i didn’t expect it to be so sharp, i didn’t have such a moment that i thought that i would lose to him, i just told myself that i could do it and no eh, na poslednej prekážke eh som sa šmykol kvôli mokrým topánkám, neustal som to spálil som si kožu na ruke aj na kolene, netreba dávať dole hlavu, treba ísť tým ďalej, andrej je silný chlapec, určite sa nevzdáva, nie je to ž také eh zranenie vážne natoľko, aby nemohol pokračovať , neprestali sme bojovať, ideme stále za víťazstvom, máme len prvú disciplinu za sebou, máme...
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we will introduce you to people who have found their calling.
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improving our technologies, well, we must, we simply must keep up with the times. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. they were born in different parts of the world. i came to belarus from siri, i came here to study. i came from kazakhstan, the city of almaat, a very beautiful and mountainous area. i had no one left there, everyone had gone elsewhere. and everyone found something for themselves here. i have these masks in several shows. participated who. we first organized here in our village, then i also organized the opening of such a creative space in the city of lida, i also had a fashion
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show there, masser, with each hero. the surface of the water is fraught with danger. viking thor hanged. jim from the pirates was able to conquer the crystal. her guys are pirates.
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well done, listen, but this is just the beginning, i hope you understand all this, you are determined to win, well, let’s somehow energetically set yourself up for victory, yes, it was just a warm-up, it seems to me, but most importantly, that thor still remains in the game, so dear vikings, show yourself, i believe you, you are strong, you are powerful, in fact. the first test is over, the next one is even more dangerous, only the one who overcomes all obstacles and completes all levels of the game will win the main prize, a grant for the development of sports in the winner’s country from the creator of the game, the presidential sports club, and the winners will also receive incredibly powerful tablets for new exciting battles keep.
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you will need balance in the next challenge: the elements of air. meeting her will easily turn your head, but you won't like it. you will defy gravity no matter what happens. stay on top. don't fall into the abyss, even if you have to cling to the air. i activate the second test, chosen against the element of air. in this test , the participant must maintain balance on levitating steps and deftly pass the yakar in time to grab a bonus crystal hanging over the abyss, then step on the air washers and walk along them to the finishing platform
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to take it. the main crystal of the easy path, bonnie from the pirates team will take off, she medalist of the republic of belarus in fire and rescue sports, so fly, fly, fly, boni, because only those who are confident in themselves, think like a winner, will be able to overcome any obstacles, the air stage, it is very difficult, we consulted with the team for a long time. decided to choose lera, she said that she is fearless, but i would like to check her fears, is it really what she wrote, fear of heights, i see what is present in her, she must enter into her fear and overcome it.
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here, in fact, we had a little bit of an interpreted convergence with steps, it was just a swing, we saw it with you, but - everything worked out, that’s it, we don’t have a bonus crystal, well, okay, god bless him, go, go, don’t be afraid, the main thing is to reach the end so that at least one crystal appeared in our team's collection, listen, how scared she was, don't worry, let's go... confidently, come on, come on, come on, boni, boni, boni, boni, boni, where is your clay, well, we can get you rename it in general, but to be honest, now there’s no time for that, now there’s no time to search for the line, because the chase has dealt with the aerial ladder, that’s it, shake your hands,
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shake your hands, monkey bars, they are so unpredictable, you need to jump, this is difficult for girls, but the main thing is don’t stop, come on, come on, come on, oh-oh-oh, look how it swings, and your hands can get clogged. that's it now, good girl, bonnie, come on, come on, hold on tight, listen, what a great guy, really, that's it, come on, come on , a little more, a little more, come on, come on, come on, come on, she forgot, what a beauty, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, can you imagine, caramba, she didn’t expect it, look how her hands began to beat, literally a little bit was not enough, two monkey bars in order to move on to the air washers. okay, it’s okay, it’s okay, if she had had a second attempt, yes, then i ’m sure she would have passed this test, she might even have brought a bonus crystal to the end,
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well done, she made it through, yes, when your hands are still sweating, my hands keep slipping, maybe i could have reached the end, but... here you are standing in front of the monkey bars, my legs are shaking, exhale, well done, well done, don’t get upset, don’t get upset, okay, everything ’s fine, i know , we have boys, that's why you are being rehabilitated, what are you going through, that’s it, well done, well done, but you see, i overcame my fear, it turns out that it’s not as high as it seems, well, that’s it, well done, before this stage i was a little afraid of heights , i overcame my fear when i stood on this platform,
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my legs just started to shake, my knees themselves seemed to go down, my hands began to pound, they started to go down, and because of this i fell, at that moment... i was falling, i started to feel very shaky heart, i understood that that was it, there might be some disappointment, because i didn’t bring it to the team crystal, nothing could be done. every person must remember where he comes from, if you remember that you are a russian, a belarusian, that this is your homeland, before looking towards distant shores, look
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at what can be done here, today there is only one truly united civilization, it is called the western world, where this britain is located, which does everything so that other civilizations can never unite, tourism is one of... the most important factors, including patriotic education, in all their conceptual documents, including the newly adopted british ones , it is said that by the thirtieth year the russian federation will be neutralized if you simply spend your vacation once a year in at least one region of the russian federation, we have 89 of them , and if we add six belarusian regions to them, it will take him 95 years, each person can form his own impression of russia about belarus. what a wonderful country we have, what a wonderful culture and nature we have. project tell do not be silent. don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. einar dreams of becoming as super fast as spider-man.
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well, the first step is the most difficult, as it seems to me, because the most ambiguous, it goes down 30 cm and already knocks the participant out of the water, out of his mind, out of his mind, out of his mind, out of his mind, i believe that anar can handle it. good stand, klidek, klidek, a minute
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has passed, so the bonus crystal, that’s it, oh, i almost did the splits just now, participant, this is an element of the show, no, to be honest, this is not planned, but it’s very good, a kind of transition from one step to another, in fact, the main thing here is not so much the time it takes, but the fact that he passed this section with aerial stairs, then the monkey bars, is important. success is very important, go to the end, reach the finish line of this test, come on, come on, come on, well, this segment is not easier, it’s very difficult for him now, but in my opinion he’s getting through it, it can’t be any other way, well done, inar , did you want to learn
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to fly? please, there are all possibilities for you, fly over, here are all the air pucks, which you see, for some reason einor stayed until the second shabby, i don’t understand what the problem is, he’s afraid to jump over, what happened, it seems to me that his hands were shaking, that’s why he was tired. kind, but mazu, kind, during the monkey bars, i got tired, now i need to heroically get to the finish line. it will be an act if he reaches the end, come on, let’s take the last step, literally, and he’s so good, well done, he wasn’t in a hurry, but he took
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the treasured crystal that he wanted, a real hero, oh, what a delight, how he smiles, he’s still does not believe that he has reached the end, he didn’t expect that it would be so difficult, it means the guy is strong, i’ll get through it with a snap of my fingers, but it didn’t work out that way, i’d like to say, it didn’t work out that way, vikings have such strong teeth, and in general they’re tough nuts, i’ll tell you,
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a tretia disciplína, som nevedel na to prísť, že ako sa otočiť na tom ohne, vždy ma točilo doprava, najhorší moment bolo, keď som sa nohami nevedel dostať na poslednú platformu, som sa nem musel vytiahnuť z posledných s íl rukami, ale dal som to, nezdávam sa, to emócie boli veľmi dobré, asi najlepšie, čo som zažil, ešte som také na takom niečom ešte nebol.
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there is no more risk for the soul, the main thing is to build the right route, everything will work out, every step can change the course of the game, what it will be depends only on you, i activate the test, the element of earth. this is an underground quest. the player
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must reach the main crystal within 4 minutes and pick it up. to do this, you need to get into the aerodynamic corridor, pass a key through the pipeline and open the vendshaft with it. make your way through it, calling it marshy sands, and end up at the storage facility. to open into it door, don't miss clues with numbers along the way. their sum is the code for the lock. by entering it, you can.
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we consulted with the team about who to send to this rather difficult area, we decided to send gleb there because he is dexterous, fast, has a mathematical mind , my team and i are waiting for him here with two crystals and hoping for victory, i call you a cat, well, you told me... hints, i did the calculations and told you the answer, alera time, time, okay, then i ’ll ask as soon as i climb, when it’s good, i’ll tell you.
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where is that on the left side sixth oh third column third column - this is where i am now yes on this side no even further on this side count the third and on the third i would say right away i said i also see 864 864 did you hear yes yes 864?
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not at the end, why? well, almost there, look , you have 2 minutes 40 seconds left, that’s it, i ’m trying to open this lock, uh-huh, i can’t figure out how to open it, take it off here, that ’s it, look, here on this side, 716, and which one, what is the first digit? 716, 716 here, and you collected, 654, you collected, yes, which ones, what? say again the number 864 864 716 stop 864 and 716 yes 1.500 then 654 count
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again - 716 716 716 well 864 and that means 1.580 yes plus 654 2.100 count it yourself ' yes 1.580 you have a minute left less than a minute thousand again what is this number was 1.580 1.580 it turns out 2 200 2200 34 wrong well what else let's do it again 4 2234.
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no, count the cat, that's okay, so he hooked, hooked, it's not us anymore, he would have had time, you still had 20 seconds of time , you could have been more careful, we told you, readers, it’s fine.
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in the end it’s difficult that there are three lasers almost in a row there, okay, basically it’s my mistake, okay, let’s see how slovakia is looking for it, there are also readers there, so don’t be upset, everything is fine, everything is fine, hurry up, everything will pass , don't worry, we still have it. which we should follow, okay? yes, we don’t worry, the tower will decide everything, it doesn’t matter, that’s it, everyone is great, don’t be upset, i behaved selfishly, and because of this i think that i let my team down, then the only thing in my head was that time was running out , i thought that i i'll have to make the last lift myself, because of this i didn't listen to my command, i just decided to speed up, and it drove me into... made me lose, i now feel guilty, i plan to make up for it by listening to the command more and i will
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listen to myself less. valhalo is already at a low start, in the command post of einara thor, they will help her find the way to take the treasured crystals. well, let's see how the vikings cope with this test. je to, lebo fact je húževnatá, silová, rozumie rozkazom, nakoľko som jej tréner, tak som mu there , ideme,
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držte sa, chalani, čau, dobre, vanes, ešte raz všetko v poriadku, aha, keď teraz ešte môžeš si pretri špičky, aby sa ti nešmykalo, ty máš rukavice, si tu so mnou. poď, poď, kľudne, poď, chyť lano a zapri špičky a ťahaj hore, poď, poď, poď, paráda, poď, poď, poď, si von, poď, kľudne, dobre
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ešte. "poťahaj, kľudne, kľudne, tam niekde po ľavej strane by si mala mať prvý kód, ľavej, áno, z tvojej strany po ľavej strane, haló, ťažte, počujeme ťa, poď, ťahaj, ešte, ešte, ešte ťahaj, približne v strede by mal byť, iže približne v strede by mal byť na ľavej strane . máš 2.50, poď, dávaj, dávaj, dávaj, toto dáš, opri sa nohami,
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poriadne, tak, paráda, poď, lez, lez. lez, lez, lez, lez, tak, dávaj, tam máš hore po pravej ruke, po pravej ruke máš lano, čo si ho dopneš, áno, poď dole, poď dole, kody budeš mať dať v piesku, hľadaj, kde je kód, hľadaj, hľadaj kód, však, ale povedzte mi, kde, kde je kód, eh, však tam vidíš, to je keby ampulku, no však ty rozprávaj, už mám, máš jeden, sedem, deeväť, eh, potom druhutch, by mala mať ako ideš smerom ku ku ku ku ku ku kde to hovor že máš naspäť skús sa vrátiť choď naspäť choď naspäť do tej to tej postav sa choď naspäť do a ako si šla ako si prišla do tej počkaj no zerán ti to zabudol
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povedať 994. "hej, kde, tú tretiu, tú tretiu máš niekde tiež na zemi sa mi zdá, máš naspäť, choď naspäť, asi vnúkam v tej šachte, pôjdeš tam, tam niekde by mal byť, eh, ke ď vylezieš, so niekde tam by mal byť kód, nevidím ho, máš 50 sekúnd, neviem kde je pr, neviem, te však hovorte, však nevidíte , nevidím, neviem presne, kde si, nie je tam niekde, všakte, nie, nie je, tak, veď pozeraj, ja neviem, kde to je presné, máš 30 sekúnd, kde, hovor ti, davajte, zi dole, zemdi dole a cho, choď niekde ku dverám asi, neviem, je tam niekde, nie, máš päť, ale to
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ktorým dverám, aha, však tu je kód, tu je kód. "nevadí, nevadí, neskoro, v pohode, nevadí,
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nevadí, deti moje, ťažké to, ťažké to bolo, bolo ťažké, sme nevedeli prísť na tú mapu, ja som je v poradiu, čo som vedel a tam toto sme deli, andrej vravil, že bolo v strede šachty, ako vidí po ľavej strane, so to aj bolo, ale bolo, iba trebalo, trebalo, lepšie vysvetliť, alebo fakt." povedať, že stojí, no nevadí, stalo sa, ideme, ideme ďalej, uhm, hlavu hore, poďme na ďalšiu disciplínu, no som nahnevaná smutná, že proste som to nestihla, aj keď si myslím, že by som to proste stihla, na začiatku som hneď mala problém s tým, že sa mi vlastne noha zasekla, potom sme sa s chalanmi trošku nepochopili, tam ako som ťahala ten kľúč, tak t am bolo ten jeden kód a vlastne nevšimla som si... a proste som pokračovala ďalej, potom už som zmätkovala, musela som sa aj niekoľkokrát vraciať aj hore a potom som spadla, tak síce možno podľa mňa by som to dala, ale nejak to
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nev no matter what , však sme tym a pokazili sme to všetci a takže. cool, the strongest, the best, wow, vikings forward, your az will now flare up with renewed vigor, the time has come to fight the element of fire, the viking clan is eager to fight,
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sea robbers are unstoppable, give fire, show what you are capable of, fire flares up instantly, only... by acting together, you can to overcome it, i activate the fourth test, the element of fire. the first players of the fire relay passing through the rock garden pass the hammer to the second players by diving into a glass cube. they take the vent out of it. the second players, having cut through the wall with a hammer, must dig out the entrance to the mousetrap, stretch a fire hose through it, fill the target with water so that third players can
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take the crystal out of the flask, and then climb the mast to secure it at the top. whoever goes down first and takes the main crystal from the totem will bring victory to the team. what a great guy, and jack was determined to win from the very beginning, he will do everything possible,
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everything that depends on him, let's see, i believe, your team believes in you, well, i hope the audience will support you too, the pirates team trusts the girl, boni finish this relay, i hope the choice was made correctly. but thor will compete for victory against the vikings, i’m sure he can bring it. we will watch the battle between the guy and the girl in the finale, this makes it even more interesting. for now chlosť, hlavne. je v kľude, nikde
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sa neponáhľať, všetko má svoj čas a keď to má prísť, tak príde a, at the first stage i have timur, for him any weight is on his shoulder, he is in fire into water, at the second stage i have gleb, it is elastic, this is its appearance, at the third stage i have lera, she will climb my pole, she climbs trees like a monkey, she was born in the forest. therefore, i believe in my team, i just hope for the best, they will cope with these stages. well, jim, start the relay race so that in a minute bonnie is standing with a crystal in her hands. valhala was very successful, it could have gone faster. yes, volgala, well done, you
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did it, did you hear? great, jack has already started cutting your way into the tunnel, great, i think we even found a vent. so, don't rush things.
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speed up, come on, come on, quickly, the main thing is that there are no hitches, now you need to quickly untangle the ropes and move on, oh-oh-oh, how can this be, come on, come on, come on, come on, ropes, ropes, ropes, great, everything is super, by the way, the fire hose is 25 m, and the distance is only 15 m, so you need to straighten this hose so that there is a flow. was smooth, you need to hit the target, exactly, exactly the target so that the water level in the flask quickly accumulates, well, crystal rises and most likely, as i said, yes, boni, now he will be with a crystal in his hands, number.
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clans, ay-ay-ay-ay-ay, sent it now at this stage, well done, listen, it’s going fast, but it’s not so easy, it’s so easy to fall down, crawl, crawl, crawl, barely, come on, come on, i see enar sadly looking at this target, in my opinion, we already have victory in our pocket.
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come on, carefully, carefully, it’s hard, but if, if they were on par, it’s not a fact that she would be ahead of her opponent, it’s a hitch with the net, it’s very bad affected the result of my team, it seems to me. come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, there's everything. “einar is simply shocked, he didn’t expect everything to be like this, it seemed to me that the members of your team did not fully understand how to operate the fire hose, the problem here is not the fire hose, but the fact that they did not raise it so quickly sieve, in my opinion, the members of your team did not
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realize that you can lift the door into the tunnel, you just lift it, dig it out and crawl further, everything happened there in a flash, in fact, it’s probably still the tower can change, here in the world, i agree with you , the tower will really decide everything, well done, thank you, what a great guy, come on, come on, come on , what are you doing, come on, well done, thank you, what you did, well done,
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i i was very worried about my partners, if we couldn’t do this stage without one participant, i grabbed the diamond and started climbing the log, started pushing with my arms, pulling myself up and doing small jumps, my legs were already falling off, i almost fell there, i didn’t i was the only one on this team, i feel like i gave everything away... akože som sklamaný zo seba, že to šlo tak pomaly, a tak sa stalo? vanesa v pohode, všetko sa stalo, len jak ja som rozbil tú stenu, aj vanesa
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ťahala dohora, ja som ťahol zospodu, medzi drevami bolo kamienky nešlo to potiahnuť dohora, there sme sa strašne zdržali a skoro sme ich dobeh li, ale to už bolo neskoro, som celkom sklamaný, že...
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in this challenge, all the crystals you earn can affect the result of today's game. rough vikings against fearless pirates. which one of you will be closer to the main crystal? yusta, teams ready. just because the peak is close does not mean it is easy to conquer. the final test. tower. this is a decisive test, selected participants will start from different heights, climb a vertical wall with secret
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hooks to a glass tunnel, using all their strength to climb to the top of the tower, the most enduring and fastest will take the main crystal, with it... victory from the opponent, the vikings will begin conquer the tower from a height of one step, the pirates will climb three, but which of them will reach the top? i think it’s become one and the same, that’s very true.
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the first test didn’t work out, but now it’s your turn to take the main crystal, come on, you have all the possibilities for this, thor, come on, woo-hoo, išiel získať jeden kryštal pre seba, so ja mu verím a dúfam, že to dosiahne v tomto jeho druhom pokuse, the final stage, the whole game will be decided, at this stage i have timur, this is his challenge, since he is a parkourist, so i am confident in him, but the excitement is still present because of my team, so we hope to keep our fingers crossed for him. oh, stand like that, of course,
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come on, come on, jerk, it’s supposed to happen first, come on, come on, come on, come on, carefully, it’s time to turn around to face us, he didn’t trip. legs, legs, legs, get up, quickly, quickly, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, this, this, what a speed, i almost lost it, what a speed, well, no,
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