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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 10:00pm-10:55pm MSK

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and training of foot crews takes place on the parade ground of the minsk military commandant’s office. karina poshkova has all the details. the eve of the main date in the history of modern belarus, independence day. the country plunged into preparations for the holiday. in the year of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of our country from the nazi invaders, the event will be held on a particularly large scale. about 500 military personnel will take part in the parade, about 250.
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the honor of opening the parade is traditionally entrusted to the cadets of the minsk suvorov military school. participation in the minsk parade on july 3 the honor of the independence day of belarus, together with our military, will be received by military personnel from russia, kazakhstan and azerbaijan. today we have 26
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crews, the number of parade crews will increase taking into account the arrival of a foreign contingent. to date , confirmation has already been given from the russian federation, from the republic of kazakhstan, the republic of azerbaijan, we are expecting confirmation in the coming days from at least four more countries, well, at the exit he will take part in the foot parade crews from 5. the main thing, probably, is the difference is that everything will happen. with our company of honorary corolla, we are also preparing certain surprises, the relay of the procession, the foot crews will be handed over to military equipment, the training of the mechanized column is taking place at the lipki airfield. this year, for the first time , the iskander operational-tactical complex will be presented at the parade. belarusians will also be able to see combat vehicles, artillery, missile systems, air defense weapons and promising developments of the domestic military-industrial complex. i am participating in the parade for the seventh time, this is an honorable mission. it was for us
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represent a special purpose police detachment in a military parade dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of liberation from the german fascist invaders. we started training in our, let’s say, territorial units back in march, then we came here in may, and since may 16, we have been conducting garrison training at the military commandant’s office. combat aircraft and helicopters will fly in the skies over minsk, and the bright finale of the parade will be the performance of an honor guard company from the patriots of belarus organized republican tournament time first. work teams of large enterprises in the country plunged into everyday life for several days.
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here, here, here, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, share your impressions, super, absolutely incredible emotions, well, you're not even out of breath, it seems to me that it was so easy for you to overcome this obstacle course, have you done sports before, tell me, but the girls, they don’t drag the team down, no, of course, the girls are generally great, they just try, i did everything, well, tell me, it’s difficult for a girl to cope with such a strong load, it’s hard, of course, much harder, it’s needed, come on, come on, come on, i can’t
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imagine, it must be such a strength to do this in life. working out your skills in practice is not an easy task, but only this will allow you to become a professional. the unique laboratory bases of the emercom training ground contain a lot of interesting things. this is an airplane emergency simulator. on the basis of the training ground of the branch of the university of civil defense of the ministry of emergency situations for more than 20 years. there is an international rescue training center, just last year here trained over 5,000 specialists, about 300 of them foreigners from nine countries. now we are in a multifunctional educational and training complex, which allows us to develop skills among specialists
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in various fields. first of all, these are the crews of aircraft of the republic of belarus, uzbekistan, and non-cis countries, who are trained in... at our institute, don’t worry, the smoke is safe, it’s glycerin with water, but at most of the sites at our training ground real fire, real smoke are used and complete immersion in educational processes. anticipate difficult situations and act correctly when necessary. this is something that the country's biggest brands need to learn. here at the training ground near borisov, all conditions have been created, we are in fire and water through copper pipes, and it is true that they say that the profession of a rescuer is dangerously difficult. the participants
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of the republican tournament passed the heat-smoke chamber test, learned what industrial mountaineering is and evacuated the victims, including rescuing drowning people. we see with you, it means rubber the circles that are on the water are in the form of a person who is asking for help, our task is to throw him a life preserver so that he can get hooked, and we, in turn, with the help of a rope, can deliver him directly here to land, how are you doing? yours, tell me, hello? it’s great that the most important thing in this test is what the water pressure was, what it should be, probably more than now, we came to win and we will leave here with a victory, but what’s more important is not to become a leader, but to consolidate
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theory with practice, the most valuable thing that will remain with the tournament participants, the time of the first is knowledge, and they may one day help save someone’s life, the idea of ​​this? the project arose , of course, from working with young people, from our project’s challenge, we wanted to open up people a little in some extreme situations, people then go to their teams, go to families with friends, they will certainly share their new impressions, and this is our maximum coverage, i think we will continue in the same spirit, time of the first, and how said our president, time has chosen us. patriots. belarus is already organizing new starts. it is planned that such competitions in our country will be held once a quarter. katerina strikha, roman filyutich, telenews agency. equal opportunities and unlimited creativity. the gala concert of the first
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republican festival time of the strong was held in minsk. the stellar finale brought together more than 70 inclusive groups of solo performers from all over the country. vocals, sign song, choreography, songs by soviet composers, this is out of six works, you can hear it all today, it will be a four-voice work, qualifying rounds took place all over the country, more than 400 talented people with disabilities took part in them, it is very important that these were a variety of people,
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these are also visitors to our social centers services to the population, these are also employees of the enterprise of public associations of the disabled, their physical abilities are meaningless, their souls are disturbed. so , probably, for the participants of our festival, this love of creativity, it is their inspires shows that nothing is impossible, the brightest numbers of regional ones... sports news and weather forecast are ahead, right now the broadcast will continue with ksinia lebedeva’s program, that’s different. stay with us, it will be very interesting.
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imagine that all the countries of the world suddenly stopped cooperating through interpol, the agreement on the extradition of criminals was burned, like other bridges of interaction between the law enforcement systems of countries, as a result of a murderer. rapists, pedophiles and drug dealers become tourists: here killed, robbed there in another country. they imagined it as the absence of filters in the water supply system, that is, the water will not be purified from insoluble particles, impurities, chlorine, as well as viruses, bacteria and heavy metals, all of which will poison a previously healthy body. in fact, now the same thing is happening between the countries of the european union and belarus, in particular. with lithuania, but this is probably different, you need to understand, i’m with you, ksenia lebedeva, hello, by the way, we
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are returning their criminals to the eu countries according to requests and more, so they prefer to pretend that those who broke the law in belarus are not on their territory, they instantly forget about the international one... one of them raped a minor as part of a group of people like him and was
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noticed attempted a second rape, but did not have time to detain. before he was put on the wanted list, he fled to belarus, but actually, this did not help him much; our law enforcement officers worked efficiently, detained him and returned him to lithuanian jurisdiction. the second case is a fight, serious bodily injury. without waiting court decision, two lithuanians are crossing illegally. when you climb onto the fence in order to get through well, they climbed there and then disappeared when
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they were detained by belarusian border guards right away, well, actually, the story of these unfortunate lithuanians, they just wanted to hide here, then they wanted to go to moscow to work there, but why did they want to hide? and from the justice, we got into a fight a little bit, they wrote everything in the application, there’s a big minus there for me there, i just can’t live there normally, there’s a lot of problems, they don’t know, i can’t live there, why can’t they, they planted, they planted, there is always, yes, i want to plant again, but i don’t want to.
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but here everything is different. the two are believed to have reached a conclusion by looking at their country's system. lithuania does not filter those who come from belarus, at least it used to be so. accepted. everyone, drug addicts, and prostitutes, and pedophiles, and extremists with terrorists, everyone who is not suitable, especially if they are dissatisfied with the policies of the belarusian state, but we, too , could accept these guys as political, they say lithuania is strangling with its regime, the current dictator is engaged in genocide of his own population, depriving them of normal
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living conditions. you say that you wanted moscow for work, yeah. and for what reason, is there really no work in lithuania? there are jobs in lithuania, but it is not profitable to work there, why? well , the salaries there are small, well, since everything is expensive, the prices are expensive, it was only enough to pay for food, everything for the apartment, everything, there was no money left for anything else, there are a lot of ukrainians now, a lot, all the work.
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foreign police colleagues see that no matter what, no matter what political situation, belarusian law enforcement officers are working, continue to work, perform all their functions within the framework of the organization in which we are members of interpol, if we talk about the interaction between lithuania, latvia and poland, then today some of them, let’s say, responds to locations for the detention of our wanted persons, but here it is necessary... to point out that the police department is not responsible for the extradition of detained persons, this is dealt with by the courts, or the ministry of justice, or the prosecutor's office, therefore in this is not within the competence of the police authorities, however, the polish police are currently very efficiently
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handling all requests received from our country, for which we are very grateful to them. the decision entirely depends on these bodies, not on the police. the police perform their function of establishing the whereabouts of the wanted person and detaining him, then they enter uh.
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something that not everyone understands is the importance of this police interaction, because crime has no borders, unfortunately, sometimes these borders are an obstacle to justice for us, we know that criminals come to us, and we see that when crossing we receive an alert, a notification that your wanted person has been checked. we have three to five people like this a day and they don’t detain a single one, that is, they travel freely back and forth, that is, their criminals move around, okay, what
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crimes do these people commit to a greater extent? and these are completely different, this could be a bribe, that is, we announce criminals of those who, no matter what , have committed a crime, with the exception of military, religious, racial and...
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work and make belarus safer, european police filters actually do not work, but this is probably different. and yaksenia lebezeva was with you, see you in the next program.
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in the next few minutes we will only talk about sports. hello. let's start with tennis. rina sovalenko started the second season of majeri rolangaros with a sovereign victory. in the first round, the second racket of the world left no chance for reka andreeva 6:1 62. 1 hour and 9 minutes the fight continued. victoria azarenka also went through her opponent like a skating rink. at the same stage of rlango's growth, nadya podorzska from argentina could not oppose anything to the belarusian. the capital, in the fourth match of the semi-final series of the belarusian mini-football championship, beat vitn again today in minsk, this time 3:1, made the series score also 3:1 and advanced to the final, where the current champions will compete for the gold of the tournament with gomel vrz. kozil, lavor, yakubov and sinitsky scored today. the bright closing of the season is already becoming a tradition. hockey
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dynamo junivers school, a new brand. teams are added every year, as schools improve in their development and competitions become competitive every year, but many more schools need to take an example from the dynamo school, because the development of hockey in a global sense is a strong vertical and the preparation of a reserve, a very good season , there were many victories, many defeats, but this season is very good, thanks to the dynamo school, it’s not in vain
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that the best school in belarus, good coaches, good, the best conditions, everyone is equal to dynamo minsk, everyone wants to become the best and prove that the dynamo school, during the ceremony the best teams received well-deserved awards, coaches, dynamo junior players, the breakthrough of the year award was taken by the striker of the belarusian youth team,
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77:51 we started a little slow, but in the end the result shows its worth, i think this is a confident victory, and we deserved the final, we started coldly, so we ran a little, felt the game, after all , we don’t often play with this lineup, back in the belarusian championship we were rivals, but already in the same team , that's why it was a difficult start, but in the end we played together, remembered some of our achievements and showed our game. the match for third place and the final awaits you live tomorrow. broadcast on belarus 5, the broadcast of the games will begin at 14:55. daria chupris brought our country another olympic license. today belarus competed for medals at the european championships in three -position rifle shooting. according to the regulations, tickets to paris should have been given to the two best participants in this exercise, who did not have licenses based on the results of previous competitions. in in the final, chupris took sixth place, but because the countries whose athletes were ahead.
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famous brazilians cafu, ronaldinho and adriana took to the marcana football field last sunday to play in an exhibition charity match. the main idea of ​​the match is to raise funds for flood victims in rio grande desul. at the end of april, the south of the country was hit by severe anomalous downpours. the flooding was the worst in brazil in 80 years. and as a result. to date, more than 100 people have already died. brazilians are very active and useful when it comes to helping other people, and today it is rio grande dusul that needs this help, with the help of football you can achieve this goal, help people. because
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football has enormous power. i think we need to do more so that we can truly rebuild the city that was basically destroyed by the flood. but it turned out to be a stadium. almost completely filled out, we received a lot of emotions, because there were really a lot of goals scored in this meeting, and the teams were led, by the way, by the current head coach of the national team drival junior and ex-team coach mano menezes. that's all i have for now: love sports, work hard, win, see you on friday.
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it’s clear to god, the snow has fallen from the damp earth, the hell has fallen...
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and the winter has disappeared like smoke, the meadow is greener, crally, like hell our native land has felt pain, in the belarusian union of artists there are so many projects, so many exhibition activities that it is impossible not to discuss, it is definitely present with us. figures and youth, in this dialogue masterpieces are born, the red coast will be a museum dedicated to the children of war, but there are even people who say that we don’t need money, maybe we can just work as volunteers, if our russian school is more narrative in graphics, then yours
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is very figurative, each artist has his own role, a person who is a skilled graphic designer , but he can’t draw something with his hand, you wouldn’t call him an artist, an artist, he also looks at it all with wide eyes, all the ideas that are born, i think this is done by time... and life, you already have a chinese scope. hello, are you watching the program say not? be quiet, victoria popova and tatyana are in the studio. and today our guest is the chairman of the belarusian union of artists, gleb otchik. good afternoon, gleb anatolyevich, we are glad to see you, we recently saw each other about six months ago, but the belarusian union of artists has so many projects, so many exhibition activities that it is impossible not to discuss it.
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then we begin to read small images, yes , that is, we read destinies, grief or
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tragedy, that is, well, that is, every work , yes, that is, it has a long and you can even talk about one work for 45 minutes, that is study it, find new things, and in general the work is so created, if you spend a long time reading it, if you have work at home, that is, some kind of work, you will look at it differently all the time, for this work you can determine the era, you look at the clothes that...
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in various concentration camps, this is dusseldor, this is
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metelbao dora, this is buchenwald, at the end of april 1945 he was released, well, it’s just a happy accident, he returned from those places , from where millions did not return, he should have been in the camp die more than once, but he had a happy fate, a difficult fate, and his own destiny, which he had to fulfill.
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all works of artists participating in the project will be donated to the memorial museum, actually in the azarichi complex. in your opinion, are young artists capable of experiencing the theme of war on the same level as the classics? right now we are setting up this experiment together with the ministry of culture, because just
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yesterday i arrived from azarich, where we are hosting an international plein air, republican, or rather plein air painting, where only the academy of arts and the youth academy are present. section of the union of artists, and i was lucky enough to participate in the implementation of this museum in azararichi, when our, well , students looked at this admiral complex, and i just saw that they were imbued with very serious works, i think they can handle it, yeah, but this complex memorial, it was only recently reconstructed, but tell us what was done there, for me it was an important object, because my grandfather was 14 years old, buried... his grandmother ulyana, and they lived 15 km from azarich, that is , she died of typhus, she died just in azararichi during this terrible, this is the first rich weapon used by the germans , there were about 50 thousand prisoners there, 30 thousand of them died in 10 days, it was really,
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we were able to show these terrible events in the memorial, and even the prisoners who came to the opening of this complex, one of them came for the laying on. .. with a bouquet of flowers, and he passed everything is there and the memorial itself, yes, that is , he looked at the architectural part, he came and looked at the museum and gave us this bouquet, he said for those who organized this museum, this is his most valuable award, an award, and your grandfather, what did he tell about those events, grandfather said that they were very terrible events, where, well, that is, he tried never to remember it, this is when we already asked, yes, that is, he told, well , imagine, a boy around 14 years old who took his . mother, he didn't get infected himself, he took such a box from under the german shells, he put it there himself, he says it was march, he brought it, well, as much as he could, he dug a hole and sprinkled it, after that he guarded the military airfield, your artists are still doing in other memorial complexes plein air, uvola,
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red bank, they were there too, tell us what they are doing there, well, look, we also had a tour of all... well, he actually made such an image, very emotional, very interesting, which is really stops who takes over heart, for the soul and which does not leave a single, probably indifferent visitor or viewer to be, yeah, in june-july you announced another big republican
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project dedicated to the military theme, well, it’s true that it’s not from your collection with the participation of contemporary artists, the project will take place , yes, the project will take place, we are preparing for it. in fact, the project will consist of very many, recently we opened an exhibition in grodno dedicated to the eighth anniversary of the liberation on may 9, among all these projects it is very important to celebrate the youth who today we held a competition at the art school in gorodno, yes, that is, we will now demonstrate six portraits in our arts palace, also the project zarishche will be one of the also the union of designers is joining us with posters dedicated to that time, the union wants architects... for
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artists, and you are somehow trying to unite everyone, both young people and designers, and that all your projects, they are not dedicated to one thing , even those who are not in the union, too, as we read in yours announcements in the telegram channel you are connecting the belarusian union of artists, this is some kind of revision, i want to see what creative forces there are in belarus, or to pursue some other goal, when there is such an integration of different segments of the population, all the captivity that i am carrying out... we definitely have honored figures and young people are present, and masterpieces are born in this dialogue. glep anatolyovich, we often say that the most famous
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place of the memorial complex in our country is khatyn, of course, but here is zarichi, thanks to your efforts, thanks to the museum memorial that appeared there, today we hear that we see a lot of reports from our colleagues, tourist routes were also immediately organized, this is important, apparently, yes, not only to erect some kind of monument, but also to create a museum. in such a place, it is very important to make a museum that would tell, especially for the younger generation, for the older generation, when we see the visualization of these events, it gives a very strong emotional impact and a person immediately understands, that is, he does not need to give any lectures there long or read books, show films, that is even one of the prisoners in a wheelchair, who recently visited this camp, saw herself as a little girl and her dead grandfather, that is, she says, well, it’s just me . it’s probably much easier even for children to convey, yes, these are the horrors that happened in those years, so that they realize and feel what
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people in this place experienced then, i was before the excursion, that’s when we were waiting for a group of our students, there young people, not exactly suvorovites, but they arrived and i ever heard, they just stood behind them when the guide showed them this excursion, one of the boys said that i would never forgive him, so it worked, any other ideas, like in ala and krasny bereg, that is, are there any?
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recently, literally a year ago, we implemented an artistic concept with an art factory and it will be a unique museum in the form of an order; the outlines are already appearing ; it was already there recently 2 days ago.
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connect, and when you told us about the funds, i was wondering if you found any interesting work in your funds that you didn’t know about, right now for the anniversary, you are clearly studying, immersing yourself, and more than usual, you know, this is still a layer that we have not fully studied, we have only just now, well, finally , the digitization of our complete funds has taken place, yes, once there there is something to talk about, there is something else to study, there is something to work on. we started with graphics, before we take a break, tell us why the belarusian school of graphics is considered one of the strongest in the world, you know, i’ll tell you, because we recently did a project in moscow 2 years ago, that is, graphic painting, as the centenary of the ussr, and agreed that our colleagues, people’s artists from the russian federation, came to say that if our russian school is more
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narrative in graphics, then yours is very figurative. that is, it is more figurative, more symbolic, that is, we have our own language in graphics, our own school, so it has an impact, is more expressive, or something, yes, yes, even if we look at our painting, well, just take the soviet one, yes, that is , look how iconic it is too, from a distance it looks like a sign, even a partisan one madonna, look how she can be there from 100 meters away, that is, this is the same thing that turns off our graphics, you can look at her from afar from close, and how do you explain this, why our belarusian graphics have such an impact?
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as well as the personality, both as a person and as an artist, while we take a break for a moment, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are connected! belarus captivated them at first sight, in fact, everyone knows, especially those who come here, they know about the beauty of minsk, as for me, i like everything here, my sister lives in germany, we met her in belarus, and the first thing that caught our eye was that it was very clean, i really liked the people, they were very friendly,
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good-natured, then there was the natural component was important for me. that there is beautiful nature here, i still live for 25 years in belarus, yes, no one perceived me as a stranger, look at the project for a look at belarus on our tv channel, i don’t know if i was hungry or what, but on this trip i really want to go, we will prove that belarusian cuisine.


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