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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 29, 2024 12:00am-12:20am MSK

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and the house, the house opposite the flight obchak, red, bricks, three entrances, two steps, hasn’t been demolished yet, hasn’t been demolished, damn it, this is for my native garrison, guys, i spent my whole childhood there, i ran around the raid field there as a kid, what’s your name , and rum, you consider it my fellow countryman, rum, it’s nice, me too, me too, so everyone has heard, whoever even opens his mouth to it, open his ears to a dog’s senses, okay? ameching, the car has come for you, yes i’m running, okay, the first exhaustive one, that’s right, for now it’s a test run, working out the fuel system, good luck, meet you in flight, let's have fun, good luck, well, you got some sleep, yes, i'll be there soon. no, i have
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four planned operations next week, i’m sorry, they came to see me, kiss me, arkadi borisovich, i respect you, you are a wonderful cardiac surgeon. “i have learned a lot from you over the years, and i am glad that i was able to work with you, but i can no longer tolerate your attacks, you did not love me at first sight, and your dislike for me only intensifies every year, i can’t do this anymore, i’m leaving, that’s it, okay, let’s get yours..."
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do you like classical music? me, let's go to a concert together, what? don’t remember the application, your marriage partner still has to sign it, goodbye, sorry, i’m in a hurry, oops and who came to us, oh, great, mat, hello, how are you, okay, your husband is in the sky again, so i’m meeting you on earth i, you know, even if he were on earth, i would still prefer to be met by you, what a matyukhin you are, after all, well done for quitting your thankless job on time? you
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have enough brains for this, unlike some, yes, okay, come on, tell me how you missed me here, i didn’t miss you at all, i took a break from you, i ’ll kill you now, mother, well, when we see you now, we’ll see you tomorrow, so what tomorrow tomorrow, well, i’m going to my partners now. contract, which means you’ll have to have dinner with them, but tomorrow i’m all yours, nadka, and do you know where we’ll go? hello, how are you there, how is the sea, how is the sand, i like it, it’s fine, i’m looking great, i’m swimming, why didn’t you buy some inflatables? let the sleeves
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well, let him learn to swim, it’s fine with me , i’m on my way, in general i’ll be very busy these days, i’ll definitely call you in the evening, i miss you, i kiss you, baby, my son, a kiss from me to my son, did you send them on vacation, they flew away the day before yesterday. yeah, why are you sulking, they went for 2 weeks, you and i are free people, now, yeah, be careful, let the baby be at sea, she’s a plump woman, she’ll get burned in no time, by the way, she’s still struggling with being overweight weight, but still you, a snake, natasha, yeah, why is she such a thing to you? i did, but nothing, it’s just... i don’t know
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why you were scared and married her, and i had to chase you all my life, and not even be married, you’re still selfish, huh? uh-huh, leave me alone, no, i ’m not at work, i’m sitting in the car, i have a date in 10 minutes, that’s beautiful, even very beautiful, you, like all women, love specifics, why do you have to give all your feelings some kind of assessment, yes , what kind of love is there, to put it short. i'm sorry, it's already twenty minutes, i need to go to her, i 'm saying goodbye to you, okay, i kiss you too,
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good evening, good evening, you are all wet, but if you don’t let me under your umbrella, i ’ll get completely wet, of course, let’s help. let's go, you have a very fun zoom, cheerful, secrets of good morning and good mood.
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just in memory of the tank crews who gave their lives in july of forty-one, one might say, which became a shield and a sword here during the tank battle, the brass band is a very difficult genre, it’s not amazing that you hold this orchestra, someone leaves, someone comes, i love passionate people, now the club of folklore lovers of krygia is on stage, if you remember, we met this group at the slavic bazaar, at a dance tournament, tell me, mom, i’m not hanging around the streets, i’m at anatoliych’s, so i want to say, this is the third generation, look good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya on the belarus 24 tv channel, in order to become part of a foreign
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country, you don’t have to be born there, it ’s like we arrived at some kind of seaside resort, cool right? yes, you are welcome, it is enough to behave at a party, like the hosts of the show, like at home, and we arrived at the farm, food, they didn’t tell us that they prepare very tasty food here from natural products. did you really come from venezuela itself, of course, then welcome to the world of yodishka, hello, to the world of organics and the belarusian cowboy. we study the history of belarus and explore its sights, together with foreigners. so, in the altar of our braslov church we see our main shrine, this is the image of the mother
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of god of the braslov volodarka ozera. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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yeah, everything is tip-top, ivan sergeevich, everything awesome, where you're flying, try out night refueling in the air.
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good luck, ivan sergeevich, thank you, vital. 143 launch 143 launch allowed. matyukhin, i’m actually wondering if your conscience ever shows signs of life, and
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what are you talking about, but this is your marriage puddle, you love your wife on it, one might say, a sacred place for the family, and you’re on it with your mistress and you're having fun, you're not ashamed, but your conscience is like everyone else... "sometimes you can't be bearable, what are you
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saying? matyukhin, go, quickly kiss me, i'm leaving. thank you for inviting me, thank you for
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agreed to go, well, to be honest, your invitation was very unexpected for me, it was the last saving step, you are about to leave, by the way, you signed a statement with the main one, no, it’s on my desk, i’m after yours. i didn’t think that my invitation would make such an impression on you. by the way, you ruined the appearance of your application, having pretty much crumpled it, you will have to. write a new one, i’ll write tomorrow, we’ll wait for next time, but i think he won’t keep himself waiting long, who knows, who knows, it’s possible why you’re so biased to me, why do you behave so harshly with me all
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the time, because with you it’s impossible to do otherwise. you may become a good surgeon, or you may not become one. did you really invite me because you were afraid that i would leave? i was afraid? god be with you, you would n’t go anywhere, but you won’t leave until i fire you myself. i invited you, zhenya, because you help me. “i like you very much, i want to see you not only at work, i want to see you all the time, but you have a wife, who told you that i have a wife, my wife died 2 years ago, you that you are going to marry me?
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hit me!" tests of the newest russian carrier-based fighter, mig-29, were successfully completed in the parens sea. combat vehicles landed on the deck of the aircraft carrier admiral kuznetsov for the first time, and this was a serious test not only for the equipment, but also for the test pilots. landing a combat fighter on such here is an unusual strip, rocking on the waves, a difficult task for the test pilot. despite the difficult task, the landing of the fighter on the deck of the aircraft carrier was carried out with pinpoint precision. the mik-29 was landed on the deck of an aircraft-carrying cruiser by ivan kotov, honored test pilot of the flight test center. the mik-29 cube fighter, at the helm of which was the honored test pilot ivan kotov, clearly landed on
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the given point.
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well, in aviation, only the autopilot doesn’t drink, here they wipe it with alcohol, by the way, stanislavich, that’s not what i wanted to say, i’m saying, first i’ll take a shower, then i’ll sleep in the room for an hour, and only then we ’ll flood the bathhouse and hit it with vodka, go ahead, let’s drink, faster, faster, faster, come on circle, well, it’s great that we have a pirate frigate on the left side, he is catching up with our submarine, underwater oron, we, we have a military cruiser, as you said, a military cruiser, so the captain of a military cruiser should say, cruiser , come on, tell me what your name is, well, ahar, you can do that, come on, come on,
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come on, like, well, hero, why don’t you tell me what you’re doing there, what you’re doing there? what did you do on vacation, mom, but you didn’t learn how to pronounce letters, swim, show me how to swim, come on, show me, you didn’t learn, and they lost a tooth somewhere, and mom, ah, baby, what are you doing there, come here, yes, i can’t hear anything, the music is screaming so loud that you can go deaf, where did you put the tooth, dad, and you don’t want to dress your son, how long can you walk around the apartment in just shorts?


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