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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 29, 2024 9:45pm-10:45pm MSK

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cooperation, we are waiting for support for joining brix, in general, there are a lot of agreements, the broadest agenda, a meeting at the highest level, minsk and beijing are not just declaring, together they are building a new path to the common destiny of humanity. victoria senkevich and anzor tuzhaev, beijing, people's republic of china. in the wild west they only talk about war, militarization, destruction, subordination, in short, their entire manual about democracy, and everyone who strives for power there, especially in the cradle of the rights and freedoms of transgender people, gays and other lgbt people, he really wants to indulge in verbiage. the united states is considering the option of escalating the ukrainian conflict by mediating strikes against russia in the armed forces of ukraine; trump, who has not yet been re-elected, is already behind...
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the puppets fed by the states have sung the same song. according to tradition, voices from kiev are dissonant, according to the adviser to the minister of industry of ukraine, ukraine is already using mercy from london to attack russian infrastructure with missiles from storm shadow. a voice from paris is advocating for universal approval. emmanuel napoleon calls give their own permission to kiev to use weapons in attacks on russian targets. it even happened. an audience with chancellor scholz, and
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after a meeting with emman, although evasively, he allowed the bombing of russia with german weapons. and of course, where would this choir be without an incredible pipe? the warsaw regime is pushing its militant image to the maximum, the ministry of defense said poland does not limit the use of weapons supplied to ukraine for attacks on targets on russian territory, although the deputy governor kept silent about something that she herself. poland does not produce weapons suitable for these purposes. we hear all this militant demagoguery and draw conclusions; it is much more important for us to analyze real events and actions. the nato military bloc has retreated from following the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe, and here we are forced to react. belarus is suspending, suspending the operation of this treaty. the law was signed by the president on may 24 today.
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it entered into force. for more than 30 years, our country has conscientiously fulfilled its obligations to agreement, we made great efforts to improve and preserve everything, but the decision of the nato countries forced us to take retaliatory measures. however, this does not preclude compliance with national levels with respect to personnel and treaty-limited conventional weapons and equipment, subject to adequate restraint. neighboring states, primarily nato member countries, the belarusian ministry of foreign affairs said in a commentary. militant western propaganda has eclipsed even common sense in sports. international olympic committee for years now he has been trying to preserve this sign, but there has been no talk about any principles of olympism for a long time. a completely politicized structure removes strong and honest athletes from the path. exactly like that.
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are the undisputed stars of world kayaking and horse racing, ours, marina litvenchuk and olga khudenko, that is , mok is going to put her on the podium at the olympics in paris. when, simply because the president awarded you, you are not allowed to compete for this, i think that this is great stupidity and tears well up in my eyes, i as i understand it, this is one part of these cases that get athletes going, and this was, excuse me, attached to the case, well, this is
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an amazing story, well, in fact, well, that is , yes, and that is, we just get like the fans who are now grow up, the little ones, believe in the purity of sport, so explain, this is a complicated story? such a stupid situation, i won’t admit it, someday there will be a moment in which one of the strongest crews of the republic of belarus will simply not be allowed to start, not for their own reason, not because of the fact that there injury or you got sick there or you are not ready there, but simply because someone there you because... you were awarded somewhere, you participated somewhere and carried the flag of your country at closing ceremony, or the flag of the country was raised and you performed the anthem of your country, you simply may not be allowed to participate in the competition for this, this is very stupid and generally pointless, pointless, but the whole
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problem today is no longer in the international federation, in the moka commission that meets in lozan, this is this - what passes, what does not pass, so i i will say that the thaw is coming, it will come soon, but we are not waiting for the weather, we ourselves make the heat and endlessly love and cheer for our athletes, all the fundamental principles of olympism will be observed at the brix games, which
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will be held in kazan in june, it is there that our national team, one of the strongest in the history of this sport, will perform in full force. well, now the question is: which region of the country is the most strawberry-rich? what options? so, the gomel region has every chance to supplant breskaya in this berry industry. rank. here the red berries ripened earlier, dozens of elite varieties have taken root well in the belarusian climate, and in order to get good results, the owners of subsidiary farms are improving the technologies for growing berries, the first harvest. this year was weighed and assessed by natalya ignatenko. attention to the screen: strawberry report from the gomel region. a medium-sized berry, i think this is its most ideal. there are larger specimens, without sourness. i would say that this is a universal variety in terms of taste. artyom
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barabanov masters the cultivation of aromatic berries on the plantations of the vetkovsky district for the first year, in his subsidiary plot in the agricultural town of raduga 35.00 hectares he plans to harvest a significant harvest, more than 8 tons. the juicy berries will be appreciated not only by belarusian buyers; some will be exported to russia. this variety brings 25 tons per hectare of land per season, so with some easy math you can calculate that a third of a hectare can be roughly estimated to be about 8 tons. the young farmer and his wife olga are mastering a promising business; they decided to scale up the berry family. the business next door to the raspberry bushes was planted with strawberry bushes, against a black background it is slightly raised from the ground, so we managed to pick the first berry a little earlier than everyone else. one bush of an elite variety can produce an average of 2 kilograms of ripe berries over the summer, but it is important to follow the technology. here
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, on thirty-five acres, there is a strawberry paradise, sun and water - the main conditions during the ripening period: drip irrigation, the distance between rows is 60 s... stacks in several tiers. experienced farmer eduard poligenkov grows strawberries on coconut matah. this soil was delivered straight from the philippines. the family business began with growing sweet berries in open ground. now there are universal greenhouses measuring 10x50 m. a ventilation, heating, watering and food system for 16,000 bushes. the harvest is harvested even when it’s below zero outside. fresh strawberries for the new year's table. unimportable, own. in the cold season, this greenhouse can be made like a thermos, that is, it is made from a double film, inflated between
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the films, warm air, it can withstand lower temperatures than simple ones greenhouses, well, for strawberries to grow, you need night temperatures there of 13-14°, daytime temperatures 24°. summer residents are already harvesting the first harvests of sweet berries. elena tsbbulina knows how to care for strawberries so that the baskets are always full. confesses. we are trying to sell it faster, it’s a very healthy berry, firstly, it’s very good for the liver, it kills cancer cells, i take it by the kilogram, that’s all for childhood. it’s strawberry time at the markets, the berries are brought here mainly by owners of private farms, the price per kilogram varies depending on the variety and size. it will be my pleasure to rule you with a strawberry. we have the most. delicious, you can see for yourself what kind of strawberry we have, and small, medium, huge beauty, from 6 rubles to
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ten, the berries seem to be beautiful this year, the first, here is the second time we left, people are still waiting for the price to drop, so here we go we ask for 13 rubles, belarusians eat about 10,000 tons of strawberries per year, domestic berries have confidently supplanted imported ones, this season they have their own, fragrant, juicy bulk ones, already in may. natalya ignatenko, alexander murashkin, telenews agency. our farmers are calm they master new technologies, enjoy the results, it’s hard to imagine that someone has a completely different everyday life. donbass is gradually coming to its senses, with caution, developing the territories of mined fields. once upon a time it was the breadbasket of ukraine, and not only the entire soviet union. today , residents, having emerged from the rubble, from the basements, are returning to peace. about
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the features of agriculture in the donetsk people's republic and the prospects for cooperation with belarus in our next report. this is what hangars for agricultural machinery look like now. near the town of volnavakha. they even pose a danger to ukrainian military formations. tractors and combines that are on the move in the donetsk people's republic, food security is not easy here. the city was liberated on march 11, 2022, and immediately the land, still uncleaned from shells , began to be cultivated. on march 17, the enterprise essentially began to recover immediately. it was psychologically difficult to bring people back to life, because they crawled into the basement. they saw one city, and then they got out, ukraine destroyed it, and it was a shock, there is no
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electricity, communications are destroyed, but no, there is no city, the volva suffered greatly, someone lost someone, lost in terms of the fact that someone has parents in a neighboring village is unknown , that it’s impossible to go there and still, someone, someone actually died, work somewhere even helped to distract them, now the belarus tractor is working, rolling our peas. tell us in general about belarusian technology, why are you buying it? belarusian technology is very reliable, it is quite simple to use operation, and it has all the functions that are inherent in other brands, and mtz, the plant, well, thanks to both the president of your republic and the director of the plant, probably because it does not stand still, development is ongoing, technology works and... and everything is in order, therefore, therefore, well, indeed, this is one of
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the very, one of the best tractors, probably, that exist now, and we are not going to, this year we have already bought mtz equipment, we will continue to buy for sure, hello, hello, how are you , normal, like a mtz tractor, here you have asks if it's a plane, yes. well, you heard it yourself, this is a really good tractor. for many belarusians, donbass is a coal mining and metal processing region.
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we can act as a good, reliable supplier for you of a whole range of grain crops, industrial crops that will be in demand by your processing industry and your industries related to the livestock sector, so we can act as a reliable supplier here in order to support the acceleration of the pace of development of your agriculture. on our eyes as they left the distance, a representative
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of western agricultural machinery, once on a land that had undergone war and relatively recently... but they often cleared the mines themselves, that is , the machine operators, the big heroes in the month of march volnovakha was liberated and they already had to feed, and the winter immediately after liberation, of course, the ministry of emergency situations could not clear such a large area, especially since the north military district continued, they have their own tasks, and in order
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not to wait, we cleared them ourselves, you drive, you worry, of course, suddenly there is something somewhere, so as not to run over a lot of. there were cases that they attacked, well, it’s normal, it’s not scary, when they attacked, what happened, they exploded, yes, there are people who ensure the security of the state, and there are people who ensure the food security of the state, they are also heroes. ksenia lebedeva, oleg dolgopulov, tv news agency. and that’s all i have right now about developing competition, saving money and increasing efficiency. talk show , economic environment in the spotlight of experts, government procurement within the eac, watch.
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good evening, this is the economic environment on belarus 1 satellite tv channel belarus. four. the public procurement system in the eurasian economic union. this is an important tool for developing competition and saving budget funds to improve the efficiency of economies. but what is more important: the development of the four freedoms or the protection of national interests, whether it is possible to abandon exemptions and how this will affect the work of business, we will discuss with competent experts right now. today we have experts in our studio who are well versed in government procurement issues. maxim ermalovich, minister for competition and antimonopoly regulation of the eurasian economic commission. alexey bogdanov, minister
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of antimonopoly regulation and trade of belarus. elena morgunova, chairman of the state committee for standardization. i didn’t talk about how important government procurement itself is, what is much more important here is the regulation of government procurement and how we spend it. public money, and here, of course, the regulatory system itself is important, in our country, for example, this is the law on public procurement and the corresponding resolution council of ministers, which clearly
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regulates how it is necessary to conduct public procurement itself, determine certain aspects of it, and what is important to answer, here is the second question right away, what you asked me, what you asked, is how are we synchronized with yas, our legislation is fully harmonized with the eurasian economic union and belarus is even ahead of other countries in some areas. fives, but do i understand correctly that there are budget funds, when an organization plans to purchase goods, works, services for budget funds, it does not can choose a supplier just like that, there is a certain regulation that is strictly prescribed in the law on public procurement, which, by the way, was adopted this year in a new , more advanced version, and organizations must be guided by these regulations, in essence it is a system of measures for...
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in the field of public procurement, but the level of development and technology of public procurement and the use of competitive procedures in public procurement is achieved in different ways in different countries. what does it mean competitive government procurement? this is when the maximum number of supplier participants and a high level of competition are involved in public procurement. when these procurements are carried out in electronic format and provide the opportunity for any supplier on the market through an electronic platform to enter the competition to participate in it,
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but the policy at this integration stage is not to significantly limit the rights of national authorities, that is, to give regulation to state .
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although in reality the mutual participation of member states in general public procurement is a small share of only 1.6%. out of 190 billion us dollars of all government purchases, mutual supplies amount to just over 3 billion dollars, this is extremely small, although belarus is the champion here, our volume is very significant. we supply large volumes of goods within the framework of government procurement procedures to the market of our partners in the ias, but it is necessary to understand that
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more than half of all government purchases are satisfied through imports, that is, national manufacturers, for example in the republic of belarus - this is a little more than half, in the russian federation 85% are imports, only... 15% are national producers, imports from third countries continue to remain relevant for our governments when conducting public procurement, and this is the reserve , which we can use by increasing our own production, improving the quality of goods, producing new types of products and supplying these goods as part of government procurement, no one is stopping us, we just have to withstand competition. and to produce the necessary goods, indeed, our producers need to move more, and the market is huge, 190 billion, we
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supply a little more than 700 million dollars to... within the framework of government procurement to the market of the eurasian economic union, the reserves are simply colossal, and here it is, as it were it is necessary for our suppliers and manufacturers to move more actively into the market of the eurasian economic union and increase their share. in principle, it must be said that we are doing this successfully, including in the domestic market, our share of belarusian enterprises and manufacturers, including the eurasian economic union, is more than 85% for domestic government procurement. our country, it is also necessary to act on the external contour. well, maxim leonidovich noted that belarus is a champion in the context of public procurement of the eurasian economic union, this is really so, why? because belarus has always been at the forefront of integration processes , our president pays considerable attention to the development of a common market for informational systems. on meeting with the chairman of the board of the eurasian economic commission, the head of state emphasized the need to create
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equal markets in the single market.
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to give examples of successful decisions that lead to improved business performance, you can look at how light industry goods are supplied to the common market, how passenger transport goods are supplied, this is road transport within the framework of public procurement procedures, this is not an easy process, in fact,
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for in order to...
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if this product meets the criteria established by 105 decisions, then this product is allowed for mutual supplies to the common market. most of the products of enterprises included in this register are belarusian enterprises. well that's good to hear. a show where
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they fight not only with the help of physical strength, a show where the main weapon is intelligence. if i set myself a goal, i always have to achieve it, but of course, when i found out that about... what ancient country, along with greece, gave the name to the olympic form of wrestling? artyom? rome, italy. the roman empire. i accept it as the correct answer. however, activity will also play a role. which italian coach broke serra alex fergusen's record for the number of appearances in the champions league in may 2023? carla ancelotti. carla. anceloti takes two steps forward. watch the intellectual sports project: game with your head! the flag, coat of arms and anthem
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are a connection and involvement with belarus. the country exists as long as symbols are celebrated. i want the state to have a face, and watches are produced in fewer countries than planes and helicopters, you know this, that is, this is intelligence, the mechanism we put a microphone on a signal is given on the device and it needs
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to be regulated, what the clock should be, to preserve what our ancestors invested in their work, this is our history and heritage, the main topics are on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. elena mikhailovna, what do you think , in this dilemma of ensuring the four freedoms, or ensuring national interests, what should be given preference, from the point of view of state standards, of course, first of all, the market of the eurasian economic union.
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this technical support in the form regulations: nicotine-containing products, and certain mechanical engineering products are construction materials, accordingly, for these goods, which are not subject
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to regulations, national requirements apply in the first place, then certain barriers are created in the circulation of products, i can also add, here is all the main what is the idea that these unified... technical requirements or regulations, which are prescribed at the national level for the five countries, they allow the creation of a barrier-free environment and the movement of goods freely, which comply with these regulations, and of course, answering your question, what is better to support your own or develop the common, of course, the common, the president said about this, we will be isolated in our small market, we will not achieve a big economic effect, we need to go out and more active on the eurasian economic union market, and there are all good withdrawal tools here.
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we must proceed, first of all, from national interests, since one way or another our main task is to ensure security in our part, including food for the residents of our country, to ensure a sufficient volume of production of products that will allow this task to be fulfilled, but the task of expanding the presence of their products and their manufacturers in the markets of eu countries is, well, i won’t say that the task is secondary, it is also the main one and, probably, is to some extent complementary to the first task; it is impossible today to develop high-quality production and provide high-quality production.
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consistently, and this was the demand of the head
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of state, invested in the development our own food industry, into the agro-industrial complex, raw material bases, in order to increase production volume, increase efficiency, increase the quality of products, assortment, and we have long ago ensured our food security and can enter the market more... open general market, and if we encounter barriers, especially if we try to close our own market from the products of other countries, then this does not play to our advantage, but rather to our detriment, because the more open the markets of our partners in terms of food products, and not only food, the entire range of products produced by our industry, the greater... the efficiency of our enterprises,
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they can withstand competition in these foreign markets, they have rightfully already gained a reputation in these markets, they know our products, and opening the market means increasingly participating in this competition, winning, and accordingly increasing the flow of foreign currency into the country; like a bird, it has two wings. you can't use just one wing wave, national interests, then well , the second will not happen, we have really outgrown the domestic market many times over, and in many product groups we exceed domestic needs and only with export potential we cover these volumes that we have, and the more open markets there are here and where we are, the more we can freely sell our goods, the more foreign exchange earnings will flow here into our country, in addition, there is another very important...
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there is, most of the rule-making , indeed, i will not hide, problems activities have been transferred to national authorities, this is probably part of the problem, why? because first , some kind of regulation is adopted in the domestic market of a particular country, then, through the eurasian economic commission , we catch it up to general rules, we try to harmonize, a vivid example, the 616 resolution of the russian government of the russian federation.
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and then certain ones, accordingly, we promptly began work on the accreditation of our banks, well, fortunately it is coming to us, so thanks to the commission, thanks to the russian government federation, decisions were quickly made, a six-month experiment was completed, all the capabilities of belarusian banks were confirmed, today we signed a decision with mr. siluanov and an already ratified agreement was adopted, for two, we have seven belarusian banks that operate successfully and issue guarantees for participation, then i have a banking question.
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bank guarantees, in preparation for the transfer, they also conducted a survey with some of the fairly large business entities that supply certain types of products, they they say that there is a difficulty with an electronic digital signature, that it is difficult to take part in a procurement on the portal in russia, why, because you need to secure it, that is, sign there on the portal with an electronic digital signature, which is issued in russia and how...
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execution and transfer of money to belarus requires a signature on our part with a qualified electronic digital signature; today this issue has not been resolved in the near future; i do not think that it will be resolved quickly; there is a complex real issue there connected with national protections and so on , but we, too, working with the commission, solved this problem. our enterprises have the right to submit certificates of completed work in paper format; they are now accepted by russian banks.
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these are the problems that alexey igorevich spoke about, they are relevant, maybe you see some even more urgent problems? a system has been established that allows you to quickly respond to... any problems arising in one direction or another, conduct immediate consultations,
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each party can express its claims to the eurasian economic commission regarding the compliance or non-compliance of certain decisions of the member states with the law of the union, and the commission accepts each such application for work; we regularly hold board meetings on a weekly basis. the eurasian economic commission, the council meets once a month, the intergovernmental council works quarterly, with the participation of heads of government, and the presidents of our countries meet twice a year, at least twice a year, to discuss problems at the highest level, that arise in mutual trade, in order to promptly resolve some issues , you also have the right...
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100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult: please tell me, what did you dream of becoming when you grow up ? i wanted to become a flour truck driver. they say that in the army the food is healthy, filling, but not always tasty. well, i probably won’t do any advertising, i’m just inviting you to a meal at our local military school. the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience. the main task - honestly answer all original and sometimes awkward questions. is there friendship between show business artists? i can’t say that our sphere, ah,
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look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel, the export of scientific and technical products and developments in the twenty-third year amounted to almost $56 million, this is an impressive figure, but what do experts say about this? the effect on the economy was announced at the session of the general meeting of nanbelarus. about 300 developments are implemented annually, trends are dictated by industry, among priority areas. tickets from belarus , china, turkey, but most importantly, they
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are ready to buy in the countries of central asia, and the energy sector of our domestic market is paying close attention. the fuel is not the cheapest, but it has many advantages. an electronic portal about ghetto prisoners will appear in belarus. memorandums on the implementation of the project were signed in minsk. information about prisoners. camps that were located both on the territory of belarus and in other countries will be presented on the prisonerbay website. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts, watch the events program on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel. the eurasian five is a huge market of manufacturers and buyers. and the main
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buyer in terms of the scale of potential spending is this. the state budget. all eu countries make government purchases, their volume is huge, according to 2022 data - this is 190 billion dollars, in the interests of all participating countries, it is profitable to buy as well as sell in this market. thus, firstly, save money, and secondly, promote your exports. for belarus this is generally extremely it is important that without successful sales abroad, economic development and growth is impossible. government procurement is a growing market, judging by the figures, in just a year it increased by a quarter and to... almost all countries added, belarus more than 65% of others. another thing is that the volume of mutual budget purchases in the european union, that is, between the five countries, amounted to less than 2% of the total volume. that is, countries, despite the well-known principle of a single eurasian space, with its free movement of goods and services, declared barrier-free environment, give preference for imports from third countries, this is
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almost 80% of all government purchases. the remaining 20-odd are government purchases of national goods, that is, their own producers; again, only a percentage of the eu countries buy from each other. against this background, belarus still looks good; our government purchases account for 15% of imports, while kazakhstan, for comparison, has almost 50, and russia has 84. why is this happening? obviously, all yas states protect their producers when purchasing, giving preference to national goods. however, this does not prohibit it; this can be done for a short time if it is necessary to provide an incentive for the development of, for example, an important city-forming enterprise with thousands of jobs. one way or another, countries take advantage of this to stimulate domestic production. on the other hand, the state can use separate mechanisms for restrictions on import purchases, so proposals with goods from third countries will be rejected if there are at least two similar eurasian products. for this purpose,
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by the way, there is a eurasian register of industrial goods. a single point of access to everything that is produced in the eurasian space. while there are more than 20,000 products from more than 160 manufacturers, belarus is more active than others. 60% of what is declared are our manufacturers. their interest is understandable; this is the huge russian government procurement market; to enter this means to stake out export supplies for a long time. there are a number of legal nuances that hindered the development of government procurement within the eurasian economic union. just one example to sell buy documents online. must endorse electronic digital signature, there were difficulties with this, but minsk and moscow resolved them by signing the corresponding agreement, and it takes a little time to dot all the i’s. another important point is equal conditions of access. belarus has sensitive access to russian government procurement of automotive products. we have something to offer, but certain legal regulations created obstacles for our products, in particular strict requirements for the level
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of localization. some contradictions have already been resolved, but not all yet. however, our industrialists are working to trade with each other on equal terms, as required by the eurasian rules of cooperation, supporting not opponents, but proven partners and allies. well, that’s a good summary of what we just said in the studio, but what catches our attention is that almost 80% of all government procurement by the countries of the eurasian economic union are essentially products originating from third countries. dear experts. how do you think this trend can be reversed? it’s not because of a good life that you have to purchase products from third countries, precisely because or products there is no proper quality in the union, or it is not produced at all, so today we need to work on a unified industrial policy within the eac, some instruments have already been created
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- including subsidizing industrial cooperation in the eac, but the most important thing is investment in production, increasing its technological independence, in this program we talked about the need to increase technological sovereignty, it is important to establish the production of new goods, here is government procurement. probably one of the most profitable directions for the manufacturer investing, why? because this is a stable contract with clear production volumes, with clear sales volumes, long-term contracts can be put into practice within the framework of which this purchase will be made,
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we must focus specifically on the needs of state budgets, here... the field for activity is wide, starting from healthcare to complex medical equipment ending with furniture, standard furniture for schools, building materials. something that is now in great demand throughout eurasian economic union, of course, here we need to guide our manufacturers more actively, take part in state and municipal procurement in the territory of the five, so we need to continue to remove barriers that arise promptly and quickly, but thirdly, i would probably, if possible, ask commission to do such an in-depth analysis, some...
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