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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 30, 2024 4:50am-5:45am MSK

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in ukraine communications is the most important element, well, we are starting to produce, this is the main thing, if this does not happen, neither the doctrine nor the concept will work, why are we improving it, but because the world is changing, the situation is changing, wars are changing, there was a war one, now there is another war, by the way, we are convinced that in this war, uh, issues are often decided, as we said before, by infantry and artillerymen.
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especially now, starting from microelectronics and so on, chips, the military-industrial complex is working, helping our cosmonautics, which remains in russia, we are working in this direction, and we will continue to work, the russians are starting to build, putin told me about this, their own space station, now it is international, where our cosmonaut flew, and they will build theirs, the chinese have built theirs, the russian president said , if you want... join us, we will do it together, well, as far as possible, we will think, if our smart people decide to do this, we will participate, but this is not the main thing for us, we need to preserve our sector, as for flights, we putin agreed, please, he says, here are two girls, one flew, the second was an understudy, we are ready to include them among the cosmonauts tomorrow, this means that they will not undergo accelerated training, as... it was, but
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constant training, they will fly, well, maybe in three, maybe in 5 years, for a specific program, if anyone wants, please, we have agreed with the russians, they are ready for the competition, if you pass the competition, you will train in a group of cosmonauts, if you don’t pass, well , that means you won’t, and is it worth changing legmash and your profession, secretary- referent to space, question?
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and places of rest, you know, the president cannot have a belarusian rest, because he does not have a vice-president, that is, there is no deputy, and no matter where the president of belarus is, he cannot transfer his powers to anyone according to the constitution, you must understand this clearly , therefore, in the generally accepted understanding of vacation, there is no such thing, well, as you see it, i perceive vacation as a change in the general mode of life. i perceive it this way, i can’t imagine how you can lie down on the beach and bask in the sun, well, i’m a country person, listen, well, i’ve been drawn to this since childhood they didn’t teach me, this is not my favorite place, orsha, there is nothing better than belarus, god gave us a unique country, a unique place, so take care of it, together, we must save it. for our children, including as a sign
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of respect and gratitude, please accept, yes, i can cook pilaf. i’m sure no one can do it like me, why? at one time i had to cook while my mother milked the cows, there, you know, there were scrambled eggs there around the clock, and then i began to restore soviet recipes, while in tajikistan, we were somehow sitting and having dinner with the president, listen, let me teach you how to make pilaf, he knows how, he introduced me to the chefs, i say, no, you don’t need it, you’re my cook, i’m my cook, slowly.
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that, despite the difficulties, this is the earth, and people can do more. natalya breus, olga anishchenko, ivan martynovich and alexander oleshka, television news agency. today the eac turns 10 years old; we can already say with confidence that it is
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a unique association capable of solving global problems. happy day of the eurasian economic union, chairman of the supreme eurasian economic council, the prime minister of armenia, as well as council members. the presidents of russia, kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan were congratulated by the head of the belarusian state. over the 10 years of its existence, the eu has convincingly proven its relevance and effectiveness. today, the union is an important regional integration association, providing a unique dialogue platform that will allow us to successfully solve large-scale tasks enshrined in the treaty on the eurasian economic union, and will make a significant contribution to the joint response to external challenges. noted alexander lukashenko. the participants approached the anniversary of the country with certain achievements. in total, gdp has almost doubled over 10 years. now it's 2.5 trillion dollars. the volume of mutual trade has also almost doubled. trade turnover with
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third countries increased by 60%. it is also worth noting that more than 90% of payments are already carried out in national currencies. the number of partners is also increasing. last year, memorandums were signed with the governments of myanmar and nicaragua. an agreement has been concluded with iran. the main meaning of the eec is a separate center of power in the world that acts for the benefit of its countries and peoples. the anniversary summit in moscow confirmed the desire of states to further develop the association. this year it is planned to implement about 60 activities of the strategy 2000.
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“with what economic indicators does the eu celebrate its tenth anniversary, what problems still need to be solved, and what benefits for ordinary citizens from unification, let’s find out the opinion.”
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living in a competitive environment in order to adapt their own economies to
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changes cannot be a question here some grievances, misunderstandings, this is the reality that we have to live, which we lived, and today perhaps competition will even intensify, because we have entered a period of transformation, a global economy, we are saying goodbye to globalization, or rather, it is moving into a completely different phase, there will be external pressure on us, on the eurasian economic union, this is inevitable. how does the business feel in your opinion? we talk a lot about the implementation of digital electronic signatures, and it seems that the leaders we agreed on everything, but nevertheless , technically, not everything is so simple. when we talk about the eurasian economic union, we talk more about the public sector, those legislative changes, including those that were adopted, they are aimed at industry, for example, industrial cooperation, like the main one, the main feature of the eec, that's... for business, of course, the conditions are slightly different, and here i think
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there is a certain flaw, because if we look even at publications and analytical ones, then this segment, i think it is sagging a little, but a lot is being done, we don’t always advertise it, and here there is also a question of competition between not only government entities, but also businesses, including when it comes to business... the bill, which i looked through , provision of basic food products, that is , basic food by 93% in the eurasian economic
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union, i think this figure is impressive, and we saw coordination, very good coordination, which was formalized by law during the covid period, when we were able to provide helping each other very quickly, we were reproached for the fact that we provide more in manual mode, but manual mode also needs to be launched, it doesn’t work just like that , there are still
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no restrictions, uniform technical requirements or regulations that are prescribed at the national level for countries five, they allow you to create a barrier-free environment and move goods freely that comply with these regulations, and of course, answering your question, what is better to support your own or develop the common, of course the common, the president said about this, we are on our way if we close ourselves in a small market, we will not achieve
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a big economic effect, we need to enter more actively into the market of the eurasian economic union, and here... all the good tools, the removal of exemptions, and the development of general technical regulations , all other tools that will allow us to quickly trade on within the framework of the eurasian economic union and not have any barriers. to date, 52 technical regulations have been developed for different types of products, 10 are in development, many additional changes are being developed, and there are a number of products. under which there is no this technical support in the form of regulations, nicotine-containing products, certain mechanical engineering products, these are construction materials, respectively, for these goods, which are not subject to regulations, national requirements apply, first of all, then
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certain barriers are created, we today we are talking about what cannot be simplified today at the expense of...
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budapest on the international stage. he represents one of the few eu countries that, while defending its own interests, is not afraid to resist brussels’ unfriendly steps towards minsk and moscow. and
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our countries demonstrate decency and responsibility towards their partners. the next meeting of the intergovernmental belarusian-hungarian commission on economic cooperation is direct confirmation of this. the head of our mit, sergei oleinik, together with his hungarian colleague, co-chaired the event. the focus is on a wide range of trade, economic and investment issues in various fields, from energy, science education before space exploration. relations continue to develop systematically and progressively, despite the difficult regional situation and the policy of restrictions. perhaps in the modern information
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flow, which, unfortunately, mainly consists of sometimes negative populist information, such news does not look so bright, but this is precisely how prosperity is formed through quiet, painstaking work, and i would even say, forged. in this case.
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provoked from the outside, is now being inflated from the outside by those who receive direct benefits from this dividends. everyone else only bears costs. as a result, thousands of people are dying,
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including civilians, and millions have become refugees. the parties once again emphasized: it is necessary to stop the loss of life and begin negotiations. this is a primary task for the entire civilized world, but many states do not carry it out. they are in no hurry, increasingly dividing both european politics and society. in contrast, minsk and budapest are aimed at consolidation. there are no closed topics on the agenda. countries share their experiences and happily learn from each other, seeking to develop existing and create new joint projects. evidence of the belarusian-hungarian business forum, held today in our capital. representatives of the business community discussed promising niches for interaction between the two countries, demonstrating. genuine interest in intensifying trade relations, maintaining friendly relations , initiatives and conducting equal dialogue, this is the policy; the geopolitical situation
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is literally forcing belarus and china to move closer together even more rapidly. creative an agenda on the world stage is a rarity, but minsk and beijing choose to build the future together. today, on the second day of the visit of the belarusian parliamentary delegation to china , high-level meetings took place. level with the country's leadership, studied the possibilities of chinese medicine. victoria senkevich followed the busy schedules of the belarusian parliamentarians, and also did not miss the chance to diagnose the condition of the body. report from beijing. minsk and beijing maintain the high level of relations established by the heads of belarus and china. in 2023 our leaders adopted a joint statement on the basic principles for the development of exemplary all-weather comprehensive relations. strategic partnership between belarus and china in a new era. interparliamentary cooperation continues this line. the first meeting of the high-level committee took place yesterday.
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we are actively involved in the implementation of the eight steps put forward by chinese president xidinping to promote the belt and road initiative. what about innovation? 24-25 years will pass under the sign of the year of science, technology and innovation in belarus and china. belarusians pay tribute to history chinese people. the ceremonial laying of
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a wreath at the monument to national heroes. at tianianmen square. and the next point on the route is directly related to one of the most promising areas of healthcare. once again we thank the chinese side for their assistance during the pandemic, including the vaccine provided free of charge, but as they say, it’s better to see once. chaoyang hospital in central beijing combines the following areas: medicine, teaching, research and prevention. every year they provide emergency medical care for 4 million people.
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there are 10 windows in total, there is a machine for registration, you can view information about the queue and then the test results on your phone. the chairman of the council of the republic, the minister of health of belarus and specialists, heads of departments of the hospital, discuss the specifics right on their feet, we go to the cardiology department. and here in the cardiology department there is such an automatic weight meter.
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maintenance of medical equipment, we will also deepen cooperation in the field exchange of specialists and improvement of the quality of medical services. the series of high-profile meetings continues with a conversation with the chairman of the national people's congress, zhao leji. the standing committee is essentially the highest body of state power. the powers are serious, from amending the constitution, to adopting criminal and civil budget codes, and resolving issues of war and peace. and that's it.
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in the future, pursue a joint policy between our countries, a friendly one, to defend our interests, the interests of our countries. belarus views china as a strategic partner in the trade, economic, financial, and investment spheres. last year they traded $8 billion, an increase of 30%. in the first 3 months of 24, mutual trade turnover already amounted to $2 billion. china is in the top three countries investing in belarus by the end of 2023 and has
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an interest in the field. healthcare, education, together we look at issues on the international agenda, this is how beijing supports belarus on its way to the shanghai cooperation organization, we are waiting for support on joining brix, in general, a lot... building a new path to a common destiny beijing is not just declaring, together humanity. victoria senkevich and anzor tuzhaev, beijing, people's republic of china. well, in the wild west there is only talk about war, militarization...
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not allowing it, in general, to fully realize its potential, it is, of course, an illusory utopian, the ineradicable desire of the united states to preserve nato as an instrument of control over europe, including over
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germany, where there are still dozens american military bases, and in order for the germans to obey orders from washington, perked up. and this is grandpa joe. against the background of falling ratings, he, of course, is increasingly inclined to sleep, but his task is war with russia. according to the washington post, biden is considering a new package of measures for the hegemon. punishing china for supplying key technologies to moscow, and allowing ukraine to use american weapons to strike russian territory. well, then, as if on cue, all the state-fed puppets sang the same song. traditionally.
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and evasively, but allowed the bombing of russia with german weapons. and, of course, where would this choir be without an incredible pipe? the warsaw regime is pushing its militant image to the maximum. the ministry of defense stated that poland does not limit the use of weapons supplied to ukraine for attacks on targets on russian territory. true, the deputy governor kept silent about something that poland itself does not produce weapons suitable for these purposes. we hear all this militant demagoguery and draw conclusions; it is much more important for us to analyze real events and actions. military bloc nato has retreated from following the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe, and here
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we are forced to react. belarus, suspending the operation of this treaty, the law signed by the president on may 24, came into force today. for more than 30 years, our country has been conscientious. fully fulfilled its obligations under the contract. we have made great efforts to improve conservation to everything. however, the decision of the nato countries forced them to take retaliatory measures. however, this does not negate compliance with national levels in relation to personnel and conventional weapons and equipment limited by the treaty, subject to adequate restraint on the part of neighboring states, primarily member countries, the commentary says. ministry of belarus. militant western propaganda has eclipsed even common sense in sports. the international olympic committee has been trying to preserve this sign for years now, but
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there has been no talk of any principles of olympism for a long time. a completely politicized structure removes strong and honest athletes from the path. these are the undeniable stars of the world kayaking and canoeing is ours. marina letvinchuk and olga khudenko, that is , mok is going to put the comfortable athletes his owners need on the podium of the olympics in paris. and here are our wonderful athletes. failed to pass a completely dirty test initiated by the international olympic committee. mog does not allow belarusian girls to attend the games because they received high state awards for their own phenomenal sporting achievements. you have always shaken up these medals, you have always won them through your direct labor and when simply because the president awarded you and for this you are not... allowed to compete, i think that this is great
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stupidity and tears come to your eyes, you understand, this is one part of these things that turn on athletes, and this was, excuse me, attached to the case, but this is an amazing story, well, in fact, well, that is , and that is, we get it, just like for the fans who are growing up now, the smallest ones, to believe in the purity of sport, so explain, here this is a complicated story, i haven’t been able to row for twenty-five years i imagined that someday, when... let’s just say, the anchor is in the boat, i’m not throwing it yet, someday there will be a moment in which, due to such a stupid situation, i won’t admit it, one of the strongest crews of the republic belarus, they simply won’t be allowed to start, not for their own reason, not because there’s an injury or you’re sick or you’re not ready, but simply because someone is there for you because you’re where -you were awarded, you took part somewhere and carried the flag. of your country at the closing ceremony or
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the flag of the country was raised and you sang the anthem of your country, you simply may not be allowed to participate in the competition for this, this is very stupid and generally pointless, pointless, but the whole problem today is no longer in the international federation, in the moka commission that meets in lazania, this is like his bang, you know, this bang, bang, manno porridge, i call it, there i think
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the time will come, but we don’t wait for the weather, we make the heat ourselves, we endlessly love and root for our athletes. all fundamental principles of olympism will be observed at the games brix countries, which will be held in kazan in june. it is there that our national team, one of the strongest in the history of this sport, will perform in full force. well, now the question is: which region of the country is the most strawberry-rich? what options? so, the gomel region has every chance to supplant breskaya in this berry title. here the red berries ripened earlier; dozens of elite varieties have taken root well in the belarusian climate. to get good results, farm owners are improving technology growing berries. the first harvest of this year was weighed and assessed by natalya ignatenko. attention! a strawberry report from the gomel region appears on the screen. the berry is medium-sized, i
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believe that this is its most ideal, there are larger specimens, without sourness, i would say, this is even a universal variety in terms of taste. artyom barabanov has been mastering the cultivation of aromatic berries on the plantations of the vetkovsky district for the first year; his subsidiary farm in the agricultural town of raduga has 35 acres of strawberries; they plan to harvest a significant harvest, more than 8 tons. bulk. and juicy the berries will be appreciated not only by the belarusian buyer; some will be exported to russia. this variety brings 25 tons per hectare of land per season, so with some easy math you can calculate that a third of a hectare can be roughly estimated to be about 8 tons. the young farmer and his wife olga are mastering a promising business; they decided to scale up the family berry business and planted strawberry bushes next to the raspberry bushes. it is slightly raised from the ground, so
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we managed to pick the first berry a little earlier than everyone else. one bush of an elite variety can give an average of 2 kg of ripe berries over the summer, but it is important to follow the technology. here on 35 acres there is a strawberry paradise, sun and water are the main conditions during the ripening period, drip irrigation, the distance between rows is 60 cm, a sufficient amount of fertilizer is guaranteed. this year. it pleases, and this is the gomel region, the village of mikhailovsk, hanging gardens of royal berries, luxurious bushes, in several tiers, experienced farmer eduard polegenkov grows on coconut mats, such soil was delivered straight from the philippines. the family business started with growing sweet berries in open ground, there are now universal greenhouses measuring 10 by 50 m. a ventilation system, heating, watering and food for 16,000 bushes. the harvest
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is harvested even when it’s below zero outside. fresh strawberries for the new year's table, not imported, our own. in the cold season, this greenhouse can be made like a thermos, that is, it. made of double film , warm air is inflated between the films, it can withstand lower temperatures than simple greenhouses, well, for strawberries to grow, night temperatures there are 13-14°, daytime temperatures are 24°. first summer residents are already harvesting sweet berries, elena tsybbulina knows the obvious, we get up early, go to bed early too, collect them, take them to the market, our berries are not stale, we can’t pick them in the evening or leave them for tomorrow.
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domestic berries have confidently supplanted imported ones; this season they are their own, aromatic, juicy in bulk already in may. natalya ignatenko, alexander murashkin, tv news agency. “our farmers are calmly mastering new technologies, enjoying the results, it’s hard to imagine that someone has completely different everyday life, donbass is gradually coming to its senses, with cautiously, developing the territories of mined fields, once it was the breadbasket of ukraine and not only the entire soviet union, today
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residents, having emerged from under the rubble, from under the basements, are returning to peaceful life, sowing plows, our reliable, unpretentious equipment will help." belarus: about the peculiarities of agriculture in the donetsk people's republic and the prospects for cooperation with belarus in our next report. this is what the hangars for agricultural equipment look like now, located near the city of volnavakha. danger for the ukrainian military. formations are even represented by tractors and combines that are on the move in the donetsk people's republic. safety. food is not easily available here, the city was liberated on march 11, 2022, and immediately they began cultivating the land that had not yet been cleared of shells. on march 17, the enterprise essentially began to recover immediately. it was psychologically difficult to bring people back to life,
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because they climbed into the basement, they saw one city, and then they came out, ukraine destroyed it. and it was a shock, there was no electricity, communications are destroyed, no, there is no city, it suffered greatly in the waves, someone lost someone, lost in terms of the fact that someone has parents in a neighboring village, it is unknown that it is impossible to get there or else, someone someone actually died, work somewhere even helped distract them, the belarusian tractor is working now, rolling our peas, tell us in general about belarusian equipment, that’s why you buy it, belarusian equipment? very reliable, it is quite easy to use, and it has all the functions, which are inherent in other brands, but mtz plant, well, thanks to both the president of the republic and the director of the plant, probably because it does not stand still, development is constant,
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technology works and everything is in order, so that’s why it’s true. one of the best, probably one of the best tractors that exists now, and we are not going to, this year we have already bought mtz equipment, we will continue to buy, absolutely, hello, hello, how are you, fine, yes, like the mtz tractor, here you go asks you if the plane is, well, you heard it yourself, it’s really good tractor. for many belarusians, donbass is a coal-mining and metal-processing region, but we must not forget that donbass received the first order of lenin... the stakhanov
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movement of proskovie-angelina is all from here, so agriculture and the food processing industry are one of the main economic directions donbass. we have developed a number of directions in which we are moving. a lot of work has already been done. meetings took place, we visited the belgro exhibition for the first time last year, as a result of which a number of agreements, the first contracts were signed, that is, belarusian products are recognizable and present in donbass, our food production uses raw materials that we bring from the republic of belarus, the same milk powder, cream, we will bring all this from you, on our part we are interested in updating your livestock farms, there are our strengths, we can act for you as a good, reliable supplier of a whole range of a... grain crops, industrial crops that will be in demand in your processing industry and your industries are related to the livestock sector,
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so we can act as a reliable supplier here in order to support the acceleration of the pace of development of your agriculture. before our eyes , a representative of western agricultural machinery is leaving the race, once on a land that has undergone war and relatively recently cleared of mines, this has its own symbolism. that you, something is not working out, sit, now, another thing, belarusian, reliable friend, comrade, here these fields suffered greatly from shelling, we dug in, but there are still large craters somewhere, there were artillery attacks and hits in this field, but they often cleared the mines themselves, that is, the machine operators, the big heroes. volnovakha was liberated in march and they already had to feed it, and in the winter immediately after
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the liberation, naturally, the ministry of emergency situations could not clear such a large area, especially their own, they continued their tasks, and in order not to wait, we cleared them ourselves, you go, you worry, of course, that you might not run into something somewhere, there were many cases where they ran into, well it's normal, not scary. when they came , what happened, they exploded, yes, there are people who ensure the security of the state, and there are people who ensure the food security of the state, they are also heroes. ksenia lebedeva, oleg dolgopolov, telenews agency.
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sports day is on air, andrey kozlov is with you, hello! and let's begin our release of handball. gomel and bntu bela today challenged the gold of the national championship among women's teams. let me remind you that the squads approached the third match of the final with equality in the series 1:1. victory the starting meeting was won by athletes from the minsk region. 34:25, but already in the return match the southerners were able to take revenge 21:20. the score of the third and golden match is on your screens right now. congratulations to the champions. the intrigue of the student league was resolved on the floor of the capital's rguar
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, and the strongest basketball university in the country was determined. basketball players bguira and bguvka competed for gold. how the decisive match went and who took away the league bronze is further in the story. intense struggle, emotions and a bright victory. beguira basketball players defended the title of champion of the republican student league. in the title fight of radio engineering. clashed with the bgu fc team , the reigning championship victors seized the advantage from the start, making a good start of nine points (20:11). in the second quarter, the picture of the game did not change much, the basketball players of the sports university tried to reduce the gap, but beguire confidently walked towards the second championship in a row (41:30). but
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already in the second half of the meeting, the tension on the court reached its peak. bgu fc caught up with the opponent, taking the victory in the third quarter, scoring three points more, but this was not enough to equalize the numbers on the scoreboard. the last hope for the final part of the match, and it turned out to be really stubborn. the teams fought until the last seconds, but the radio technicians won with a difference of six points. result 71:65 won due to team efforts, i ’m very happy with the team as a whole, i’m not a particularly self-confident person, but i was confident in my team right before the tournament and it did n’t matter at all who to play with, the same if the pedagogical university would have won yesterday, or now it would have won with beech, we didn’t care. the basketball players of the pedagogical
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university won bronze in the republican student league in the match for third place. turned out to be stronger than the bntu team 80-55. at the end of the tournament , anton zaretsky was recognized as the best striker, and timur dryukov became the league mvp. but in field hockey among women, intrigue is just beginning to emerge. the first matches of the semi-final series took place today. last year's finalists met in smolevichi local victoria and grodno rhythm. the current champion of belarus. the team of yuli ashurov and his porn wrestling turned out to be stronger than the guests. 5:4. at this level, of course, it won’t be easy for anyone, here you need to show moral and strong-willed qualities, endure, somewhere encourage and improve for your partner, for whom something didn’t work out at the moment, but at this level, i say again, it's all about the details, here everyone
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has to work from the first second of the match to the last.


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