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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 30, 2024 7:10am-7:20am MSK

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number one games can compete for valuable gifts, the presidential sports club is holding a competition for the famous ball chasing, according to the conditions you need to make a video up to a minute, alternately with your right and left foot, hit the ball as many times as possible, then post the video on instagram, subscribe to the club’s page , tag the account and leave a hashtag with the name of the project. whoever completes the most stuffing will win in his age category. let’s say a man
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over 60 scored 106 times last year, in addition to the main competition, this year the presidential sports club has established consolation prizes, so to speak, with the help of a randomized drawing, among all participants, 10 lucky ones will be selected to receive prizes. as children, we basically started trying to learn how to stuff at the age of 67, who is bigger and of course with each other... we competed, but we didn’t always do well, first with our feet, then with our heads, well, it was great, such good memories, my friends, i invite everyone to participate in the football competition for everyone, this is where you can win amazing prizes, everything is in your hands, the whole country. will keep an eye on you. the winners
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will be determined in five age categories . there is time for training; the competition will last until august 23. next we have economic news, tv news agency projects are also available on social networks, in our mobile application using the qr code on the screen. have a successful day and see you at eight sharp. our food security level for all types of products is 95%. belarusian enterprises at interfood in astana, we expect and exchange negotiations: a single tourism portal will appear in russia, containing information about hotels and guides. you are watching economic news, i’m svetlana lukinyuk with you, good morning. u... the level of
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food security for all types of products in belarus reaches 95%, according to statistics from the ministry of agriculture and food. pandemic times have proven the effectiveness of our agro-industrial complex. we provided ourselves with everything we needed and found resources to share with other countries. the results of capital invested in the agricultural sector of belarus are obvious. so meat in the country is produced 139 kg per person, and consumed 98. production of dairy products almost quadruples. exceeds their consumption, so all surpluses are exported without harming the domestic market. by the end of the year, the belarusian universal commodity exchange expects to increase the volume of exports of agricultural products to kazakhstan. it is planned to solve this problem by expanding the range of goods, as well as by attracting additional buyers for existing items. in particular, within the framework of 24 international exhibitions products food, drinks and ingredients, interwood astana 2000. 24 the exchange delegation held
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negotiations on cooperation with a number of kazakh enterprises. we are talking about the import of dairy products from sugar, and in the future, other food products produced in belarus. the interfood astana exhibition itself brought together food industry leaders from 15 countries and demonstrates the products and services of more than eight dozen food brand manufacturers. as part of the business program, these are specialized sessions on the export and import of products nutrition. imagine. our delegation was invited to a number of thematic dialogue platforms with the participation of foreign partners and the business community of kazakhstan. the exposition of belarus at the import expo exhibition in china will be presented in the style of beloveshskaya pushcha. our zubor will be the custodian of traditions and one of the symbols of the country. preparations for this forum are already underway. detailed information on the participation of belarusian enterprises and companies is provided by interexpo of the belarusian chamber of commerce and industry. national expo. belarus' position this year is
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thematic pavilions, food agricultural products and high-tech equipment and information technology, applications for participation are already being accepted. open for registration. personalized housing privatization checks are indexed in minsk. this decision of the minsk city executive committee can be found on the national legal internet portal. the last time checks were indexed was in february, when their value was significantly reduced by 26% to 32 rubles. now the city authorities have set the price of one check at more than 36.5 rubles. thus, its value this time increased by almost 15%. now the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange, our ruble has strengthened against the dollar yuan, as of this morning the following rates have been established: dollar 3 rubles 19 kopecks. for 10 yuan at auction they gave 4 rubles 38 kopecks. 3.57 costs 100 russian rubles. and
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the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3 rubles 46 kopecks. during the slavic bazaar festival, the belarusian railway has appointed additional trains from july 8 to july 16. vitebsk-moscow and minsk-vitebsk. the schedule has been compiled taking into account festival program so that passengers can arrive in the city in time for the evening concert program, and after it ends they will go back home by direct night train. a single tourism portal will appear in russia with data on hotels, guides, attractions and restaurants. based on them, they plan to create software for generating complex travel offers based on user requests. supposed. that participants in the tourism services market will be visible, including using a unified biometric system to increase market transparency and safety, and artificial intelligence technology will help create packages for tourists. this was the economic news, good mood to you and see you on the air.
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the morning broadcast continues with the program zone x. i am violetta sokolovich. hello. the investigation is looking into the circumstances of the fatal poisoning of a family from the myadel region. as we have already told you, two bodies were found in a house in the agricultural town of naruch: a fifty-eight-year-old father and a thirty -one-year-old son. it is reported that relatives for a long time. drank alcohol, and shortly before the tragic incident, they found a liter bottle with some pink liquid in a landfill; when they came home, the men drank the contents. it was established that the death of the men was caused by acute poisoning as a result of drinking liquid containing ethylene glycol in lethal doses. the father's
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toxic concentration was eight times higher, and the son's was 20 times higher. according to this fact, myadel roysk is conducting an investigation. they will continue to publish and review criminal and emergency incidents. law enforcement officers solved the murder of a moonshiner in the smargon region. a thirty-three-year-old man was detained on suspicion. according to preliminary information, a conflict occurred last day on hertsina street, which caused a fire; a short circuit or other technical malfunctions will have to be determined by specialists. a nearby parked renault was also damaged in the fire. two apartments were burning in shklov at once; due to dense smoke , people were trapped on the top floor of a five-story building, they were rescuing victims with the help of a ladder truck, a mother and two children were rescued; they were sent to the hospital for examination; among the victims, the seventy-three-year-old owner of one of the burning
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apartments, a pensioner, was hospitalized after he inhaled acrid smoke. a total of 20 people were evacuated from the house, the cause of the emergency is being established. and this is from the derzhinsky district, where a man was rescued from a fire. last morning, units received a report of a fire in the village of negoreloye. on the floor in the burning room, firefighters found the fifty-three-year-old owner of the apartment and taken out into the fresh air. the main version of the emergency is carelessness when smoking. killed with a tree. in the svisloch region , a worker was fatally injured while felling a forest. the forty-year-old deceased was part of the brigade. the body was discovered by colleagues who, according to safety rules, worked remotely. at least 100 m from each other, according to preliminary data, the cut birch tree crown became entangled with a neighboring pine tree, which could not withstand the pressure and crushed the foxcutter to death; the deceased was using special headphones and did not hear the sound of the falling tree. a resident of the capital decided to take advantage of her deceased sister's benefits
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in order to get on the metro for free, a seventy-six-year-old pensioner presented a disability certificate, which raised doubts about its authenticity. the document was checked by specialists. drawing, before printing, etching, washing, the original content of the presented...


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