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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 30, 2024 12:10pm-12:40pm MSK

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on a social network, knowing about the girl’s age, the young man carried on an intimate correspondence with her, and then insisted on a meeting; for this , the person involved came to the capital and rented an apartment, where he had sexual contact with a schoolgirl. a criminal case has been opened; the police are reminding parents, especially on the eve of the holidays, to control their children’s leisure time, including online entertainment. management of heterogeneous aviation forces and interaction during execution.
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military units of the air force of the republic of belarus, as well as units and units of the russian aerospace forces federation, accordingly , an episode of managing the interaction of heterogeneous aviation groups while performing a single combat mission is being worked out. in addition, at aviation training grounds , the crews will have to practically work out a number of issues in the interests of covering ground forces units. at these moments , the second centralized one is taking place in belarus. for graduates, russian is written by more than 44,000 applicants, belarusian by 11,500, and eleventh-graders will receive diplomas and certificates at the graduation ceremony on june 14. simultaneously centralized testing has also been organized for graduates of previous years or colleges. the next exams are on june 3 and 6 in elective subjects ; if a participant does not appear at the ce or ct for a valid reason, he will be able to take them. on reserve days: june 19, 21 and 23. she
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manages to do everything, and the director is an actress and mother. this is the heroine of our next series of the project , belarusian superwoman, irina tipugina. director of the gomel regional center for inclusive culture. about a big mother's heart, fortitude and inexhaustible energy. today on the evening broadcast. we have more than 500 participants of different categories of disabilities, different age categories, our institution is visited by children from 3 years old and the oldest participant is 96. today we have more than twenty club formations of different genres, different interests, this includes arts and crafts and choreography , and a theatrical, folk film and video studio, where we shoot social videos and films. the clown theater is a unique
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theater of sign songs, where children and adults sing with signs and those who are hard of hearing. that is, anyone when he comes, he can try himself in everything and find the path in which he will be comfortable, on which the leaders of the club formation will support him, and will keep pace with him, help, understand and accept him as... there is football for all fans of the number one game, they can compete for valuable gifts, the presidential sports club is holding a competition for the famous ball chasing, according to the conditions you need to make a video up to a minute, alternately hit the ball with your right and left foot as many times as possible, then. post the video on instagram, subscribe to the club page, tag the account. leave
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a hashtag with the name of the project. whoever completes the most stuffing will win in his age category. let’s say a man over 60 scored 106 times last year. in addition to the main competition, this year the presidential sports club has established consolation prizes, so to speak, through a randomized drawing; 10 lucky winners will be selected among all participants to receive prizes. in childhood, we basically started trying when we were 6-7 years old learn to score, who could do it more, and of course they argued with each other, they competed, but we didn’t always do everything well, first with our feet, then with our heads, well, it was great, such good memories, my friends, i invite everyone to participate in...
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football competition for everyone, this is where you can win wonderful prizes, everything is in your hands, the whole country will be watching you, the winners will be... determined in five age categories , there is time for training, the competition will last until august 23. my colleagues and projects will talk about sports further tv news agencies are also available on social networks in the mobile application qr code on the screen. new information at one o'clock in the afternoon, see you later. bntu handball player belasa is a twenty-five-time champion of belarus. the team's anniversary title was brought by its victory in the final series over gomel. the third decisive match, which the capital’s girls played away, ended with a score of 34:22 in favor of the students, which forced gomel to resign as champions.
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let us remind you that the bronze medalist of the championship was a city resident. viktor goncharenko is no longer the head coach ural, the club’s press service reports. the resignation is complete. after the first play-off match for the right to remain in the rfl, in which ural lost at home to tolyatinsk akron 0:2. let us remind you that goncharenko took over the team in august 2022, and previously worked with bath, kuban, uva, cska and krasnodar.
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in august 1954 , a special issue of the magazine news of the day was shown in all cinemas in the country before the start of film shows. he talked about a significant event for the country. on
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august 1, in moscow, for the first time since the war , the all-union agricultural exhibition. renovated , it amazed with its scope and splendor. the pavilions of each republic looked more like luxurious palaces. belorussky at number 18 is a monumental building with a colonnade in two rows. all central newspapers of the soviet union reported about this event. belarusian press. they came out under the heading. glorious victory of socialism. belarusian radio also broadcast its reports. mechanical pavilion. here you can see the best
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designs of agricultural gas technology. this is the latest technology from gomselmash and the minsk tractor plant. the pavilion lived with gadouli. here the demanstration of the stupid people of the bully. ragataga stingray. on the fields there are exhibitions of wheat, industrial crops grown by belarusian farmers. finished products were also demonstrated at the exhibition; the bssr was widely represented. for the first time , achievements of local industry. it took the republic only 10 years to revive it, and in a number of areas to raise it to the level of union significance. in september forty-sixth in the central committee. it was collected based on the results of a prepared
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report from two departments, organizational and local industry. in it, about the mistakes made in restoring the production base of the republic. the findings are disappointing. in a number of areas , local enterprises have been raised from ruins, but this is extremely insufficient. from a memo from the secretary of the baranovichi regional party committee of tours dated august 3, 1944 addressed to ponomarenko. in baranovichi, a meat processing plant has been restored and prepared for launch, and is staffed. according to the lead, the agricultural machinery plant has been operating since july, with 120 employees. by restoration work has been organized in novogrudok.
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at the beginning of august 1930, in the department of agro-industrial complexes of the union-canned milk of the ussr, discussions had been going on for many days about the location of the construction of another new plant in the country for condensed and powdered milk, and they were very emotional, each of the participants defended their own option. the head of the department once again
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unfolded the tables, compared the technical requirements for the new production with those presented by his comrades from the republic and shook his head negatively. taratuta only spread his hands. questions arose again and again about the union. despite disputes, discussions, doubts, on august 5, 1930 , an official letter was sent to the leadership of sof-kolkhozstroy by the director of the research institute, notifying that the institute had accepted obligations under an agreement with... the state center of belarus to develop an orc plan for the rogachev- zhlobin agro-industrial
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plant. the requirements for the construction of such production are strict. it should be tied to a place where there is a large amount of feed for cattle livestock and the main requirement is that there should be no cheese factories or butter factories nearby, otherwise problems with a shortage of milk may arise. the best thing. rogachev walked in the gomel region of the bssr. the construction site in rogachev is the confluence of two rivers, there is water nearby, large pastures for raising cows nearby, well, in principle, the raw materials area is good, so the choice was made. but there was another weighty argument: the unique technology of condensing milk, which local craftsmen had mastered here for two centuries and which... did not change, only milk and sugar. this technology did not exist in the world
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at any dairy canning plant, not in the soviet union, not in europe, nowhere, there were such plants. the first products were released already in 1938, a ten-kilogram wooden barrel of condensed milk and coffee in 200 g bottles . it appeared. the already recognizable jar with blue and light blue triangles, its design was also proposed by taratuta. before the war, the plant produced 11 million conventional units.
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the entire local industry in the city, the factory buildings were completely destroyed, it took it took just a few years to restore the plant; in fact, in 1948 , the pre-war level was reached, and even surpassed, when slowly, gradually rebuilding the work and preparing for a continuous method, well, maybe
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the equipment became modern. today , rogachevsky canned milk is still a brand of the republic, which was created in the pre-war years, then restored in the difficult post-war years, with the dedicated work, intelligence, and talent of several generations of the enterprise. the newdenhams were constantly on honor board, for quality. there was no such regulation in the soviet union.
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yana is not very sensitive to the rules of the kashtouna people and i will come out of this. bee - geta mayo, this is my whole life with a bee. since childhood, since childhood, i have been a beekeeper, i live with a bee. there is not enough meat, which means he will keep two wild boars, there is not enough milk, he will keep three cows, and so on. the poleshok won’t
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pay much, but he will try to live with dignity. glyadzice project paleshuki.
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that is, this is intelligence, we put a microphone on the mechanism, a signal is sent to the device, and we need this is to regulate that the hours should run, to preserve what our ancestors invested in their work, this is our history and heritage, the main topics are on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . the report of the belarusian radio about the work of the all-union agricultural exhibition was highly anticipated listened with interest in the republic. one of them with special pride is at
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the arshan flax mill. in the carding shop , management and workers gathered around the loudspeaker, and the sound was coming from the radio. the amount of strength at the arshan flax mill added the frame is molded. chapel akulina grybouskaya. at the beginning of the war, evacuated from the industrial enterprises at the savetsky rear, she returned to her native city after being driven out by the hitlerites, and from the front of the former she left the army. only by the beginning of the 50th year, in the fall of 150 workers, there were 150 workers in the profession. this is why flax waters are presented in the republic at the all-union exhibition in muskva. dzelitsa experiments with molded flax growers. each of the enterprise workers probably recalled his own history, the history of his plant, when
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it was necessary to raise the enterprise, famous throughout the country since pre-war times, literally from the ruins. the first factory where i started working, there was a wall there. at the beginning of the fzo school, that is, what they did, first they removed the garbage, at the first factory, there the germans were repairing tanks, and we pulled out the tracks, there were about 50 girls, and i know for sure that there were 25 guys, by order of the people's commissariat...
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destroyed, we removed the mortar from the brick, and the mortar was removed well, because it was made of rubble, we used everything that was suitable, broken frames, preserved doors, abandoned german uniforms, the first thing they did was go to the battlefields, remove diesel generators from captured equipment, install...
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the heroism of the people of those years is a unique phenomenon in the history of the country. today it is difficult to imagine how a bloodless republic managed in
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the shortest possible time, in the absence of personnel and limited human resources, not only to revive production, but to begin producing products. despite the fact that the main issue remained the issue of raw materials, sown areas were lost and the land was depleted. the seed fund is also lost, it is necessary it was time to start, but there wasn’t a day, because the yarn was made of paper, that’s how long i worked at the mill, that’s when there were such conversations that the yarn doesn’t work there, and i answered, what would you do if you your yarn was made of paper, no one believed me, on may 8, 1945 , an extraordinary meeting of the bureau of the central committee of the communist party of the republic took place in minsk. the issue of distribution of trophy flax seeds of dolgunets was discussed.
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as part of reparations from germany, seed material for crop production was supplied along with equipment. for flax growing there was 120 tons delivered. according to the plan approved by the bureau, 90 tons were sent to the economy of the minsk region, 30 tons to the economy of bobruisk. orsha, the oldest flax mill in the republic, stood out separately. why orsha was chosen, it so happened historically that the best lands for growing flax are the vitebsk, mogilev and smolensk regions. the heroism of people in restoring the enterprise was also taken into account. on may 1 , 1945, our workers reported to the front that they had produced the first linear meter of fabric. more fabric. bye
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already in 1946, in fact, from the first post-war harvest, enterprises in the industry, which produced almost in the open air, including the arshan plant, produced their first post-war million square meters of linen fabrics. already in the forty -sixth year, the plant exceeded the pre-war production volume. and on the one hand it seemed, well, we can stop, we can rest on our laurels. georgy vasilyevich semenov once wrote in his memoirs, you know, he says, i received good progressive wages, the workers received for overfulfillment of the plan, the plant was always ahead, everything was wonderful, but he says, one day he came to the store, i saw how terrible the fabrics were, and then i went to an exhibition in moscow, i saw that they brought towels, towels, tablecloths to belgium, how and why are we we cannot do this; a decision is made to build
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the second stage. in the first post-war years, with the revival of linen industry enterprises , the purpose of products for the needs of the population expanded; they are still recognizable in the world today. this is a belarusian brand that was born in the most dramatic post-war years. it was amazing how happy they were about small things. the first light bulb came on, it was her holiday.
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since the thirties, it has united weavers and embroiderers who master traditional techniques in the recreated slutsk artel, which is still folk crafts. we collected everything literally bit by bit. what was started after liberation is what we revived. this is very necessary, this is our culture, we had albums saved at the factory, obtained as a result of trips to villages, embroidery material was collected weaving patterns, emphasis - these were patterns, symbols, mostly these were positive symbols, goodness, life, wealth, prosperity, prosperity, it was possible to restore unique equipment, machines on which
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slutsk weavers made...


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