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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 30, 2024 3:00pm-3:11pm MSK

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generation, we value the past for our present. belarus 24! the telenews agency team continues the information day, tatyana korol is with you, hello, now i’ll tell you about the main thing in the country in the world, expanding the horizons of cooperation.
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on june 4 he will make a state visit to mongolia. official negotiations with the president of mongolia will take place in ulaanbaatar in a limited and expanded format. the leaders will discuss promising areas of cooperation to maximize the full potential of bilateral relations. first of all, we are talking about opportunities to expand cooperation in the trade and economic sphere, supplies to the mongolian market, in-demand food and industrial products of our enterprises, and joint work in the agro-industrial complex. waiting. that as a result of the negotiations
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they will sign a number of documents that will strengthen the foundation of bilateral cooperation. alexander lukashenko will also get acquainted with the history, original traditions and customs of the people of mongolia. in parallel with the events of the state visit , a business forum will be held in ulaanbaater. representatives of business circles will be able to get acquainted with each other's capabilities in more detail and discuss practical issues in specific areas. today alexander lukashenko inspected the fields. in the vitebsk and mogilev regions in their small homeland, people call them presidential. in fact, they are experimental. every year, right here, at the junction of two regions, farmers conduct experiments that are important for the whole country, sow different varieties of different crops, compare ours and imported ones, strictly observing the principles of crop rotation. best experience applies to the entire republic. this year corn was sown along with different types of grass.
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well, what color is this rosette, let it stay for a few days, then remove the sinash, you see it, it’s just a branch, good, this is ideal, people on the farm, learn and act sowing good corn, the head of state thanked all the workers of the academy of sciences who participated in the process. including farmers who
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work on this land. in the mogileov region alone, they plan to harvest a million tons of synagogue from the first cutting, led by krichevsky, cherikovsky, kirovsky district. farmers are trying to cope on time so as not to lose the juiciness of feed, which is important for livestock farming, including on the zarya farm, where a dozen pieces of equipment and transportation equipment are working in the fields at the same time. the enterprise has allocated more than a thousand for the first cutting. perennial grasses are alfalfa, clover, timofeevka, about 200 hectares have been mowed to date, forage procurement continues, the plan for harvesting is more than 1800 tons, everything is going according to plan, according to schedule. in total in the mogilev region for during the summer season, it is planned to produce over 2 million tons of synage. an act of humanism on the part of the state, deputies immediately.
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today, a bill on amnesty for the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders was adopted in two readings. the document was developed on behalf of the president. according to a preliminary assessment, the amnesty for... the bill also includes minors who have committed crimes related to drug trafficking. the main conditions for applying the amnesty for compensation for harm and a positive characteristic of a person while serving a sentence; those who committed a crime against human health and life, sexual integrity, or were also involved in terrorism will not be eligible for amnesty. amnesty is a manifestation of humanism on the part of the state in relation to persons who have committed a criminal offense, thus giving them a chance to take the path of correction and start a new life. the issue was worked out by all interested parties in order to exclude the onset of serious the latter, so that the criminal situation in the republic does not become more complicated after the application
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of the amnesty. in total , there are nine issues on the parliamentary agenda today, including the ratification of a number of international documents. problem with long-term construction. to be solved by 2025, this task faces local authorities and relevant departments. at the beginning of the year , there were more than 1,100 structures across the country where construction times were significantly delayed, almost half of which were communal agricultural facilities. where, how many long-term construction projects are left and who is responsible for this? watch today in the new episode project under the control of the president. demolish man- made monuments without any care. or complete construction, most of them are in the north of the country in the central region of belarus. negligence or bureaucracy is pure. here there is no need to make paving slabs for cows and install a metal fence 2 m high.
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why should we not finish the house? these are not created jobs, lost taxes to the budget, frozen economic activity. warsaw continues to create an iron curtain, the prime minister of the polish regime, which until recently, he criticized the previous government for such attempts to isolate itself, the heir said.
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grain market and demonstration of solidarity with ukraine. prohibitive tariffs will not affect transit through community ports to third countries. the true face of washington. the united states is boycotting a ceremony at the un in memory of the fallen iranian president, reuters reports.
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the general assembly traditionally meets to pay tribute to any world leader who was the current head of state at the time of death. however, the anonymous american the official stated that the states will not... be present at this event in any capacity, in any way. meanwhile, iran has officially ruled out the possibility of sabotage in the death of ibrahim raisiya on a crashed helicopter, which was also undetected. at the uruchya training ground there are competitions among meritian topographic and geodetic calculations. six teams from navigation and topographic military units and operational commands took part in the competition. the competition program includes orienteering, determining the coordinates of objects, gluing maps, performing standards using special equipment. in addition to this stage, we also provide the azimuth stage. where terrain orientation is carried out, personnel on moderately rough terrain near


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