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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 30, 2024 5:05pm-5:35pm MSK

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bread, salt, and brushwood, to show how unusual and wonderful our country is, yeah, vezha, you read belarusian, no, i can’t, come here, you’re my good one, this is history, you know, ola, i can’t, oh, there was
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a fire, the monastery burned down, and in the morning they found drowned people in the river; in their faces they recognized the monks who married lyubomirsky, his daughter and kroer. discover belarus with the belarus 24 tv channel
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. oh, kayla, today we are lucky, such beautiful weather, yes, taimari, i think our journey has begun today, not only wonderful, and magnificent, yes, look, osero, the forest is there, i wonder what will happen next, welcome. midskyli was in this
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city for the first time and it must be said that they fell in love with it at first sight. it is located on the shore of a beautiful lake, there are such wonderful bids and very interesting sights, we decided to start our journey in the senyadel calvary. hello sir, my name is kayla. hello, i'm taima.
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on earth, locals call this attraction myadzel jerusalem, all because this point is accurate a copy of the way of the cross in...
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very cruel, and after his son was born, and he built the church of the mother of god of the scapular in 1754, because he had a son, his wife ran away from him, precisely because of his cruelty abandoned him with her son, so he was forced to hire a maid for his son, yes, a nanny, sixteen years old, but the son was so fast that she could not control him. look, yes, and he died, so he was a very cruel, evil person, according to legend, it means that they say that he walled her up in a pillar, this nanny, her name was bronislava, well, whether it’s true or not, it’s difficult to say, but they say that when
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the first world war began, near myadel, at one of the crossroads , there was a pillar, yeah, which was destroyed , there were remains of human bones in it.
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koszczec, that is, the owner of the old myadel. he himself comes from the vitebsk region, at first it belonged to mikhail koshchets, and after his death, it was inherited by anthony koshchets, so ...
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we will introduce you to people who have found their calling. through the carriage window i noticed the walls of the gomelsky plant repair car, the thought flashed inside me that i wanted to work here, i was drawn here, well, that’s how it happened. and at school. during labor lessons, they brought us kids to the factory and showed us: look, this is how glass is made, this is how these cars come with glass, that is, this has been going on since school, well, i’m near glass all the time. we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their work. we are producing a completely new product based on a covered freight car; it will be a diesel car. power plant capacity. 400 kw, it is the only enterprise in the republic of belarus producing sheet glass, in general
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there are few such enterprises in the cis, we are investing in improving our technologies, well, we must, we simply must keep up with the times, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. bye near the western borders of belarus and nato conducts exercises, increases the military contingent, and on our southern border there are special services. and ukrainian saboteurs are being caught, today in our country all conditions are being created in order to successfully repel any aggression, but our western neighbors did not really like the appearance of nuclear weapons in belarus, while their placement on the territory of nato countries suits everyone, but this is probably different, there is a redistribution of spheres of influence in the world, well, in addition, a departure from a unipolar world to a polycentric one to the world. the republic of belarus is essentially located at the junction of these two power lines: the confrontation between the west and the east, and any
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changes in the international situation, in international security, immediately affect our national security. the constitution of our country states in black and white that we are not going to attack anyone. military capacity and military strength are defensive in nature, and this is against the backdrop of the rapid armament of our neighbors. author. ksenia lebedeva’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel . and then, on the advice of signor valery , taimari and i go to the apothecary garden. i hope we find him quickly, because the park is very large. well kayla, are you sure we're going?
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right, because it's forest, forest, forest, forest. and i believe that. a forest is a forest, and a backside is a backside, so i’m not sure either, but the navigator points that way, so i think that’s where it’s going, well, soon we’ll find out whether we’re right or wrong, oh look, you were right, otbekarsky garden, i told you, take a piss from me, well, she doesn’t trust me, my name is. my name is anna and i am glad to welcome you to our excursion and tourist complex and i want to immediately tune you into the atmosphere that reigns here, this is a different reality, this another world, everything bad, all the troubles,
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bad news, depression, everything that torments you, bad mood. and firstly, this is an excursion and tourist complex, and it was created so that visitors to our region plunge into the fabulous world of plants, the fact is that all plants, if you look into it in detail, they have certain medicinal properties, they can saturate our the body with useful vitamins, minerals, the fact that you eat
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salads, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, yes, that’s it, these are all medicinal plants, it turns out here. and here we talk about these plants in the garden; we have more than 25 species; here, it turns out that this apothecary garden is unique for the whole of belarus, more than 200 plants grow on an area of ​​2 hectares, and what is the most unique plant you can have here? a venezuelan plant is there ? although maybe, yes, maybe we also have sakura, sakura is in china, this is japan, japan, that’s close, yes, we also have gingabelova, gingabelova, have you heard of this, this is a relict tree that came to us from the mesozoic era, this species is 250 million oh, wow, these are two most unique
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plants, why are there so many plants? and what do you do with them then? we don’t do anything with them, but our visitors do, during the excursion we have aromatherapy, yeah, yeah, look, you see the bushes, yes, it’s written from sops, medicinal, medicinal, this plant came to us from kazakhstan, dagestan , kazakhstan, caucasus, tear off a leaf, rub it, smell it, you can, you can, rub it. in venezuela there is one, maybe in venezuela there is, no, in appearance no, but in terms of aroma, aroma, we not only have different medicinal plants, i already said at the beginning, we have a different world, a different reality, we have magic on every corner, before
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our magic begins with a fountain, the fact is that when the sun shines, you can always see a rainbow in it. yes, there is a sun, whoever sees a rainbow, his most cherished dreams and desires come true, then you need and for this you just need to go around and find the rainbow, i found it, i haven’t yet, over there in the middle, here it comes, you see, right here, start from here , here it ends, i see, everything, everything, ours is in full swing desire, i suggest looking at exactly those plants that are on... and the leaves are just emerging, they resemble a fan, they seem to grow from each other, they will be such large leaves,
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yes, they are big, the tree is very it grows slowly, and as i already said, this is a relict tree, there are only two types of relict trees on earth, where 250 million years old, the story is this, this is a giant sequoia, it is known more, perhaps there is a sequoia in venezuela, i don’t know. i don’t know, no, it’s a mystery, a mystery, and there is gingabeloba, the homeland of this tree is china, but now it is grown almost all over the world, and the main property, the main effect is improving memory, this plant is widespread in belarus, only it is smaller, here we have a decorative form, and the latin name of this plant is a...
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the feeling when the hawthorn will ripen, our visitors pick the berries straight from the village and try them, and pay attention to how sharp their thorns are, yes, touch them, oh, wow, in this garden, each plant has a certain benefit, you can try it all here now, the phyto living room, there is a wide range of tea, tea products, our excursion also includes... tea drinking, today you drink tea, which is called aromatic herbs, here we have
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currant berries, lemon balm, mint, raspberries, thyme, these are purely herbal infusions, uh-huh, and uh, this kind of tea can only be bought from us at the moment, oh, yes, and all the tea that we have, here we are now sitting here in the phyto-living room, all the tea that we have here presented uh. all tea is produced by us, because the apothecary garden is part of a large holding company, which includes we also have tea production, there is such a wonderful and exalting atmosphere here, it feels like time has just stopped, here we have a place where you can slow down time, oh, we love things, please, we have a magic snail, it stands in the center art object is healing. pantry, generally note, the snail always moves at its own speed, calmly, nothing distracts it, nothing interferes, and uh, we need to tune in
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to its speed, to its time, for this we need to perform a ritual, we need to notice the time for one day, you need to spend 10 times snail spirals, hello caracolito, come on, come on, i don’t know if we managed to stop time on the sayit, but we definitely managed to be transported back in time when we got off the lucky break, so what, friends, we really are in another world, but of course , let's continue, we have to go there, kayla, i'm just in another world, as you said...
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once again the first word is cooker for cooking eggs, sasha, well done, demonstrate intellectual potential to the whole country, name the player who made a hat in the 21st century trick in the world championship final on football. timofey, mbape, absolutely right, klean mbape, what kind of wind do ski jumpers prefer, headwinds or tailwinds? mikhail,
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oncoming, oncoming. but this is a classic example when, by geopolitical means, a potential enemy is removed in socio-economic terms there politically, it was actually raised by the anglo-saxon countries, great britain, the usa, this is the modern ruling elite, their personal future is secured, but for this they pay for those what do the americans stand for? british interests in the european union, destroying it. this week, for example, the system, as they call it, was completed , this cybersecurity system
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has completely surrounded ours. usa for the first quarter of 24 17.5%. the key word is consolidation, if we want. future for our children, then we must all unite. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. it seems to me that after such a large relatability we need to find some active activities. hello, oh hi, i'm
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kayla. we have all the guests who come to us to relax, even in winter, autumn, spring, and in the summer they definitely go kayaking, even in winter, but you, like you girls from southern countries, in winter we will not swim, now we are already warm, it’s almost summer now, we’ll show you what interesting things we have here, oh, i’m not ready, well, me too, let’s go, i’ve never vacationed at the kayaking estate, it’s interesting how everything works here, our guests are special, because we have guests they come specifically to kayak, it’s just quiet, quiet rest, lie down, lie down, relax, this is not for our guests, although our guests are the same, after the rafting a quiet relaxing holiday begins, we have houses where
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you can... old russian technology, when there is no no, this is when the smoke comes through the steam room, it's a chimney, it's all covered in smoke, then it's all rinsed, ventilated, it's all a whole technology, the most interesting thing is that we're on the river bank, there's an old mill mill very close to us, the rest... what are we left up to of our times, and there is a waterfall there, and the water is constantly noisy, that is, in the evening, when there is complete silence, when couples in love relax where the family is, they relax to the sound of the waterfall, that is, there is no such thing anywhere else, no one, but you say that people come here to ride a stand-up bike, it’s a professional one, because i’m a professional, no, you don’t have to be a professional, we define it as just a family-friendly, interesting active excursion, so i say, if you know how to ride
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a bike, if you like walking in the forest on... in boots or sneakers, then you are our guests, i will teach you in 2 minutes, in 5 minutes, we have very good modern boats, we have a very beautiful river, it is picturesque, beautiful, at the same time we we call it completely safe. after the rafting, guests who want to stay with us and spend the night, we offer your two houses. this is our main guest house, it can accommodate 8-10 people, so the two of you will be very comfortable here, a lot, yes, it’s very warm, cozy here, and cool in the summer.


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