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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 31, 2024 4:50am-5:45am MSK

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beaten and told his relatives that he was beaten by police officers. he died 4 days later at the house of his relatives. all these video messages from the brother of the deceased appeared. doctors arrived but were unable to revive him. a week later we received the autopsy results. the doctors said that my brother died of a stroke. we realized that the doctors were lying to us, that they were simply covering for the police, because we saw my brother’s body and what the police did to him. relatives claim that the police refuse. starting an investigation puts pressure on doctors so that they recognize the death as natural. an act of humanism on the part of the state. deputies in two readings today adopted a bill on amnesty for the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. the document was prepared by the ministry of internal affairs, the supreme court and the prosecutor general's office on behalf of the president. estimates that the amnesty
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will affect more than 7,500 people. the main conditions are compensation for harm and a positive characterization of the person while serving the sentence. parliamentarians today also considered issues related to precious metals, pensions for military personnel and ratified a number of international documents. anton malyuta on the nuances of important decisions. it's a big legislative day in the house of representatives. there are nine issues on the agenda, but apparently they are discussing them first and foremost on the sidelines. ideas on importance, amnesty. before the start of the meeting, we will also take an interest in the position of alexander borsukov. given his solid law enforcement experience and current status as co-rapporteur. amnesty is a manifestation humanism on the part of the state in relation to persons who have committed a criminal offense. this gives them a chance to take the path of correction and start a new life. and most importantly, experience shows that amnesties do not affect the crime situation in the country. this year there are... 7,500 people under it, but
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about a third will be released; most will have their sentences reduced by a year, for example, mothers of many children who are not deprived of parental rights. the bill also covers persons who have committed crimes related to drug trafficking. this question sparked a discussion in the oval hall: is it worth taking such a step? i would like to know what guided the developers of the amnesty bill when applying this decision to individuals. convicted of crimes related to drug trafficking, proposing such innovations in the draft law, we were guided primarily by analysis - not only of law enforcement practice, but by an analysis of the state of the drug threat in the republic of belarus. our number has decreased drug crimes, we have reduced the number of minors involved in drug trafficking by 30% in just 1 year. most importantly, we have reduced the number of deaths due to overdoses of drugs and other psychoactive substances. and this is a fact,
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we believe that such a novelty will not entail any significant deterioration of the drug situation in the country, i repeat, we approached this issue very carefully, i think that it will also have a preventive effect on others, just like that in the future, that is, such lingering effect may be. amnesty, as a concept, is not present in all countries, including western ones, only a strong state is capable of this, if someone has stumbled once, they will give him... a chance, but only if there is one hundred percent confidence, the person has taken the path of correction and will not harm society, therefore those who are involved in terrorism and extremism are not included in the amnesty, no matter how they try to criticize them from the outside. those people who wanted and want today to destroy our constitutional system, state system, to destroy sovereignty of belarus, they cannot be included in the amnesty, and of course, i urge you to support the bill in bipartisanship, because our state, it knows how... yes,
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the bill was passed in two readings at once, it was so well worked out, there are many ratifications on the agenda. deputies supported the creation of an international organization for the russian language. this decision was made by the heads of the cis states in beshka in the fall. now the protection and promotion of our common intangible heritage has reached the community level. the purpose of this organization.
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the most important thing i want to emphasize is that it is based on the principles of friendship, good neighborliness, and harmony. in their work, deputies always focus on what is happening in the world and the country. therefore, they understand which issues require attention or adjustment. this happened with the law that concerns the insolvency of organizations. it was adopted in 2022, looked at how it works in practice and made changes, increasing the responsibility of managers if the organization found itself in poor financial condition due to their decisions. when when grounds for insolvency of an enterprise arise, it is prohibited to pay. any dividends, this was done in order to protect ordinary employees of this enterprise, as well as bona fide creditors who invested money in this enterprise, so that they could really, well, these enterprises that are going bankrupt, pay off their
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debtors. the interests of the state and society are the main emphasis in the adoption of any bill; today each one was considered in as much detail as possible. started work literally a couple of months ago, but immediately picked up an active legislative pace. this is a meeting in the oval hall, work in commissions, in districts, receptions of citizens, holding specialized seminars and international activities. we hope that june will be no less active. let me remind you that according to the updated constitution, the closing of the session should take place on the last working day of june. anton malyuta and dmitry garkusha, telenews agency. the visit of the belarusian parliamentary delegation to china has ended. the guests visited the museum of the history of the communist party of china, it located near the olympic park in beijing, it aims to show the history of the party in an epic panoramic form, from the beginning of the country's struggle for independence to the present day. the opening in 2021 was timed to coincide with the centenary of the chinese communist party and
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3,500 exhibits, including historical documents, weapons, photographs and much more. valuable cultural relics are on display, including original manuscripts of karl marx, and are also modeled. some important historical events. the modern part of the exhibition is interactive, within a few minutes minutes, guests fly over key cities and provinces of china. the video chronicle of the exhibition includes a number of visits by the chairman.
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the legal framework, economic issues, the international agenda, healthcare, education, and a wide range of issues were discussed. the opening campaign for belarus is in full swing. graduates today took the second centralized exam, a choice of russian or belarusian. more than 55,000 people registered for the tests, and almost 3,000 comfortable classrooms were prepared for them throughout the country. what regarding graduates of previous years, they wrote tests. let me remind you, this year. centralized exams and cts are held on the same dates. my colleague victoria sharkova monitors the progress of the company. exciting anticipation among applicants at the delivery points reigned today from the very morning. schoolchildren , accompanied by teachers, began arriving at the sites an hour and a half before the start of the tests.
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just take your passport, pass, and pen with you for success. i think there will be 60 points. but i prepared myself, i didn’t go to anyone, because it’s easier for me. well, i'm not worried, because i prepared, i know that i will write well, well, i will write in any way, everything passed and i will pass, i constantly prepared myself, i hope that i will write well, there is practically no anxiety, because i am confident in russian, well, i feel great, i wanted 70 points -80, of course , for admission, i mainly prepared, there are a lot of educational channels that tell you the tasks on them in more detail. prepare, so 317 applicants took the exams at dzerzhinsky state college. before the start of the tests, the readiness of the audience and the commission was checked representatives of the state control committee paid special attention to the safety of test tasks; they arrived at the testing points the day before.
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hotlines operate in the state control committee, in the regional state control committee, after. after submitting the first cent to the hotline, the state commission received more than 80 requests , mostly related to registration for reserve days. the tests were allotted 2 hours, but many finished earlier. graduate maria grummo completed the task in 40 minutes and took it in pedagogical university, where he plans to enroll as a psychologist. he has no doubt in his abilities, because he has 9 months of meticulous preparation behind him. honestly, the analogues that the tutors gave me were much more difficult than the exam itself, and i prepared, i prepared for all 20 years, i solved all the collections and well, now the exam was over. much easier than the analogues they gave me, mathematics was more difficult, russian, i think,
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was made a little easier, because i solved it last year on the internet, it was much more difficult, on the lesson we were given was very difficult, i completed it in an hour, because i also double-checked the task several times just in case, it was very easy, i thought it would be very difficult, at the rehearsal it was much more difficult, for objectivity in my native almamater, where it would seem walls help you pass... only if for a good reason, and as for the results themselves, the republican institute for knowledge control
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plans to issue them from june 12. victoria sharkova, anatoly dolotovsky, television news agency. at the beginning of the year across the country there were more than 1,100 structures where construction times were significantly delayed. almost half of this blacklist are municipal and agricultural facilities. the local authorities and relevant departments are faced with the task of solving the problem of long-term construction before the twenty-fifth year. exclusively, where how many of these are left and most importantly, who is responsible for this, look in the next episode of the project under the control of the president. man-made monuments should be demolished or completed without proper management. most of them are in the north of the country in the central region of belarus. negligence or pure bureaucracy. there is no need to make paving slabs for cows here. and put up a metal fence 2 m high, that it costs us not to complete the house, this is not a created
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place of work, lost taxes to the budget, frozen economic activity, dead walls of living houses, who will answer? a joint project of the state control committee of the television news agency under the control of the president, watch in four! after the panorama, a cultural breakthrough of the information blockade. st. petersburg gathered 300 young journalists for a dialogue crops the media forum took place for the eighteenth time. in discussions on the unification of nations, the voices of argentina, serbia, france and italy were heard. each country represented its values ​​in films. here are the tv news agencies. creative history in memorials, so is culture capable of stopping military conflicts? our
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columnist joined the conversation on the vaults of the hermitage. as a rule, it is forbidden to photograph this precious cultural shield of the russian people, but for 2 days the hermitage made an exception for young journalists out of 20 countries of the world. people have gathered here who carry this genetic code of eurasia, their fathers, their
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great-grandfathers, if cultures live separately, then they can destroy themselves, or if one bomb is thrown at them, nothing will remain of them, and the dialogue of cultures is interaction, cultures allows us all to be preserved in memory. for the eighteenth time, the hermitage invited young journalists to brilliantly conduct open discussions under the arches of history, what are they teaching? the turbulence in which we live. she's renting out here, no it works, because here, whether it’s a step or a door, excuse me, this is a masterpiece, and this is a monument.
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in 2015, people weren’t talking about slavic countries in latin america, then i came to st. petersburg for the first time and at home they wondered why? but now the world has changed, people talk about the country much more often. i come as an independent blogger to record what is really happening here. this is the path to discussion about culture. serbia and the serbian people have always been open, open to everyone, and especially to russians.
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so that they could hear how loudly the memorials spoke, especially in the year of the eightieth anniversary of liberation from fascism, the television news agency showed the project of belarus creating on the international platform, as opposed to the destruction of monuments of the same nearby poland, we are always open , we always try to talk, are the bridges ready to hear us? it’s always difficult to direct, because the so-called enlightened west, they are enlightened, and russian belarusians, kyrgyz, uzbeks, it’s like...
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urban information and educational project "open knowledge". already by tradition, the shopping center of the capital has become a large platform for dialogue with young people. today, more than a thousand young activists, together with experts, talked about the belarus of the future and the modern developments of our scientists. today we are successfully developing advanced it and biotechnologies that are in demand throughout the world. many ideas have been implemented in the field of artificial intelligence,
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electric transport, and microelectronics. the focus is also on the development of the space industry. today the format is unique in that not only the speakers tell something, but we can also see various platforms presented by university students with interesting developments that are relevant for all spheres of social life. i was surprised by the developments for 100 ideas for belarus, this is a scooter that accelerates to 84 km/h, smart home systems, cars that drive here, this is unique, once again emphasizes that history is written by the young and our...
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cities, a lot has been done over the years, state investments amounted to billions of rubles, about how shklov has improved and what they are proud of residents in the panoramas section a place to live. shklov is one of the most beautiful original cities in the mogilev region, its history
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began half a millennium ago, here on the banks of the dnieper, once part of the waterway from north to south. these picturesque places have always attracted many tourists, and also this sculpture of a cucumber, because shklov is recognized as a cucumber. the capital has a tradition, but luck needs to be rubbed in the pocket of our talisman, and our pride is the city hall, it was even included in the catalog of world architectural monuments, now there is a gymnasium here, our places forces - the alley of heroes of the great patriotic war, socialist labor, soldiers, internationalist border guards, the transfiguration church, the church of saints peter and paul. “residents of shklov cherish the history of their native land, thousands of exhibits are collected in the local historian’s museum, the oldest is considered
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to be the toothmammoth found on the outskirts of the city, which is over 150 thousand years old. by the way, we are successfully preserving folk traditions in shklov. we have united dozens of clubs at the district cultural center.” not talented residents of shklov. these are both masters and artists. many of them annually decorate the most soulful summer festival of alexandria collecting sebro. by the way, we invite everyone to the holidays this year. it will be interesting. we enjoy our guests with good souls. of course, the city has transformed over the years, primarily due to its strong industrial potential. shklov butter factory with the most delicious dairy products. the plant is operating successfully. but the whole world knows his papers and his products. by the way, next year the enterprise will celebrate its twentieth anniversary, it also has its own wood processing production of laminated veneer lumber,
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by the way, i work here as a leading specialist, the company is one of the suppliers of flax fiber, a domestic processor and manufacturer of branded clothing and textiles. export to russia and even china has been mastered. over the years , the social sphere has also disappeared; a fully electrified kindergarten for 50 children has adorned the new youth microdistrict. by the way, every year dozens of families receive the keys to new apartments, and this year another 16 will celebrate housewarming. after a large-scale reconstruction , the central regional hospital is also reaching a new level. equipment, including endoscopic surgery and intensive care have been updated, and a computed tomograph has been installed. modern ultrasound machines. all this is our pride, the residents
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of shklov, who loved their small homeland with all their souls, doing everything to make it a place to live not only for us, but for our children. and this is the information picture of thursday , may 30, our broadcast will continue the project under the control of the president, followed by sports news. i say goodbye, all the best, goodbye. man-made monuments should be demolished or completed without proper management. most of them are in the north of the country. what does it cost us
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the house is unfinished? these are uncreated jobs, lost taxes to the budget, frozen economic activity. dead walls of living houses, who will answer? a joint project of the state control committee of the television news agency under the control of the president. watch it now. these shots were taken 2 years ago by the film crew of the belynichi television news agency, raionevsky region, podeviche village, something very similar to a cowshed. the facility had a hard time; construction of the barn began in 2014, but was stopped several times. total for
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for 8 years , more than a million rubles, including credit, were spent on trying to build a dairy farm. instead of profit there are only losses. while they were paying interest to the bank, which was still about a million, the cowshed was literally drowning in rainwater. and later, the sincere confession of the management of the farm will completely shock you. he doesn't need a farm. we returned to the village of podeviche to find out the fate of the long-term construction. these are fresh shots taken in mid-may, the housewarming party still took place, however, after the intervention of the state control committee, now the farm has a new the owner already has 750 residents. in fact, this unfinished construction project was formed due to a lack of financing of credit resources to complete the full construction cycle. based on the results of the transition of this complex to a new one.
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of your funds. in 2022, four projects in the region significantly delayed construction timelines. last year we dealt with everyone. telishi farm is less about a mismanagement approach and more about formalism. there are no special complaints. here they supply the area with local milk. fully 3,700 l. 440
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milking herd heads. everything in this complex. everyone was comfortably accommodated over 600 units of cattle, they have been working here at this rate for almost 10 years, so what is the problem then? the construction of these complexes was divided into three launch complexes, two launch complexes were completed, well, for the third, unfortunately there was not enough funding, here the enterprise completed it all on its own, that is, without the third it was impossible to put the first and second into operation, and that too. .. is not at all an exception to rules, here in the slavgorod region there are currently eight long-term construction projects, how many do you think there are like teleshi, long-term construction only on paper, seven objects, a similar situation in the region, and in the country as a whole, there are 10 long-term construction projects left in belarus that are actually working, 3 years ago there were 765 of them for a moment. most of the projects were under construction in excess of the norm, they were ready
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for operation, it’s just that there would be... individual elements provided for in the design and estimate documentation were not completed, for example, landscaping, paving slabs there, fences and so on. kgc has developed a concept on how to solve the issue with such facilities on a national scale. the green light for such structures is given by a simplified commissioning procedure , like unauthorized construction. the mechanism is working. there is a minimum package of documents, there, the head of state has simplified this procedure for introducing such objects. here's the most important thing. get this conclusion on the technical reliability of the design and that’s it, you collect this, write an application to the executive committee commission, the permanent commission of the executive committee goes out and inspects this object gives a conclusion, everything is concluded, and a decision is made, that is, everything here is as simple as possible, we have already introduced two objects with this scheme precisely thanks to this
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unauthorized construction. as of today , funds are being sought for all eight remaining objects; work has already begun on contacting the bti with the available documents and ... bti employees will specifically go to the site to determine what has already been done by the farm, you will have time by the end of the year, by the end of the year must be in time, the price of the issue is about 10-15 thousand rubles. for farms, controllers are sure, this is raise money, what is missing is the ability to plan and write real projects, real sources of financing are not calculated, design and estimate documentation often include: inflated design solutions, this is what, by the way, the head drew attention to state, the main thing is that everything is simple, functional and cheap, here is an example, it is simply functional, it can be put into
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operation, there is no need to make paving slabs for cows and install metal a fence 2 m high, why? over the past 3 years , long-term construction projects in the magilev region have decreased by 5 and a half times, with only 72 objects remaining. to eliminate long-term construction throughout the country by the end of 2025, the task set by the head of state, unfinished construction projects under the special control of the president. alexander lukashenko regularly addresses this topic. these are not only monuments without maintenance; first of all, these are uncreated jobs, lost taxes to the budget, and frozen economic activity. this state of affairs is not going anywhere good. the state control committee has been actively engaged in putting things in order with unfinished excess construction projects on behalf of the president since 2021, during which time the number of long-term construction projects has decreased by 86%, with a special emphasis on
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abandoned buildings that are more than 20 years old, which is every fifth long-term construction project. this suggests that the last two to five years before the 2nd year, no one was working on them at all, but today we already have... out of 865 objects that were at the beginning of the twenty-second year, we still have 171 objects, probably we are we say that this is probably more remarkable, because these are the most complex, the most difficult objects, kgc knows the difficult fate of each such record holder in figures, facts and photos, let’s say, this long-term construction is already slightly over 30, should have worked here a long time ago new barley peeling line. what do we actually have? lidahlebobprodukt definitely doesn’t need any introduction; it’s one of the largest
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grain processors in belarus: flour, cereals, pasta, mixed feed and various premixes. the products are well known in the country and abroad. how a company with a high technical level of production fell into disgrace? leaf somewhere in the nineties of the previous century, in the ninety-first year the management decided to build this facility to ensure our own production of hulled barley, but at least recently we have been obtaining this product independently on a parallel line in an adapted room, in principle there was enough capacity , well, after all, finances were not yet enough to take a serious approach to this object, not without with the help of controllers, we will soon breathe into these walls.
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will be sold, including for export, because export supplies today i know of the same granulated bran, they are coming, they are in demand, the capacity is about 500 tons of each product, that is, real money, plus new jobs. with the launch of the line , over a dozen vacancies will open at the enterprise. the long-term construction was carefully examined, the structure is reliable, there are only a few structures. requires replacement, after all paper procedures active construction will begin next year our film crew received an invitation to cut the red ribbon together, but not all long-term construction projects have the right to life.
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agrotown zabolot, voronovsky district. in the early nineties there could have been a cultural center here. the club not only spoiled the appearance of the agricultural town for many years. the unfinished building was fraught with danger. the emergency condition was the reason for such a radical solution to the problem. the history of three decades in a matter of seconds. due to the fact that it was inappropriate to restore it, the republican special forces detachment zubr, which carried out blasting work, and subsequent agricultural enterprises carried out work to clean up the remaining elements of the building.
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the institution of contractual relations between the distributor of funds and the developer-customer of objects that are included in the state and regional investment programs has also been introduced. decree of the head of state no. 235 regarding multi-apartment residential buildings is in effect. another presidential decree number 207 was signed in may of this year on long-term construction on grushevka document provides new rights to shareholders and opens up opportunities. the speedy completion of the construction of residential buildings; it is especially unacceptable to have such long-term construction and frozen objects in the center of the capital. the president insists that we need to act decisively. yes, no, goodbye, we turn it into state income, as we did for many objects that were unfinished or frozen, but we cannot allow such robbery, in the middle of the day in the city center. it's clear what we're talking about. this is not the first conversation. if there is a question of withdrawal
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plot, this suggests that the local authorities, for their part, have already used all the resources. unfortunately, there is no longer any opportunity to influence the investor, as, for example, in the situation with gulliver. it was called minsk unfinished construction project number one. at the beginning of 2000 , they were going to build shopping and entertainment centers on pritytskoye, but something went wrong. yusovetsky district, by decision of the city executive committee , the facility was transferred for completion of construction,
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the facility was in the conservation stage for about 8 years, some reinforcements had to be brought in, some were dismantled, some elimination of defects , thermal insulation, new waterproofing, foundations, plinths, buildings were carried out, everything was done in accordance with the new design documentation developed, but this is more difficult than building a new building, of course without... of course, these are additional costs, among other things, this was quite a responsible job to strengthen all this, a hotel of a french operator, a business center, retail physical education. for other health facilities, they won’t be here, plans have changed, here will be what you really need residents of the city, the building will consist of three buildings, in which the tenth dental clinic of the city of minsk, a cosmetology center and an endocrinology
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center will be located, each of them will have its own building with a separate service with a separate set of services that will be provided to the population. in our city, they plan to celebrate the new year next year; in general, with the assistance of state control, long-term construction projects in the capital have become two times less. the ramonok store on pobediteley avenue is being transformed, where the investor himself took up the business and is completing it. separate objects that did not decorate the city and caused the store to be unfinished, a large unfinished store on the street 50 years of victory, separate - parking garages and garages. such cases. today, rather an exception to the rule, there are about 135 objects in minsk where construction continues beyond the norm, of which only a few are problematic. there is a similar trend across the country; a decision has already been made for each facility to demolish or complete construction, with a deadline of 2025. long-term construction is subject to special control.
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sports day is on air, andrey kozlov is with you. hello. let's start with tennis. roland goros continues to excite the hearts of fans of this sport. the second round is in the spotlight, despite the weather, constant pauses in matches, it continues to rain in paris. arina sabalenka defeated my kuchezhima today. yeah. details right now arina sabalenka again does not notice her opponent on the courts of the french open tennis championship after defeating erika andreeva in the starting circle today, the first racket of belarus is also easy deals with the eighty-third racket of the planet, japanese representative mayuka
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uchizhimu, with the same score 6:2-6:2 , two sets ended. the fight lasted 64 minutes. arina has a difficult personal confrontation ahead of her. sabalenka's next opponent is spaniard paola badosa, a friend of the minsk woman. and this is the main event of wednesday on arlangaros. the reigning tournament winner iga swiatek wins back a match point against naomi osaka, who continues to get into shape after returning to the tour. iga was losing in the third set 25:030, but naomi did not serve. she lost all her advantage in the match, and as a result , the first racket of the world won the game 76-16-75. the impulsive decision to resign ural head coach viktor goncharenko became public today, as posted on the club’s website; the reason for the dismissal was the defeat by akron in the first play-off
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match for the right to remain in the premier league. the urals lost 0:2, evgeny overyanov will prepare the team for the decisive match against akron. received another portion of match disqualifications from the control and disciplinary commission of the football federation. kobalevich will additionally miss four matches, komarovsky two. let me remind you that neman won the belarusian cup on may 25. the right winger of the belarus national handball team , nikita vailupov, became the champion of hungary as part of the vespri club. on the eve of the final episode.
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summed up the results of the past season and awarded the best biathletes of the national team, including anton smolsky, winner of the overall standings of the commonwealth cup, anna sola, dmitry lazovsky, dinara smolskaya, maxim vorobey and others. in total , last season our biathletes won 28 medals, including 10 gold awards. in general, the season was considered successful, but there is no time to calm down, we have the next pre-olympic season 2020. in the fourth to twenty-fifth year we need to concentrate, prepare and adequately represent our country at the olympic games in 2026, there is not much time left, of course the season is not easy .
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the first training camp in the current off-season is coming to an end for the belarusian women's biathlon team, which continues to be coached by young specialist raman malukha, however, we will probably not see olympic champion irina leshchenko in the lineup, who is close to retiring. dina rasmoyska works with the men's team, anna solo mainly with the team's head coach oleg rozhenkov, also on the roster are daria kudaeva, ekseniy vorobey and younger biathletes elena kulak and anna pestereva. our current team leaders are: solo and denar limbekov, with whom we pin great hopes, not only, say, for the upcoming season, but for the future,
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here is a completely, let’s say, new team, which needs to be tested, which needs to be trained and prepared for the next, maybe the olympic games of the thirtieth year. well, in the next issue of the project of the hotel news agency sportskadr, look at how male biathletes held their first camp in the current off-season. ya. that’s all for now, a more complete picture in our night broadcast, take care of yourself, see you soon.
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export of scientific and technical products. in the countries of central asia, china, turkey, but most importantly , the energy sector of our domestic market paid close attention to them. fuel
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not the cheapest, but it has a lot of advantages. an electronic portal about ghetto universities will appear in belarus. a memorandum on the implementation of the project was signed in minsk. information about concentration camp prisoners who were located both on the territory of belarus and in other countries will be presented on the uuznikibai website. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts. watch in the events program on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel. shows where they fight not only with the help of physical strength, shows where the main weapon is intelligence. if i set myself a goal, i always have to achieve it, but of course, when i found out that i passed the casting, the emotions were simply overwhelming. which ancient country, along with greece, gave its name to the olympic form of wrestling? artem, rome, italy. the roman empire. i accept this as the correct answer. however,
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activity will also play a role. which italian? belarus, this is your homeland, before looking towards distant shores, look at what can be done here? today there is only one truly cohesive civilization, it is called the western world, where this is britain, which is doing everything to ensure that other civilizations can never unite. tourism is one of the most important factors, including in patriotic education. all their conceptual documents, including the newly
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adopted british ones, say that by the year 1930. neutralize the russian federation if you simply spend your vacation once a year in at least one region of the russian federation, we have 89 of them, and if we add six belarusian regions to them, he will be required to be 95 years old, each person can form his own impression about russia, about belarus, what a wonderful country we have, what a wonderful culture, nature, project we have. say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes, on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. participant of the great. hero of the soviet union, senior sergeant. born in the village of vyleva, now dobruzhsky district, gomel region, into a peasant family. during the great patriotic war, he fought with the invaders at stalingrad, on the kursk bulge, in belarus, the baltic states, east prussia, germany. mechanic-driver of the t-34 tank of the 326th tank battalion. on september 18, 1944 , the tank crew, which included pyotr kharitonovich fosenkov, repelled eight counterattacks by enemy tanks, destroying three tanks and one self-propelled gun. left alone after the death of the remaining members of the tank crew, pyotr bosenkov did not stop fighting until reinforcements arrived.
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one of them is named after pyotr kharitonovich. from the streets of the working-class village of kostyukovka, now the city limits of gomel. there is a memorial plaque on the house where he lived.


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