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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 31, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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it’s clear now, thank god, the snow has melted into the damp earth, the hell has fallen on the road, the storms of revelry, the sun is warmer than the sun, the ice on the ground has been worn away. the sun is falling, the gloom of the last springs is upon us, everything is visible, the geese are crowing, the sap on the oak tree is crumbling, the cranes are crowing, and the winter has disappeared like smoke, the greener meadow, the crest, like hell liu adchunyala. our native land!
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the new ones clutched the book in their hands, grabbed one piece after another, snoring the words on their skin. here are the most important creative works, the most valuable and useful ones, these books. in the books the living thoughts of the minulaga, the reports and expressive chatter of people. everything that chalavetstva created, she ate up on old books, bytstsam witchcraft. we read the past centuries, the closer ones, we appreciate the past for our daily life.
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belarus 24, i never wanted to be a journalist , i wanted to be a veterinarian and i would have done great, because i came and said, i’m ready to work without money, well, i had to prove myself, because otherwise you would n’t be in the pool now, god may forgive you your ignorance, but never i will forgive you for your arrogance, this is the heart when it beats in front of you, this is, of course , fantastic, and i saw it. from this corridor, what could be better in one story and the president and seals for all viewers at once, it doesn’t matter that you showed it on television, how you present it, when it’s in gossip format, well, like this, you can write penguins there, they saw them naked on victory square, i asked not to film it, it was a turtle climbing a slippery stone, and this is also very polite television.
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hello, the program “say don’t be silent” is on air. in a studio! we were preparing, if you noticed, we even put out summer flowers, this means that in our program and in general the white television and radio companies are celebrating the new summer season, so thank you, and it’s somehow great that such a charming lady was included in our database , thank you very much. thank you for the compliments, the flowers are wonderful, we associate it with this, it’s summer here, it starts with business trips, that’s why i’m coming to you on a business trip, wonderful, the attentive viewer remembers, good remembers you from working on another tv channel, how did you end up at a tv news agency?
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i have a very good relationship with my previous channel, i am grateful to them for a lot for the experience , first of all, because i grew up there, but there are moments when in the end you realize that you are not going. it’s enough in terms of opportunities, workload, some experiments that i love, and it’s also very polite television, seriously, no jokes, because it’s for adults, that’s the average age here; television is exactly my age, that’s it. i'm 40 years old it was, thank you very much, and this is already a conversation when they don’t teach you,
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they don’t evaluate you, and you talk to everyone on equal terms, even if somewhere you didn’t understand something, or you have some debate, but at what point did you decide to become a journalist? let's rewind the film even further, this never happened, i never wanted to be a journalist , i wanted to be a veterinarian and i would have done great, i still pick up everyone from the street, i can give injections to everyone, it doesn’t bother me at all when we let's go with the president, they say cows need to be inseminated, there are no cows at all , of course there is no philosophy teacher, but look at me, well, it was impossible to understand, i delayed from session to session, i studied on a budget, but it was clear that i would not do research activities, they tell me: katya, maybe you want to... parents in baranovichi, who don’t have, they are very advanced, but have nothing to do with television, but at our house it’s like that, they told you that, and you, please do it, and how will you do it, so it was with childhood, this is your question, your ingenuity, at that time i ended up in
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a studio that made private youth programs for bt, then i ended up on the next channel, so it turned out why it’s interesting, they saw this in you, what you can do , because i came with... i'm ready to work without money, please teach me, did you have wealthy parents? no, well, as for me, we are a good middle class, i generally think that being wealthy is wonderful, at least i strive to send all my people there, including my children number, but at that time such that i could afford to do nothing there, and at the same time my parents provided for me, of course not, no, in general there is an opinion that you can get on television, especially on the television screen, only through connections , did someone help you or provide you with any assistance? help, support, hello, i will work without money, when i open up, when you get on television, you come and say, i have no money, everyone says, please come in, how long do you want to work, a year, two, half, how much, very often, even now, even talking with some
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guys whom we meet on the set, they tell me, well, since it’s all a share, well, there was something there, i really like the position, women work on tv who have can husbands afford it, well... my blood pressure rose, then we didn’t eat all day, what do you think, a woman who has the opportunity not to work, 10 kg, but all this is yes, after that they began to think, and even now. i have my future husband, he works in the ministry of internal affairs, so when his colleagues and i, they somehow come into contact with me at work, they say: never in life, we would not have thought that television was such a process, we thought you put on lipstick, sat down, but it’s unpleasant for me to hear this, but is
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there really still such a thing? stereotype, of course, yes , believe me, everyone is sure that we got up at 12:00 today, that means there was coffee, these are people who don’t understand that... i came, so i came to this private studio , who made your program format, lord, i’ll find it on reels, you saw my first story, i’m 16 years old, i’m in a miniskirt, and i’m talking about landscaping in the city of minsk, it’s something or other, but somehow we were put on air with this, then i ended up at a radio station, where i first worked as a news anchor, and then i began managing the news, and then i got on tv and went through all these levels, yes, but it was about the fact that you need to gain a foothold there. you want it, let's work, it was parallel to work on the radio in the morning, then on the main news, where i filmed
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, journalists start everything with this maslenitsa, holidays, matinees, my favorite questions, i now when there is some kind of distribution of money going on right now, for example, bonuses or something else, and they tell me, well, who worked for you, i say, listen, a person worked for me who went to write surveys, lisa bruise, here pay her the most, this is the hardest thing, it would seem, go out into the street and ask around: 90% are afraid, they pass by somehow quickly, and i remember, i also did this at the start of my journalistic activity, and then 25 years later i observed , how mine do it, everything is the same, that is, people don’t change at all, i i was already thinking, well, the relationship after we all started using mobile phones, well, the camera has changed, no, the camera is still there. well, you had to prove yourself, because otherwise you
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wouldn’t be in the president’s pool now. what is the most difficult thing for you? for me, the most difficult thing was at some point to understand that it wouldn’t be different, it wouldn’t be different in any way, when you crawl along these steps in journalism, this is... very useful for young journalists, that is, at first you filmed maslenitsa, such a great guy, then you had a corridor, i had a medical one, i looked at all the operations that exist, everything, you know, which is the most impressive on an open heart, not a brain, not an intestine, not a lung transplant, not what else i saw, i even saw the reconstruction of the skin, none of this, here is the heart when it beats in front of you, this is of course fantastic, and i saw it at the end of this corridor, but that was just the finale. then i got a government piece of work, then work with
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president, but there is no story like mine when working with the president, there are planned weekends, but still everything changes 10 times, that is, television is a way of life, you need to understand, it won’t be like that, here’s television, here’s my life , it will all be mixed up, so for me to find a balance in this is the most difficult thing, but professionally , no, you just have to be responsible and... for coffee, relatively speaking, if you can see it, it’s not immediately interesting. but, by the way, the main broadcast in the program recently became there is a section on time first, which , after all, talks about the activities of the president in exactly this way, and one of the recent issues of your...
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lat entertainment in baku is the views from different points, restaurants on the embankment, the palace, gulestan and of course,
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alley of fallen heroes. these are people who defended the independence of azerbaijan over the years, flowers from alexander lukashenko. and of course, a bouquet for the grave of heydar aliyev, he is called the builder of new azerbaijan, he did a lot for the country, his son picked up vector. i was lucky to start with him. and about the official event, and about the country, and about some traditions. even cats, well, what could be better in one story, both the president and the cat for all viewers at once, at first it’s an experience, that is, when you have experience at the skating rinks of official events, you understand that this is important, serious and needs to be shown accurately. and then everything that you see with your eyes interests you, journalists at bsu ask me, young people, who do i teach, they say: well, how is it with you, how is it, that’s how to see what needs to be shown, i say that you yourself are interested, then show it, that’s it, that ’s the point, that’s what you notice, not necessarily serious, important in numbers, on russian television there is a program moscow, the kremlin, putin, yes, to
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some extent, this category also overlaps; of course, it’s not anything too far-fetched. execution, the question is how will you carry it out, who will do it, will he be able to, firstly, will the person have access, this is always very important, access to the president is not so easy, that is, we, for example, we coordinate this there with natalya nikolaevna, including nikolaevna, the president’s press secretary, yes, yes, that is, it cannot go past her, plus, as far as she trusts you, this is such an author’s...
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i like cats, but adult women , adult men, small children, mothers, this is such a huge target audience, try to argue, but how does your future husband react to these suitcases? very calmly, when we started dating, he saw the inside of this television, he said, i would never, again, never would i i thought that this was so, uh-huh, and well, you need to accept it as it is, here’s a classic story, i... i’ll definitely come, there will definitely be dinner, it won’t be like that, well, he accepts it, no, he absolutely accepts it, you need to understand what i think , you will agree, all the husbands of people who have business trips, journalists and so on, women journalists, they understand that he should also be able to cook dinner, i don’t know, go to a parent-teacher meeting, that’s right, that’s it, and for this
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i’ll come back, in this section, the first time is often... where the governments of the two countries gather, they they talk, decide something with each other, belarusian journalists are trained journalists, we have agreements in advance with press secretaries, we understand who we will be with, and russian journalists, they just stand near this door and who comes out they catch, these are two different planets, we can do it too, everyone can do it, but
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we have it built differently, that is, we always do it without this jump, so maybe it’s worth trying to jump? the ministry is only for vips, that’s when i talk to the press secretaries of the ministry of education, healthcare, in general with executive committees, but you need to understand that this concerns press secretaries, here... it must be fast, these are super vips, the minister has a list of tasks, he is the only one in the country, and even if it’s a pool journalist, but still this is where we need to come to an agreement, because we need to fit into his schedule, but if i start to experience difficulties with the agreement, for example, comments on foreign students with the ministry of education are the same as i experience in the agreement with the minister,
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well, this is no longer normal, here press secretaries must be constantly in touch and may even be able to work faster than journalists. in belarus there is an issue with this, they have not yet met halfway, it seemed to me that the twentieth year should have pushed that we need to work not everywhere, and i believe that this needs to be fought in the good sense of the word, that is, with the press secretaries need to carry out work, where to collect them and explain that your task is speed, without speed, while you were thinking there, everyone has already made a thousand and one assumptions, and dispelling these assumptions is even more great stupidity. why not write or immediately give out information that is necessary for confirmation or there to answer the question, well, then it comes with twice as much work, of course, why bring it to this, we know that the head of state. when traveling around the country, he often changes his route, so it’s interesting how local authorities, officials, and
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journalists, in fact, react to these changes. i really like that alexander grigorievich doesn’t have such a thing that yes, now we’ll somehow formalize everything we'll go through this, we'll look at the title and cheerfully leave, it can be very different there, but everyone is ready, i really like that everyone is ready, there are no such allahs who are not ready, it seems to me that there is no longer in the country... by the way, we are talking with colleagues, not only because he travels a lot and when we, in russia, on all business trips they tell us how long he is in good health to travel, that is, he drives, drives, drives and drives, and this of course keeps him in a certain tone , now you had such a chance to communicate with russian colleagues, also i noticed that the wait for vladimir vladimirovich has also already become legendary, how can the journalists of our pool, well, in general , be able to create some kind of adequate timing?
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what they agreed on, and we are already the service that provides this story, just like everyone else. in short, katerina, what was agreed upon, they still ask me, why come, the most important thing, it seems to me, is very important for people, and i fight for this in stories, to tell what really needs to be talked about, well, firstly, we have a common space, as for defense, that's for me it seems that everyone already understands, and this is very important, if belarus is not with russia in a common defensive... space, it seems to me that difficulties will arise and this is wrong, we have partnerships, but the most important thing is oil and gas , it seems to me that my peers still remember how it was possible to die from the cold in an apartment about
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20 years ago, mind you, now we don’t have such problems here, oil and gas and roaming, it seems nonsense to change sim cards back and forth, but home network on two sides, i think for those who do business and fly a lot, this comfortable, there will be roaming, and there will be a home network for everyone, that is, there is no need to change anything, it’s great, well, from the statement. they bit their tongue as if on command, which means they agreed well, i conclude that everything and what i noticed as a result of this visit, they agreed perfectly, if there are no comments, and for now we’ll take a break for a while,
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i remind you that we have a telegram channel, say don't be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are in touch.
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the same european games, the world hockey championship, also why give all this away pensioners. since this kind of reaction occurs in people, it means that if they are cringing, we are doing everything right, i now have additional education, i am studying to become a clinical psychologist, well, first of all, if we analyze this statement block by block, then this statement, translated into human language is called: people, help, i don’t earn much, i’m unhappy, i feel bad, so now we’ll evaluate something, the all-belarusian people’s assembly, lucy’s wedding, children... from these positions, why did you buy a mercedes, you could give to an orphanage, from a person
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or in ideology or in a cultural center, that is , he has a need for such conversations, what happened then, at what point did the person break? we had one conversation with him and i understood why, perhaps why this happened, i’m not making a diagnosis, but nevertheless, he says that i was not perceived as an equal, that is, i came with some ideas, and i was not perceived as an equal, it was he and i, for example, had a 30- minute conversation when he called me in order to greatly impress me that he called, it’s generally terrible... the thing about calls is that it’s not public people, they get very scared, well, you call the village council, they’re picked up by a woman who has no idea who’s calling her, and then she starts telling her what’s happening now whether they show you or not show you, you know, something came out in minsk, you didn’t know, naturally, everyone hangs up, his task is to get you to hang up, thus showing that people who are somehow involved in the government, they not reserved, they are stupid, they
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are afraid of something when you start with him talk... the level of what is happening to him becomes generally clear, the person is sitting in another country, and this is generally an amazing thing, telling something about a state in which he has not been, well, for example, for several years, this time , second, he asks you questions that you don’t have to answer, this, by the way, is one of the mechanisms of journalistic communication, drag him into your dialogue, when you start dragging him into your dialogue, ask him a counter question, why did you leave, what happened not so, what now? you scoop information that in the country, he cannot fail to answer you, that is , you know, how exhibitionists do this, this is the same style, only in the information space, about the fact that the person was not considered, well it means he wasn’t persistent enough, so he says, they didn’t take me seriously, this is one of those with whom he worked in the region, he didn’t tremble with happiness from all the people, well, in a big
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cell, not everyone trembles with happiness from. .. from my ideas, from your ideas, someone says: this is actually cool, what did you come up with, throw it out, and this is normal, if you think that this is ideal, fight further there, well, unfortunately, this is what i observe, most of them are such underrated geniuses, and can you even imagine if these underrated geniuses even begin to lead something, well, imagine some level of tyranny, that is, if he suddenly said something and it’s not true, that’s it, i’m going to leave, and in general we had one conversation with him, i say, listen, you man, how old are you there? who at that moment was 40 years old, i said: seriously, you are this you earn money, you’re not ashamed, some girl will ask you: are you even married? he says: yes, i have a wife, i say, okay, how do you explain to your wife the appearance of money in your house? i call and scare aunt nekorai, here comes the grease, he immediately, you know what, you know, i say, well, i don’t know, i, well, i would be ashamed, well, it’s good that they left, yes, great, i say every time, yes
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please, of course, these are not opponents, everything that is funded, tomorrow the funding was closed, and these people do nothing anymore, they are they don’t do it for an idea, that is, if you were really ideological, you thought that this was impossible and did it without money, that’s one thing, but you’re not ideological, it’s all done for money, today it’s like this, tomorrow it’s different, oh 'kay, there’s still a certain percentage of ideological people, there’s a certain percentage of ideological people, you know, this information space is also a cool thing, people really love gossip, yeah, when
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there’s something about the president or some... now, if you say, well, he flew in, forced him, or flew in there, took everything there, but exactly, wow, and you you know that at the same time he’s not real, putin isn’t real, you know what the coolest cartoon is also half-kremev, he says that it’s their opponents who say that there are two putins, not even yes, that means she killed him fsb, well, it’s crazy, but this is in 2006 . killed, now there are 12 people who are led, who come, and who can negotiate on his behalf and in general everything is 12 according to the number of months, probably, but the most active is yakut and banquet, this is december and
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february, well, yes, this people believe, well some part of the population, and you know, i realized that for a certain target audience you need to do the same, it is impossible to train all people. it’s impossible to get them all to the point of wanting to understand something, especially at the level of facts, so we can say, in short, we were in the shadows in the palace, there was a transmitter there, we didn’t pull it out of the cameras, i ’ll tell you now what it was to represent will be common - yes, it doesn’t matter that you showed it on television, how you present it, when it’s in the format of gossip, well, that’s how it spreads, but i just.
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all these black books, thrown away and so on, and so they told me about me, about me, which means i have a patron, he’s in siberia, it means he has a diamond king, yeah, and this diamond king does everything so that i can work on television, i can work next to the president, and i also have him married, so we never mean...
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what doesn’t happen, that is, as soon as your life is boring or as soon as the agenda in the country is adequately boring, well, what is sowing , this is very important, we are all with you. we understand these are people who work for land, they understand, but for our, relatively speaking , opponents or those who need a scandal, sowing is boring, so they immediately start getting some absolutely ridiculous stories, there are a million of these ridiculous stories, i had an interview with - a man who was connected in the opposition world with one of these large telegram channels, i had an interview - not with him, with his relatives, when i found out how much it costs, $2,000 a month in total. and the news in this telegram channel is thrown out in order for it to be super popular from the preposition, in the paid version, there is a preposition where the news is not verified, that is, no one checks it, you can write there penguins were seen naked in victory square, and these are penguins walking,
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it turned out badly, they were seen at the palace of independence with mustaches, like this , well, that is , everything that wow, well, so disgusting in general, well , incredible, and he spreads it out. because it has feedback, because it is gossip, you can say a thousand and one times that people are trying to understand, but their love for gossip and things like that hot, but it’s interesting in nature in people, why no one is interested in this, how flowers grow in a botanical garden, no one at all, unfortunately, why, katerina, do you think i haven’t gotten to this point in my education yet, to this knowledge, but i'll get there. well, yes, i have a firm, i have a firm feeling that this lack of personal life, that is, when your life is super busy, super full, you don’t need, firstly, you have no time to do this, and secondly, you you never compare yourself to anyone, that is, you are confident that you you do, and you’re always
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rummaging inside yourself, did i do the right thing here, did i behave this way with people, maybe i should have done it a little differently, i really like the phrase, god may forgive you for your ignorance, but he will never forgive you yours. arrogance, here, in this, try to work within yourself, not think, in general, there is a pattern, people who think in categories of the country, in general, what is happening in the world? how is it on our borders, this one was wrong, putin was wrong, and lukashenko was right, and also there in europe they all gays are people who, as a rule, do not work in any way with their inner world, they are afraid to collide, that is , there are some processes going on inside them that they are afraid to live with, and people who are self-absorbed , themselves, their family, their own tasks, their own, whatever, local, these people are much healthier... ecologically than on this scale, well, we often discuss this with tanya, that we
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simply don’t have time for fences, in an interview with the newspaper sb belarus today in twenty-one, you they said the following: i try to be loyal even to those who act badly, maybe people at that moment were in a difficult situation, you still adhere absolutely, i’m telling you, a friend calls us and i say: bunny, come on come to country, we’ll try to somehow get you through the commission, well, maybe the commission will somehow rehabilitate you, well, let’s go back. talk to them, i generally think that people are forced to do something, well, this, this case, it is of course understandable that a person has already chosen some kind of position for himself, it will be very difficult change, and sometimes people tell you, you can say a word, you can’t, a woman of ease, when they followed you, for example, they said this in the twentieth year, and i understand that this is a from a small mind and b from the fact that at the moment the iq of the crowd is generally , the moment the crowd gathers, it drops to the lowest level.
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so yesterday a letter arrived, he filed an appeal, people have ruined their lives with idiocy, and in general , just a healthy person can say to someone unfamiliar, whom you have never seen in your life, you are a fool or you are an accomplice of a sadist, well i am anyone of these yuterinas, you intend to forgive him, you understand, in a direct collision , in a direct collision, of course i don’t forgive anyone, that is, at the moment i am on the defensive, but when this happens, i see that this is some kind of mother, i had a chat in baranovichi, in baranovichi, everyone knows each other, and there was a chat, as i remember now, mothers
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of the southern region, these are women who are on maternity leave, they may have depression after childbirth, i am well aware of this, in this chat i was caressed in a way that no one has caressed me anywhere, and i don’t know anyone from there, well maybe someone, maybe we crossed paths with someone there, but it sounds poetic, this is a successful series, a chat in the southern region, and you understand what the danger is, that if we treat them loyally with understanding, then after all, people who. .. they were taken advantage of then, they can put weapons in their hands, you know, this all, of course, extremism has its facets, and there are people who actually do it, and there are those who just talk, this is our service, believe me , because i work with them and live at the same time with them, i see how clearly they they differentiate, that is, it is directly visible, if a person then simply, well, you ’re a fool and blurted out, you’re an asshole, well, relatively speaking, i don’t know. said some bad word to anyone, or even
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the president, if you came, said: guys, i’m sorry, well, that’s how it was, they told you the amount of the fine, relatively speaking, or you served some kind of minimum sentence there, so what? well, this is not agreed upon, it has a direct legal basis, and if at this moment a person is not trying to prove that he was right, they will always meet him halfway, but if you, and we have such chats there from time to time, well, due to the fact that we have it at home. i see where people are going to, for example, derail a train, the horror is that no one in belarus has ever seen a derailed train, i saw it once in my life in my career, it’s so scary, i can’t tell you in words, i haven’t seen anything worse, it was probably in the year, maybe in the fourteenth or thirteenth, i got off just an accident, a freight train near minsk, i remember we didn’t even broadcast it, it was so scary, there was a feeling, that you find yourself during the great patriotic war, it’s terrible, they stand like this...
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it’s very difficult to return, because after everything that you’ve done, you’ll have to somehow apologize, in general, when you quarrel with someone, it’s difficult but then i quit like that, i keep leaving home, isn’t it difficult then? to return, we need to negotiate somehow, it’s scary to negotiate, but i think, and in general, belarusians need, in my opinion, at the moment , just to forget about these people, to my great desire, if this happens, because the biggest and most terrible thing that happens to these people is oblivion, people who are outside the country cannot say
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anything about the country, nor offer anything, not regulate, not live their own life and fantasy , these people. should be subjected to oblivion, and we will take a short break, after a short pause, we will return to this studio again, for now, subscribe to our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, look for all our episodes on the youtube channel belarus 1. on the air again, say don’t be silent, our guests today agency journalist.
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in itself it is not difficult, everything was very organized, so everything we did required minimal physical training, but you live like an army soldier, and this gave me a strong feeling that my son will go to this army, grandmother, i hope he doesn’t hear me, and that the way they live, the one who chooses this as a profession is, of course, almost a feat, very physically difficult conditions, uh, and you, i really like the army, you know what you’re for you don’t think about anything, you have zero thoughts at the end of the day, zero, nothing at all doesn’t bother you, except to go to bed, there is such a, well, the barracks is ordinary, narrow, i remember how i thought about it, starting at about 5:00 in the evening, although they made us a program that is more loyal than to the soldiers, but there i was too, i thought i was like that, i’m
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so sharp, now i’m going to climb onto an armored personnel carrier, this, this is what i asked not to film, this was a turtle climbing the skolsky hamyan. you understand what you are worth, if indeed suddenly there is some kind of minimal conflict, you are zero, you are nobody at all, when they say something against military, i say, my friends, you can’t even imagine how your sofa army would suffer there, but you not only teach students, as you already mentioned, but also your blog subscribers on one of the social networks , you shared your experience about the intricacies of the work... let's watch a short video, the lantern was sick, family, and then once in arigard all that was left was to grunt and 100%. mikhail, what a scope, marten, if you have listened to this point, it means i have your attention, about the era of social networks, this is much more important than a movie picture, horses
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subtitle or even a good montage, my name is katerina krutalevich, everything about speech and voice is on my blog, subscribe, well, we were surprised here. that form is more important than content, you say, katerina, is that so? uh, in the beginning, of course, here i am, believe me, you look like i’m listening to you, if you started telling me something now, and i was a person who is not connected with television, at first i would i couldn’t hear what you were saying, i would look at you, let’s do one exercise with you, let’s, let’s, ready, yes now just repeat after me, now we’re going to stretch our hands, let’s get together, ready, yes, let’s stretch our hands. this is what i teach students. let’s stretch your head a little bit together with your hands, a little bit together with your hands, let’s stretch your hand, stretch your arm, in general you warm up before the broadcast, it happens, it happens, yes, good, like this we’ll do it with the handle backwards with the right, with the left handle back, right hand back, left hand,
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hands again, and now we raise our index finger up, what good fellows, this is the index finger, this is about the question... the emotional impression, then we can speak any way we want, first a person hears the emotion, how we say it, and then what we say, it is very important what your emotional overtones are, you can say the right things, but it’s so boring, or so evil, or so it’s not interesting that this technique was never used in 2020, when 2020 was introduced into people’s ears, 2020 and this, and what you’re talking about, there’s this whole thing called the overton window, completely described, step-by-step action, as in society can throw in any of...
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that is, it is supported by individual members society, then this is how very cool it is at the reception of cannibalism, cannibalism in general everyone is in shock, at first some radicals who say cannibalism maybe, everyone condemns them, but it begins to be exaggerated in society, the next stage is when they say, during the blockade in leningrad, the mother fed the child humanely so that he would survive, this is given some slightly positive story, in history... it happened, we were beaten, here you go, i have a bruise here, what kind of bruise is this, no one understands how to stories with cannibalism, then
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people begin to appear who are very actively exaggerating this, then someone who supports it, then it becomes a standard, and how the police turned from 100 years of their history there into punitive forces in 2 weeks, at that moment people needed to think, do we even have any backing for this police in this whole story, the verton window was played. many, many times in different different societies, again, this directly depends on whether this overton window is allowed to play out, but in the twentieth year it was a story with social networks, we didn’t work like that on social networks, it was wrong, i think it was an omission, now everything is different, and it also seems to me that after all, they failed to dehumanize us, it is the belarusians who have a lot of credit for this, perhaps because we all knew each other very well, that’s exactly what we knew. this police, who works with us, that is, they all know each other, of course, that is, this story, again, it is exactly at the level of the crowd, you broke up this crowd,
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belarusians are completely adequate people, divide 100 people into twos , talk to each one, say: you are in your name in general, do you remember how you called 10 times, they, oh, well, yes, exactly, it’s lenin’s son who works there, he he helped us so much, there is this, here everything stops back, but at the moment of the crowd in the history of any state there are some revolutions, this is one of the revolutions.
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who gave the interview, they say: this is precisely because our president is a homosexual, macron is a homosexual, that’s all, i
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heard it from a colleague today, it’s also funny thing, he says that well, the first economy of the eu, germany, is awash in migrants and awash in problems associated with ukraine, they say that german citizens, germans, those who are originally german, really blame the leadership for not thinking about the future germany, because they are homosexuals or... they are of some age at which you can no longer have children, that is, you are at the helm of the country, you have no children, they will not live here, what difference does it make what happens next, katerina, finally, a short video also from yours blog let's ask a question: which katya do you like better?
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i relate very well to all katyas, it seems to me that recently i have found such a good internal balance and what i wish for everyone else, and most importantly, not just internal balance, but also the understanding that your opinion, well, by the age of 40 it came, 40, your opinion, it is not based on anything, that is, empirical experience allows you today...
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to say you are lucky, because there is katerina, who is still interested in everything , she can tell it interestingly, and the most the main thing is to show, which is also important, and also to structure and analyze, well , in general, i have no questions left, why exactly you belong to such an interesting section, we do it with colleagues, they are somewhere now, we know that television is
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a collective , this is religion, victoria popova, we say goodbye to you for today, goodbye, goodbye, katerina krutalevich is speaking now, i wish everyone this summer, in the good sense of the word, to find in yourself everything that you have not found, because the happiness of each of here we are this feeling of self-realization, it is exclusively internal, does not depend on anyone or anything on the external circuit. search within yourself. katerina, please leave us your autograph and what is your wish? you know that i will leave you one autograph, which i think needs to be very clear. turning it into life is not very easy, i will write: love your country, because this is you, because this is oh, this is, oh!
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secrets of good morning and good mood, good morning belarus, on the air of the tv channel belarus 24, good program ranitsa belarus, my name is svetlana barovskaya. you're cute, can i pet them? oh, what flowering trees, these are cherries, a new athlete is probably sneaking up on you, meeting amazing people, anatoly leonidovich, hello guys, hello, let's continue the lesson, oh, how big and beautiful you are, what a beauty, and many more useful and interesting things information, it was installed precisely in memory of the tank crews who gave their lives in july of the forty
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-first year, one might say, which became a reckoning. with a sword here during a tank battle, a brass band is a very difficult genre, no , it’s amazing that you keep this orchestra, someone leaves, comes, i love enthusiastic people, now the kryvi folklore club is on stage, if you remember, we we met this group at a slavic bazaar at a dance tournament, tell me, mom, i ’m not wandering around the streets, i’m at anatoliyvich’s, so i want to say, this is the third generation. watch good ranitsa belarus with svetlana borovskaya on the belarus 24 tv channel. a show where they fight not only with the help physical strength. a show where the main weapon is intelligence. if i set myself a goal, i always have to achieve it, but of course, when
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i found out that i had passed the casting, my emotions were simply overwhelming. which. you don’t have to be born there, it’s like we’ve arrived at some kind of seaside resort, it’s cool, clean, yes, yes, welcome to brother, it’s enough to have delicious food made from natural
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products, did you really come from venezuela itself, of course, then welcome to hello world, hello, to the world of organics and the belarusian cowboy. studying the history of belarus and explore its sights together with foreigners. so, in the altar of our braslov church we see our main shrine. this is the image of the mother of god of braslovskaya volodarka ozeru. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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noon news on belarus 1, in the studio vladislav bunders, hello, first , briefly about the main thing. swiss conference. china refused to participate without russia. the secret decision of the united states is the desire for world war.


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