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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 2, 2024 6:10pm-7:00pm MSK

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well, the appearance of famous belarusians today on the top of television, it, of course, continues, so francis bagushevich appears before us, because such a big event in the world of journalism, belarusian journalism simply cannot be missed, as it seems...
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the program becomes, this is another television news agency hosted by the television and radio company. so, the nomination of the author's television program, we have just found out the winner with the help of the french cuisine, and of course, the work of our esteemed jury. this is another agency television news, belotelevoradiokompaniya.
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please, yes, a few words from the winner, many thanks to the jury for such an award, for the high assessment of our work, our program, we have a small team, but we all really love our work, we love what we are working on, because it is different, and i want to say a few words about the guys, oleg, the director , cameraman and actually sound engineers, in general, half of the program is his, and underneath... this is a person without whom nothing would have happened at all, because he closes all the holes, he is the most irreplaceable person, assistant director, and you know , probably the most important thing is that these are not awards like this, although i really didn’t expect them, it’s very nice and i really think that this is a high rating, the most important thing is probably the love of the audience, watchability our program, because we really...
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try and we know well those people, our audience, who watch us, they watch us today not only in belarus, they watch us abroad, and the program is different, they are really truly afraid of our opponents, thank you very much and all of us good luck, thank you very much, we once again congratulate the winners in the author’s television program category. you know, olga, often in the saturday episode of the our morning program you have to communicate with other people, and i think you know firsthand that getting another person to talk is a real art, the art of making this person interesting to a wide audience, now this is true professionalism, i agree, it will be with great pleasure that i announce the next nomination, so, the interview program, b
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nominations interview program presented question number one television news agency beleradiocompany. belarus has demonstrated its ability to withstand the most sophisticated challenges and threats that we faced in 2020. tell me, don’t be silent, belarus tv channel. bel tv and radio company. i highly recommend, indulgently.
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dear neural network, can you generate a person to announce the winner, i can’t, but there is someone. to whom did you all turn with questions, but not received an answer, the winner will have the opportunity to ask a question to the god of olympus.
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oh, so, olga, i was watching you, please, just control yourself, okay, we need this man for... that’s exactly for business, forgive me, comrade, how many questions i hear every day, how sorry i am that you do not hear my answers, the one who knows everything is not smart, it is impossible to know everything, the smart and wise is... the one who knows where to find the answer to any question, you know, today i have the honor of being with goddess of theatrical olympus, don’t even argue with me, olga, so it is, since i found myself in front of the ancient greek god of olympus, my
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only question is, who will be the winner in the next category? in a fair fight, the winner in the interview program nomination is the number one program of the agency novosteil television and radio company. so, the winners in the interview program category, question number one, the television news agency, the belarusian tv and radio company, here are the winners again, confidently walking past you on the red carpet to get up
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now to this stage, to hear once again your applause, crossing into ovation, but of course to receive from the hands of the thunderer, no, not lightning, but the treasured statue. and a few words, of course, to the winners for all the guests gathered here. there behind the scenes it is much more exciting than even during the most important live broadcasts, honestly, we are really great, thanks to the tv news agency for the fact that we are really a team, thanks to the belarusian radio company, management, for
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giving us the opportunity to create, and sometimes himself in fact, you motivate us a little, relatively speaking, to create, because in fact, without a magic kick, sometimes there is a creative crisis, so thank you. including for this creative kick, thanks to each of you guys, because in fact , you do not put competition in the foreground, you most often put the majority in the foreground, i am sure that everyone present in this room, issues of mutual assistance, why, because the most important thing for all of us is to make high-quality television content, a cool program, not just one minute... no hype there on the internet or somewhere else, but in order to make our country a little stronger, economically, politically, culturally, it doesn’t matter, everyone is responsible for their own sector, and it seems to me that for each of us, no matter what channel we we present and what program, this is question number one,
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thank you very much, and a small clarification, the ideological inspirer of this program, olya makei, which has already been asked. there was a small greeting, but i think that two greetings to a mother on maternity leave won’t hurt, congratulations to olya once again, and i also take this opportunity and say hello. to your kids, vladik, danik, mom loves you, only today she will make another scene in the panorama. what is this all about? the number one question for all of us is to leave our belarus strong, independent and prosperous for our children. happy holiday to everyone, colleagues. thanks a lot. thank you very much for such important words. congratulations once again to the winners in the nomination. interview program, of course, olga valentinovna, we congratulate, see off to
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applause, but i understand that we are not seeing everyone off, but i, dima, really want to ask you to stay, dear zeus, for one second, dima, dima, it seems to me that he was not going to leave you anywhere, thank you very much, dimochka, for now, stay without me, because here a more interesting game has emerged , dear. devs, please tell me how things are going with you at olympia, and then, then, well, i still have a question, tell me, can zeus divorce his wife hera, well, purely theoretically, if he met at the top of the tv a beautiful woman, but i’m still trying to understand, dear colleagues, what’s wrong with me, one went to work, the second went to the god of olympus, i don’t know. and apparently, my dear friend, neural network, i ’m already coming to you, but you, you, in principle, my
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only friend left, i’ll contact you again, which means, just please listen carefully to my request, i need something more serious, yes, for a married woman with two children , and so that no uh, that’s it, forget it, one option was found for your request, yes, everything is exactly like that, good evening, colleagues, hello, dima, hello, pali, dear
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viewers, right now i would like to be with you to discuss a very important and serious point, the fact is that the ministry of information has prepared a pleasant gift for all participants in the tv summit, we invite you all to look under your chairs right now, please look, young man, you too, yes, don’t be shy. look and there’s nothing there, polina, and you too, yes, more seriously, but what, can i joke sometimes, really, well, actually, you know, polina, to be honest, any tv presenter, a cool tv presenter, she should have such a subtle , good sense of humor, i agree, well, dear friends, we continue, the next nomination is a cultural and educational television program. in the nomination of a cultural and educational television program, the forward of the past
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tv channel belarus 3. bel-television company is presented. we work on our vandroki in the edges of the world, in the dark, there, just to look at it. belarusian standard. national representative office of the interstate television and radio company mir in the republic of belarus. i have 12 pigs, girls, so... capital television. our ancestors did not go to give their lives, they saved their families, their homeland, our future. the nominees are known, well now folina, you have a unique opportunity to communicate with our neural network. dear neural network. there are a lot of representatives in belarus. culture, art, it’s even interesting who you choose, the request is clear.
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this time i decided not to pay attention to people, i found a real symbol of belarusian culture, the literary heritage of the country, which embodied all the originality and... i know, i know what it is to live and be kohanai, and i wish you the birth of my belarusian culture and the traditions of life, and pass it on to your children.
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a few words that we want to hear from you after winning this nomination, thank you very much, for us it was really a very important project, because when we worked on it, we all understood that we were not just making a project that should be released in broadcast, we literally piece by piece collected the story of a great victory, the story of a great feat, but most importantly it was a story about each of us, about each of our families. that's why we were ready to shoot until midnight, edit until dawn, so that all this really touches hearts, and this is really very important for us, i thank alexander alexandrovich, you for enduring and courageously enduring all our creative wonders, thank you for that you trust us unconditionally, thank you, thank you
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very much, we congratulate you on your victory in this nomination, this is probably the key to success. as it is known in the wild, the light poured into the earth, all the hummies were gone , and only the wind blew the sand of the ear, when you i sleep and understand what the truth is.
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the skin magic spreads in nature, in the forest, in the field, on rivers and lakes, smells of fresh wind, smells of clean skies, hears the singing birds and the seams of the forest. smile, sleepyhead! respect your fat, jumping and screaming. in harmony with nature. belarus 24.
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the love of television unites not only the candidates for the next nomination for the top tv show, but also the project participants, yes, real professionals created the show, and true amateurs made ratings for it. the next nomination is a musical entertainment project. in nomination. an entertainment project is presented, there is one girl, capital television, they know how to cook, wash, manage everything,
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tv channel belarus 1, bel tv and radio company. bai, the stars have aligned, now the moment has come when dear neurosity, i will still try to guess who will take to this stage to present the coveted statuette, and i think it will be ermulenko.
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television holiday, i want to give the winner this treasured golden key, which opens the doors to the magical world of programs, the winner in the category of musical
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entertainment project is the projects factorby and factorby 60+
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this is factor bai, good evening, on behalf of the entire large project team on behalf of the white television and radio company, first of all. i would like to say a huge thank you to the head of state for giving us the opportunity to create such large-scale projects. first of all, i’m talking about 131 decree, thanks to which many worthwhile television projects have appeared in recent years. i i ask you to applaud. i certainly want to give the floor to my co-host maryan murenkov. thank you very much, i really do. i’m very excited, thank you very much for such an award, and i want to thank our producers, our leader ivan mikhailovich eismant, for being able to assemble such a team, in fact
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, hundreds of people work on the other side of the frame, they make such a product and such ratings, and many thanks to our tv viewers who watch us, who vote for their favorites, thank you so much, watch factorby, see you in the fourth season, pre-casting has begun. and we sincerely congratulate our colleagues, the winners in the musical entertainment project category. i’ll stay a little longer, i looked through all the music programs, everyone sings great, and i decided to check if the participants in the popular programs factorby and star trek can sing my song. but only me a little.
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hey-hey, whoever enters the house with the song of the rut is familiar with the panorama, here is the replacement from star trek heroes and i know, here they recognize her everywhere, tell me what her name is, please, up, shi,
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here is a conversation on the merits and a hundred questions to an adult, everyone will recognize her everywhere, tell me her name, tele, up, shi, hurray, televertex. weather forecast pincode, our morning without worries, and nothing personal here, because people are all public, there are pros everywhere, tell me what her name is, top!
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the winner of the second season of the tv project star trek on the ont channel, olga kozyr, and of course, everyone’s favorite buratina, and we see you off to applause, thank you, well, we continue the tv summit 2024, you know, passing along the corridor, past this directorate polina, i hope that you understand me now, i constantly hear how they are watching football,
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then hockey, then swimming, then racing, then... and what is this, is it that these are constant nerves, you know, this is valedol, this is valerian, this is high blood pressure, this is not for me, i agree, dima, i am absolutely with you, this is not everyone’s cup of tea, and really resilient people can withstand such stress, because the next nomination is a sports project, in the sports project nomination there are heroes, tv channel belarus 1 , bel teledio. no, just a little, our games, second national tv channel.
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diaries of the second games of the cis countries. national representative office of the interstate television and radio company mir in the republic of belarus. 2.0 people took part in the opening show ceremony. traditional parade of teams, flag raising in belarus and the cis, millions of lights, fiery music and even a 3d dress. you know, dima, like you, i’m also not good at sports, so i’m happy to turn to the neural network again. who will present the winner in this category? request accepted, director of the minsk scientific and practical center surgery, transplantology and hematology, oleg rumov.
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good evening, i probably also need to explain why dear neurocity chose me to present such a nomination. the fact is that recently, and this, of course, is due to my profession, sports fans, mainly football fans, are increasingly turning to me with a request to cut off their favorite athletes. something so unnecessary that at least prevents them from playing at the level of lionel messi or cristiano ronaldo, or, given the second part of my profession, on the contrary , to sew or transplant something so that they also
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play at approximately the same level, but of course this is all a joke, from my point of view , patience, labor is all overwork, and if an athlete is talented... hardworking and extremely motivated, then of course, everything will work out for him, and he doesn’t need any transplant surgeon, and it won’t help, all that’s left for all of us sports fans to do. so, the winner in the nomination for best sports project is the tv project hero. joint project of the presidential sports
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the club and the belgian radio company are the heroes, it is he who becomes this project the winner in the category best sports project. congratulations once again, and of course a few words to the winners, good evening, dear friends, it is very honorable and exciting
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to be on this high stage, we were presented as a belarusian radio company, and for me this is doubly honorable, because the presidential sports club with all the media information.
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dear colleagues, hello, we tried to show the younger generation what they are like, because those children who are 12-14 years old who consciously choose the profession of a fire rescuer, that is , a rescuer, when they consciously choose that they can give their life for the life of another, it is very expensive, we started working with such guys and... then the project grew into a big, large-scale project, today, this is an international project, this is a project for adults, entertaining, but i’ll tell you a secret, we have already filmed the third season, watch us in the twenty-fourth year, i wish all my colleagues wonderful,
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beautiful ideas, great shots and the most grateful viewer, thank you very much, with victory, thank you very much, once again congratulations to the best sports project, the heroes project, congratulations to you and i invite you to our auditorium, of course, to the applause of your colleagues. well, we move on to our next nomination, children's and youth. pin. tv channel belarus 2. bel
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tv and radio company. i want to become a tv presenter, the salary is good. but i disagree, because soon tv presenters can be easily replaced by robots. well, now it’s very interesting, dear neurosit, how you will cope with children’s content. so, who will appear on our stage now? sofia, vasilyevna kovalevskaya, the world's first woman, professor of mathematics, teacher, from childhood showed great ability in the exact sciences.
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sofia va kavallevskaya with herself to present the nomination for children's youth program. once upon a time, when i was a child, when i moved with my parents to a new house, there wasn’t enough wallpaper for one of the rooms; it was covered with sheets from a printed publication. in differential and integral calculus by academician astrogradsky, this is how my love of mathematics, you will say it’s a curiosity, but i ’ll tell you that if there were pictures, maybe i would become an artist, i want to appeal to modern children, gadgets and dancing in tiktok are of course very good, but you have to study, cover the room with theorems ,
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the winner in the nomination children's youth program is the program pinkod tv channel belarus 2 veltelerokpaniya.
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and a few words from the winner. well, first of all, wow, we didn’t expect this to be our debut nomination, of course, we went to this award for eight long years, the team changed, the format changed too, and you know, holding. this award, i would like to immediately say that holding it in your hands is just as difficult as broadcasting for a teenage audience, who, of course, are used to receiving content from fifteen-second videos, they are completely unaccustomed to watching an hour-long broadcast, of course, this is very exciting for us, very pleased that today this is an indicator that our project has found that same pin code from the hearts of our viewers, this is very pleasant and... i would like to say words of gratitude to all those
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who stand behind us, our to the big, big team, to all those who assembled this team. elena vladimirovna obraztsova, alina anatolyevna kornienko, katya daderkina, danik, zhdanko, our magnificent screenwriters, everyone who stands behind us , thank you very much. i am very pleased, however, to receive this award doubly because i came. the pincode project as a guest initially, since september 17, 2020 i have been in this project as a presenter, now also an author, and at the same time i am still taking part in other projects, and for me... it’s actually a colossal experience, this is another life is a separate world, i want to tell you the truth, writing for a youth audience is exciting, it’s always difficult, it’s very nice that we have such support, dear colleagues, thank you very much for being there, thank you very much for being you you tell me, thank you very much for sending a special thank you to our dear viewer, because
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while you have questions, we will really look for answers to them, please, from tuesday to friday at 16:00 tv channel belarus 2, this is the pin code, look, no skip it. well, sincerely, congratulations to our beautiful winners, and of course, together with sofia, vasilno kovalevsky, we see them off with your applause and continue our television peak. the next nominees, they may not be well versed in the capital's avenues, capital's streets, but they know very well what is happening in the regions than...
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the fantastic announcements of the tv radio campaign vitebsk. if the new year is with us. and we turn to our assistant, dear neural network, who can you suggest to us this time? vitold belynitsky berulya, belarusian
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landscape painter, people's artist of the bssr, in his paintings he reflected the history of his native land. countries, expanses of beauty of belarus. love to motherland. starts from a small corner of your side, from the corner where you were born, everything you saw around will remain in your memory for the rest of your life, in my work i wanted to show belarus as
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it is, in your works, i see beautiful belarus , truly, thank you, the winner in the regional television project nomination is the roads project.
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and of course, we are waiting for a few, or maybe not a few, words from the winners, i ask you, a unique opportunity to say hello to everyone in this room, hello, dear colleagues, hello, dear friends, the words were said today by grigory ozarenok, he said: the homeland is holy. i think that each of us who is present here hurts our hearts and souls. for our homeland, and we work so that the homeland feels that we are with it, so that it
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is proud of us, this project along the roads of memory and glory is a unique patriotic travel project, it was organized by the mogilev regional executive committee and the belarusian republican youth union, 65 young guys from russia and belarus passed the road. i was sitting in this hall, everyone thanked me, and i thought i need to thank this one, that one, there are so many people in the hall, i want to say a special thank you to everyone, but let me
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say this, thank you to our state for supporting journalists, for , what we feel is not just a strong strong, powerful shoulder, it helps us move forward, helps us create, but i still really want to give the floor here to this man, modest as... who stands behind me with a tv top, you know, he disappeared into this project, he performed many functions, he was an editor, he was there partly as a tv cameraman, and an editing director, and a director - director, unique person of the mogilev television and radio company, producer igor kondratev, i kindly ask you to applaud him, thank you, good evening, thank you, it’s very nice, and of course i would like to thank you. jury, for your choice, for your attention to our tv channel, for your attention to our city (magilev), thank you big, paniya mogilev with a victory in
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the regional television project nomination. kutochak belarusi small gracima dze z samaga abudzec. uspamina with vyarba, shto la wicket, pad native klichatah, skhіlіўshishy
7:00 pm
rapina, abudzet ospamin, zviarboy, shto la kalitki, pad nadnik klicha dah, father's land, geta...


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