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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 3, 2024 1:05pm-1:50pm MSK

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trade flows, expanding the range of supplied goods, we, for our part , are ready to increase exports of more than 105 product items amounting to about $265 million, this is something that we already see specifically worked out with business. immediately after the plenary session, the premier of the five will go to the belagra exhibition, which will also be held in great stone. in the capital. they lead industrial sites for the work of small medium-sized businesses, a convenient and ready-made infrastructure is provided, as well as tax and other preferences, these are, first of all, new buildings of the minsk city technopark, the center has a special role in supporting entrepreneurship, business initiatives are often embodied in large-scale enterprises, we are very proud of our resident industrial creative, who this year became residents of the great stone, will represent -
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regarding training, but came to the conclusion that it would be it is safer and more efficient to train in poland units consisting of ukrainians subject to conscription by the ukrainian armed forces. i note that last month the polish defense minister said that the government is ready to help return kiev men subject to compulsory military service, but living in the republic. meanwhile, in ukraine, the wave of forced mobilization continues, but its results can hardly be called successful. as the washington post writes, the state of the ukrainian army is depressing. commanders of the armed forces of ukraine complain about the poor training of recruits. they don’t even have basic skills, like handling weapons. at the same time , there is simply not enough time to train the newly arrived, and therefore they have to be literally sent to slaughter. against the backdrop of failure on the government front. decided to do
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move the horse and mobilize employees of the state service for emergency situations, such news was presented in the verkhovna rada. a lightning strike in the czech city of liberec injured 18 people, including five children, and seven were seriously injured. the incident took place in a local park, people were taken to doctors by ambulances and helicopters, some victims who lost consciousness had to be pumped out directly. in the park, it is noted that the discharge hit a tree, at that time people were hiding there from the rain. caution on electric wheels scooter scooter users are closely monitored by gi staff. driving only in specially equipped lanes on sidewalks, as well as being careful when crossing pedestrian crossings, is the basis of safety. travel speed no more than 25 km/h. inspectors monitor this with help.
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we generally check compliance with traffic rules by users of personal mobility devices for pedestrians in the event of violations of traffic rules - this is the movement of minors under 14 years, violation of the rules for passing pedestrian crossings at a speed greater than the speed of a walking pedestrian, as well as when identifying facts of transporting passengers when the current traffic rules prohibit this, including... an emergency situation and injury for failure to comply with the basics of safety while driving electric devices can be received and a fine. violation of the rules may lead to the creation of more information from my colleagues at 15 o'clock on our air. all the best.
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review of the most interesting sporting events. the ruslan salei prize was awarded to sergei kostitsin, that is, a hockey player who has shown leadership qualities. dmitry kravchenko was recognized as the best coach of the extra league. and
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finally, mikhail sholagin became the best hockey player in the extra league. in the seventh round of the major league , slutsk created a sensation, beating mazyryan 1:0 at home. thanks to this victoria , slutsk moved to tenth place in the tournament. table, exclusive interviews with athletes, a huge number of people are waiting for me both at master classes, it’s so easy to see, communicate, and i had the opportunity to play for clubs, we have a new team, a new team, we are starting our, well , long-awaited, i think, such a way of returning to the major leagues, bright moments, real emotions, 8 years later, magnitka champion, i have not seen such emotions, it seems to me from any team, how happy are you? metallurg players do all this in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science. people started making the first weather forecasts back in ancient times. what modern technology and
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equipment do you use to make weather forecasts today? meteorological data radars. satellite data, and numerical modeling. and i want to say that. forecasts are still not made without qualified specialists. we share interesting facts, ask the most exciting questions, and look for answers to them. for the first time they encountered this problem in belarus in 2001, then there was an outbreak in 2003, and after a lull for almost 10 years, they are literally fueled by bark beetles. where does such a small beetle have so much strength? powerful mandibles. allow them to bite off pieces of wood directly and thus build tunnels the inside is thicker than wood. watch in the science nearby project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. maria, good evening, good, a woman who wrote a book, a prison diary, yes, and now a russian politician, i won’t say that this is an unexpected start for our viewers, we have already recorded interviews from prison twice.
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called american university in washington dc, in general i entered there, i had two places where i was accepted, respectively , to washington and, well, to harvard the second, but i refused harvard because i was financially i couldn’t wait, as i had to study pre-courses for another year, the so-called pre-course, but
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i didn’t have enough financially, so i settled on an american university, well , plus the capital, how interesting it would have been, well, i graduated 5 days after i was given a diploma, i ended up in places not so remote, and well, you know, how they asked me later, they said that, well, when did you study there. things were obviously getting worse, a bunch of nasty things were written about me in the american press, but i thought, well, here too there about me, taking into account the fact that i was involved in the weapons issue in russia, there in other countries, well, they wrote different materials, not all of them were complementary, i just didn’t think that this was part of an information operation aimed at creating for me the image of a demon, and then imprison, and then burn a witch, i didn’t know that this was possible, it turns out, it’s possible, probably, well, since i’m a living example of this. well, wait, maria, is this information noise enough to bring charges against a person? no, you
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know, it comes from this one here stories of witch hunts, by the way, you know that in america they didn’t burn witches, they were stoned to death, and the crowd was watching and the last case, well, apparently the extreme one, most likely they still exist, recognition by the americans, after all, that they had a witch hunt, you know it was when in... and they admitted that they burned, or rather stoned, women only in 2020, until that time it was normal, in the twentieth year at the request of citizens, relatives of witches, who were killed, there were 147, it seems there were women two men were stoned to death in salem, this famous story, the salem witches are all. that is, until 2020 they did not recognize that this was a crime, so
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what are we surprised about, that is, i had everything , as it were, in a set, this passion for weapons since childhood, this is the number of photographs necessary, this is red hair, well, they chose witches how, yes, to be more beautiful and to have such texture, all this created such a magnificent image for me, plus there are republicans here, plus the national rifle association, which really... year, well, it’s relevant, at least here, the belarusian security forces were accused of all
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mortal sins, knocked out teeth, rape with batons, torture and so on, there was no evidence, well, there was photoshop, but there was no evidence, although in general a prison , of course, well, it’s not a sanatorium, and shouldn’t be, and shouldn’t be, of course they don’t make flatware there, and they don’t serve it, but what is a prison really like in the most democratic country, well, since you’ve been there for more than 400 days , 467 days, if exactly 117 of them are in punishment cell, i had quite a tour, well, so to speak, because i saw six different prisons in one pre-trial detention center, different states, i saw what it was like to transport prisoners, when you are not allowed to drink or eat for almost a day, so that you don’t want to go to the toilet , because if you want, then for yourself, and if right during transportation you... transport by plane from state to state, when, you know, they have films, a tv series, it’s called
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orange is the new black, there is transportation of prisoners, well there everything else is comedy, this is quite realistic, when you, excuse me, are a human being, as if he needs some kind of needs there, then there are no doors, then when you are in transport prisons, there are not even partitions, that is, men walk around, just like men they walk here like they’re in kindergarten. this is how it will look, you know, this is all the basis, or rather, the task is one, how to break human dignity, that is, in essence, when i first saw the door of the restroom, i cried, because, well, it’s just this it was unrealistic, but before that your - well , your nature, it’s as if everything human in you is erased, when you are forced to eat on the floor, when you are in conditions there, i don’t know, they undress you, they bring you in...
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and they say , so wait, maria, they are prohibited under international law, i say, well, they are in america, she says, well, we don’t have them, we can only offer these, i say, well, we’ll have to do it, probably, maria, i i read excerpts from a prison diary, however, you described yourself then, you had long red hair hair, exactly, why did you have it, you know, i’m not a superstitious person, but they say that hair retains some energy and... when i cut my hair, i felt better, maybe this is from the cycle, you know, the placebo effect, something else, but my hair saved my life, of course, but that’s in the past, at home, yes, i was very cold, i was very cold, so i just pulled my knees towards me and covered myself with my hair, in america there is such a comedy, there is a creature called it, here it is, it with a dot, here it is
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- this is such a completely hairy creature, that means it’s moving there. he’s doing something there, well, it’s a comedy, and i very much resembled this creature, because in the cell it’s 15°c, and the only clothes you’re given are a robe and a t-shirt, so how to keep warm, you won’t believe your hair, it’s incredibly warm, but you don’t believe me, that’s why you cover your hair like this, find out yes - that’s why when i cut it off it’s easier, i don’t need a change of image here anymore, i’m at home, i’m here. right now in minsk, i understand that i it’s free and safe here, i no longer need to save my life from the cold by covering myself with my hair, that’s all, so i can afford it, you wrote about gas torture and light torture, what is it all about, and i was also surprised, you know, i didn’t understand where i was, because - it’s impossible, when
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i remember, the door slammed - we had a gas leak in the prison in the washington alexandria prison in the city of washington there on the virginia border, technically and so there were several time when the warden came up, she just slammed everyone's doors, and the doors were on an automatic remote control, all the staff was evacuated, there would be no one to open it, when i remember, well, there was a strong smell of gas, and i was sitting right there on the threshold of the cell, and there was such a black-skinned woman, i i look up at her and says, well, you can’t do it.
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something like that, but she needs to be taken to a hospital, not to a punishment cell, that is, it’s impossible, but she caused too much trouble for the guards and so they brought a special chair with, well, a hole like this, well, that’s if necessary, and just like that... tied to a chair , left in front of us in the corridor, in front of us, because we are all shoved into punishment cells, but we can see into the corridor, well, what is happening, that is, well, just like that, a person, how so, then i looked in the next cell, a girl who is 14 years old, what to do with her, well , that is, she is not yet of the age to be put in an adult prison,
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so what should be done with her correctly, throw her in a year and a half alone, okay, so she just sat in the corner. there in the bed squeezed, and you look at all this and think, well, this is how it is, no, look, a prison should not be a sanatorium 100%, i understand, but what you are telling is generally a parallel universe, but yes, but you, well ok, you can imagine it, well, it’s probably scary, somewhere in africa, this is probably happening, but this is washington, that is, this is the capital, at a time when the whole world is walking around, drinking this coffee, there’s something else... what happens is it was hot outside. when i was arrested, why was it 15° in the cell, that is, it was you you’re freezing and don’t understand why this bullying is happening, for what? so sleep, why weren’t you allowed to, why? look, this is a well-thought-out system, it works, it’s like a well-established story, which means that american prisons are private, there are separate organizations attached to the prisons, medical ones, so
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to speak, yes, yes, yes, yes, this is, first of all, a group of psychotherapists who, when they don’t let you sleep, they come, they take you to a special room, there is one such table, so i had psychotherapists, black, white, men, everything in a row, that is, you they pick up a person, well... he says: listen, maybe you can’t sleep, you say, yes, you’ll see me every 15 minutes, well , maybe we need to stop bullying, and you ’re talking about problems, let’s prescribe for you pills will be good for you, that is , you understand the whole system, especially with political prisoners like me, is focused on the fact that if they poison you there, push you through food, mix it in, then suddenly they will find it, it will be kind of inconvenient in front of...
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for a month and a half, i just well, in front of my cell, camera to cell, i was afraid to become a vegetable, because my consciousness was all i had, everything was taken from me, but it’s impossible from a person. take away his inner freedom as long as you are sane, i have this, you ask, well, when he asks, he says, well , what gave him strength and so on, i wanted to
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at least keep my sanity, even if i die, but i will die in my state, with my mind in my memory, and i will not betray anyone, so i was left alone, guilty of conspiracy by myself, so be it, no one in my case they weren’t arrested, i don’t have any conspirators, i came up with everything myself. everything is wonderful and great, everyone made fun of it, everything is fun, and they still continue, for them i’m still a local boogeyman, a boogie woman, you know what kind of boogeyman, it’s like we have a woman yoke, they have such a boogeyman, and i’m a boogie woman , so when they need to destroy another congressman, they say, maybe he met with her, i don’t even participate in the magnificent there in this world, they have something to do with themselves, one and a half million mentions on twitter every month, well there one of the reasons was that you were trying to arrange a meeting.
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studying on a professional basis, these american special operations are prescribed before, well, look, i’m studying cybersecurity in the usa, i studied for 2 years,
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then i was admitted, it was the sixteenth year, the topic of intervention had not yet begun, that is, even then only they seemed to be picking on trump, and in class we, the students, were already developing a possible russian attack on america in terms of intervention, there is no talk of that yet. and admitted it, said that he always knew that i had nothing to do with intelligence i have, but my friend was faint-hearted, so to speak, but he played a game with the fbi, he
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played agent 007, and he dumped me for something. but it’s not for me to judge him, i think that he at least made an honest statement, his company was taken away from him there, that is, the man is now on the run and is somewhere there, but i tell him, listen, whatever, you come to russia, he says, lubyanka, they just measure it by themselves, i say, who needs you, bubyanka, i wasn’t going to ask this question, however, i know that you don’t like this topic, but still you’re great.. . is, no one has yet complained, no one has yet, sorry, he probably couldn’t answer, yes, okay, i ’m actually interested, throughout your entire life, starting from a small life, you are a very young man, but you are always lobbying for the sale of weapons, free circulation of weapons , god, i have never lobbied for this, let’s say that they write that you are lobbying for this very issue, in america you met with the leaders of shooting associations, right? in
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russia you are pushing this issue, at least, and you think that free circulation of weapons must be, why? well, first of all, this is nonsense, that’s all you just said, because here is the key phrase, the key phrase, yes, the key phrase is that they are writing this, we need to figure out who, because if you read wikipedia about me, it will become clear that i was born and raised in the village of kosikha, yes, yes no, in general i was born in the city of barnaul, i can show evidence, i grew up in an urban village. but i was just trying to figure out how i would say, okay, it’s good, well, now modern customs i them i don’t accept it, you never know, i didn’t notice the first fifth boyfriend there and so on, but if i had given birth, i would have noticed how a woman it seems obvious, yes, but nevertheless important. this
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question cost me quite a lot, referring to wikipedia, the american intelligence services conducted interrogation all day long, asking where the kgb was holding my child hostage, i say: fear god, what is this, well, okay, nevertheless, about weapons, i actually spent 5 years leading the gun rights movement, i know i was more than there are many similar communities in 15 countries, and in some places they are more sports- oriented. that is, this is practical shooting, and this, well, let’s say, well, in soviet times, yes, in our country it’s more known for dosaf, that is, well, be prepared and an armed citizen has always been the backbone of the state, this is the key difference between us, probably, americans, they have a second amendment, that is , why do they have weapons, yes, so that people can take weapons to rebel against the power to destroy, it’s like it’s in the american constitution let's leave them aside, because in our
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understanding. a person’s ability to shoot is his responsibility, because if you need to defend your homeland, who are we from the dssaf, yes, famous snipers, shooters, partisans are those people who have acquired basic skills, or in the family as hunters, i have been shooting since i was 10 years old my dad is a hunter, that is, for us it’s like now during our time, but it’s even more relevant, that is, it’s part of our, our responsible attitude towards our country, the ability to protect, he’s talking about free circulation there, what to distribute to everyone, there was never any talk at all, it was then brought in by the same americans, they said, look, this means she ’s trying to do it like in america, no, in general these are not related things, that is, in my understanding, when i started explaining this to the americans, they didn’t understand, an armed citizen is the backbone of the state, you must give your life for the country, for them this is generally incomprehensible, it’s not about the country, it’s
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about business, how would i live, where is it profitable. you see, americans move between states, however, i haven’t changed my views, i i think that citizens should have the right, that is, to legally purchase weapons there with the appropriate permits, in russia it is legal today, that is, you, please, according to the law on weapons was adopted in ninety-six, and you are entering, it means that if a long-barreled rifle weapons, then to the hunting society, if not, then you go through training there, this is normal, i’ll tell you more, i believe that today. to those people who are in active service, for example, military service, law enforcement officers, they also have there is a service weapon, but why should n’t they be allowed to take this service weapon with them when they are not at work, well , because look, here’s the tragedy in crocus, yes, if at least someone has it, well, okay, let ’s leave it aside citizens, because there may be discussions, they will say, well, this is how it is, maybe they don’t know how, but they don’t know how to use it, although citizens, as a rule,
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who purchase weapons they... go, they know perfectly well, but, but and those people who have a time card, so that they at least, but it turns out that they left the service to the safe was handed over, and the fact that they are catching criminals may be subject to... the fact that now the situation is very difficult, and generally speaking, like doctors, you know, yes, that is, a doctor with special skills, if he sees that the person is feeling bad, and he has, in his qualifications, the knowledge that can be useful to save the person, he is obliged, here the same is true for an employee who knows how to use a weapon, if he sees what is happening, for example, well, there's some kind of terrorist attack, he'll just i have to do this, to stand up, now there’s a lot... they’re talking about terrorist defense, all these points, they should be taken into account when we consider the issue of weapons as a whole, but thank god, there’s your program, i have the opportunity to explain what is the point, because so much has
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to break through the thorns, as they say, to the stars and explain that look, it’s not this, this, that, well, unfortunately, the enemy’s propaganda works, they put you in the category of i don’t understand who, distort... words, simplify them to what you want handing out weapons like hot cakes, then you explain 10 times that you listen, but that’s not what i’m talking about, but the fact that every responsible citizen, every man, of course, especially, must have a weapon in order to protect, first of all, his country definitely your family. we choose the best routes only for our viewers. at that very second, the merchant decided to praise the gods. on a nearby island, he first erected a temple, then
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built huts and founded a city. and we set off on an exciting journey. it's like he the wizard controls the light, extinguishes and lights the lanterns, thereby marking the beginning. on in ruzhany you can literally see the holy trinity church from everywhere. the uniqueness of the temple is that it was never closed, even in soviet times, like other churches in belarus, it was not turned into a storage facility, a cultural center, or a theater. watch
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the program "cities of belarus on the belarus-24 tv channel." talented and ambitious. for me, creativity is self-expression, it is identification of me as an individual.
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liked the appearance of nuclear power in belarus weapons, while their placement on the territory of nato countries suits everyone, but this is probably different. there is a redistribution of spheres of influence in the world, and, in addition, a departure from a unipolar world to a polycentric world. the republic of belarus is located, essentially , at the junction of these two power lines, the confrontation between the west and the east, and any changes in the international situation.
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i noticed that when... as i understand it, it applies specifically to such cases that a person who has a weapon in his service has the opportunity to carry it in any place, at any time, including not in form, the first permit, the second, a person had the right to purchase weapons for protection with appropriate medical indications, that is, he is normal, he has the right with ...
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weapons, which is a separate issue altogether, because it is not perceived as a weapon, in fact, this thing is quite lethal, and therefore this is such a frivolity, it is wrong, that is, there is still no need to come up with any names, like this is a non-lethal weapon, usually an injury, well, generally speaking in world practice, this is weapons specifically from the special services, why, because if there are some, let’s say, they are carried out there, well , at protests somehow, if it’s a long-barreled rubber one. when a bullet, that is, they are usually
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used there to disperse demonstrators, but this is not a citizen’s personal weapon, because it is not perceived correctly, like, well, a rubber bullet, well, listen, it quite penetrates such a thick jacket even, that is, a person you can really kill, there is no feeling, so no, here it is correct after all, if we are talking about the possibility of citizens purchasing weapons only with permission, of course, but... it would make sense to start with those people whom the state has already verified, that is, this is unconditional, as i already said, yes, those who serve, that is, this is for them service weapons, those who retired, listen, we trusted them for 20 years, that they were trained by us, they went through everything with us, here we are like this , we don’t trust them anymore, but let them at least have a simplified acquisition procedure civilian weapons, including short-barreled ones, let them have the ability to carry this weapon, we are talking about general security, who cares?
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this is obtaining a certificate of ability to own
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weapons, shooting ranges have also always been with dsaf, well , it’s mostly small stuff, that is, so that it goes through the state system, that is, not just some schools there, so to speak, but certified schools, and let’s say dsaf is two, then so that a person certainly does not have questions with law enforcement agencies, if you are a violator of public order, if you have an administrative record for participating in it in some protests, excuse me, goodbye, let's go...
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he can't give less, he can give you 10 years, but not less than a year, and in any case, you insulted a police officer, that's how they build authority, let's go , then i sat down, beautiful, in fact, a country leading democracy, maria, i would like to talk about this topic, if we are talking about weapons, but let’s ask the question a little more globally, our president noted that we have never come so close to threshold of nuclear war, and our answer:
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when i watched the interview at the border, this it was probably about, well, a month or so ago, alexander grigorievich went out to inspect, and i noticed that he directly said: guys, here i was at the parade at the enlistment of the unit on may 9, and if anyone -something will happen, well, well, we’ll fuck you, this will happen, putin has spoken about this more than once, that my friends, any encroachment.
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this will end badly for you, it will end in your defeat, and we will repeat this again, each of our citizens, of our people, moreover, of our compatriots to the whole world, when hour x comes, at the call of your ancestors you will be killed, because it is us,
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and it will all explode, but they do not understand, because you understand, who would dare to attack the hegemon. this is probably very important, can we say today that the current american rage is precisely connected with this, that they feel that they are losing hegemony, that this is an attempt to preserve it, the last attempt, more russia, belarus, and you can’t buy many europeans anymore, you can’t buy us with chewing gum or...


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