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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 4, 2024 8:15am-9:00am MSK

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euro at the national bank exchange rate is 3 rubles 46 kopecks. 10 yuan costs 4.39. 3 rubles 57 kopecks they ask for 100 russian rubles. and finally, today approximately 562 million people, or approximately every 13th person on the planet, own cryptocurrency. over the year, their number increased by 120 million. the maximum interest in digital money is shown in the asian region, where over the year there were 22% more crypto holders, over 326. next comes north america, more than 72 million. a surge in interest is observed even in the ocean , up to 3 million plus 114%. the top 5 countries in terms of the share of cryptocurrency owners included the united united arab emirates, singapore, turkey, argentina and thailand. this was the news of the economy, successful transactions and productivity in business. see you.
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the morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 continues with the program “zone x”. i'm yuri shevchuk, hello. illegal earnings 24,000 rubles. but everything will have to be given. investigators revealed facts of illegality. exchanges, as the police emphasized, this is how they usually cash out and convert, including cash stolen from belarusians. in less than a year he earned over 240,000 rubles. on an administrative protocol has been drawn up for the offender, the sanctions of the article provide for a large fine, as well as the transfer to the state revenue of the entire amount that has passed through: this is the purse of the amount.
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next on the air is a review of criminal and emergency incidents, prepared by alena leshkevich. vsk draws attention to the fact that in the first days of summer, eight people drowned. warm weather came to belarus, which led to a series of accidents. among the dead waters there are teenagers. this is how a sixteen-year-old boy drowned in the kremovichi region. and the vitebsk region went under water student college, who came with the guys to watch the sunrise and decided to take a swim. investigators once again remind you that it is necessary to follow water safety rules. investigators once again remind: do not swim in prohibited places, do not swim behind the buoys. do not swim near steep, steep banks, with strong currents, in swampy areas, in stormy weather or during thunderstorms. the road is also unforgiving of mistakes, so in a couple of days.
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several minors have already been run over. in all cases, the children rode bicycles or a scooter without following the rules. the day before, in the stolin region, a ten-year-old schoolboy was riding an eight-year-old boy and a seven-year-old girl on his electric scooter along the roadway; the child lost control; all three fell onto the asphalt. one of the children suffered severe head injuries. in brest, a fourteen-year-old schoolboy was also hit by a car on grodno street. was crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing without a traffic light, where he was hit by a toyota. the traffic police will find out who missed who here, but the child was without a helmet and is now in the hospital with injuries. therefore, traffic police officers are now intensively checking this particular category of road users, minors, how children ride scooters and bicycles and where. we would like to remind you that under 14 years of age are prohibited from riding without adult supervision.
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on road safety. a motorcyclist was injured in an accident in polotsk. according to preliminary information, the driver of the hyonda, leaving the yard, did not let the suzuki pass. the motorcycle overturned. the twenty-two-year-old biker received injuries for which he was hospitalized. a serious accident in the svisloch region, before reaching the regional center, a truck and a concrete mixer collided at a turn. the latter tipped over on its side and landed directly on a passing car. afterwards a car with building materials.
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caught fire, see the details of the accident in our evening issue, it was a project zone x, our news is on the project’s youtube channel. have a nice day, stay on the bright side, come with us to belarus alone, see you in the evening and sum up the results of the day of crime chronicle.
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belarus 24, we meet you, tatyana vatusevich and ekaterina antonova. i remind everyone that today is tuesday, it’s june 4th, on the clock, i’ll look at it now, it’s 8:22, that ’s it. exact time, and this is the time to right now welcome to the studio the psychologist, mediator and author of our regular column actualochka, allarovskaya, good morning, good morning, sunny day, good morning country, our summer began with world children's day, and i would
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really like to continue this topic, and i dedicate today’s column to the emotions of our children, it’s summer, school is over, very many will be larger. for their actions, for their emotional state, for their mood, but parents and other adults, for example, teachers at school, kindergarten teachers, they are responsible for children, including for their emotional state, what does this mean if, for example,
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mom and dad are in a bad mood, this does not mean that the child should somehow correct this and feel responsible for the fact that this is probably from my name. mom dad is in a bad mood because the kids are selfish, they think the world is spinning around them and that they are to blame for this, so it is important to say that this does not concern you, i just had such a bad day, or for example, the whole family is celebrating something, they are in a good mood, but the child is sad, and the most the worst thing that can be said is don’t be sad, or that everyone is celebrating here, why aren’t you having fun with us, and even worse is to say, but that’s nothing at all. at this moment the child feels misunderstood, that he is not heard, that his feelings and emotions are not important, and he pulls away, this is what devaluation, so we remember that we start with ourselves, and we have a responsibility to ensure that we expand
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the emotional intelligence of our children, that is , we first identify this feeling in ourselves, what is happening to us, we talk about it out loud, for example, you may come. tell the child: you know, today my day was full of some unpleasant surprises, and at the moment i felt powerless and some kind of confusion, naturally, in the child. especially at 2-3-4 years old the question will be: what is powerlessness, and what is order? it's very it’s important to interrupt you, and this is right, when we throw this burden on a child, it was a bad day, and you know about it, i had a day like this, you can also have a day like this, when you feel, for example, sadness, you can get angry with someone, you, we ask our children, how was your day in kindergarten, at school, at university, and the child can share with you, and not always, and often never. at the beginning, yes, especially at 3 years old, children do not know what to call the feeling, someone offended him in kindergarten or in
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school, he comes, you see that the child is sad, ask him, something happened, how are you feeling, the child may not answer, then you can continue and let him, you know, digest this emotion for him and give it to him ready i see that if someone offended you, you know, i would probably feel angry or sad, for example, what’s wrong with you, what’s wrong with you, and what about the child? answers, and you continue and talk, and that’s okay, because i want to draw attention and remind you that there are no bad and good feelings, they are all for us remind us of some of our needs, if it is a joyful feeling of a satisfied need, if it is some kind of negative with a negative connotation, then something that we did not receive, for example, envy shows that we want something, but cannot afford it allow, rage speaks, for example, of powerlessness, anger or irritation. may show that your personal boundaries have been violated, fears often show that we have
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potential, but we are not yet going into this growth , so behind each, behind each emotion, feeling there is a need of some kind, the task of parents is not only to teach the child to put on shoes, dress, eat on his own, yes, including recognizing emotions, living them environmentally, this is not something you know, like... sometimes there are cases when firstly, boys cry, but they are told: boys don’t cry, but as i understand it, you can’t talk, let it not matter whether it’s a boy or a girl, he’s 3 years old or 54 years old, we all feel the same, we all feel absolutely different range of emotions, and this is normal, we were just not taught this, our parents, grandmothers, they survived more, yes, but we now live and can afford to pay attention to our emotional state.
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or a feeling of responsibility for the fact that i am responsible for everyone’s mood, if everyone is sad, then i don’t have the right to be happy, or if everyone is happy, why don’t i have the right to get angry if i had some kind of situation, or irritation or sadness, for example, i lost my toy, when my mother, father, grandmother, teacher do not pay attention to me, and this worries me, because i feel lonely, even if there is a crowd of people around me, so it is very important here. you come and
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say: “you know, today is a sunny, warm day, summer, i have butterflies in my stomach, expand this child’s perception that he can also depend on the weather, including his internal state, i want to hug the whole peace, i’m so happy, i’m having fun, and the child understands how it can be, and that it’s normal to be sad and happy , if we want to cheer up when a child is sad, we can do it somehow . do, that is, we will not prevent him from experiencing that very emotion, look, this is great, this is the second stage, that is, we do not avoid negative emotions, but we show, we join the child, that you know, you are sad, this is normal, sometimes i it can also be sad, i’ll be in a bad mood, or i don’t know, i’ve eaten, i haven’t eaten much, and i don’t have the strength, the next step is you say, what can we do about this? yes, let's go outside and play, let's read books with you, let's go with you, i don't know,
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let's look at some book or something interesting series, based on the age of the child, but to start teaching our children emotions, what they are, but these are not cuckoo, but recognize, now i’m smiling or i’m sad now, we start at 2 years old, and yes, of course, from an early age , we play this game with our child every day, how was your day, and how did you feel in this situation? how i felt in this situation, if he doesn’t know, i give him the answer, here, by the way, there is a very important moment when you ask a child how your day was, 99%, on it's time for the first one. okay, you don’t need to end the conversation here, you just need to get to the bottom of it, of course, alla, it was very interesting, but tell me what we’ll talk about next time, next time i’d like to continue this topic in terms of responding to negative feelings if a child or an adult felt anger, felt rage, irritation, then how to do it correctly, environmentally for yourself, without harming yourself and without
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harming others, we will look forward to it, thank you very much, we wish you a wonderful continuation of the day, but... directly now, dear friends, we invite you to go to the factory canteen to meet the heroine of our morning professions, find out how she starts her day, my name is natalya baranova, i work as a cook in the factory canteen, my morning starts very early, i wake up at 13 am , because i still have children in school. who works the second shift, and i cook breakfast for them, i always stick to healthy food, so that my children eat right, well, well, tasty, so that they always have healthy food, well, at 6:00 i already arrive at work and my working day begins with preparing dishes, this is a cold shop where
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cold appetizers and salads are prepared, i love cooking when it turns out very tasty, appetizing, well, this probably satisfies your soul. gratitude from a visitor is a great reward for a cook; when a person came, he ate deliciously, went to his workplace in a good mood, this brings satisfaction to himself. our team is very good, wonderful, each master in his own way. affairs. they work accurately, efficiently, conscientiously, we know how to work in a team, which is not very important, because there are all sorts of situations and everyone can replace each other in the case of each other, in all centuries, in all years, the profession of a cook has always been in demand, now it is very is in demand because people need
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food, productivity and labor efficiency increase. i love my job because it makes my country's mornings good. they all insisted that she was not for you, but every day i fell more in love, i don’t hear anyone from your gaze, the earth was floating somewhere beneath me, they were playing with fire, we crossed the line, the patterns of our bodies and hearts were falling,
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you and i fell over the sharp edges, be careful, no longer... in your sweet captivity i myself will surrender to condemn someone, well, let me not be afraid, i’m not afraid to know your love tastes beyond the bounds. 18 plus, they didn’t say that it’s not suitable, she’s a danger of a higher degree, but my heart broke, and it’s trembling right through, carrying us at an incredible speed, i’m running after you to the ends of the earth, i’m tearing
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my solid hair into pieces in my hands. keep your belts on, be careful more i can’t, i’m not afraid, i’m not afraid, your sweet captivity, i myself surrender, but someone is judging, well, let me not be afraid, i’m not afraid... to know your love tastes beyond 18 plus slavic bazaar vitevsk! hands higher, higher, higher, come
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all with me, i’m not afraid, i’m not afraid, in your sweet captivity, i myself surrender, and the judge will trample and let me not sing. i'm not afraid, i'm not afraid, i 'm not afraid, find out your love tastes beyond 18 plus.
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good morning country, our live broadcast continues, a new day continues, and we continue to share with you interesting information, and not only share information, but also travel virtually, because on...
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there are musical instruments and even figurines. among the most interesting finds is a drum stand in the shape of a fighting tiger and phoenix, as well as screens, boxes, cups and chessboards. chu is one of the seven states of the warring states period, which lasted from 475 to 221 bc. and thanks to such a historical summary, we have traveled a little in time, and now. let's go through weather today, i remind you that today we celebrate june 4th, our weather is really summer, that’s how hot the temperature readings will be and
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whether we will need rain today, so we are ready to tell you right now, all attention to our temperature map. so, we have precipitation in the capital today, i know for sure that there will be precipitation, yes, there is practically some. so, cloudy with clearings and rain in minsk +24 +26, in brest up to 24 with a plus sign. and there, by the way, they even promise a thunderstorm. +25 +27 in vitebsk it’s cloudy with clearings, and by the way, it’s dry there, in gomel it will rain in some places, there +26 +28. let's move on, in the city today up to 25 with a plus sign, no precipitation, cloudy with clearings in mogilev + 25 + 27, cloudy with clearings and some rain. and it seems to me that rainy weather like this is the day when someone has our cats. there are cats at home, they curl up on the windowsills somewhere, this is the same accumulation of warm energy that is so needed on such a day. why did i talk about cats
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for a reason, the fact is that there is real cat therapy in this world, let’s do it now let's get to know each other better. they help fight stress and normalize blood pressure, they predict the weather and are the first to let people into the house. we’ll find out what it’s like to hug cats right now. in the belarusian capital there is an entire art gallery dedicated to these animals. in it you can see both chess sets in the form of cats, which were hand-painted on the inside, and the khvostatykh orchestra, delivered to minsk straight from japan. this is the private collection of our director, who for 20 years collected cats just for himself, but at some point it became running out of space at home or in the office. everything is in boxes, at the time when the collection grew to one of the largest in the world, the idea arose, why not turn this into a museum, especially since it is
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a charitable museum; all the proceeds go to a good cause. rescue of cats. at the moment, the total number of exhibits reaches 7,500, and they came from 106 countries. the gallery displays works of art, decorative and applied arts, household items, and interior design depicting cats. a large number of exhibits have been collected, which include famous authors and artists recognized throughout the world. eh, there are absolutely unique exhibits that no longer exist in the world. for example, our orchestra is japanese. authorship is like that. masaki, our collection continues to grow constantly. the gallery also houses real cats. yasha, paco and negra. all of them were saved from death. our very first cat is yasha. he just appeared here by accident. he lived in brest, he just got caught. volunteers saved him. and so it turned out that he now lives with us. our most sociable cat is very much loved by his visitors. two other cats were also rescued from burial grounds. research shows.
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when a person is in close contact with their cat, their body can create immunity to various types of allergen, and cuddling with a furry friend can help with loneliness, depression, anxiety and stress. if the cat agrees and hugs, this benefit is actually very great, because the person immediately calms down, sometimes it’s really enough for a person to even stroke the cat for so that his nervous system more or less calms down. and if the cat hugs, here we have yasha, by the way. a very good example, he climbs onto his shoulders and purrs in his ears, you can hug him, he is delighted with this, and if the cat also purrs at the same time, he vibrates, this also lulls and calms the person. do you like to cuddle with cats? yes, i love them very much and i love cuddling with them, cats, they are very cute, because, do you have a cat at home? no, do you want to start one? yes, mom, that they are kind. if you are still in
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if you are looking for a cat, then at the old cat animal assistance center you can find a furry four-legged friend for yourself free of charge. in total , there are more than 100 cats in the old cat center, all of them came from the street in a very difficult condition, they all needed medical care, and we provide it. the old cat animal help center has its own account on social networks where you can go and choose one for yourself. furry friend, if you want a calm little dog who will drool at home with you pillow, then you need a very calm cat who will meet you from work, sit next to you, climb on your arms, let yourself be stroked, then you need a cute, calm cat, if you are a very active person, you need an equally active cat, don’t forget to hug your cat today and give him a treat for his affection.
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they arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller could envy. don't be offended, please, i mean this in a good sense, but you promised that i would come to your house, and...
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see for yourself, because cuisine is a reflection of the history, culture and character of the people. hello, my roll, hello, clerk, hello, my potato, how i missed you, how i want to hug you all and, of course , eat you. let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. the dish is called patata, which translates as potato. well, from english, probably from spanish, from any
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language, it’s a potato and... even in south africa it’s a potato. it turned out to be a very simple and understandable dish, this is the kind of food we usually order in restaurants, something that is simply understandable. we'll show you what they eat. in different parts of our country, but tell me, what kind of desserts are they on our holiday table? makovnik, mazurka and orhas, and these are all dishes that are described in the poem pantadeus, you should definitely re-read it, watch the project food anywhere on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. good morning belarus. knock knock. a steady heartbeat is heard. it is held annually in early june. world heart rate week. and we’ll talk to our guest about how to recognize the symptoms of arrhythmia in time. studio, cardiologist victoria khotkina. good morning, victoria. good morning. hello, victoria, well, let's get straight to the point. arrhythmia, what is it? arrhythmia is a violation of the correct heart rhythm, which is manifested by a change in pulse rate, its regularity and rhythm. there are a large number of arrhythmias, ranging from. asymptomatic extras , ending with life-threatening rhythm disturbances, such as ventricular tachycardia, for example, uh-huh, okay, here you said, there are two important indicators, this is speed heartbeat, perhaps i’m calling it incorrectly, and for it to be regular,
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let’s remind all our viewers, what should an adult’s pulse be? let’s just say that the conventional heart rate is in the range of 60-90 beats per minute, now i’m thinking. you can find your pulse, take 10 seconds, then multiply by six to check, to know for sure that everything is fine, and while you do this, we continue to communicate, let's talk about the symptoms, someone has dizziness, feeling weak, panicky attacks, let's tell the audience about the main symptoms, the main symptoms that a person may complain about are a feeling of a change in the pulse rate, either it is a very fast pulse, or, on the contrary, a very rare pulse, now on...
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to be wary, of course, if we don’t faint every day, it ’s precisely the fainting state and pre-fainting state that will make the patient wary and come to see a cardiologist if you have sudden fainting, and if, for example, you already have a diagnosis of rhythm disturbance has been established, against this background you feel shortness of breath and swelling appears in your legs. or, on the contrary , the tolerance to physical activity decreases, the tolerance to this physical activity, at any time of the day, this will be a reason to contact a cardiologist, but the arrhythmia icon on the tonometer is not a reason for
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panic, if it is asymptomatic, this is a reason for a planned visit for an appointment with a cardiologist. okay, you’ve calmed us down a little now, victoria, but tell us anyway why does a person have arrhythmia? arrhythmia occurs for two reasons: either it is a violation of the formation of the electrical impulse itself in the heart, or a violation of its conduction through the conduction system of the heart. why is this happening? there are many reasons for this, ranging from hereditary, genetic factors, acquired heart diseases, for example, heart attack, myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension, and there may also be non-cardiac causes, for example. dysfunction of the thyroid gland, all this can be summarized our patient’s lifestyle, which also affects the development of rhythms. yeah, that is , can we say that if mom, dad, grandma had something with their heart, some problems, heart attack, stroke, then we
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will have it too, that is, it will be passed on, or there is no need to judge like that , you don’t need to judge this way, but you need to understand that you are at higher risk for cardiovascular diseases, who else is at risk? highlight such factors of arrhythmia, arrhythmia development, as excess body weight, smoking, alcohol abuse, sedentary lifestyle, all this can lead to the development of certain rhythm disturbances. for patients who have myocardial infarction, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, these patients are already at high risk of rhythm disturbances, they usually occur more often, uh-huh, age somehow? acting ? now, regarding artrhythmia, then
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at a young age there can be arrhythmias at an older age, that is, there is no such direct distinction by age. well, what to do to prevent this from happening, what are there measures to prevent arrhythmia? the simplest preventative measures are our lifestyle, the most difficult and the simplest thing is how to live, get enough sleep, right? of course, sleep is the key to health. correct drinking regime, that is , drinking enough water during the day, limiting table salt, controlling body weight, a very important point, if you have arterial hypertension, diabetes, then you need to keep your blood pressure numbers and blood sugar levels under control so as not to interfere. so as not to cause arrhythmias, okay, i probably haven’t yet
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added to preventive measures, this is an active lifestyle, but physical activity, but at the same time moderate, how to find that very measure? yes, because they tell us that we need to walk 10,000 steps, and this is absolutely mandatory, about 10,000 steps is a big separate story, but in order to prevent stroke, heart attack, arrhythmia, we need cardio training, what is cardio training, century, bike? this is aerobic physical activity, the same running, cycling, swimming, regular walking, walking with nordic poles, in which the load should be such that your heart rate increases, okay, a very important question, i’ll add right away, because i measure my pulse during exercise, by how much, where is this maximum permissible limit, that there is no need to run further, but it’s very easy to calculate, there is a so-called training one.
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this will not bring the system, they say you need to go in tune, so, more precisely, to the beat of your heart, it’s true, in general, i’m left, sometimes i tell patients not to count the pulse, because not everyone can do this, here you are if you are walking next to someone and having a conversation, the pace should be at least the same before shortness of breath appears, that is, as soon as shortness of breath begins to appear, then the pace needs to be reduced, that is, focus on such simple things, if not counting. slowly, we don’t walk, fast, we don’t run,
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we move at a moderate pace, but we kind of understand that there should be a load, definitely, it seems to me that we have now developed a pace at which all our viewers who are watching the live broadcast right now , will go to work, because our broadcast is coming to an end, i thank you for coming to us this morning, telling us so much interesting, important and new, i think, for our viewers, including information, well, let me remind you that cardiologist victoria khotkina was in our studio, thank you more for you.
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we all rush for miracles, but there are no miracles. with her there is nothing like that earth under heaven, where is the roof of your house, where is the roof of your house, and if you suddenly feel sad, then sadness does not mean anything when you know that under the sun there is a roof of the house. yours, there is a roof of the house, yours,
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a moment of grief, any kind, will disappear, every single one. you will remember the blue stars above the roof of your house, above the roof of your house, the world is full of joy, happiness, but your native land is dearer than everything, and it’s so wonderful to return, under the roof of your house, under the roof of your house.
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