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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 7, 2024 10:35am-11:00am MSK

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the kitab bayram book fair was held for the second time this year. in 2023, the forum was visited by more than 160,000 people. during the exhibition, 52,000 books and other publications were sold. this year the book fair coincides with the 450th anniversary of the city of ufa and the 225th anniversary of the great russian poet alexander pushkin. ballet summer. at the bolshoi theater of belarus. from june 2 to june 9 , the tenth anniversary festival of dance premieres takes place on the academic stage. what star names are on the poster? in several performances a couple of our the soloists will be colleagues from russian theaters. thus, the leading role in illusions of love by the main choreographer igor kolb will be performed by the prima dancer of the marinsky theater oksana skorik. among the celebrity guests are two groups from st. petersburg. academy.
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thank you, review prepared by alexandra goiton. results of the analysis of the main events of this week in the atn information and analytical program. main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel are on the website, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you. total good luck. we are making a film based on my book, a prison diary. i turned to the federal penitentiary service of russia, i said, listen, can i take some shackles, as if for a 16th century film? i say, and they say, wait a minute, they are prohibited under international law. i say, but they are in america, this is washington, that is , this is the capital and...
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everyone else is being replaced by artificial intelligence, this is not conspiracy theory. the markov project is nothing personal. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. each country has its own orders and rules, sometimes they are not dictated by the state at all. we'll tell you what comes of it today. the most dangerous and terrible areas of the world that will never make it into tourist brochures. huge blocks and
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even entire cities, where it is better not to interfere, criminal ghettos, drug dens and simply bankrupt cities, where chaos flourishes, and the law is written down by the street, the one who is stronger is right.
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bulgaria, romania, mexico, brazil, honduras, south africa and others. the dangerous ratings have different geographies. let's start with the stronghold of democracy. it has been called a ghost town for many years now . once prosperous thanks to the automobile industry since the middle of the last century, detroit is steadily deteriorating. businesses and state-owned enterprises are closing, people are leaving en masse, the population has decreased by more than 2/3, the city has been officially declared
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bankrupt for 11 years, and owes the authorities approximately 20 billion dollars. detroit very often ends up in crime reports; shootouts in the middle of the day are commonplace here, and they thrive. robberies, pickpocketing, car thefts, armed attacks. many areas are considered especially dangerous and are controlled by drug gangs. the city has many streets overgrown with weeds and thousands of abandoned houses. another point of social catastrophe in the united states is the philadelphia region. the city is called the drug capital of america. here is kensington, not at all the outskirts of the city, the center is only 15-20 minutes away. scary scene. as if from a horror movie, they are called zombies, the walking dead, unconscious,
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hunched over in a stupor, after the next dose, hordes of drug addicts filled the sidewalks and streets of the richest country, orange small things on the ground and white packages are... and they inject themselves openly, but instead of proactive measures, social services rely on safe use, that is, they distribute clean needles to drug addicts, and with a reserve, the results are questionable. every day we are provided with this emergency kit. 10 packages, syringes, clean water, a tourniquet, in short,
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everything you need to take the drug. everyone gets it because it's profitable. you step aside and sell two needles for a dollar. well, you already have money for a dose. in the middle of american streets there are even tents set up where men and women quietly take drugs. the two most popular banned substances are fintanil, a cheap analogue of heroin, and xylazine, a drug intended for anesthesia in horses. kensington is a heroin ghetto. hundreds of drug addicts are lying stoned on the street. dealers sell the dose without hesitation, and if you dare to come here by metro, it’s right at the exit from the station. a heroin guide will approach you, a special person who will help you buy a dose and kill yourself comfortably. drug addicts injecting themselves in the middle of the day, hunched over in a stupor or losing consciousness on the street. many have fresh, gaping wounds in desperate need of medical attention, and needles, syringes and trash litter the sidewalks.
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a person dies every 7 minutes from a drug overdose in the united states. every year , over 100,000 people lose their lives due to the deadly poison, more than from... shabby entrances, garbage on the streets and many, many beggars and beggars, this is a paris that you will not be shown in glossy advertising magazines. white tudo for a long time. fled, that's what they say about barbès, one of the most dangerous areas of paris. the eighteenth district of the city of love is far from romance and humanism. beggars and merchants selling stolen goods near the metro. the first refugees from north africa appeared here in the nineties. these, of course, are not favelas, but big ones can fly here too. here's what
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the locals say. here no one cares about you, and the locals often fight with each other over some nonsense. at such moments it is especially scary, because they can express their aggression... many live on the streets or in underground crossings, the prevalence of poverty, drugs and , of course, crime, the dirty side of freedom, beauty and love, not only tourists are not allowed here, the parisians themselves try not to know, well, or not notice this part of the french capital, there are a lot of street strays without documents here, there are also enough living ones whole...
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what they see and what is happening on their streets is not entirely pleasing to them, this same area is top among illegal immigrants, thousands of migrants live under the bridges, there is another metro station where it is dangerous to be - stalingrad, there, by the way, it was the largest refugee camp throughout paris. stalingrad faced problems with homelessness and drug use in public places, which marred its busy streets. when entering or leaving the station you will often see many people living in tents or sleeping bags underneath.
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the arab quarters, the northern station, the eastern station, the eleventh and twentieth arrondissement, all these are places where outsiders have absolutely nothing to do. paris and brussels are practically sister cities in terms of security. the belgian capital also has many corners, where it is better not to go, especially. dark time. the peterbos residential area in the anderlecht district has been taken over by local gangs. even special police raids are not helping to improve the situation. over the past 3 years, more than 100 of them have been carried out, but in 2023 the situation worsened even more. the gangs have made peterbos a hub for the sale of cannabis and cocaine, which they obtain from marseille. a good example is the company g4s, which installs fire detectors. took additional security for workers, otherwise in peterboss no one wanted to go. it cost the company 70.00
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euros per month. the local brussels police department reported the critical situation. the head of the local unit, jurgen delscher , noted that for law enforcement officers, peterboss is a place where we do not go. another brussels commune, molinbeg, is also advised to avoid, especially at night, the most dangerous and notorious area of ​​​​arab emigrants in brussels. connections with terrorism and a high crime rate, it is also called an incubator of european jihadism. looks like an ordinary area, but this is where they lead traces of most european terrorist attacks. people from molinbeek blew up madrid, paris, brussels, just like in neighboring france; dangerous tumors of the city appeared precisely in those areas where migrants from different countries came in search of a better life. these people who even become belgian, belgian, they are the first. speak the local language, secondly, they are completely ignorant of the local culture, and live in areas where they
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are completely separated from the local society and where they receive information through television of the countries from which they come, that is integration is not happening, what is happening is this, i would say quartering, that is , chinatowns are appearing, arab neighborhoods are appearing, now arab cities, where where it has been absolutely forced out - caracos is the most dangerous city on earth, this is what bloggers and various journalists like to write about the capital of venezuela , but they always highlight it separately. violent deaths. this situation has turned us all into forensic experts. we understand various types of attempted kidnappings. it is impossible to live there without fear. the venezuelans themselves note that life in barius is no more expensive than
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a mobile phone or wallet. the sad statistics of unsolved murders is 92 out of 100. local trash tanks. sometimes they neighbor bario without any transitions, for example, one of the richest areas of caracos, the country club with golf courses, lives side by side with bario chappilin. often , mini barios appear near wealthy neighborhoods; servants live there; they are generally safe, but there are also huge barios of the city. about a million people live in the largest bario of caracas, this is a whole
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a shadow city with its own economy. do the police have control over the residents of barius? the question is rhetorical, because inside. kibera in kenya, where many still live without electricity, running water or sewerage. kooloon is perhaps the most famous example of a deprived area in the world. from being a fortified city in the 19th century to the 20th century, it has become synonymous with the word unsafe. in the mid-20th century, it was controlled by triads, and the government had no access to the wild fortress. in the middle of the 20th century, kowloon received the status of the most
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densely populated city in the world. it turns out that at that time there were 2 million people per square kilometer of land. it seems that this record has not yet been broken. for comparison , we can say that the population density in moscow is less than 5,000, in hong kong itself there are about 6,800 people per the same square kilometer. until the early nineties, koola was called the city of darkness, and there is a classic set here: missing people, drugs, casinos and prostitution. they decided to restore order only on the eve of the transfer of hong kong from great britain to china. criminal clack they just razed it to the ground. they obeyed no one. on the territory of the former fort , a huge human settlement appeared, which means that the average height was up to 10 floors, some sections of this human settlement were, there were 14 floors, but not higher, the fact is that kaitak airport was located nearby, so it was impossible to build higher than 14 floors, which means everything was there,
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and a brothel, an opium den, and a casino. and hairdressers and retail outlets, in general, this human settlement was a city within a city, it lived by its own laws. however, at kooluna is also the spiritual successor, the house of the monster. it was built in the sixties of the last century and over 10,000 people live in it. endless floors, tiny balconies stretching into the sky, it seems that this is what a real concrete jungle is like. the population density is also on the rise. world records, while the apartments themselves do not exceed 10 square meters, but this does not frighten even visitors. hong kong is one of the most expensive cities in the world; renting an apartment in monster by local standards costs a penny of $1,500 per month. inside the house they even managed to accommodate a mosque and a buddhist temple, the building was chosen by filmmakers, and it is also called an instagram house. triads,
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without them, how can they find anyone in such caged apartments ? it’s a difficult task for the police, and they take advantage of this. since the beginning of the 20th century, royal crossroads in australia has become a place where local mafiosi lived. the area's peak came in the sixties, when a gang war literally broke out on the streets. the authorities could not do anything about the raging area. and after the world war they completely introduced new law, 6 o'clock rules. this meant that after 6 pm, all bars and pubs in the area were closed, so they wanted to overcome the number of murders by... the law was repealed at the end of the 20th century, but was soon returned. the alcohol ban was reinstated in 2014 after the deaths of two people in a drunken brawl, thomas kelly and daniel christie.
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it remained in force in some parts of sydney until 2020, but there is no rush to repeal it. however, the area is known not only as the drunkest county in the world. at the beginning of the 2000s , a heroin crisis erupted there. then police officers have officially declared, we are powerless. the trigger for... was the first controlled injection room, that is, the authorities tried to regulate who would inject themselves and what, the idea, as you understand, was a failure. a few years later, sydney authorities declared that the crisis was over, and king cross was now a drug-free place. in 2015, over 100 police officers organized a raid on local clubs, and drugs were again exported in bags. local journalists call the area the circulatory system of the australian drug market. sydney the same, it is a very expensive city to live in, and accordingly, not every emigrant has the opportunity to find a place there, and a place under the sun, because the city
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, i repeat, is expensive, real estate is very expensive, both rent and so on more buying, so people begin to go into the gray, and then into the black zone to engage in drug trafficking, engage in drug trafficking, there are not far from the northern countries of southeast asia, where... very serious traffic comes from, and accordingly, the state is trying to level out these stories, thereby , omitting a bar of stability and, accordingly , security in terms of healthcare for its citizens. why this happens is certainly not because there are only bad people everywhere in these cities. sociologists say the main reasons are poverty and high unemployment. when you want to eat and have to survive. to moral principles, in desperation people are capable of the most terrible crimes, sometimes the government simply does not notice dangerous boils, and sometimes cannot cope with
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the dominance of corruption and crime. from ireland to sydney, yes, to australia, to the united states states, there are a huge number of problems, these problems need to be solved, because there are people who are residents and were born in this territory or there. they came for family reunification, and there are people who came there as migrants, these countries accept migrants very harshly, in fact, they ruin their lives during the first months of their stay on the territory of these countries, which is why people are forced to go into gray and black zones, violating the law, doing very dark things, robbing, distributing drugs, light, heavy, they can’t get a job on...
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and preserve order and peace in their hometowns. happily. review of the most interesting sporting events. the ruslan salei prize was awarded to sergei kostitsin, that is, a hockey player who showed leadership qualities. dmitry kravchenko was recognized as the best coach of the extra league. and finally, mikhail sholagin became the best hockey player in the extra league. in the seventh round. slutsk created a sensation, beating mazyryan 1:0 at home. thanks to this victory, slutsk moved to tenth place in the standings. exclusive interviews with
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athletes. a huge number of people are waiting it was so easy to see me, like at master classes, to communicate and had the opportunity to speak for clubs. we have a new team, a new team, this is how we begin our, well, long-awaited, i think, path of returning to the major leagues. the highlights are real. 8 years later, magnitka champion, i have never seen such emotions, it seems to me, from any team, how happy are the metalgo players?


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