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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 8, 2024 7:35pm-9:01pm MSK

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and this collection is always maintained in a living form, this guarantees the food security of our country, the guarantee of this food security, undoubtedly, for the long period of operation of the institute, about the future scientifically. practical center, there was an accumulation of material, this is the improvement of production tools, this is the development of methods, these are the signs of attention to scientists, we are in the museum of the history of the scientific and practical center of the national academy of sciences of belarus for agriculture, the opening of our museum took place in 2013 on the eve of the day of belarusian science, this project has collected a large number of unique archival photographic materials that tell about...
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our history, an important role in the development of our institution was played by the western selection center for grains, leguminous cereal crops, it was organized in 1970 , this period is characterized by intensification of the selenauchi selection process, from the creation of the institute, from 1927 until the creation of the western selection center, only 11 varieties of grain, leguminous and cereal crops were created at the institute. and during the work of the western breeding center, this is 22 years, 36 varieties of these types of crops were created. many worthy people worked in our center, their works are known both from press publications and directly from the achievements that are currently being used, which undoubtedly creates a sense of pride, and we also have.
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an exhibition called the cabinet of a soviet scientist, and we dedicated this exhibition to the hero of socialist labor, doctor of rural economic sciences, professor nikolai dmitrievich mukhin. the omoi belta rye variety brought him fame. this variety was distinguished by a fairly high yield, good economically valuable traits, today this variety is an indispensable genetic source for the creation of new high-yielding varieties of azimří, and you can see the interiors of furniture. what nikolai dmitrievich mukhin had in his office, office supplies, work notes, everything he had to work with every day. the pride of our museum is a truly valuable award for our institution, this is the order of the red banner of labor. we were awarded these awards in 1977, on the fiftieth anniversary of our founding, for the development of agricultural science and the creation of new varieties of agricultural plants.
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experience, we help young scientists, advise, suggest how best to format their work, and also dissertations are all prepared within the framework of scientific projects that take place at the institute, a dissertation is, for example, a new rubbish, a new developed technology and an improvement in technology regulations cultivation, so many years of activity of our institute. in terms of selection, there are already centuries of developments in this regard, there is a lot of breeding material from which you can select the best varieties, evaluate them, and thanks to this amount of developments, it is possible to submit more than 60 new varieties per year to state variety testing.
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protection of my colleagues, just as our predecessors worked with us, brought us to a certain stage of creative development, i undoubtedly want to pass on my experience to the next generation, and so that they deserve
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continued our work. hello !
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national assembly of the republic of belarus, olga shpelevskaya, director of the representative office of mtrk mira in belarus, chairman of the belarusian women's union. belyaev, dean of the faculty of journalism, bsu, candidate historical sciences, good evening, i propose to begin the discussion, what shall we begin, let's start with the main political event in our country, ours is naturally closer, this is, of course, the visit of alexander grigorevich lukashenko to mongolia, you have probably been watching almost all week - all week how it went, but in this way we are expanding the geography of our contacts, although it is already quite wide, i see a new term of some kind in the media sphere has appeared, like this planetary majority, i heard this, this
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so to speak, in relation to the collective west, they are used more and more often, but they were met at the highest level, all this was on your screens... all this was extremely colorful, worthy of the highest level, naturally, but it’s pleasing, so to speak, that we are diversifying our economic and political contacts and it is good that we are received with pleasure on a variety of continents, we remember our visits to africa, now this is asia, an interesting, curious, extremely country. promising and interesting events happened there, we remember that same statement, the words of alexander lukashenko, who reacted to some circumstances that happened there in mongolia, a little, a little normal, so absurd, several people there, you remember,
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tried to express their protest, i so i understand about the arrival of our delegation to mongolia, yes. only colorful, yes, but very warm ; firstly, indeed, this visit did not have an emotional charge, it was just nice to watch our president, whatever his name is we met for real, yes, remember this moment when they offered him a bow, they opened it for him, which means they restored the hit on the internet, i already said about this that
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our slavic robin flew in, showed a master class on how to shoot a bow, in this regard, i can say the following, you can’t have too many friends, but there can be a lot of enemies, but you can’t have too many friends, the fewer enemies, the better, and the more friends, the better, too, so our president went there not only for... and mongolia, in a sense, is now returning to normal, and there are big prospects, in fact, this is not some kind of steppe, not the horses of the resident, as some people think, and, by the way, our president was given two horses, one of them calls the nickname sly, fast, yeah, so yes, i think i think that things will go quickly now. ours and here we just start, as they say, just start, make subordinates, and this subordinate was made by our president, we
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know that he never travels simply on some kind of political agenda, he always proposes economic ones, the economy is always at the forefront corner, as always will be the economy, there will be everything else, the fact that next to mongolia is the people's republic of china, our other strategic ally , or the russian federation, another closest russian ally, but this only confirms that this is the same. planetary, yes, as you said, i would say so, a planetary belt, let us encircle the entire planet with good normal relations, and belarus in this regard in this regard, it has always been the initiator and the locomotive, we have always offered, we have always they said, we are a sponsor of stability, we are a sponsor of economic development, what belarus proposed, and equal mutually beneficial relations, this is what everyone is drawn to today, why, because the system of domination and subordination of the americans is collapsing, and we are not offering any ... loud efforts, but step by step, gradually, we are also building this multipolar new system, where we will play
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a big role, the moment that we will join the shanghai cooperation organization in july is also significant, i have already said what can happen with this visit and happened as a landmark moment, belarus ceased to be european, remember, we were rushing around with the fact that we were in the center of europe looking for where the center was and so on and so forth, now it is absolutely clear that belarus is a eurasian state, and this visit is our president.
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from us, from which, well , there were simply no prerequisites for going to mongolia, but
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it turned out that we were doing serious internal work, we had a department working for us, the same ministry of foreign affairs that prepared this visit and preliminary agreements, olga aleksandrovna said, agreements were signed, they were not signed and were not written by the president right when he arrived, this is a long, painstaking work that may not be visible, but which the president’s visit highlighted, that is...
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but in general to this eastern region, that the belarusians came here as friends, we are not enemies, this time, we came as friends with specific proposals, alexander grigorievich emphasized this and it seems to me that they heard it there. second very important point, alexander grigorevich emphasized that we, going there to the east, carrying all our projects, we are ready
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to understand and accept that political structure. lived on his fingers, told them what, why, because of what, also appealing to mongolian history itself, that is, so that it would be clearer to local citizens, right? so i think that this was of enormous importance in terms of information, that is, our president broke through, maybe even in some ways , the information blockade there, you know? i want to tell you that from a media point of view, listen, don’t dig a hole, you’ll fail,
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the locals wanted to stage a provocation, and the result was a unique opportunity. that our, our vision of why this situation in the world is now heard by many more people, i want to say more, our president very elegantly undermined all the work of all ngos and ngos in this territory, that is, everything that was invested was invested when this work was going on from below, some stories were created there in the media in order to introduce it, the president clearly dispersed it themselves.
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that's right, well, that's what the experts say, what specifically, for example, today, in addition to two or three such significant software things , can belarus and mongolia be of interest to, for example, when we talk about the fact that we have technology, we have equipment, we have people. in mongolia there is a fairly large amount of the same minerals that were previously mined by open-pit mining, but now this is the mining method, all the equipment, all the technologies, all the exploration, we have everything,
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then the mining system, which, in principle, is considered the standard in the cis, mongolia sends a huge number of technical specialists to the uk every year, that is, when leaders meet, it’s real, it’s to the point, it’s correct, and people already know what can be developed, these are not empty words, these are not empty meetings.
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thanks to the soviet union, mongolia generally exists, remember, khalkingol and so on, yes, we are the very country that defended and gave, if you like, independence and statehood to this people and this
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country, therefore in the leadership in general in the elite mongolian society, of course, everyone remembers this well, and the provocation that we are even talking about here may be unnecessary is an attempt to turn mongolia towards the west, well, look at the map and you will see where mongolia is. how the visit began, the president was introduced to the history of mongolia, and he noted that there is great respect for the mongolian people, who preserve and honor their history, but for me, for me, another visual marker was very important, did you notice that the cyrillic alphabet is used
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than in the united states of america, became a reason to simply start strangling,
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strangling georgia. the whole history of these ngos, like ours, some took care of birds, others took care of borders, the third - facades, the fourth - embroidered shirts, which we have nothing against, we wear some of them, it was all a reason, these people are now talking about it , all this was an asset that was fed with this money, and the money is big, we will talk about this in the near future in the amount of some grants. i want to tell you, comrades, they will surprise you, and not in vain these people were ready to abandon their families, put them under attack and went out to fight with the police there, to overthrow the government, because , without essentially doing anything, they receive that kind of money every month, well, naturally, you don’t want to go to the factory, like in georgia, hungary, let ’s take hungary, siartha gave an interview to our colleagues from the ont tv channel, said that we
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should not allow...
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this plan, so that they understand what the soros fund and structures affiliated with them are, that is, they enter into any the state, as you rightly say, is under under the pretext of allegedly doing various good things, providing assistance to various non-state civil organizations and forming a huge number of influencers, a huge number of public opinion leaders, each of whom connecting to themselves some kind of, albeit small, but their own audience, for whom they purposefully work and...
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commented statement by the ruling georgian dream that members of the youth movement are shameful, financed by the americans, european funds, calling and insulting deputies, a familiar situation, americans included our own, our sixes, yes, for 2 years i talked about all this, the representative of the european union warned the united states at all levels, unfortunately, in response we received only a superficial and careless attitude, familiar, it is important that all foreign countries reconsider their funding policy, he wrote .
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right away everything is about the fact that it was a belarusian and belarusian tram that flew off and caused a terrible accident, of course the trams go there in the republic.
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market and products must be supplied there, because no one else takes georgian there is not much wine in the united states of america, they don’t drink borjomi there, so you need to focus on those with whom you are friends, so you need to somehow adjust your foreign and internal policies, but after
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georgia, thinking about the need to live for many generations to come, starting to really take control of our information space, socio-political space, we see... these are undisguised, this is simply interference in internal affairs, and what’s more, the us satellites, all these the baltic countries, for example, brought their ambassadors to the square there, a very bad example for many countries, if
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georgia succeeds in bringing this line to the end, i hope that this will happen, because i want to believe that national leaders are finally appearing in georgia, who think about the future of the nation, and not just about their political tenure, but this is also scary, plus it’s breaking everywhere, i ’ll give the floor to vladimir alekseevich, the next one, this was the first stage, persuasion, pressure on georgia, the second stage came sanctions.
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errors, wandering and so on and so forth, apparently the realization has come of the simple thing that georgia itself as a state, as a nation, as a people, as an orthodox people, it existed only in close connection with the russian federation, in our common circle, and i i think that this return will be difficult, but inevitable, nothing will work out for the americans, when biden blurted out in time magazine, and this in his interview, then here you seem to have quoted a very smart quote about independence.
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that no one forced them, they give it themselves interviews and ask themselves much more than we would like, we don’t care about them, and we survived without these interviews, but it seems to us that people should hear these stories, these people will be freed, then let them say that i am their there, or a journalist went there, forced him to give an interview, if
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there is even a trace of conscience, of course, none of them will say this, such a moose, remember, you were, uh, moose, an extremist, sentenced to a long term, participated. coup attempts, and of course, at whose expense we know, and if you look there and on the internet find how they are accused under articles, there is a whole range of them, but these are such fragile minds, sometimes a little, as it seems to me, let’s say, they go a little crazy, they cripple their own destinies, they cripple their relatives, well, just so you understand, all this happened long before the elections, which they consider there to be falsified for some reason, although they cannot provide any evidence.
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it won’t be like that, because a person has been sentenced to 15 years, you can say that’s it, it doesn’t work like that, but daria, well, i would say that you are not only a woman of the pallet tying industry, you have already become gramadskaya dzeyachkay, your voice is guchna guchyts in belarus, you know, know you, napeina, were you promised some kind of help in getting him out of prison? it’s not that they promised me, they told me so, go ahead and speak, it catches the viewer, it gives publicity, i want to appeal to everyone involved. to today's lawlessness, namely to judges, prosecutors, law enforcement officials, pre-trial detention center workers and, of course, citizen lukashenko. today this whole farce, this whole spectacle called the trial in the tikhanovsky case has come to end. how do you feel after all this? i won’t ask, but i really
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hope it’s bad. what does it feel like to realize that the destinies and lives of innocent people have been ruined. i hope it hurts, you trampled. igor is not guilty of anything; he is accused of organizing and participating in mass riots under the first part of article 342 of the criminal code of the republic of belarus. the absurdity of the accusation is clear to absolutely everyone. it sounds something like this, but in fact it’s wildly blurry and it’s unclear how at the age of 28. 30 you can fall for it, well, in general, they asked her, persuaded her to say such things in such a tone, because someone there in the west would suddenly release him, in fact, this was necessary in order to shake up the situation, in order for him to appear...
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100% not what i said then, because yes, then this is a speech based on emotions, although i said 1500 times that there are no emotions in principle, i calculate everything, no, there i demanded some kind of evidence that that’s why 15 years , no, i probably wouldn’t demand anything now, i would probably just ask to warn him with some images of impulsive people like me from rash actions, he knows how to do this, as if there were no questions here, he is charismatic. speaks well, because it’s not worth it, that is, yes, the period is short, and it can and
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should be survived, but it’s not worth it, - rush into the embrasure, no, probably, let me tell him, my example will become an example of that, what should you do, when you are there, you have this adrenaline, movement, you don’t see anything, no one, you, although my mother is mine i said 100 times, yes... stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, don’t, do that , you can’t, i said everything is fine, i control everything, no, no one controls anything, and i can say that i these 2 years of mine were given in order to understand, in principle, what i was wrong about, i was wrong in almost everything, let’s be honest and frank, probably, even if i offended him in some way, i can ask for forgiveness and...
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new moose into this fight, yes, it’s not clear with what, it’s not clear for what, who were going,
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they broke the law, not understanding why they were doing it, well, look, moose, he was 28 years old in 2020, the man did not work anywhere, he was, so to speak, a freelancer who ran his own telegram channel for money, for yes, that is this man here is a typical mercenary. life became worse, then, then this heavy consciousness comes, this hangover after this stupor, but the most important thing
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is on the one hand, yes, they understood everything perfectly well, for whose money they work, how they work, look how naive , here she is says: i thought that some person there, in the west, after i once again throw mud at my country, my president, he will do something that my husband... but what he does her husband is one thing, but she thought that there was someone who could put pressure on the president of belarus and force him, for example, to cancel the decision, but someone poured this into her ears, someone, that ’s such naivety, firstly, secondly, a complete lack of understanding of the reality of political life in our country, that...
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country, when they daily, painstakingly they are trying hard to build this country, to improve it, when the president runs around there from morning to night, flies god knows where to conclude lucrative contracts, when all issues are resolved here, they travel to enterprises there, flies through fields, visits factories, so they present it , they don’t understand that this is painstaking daily, hourly, minute-by-minute work, without actually contributing anything to such work. they think that someone from the outside will have it possible for us, behind their behavior there is a unique, absolute egoism, they didn’t care on those people who surrounded them, even on their mother from the conversation that she tried to warn her, they did not take into account anyone’s interests except their own, moreover, they wanted to change the lives of others for the sake of their
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own personal ambitions, well, they wanted their own ...
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in general, before real political power in the country, everything that interested them, not, not some group, either over the masses, or to develop, not trying to achieve, yes, go out, so to speak, to the people and offer some - your program, find some cunning rat hole and seize power, that’s it everything they wanted, now in six months we will be prime ministers there, we will be presidents, or there in the end, in the ninety-nine period, behind this there is a thirst for personal enrichment.
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the usa, from great britain, from france, from germany, from spain, they were all on the one hand on emotions, and as soon as they were given at least some facts, some, and putin called for dialogue, he said everything, and you know, there was no dialogue, it didn’t exist. in general, from the word completely, that is, the question was asked, as he said, i understand you your editors asked you a question, but you can work for money, a very interesting thing, as we are now talking about fakes and about many things, how they turn around, i ’ll just give one example, a representative of a french agency was sitting next to me, before the press began -conference oh yes, he asks me, please tell me, there are three flags hanging there, that means the russian empire,
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the russian federation, this is some red one, this is the flag of china, i say, no, this is the flag of the soviet...
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what - alexey talaev at a fairly young age age was blown up by a fascist mini german mini, which rybka’s grandfather or rybka’s father or
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rybka’s uncle brought to our country, with these people, so i keep asking a question and i want to ask you how we will continue to work with them, with these ribs, there are a lot of them, a ribs are a barel, this is an ursula, this is our niva, this is a tutba, this is how you have to work with them after all this, in the case russia until recently offered including january 2021, december, yes december 2021, let’s guys, let's differentiate, let's stop, these comrades
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they don’t want to hear anything, these comrades stick to their line, they continue to consider themselves hegemons, they continue to consider themselves the gendarmes of the world, they continue to consider themselves arbiters for whatever they want, they don’t understand what is... the usa with cott ritter, who came to american airport, in order to fly to istanbul, if i’m not mistaken, then to st. petersburg, specially trained people approached him, took away his passport, took away his luggage, threw him out of the airport, still haven’t
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returned his passport, home, comrade, and not to the st. petersburg economic forum, i represent, if this happened here, we did it, it would be a global scandal, we would probably introduce new sanctions, what to do, i would answer. did what our president does, he goes there, today, yes, where they are waiting for us, where they want to be friends with us, and where they don’t want to be friends with us, there is no point in going there, and this, strictly speaking, is not our choice , them, but it must be final and irrevocable, maybe someday in the west he will grab his head or something will happen there, and so on and so forth, but again this must happen with them, and not with us, we shouldn’t knock on anyone’s door, we should do our job, and we will be attractive to everyone who loves equally.
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what happened at that time, ms attack in lugansk, a residential building collapsed, 22 people were injured at that time, several people died, there is a video, we probably haven’t had time to download it yet, i’ve already seen it. here in the studio how this rocket flies into a multi-story residential building, but here’s the use of american or american weapons for military purposes not far from this is not the only case, that’s literally 2 weeks ago, when macron, yes, he went to a journalist to investigate, excuse me, this is only the investigative committee of the russian federation is investigating, so macron came out with such a picture and showed that this is how we will help the ukrainians there on...
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may, and this was the same day when they hit a residential building and the entrance collapsed, remember, a man stands with this piece of paper and says that we will only hit military targets, with what eyes, he is not an idiot, i think this has been done specifically, although there are questions, although there may be questions, but i repeat once again, this is not an isolated case, it turns out that this idiot, this idiot, this idiot needs to be in power. they are already stating this openly that they are preparing to move huge masses of nato troops to the eastern borders.
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in the eyes of their population, their voters, to justify these wild, inhuman, extremely dangerous steps, this is what this rhetoric has been expanding lately, this is a very bad symptom, we talked about this at the forum, when the president was in volume including the president, who said that this could be a harbinger, so to speak, of a hot world, we are standing on the brink, i will tell you that putin’s speech, his statement was absolutely expected. dmitry aleksandrovich
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won’t let us collect, on thursday my article was published in his publication, where i actually talk about, yes, what measures, including returning to the caribbean, so to speak, biden’s caribbean crisis and so on and so forth, i i’ll tell you a secret, it means the article was written on saturday, submitted to the editor on sunday, and putin came out, well, that was expected , but i don’t have a direct connection with putin, that is, it logically followed from the entire development of events, absolutely.
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in anti-corruption measures they achieved an effect, one day a day biden, their boss, gives the interview you already mentioned here, and writes that ukraine cannot be accepted into nato, since it is a deeply corrupt country, that is, they, as he says, and don’t you think that vayden
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, together with his son, headed one of the most corrupt companies there, i mean burisma, which bought up all the land there, then sponsored terrorist attacks. used soldiers to build his own house, that ’s what people have stakes there, how much it costs to mow, there is already a well-known race, i know a man who crossed the ukrainian-polish border for 15 thousand dollars, then the mobilization of no corruption was announced, but about protection of minority languages, but this simply sounds mocking, mocking, they are blatantly mocking common sense and reason. and the same thing as regards in general this idea about the democracy of ukraine, that there is no lobby there, and that any interests are freely promoted there, that is, this is the madness of lies that dmitry
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alexandrovich is talking about, it is about ukraine in the western media today, it seems to me that you know why this is happening, because the western listener, viewer, reader is already waking up.
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they accuse us of engaging in manipulation, of lying, while they themselves lied so much on these sheets that i first started to underline, then i realized that need separately.
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there she is, and there are screenshots, abducting children there for organs, but i want to say that we don’t have our own there; everything we take, we take from the western world, the former agency ru johnson, the west sells ukrainian children for organ removal, the western countries sell ukrainian children, using their organs for transplantation, he said, there is something else there, we just saw some more material there on the go, this is me in the first on the first page after typing into the search engine , one lady says, like a whole kindergarten taken out.
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bt fired the protesting workers of the media under its control, replaced them with employees of russian companies 5 years 5 years have passed, the lithuanians read it all, that’s how we ask them, what about the belsat employees, they fired everyone, replaced them with russians , walked around the studios with the russian flag , proposes changes, distortions in attracting existing ones facts, belarus is alone in the hope of building a set of narratives that differ from reality, for example.
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soldiers are dying, but this was to be expected after the policy they are pursuing in in relation to migrants whom, according to eu laws, they must, after they have entered their territory, they must send them to temporary detention centers, consider their applications for asylum to provide them with any assistance there, if they ask for it, they they don’t do this in violation of their ss laws, they try to expel these people if it doesn’t work and the people don’t leave.
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the departure of the unipolar world is an excellent chance for other countries to raise their heads. we are not just a relationship, but as friends. our relations are, first of all, a huge contribution of the presidents of belarus and brazil. they can never forgive president lukashenko for being a man of the people. brazil is always against it.
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what i want to tell you, laugh in the eyes of any polish-lithuanian propagandist with belarusian roots who says that belarus is isolated, we will prove this to you in the near future, be sure to look, by the way, you can use some printed ones, yes, there is a very interesting opinion there, very interesting, colorful, very important people. thank you, this there was a club of editors, see you in a week, goodbye, meet people worthy of admiration, of course, of course, well, each, each grandmother has
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her own stove, and we cooked uh babka. gut, well, all that, they will talk about themselves and their hobbies, no one works closely with our historical cultural heritage, but the designer touches on various aspects, moments, and i realized that this niche is free, well, you can say, i did it on purpose, i did it on purpose took this topic, but it really suited me, and they will also share the secrets of their success, i make competition for myself, for me there are no competitors, when i go into creativity, that is, it’s like such an outlet. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult. please tell me, what did you dream of becoming
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when you grow up? i wanted to become a flour truck driver, they say that in the army they feed you healthy food. the main task is to honestly answer all original, and sometimes awkward questions. is there friendship between show business artists? i can’t say that our sphere is exactly the same which is shrouded from head to toe in intrigue. this is the truth, this is a myth. it is true that cadets have to train for a very long time to learn how to march so beautifully. it's a lot of time to say. well, i probably don’t need to say that it’s a lot of time, a certain amount of time, but it takes, you can teach me, chin higher, step, this is a preliminary command,
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that’s right, move your body forward, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus24 tv channel.
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