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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 12, 2024 12:40pm-1:00pm MSK

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but already on july 12 of forty years seven medical and sanitary institutions were operating in minsk, and the seventh session of the supreme council of the bssr in july 1945 reported: in the bssr there are over 400 hospitals, 810 outpatient clinics, 175 regional sanitary and epidemiological stations, doctors carried out mass sanitary treatment ,
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and two small two-story houses nearby, a second hospital appeared on the corner of the present bogdanovich, jankhich fell. other numbers were also impressive. on january 1, 1945 , there were 1,800 doctors and 8,657 medical workers in the bssr middle management over the five-year period, the number of doctors increased in... key medical institutions began their work, the belarusian blood transfusion center resumed work from the first days of the liberation of the republic and in 1945 alone it collected twice as much blood as in the 9 years of its work before the war. in 1946 , the penicillin plant, now bel-medicine, came into operation. in minsk since 1949.
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the first specialized inpatient departments are opened, neurosurgical, pediatric surgery, psychoneurological and others. much work begins on vaccination of the population against dangerous diseases. the base created in the first post-war years became the basis for the emergence of an entire school of combating epidemics. there are many social facilities in the plans for the coming decade, including a new modern building for the belarusian radio. gladly
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, its development has gone through many moments of formation, initially this was a carriage, a simple carriage, then it was, it was in the revolutionary era, and then, after the end of the people's gas reserve, it was pasted i'm happy at home, and i'm happy to be at home paid for the red chains in which dyktars, karespandents and many people work, who ensure all their duties.
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our people became active members of the national parliament of our belarus; by the end of the first post-war five-year period, the belarusian rada took its rightful place in the european media space. in the early 1950s, our council became well known in europe, we entered the european embassy , ​​and became members of the european union. vyashchalny structure and the joy of such muggles for the european peoples tell the right the life and zeinast of the belarusian authorities of the great life and zeinast of the belarusian people. such people are happy about the belarusian atmosphere and international status. an authentic recording of the dictarov of belarusian radio and how the radio worked after the war. we are all fallen and little bastards. this week
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of saprauda had its own creative team, which already existed by this hour, had its own singers, had its own literary and dramatic group, well, it’s crazy that it was so dull, so to speak, comrades, aposhnіya pavedamlenne, nyagledzyachi na the drained courtyard and water supply of the byarezinsk district have started harvesting flax, and in the former gas parks they have cleaned up the fields.
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labor devastation, but with the unhealed wounds of a terrible war, the memory of the destruction it
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brings to peoples. over the next few years, 307 large industrial enterprises will be built in belarus. since the early fifties, two republics in the soviet union, the rsfsr and the bssr were not subsidized. hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina
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karaman. let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today is about whether they can law enforcement officers control banking. belarusians, how will the new presidential decree help fight fraudsters and who will reveal the banking secrets of their victims? go! on august 29, alexander lukashenko signed decree number 269 on measures to combat unauthorized payment transactions. this document will seriously ruin the lives of telephone scammers and will allow the police and banks to quickly uncover thefts committed via the internet. however, some media tried to present this. initiative as a threat to personal data belarusians and even stated that the security forces would gain super control over the financial transactions of the citizens of our country. no, that's not true. the new presidential decree does not give all law enforcement officers access to information about
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any payments of any citizen of the country. the document simply allows banks and those who defend laws to have a publicly accessible database in which all cases will be recorded. theft or attempted theft of money from the accounts of belarusians, once again, only facts of theft or attempted theft, as well as data of participants in such crimes, information about those whom robbed and about those to whose accounts the stolen money was transferred. the information of bank account owners is a banking secret, but the person from whose account the money was taken will have to call the bank and report this, and then come to the police and write a statement in which he will describe the details of the situation and call on them to find his money and punish the perpetrators. the very circumstances of theft through fraud remove bank secrecy data from the category of secrecy. what kind of a secret is it if a person voluntarily transfers
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his internet banking login data to scammers or installs a remote access application on his phone and allows strangers to do whatever they want with the contents of his mobile phone. by these actions he himself. reveals his banking secret. well, every victim should understand that it is impossible to solve a crime committed through a bank account without touching the bank secret at all, just as it is impossible to solve it. about the negligence of a doctor, without touching on medical confidentiality, cases of crimes in this area will be entered into a database accessible to banks and law enforcement officers in order to prevent new ones episodes of fraud. the base itself will be securely hidden on the servers of the national bank. yes, a database into which data on cases of theft of money from the accounts of belarusians via the internet already exists. it belongs to the national bank and is called an automated incident processing system. abbreviated as asoi. in 2018, seeing that belarusians were increasingly giving
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money to scammers, the national bank created a computer threat response center, and osoi was launched there. it records data on thefts from online accounts, but now law enforcement officers do not have access to this database, because crimes in cyberspace take a long time to solve. presidential executive order 269 aims to give law enforcement officers the law. access to the national bank database on such crimes to save naive citizens from ruin. nowadays, someone deceived by telephone or internet scammers immediately calls the bank, but most often the bank cannot help him. if a person transfers money himself, he himself gives logins, passwords and one-time codes for communication sessions into the hands of criminals, from the point of view of the bank, nothing illegal happens at the time of the transfer and... the system carries out the operation, the money ends up in an account in another bank,
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the victim’s bank cannot track its further path, which the operators inform the victim of the scammers about, then the person goes to the police, they accept his statement, check the facts, recognize him as a victim under criminal articles 209 or 212 and send an application to his bank to receive information about the movement of the account for the period when he transferred money to the scammers, this... by law, investigators can only send in paper form via regular mail. the bank processes the application in the same paper form option, sends investigators a detailed statement about the movement of the victim’s money during the theft. from dozens of payments, investigators need to choose exactly the one that the person transferred to the scammers’ account. after this, there are paper requests in the bank account, from which the money went, and from there the answers come. and sometimes all this drags on for months. now let’s talk about how everything will happen when decree number 269 comes into effect
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. for example, a person realizes that he has transferred money to scammers, he calls the bank and there his report of the crime is entered into the aso database. after this, the deceived citizen goes to the police and writes a statement. the investigator on the spot opens the database and sees how much money went, when, and most importantly - where? using secure communication channels, he sends a request to the bank where the money went. there they open the asoi database and see that the crime has actually been recorded, they immediately report where the amount was transferred from their bank, that is , it will be possible to track the chain of transfers not in several months, but in one day, and by finding the account where the money ended up, for example , by the evening, force the bank to suspend movement on this account. fraudsters will not be able to withdraw or transfer the amount, and it will be returned to the owner. victims of such crimes will get their money back faster. there will be more cases of return, and the criminals themselves, knowing that they can be found in a day,
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will reduce their ardor. now think about whether it is good or bad that the country is creating a system that will stop criminals from returning to citizens the money that they themselves give to scammers. is it bad? that the state is getting rid of bureaucracy and eliminating the need to drown investigations in a sea of ​​paperwork and months of correspondence with banks, or should this idea be rolled back? how do the opponents of the new decree demand that the cunning guys be allowed to continue robbing people, while these opponents themselves are definitely on the side of ordinary belarusians? first of all, i would like to hear the answers of those who directly or indirectly suffered from the actions of scammers, and secondly, interesting answers from network residents who have been under every news about fraud, comments are churned out about the inaction of the authorities; the opinions of people who do not live in belarus are of little interest, but they are the ones who most often express it. practice shows that most telephone and internet scammers drive the money of naive
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citizens between belarusian banks; we have 21 of them. as a rule, the crime is discovered at the third or fourth level of transfers. if the money has gone abroad, law enforcement units for the prevention of cybercrime try to return it with the help of foreign colleagues. they are helped with this international agreements, but what to hide, in such cases there are chances of a return. are greatly reduced. belarusians most often lose money in schemes when scammers call them on behalf of bank employees and report that it is from a person’s account. someone is trying to steal money, the fear of losing savings paralyzes critical thinking, the consciousness is narrowed to the diameter of the threat, it is at this moment that scammers offer salvation, the opportunity to transfer funds to another safe account, the person believes that this offer is coming from a bank employee, transfers money so that it does not go to the scammers, and then
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realizes that it was with them that he was talking, this is a game on fear, in addition, a popular scheme is when the criminal... nicks pretend to be investigators who catch an internet scammer and offer the victim to participate in a special operation. they say they are trying to steal money from your account, we want to catch the scoundrel as a live bait, be a live bait, take a loan so that the thief will fall for it, transfer it to him, and we will track his account, catch him red-handed, return the money to you and reward you. don't be offended victims of such schemes, but in my opinion, this is a game of ambition in the good sense of the concept, a person wants to be on the side. good, he likes to believe that without him the whole investigative committee will not cope with the capture of the fraudster, so he agrees to participate in the scam against himself, takes out a loan and transfers it to the fake investigators, and no matter how events develop further, the debt to the bank hangs on the victim. the third most popular scheme is fake banking websites. the victim thinks he is entering his
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internet banking from the original website, enters all card account data on the scammers’ website and loses money. there is only one way out: on a piece of paper, next to your login password for logging into internet banking, write down the address of the bank’s original website in letters and check it with what is written in the address bar every time you decide to pay for something. these are the top three cyber fraud options. in addition to them, there is an offer to get rich on the stock exchange, false links to pay for goods and services from online flea markets, and many more options for deception. we don’t accept schemes involving relatives and road accidents, because it sends couriers to people, and this is no longer a cybercrime. this is the time. a key under an apartment rug has become less of a threat to property than a bank security key given to a stranger. you just have to accept it. the decree on measures to combat unauthorized payment transactions will come into force in six months. the national bank and law enforcement agencies need this time in order to
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issue additional legislative acts and organize 24-hour operation of bank branches. responsible for contacts with deceived clients and resolve technical issues of the database. for example, all banks in the country will be required to implement anti-fraud systems. fraud - in english - fraud. an anti-fraud system is a set of algorithms based on artificial intelligence. it analyzes each online payment based on how the card user makes it and tries to determine whether it is theft or a regular money transfer. the program checks whether the payment exceeds the established daily average. limit, whether the amount of the amount is out of the usual range for a particular client. advanced systems even analyze how the user presses the keys of the gadget through which he pays for a product or service, remembers the movement of his fingers if they are not the same as usual, calling the security of the transaction into question. this does not mean that banks will block all payments that the robot
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considers suspicious. artificial intelligence will refer disputed transfers to bank specialists for review. always understand the innovations that the state offers us and only then draw conclusions about them, take care of your login data internet banking is your golden key, and its secret concerns no one but you. and if you are not afraid to reveal the secret of your golden key to strangers on the internet, then you definitely should not be afraid that this secret will end up in the hands of the state, which spends millions creating a system that can protect us our money from our own naive one. i’m marina karaman and what the state is doing to protect the property of belarusians, we figured it out, everything is clear, see you!
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you are watching the news now in olga kalairova's studio. hello. today took place telephone conversation between president of belarus alexander lukashenko and russian president vladimir putin. the heads of state exchanged views on the situation in the region.


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