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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 12, 2024 7:25pm-7:45pm MSK

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on the first day of summer, when the sun is shining tenderly, the air is filled with the aromas of flowering trees, in the central gorky park in minsk there is a special atmosphere, children's laughter, joyful cries. songs, they celebrate international children's day. the focus is on children, our joy and pride, our future reflection of us adults. the holiday is organized for a reason. representatives of various nationalities living in minsk gathered together to congratulate the young guests and give them unforgettable moments of happiness. the main highlight was charity festival fair magic of childhood, organized with the participation of the minsk international women's club of wives of ambassadors and diplomats of foreign representatives. on this day, the park turned into... a real town
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of wonders and entertainment. this event is primarily important for me, because it is connected with children, and also for each of our girls who is part of the women’s club, everyone has children, everyone has families, everyone has friends, such an event, i’ll be honest , it came to me. that is, the morning after
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new year's fair, and i already drew a picture for myself of how it would be, that with this picture, as you can see to this day, i am very happy and glad that we realized it, but in no case am i alone, there are a lot of us, then there is, so that they understand, throughout...
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which has limited capabilities, each, each doll is made with a name, that is , it is so touching, each flower echoes, as well as the magic of childhood, a tree, a flower, a seven-flowered flower, so i am very happy,
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that all this happened today, it worked out, i hope it stays in memory. our club has been working specifically for charity for many years, there are a lot of different projects, before me, before my presidency, a lot of large-scale assistance was carried out, it was very expanded, i can say. regarding my validity period, when i came to the club, i really liked this idea that help is actually being provided, and you are not talking about it in words, but the women of the club, the charity committee buys what is needed, they transport it, hand out
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targeted assistance, and most importantly, job i didn’t stop so that the circle expanded every year, i tried to expand the circle all year. in kazakhstan, similar events are held annually, they are organized by the community, those individuals who are involved in charity, and there is also a women’s club.
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as you know, the international women's club of ambassadors' and diplomats' wives organized this charity bazaar today, we are very happy to be part of it, pakistan also celebrates children's day, during which a huge number of different activities take place in schools, motorcycle races, various competitions for... .
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very grateful, the difference is that for the first time aposhstvo takes part in a charity bazaar in an open space, this time the event takes place in a park, this is the only thing that distinguishes it from the previous ones, and we are very impressed by this whole event, and the difference is that this is the first time that a charity bazaar is held on international children's day, when it comes to charity, i have always been enthusiastic and that...
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children's curiosity and genuine interest, and absolute honesty and... sincere emotions of the characters, a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions of the younger generation. my parents often say that their fathers and mothers did not spoil them the way they spoil us, but at the same time they are not controlled as much as we are. why does this happen, do you think? the world has probably become tougher. there are a lot of temptations that negative information.
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it always attacks weak trees to free up the territory for new, young and
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healthy ones. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. why did researchers once consider the ant society to be the ideal form of our human society, and even sought to find a solution to human problems by studying the life of ants? watch in the science nearby project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. clothes, here you see a hand- embroidered dress that is characteristic of jerusalem, this dress is the north of palestine, you can also see views of the dome.
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boarding schools, children's homes, homes for the disabled, in close cooperation with them we organized this holiday, attracted them to participate, because that among them there are a lot of talented children, spooners, dancers and singers, who also want, despite their characteristics, to come out and show off what they are capable of. we will see their performance on stage today, all proceeds will go to charity, to support these institutions. children's lives are very important for both belarus
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and syria, we are very happy to participate in this event, and so for the children of syria it would also be very important. because syria is currently suffering from post-war sanctions, we are happy to bring happiness for belarusian children on this significant holiday to fill their faces with smiles and happiness. also, the embassy of the syrian-arab republic is pleased to participate in this event, and we are also grateful to the initiative of the president of the republic of belarus alexander lukashenko, thanks to whose decision. every year, syrian children vacation in camps in belarus, including in zubrenok. this is especially important for syrian children, since syria is currently suffering from post-war sanctions. just after the sanctions in 2017, children began to come to belarus for recovery. in the first year , about 400 children came, and
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syrian students also came to study in belarus, so we are very grateful.
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just like in belarus in the united arab emirates, this holiday, of course, does not pass by; it is celebrated not only in parks, but also takes place in educational institutions in schools. we celebrate an important moment, a new generation.
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