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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 15, 2024 11:25pm-12:20am MSK

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drink champagne under the christmas tree and know that you are not alone, the whole country is sitting in the same way now, all the people, universal unity, oh, i can’t, zakhar kostopolsky himself, i’m going to die, why these days everyone always only talks about the new year, tell us about yourself, after all, i asked a little earlier, well, yes, what should i tell you, it seems to me that your life is like this. interesting, you are so talented, smart, famous, handsome, well, you yourself told me everything about me, i don’t even know what to add, kostopolsky himself, my mother, well , that’s it, don’t see me off any further, what are you saying? lisa, real muses don’t come along often, people like you, it’s still not necessary, are you afraid your husband
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will see? no, son. sorry for not telling you right away. how many years? 10. oh, we 'll become friends with him. anyway, let's do it tomorrow. i have the day off, okay. i have to prepare him a little. goodbye. see you. thanks for the roses. antoshka. anton, oh, they forgot in the thirty-second room, they always forget toys there, a four-bed room with children, antosh. "i need
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to tell you something, you know, but my real dad came to the resort and also me i forgot, come on, look at me, i need you, you are my dearest, you are my most beloved, so what? the year gave a very serious lesson to our country, we saw the logic of hostility and began to look at things in the world differently, we wanted to show the belarusian morning in belarusian. in nature
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, the models had practically no makeup, as is nature, yes, because linen is a natural fabric, and female beauty is natural, well, it’s like it’s all in one concept, someone said, wow, for some it’s it was very unexpected, it won't happen the winners in this war, taking into account all that we have accumulated, from the point of view of nuclear weapons, will be enough to move the earth out of orbit several times, taking into account the half-life, life simply cannot continue.
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and are ready to surprise again, what is the work of accompanists? it is shadowy at first glance, as if it is not visible. each unit commander is in his own way a choreographer who consistently organizes certain actions of military personnel. watch the belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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what do you want? andrey sergeevich. dad is in the shower. dad? how is it dad? whose dad? my, he is my biological father, and i am his daughter. a daughter is a female child, if not. you know, who are you anyway? - partner, he didn’t talk about his daughter, it’s not surprising, my mother forbade him to meet with me, we actually live in moscow, now she’s off to switzerland to ski with some unpleasant man, and
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there’s no one to leave me with, and you’re kind of working part-time, difficult financial situation, dysfunctional family, well, like, come in, proletarian, oh, actually, this is it was intended for dad, but you also got along well, well, we met, we got to know each other, it’s very nice, i see. you'll be soldering your remote control for a long time, let's start the boat, daughter, just be patient a little, we have very little left,
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of course, only she's lost the habit of me, well , be a little mischievous, well, that's okay, that's okay, it's a pity that everything has changed, now you have no time for me. what do you think, i ’ll take nina as my assistant instead of you, a girl, but she won’t distinguish a glass cutter from a puncher, pull, pull, anton, i won’t leave my efficient partner, actually, there is one more circumstance. what, you look after your mother, when you are thinking of starting to look after your mother, you understand, your mother is a very good woman, well, in general, this is a difficult matter,
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anton, but what if she calls you herself, eh? “even if everything in your house breaks down, she won’t call me, it’s a good idea, be in touch, this is our tradition, mom, i came up with everything here, you should call, antoshenka, meet me, please!” do you remember, we watched the night president, this was written by zakhar grigorievich, he is a famous screenwriter, we are going fishing, hello, hello, anton, uh, no, well, if you don’t want to, you don’t have to leave lunch in the refrigerator, why did you decide that i don’t want to, the night
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president was especially painful. i started in paris, then lisbon, rome. zakhar grigory, can you fix the screen? yes, no problem, just one call. i graduated already in los angeles. thank you. and you can insert glass. antosha? yes, of course, one call. you know, in different places it is written differently, everywhere has its own energy. have you ever repaired a car? you recently picked it up from the service center, no, with your own hands, antosha, zanka, stop, why, there are specially trained people for this, everything is clear, you are probably very afraid of losing your phone, what happened,
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crap, no one wants to push, now let’s figure it out, i made a series about fishermen, hung out near burbansk for 3 months on all sorts of vessels, well, what do we have here, so i’ll go... push, and what do we have here, and what do you want to feel, it’s cold, it’s cold, well
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, wait, don’t decide, i know, ah, it’s hot, yeah, well of course, well, warn you, rose, where is this all, i know, such, hey, hey, on the deck, anton, antoshenka, sinop, no hooligans, please open the door, why
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did i immediately slam it shut with the wind? yes, okay, i understood everything, yeah, listen, let's go, there i'll introduce you to a wonderful woman, they're having something like a picnic on a ship, your mistress, lord, nin, where did you get all this from, i'm a lot of things i know about this life, daddy, hey, here, andrey sergey! andrey sergeevich!
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hello! anton! so what happened? all in engine compartment, the engine is broken! it's clear! hold the end! wizard! oh, thank you old man for helping us out, how much do we owe you? yes , nothing, like nothing, i understood, i understood, i understood, but no, old man, you didn’t understand, oh, please meet me, this is zakhar grigorievich, a famous stanovist from moscow, and this is andrey sergeevich, andrey sergeevich, oh, sorry, i’m seasick, thank you for helping out, uh-huh, uh-huh, you'll forgive me for yelling at you, then, okay, maybe... you'll stay for a while, anton, andrei sergeevich may have his own business, yes,
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things to do, nina, let's go, andrei sergeevich, wait, antokha, wait, antoshenka, where are you going, on the shore, i got seasick, but that's okay, i 'll look after... anton, come back to the boat, i said, come back to the boat now, rose, so, i told someone, come on, come on, hurry up, push, well, what do you want me to punch in his face, or what? no, just prove that you are no worse than that sugar in the hat. anton, you
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know, i’ll try. girlfriend, if it smells like a restaurant, it means he clearly has serious intentions, and if i were you, can you hear me, the car was stolen,
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lord, what a blessing, i don’t have to push it anymore, isn’t it true, it was stolen, who needs it? what a beauty, antokha, listen , it’s anton and i, i like it, well, i won’t settle accounts with you in the rudeness of life, why, you have a chance, i’m inviting you to a restaurant, yes, no, sorry, i’ve already been invited, zakhar grigorievich, mom, what are you doing? yeah, okay, son, zakhar grigorievich invited us to a restaurant, the two of us, wait, antosha, antoshenka, well, dear, and zakhar grigorievich is great at making pancakes, really, he i promised to teach you, my dear son, but i, i want you to be happy, then don’t
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go to the restaurant with sugar, i promised, but i didn’t, and neither do you! you can’t force me, there’s no dad, i need you. i even know why. i will not help you arrange the fate of your father and mother. why? you don't need him. well, actually yes, but i'm starting to like him. can you help? here we need to get rid of one person. from zakhar, perhaps? oh, at least it's some fun. already
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have a concept? hmm, the restaurant is cancelled, i know such things, you will turn my head and leave, it’s better now. i’m sitting and bored at home, which i’ll suffer for the rest of my life later, liza, it seems like they’re taking you for a resort seducer, well, i’ll prove that i’m zakhar, kostopolsky,
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zakhar grigorievich, please come in, mom came out for a minute, she asked wait for you, actually, mom is halfway done. actually, ladies here,
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12:45. andrey, lisa, why aren’t you in the restaurant, but decided on your appetite first? walk, your screenwriter is probably worried, nervous, no, not worried, why? but he didn’t come, it’s funny,
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yes, because i never really have anything it doesn’t work out, but why, you got a wonderful son, well, i have a wonderful antoshka, it’s a pity that his father doesn’t see him now, he was, yes, i know. where? rose told. lisa, wait. and now you will consider me a dissolute fool, greedy for holiday romances, right? i won't.
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and you, zakhar grigorievich, are a complex and unconfident person. what? hat, astronaut and shoes. grandfather freud would have found a lot of interesting things in your subconscious. although you are right, you look much better in a hat. let's see. well, just handsome, a real resort seducer, no, not a seducer, then you urgently need to change your image, no, i’ll help, go, yes, goodbye, lisa. oh, it won’t open, where are you going to fool other
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naive fools, alas, you’ll have to wait, the key in the lock is broken, you ’re taking me for the wrong person, lisa, god, zakhar grigorievich, so what happened here? perhaps i will turn out to be just a resort seducer for you, this is not so, be my wife, if you agree, then we will celebrate the new year in moscow.
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we keep an eye on our family's life. countries during the week, the volleyball player from menchan won her eleventh championship for olga polchevskaya, this is the first gold award as the main coach of the team. gomel managed to restore parity in the series against bntu bilas 1:1, the final score of the return match was 21:20 in favor of the gomezh handball players. we review the most interesting event. 1,500 people in minsk alone, tens of thousands more in 15 countries around the world. a total of 189.
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on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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belarus is not slowing down the pace of import substitution and relies on the strong union shoulder, but for russian regions. this is also the most important task, the countries intend to solve it together, belarus and tatarstan will have to reach new heights in cooperation and trade of a billion dollars, this is no longer a cherished dream, but a reality. and another example of a long-term and strategic partnership is the relationship between belarus and china. what can be noted in the news agenda? not only political, trade and economic ties are actively developing, but also humanitarian partnerships and youth contacts. joint
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events are being held. also deepen relations between women's organizations, and meanwhile the most striking joint project , the great stone, are increasing investments, they are approaching a billion dollars. the first shoulder joint transplant operations were performed at the republican scientific and practical center for orthopedic traumatology. these interventions are unique not only for our country, but also for the whole of eastern europe. three patients were successfully operated on in two days. there are two belarusians in the medical team...
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here on the beraz lake i’ll call you month syadziba published on the pachatka of the municipality of the stagodzya to the counts felix the platars on the byasedachka hut, new hut, new hut, new hut , near the braslau district.
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to cross the finish line, you need to take 10 game steps. before making a move, the player chooses the difficulty of the question on a scale from one to three. if the answer is correct, the participant takes one, two or three steps along the distance, respectively. moreover, every 10 points of advantage over opponents gives the player the right to an extraordinary attempt. the first person to cross the finish line will receive 50 points. fourth period, jokes aside, now everything will be decided. now we will find out who will be the winner. my friends, in this period we will walk in the following sequence, arthur starts with us, then andrei and olga. in addition, according to the current rules, for every 10 advantage points, the right is given outside the next move, outside the next attempt. it
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means that. only arthur will play for the first three rounds, the rest of the participants will join a little later, my friends, good luck, we are starting the fourth round. arthur, here it even worked out in rhyme, yes, i know that you are fond of poetry, you clearly appreciated it. and arthur, difficulty? let's start with the second difficulty level. which sports game uses the terms gambit, fork, and sicilian? there is a film called the turkish gambit, this is a term taken from this particular game, there is no answer, the correct answer, chess, gambit, fork and sicilian are chess terms, it’s okay, we still have the opportunity to ask you two extraordinary questions about the difficulty, let’s let's continue at the same level, seven-time world champion in... in
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formula 1, the first to reach 100 race wins. schumacher. arthur, unfortunately, the answer is wrong again. correct answer. lewis hamilton. schumacher too. seven championship titles, but he has no victories in 100 races, gathered, the third attempt, we repeat again, the georgian football player, who moved to the italian napoli from dynamo batumi in the 22-23 season, whom the fans call kvaradona, khvichi kvarskeli, absolutely right, this the correct answer, finally two steps forward, the advantage lost a little. but nevertheless, it still exists, we we begin the fourth period, at this stage the rest of the participants join us, but we still start with arthur, arthur, how much, let's continue, with which nhl club did
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the belarusian hockey player danilo klimovich sign a contract in the twenty-first year? vancouver conax, vancouver, absolutely right, that's the correct answer, two steps forward, well, let's move on to our rest. andrey, let’s also choose a two, what is the name of the building in minsk where the football federation of belarus is located, the house of football, the house of football, this is the correct answer, two steps forward, olga, i’m listening to you attentively, also two, also two, let’s go, which american hockey team is often called demons or demons, washington. incorrect answer: new jersey devils. devils from new jersey. arthur, second difficulty option. what is the name of the annual marathon where the start is on the champs-elysees and the finish is at the end of the bois de boulogne?
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there are some logical clues in the question. the marathon starts on the champs chelseas and ends around. forests, all this disgrace is a marathon, like the french marathon, let's another option, quickly, i don’t hear anything, the paris marathon, absolutely right, this is the correct answer, two steps forward, andrey, also a d, one of the first names of this sports equipment is the apollo axis, what kind of sports equipment is this, well, here’s the axis, a spear, this is the wrong answer, this is a barbell, the apollo axis is a barbell, the first copy is, by the way, in the sports museum in paris. olya is also a d student. what is the name of the complex of buildings in which the members
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of the delegation of the countries participating in the olympic games are located, in which they are located, live, let’s say, olimpic village. the olympic village, that's right, two steps forward. arthur, your turn, let's continue with the second difficulty level. well, come on, the coach who led the french team to gold at the 2018 world championships in russia. dedier deschamps. dedier deschamps, absolutely right, two steps forward. andrey, let's risk the third level of difficulty. we take risks. well, let's go. how many sightings are there? balls in snooker, that is, game balls not counting the cue ball, the billiard game snooker, how many 15 are there, i ’ll tell you, there are 15 red balls, but there are
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not only red, there are balls of other colors, six, that's six, six balls, andrey, uh, if there are 15 red ones, then there are more of them than 15. 16 cue ball 16 answer 16 correct answer 21 balls 15 red and six colored, but i needed to hear the total number 21, i suggested as best i could, unfortunately, for now we remain in place, olya, three points, come on, olya, as a lover of the spanish language, a question about spanish football, but difficult, it’s still a c . the trophy for the best player in spain is named after him. he is the first member of the fifa hall of fame. in his name the home arena of real madrid castilla has been named. who are we talking about? there are three
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tips. well, of course they are so difficult, right? but nonetheless. so the stadium is named after it, madrid castilla stadium. first member of the fifa hall of fame. and him. the trophy is named after the best player in spain, it seems to me that i have something on my tongue, when you voice the answer, i will say for sure, exactly, but... i don’t know, let it be some fernandez, just some spanish fernandez, clearly this is the wrong answer, the correct answer is alfreda di stefana, arthur, a c, let's give a two, there are dates, how many samples are initially given to one team in the post-match series?
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that’s right, we take two steps forward, so it is arthur who becomes the winner of the fourth period, let’s sum up the results of the whole game, well, now it’s time to honor the winner, today he becomes arthur prusakov. arthur, congratulations on your victory, thank you, we covered the entire distance quite confidently, but except for the beginning of the fourth period, somehow i even got worried, what was wrong, what happened, perhaps there was an element of excitement after all, there was a slight advantage, but still somewhere the final round is always a little exciting, well, in any case, thanks to the opponents for the game, it was very interesting and very informative, well, let's finish, we want to express our gratitude to our partners , the national
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olympic committee and the belarusian olympic academy for their cooperation and assistance in preparing the program. my name is gennady vaitovich, you watched the intellectual sports show, head game, pump up not only your body, but also your brain. watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of especially important events. live broadcasts from
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the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia. turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. customize azer space-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day, every day. be with the tv channel belarus 24.
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scooters and coffee in the morning on the terrace of the lato machiata coffee shop every week i will try to understand why more and more people are changing life in the city to the village. 15 years ago, on a business trip to india, she broke her arm, and he covered all the expenses for her treatment himself. since then they have been happy together, promoting yoga in a belarusian village and raising a ten-year-old vegetarian daughter. how did this happen and how we will find out the success today. hello. hello. my name is vasya. tatiana. tatiana, very nice. very nice. 20 years ago yours. life has come to yoga or you have come to yoga, we will definitely sort this out. 20 years ago you stopped eating meat. do you have a ten year old daughter? eat. she hasn't tried this meat at all? haven’t tried it, and still haven’t tried it to this day? yes, yes, no desire. and this is her choice? yes. you met 15 years
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ago. yes, it was in indy. this was in india. so many interesting things, so many questions, to which i really want to find answers. and i am sure that we will find these answers. today, but a little later, for now i want to start with a tour of your territory, it’s so beautiful here, it’s so cozy, i’m sure there’s something to talk about here, let’s start, let’s start, a plot of 50 acres, two families live on this territory, the family of our heroes and the sister’s family, while tatyana and kuldeep in india are looked after by their sister and husband, when their sister is away, tatyana and coldy look after their territory, such a family contract. this is the house from which it all started, is this the house you lived in originally, when all this beauty wasn’t there? yes, that’s right, this was our first house, a large plot, we decided to start construction naturally with one house, then, when resources appeared, we started, laid the foundation of the second, then there were no resources, we mothballed it all there for
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probably five years , yes, we were waiting until the situation was such that we could continue, now it’s... well, so, we already have three houses on the site, yes, but this was the first one, and we we also love him very much, my mother lives there now when she comes here, and in general we realized from our own experience that when everyone has their own territory, it’s so cool, that is, you never get tired of communicating, at the same time, well , everyone has their own kitchen, that’s how it happens, that some everyday conflicts are leveled out, everything is fine, it’s so great that you can love your mother, sometimes from a distance, right? i love, even, even close, but nevertheless, there are about 150 m between the houses, no, well, the fact is that we also have different taste preferences, that is, different diets, let’s say so, and philosophy, that is, for example, in our kitchen we never cook meat products, eggs, yeah, now we don’t even have milk in the kitchen, because, that is, even if you don’t use them, but cook for
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someone... then, you don’t do this, we don’t, yes, so even from the point of view of this factor, yes, that is, the presence of several kitchens very... very much simplifies the press on her own , she doesn’t cook vegetables purely out of principle and no, she cooks, of course , she just loves to fry eggs, there are some moments like that, so many all the interesting things in the lives of our heroes, yoga, dating in india, vegetarianism, you must agree, not the most common hobbies, how they came to all this, we’ll figure it out, let’s start with yoga, well, let’s start from the very beginning, probably tatyana, 20 years ago in your life... and yoga appeared, yes, well, maybe yoga a little later, because i was first interested in philosophy, indian, buddhism, and so on, but to practice hadha yoga, like asana, the physical aspect , i started maybe 15 years old ago, 15 years ago, this is somehow connected with your meeting, my interest in india and philosophy
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is not connected, that is, before i met kuldip, i dreamed of going to india, and absolutely... i had problems with joints, rheumatoid arthritis , who knows, well, a medical topic, that’s why yoga, with the help of yoga i practically got rid of these problems, that is, i no longer have a small joint and so on, that is, it’s really a very cool tool for health. rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that affects small joints, you can believe in the power of yoga, you can not believe it, but
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here it is a living example before us, this is a house that was built in parallel with that first house from which everything began here... and here i want to tell you a corner of india, i was not mistaken, yes, we thought so, because we spend most of our time here, when we invite friends or organize some events there, cooking master classes and so on, it happens here, because the feature of this house is that it’s here a lot of indian furniture, which we brought from india, this too indian yes, yes, yes, i put my hand, this is a chest of drawers from india, yes, everything is right, well, here? you can also take a closer look at the chicana, and it’s made of rosewood wood, handmade, how it appeared here in our country, i’m just physically interested in this whole process. at that time the store was in russia and we were engaged in indian furniture, and you were engaged, yes, yes, in
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general, these are the remains of luxury, because at some point we closed it, because it was not very profitable, this it was more like a hobby for me and my sister, because we we really love everything related to handmade work, and in india it is still preserved. tatyana, excuse me for asking this question, but i’m really curious, if there was a chest of drawers like this in a store, how much would it cost? it would cost about 2 thousand dollars, i think, if you are interested, we can go and see another very unusual thing, an unusual room, a very unusual room, i will show you what surprises most in this house those who come here, to this room surprise, we will definitely come back, but for now we will continue to reveal the story of our heroes, i would be interested to know how they met after all? it’s not like going to a neighboring town,
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they know everything about their small homeland and generously share this knowledge with the viewer, we had such a tradition in our village, during the mowing season the residents went far into the swamp in order to mow hay, to save time, they spent the night .
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forms of our human society, and even sought to find solutions to human problems by studying the life of ants. watch in the science nearby project on the belarus 24 tv channel . we met in india, i. me at that moment worked and my work was connected with india, because i came two or three times a year on
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business trips to choose furniture, put together collections and so on, that is, i worked in an indian art gallery, yeah, on one of the trips i met coldip, but i just met purely through visual contact, because at that time he was working at the reception in the hotel where we always stay, well, the fact is that he is from a traditional family and, moreover, he is from the village, that is, this is not so western.
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the girls with whom i studied, also foreigners, were walking around agra one day, met kuldeep, and he was very surprised, what are you doing here, and i’m like, and what are you doing here, in general, it’s like this, very surprising , but the meeting, to which we, in principle, also did not even attach much importance, then there was also an episode when i broke my arm while i was driving the bike, he was sitting behind me, he seemed to be teaching me how to drive the bike, but some unfortunate situation happened, the fact that an animal jumped out onto the road, and in order not to hit it, i turned sharply in the lane. very i was worried about tatyana, so i took on all the treatment, support, and expenses for medications. tatyana admitted that it was this concern that played a key role. we return to the very surprise room that
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our heroine promised to surprise me with. is this what you wanted to show me? yes. the thing is that i have an indian husband, they are used to going to such toilets, indians, in principle, besides the fact that he is also from india, he is also a yoga instructor, and accordingly he knows the physiology of this heritage, and i thought yogis just don’t look for easy ways, why is that? no, the fact is that when you squat 10 times a day, you will never have problems with your knees, you will never have constipation, hemorrhoids, and so on, so think about it, vasily, that is why everything is like this, right? very easy, i just practice yoga myself, i am a yoga instructor myself, i understand that sometimes what is beautifully convenient does not really affect your health. on such a toilet you won’t sit for 40 minutes on your mobile phone, but just take your mobile phone, well, from me give me a normal toilet, what is this, what is this, and this is the only toilet in the house, no, we have one more, this is the second one you have, as i
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understand it, well, our daughter lives on the second floor, yeah.
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