tv [untitled] BELARUSTV June 16, 2024 3:25am-4:50am MSK
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that's it, here you go, two great athletes will confront each other, protecting the interests of their teams, this warm-up, it’s simply intimidating, they are both powerful and it inspires confidence, even i’m worried, i can imagine how worried they are, although they have a such competitions that it seems there is no need to worry, but there is too much unknown here,
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in general, i admire athletes, how they know how to pull themselves together before going out, tell me, here everything can be solved by an ordinary grip, but a bad one. he took it, his hand jumped off and in the water, dmitry alexander starts running over the bumps, how fast, dmitry could barely hold on, sand behind, ahead, water, with the help of monkey bars they go over this abyss, come on, come on, i can’t even watch it, then i told the participants that the water temperature is plus...
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again they looked at me in surprise, why are you telling us this, we are not going to fall into this cool water of yours, we go forward, there is behind the first crystal of today's game, here is the next platform, and now the net, and we get to the nets on a rope, a polyamide rope, a rope at a height of 2 m from the water level, so alexander is going very well, after all, this is the spirit of a champion, he never gives up, they go smoothly. they go out to these intermediate platforms, not everyone comes out, dima, well, let's catch up, catch up, catch up, alexander is a little ahead, something interfered with dmitry, dmitry is a little dusty in the net, alexander is already in the web, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, sasha, sasha, who is woven from a climbing rope, no, no, here’s equality again, already parity, i’ve sorted out my problems, dmitry, alexander. the first
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troll on pear, how powerfully it hooked, how quickly, hold on, hold on, hold on, watch out , we go down to get on this, let’s say, helicopter platform, the chairman of the belarusian hockey federation, alexander bogdanovich, successfully jumps onto it, he’s here at all it gets a little bit, forward onto the ramp, run here. it would be easy if not such a slope, a negative slope of the ramp, sasha, sasha, dmitry got stuck a little, but forward, rower, sasha, of course, is in no hurry, of course, why should he rush, he is confident in his abilities, he rises, the first crystal of our game is in the hands of alexander bogdanovich, crystal’s team is there. a real champion, but
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water is close to him, and here again he did an excellent job, dmitry shakuta bravely completes the distance, excellent, well done, that’s it, well done, champion. in kickboxing he does everything to the end, yes, he lost, but he fought until the last one, it seems to me that these two athletes will definitely meet each other individually, run-up, ugh, wow, you saw how alexander wants to help him, give him a hand, but no need, here they are together, worthy opponents, but. didn’t fall, yes, dry, you can imagine how much extreme, different character they had, but this is the first time, they hug, and the audience enthusiastically greets, we passed the element
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of water, we move on, one might say, the water gave me strength from below, you, when you stand on... that's where i'm most stuck, i have on the contrary, there was an assumption that sasha with his weight, they would take him out like a roach from the net from there, i see that he is already riding on pear bags, it ’s up to you, whether you pass the line or not, as they say, you lost one battle, but
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you didn’t lose the war , so everything is still ahead, sasha, sasha, alexander, and sasha, sorry, we are without a cake, well, handsome, come on, come here, well done, cool, a small beginning has been made, guys, you can at least touch this crystal, dima, it was wonderful, it was high quality, everything was good, very in a sporting way, this is just the beginning, it’s good that you clung to this rope, i was so worried that you would actually jump onto this net, i think it’s not necessary, some are tense, you seem to be standing normally, the second clap, she and left, not to be, spider-man. but the main thing is that we came out unscathed, in any case, the elements won, we didn’t catch, we are musical and sports, fear us, we are a team of pigas, two real champions, not giving in with our teeth to the last,
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it seems to me that we have not done anything like this yet saw and so that when the crystal was taken away, so that the second participant he went through to the end, in spite of everything, although he must save his strength, and the fact that at the end, how he offered his hand there and he somehow did not accept dmitry’s hand, and alexander realized that he would not accept the hand, there is so much subtext, then they hugged at the top, two great athletes, it’s an honor, it’s an honor for our game, by the way, i’ll tell you, the element of water extinguished the volcano, but couldn’t stop it.
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develops amateur and professional sports in belarus, supporting talented athletes, coaches and entire teams. in our game you can't for a second relax. the next test is the element of air. a walk over the abyss awaits you. of course, it’s probably impossible to stop being afraid of heights, but you can try not to think about it. emotions, like turbulence, can shake your confidence, testing, the element of air, going through tests, you can
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spin on moving steps and fly into the abyss, taking the wrong step. blindly tight. cope with the obstacle in one and a half minutes, take the bonus crystal, but only after overcoming the air washers and taking the main one, you can win. no playing to the public, no, oops landed, friends, clapped, no, that’s out of the question, i
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’d like my fingers to remain intact, after all, the bars on the guitar and the instruments are an important story, i think the ones who worry the most here are not artists, athletes, personally, i’m not afraid if something doesn’t work out for me, i came to test myself now, at this age, at this stage, i’m probably now at the stage where everything i do in my life, i try to do it in order to enjoy it as much as possible myself, with sports i’m not good at joy, i resort to home exercises all day long, i find them quite effective, a daily forty-minute exercise can very well keep you in shape, manage adrenaline, it will just seethe, i feel this directly, as for fire and heights, these are just those elements, let’s call it that, where you need to be extremely careful, here you need to really get together, this is the moment, the case when composure is right above all else. "one wrong move can lead to various consequences, my daughter is keeping her fingers crossed,
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it warms me very much and really really supports me, and the whole rush will begin after the start, so, the element is air, and the first at the start, here he is, handsome theo, representing the pegasus team, he has his own victories, international competitions, theo the merry fellows": before the start he entertained everyone, but will this quality help him at a height of 5 m? oh, i don’t know, friends.
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and theo went and the first stage of the stage, the duration of this part of the distance is 6 and a half. directly with his opponent, theo is not fighting, but his competitor time, because on the way to the main crystal, which awaits him at the finish line, there is also an intermediate, bonus crystal, so he must get to it for...
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fear to get the better of himself, now he needs to get the better of this test, my god , my god, come on, theo, this is the most difficult section, but it will probably be easier to go through it later, because time still plays a role here, come on, dear, this very intermediate crystal is waiting for you, grab it, go further, get two crystals and increase your team's advantage, handsome, we think that we made it in time and now he’s walking along the sling with the help of rings, it should
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work out, carefully, damn it, we don’t get crystal, there’s insurance, there’s insurance, you can’t grab it, you can grab the rope, this is the rope that washers, air washers or islands are attached. vai dear, come on, come on, yes, now there is only a path to the main crystal, and here there is not enough time, but here is the danger, here you need to somehow... constantly stand on this puck with two feet, you will become one everything is skewed, and you are flying down and the insurance will save you, but it will not save you from dropping out of the competition, come on, come on, don’t let it upset you that there is not one crystal, the main last puck is ahead, everything falls, no, no, no, no, what are you, puck,
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puck, puck, puck, shouting, puck, puck, but, but, but, jolly theo. this is no time for fun. yes. pegasus is left with one crystal, won in the first competition. all. beat him. nothing, nothing. we can handle it. and perhaps that very key factor, excitement i have now played in the last stage. perhaps
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emotions took over. ah... yes, of course, it’s a shame, how so, i’m now asking myself exactly this question, sasha bogdanovich has already passed the most difficult stage, there was just a story like this, does anyone have a phobia of heights or not, it seems like i didn’t see it, but something pulled me to take hold of this rope, i hold it with my brain,
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my fingers relax on their own, a fire happened. guys, i’ll explain everything to you, please, try, listen, well, just everything, everything was fine, as we expected, the provnik on the penultimate rope i already felt it, i grabbed it, and my fingers unclenched on their own, and this fleece in a second comes the realization that you are not in control of the process, but you flew, well done, we have the next one ahead, we are musical and sports special forces, more than us, we are a team. we are embarking on an expedition in the depths of our country. we are going on a folklore-historical expedition to number
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i have already gone through many vocal shows in my life, as if i were absolutely not associated with sports, so for me it’s some kind of... challenge, i hope that i have some strengths, maybe it’s speed, maybe it’s agility, so i’ll focus on this, adrenaline is when you are driven by emotions, when you especially... can’t control something when some new unusual energy splashes out and gives you strength. the funny thing in life is that you may
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not be able to do something, but you can always try, it’s very interesting, and that’s the thrill, my reputation is in my work, in my music, and that’s just it will show that i am a person like everyone else. i can usually do well. building this over the years, with the experience of stressful situations, at all sorts of shows, there was a lot of this, so i know how to collect myself, i hope that this confidence will not be lost here, i really hope, but who knows, so, nikita belko from the team is in the air volcano, has many music competitions behind him, for example belarus 2021, his performance could be a turning point. after theo's failure at the same distance, team pegasus was left with one crystal until earned in the first competition, having won two crystals here, nikita can bring his
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the steps, there is a creative one, if you want a career ladder, there are also steps, here are others, you just need to go through them much faster, just a minute and a half, to get to the bonus cross, hold on, hold on, calm down, well, well, well, well, come on, come on. copes calmly, coolly, with every step, but sometimes they behave very unpredictably, and nikita does not take risks, we cannot help but compare with what theo had, theo also seemed to walk confidently, but he did not have time for the bonus crystal, over time , it seems to me that nikita also didn’t sit down very well, he even tried this, the smart guy got to his feet, you can sit down, you can’t grab the belay, that’s an immediate disqualification, there’s all sorts of things...
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test, there are no skyscrapers, everything else is present, the rings help, nothing is impossible, nikita copes ahead another aerial stage, it's pucks, come on , good girl! wise beyond his years, here is the wisdom of probably a forty-five-year-old man, i would say, okay, okay, nikita, you’re doing everything right, well done, don’t listen, don’t listen, the task is to take the crystal. let's, nikita, remember, you had victories in your immediate profession, remember how it was, how you achieved it, what was the concentration of effort then? well done, smart girl, calm, calm, like that, like that, very carefully, yes, both legs. yes,
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he has strength, he’s rested, he’s not out of breath, he ’s calm, yes, yes, it’s a question of concentration, in my opinion, but it’s not so much a question of strength as of technique, clarity, oh, nikitochka, please, bunny, come on, come on , here we see, so far everything has been fine here, on this puck on this puck too, here it is insidious, in some way it is especially insidious, this is... the last puck, so, so, stand on the penultimate one, well, let’s take one more step then on the way, a magnificent jump, he jumped over the last puck, didn’t stand at all step on it, he jumped, good, he knew what to do, the crystal is in his hands, and the vulcan team compares the score in our crystal competition, one, one, well done, wow, we must note the wisdom of nikita,
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he... thought, stopped , even meditated, everything worked out, but i really liked it when we say, insidious, the last puck, that's all, how was he, he jumped over it, gathered everything into his fists , did it, like a grasshopper, handsome, something like that... rest, and so gradually step by step, thank you very much, i chose a tactic for myself , the fans are a little good, they just added drive, you know, and i was like, what, i ’ll show that everything is calm, everything is fine.
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we didn’t gather here to make noise, you see, i’m glad that i was able to overcome this, probably, and i’m glad that i brought the crystal to our team, so we are still fighting and will fight to the end, but oh, my throat is dry, everything is fine already, nikita, she’s beautiful, but you were worried, you’re just uni, in short, not fun. i didn’t think it would be okay, they lifted me up, i look down, we saw how you began to hold your heart like that, by the way, this is a good thing that works, you know, we realized that not everything is so simple when you sat down, and despite the fact that the crowd there was hooting, you were just sitting there, getting your head together, i realized, i’m no longer standing behind the extra one, that’s right, that ’s right, that very crystal, so it’s all one by one until they’ve trimmed it, that’s it, that’s it
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that everything is fine. it was harder for the first one, that he didn’t know how his opponent got through, but nikita already knew, that’s the ease, the audience really liked him, very much, there is charisma, but there is an appearance, you know, when a guy like that, who looks exactly like that, who he communicates like that, they couldn’t help but love him, everything worked out. the volcano has finally woken up. the team has the first crystal. the wings did not save pegasus in his native element. his participant failed the test. it was cool. well done, the main thing, the main thing was to get there, we got there. our support made the difference. i think, it had to be done somehow beautifully. that’s why i decided this way, the crowd got excited, which is also
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very pleasant. and i also heard. the beat of his heart, this is what he was beating, yes, this is a trick, theo fought very well, until the last, it turned out that here he was, crystal, the flight was normal, the flight was normal, everything was mastered, well, we move on, that’s how it should be, it was the telegram is simple, like there are hearts, a falling ceiling, ventilation shafts, light traps, this is a test: it is virtually impossible to get out of the labyrinth, under stress conditions, especially to find exit, you need to go to the light, but is it visible in the narrow tunnel? i activate the test, the element of earth. in this test, the participant needs
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to enter the vault to pick up the main crystal, he has 5 minutes to do this, and get into the aerodynamic corridor. unlock the castle by adding up the collected clue numbers, the path to the main crystal is blocked by a network of lasers, go around them carefully, after the player takes the crystal, he will have 2 minutes to return, good luck.
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obstacle course, every day we do something hero show - this is some kind of good new we overcome it, but it’s already so familiar, and here everything is not going according to plan, it’s a challenge to myself to understand how much my muscles have forgotten what physical fitness is. load, i hope that my 16 years of dancing were not in vain, and this gave me some kind of coordination of movements, i hope i still have some flexibility, that’s why we stand, people who ask questions, why did you decide to do this, how are you not sorry? myself, they already exist, but it seems to me that it’s still very cool to try what else i can, adrenaline is the unknown, period, in general extreme is absolutely not my thing, but if it’s really necessary and...
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hobby, anna goes into the labyrinth, with my colleague, like my work, she will be supported by nikita belko and dmitry shakuto from the main command post. let's see, this is an ordinary map, just the whole thing. there is ventilation on top here - this is from here, can you hear us? oh, i hear you, yes, yes, we looked at the maps, everything is clear to us here, it seems to me that there will be no problems with this, when you come in, it turns out that on your right it starts with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, then there are three stones on your right side, with
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on the left side there are two stones, that’s right, yes, when you enter the door, we remind you about lasers, i’d better take the crystal, because this is the most important goal, so that 5 minutes do not end, you only need, well, 15-20 seconds from the boxes to crystallova. so we are all connected, look, but initially
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at the very end of the corridor you will only have a crystal on the right wall, for now just crawl, come on, come on, come on, come on, for now crawl, crawl, crawl, you can hear us, everything is fine, yes, everything, good, calm, come on, come on, come on, that's it, look, simple, simple. go forward, grab the key, go forward at the very, very end, then where where, where before that, how to open the hatch, on the right side, yes, yes, yes, yes, here you go, go, go, go, okay, go , go, go, calm, calm, that's it, there's enough time, yeah, soon, soon there'll be a hint on the right, somewhere there 's a hint, look, look, yeah, yeah, look, there's a hint somewhere on the right side, below, maybe above? it’s not clear from below or from above on the right yes so here i went yes yes on the right side there is yes yes look here somewhere either below or above i found yes whatever the number is number 87, yes, open
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it with the key and jump into the ventilation in the lower ventilation, look at the lower ventilation, the ventilation is a little bit. behind the rise there is a hint on the left behind the rise with crawl crawl 35 number 35 i 'm counting now 35 uh for now tell me 35 yes yes yes everything up upwards upside down neatly neatly so look we get it so you came 1 2 3 where is the fourth where is the fourth not not from there from the second second stone the second second is the same from here the second or the first second or the first from the beginning.
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maybe behind him, wait, this is the first one stone, first stone here, yes, that's 36, 22 + 36, 158, yes, 0.158, try 0.158. and bars and bars, yes, look, you still have 2 minutes 10 seconds, carefully, everything is neat, look, you quietly walk to the drawers, you begin to carefully push them away, look at the bottom first, everything, everything, everything, perfect for you, look the top one carefully, yes, move it, look, move it so that the laser doesn’t catch the box, most likely, yes, well, now we’ll gradually find it, there’s still a lot of time, oops, move it aside, carefully so that the laser doesn’t catch it, the second one, good for now let's go very well... generally super, super, everything, so take it carefully so as not
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to catch the laser, that's it, you still have about 40 minutes, calm, calm, calm, yes, yes, yes, good girl, good girl, everything is fine, look , lasers, so as not to get caught, oh , well, well, well, well, well, well, well, look, carefully, carefully, carefully , carefully, carefully, without fuss, in general, another 20 minutes, so breathe, you can breathe some more, but now be careful. carefully, come on, come on, come on, everything is fine, forget about this sound, just go, everything is fine, it's all normal, great, one, nothing, one, nothing, it's no big deal, no problem, the lungs will go further, you'll get home, you still have enough time, yes, yes, another 40 minutes, still great, yes, now we’ll see what’s wrong with the ceiling, but everything is fine, so, so, so, so, so, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, and the top one, look, it’s neat too, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, smart girl, that's it, that's it. everything ran, ran, down, crawl, crawl, crawl, crawl,
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crawl, crawl, you still have a lot of time, pain in your direction, yes, yes, yes, yes, that's it, turn the bolt to the left, turn the bolt to the left, turn the bolt to the left, turn the bolt to the left, turn the bolt to the left, yourself, yourself, everything goes well, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes , okay, smart girl, about 10 minutes, still fine, everything is fine, everything, and now just straight, come on, come on, that's it, open, that's it, crawled, crawled, crawled, in a straight line, in a straight line, yes, yes, yes, yes , yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. here where to go, come on, that's it, i climbed over there, i ran, you've got it all in a minute, you've done it in time, that's it, a minute is still fine, fine, run, run, run, run, run, oh, super, that's it, clearly, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, 48, come on, come on, carefully here with your feet, come on, throw, throw, throw, throw these crystals, yes, we took them, come on calmly, foot, foot, foot, calmly, that's it, there is, move out, move out, move out, move out, it was easy beautiful, everything, everything, everything, and i'm 37 years old, well, that's it, just a star,
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we already have three wheels, yes, yes, cool, my kids, pretty , it seems, at the beginning of the program she said that this is all, well, a show, but still there should be a little excitement, what a little, there’s a ton. there was just excitement, this excitement you don’t really remember anything at all, the only thing that i remember very well is when you seem to have already gone through everything, dug everything up, and you just need to go down with the tent, you throw one leg up, i understand that you have nothing to grab onto, what- then the child turns on and you are ready to run, jump, rush somewhere on these legs that are giving way for some reason from excitement and such, it’s actually very cool, i want to convey a special greeting to my master. everything is intact, but we
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have to clean it, super, very cool, i don’t know, beauty, just smart, thank you very much, well, you ran there, you could also order pizza, drink some coffee, out of fear, what ’s not happening, they’re afraid that you know, when one laser baked, so that you don’t start, and i i didn’t even hear, i only heard you, that is, maximum concentration, wow, wow, hello, again, cool, this is awesome. now thank you, now from this video everyone else needs to learn in a real explosion, guys, i think they are getting applause, you know, i felt a little so old punyom when i threw one leg. there’s no holding on, when you’re already down, it would seem like victory is a few seconds away, it ’s like cramping, but then there are two crystals in crystals, just great, this is a level, and this gives you the opportunity to be higher at the final test, well done, the main thing, so that this will help us, we are waiting for the opponent, we are waiting,
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good luck. i’m not an athlete, i’m a vocalist first and foremost, creativity, that’s all, these are people, emotions, these are people of mood who want something new, who crave these some new emotions. something that has not yet happened in life, i really want, perhaps, to prove to myself, i can not only sing, in the end, i want to jump with a parachute, but with this i am very afraid of heights, for me this is some kind of a step into something new,
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participation in a show-hero for me is a mixture of fear, interest, anxiety, well, in general, it’s something so cool as possible and this is the feeling with which i always go on stage. from the pegasus team , anastasia kravchenko, a student, philologist, singer, has been involved in sports and gymnastics since childhood, will fight the elements of earth, voyages, this should help, from the command post anastasia will be supported by theo and alexander bogdanovich. so nastya comes here, this is where she dives down, here she crawls, goes up, crawls, here she jumps out and there, this is what the sand is sinking, uh-huh, nastya, give me a smile, come on with gloves, professional
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thief, you look cool , let's go to work, look, you are given 5 minutes to walk, if you... invest in 5 minutes, immediately go for an additional one, yes, well, you try anyway , be always in touch, okay, yes, we we will always be in touch, always, yeah, but the most important thing is calm, don’t worry about the prompts , don’t rush around, but take the prompts with you, put them in your pocket, or not in your pocket, yes, we will remember, and the mission control center is ready, command center, ha, we collected, yes, ugh,
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god bless, come on, let's go, so, nastya, come on, come on, come on, oh, let's see, so, nastya, the first hint will be, now. calmly, calmly walk with the ring, so, come on, come on, come on, beauty, well done, well done, walk calmly with the ring, at the end of this corridor, and the first clue will be somewhere on your right, in front the hatch where you will dive, i don’t hear anything, i don’t hear anything, i’m making a lot of noise right now , you’ll be going down there, it seems to me that there will be a hint right under the hatch, where there were such gratings, but look at the gratings, so go, go , go, so... somewhere above, right now, no, now look, on the right, on the right, the first, somewhere a hint, somewhere on the right, look, right, right, somewhere right, found it, wait, now to the right, yes, even before the hatch, before the hatch, look, it’s not there, there is, there is, yes, number, number, number
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88, 88, that's it, let's move on, we ask for half, so, so, so, open, open, so the number is 64 64 88 64 well there's nothing in the hatches so yeah so come up below i looked there yes there was something there no no no the third clue will be at the end of all spheres, there are already two, we have two, the third will be at the end of the spheres, we have 8 8 and 64 64 152 so goodbye mom, goodbye mom! so where is it in the sand? yes, yes, go to the center, first, second, near the third, so, look, near the third, here
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somewhere in the sand, so, drink, see where she is at the end, at the end, even further, further, further, further, further, further, further, so, come on, closer to the fourth, closer to the fourth, she’s somewhere in the center, in the center, right here, closer, here, here to at the end of the sand, there is a swarm in the sand, further, further, between the fourth and fifth, probably look in the center, nastya, come forward, step forward, and there is a swarm. more, more, more, dig more, i see , more, yeah, the number is 71, counted, 152 + 171 is 223, so 152 + 73, let's 0.21, what, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 2, 2, no, no, no, grille, open it again, what we have there are 88, 64, 140, 152. 71 a 2 2 3 0 2 2 3 and you press zero
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yes, well, try again 0 two two two two three yes well, well, god bless you, let's have another minute, everything's fine, a minute, just a minute, a minute , let's carefully, carefully, let's take it get this chest and which one let's go to the top one shake the laser laser laser shake, shake, try another, send another, or or or go for the main one, or go for the main one, then i found, found, found, well done, neatly, lasers, neatly lasers, remember about lasers, come on, you still have 30 seconds, that's it okay, everything is fine, neat, neat, how, how? come on, everything is fine, you still have 15 seconds, and what’s great, now back, back, carefully, carefully, you’ve already had 2
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minutes, calmly, don’t worry, calmly, calmly go, maybe you’ll be on the floor it’s easier to fall, nastya, that’s it, i lost, right? it looks like yes, goodbye, bye everyone, everything is fine, nastya, everything is fine, we have two crystals, lasers, not our strong point, but we have two crystals, the ceiling one, just a fairy tale, listen, how difficult it is, yes, when someone does it for you too i need, listen, i have this feeling that i’m a show myself, why do i need these crystals when we already have all of you... just look,
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look where i am, and where is this suit, and maybe i understood that i was climbing correctly, but the suit, the suit had a different opinion, it hit me when it wanted, for one moment i didn’t understand what was happening there, that was it, it was already the end of the game, but it turned out that it was probably not the end , i still had a chance for the last one, but i already got up like that, that’s it, i hit the end myself, but i still hit it. i was already too angry not to offend him, there are still two tests ahead and the most important thing, which can simply bury all the merits or all the failures that have happened now, so i’m just wondering what will happen next, nastya, nastenka, well done, well done, well done, excellent, for me on this wall, cool, cool, cool, it was so close, so close, well done, good one.
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the light at the end of the maze cannot be confused by the flickering of a laser, the team did not extract a single crystal, the volcano team had two more of them, the element of the earth really heated up this volcano and the mined crystals now they have put you a little higher than your rivals. let's see what happens next. the next challenge will be your last opportunity to earn a crystal.
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get ahead of your opponent in the element of fire stage. in that. the whole team is participating, absolutely all players will be involved, only by uniting you can challenge the elements, but be on the alert, fire does not forgive mistakes, try to direct all your strength to get the coveted crystals, which will help you in the next final test: adrenaline has no limits, don't burn out in the heat battle. test, element of fire. at the beginning of the battle, the participants need to carry a heavy hammer over the boulders and pass it to the second players, and then dive into a huge cube to find a water supply valve there. the second players, having broken the wall and
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dug up the entrance to the mashilovka, must crawl along... with a fire hose to get water into the bowls and fill the flask with the crystal. having grabbed it, the third participant needs to climb the mast and hang it on the top. all you have to do is slide down the rope to pick up the treasured crystal. so, we have another element, this is fire. and at the start, alexander bogdanovich from fegas and dmitry shakuta from the volcano. shakuta's team is in the lead. vulcan is ahead with a score of 3:1. and bogdanovic needs to win again with the team to restore equality. because at this stage two crystals are played. anya continues. girls. anastasia kravchenko from pegasus and anna feloria from vulcan. here at one of the most treacherous stages. they will have to crawl through the tunnel,
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drag the hose behind them, and then shoot from it at the target. a very serious task, but to hit will have to be very precise, because nikita belko from the vulcan team and theo from the pegasus team will depend on the girls, only as the cylinders are filled with water, they will be able to get the bonus crystal, only with it in their hands will they rush to the match, that the whole second crystal will go down forward, and olga is probably very worried about what this experience is, this is an internal emotion. tv, so well, almost like the olympic air, they will be transmitted through the game screens. ekaterina, how long have you been so worried about your husband? even though it's a competition teams, friendship will still win, and common
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efforts, of course, are important. the most important thing in this challenge is the team. yes, let's wish good luck to our participants, good luck! dmitry shakuta, orange volcano, alexander bogdanovich, green pegasus, dragged heavy hammers along the sand through obstacles here to the girls in order to break through the wall then, the girls
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and he grabs the second crystal, victory intensifies our fight to the limit, the score is even, on the decisive tower the participants will start from the same level, this is very interesting, you noticed please note that nikita had an advantage in the match, but theo did it, nikita got stuck in the match, he gives up, gives up on this test, but by no means gives up on this one. game, the most difficult relay race , such a climax is simply unforeseen, i would say, these are the heroes, olya, i’m
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not going home empty-handed today, this crystal is for you, support is very important, of course, i felt it, and sasha bogdanovich also came to support her husband, they both sat down, just like... but for myself personally, in the first seconds, i thought about some kind of rehabilitation for the mistake i made there in the air, that after all, the crystal ended up in my hands, for which thanks to the guys, this is important when it’s cool cool, well, there’s just such a family atmosphere in the team that we have thanks for that, well , i would most likely still have done everything that i could at the moment... i could, it’s unpleasant that i’m letting the team down a little, but at the same time at the same time, it was unpleasant for me that i couldn’t climb, climb to the end, i was sliding down, the main thing is that, in principle, i still had enough strength, because when i rolled down, i still
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climbed back to where i was sliding down from, that would have been enough to get there , it hurts there are moments, i was already sitting there not very correctly, and my legs, and i kept fighting back, and i was running out of strength, but i wanted, i wanted, i wanted, i went forward, but i didn’t get there, but still with dignity. oh, brother, you’re mine, well , i had to dive for this, it’s very cool that you managed to expel him, he went, you took off, great, the water is just rising, i think, i see, the guys don’t really have water, he thinks, well, now i’ll take it , that’s it, she paused, i already wanted to reach my hand, like, i’m getting ready to dig, you know, you don’t need to dig, there with one hand, everything opened, and my leg got stuck, that is the door closed and i feel like i’ve been thinking all my life that i have short legs.
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snatched victory and took two crystals. the test in the element of fire gave us the hottest confrontation, but there was only one winner. pegasus equalized the score at the flag, as chess players say. he had to turn it on. the more you play, the more you charge, yes, but the real juice is yet to come, this is the battle on the tower, in the aftertaste of the final fight, what will happen now, no one knows, so which of you will win the final test, who will become the best, it will be a race for survival, guys, let the strongest win, taking off to triumph, do not
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fall off the steep wall, i will activate the final test. tower. in the ultimate challenge, two competitors must climb to the top of a tower from different heights. deftly overcome the vertical wall leading to the glass tunnel, gathering all your strength, climb to the top of the tower. only the most resilient and fastest will be able to take the main crystal game. teams vulcan and pegasus will begin to compete from a height of three levels. which of them will be the first to reach the top of the tower?
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and again, this confrontation was an advantage, because the number of collected crystals was the same, they were on the same level, in the same position. teams should support their heroes as actively as possible now. well, let’s support, we have the maximum concentration of energy, she is flying with dima. dima, come on. sasha is also taller, you know what? the volume of groups is such that
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of course it’s very pleasant, but as i said, after the first test this still doesn’t solve anything, it’s like a rematch, it’s exactly the same like in fights, you lost to someone there, then you won the rematch, it’s nice, of course. i didn’t have enough dexterity, flexibility, everything seemed to be working out well, but my leg fell off, i couldn’t throw it onto the bar i was counting on, there’s always one.
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champion, champion, champion, great job, winner's troopers, just mega beautiful, well done, simple, this is super, this is a victory, this is the next round, how beautiful it was. you started off so well, went straight, went, and somehow you got into this topic, which is these sides, excuse me, excuse me, well , welcome, let’s congratulate the winners of this round once again, well, it was very
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interesting for you and me, we could have lost to good weak opponents, but i really enjoyed the game today, it was... that’s it, disappointments and rejoicings, failures and ups. yes, today was a cool game, each of you overcame yourself and became even stronger than before. remember, our biggest rival is ourselves. and only heroes can defeat him. there is no comfort zone anymore, how long will teams survive in extreme conditions, welcome to the world where everything is real,
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the multi-tournament in our issue. over 2 thousand died at the hands of punitive forces, the village was burned to the ground. in the borks that shared the fate of khatyn, today they recalled the history of the tragedy. a place of power for hardworking and talented people, and also a real tourist pearl of belarus, the city of miory. what are they ready to surprise guests with? the city in the north of the country is developing and becoming even more beautiful, look at the panorama project for a place to live. elena nazdreva wins the european rowing championship kayaking and canoeing, anastasia prokopenko fifth at the world championships. football dynamo minsk , meanwhile, is closing the gap with torpedo in the belarusian championship. details on sports day. sardek's living room. this is exactly how the belarusian song sounds in molodechny. these minutes are the final chords of the twenty-third festival
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of belarusian song and poetry. this year , for the first time, the national forum read and sang for 5 days instead of two. the culmination of the competition for young pop singers remains unchanged. the name of the winner is already known to our cultural columnist lydia zablotskaya. she gets in direct contact with the studio. lida. good evening. so, where is he going? main award of the competition. sergey, good evening, well, indeed, the intrigue has already been resolved, so the crystal guitar named after mulyavin remains in the minsk region. who is this person? i'll tell you a little later, while you see behind me the closing ceremony has already begun. in fact, why did we start with the competition of young performers of belarusian pop songs? this is a very important event for everything belarusian show business, it is here, on this... that those stars are born who later become winners of the slavic bazaar in
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vitebsk at international competitions, and of course they win your love on the show "by factor". here, for example, is daniil savenya, who won the grand prix here a year ago, but later you voted for him and he won the factor buy project. well, who is new, who is the winner this time, and this is a nineteen-year-old graduate. minsk college of arts veronica vysotskaya, this is a new name for our show business, on our stage, and it’s very nice. as veronica herself admitted, she is about to take the state exam the other day, i personally think that this exam here, youthfully, has already confirmed her status as a ready-made artist, because singing with finberg’s orchestra is also very honorable, and i it seems that all the cards are immediately revealed, how prepared a person is. let's listen to her comments, she sang exclusively for the telenews agency, and of course the comments of the chairman of the jury, maxim
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rasokha. like a field with winds on the braids. just last year i had my debut, but unfortunately i didn’t win anything, this year it turned out that i took the grand prix, this is such a leap, and i still can’t believe it, and there are so many emotions, this so unusual, maxim nikolaevich, congratulations on your beautiful completion, how much of a backdoor were you really? arguments, reasoning, did your conversations lead to some overly emotional moments or was everything amicable? i really enjoyed it, firstly, this year there is a very good team, which is absolutely like-minded, all objectively our views coincided, even before the competition the total number of points was summed up, the winner was calculated absolutely mathematically, it so happened that
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to kazan, where the brix sports games are taking place. belarusians continue to delight their fans with a plethora of awards, and the third day of the competition was no exception. in the fight for awards today, in the fight for the awards were received today by representatives of the queen of sports, and belarusian track and field athletes are regularly at the top of the largest competitions. in the medal standings, after 3 days of competition , the team is confidently in second place. only the hosts of the sports match are ahead.
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we have 16 positions, we will become taller, faster, here are bright shots from the launch area in the university village, where teams from almost 90 countries are resting after a difficult battle on the competition grounds, every evening the organizers arrange various activities for athletes so that they can communicate and spend free time together, so at the brix games, the main mission of sport is unifying.
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