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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 17, 2024 1:05pm-2:05pm MSK

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in the meantime, interested citizens are invited to discuss the document at the legal forum of belarus; they can leave their comments and suggestions until the end of the week. let me note that the main goal of innovation in legislation is to improve the quality of services and streamline the activities of tax consultants. to achieve this, amendments to the law propose a number of new mechanisms. the provisions of the bill will not make any changes to the work of specialists and business entities who, within the framework of their labor
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also provide for re-certification of already tax consultants operating in our country. the ministry of taxes advises not to delay obtaining a certificate; you can apply for the exam this year. the beginning of the week will bring real summer heat to belarus. tomorrow afternoon the air will warm up to +28 with occasional rain and thunderstorms across most of the country. in the middle of the week +30 is expected. cooler weather is expected in the second half of the week. on thursday night the influence of the active frontal section will remain, during the day the weather conditions will be formed by a cool, unstable air mass, in friday weather conditions will form an area of ​​high atmospheric pressure, so significant precipitation is not expected; light fog will thicken in some areas at night and in the morning. the coming weekend will also be hot, but with rain and thunderstorms. more information from my colleagues at 15:00. with this i say goodbye to you, all the best. participated in
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many combat operations, biting enemy echelons. not a single combat operation took place without the young partisan. it was day 1092 of the war. in the village of kupesk-novrodsky district partisan brigade pervomaiskaya named after suvorov defeated the nazi garrison, numbering more than 200 people. assault groups of partisan brigades carried out a swift attack, as a result of which they captured 29 fascists, damaged two bunkers and captured a large number of enemy weapons. the kupet garrison was a large defensive center of the fascist troops. and its capture, of course, was of great importance during the offensive of the red army. however, this battle went down in history thanks to the young partisan misha belush, who repeated the feat of the legend. in the mostovsky
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district, in an ordinary peasant family, they lived poorly, so not only the parents, but also little misha had to work a lot. in 1938, my father died, things became even more difficult, and then the war came. one day , the nazis burst into the village, burned all the houses, and drove the residents away to germany. among them was misha’s mother. the boy himself , together with his younger brother, managed to hide in the forest, and so he ended up in the partisan detachment of the october first may brigade. this is what i remembered about my first meeting with mikhail belyshem, a native of lida kuriyan. in november 1942, i was sent as part of a sabotage group to the enemy's rear. we arrived in lepechanskaya pushcha in the grodno region, one day in the spring of 1943 i happened to stay in one of the houses in the village of zachepichi. district in
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which there was a skinny boy of about 15 years old, along with his younger brother, the conversation flowed word by word. i learned that his name is misha, he has long been burning with the desire to fight the enemy, and is looking for a meeting with the partisans. at first i didn’t want to admit who i was and where i was from, but when i felt his sincerity, said that he arrived here on instructions from the partisans. then misha belush confidentially said that he had a cache of weapons; when it got dark, we went unnoticed.
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enemy garrison in the village of kupisk. to carry out the operation, a special assault group was created, which included young komsomol member mikhail belush. at dawn, having forded the neman river, the partisans entered into battle with the nazis and decisively moved forward. we crossed the barbed wire fence, here is zod, from whose two amrasurs the battle was fought continuous machine gun fire, it was impossible to take it. several partisans crawled towards the firing point. misha is ahead. with a bunch of grenades, he neutralized one embrasure, but they continued to fire from the second, not allowing the partisans to rise, then the guy rushed to the embrasure and closed it with his body, the machine gun fell silent, the partisans completed their task, the enemy was defeated. comrades with two
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obelisks, one over a military grave in honor of 156 fellow countrymen who died during the great patriotic war, the second in memory of the young partisans of the october detachment, which on the seventeenth... in june 1944, during a fierce battle with the nazi invaders, he repeated the feat of the legendary alexander matrosov, covering the embrasure of an enemy jet with his body.
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belarus, where it comes from, this bright, sonorous name, in ancient times the word white meant not only color, but also a state of freedom and independence. belarus, white rus'. scientists suggest that this name arose in... what were our ancestors thinking about, leaving this beauty, this pain for their descendants, because
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much has been destroyed on earth by our time, even more by wars. georgy skarina. just as birds flying in the air know their nests from birth. bees and the like defend their hives, and people, where they were born and nursed, have great affection for that place.
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next to poverty, misery.
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a photograph taken in 1897, and a few months later on the working-class outskirts of minsk, in the house of a railway employee.
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fired without warning, 50 killed, more than 100 wounded, spring up, tyrants, loom over us, fiercely threaten with prison, khandals, we are free in soul, trampled upon, shame, shame, shame.
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"we, nicholas ii, autocrat of all russia, renounce. the february revolution, a sharp turn in the destinies of the peoples of russia. lenin wrote. in a few days, russia turned into a democratic bourgeois republic, freer in a war situation than any country.
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western front, belarus, this massacre continued for more than 800 days and nights; the situation in belarus was of great importance for the development of the revolution. the bolsheviks understood this. there were about a million soldiers under arms. regular army. here, in mogilev, is the headquarters of the supreme command, where former tsarist generals are in charge. the workers hoped that the interim government would conclude a democratic peace and give land to the peasants. provide rights and freedom to russian citizens who have thrown off the yoke of the autocracy.
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but here radyanka speaks in minsk, as the chairman of the state duma speaks about, persuades him to continue the war to the victorious end, he is echoed by the commander of the western front, general gurko. they propose to wait to resolve the issue of peace and bread. the masses, inexperienced in politics , could not immediately correctly understand the complexity of the situation, infuriated by the first successes of the revolution, they believed. for now to the interim government. the bolsheviks had to do enormous political educational work. the commissioner of the provisional government for the minsk province complains to the ministry of internal affairs;
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it is quite difficult to work with the police, who challenge the right of the provincial commissioner over them. this is observed mainly in minsk, where. the bolsheviks persistently explained to the masses the treacherous policy of the provisional government, the war brings millions of profits to the bourgeoisie, the people are starving, in minsk, vitebsk, gomel and other cities of belarus
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, 300 grams of bread per person were given out per day, and even then not always. where is the way out? not a parliamentary republic, lenin pointed out in his april theses. a return to it from the councils of workers' deputies would be a step backwards, and the republic of councils of workers, batrad peasant deputies throughout the country from bottom to top. the leader’s april theses found a wide echo among the soldiers. influence there are a huge number of bolshevik newspapers on the western front, notes general denikin at a meeting on july 16. and literally 10 days later, the first issue of the star, a newspaper that became the most important conductor of the ideas of the bolshevik party in belarus, was published in minsk. star. this newspaper has a great, exciting
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destiny. at that time, it often had to change its name, but it always remained a militant proletarian. the influence of the bolsheviks increased sharply after the defeat of the kornilov region, they frantically rushed to petrograd, to moscow, these were stopped in belarus, porsche. only here, railway workers and red guards. led by the chairman of the soldiers' committee, budyonny, disarmed five echelons of kornilov's vaunted wild division. voice of the people, power to the councils. the denouement was approaching. on october 11, the newspaper of the belarusian bolsheviks, zvezda in those days, burevesnik, published an article by lenin,
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a crisis was ripe. lenin insists on starting. at the historic meeting of the central committee, sverdlov reports that they are ready to send a revolutionary corps from minsk to petrograd. lenin makes a note: take advantage of the offer from minsk. smolny, october days. and today i’m excited about the unique film footage preserved in the archives. among these red guards there were hundreds and thousands of belarusians. this is my second day in
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petrograd. writes on october 23 in a speech, the delegate of the second all-russian congress of soviets in belarus, pyotr meryukov. the ground is ready for the transfer of power to the soviets. be ready. keep in mind that we have huge tasks ahead of us in taking away industry and land from the capitalist landowners. everything must happen in an organized manner. the 25th of october. our fellow countryman denisenko kept watch on the legendary cruiser aurora. he remembers at ten o'clock on there was tense silence on the ship, they were waiting for a light signal from the peter and paul fortress. the red guard squad sent from minsk also expected this. it was commanded by a bolshevik blue. at a signal from aurora, he recalls
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, my warriors also ran along, the mighty victorious ur inspired everyone who went to storm the old world. the days of the new era have arrived. company, each soldier already knew his
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commanders there. all that remained was to get the bolsheviks in advance, even in prison, they formed weapons. at the very first moment they issued rifles to those soldiers who were the first to leave prison, recalls the bolshevik pernot. there was such a tail behind the rifles, like... could only be seen near the shops during the famine, so the legendary first regiment named after the minsk council was formed. by the evening of the same day, the city had a busy station, post office, telegraph office, and bank. lenin's plan for the uprising was successfully implemented in minsk.
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the council of soldiers' and workers' deputies took everything into their own hands, the commander of the western front, baluev, adds. now the guard has appeared. and requires supervised work their revolutionary headquarters. i can’t rely on the garrison of minsk. the period of the triumphal march of soviet power. but there was a city in belarus from which alarming news came, newspapers wrote about it, they thought about it in smolny. this is magilev, 800 kilometers to petrograd, 500 to moscow, only 200 kilometers to minsk. so, mogilev, the headquarters of the western front. just recently i was doing things here, holding my own, new
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times have come. what has changed in the rate? various kinds of foreign missions are still in charge here: english, belgian, serbian, they don’t just advise, they demand that soviet power be strangled and the war continue. they don't skimp on weapons or money on threats. the official representative of the united states of america hastens to declare to russia a protest against a possible truce. headquarters categorically refuses to carry out the orders of the soviet government, in particular the peace decree.
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to stop the counter-revolutionary actions of the headquarters, the soviet government is taking decisive measures. savnarkom removes dukhonin from his position, the supreme ensign krylenko was appointed commander-in-chief, and the duties of commander of the western front were assigned to lieutenant colonel kamenshchikov. at the same time , combined revolutionary detachments were sent from petrograd, gomel, minsk, polotsk and other cities to mogilev, among them sailors of the legendary aurora. on the night of november 19-20, 1917 , the counter-revolutionary headquarters ceased
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to exist. on november 9, 1917, lenin addressed on the radio all soldiers and sailors with an appeal to take the cause of peace into their own hands, it was proposed to conclude with the germans local temporary truces in parts, without waiting for a general one. comrade soldiers, said the appeal of the military revolutionary committee.
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takes urgent measures to strengthen the defense capability of the soviet state, the former tsarist army was demoralized, the soldiers did not want to stay in the trenches in the fourth winter, they went home. and this is a new army. in belarus alone, 10 thousand volunteers stood under the banner of the revolution. who are they, communists? of course, not all. but these are people for whom soviet power is their own and the only one. the star called in those days: "comrades, let's put on bast shoes for our army." the beginning
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of the heroic. ways. first, soviet units were immediately sent to the western front. the situation in belarus is still tense. the germans outwardly comply with the terms of the truce. refugees are allowed to return to their homes. true, special camps created by the german command, and they themselves are intensely preparing for a new offensive, on february 10, 1918, the kaiser’s troops crossed the armistice line, now they are already in minsk, polotsk was captured in orsha, how many
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arrogance of self-confidence, of course? red moscow is just a stone's throw away. a regime of severe terror has been established in the occupied part of belarus. prisons are overcrowded, thousands of people have been deported to germany. the oberost plan forbade the belarusian population from writing in their native language, baking pies, feeding sheep to horses, and fishing. belarusian bourgeois nationalists took refuge under the wing of these robbers. the word freedom had only one meaning for them - freedom to trade in the interests of the homeland. these days , lenin's friend and ally lepshinskaya is creating in the village of litvinovich the first labor commune school in belarus. but not only the school was the purpose of pantileimon nikolaevich’s visit to his native village.
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there is reading in his diary. i am testing the mood of this mysterious stranger, called a man, as a litmus test for our new slogans of life. the communist cell created by lepishinsky is one of the first in the karmian volost, all this is right at the front line.
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the attempt to capture petrograd and moscow failed; taking this into account, the german command agreed to resume peace negotiations with the soviet government. because of lithuania, latvia, estonia, part of belarus and ukraine were lost due to trotsky’s treacherous policy. but peace was as necessary as air. the central committee of the party instructs the people's commissar for foreign affairs, checherin, to agree to all the conditions offered by germany. the conclusion of peace with the imperialists and predators, says the resolution of the second vitebsk provincial congress of soviets, was a necessary step in the interests of saving soviet power and all the gains of the october revolution. these shots were filmed in vitebsk on
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november 7, 1918. belarus celebrated the first anniversary of soviet power. after 2 days, a revolution began in germany. what ilyuch predicted came true. the government of kaiser wilhelm is overthrown. by a special decree signed by lenin and sverdlov, the lithuanian peace of brest was annulled as unfair, imposed by force. december 10, 1918 red. the army entered minsk. freedom square - rally. comrades, said the address of the minsk council. what we dreamed of, what we strived for, what
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we fought for has come true. we are again in our great, dear revolutionary family of the russian proletariat. in this building. the sixth northwestern regional conference of the rcp opened. the decision was unanimously made to create an independent belarusian soviet socialist republic. all communist organizations in belarus were represented at the conference. therefore, it declared itself the first congress of the communist party of belarus. the congress elected the central bureau of the party. mesnyakov, chairman.
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the first all-belarusian congress of soviets. the resolution read out by sverdlov was greeted with great enthusiasm. based on based on the principle of complete and real self-determination of the working masses of all countries,
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the presidium of the all-russian executive committee recognizes the independence of the belarusian soviet socialist republic. the congress adopted a declaration on the establishment of federal ties with the rsfsr...
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the formidable nineteenth year has passed, for a joint struggle against international internal counter-revolution, lithuania and belarus united into the lithuanian-belarusian ussr. bel, a country surrounded by enemies, kolchak in siberia, denikin in the south, yudenich rushing to petrograd, crimea wrangel, pelsudsky’s legionnaires are advancing from the west. on april 17 they captured lida. on the twenty-first, vilna was occupied. in difficult conditions they fought for their freedom and independence. rationing system, but
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the kulaks, the speculators, the bag makers have bread, the soviet government is forced to introduce surplus appropriation throughout the republic, as in 1918, the pro-army soldiers are again in battle, this is vitebsk. the squad received the task. kulatskoy farm. killed soldiers. hungry themselves, they knew that the struggle for bread was a battle for soviet power. and the fight continued. the requisition, lenin said, meant to
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take away all the surplus. we could not do otherwise; we were in a state of extreme need. in a state of extreme need, war, famine, devastation, every gram of bread, every nail, every screw is counted. in 42 years , gagarin will fly into space. a nuclear reactor will be launched in minsk, it all started like this. on june 28 , 19, the first communist subbotnik took place in belarus. gomel residents literally assembled the first steam locomotive from scrap metal. the great initiative was taken up throughout the republic. especially front weeks were popular. the belarusian
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people knew well from their own experience what pelsutsky’s occupiers were bringing them. the first communist belarusian detachment was formed in petrograd, here it is in front. sent to the front, the volunteers are seen off by moscow, these photographs were taken in kazan, from here by order.
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in those days , mikhail ivanovich kalinin arrived in our republic by train of the october revolution. film car. remember, civilian veterans. perhaps it was in belarus that you saw one of the first soviet cartoons. its content. the breath of those distant heroic days. mikhail
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ivanovich kalinin paid a lot of attention to organizing the red army in belarus. mogilev, presentation of the banner by the red commander. at a rally in minsk, kalinin said: “i doubt that in all the difficult moments on the western front, russia will protect you, this alliance will give us the opportunity to defeat our enemies to strengthen the power of both socialist ... republics, this was the time of the most intense fighting on the western front, every second belarusian communist took arms. our first ones went to the front. komsomol members.
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1920, the proletariat of the whole world demands hands off soviet russia. poland. at the very beginning of the intervention, the polish proletariat stated:
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“we have repeatedly called on the polish government for peaceful negotiations, this was also demanded by the proletariat of poland, minsk. they were forced to come to negotiations, incited by the entente, the polish magnates still hoped for the capitulation of the soviet republics, our peace proposals, they considered it a sign of weakness. the red army again disrupted the negotiations on july 4, 1920. launched a decisive offensive along the entire front. belarusian partisans provided her with significant assistance. the glory of the patriots dukora and rudobelka, their legendary
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leaders oles solovey and andrei blozhko, will not cease. even then, the name of security officer kiril orlovsky was thundering. the newspaper of the belarusian partisans called for a decisive struggle against the invaders. in the spring and summer of 1920, sabotage on the railways alone took on such a scale that pelsudsky’s headquarters were forced to stop transportation on all highways of the occupied parts of belarus. july 11. minsk has been liberated. more. victory, this is how belarus greeted its first year of peace.
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lenin said that the country resembled those days. derzhinsky
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in belarus, cheka bodies were created under the direct leadership. the security officers not only destroyed counter-revolutionary nests, but also explained the party's policies. the new economic policy was stated in the resolution of the tenth party congress. there is only one correct path, which, under these conditions, correctly resolves the very question of the existence of soviet power. belorussian the people warmly supported the decision. congress. the main thing was the restoration of the national economy. the words “restored, launched” appeared more and more often in newspapers.
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the supply of food to stores and markets increased, and industrial products were sent from the city to the countryside . on lenin’s personal instructions , 500 thousand tons of seed grain were sent to belarus. the republic successfully conducted the northern forum for the first time. the peasants became the owners of almost one and a half million dessiatines of the former landowners' land. suffered the hardships of the war years, suddenly, the summer
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of twenty-two, drought in the volga region, on in ukraine and the southern urals, there are about 30 million starving people. it's terrible to look at these shots. from all over the country food and medicine went to the starving areas. this photograph captures an episode of help from belarusians in the volga region, bringing bread from gomel residents. the head of the special government commission, mikhail ivanovich kalinin, said: from all independent soviet republics. starving population and
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thereby laid the foundation of true brotherhood in living practice. a demonstration of the vitality of the soviet state building, the triumph of lenin's national policy was education. the ussr. in december 1922, radio comentern broadcast the following message. numerous meetings are taking place throughout the russian federation in ukraine, belarus and transcaucasia. the working peasants and red army soldiers unanimously vote for lenin’s idea of ​​​​forming the union of soviet socialist republics. also decided on the entry of the belarusian soviet republic into the union of republics. this union
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was emphasized in the resolution of the fourth congress of soviets of belarus, sealed with the blood of millions working peasants of belarus, the russian federation, ukraine, transcaucasia, on all fronts of the struggle against internal counter-revolution and foreign intervention. first all-union congress of soviets. he was elected its honorary chairman. central executive committee, its chairmen petrovskaya. chervyakov, narimanov,
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kalinin, vladimir ilyevich lenin was elected chairman of the ussr salnerkom. revolutionary events were intensifying in poland. the proletariat of krakow took up arms against the policies of the bourgeois-landowner government pelsudsky.
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january 1924. a huge grief shook the world.
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in belarusian cities and villages. hundreds of mourning rallies, echoing in our hearts, the words sound like an oath: today we have lost the greatest and most necessary thing that we had lenin, we will speak about him the most courageous words that we can find in our soul, despite the fact that it is crushed today enormous weight. the working people rallied even more closely around the communist party and the soviet government. lenin's call. in those days, over 200 of the best joined the party representatives of belarus. ros and crepe komsomol of the republic. only in the twenty-fifth year 18 thousand young men and women came under his banner. belarusian komsomol members of the twenties
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. history has kept their faces and their songs young. who suprates us, pray for the gift. bachysh our city, we will destroy the devil’s horns, we will tear out the barada for god. on the planet we will pass through the brown, marx's remembered testament, the old light will fade away and we will bring forth a new light. let's build a new one. world at the eighth congress of the council in the twentieth year, vladimir ilyevich lenin launched a grandiose plan for restoration and transformation of the national economy, a plan for creating the economic foundation of socialism. and it started like this, and many in
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the west thought it was ours. utopian plans: a devastated war-weary country will defeat capitalism economically, fantasy? no, even science fiction writers never dreamed of such enthusiasm from our people. here is the resolution of the vitebsk provincial congress of peasant women. only in the cooperative artery will the peasant get rid of the village kulak and the city speculator, replace his thin nag with a good trotter and his mother-in-law with a tractor. yes, transformations were taking place in the village on a solid foundation for the development of socialist industry, the fourteenth party congress is an industrialization congress. the country was preparing for new
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exploits. competent, experienced personnel were needed for new achievements. a joyful event in the life of the republic was the first graduation from the belarusian university founded by lenin, this was reported by the first broadcast radio station in the history of belarus. the first word was repeated often: yanka kupala, the first in belarus to be awarded the title of national poet, his collection of poems was published. imbued with the pathos of revolution. yakub kolos published the poem "simon music". the first congress of the literary organization molodnyak took place, the first chamber concert of belarusian music was performed by the composer alladov’s piano quintet.
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it was may 25, 1925, on the same day the seventh congress of soviets of belarus opened. delegates from all over the republic gathered to sum up the results of the recovery period. the congress opened.
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the commander of the belarusian military district, tukachevskaya, reports: the red army is guarding peaceful labor. in every business, big and little by little, look at the joyful faces of these people, feel the sublimity of their thoughts, their accomplishments. it is belarus itself, having thrown off the shackles of slavery and humiliation, confidently moving towards the future.
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