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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 17, 2024 10:55pm-11:50pm MSK

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for the most part, dear daughter-in-law, let me love you!
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gul, tell me, who made these houses? dad. your father is an amazing man. you know, there are people around whom it is impossible to be stupidly bad; they make everyone around them talented. are you talented too? no, i’m a naive romantic, it’s high time for me to change, i still can’t, you know, before the war i dreamed of cities of the future in which energy would be produced by solar power plants, i was such a fool, tell me about the solar power plant, well that is, as i understand it, you somehow catch... the sun, yes, with a glasses,
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there is a mirror, there is, come on, everything is very simple: a solar power plant is a multiple amplification of the sun's ray, the most important thing is to catch the sun with mirrors, installed in a glass manifold, what are you doing, how do you look like musya? listen, give me a tunic, before going to the front, musya and i wanted to record a record, she recorded it on me, the tape ran out, i thought for a long time that i had lost this record. but zoya found it. mitya, can i have it?
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listen? i know there is a rare player. no, you'll break it again. this is the only thing left in my kitchen, is it possible to smoke in your kitchen? yes, i'll go smoke.
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you know her, i don’t know, your plan was this, first you wanted to kill the child and then run away, it’s right that you say that, he ’s a child.
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goodbye, mr. doctor, the boy will get better, as i said, there is hope, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, i
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behaved badly, it’s my own fault. you are a good boy, but where is musya, let her come, she will come, close your eyes sleep, my boy,
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it all starts with this little hole, and then it all is put in hot water, a lot of hot water, hot water, they boil them, so the meat is very easily separated from the bones,
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i like it, it’s like meat fillet and very it’s likely that they’re doing this to millions in concentration camps, you’re too many, just hold it mom! yes, that's it! dmitry andreev went missing in november of forty-one near mozhaisk, who was lying in your hospital then, a deserter or even worse, a spy? vitya, i don’t recognize you, what? all this means, deserters, spies, trodskyite degenerates? have you always laughed at these newspaper gems? this is war, zoya vasilievna, those who were in captivity are recruited by the enemy to their side, and i’m no longer
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laughing, but good, i don’t think he was a saboteur, an ordinary soldier, only without documents, severe shell shock, you know, vitya, don’t you believe me, or are you now obliged to suspect everyone, if my memory serves me correctly, your sister had a boyfriend. what was his last name? andreev, but this is a coincidence, the surname is very common, but the first name is like also a coincidence, surprising, i admit, you surprised me too, and if my memory serves me right, you were your father’s favorite student, and he was arrested along with you. and now you are here, in this office, when did you manage to change your profession? and i have never
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changed my profession, i have always been an employee of the authorities, i remain one, zoya vasilievna, understand, nothing threatens you here, i sincerely want to help you, you are a very good and kind person, all sorts of scoundrels take advantage of your kindness, i really appreciate you grateful. but first of all, i don't i’m afraid, secondly, sometimes i can be a very angry person, i really don’t know anything, absolutely nothing, i can be free, you can, zoya, and are you going to the hospital? the wounded are waiting for me, today i have five operations and two complex dressings, if dmitry andreev shows up,
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please let me know, be sure, why are you here, zoyka, i’m waiting for you, well, everything is gone, lyubarsky.
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we're making a movie based on my book, prison diary. national legislation, i say, well, they exist in america, this is washington, that is, this is the capital, at that time, when it was hot outside, when i was arrested, why was it 15° in the cell, i was simply afraid to become a vegetable, because my consciousness is all i had, we claim that we, as philosophers, give a message to the world where
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move, they lay claim to it, they destroy man as such, he... is needed, they need a certain number of people who will have a certain amount of resources, everyone else is replaced by artificial intelligence, this is not a conspiracy theory. markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel. we let's introduce you to the people of our country. the roto of the honor guard performs tasks to ensure state events, meeting and seeing off top officials. arriving on the territory of our country, they have many interesting stories behind them, when i stood at work, started working, i had the feeling that i was in the vatican, such a kind of state within a state, with its own clear structure, each unit commander for the time the existence of
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the honor guard company contributed something of his own, now we... continue to live traditions and are ready surprise again again, what is the work of concertmasters, and it is shadowy at first glance, as if it is not visible, each unit commander is in his own way a choreographer who consistently builds certain actions of military personnel. watch the belarusians project on the belarus 24 tv channel. all individuals who hold extreme right-wing views are used today by foreign intelligence services to escalate the conflict. in addition to creating the image of an enemy, there is a constant escalation. look, the baltic countries have already made statements that they are ready to take part in the ground part of the operation in ukraine and send their troops there.
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the west, it has not learned to lose, but it will have to lose, and it has not. come on, where am i going to see comrade lyubarsky, i have important information, we know this
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information, come on in, get out of here, maybe i caught a saboteur? saboteur, come in, okay, i'll call, hello, i'm listening, hello, viktor anatolyevich, what happened, you have one girl here, like a last name, trampled, she says trampled, she says, she caught the saboteur, let him through, i obey, don't write. yes, yes, come on in, yes, it’s mine, mitya, there was another one in the hospital, i managed to work there, saw him, and where is he now, your fiancé, well, he sent everything back,
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you still have the envelope, the field mail address , yes , i burned the envelope, burned it, i only have this... left, after that i don’t trust anyone anymore, anyone, mitya, i love you very much, i love you, and i will always wait. pavel levchenko, brain damage, you need to tell your relatives, he has no relatives, where is domsky? sir, where are his documents? two are lying on the table, here is pavel levchenko, levchenko, an orphan,
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no one will look for him, sir, we need to talk. understand andreev is a very good person, believe me, he just got into trouble, he needs documents to go to the front, you understand? yes, i understand. if you think it’s necessary, then it’s necessary, although of course there is a risk. panya, if anything, you didn’t know anything. i don't want you to suffer, i did everything myself. the main thing is to be on time. until the new batch and the appointment of a new night hospital. mitya, you must remember,
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now your name is pavel levchenko. this is an orphan man, i copied all his documents to you. tomorrow morning, our chvannya, merzlikova and several other people are sent to the front-line distribution center. you must sneak into the car unnoticed by the staff, and what will happen next, i don’t know how strange it all is, which means that now they will call me pavel, levchenko, get used to it, guys, nitya, zoy, yes. i was at lyubarsky’s, where? at lyubarsky’s, i said that mitya was my fiancé, that in the hospital he was completely different, i cried so much that he left me, that now i don’t
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trust anyone, he believed me, they asked you not to interfere, why did you go there, who are you i wanted to deceive, your deception will be immediately revealed, no, you are just a clinical fool, clinical. zoya, why are you doing this? well, she just wanted to help, in her own way, mitya, mitya, we are all taking risks here, taking very serious risks, and she is playing. okay, let's go to bed, get up early tomorrow. sorry, i, i'm just really nervous.
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turn low to me, just like that, quietly, calm down, so we wipe away the tears, and the nose too, wipe away the snot, otherwise your nose will swell up , you will be ugly, the boys will not love you, understand?
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don't cry, little fool, be quiet, be quiet, be quiet. zoya, you didn’t understand everything as well as you could, zo,
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i just wanted her. calm down, you, you were everything to me, and now you are nobody, you don’t exist for me, just don’t tell me about the special structure of men, a person’s loyalty does not depend on whether he wears his pants or his skirt. zoy, i’m probably wrong, but how could you, amusya, zoy, there was nothing between us, how it wasn’t, it was, i had everything with you, gula, okay, i’m not interested in your relationship, our the plan remains in force, zoya,
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wait, lie down. sleep, oh, you, sister, mitya, mitya, it was, it was, it was!
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i asked that she not be sentenced to death. she will be sent to forced labor at the chemical plant. the gestapo is waiting for her below.
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look, baby, what did i bring you? ermalayev, grapes,
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emnev, come on arel, come on, i'm hey, guys, come on, let me through, levshenko, kaspor, our region through the eyes of foreigners, i was surprised that it was so beautiful.
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watch on tv channel belarus 24. the year 1920 gave a very serious lesson to our country, we saw the logic of hostility and began to look
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at things in the world differently. we wanted to show belarusian morning in belarusian nature. the models had practically no makeup, as it is, that’s nature, yes, because linen is a natural fabric, and female beauty - you do something yourself, the project say don’t be silent. don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. belarus has good relations with
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baku and yerevan. belarus, it seems to me, intends to continue to maintain these good relations with both parties to this conflict, because we are generally for peace in the world. azerbaijan has achieved a lot in recent years and above all. such a strong leader, because where there is no regional leader, the global hegemons will constantly ignite new conflicts, and people need peace, not geopolitical disputes, even if people have been convinced that disputes are more important, this will pass, author’s project by igor turay, propaganda,
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watch on belarus24 tv channel. comrade commissioner, my entire list is in order, i forgot my last name, that’s enough, panya,
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i’ll be back soon, i’ll write to you, thank you for everything, why, i disgust you, i love you, what are you doing?
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zoya vasilievna, are you crying? i think you are zor very much in love, lady. no, tell me, i
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know him, it’s merzlyakov or old mikhailovich, or better yet, this one from general therapy. on the guitar with obscenities, which is gavrilyuk, and i’m zoichka vasilievna, it seems, i’m a pregnant fool, lady, arizo knows, but why should he rip his heart out, and in general i haven’t decided anything, yet, how will i feed myself?
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zoya, where is mitya? where is he? sir, excuse me, where is he? why didn't you tell me? you cold, unfeeling fish, have you never known what love is, love? do you call this love, yourself? you think i didn't see you
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vasilyevna looked at him, saying that she was right, i can’t get him out of my head, you’re not trash, i can’t. but love is not a sin, zoya vasilievna, it’s such a force, how can you cope with it? no, it's a sin, it's a sin! i can handle this, i’ll crush it in myself for the sake of washing,
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vorwärts, dresten. and what you quietly gave me, what you could, you know, you yourself eat what you gave me, i understand, i’ll take you away now, what’s the matter, it ’s coming back to us, food always cuts back when new people come , and don’t yell here,
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i understand, why is everything coming to us? why am i so sick, or something, tonya, it’s nonsense, you’re like, it doesn’t matter, tonya, i already think i’ll never see you, spring, we ’ll shoot you, fifa, you remember me, i’m in charge here, but no pay attention to how everything happened, zaitseva, you explain the rule to her, i don’t want to freeze tomorrow because of her, come on, darling, i’ll explain everything to you, but the main thing
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about the barracks, the important thing here is that order, yeah, come on, there’s no dryer , take it off. i remember more, you know, i just now realized that i never had girlfriends, only my sister, and i never had sisters, your mother said, if your father were alive,
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you would have had brothers and sisters, would your father have died, perished? yes, to the finnish one, and mom in august '41, let's go to bed, it'll be early here, get up! let's go! let's go!
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balanda. a small piece of bread. let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go. come, come, cow. what else do i owe you here? come quickly. come on, come on, move it, schne. come on, come on. come in, come on, after, let's go, come on, don't become, don't sleep.
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rash, rash, be careful, otherwise you’ll be left without lunch, move, move, i’m ready to redeem you in the battalion, anywhere, pash, shut up, comrade captain, he’s not guilty, he’s not guilty, he’s not guilty, no, in this mess , losing your identity card, yes, it’s easier than girls’ innocence, of course, it’s not his fault, tell me, here’s the doctor who discharged her, trampled by the sound, is this zoya? no, no, this is not zoya, this is zina, zina, in general there were a lot of doctors there, so you two confirm
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that this is levchenko pavel egorovich, that’s right, i confirm, hold on, that this is hold him, water, water, water, guy , hold on, come on, take some water here. i whined, yes to him you need to go back to the hospital, you don’t need to go back , you don’t need to go back, you don’t need to go back now , you want to go to the front, yes, of course, to the front, and why, where should i take you, in this condition, to the front line, or what the hell? what should i do with you, huh? comrade major, or maybe listen to him, but you understand technology, of course, well, you can distinguish resistance from capacitance, maybe, maybe, yes, here, i
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’ll send you to the engineering unit, if the car hasn’t left, and that’s good, hold on, this is a man, come on, come on, hold on, there’s a car loading, you’ll get there on it up to 145, 145, for a friend, comrade, commander, thank you, comrade major, there’s no price for you, we’re working, we’re not sleeping, we’re like sleepyheads, yeah, move aside, the next one, here you are, what
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’s like we’re tired and tormented, quiet, help the potatoes bring, next, two more ladies, next. next next so will you have potatoes?
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bewegt euch, los, los, komm, komm, achtung, achtung, nach dem appell, alle kapos aus baracken 3 und 6 mit den ausweisen zum kommandanten eintreten.
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okay, let's go, i'll give you gruel, let's go, let's go.
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10 weaving traditions in the world
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elements of intangible culture.


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