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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 18, 2024 6:00am-7:00am MSK

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enough to move the earth out of orbit several times, taking into account the half-life, life simply cannot, but i love my country very much, when they told me, could you move from here someday, i say, definitely not forever, you can live well in any country, and besides, you yourself are worth something , you do something, tell me the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. good morning belarus, good morning country, we continue, we continue, we start today wake up. maryana murenkova welcome a new day with you on the belarus tv channel, one companion for you belarus 24. today, by the way, is tuesday, june 18 at 6:00, and i know why you said that we continue, because we continue, we then we continue, we woke up, some at what time, some at 2:00 in the morning, some at three, friends,
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there is a point called watching the good morning belarus program in the morning, yes, so be sure to wake up with us, and by the way, there is such a practice called silence, that is, you in the morning you wake up, it doesn’t matter what time you wake up, the main thing is to be a little alone with yourself, do some of your morning rituals, write a diary of desires, perhaps plans for today, i know, that means then we rewrite the plan of harmony, wake up at 5:55 , 5 minutes of silence, then turn it on at 6:00.
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meaning budze song, budjo song, irojima to live, we will already need the word may, friends, we continue to help you wake up, in the next hour we intend to tell you the following: 6,000 military personnel,
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250 units of military equipment, about how belarusian military personnel are preparing for the parade for the independence day of the republic of belarus, our correspondent olesya boyarsky will tell. a man who changed the world, let's get acquainted with the biography of the artist stanislav zhukovsky, and also find out how the one who makes the morning of our country good begins his day, yuri markovsky, head of the catering service at the national airport, the new hero of our regular column profession, he came to us in guests, and now in the plot, and now we will come to visit him, durability , vapor permeability, degree of gloss, what there are also criteria worth paying attention to when buying interior paints, the shopper will say, well, now attention, important information, be careful, ticks, everything, we learn about first aid in the event of an arachnid attack from the story of our correspondent matvey leichonok, a serious topic, very, by the way, painful, by the way, well, by the way, these are not all plans for today, in the next part
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of the program we will discuss all the details of the powerful solstice rock festival with representatives of radio stolitsa and the head of the first production company dmitry rakusov. we are waiting, because a really large-scale event is being planned, yes, well, in the third hour, according to the tradition of tuesdays, we will meet in the studio the psychologist, mediator and author of our regular topical column alla komarovskaya under the guidance of an expert, we will figure out what is stopping us from remaining in harmony with ourselves , on world harmony day, on world harmony day, it seems to me that like no one knows how to achieve this harmonious state, so take the accordion, perhaps, perhaps the accordion, we’ll see, it will be in beginning of the third hour of our live broadcast. such an intrigue hung in the air, well, let 's finish our program with the premiere of the video 10 steps from nikita, perhaps there will also be an accordion, it is possible there, but this is not certain, such a rich broadcast awaits us, please wait, if possible, for all the announced points of this very morning,
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we remind you once again that today is world harmony day, and you know where there won’t be harmony, where in the new recipe from anatoly mysiev, there will definitely be something delicious, let’s see what exactly. kind morning, for everyone who likes to have a delicious breakfast, i suggest you take a break from your morning preparations for a moment and look at a recipe that you will definitely use. just cutlets and just scrambled eggs won’t surprise anyone, but if you combine them, you’ll get the belarusian analogue of the azerbaijani tawa kebab. i assure you, this is... very tasty, we will need minced meat, onions, chicken eggs, fresh herbs, tomatoes, bell peppers, salt, a mixture of spicy peppers, finely chop the greens, dice the tomatoes , cut the peppers into thin slices,
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finely chop the onion, fry 2/3 of the onion in vegetable oil, and add the rest to the minced meat, add salt and pepper to taste, mix, from well-beaten minced meat you get round kebabs, to do this , with wet hands, grab the minced meat into the palm of your hand and forcefully throw it into a bowl, roll the minced meat into balls, then form into balls, fry in oil on both sides until golden brown, note that flour and eggs are not used for the kebab. in a separate bowl, beat the eggs with a whisk, add chopped herbs, fried onions and a little salt. let's take it place the kebabs in the middle of a baking dish, fill them with the egg mixture,
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put bell peppers and tomatoes in the spaces between the cutlets, put them in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes at 180°. tova kebab is ready! what could be tastier than homemade cutlets in an omelet with vegetables? fragrant beef kebabs baked in an omelet mixture with onions, tomatoes, bell peppers and herbs will add oriental notes to the standard morning set of products. it is nutritious, tasty and original. a delicious breakfast is the key to a successful and enjoyable day appetite! the tv news agency presents an overview of popular print and online publications. there are more than 300 partnerships in belarus, owners of over 700
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housing construction consumer cooperatives. after updating the legislation, the activities of these organizations were adjusted, some of the important innovations came into force with... the tool occupies an important niche in the hierarchy of technological sovereignty, even the most advanced and smart machine loses its practical value without an appropriate tool, which in itself can carry significant innovation is a driver for increasing productivity and efficiency, therefore the development of the national tool industry is one of the cornerstones in achieving technological sovereignty. it is observed in both belarus and russia. increased interest in both standard and non-standard domestically produced instruments. both
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are available in the assortment list of belarusian manufacturers. republic newspaper about the tool market. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has become common psychiatric diagnosis in children. for such children, studying at school is a challenge. it requires perseverance, concentration, and exemplary behavior from them. research rules, and they lack these qualities, but they need to get an education, how universities prepare teachers to work with special children and how a teacher can help them adapt to the educational process, correspondents of the people's newspaper talked about this with the rector of the belarusian state pedagogical university named after maxim tank, alexander zhuk. the number of smokers has sharply has increased, which can be seen even at public transport stops. most people use vapes; not only young people, but also teenagers smoke. you can often see a girl with
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a steam generator; communication with junior students showed their poor information. they mistakenly believe that it is more harmless than smoking cigarettes. but this, unfortunately, is a very common stereotype, which was launched by manufacturers of electronic smoking devices. fourth year students of the faculty of medicine of bsmu investigated the impact of vaping on the health of young people and came to the conclusion. which may force smokers to reconsider their attitude towards this bad habit. the results are on the pages of the newspaper banner of youth. today we will do a workout to strengthen the abdominal muscles. there are three exercises ahead of us. to do this you will need 10 free minutes and a fitness mat. the first exercise we will do is a classic twist with
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the leg straightened, we will stretch our palms towards the foot, going up for three counts, going down for one, while keeping ourselves as strong as possible abdominal muscles, when lifting and lowering , keep your back as straight as possible, and also hold your head so that your neck does not overstrain and take all the load from the abdominal muscles we need, do not forget to breathe correctly, lower yourself to the bottom with bent knees and do rise up, exhale down. we perform the second exercise, it will involve the lateral abdominal muscles, for this
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we will again go down and twist diagonally with the elbow, touching the knee. let's go, let's go down and put our foot on thigh, hands behind the head, on the rise, exhale , touching the elbow to the knee. the third exercise will involve the rectus abdominis muscles, for this we need to sit in a position where the legs are suspended, the so -called fold, ready, while keeping the back straight, we will twist to the center, bringing the chest... and knees to the center, legs we are on weight all the time,
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this was a workout to strengthen the abdominal muscles, each exercise is performed approximately. 15-20 times, remember that as soon as you feel discomfort or pain in lower back, you need to stop, this means that your body is not yet ready for the load, perform all movements. gradually increase the load only when your body is completely ready, train and stay healthy. so, use the suggested exercise to strengthen your abdominal muscles. remember that the lower back should be pressed to the floor, and discomfort in it indicates incorrect exercise technique or excessive load.
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the optimal number of repetitions is from 10 to 15 in each of two three approaches. do it. all movements smoothly, increase the load gradually. good morning, anna quiloria, and somewhere out there
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maryana marenkova continue to meet you on tuesday, today is june 18, and how are you already. guessed it, now there will be very important information about the weather, not somewhere out there, but here on the weather forecast, i’m staying to tell you the latest information in numbers about the weather. so, up to 27° heat, i would say, in our capital region, brest +26 + 28, vitebsk +25 +27. all records are broken simply by the gomel region, there up to 29° with a plus sign, +26 +28 in grodnoy in mogilev +26 + 28, that is, exactly the same situation, approximately the same synoptic situation throughout the republic, although in the vitebsk and minsk regions today there will be, i hope, light precipitation, yes, and in the morning, accordingly, perhaps in some places a faint fog will thicken, it is weak, such a light sawdust, so weak, beautiful, we have already said many times that the morning summer fog is just an oil painting, you know, it’s a haze, it’s
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a haze, it’s chintz, this is a piece of silk thrown to the ground, what else will you and i call it? in no way, it’s just wonderful, it does not in any way affect the rehearsals for the parade, the big holiday of july 3, the international delegation, representatives of 21 states confirmed their participation in the celebration of the independence day of the republic, all the details about the preparation of belarusian military personnel for the upcoming event are in the story from our correspondent olesya boyarskikh. so, let's see. belarusian military personnel on...
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parade squads, their number will increase taking into account the arrival of foreign contingent. to date , confirmation has already been given from the russian federation, from the republic of kazakhstan, the republic of azerbaijan, we expect confirmation in the coming days from at least four more countries, well , at the exit about 5.00 people will take part in the walking parade crews. this year. the parade program will change slightly, new combat elements will appear at the event, and more. there are features of holding the current parade, primarily due to the fact that we do not hold it every year, but hold it in anniversary memorial dates, such as now the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the republic of belarus from the nazi invaders. the main difference and peculiarity, probably,
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is that it will be more and more large-scale, the number of foot parade units will be much increased, much increased. also in the parade formation , spectators will see a women's box consisting of 150 girls. according to the military commandant, the women's parade squad, like the honor guard company, is a kind of decoration. i am a member of the women's party this is not the first time i have made calculations, this is my third, for me it is pride, i am here with honor, no matter what the situation may be. difficulties, i know that it’s like studying, at first it’s hard, and then it all comes easy, the parade participants approached the training with responsibility, even though there was... excitement for everyone, this is a very serious event, of course, everyone takes it seriously taking care of ourselves, our legs and morally we are very nervous, worried,
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the hardest thing is probably overall coherence, everyone’s step is at a high level, but it’s hard, that everyone was from different units, training took place in advance of our arrival here, and accordingly, they selected the best military personnel who had excellent combat training, well-developed physical fitness. after this , individual training began, where they practiced the elements as specific single military personnel, after which they moved on to wide-leg movements and smoothly moved on to movement in a box. training at the parade ground of the minsk military commandant's office will last until june 20. dress rehearsals with participation foreign foot parade units and military equipment will take place on june 29 and july 1 on masherov avenue at the parade site. come. at the parade on july 3, you will see everything with your own eyes, i don’t know about you,
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friends, i always when i see a parade, tears just come to my eyes, yes, because well , it’s so impressive, you remember the stories of your great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers, who were lucky , of course, to hear them directly from the participants of these events, and you think about how... what great power this is, how many different representatives of different nations there are participated in getting this very victory, so that today, on july 3, you and i celebrate the independence day of our country, friends, come to the parade, yes, come on time on july 3, and on july 2, be sure to include belarus 1, good morning there too they are preparing a special broadcast for you, dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, but as we continue to greet our morning, here is some new... useful information. the republican volunteer center announced the launch of the fifth season of the republican online summer camp young volunteer 2024 for children and teenagers. participants in the online camp
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will have the opportunity, without leaving home, to join meetings and get acquainted with areas of volunteering. the aa guys will learn a lot of new things in the project, various areas of volunteer activity. they go through various online games and trainings. intensive courses, something that helps them get to know each other, work on various projects, and try themselves in various areas of activity and accept what will be the best for them effective, useful, and what they can do for their city, region, for their country. a total of two shifts will be organized, from july 1 to july 12, from july 15 to july 26, with 10 types planned in each shift.
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27 sports, 90 participating countries are fighting for victory, 387 sets of medals are played out at the games, 17 sports facilities are involved, you understand that this is some incredibly large-scale spectacle and event, and just yesterday a chess tournament started, in which belarusian athletes will also compete for victory, chess players will compete for six sets of medals, participants will compete in rapid chess and blitz in individual and team competitions, of course, from everywhere. we wish you good luck and success to the belarusian team at the brix games, we keep our fingers crossed for you, by the way, the whole country is now rooting for our athletes. belavia
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published a post on its social networks in support of the chess players, a joke, writing that the airline team , for the sake of the comfort of the athletes, are even ready to play a game of chess with the national team right on board the plane, but at least it will be distract if someone is worried about a flight, when flying, or someone is worried about the outcome of a chess game, yes friends. don’t worry, of course, the pilots did not participate in this, they still controlled the plane, as i understand it, other airline employees could easily have joined this chess game, in fact, the team, in a comfortable positive mood, it seems to us, reached kazan , which means that now we can only wait and believe in a favorable outcome of the matches, 100%. well, we won’t go far from the aviation theme we will, right now, let's find out how the meeting is. how does he start his new day?
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my name is markovsky yuri yurievich, i work as the head of the catering service at the national airport. i have traditionally woken up for more than 40 years at 6:15, from the 16th minute of this hour my work day begins. the catering service is divided into two large structures, i would roughly divide them into the in-flight catering department, this is their most important task to ensure that our passengers fly out of the city of minsk in a good mood with the excellent food that we we will cook for them, but the second part is public catering, the restaurant, the canteen, our cafe, which, by the way, is no less important, because we feed
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all the employees who...
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and i work in the place where people meet belarus. if we met them with a smile, with joy, it means that they will spend all their time in our country, really with a smile with joy, i hope that those who fly out will be sad for our country so that once again and more than once visit. i love my job because it does
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good morning to my country. the case when the desire to be sad does not look so bloodthirsty, be sad for our country, miss us, come back, be sure, we wish yuri yuryevich a great day, as he said, magic, secret and interest, the main characteristics of his work, i think, that we coincide here, yes, because we can also characterize our work, well, right now, let's continue to celebrate this wonderful day called tuesday , june 18 and a little foreign. and please, in london you can purchase, purchase personal items by viven westwooth, one of the most famous british fashion designers, the queen of punk and dame commander of the order of the british empire, the live auction will take place on june 25, you can compete for lots online now. in total , about 200 lots were put up for auction, most of which are not individual items of clothing, but entire looks as they were worn by the designer.
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ichi personally altered many of westwoot's items.
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however, the slightly overpriced fashion item did not bother popular bloggers; this scarf, called, i’ll say in russian, sausage, has already attracted the attention of stylists and... everyone is trying to buy it, but it’s always when trends start, then they try to buy it, i even turned around, i turned around to look, here they are for sure, i would have thought that they were just offering have a snack, i would buy a scarf like this, i’m such a big fan of belarusian meat products, dogs are already running after you in the park, they’ll be even more interested in you, it’s cute, it’s cute, friends, of course, such fashionable sausages, they gain simply incredible the number of comments and likes on social networks, but not all, since we, look, appreciated this outrageous idea, you know, there is no such thing as too much sausage, and in the form of a scarf as well, but from modern art, let's move on to the classics
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and find out how our next hero changed the world, stanislav zhukovsky was born in 1875 on the estate old will near volkovysk in a noble family, after graduating from high school he studied at a real school, at the age of 17 he went to moscow to the school of painting and sculpting. a couple of years later, zhukovsky’s paintings were successfully exhibited in galleries. young the artist returned to his homeland and painted landscapes on the banks of the neman and in the vicinity of his estate. some of these paintings were acquired by the tretyakov gallery and the russian museum. at the beginning of the 20th century, zhukovsky became one of the most famous landscape painters. his exhibitions were replaced. to another, and the paintings were highly valued. he opened a painting school and traveled a lot. after the revolution, due to the poor situation, he was forced to leave moscow for the north of russia, where he continued to paint landscapes and estate interiors. they became
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a calling card of his work, a symbol of a bygone era and nostalgia for it. after his personal exhibition in 1921 , criticism fell upon zhukovsky; newspapers wrote that it was gorgeous. the interiors of the estates contradict proletarian culture, and the artist is alien to modernity, and he left russia, painted landscapes in the volkovysk and pruzhany districts, opened a painting school and a private gallery in warsaw, again actively exhibited and sold paintings to the largest european museums and galleries. zhukovsky's last exhibition took place in 1939. at first on august forty-fourth he ended up in a concentration camp near warsaw, where he...
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wants to look, or rather, he will google it, right? yes, we continue to celebrate this romantic, summer, wonderful, beautiful morning together, anna quiloria, maryana murenkova tuesday, june 18, again an interesting port of foreign news, a rare pink diamond called the indian rose, sold at auction in new york for almost 13, 5 million dollars, i really want to repeat again 13.5 million dollars, but the lot was previously estimated at 10 million. particularly valuable. by according to experts, it represents the quality of the stone, perfect cutting, exceptional purity of pink color without the presence of any shades, the weight of the diamond is just over 10 carats. the rose of eden received its name for the similarity of the shade with the light pink flowers of the rose variety aden rose
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85, bred back in 1985. the diamond had never been put up for auction before; it was purchased by an anonymous buyer. and here they say that the color is pure... that’s why this price, it seems to me, if there was a little bit of some kind of impurity, they would also say a certain tint admixture, so the price is 10 times higher, yes, the main thing is that you see something unique in everything, that’s what i’ll tell you, they said about the 1985 rose, i read the day before that the great actor louis definence, it turns out, in his declining years, took up breeding roses, and there is an orange rose named after him, so i am for everyone who collects diamonds.
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the acceptance of online applications is absolutely open, and the project team has already set off to the regional cities of our country. vitebsk will sing first, in the capital of the slavic bazaar, they are looking for talents eighteenth and de. june, follow the posters of the qualifying rounds in your cities and come have fun. season four.
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the rain is swaying, the thick mist is swaying, the raindrops are knocking on your window, today the dream has passed by, but tomorrow, and tomorrow you will meet it. don’t have supper, like dew in a field, like a star in the sky, like a star in the sky, like an endlessly cheerful surf in the sea, let them be with you, with you forever, forever, a big dream, big love. oh, i’m saddened,
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my whole life is ahead, my whole life is ahead, hope and wait! no need to be sad, your whole life is ahead, your whole life is ahead, hope and wait, i need a seal. your whole life is ahead, your whole life is ahead,
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hope and wait, your whole life is ahead, for these sessions, hope for these sessions.
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and we continue to wake up naquiloriana murenkova today with you on this wonderful tuesday, june 18, we somehow relaxed today, don’t you think, we’re just saying, tuesday, june 18, we should say tuesday, so i feel that belarusians have already woken up , someone didn’t even twitch slightly, maybe fell out of bed, but we’re still you are rising, let's continue our broadcast with foreign news in the historical one. in the center of rome, at a depth of 85 m, they began to erect a retaining wall next to the station of the new metro line; it will pass under the colosseum, trojan's column, ancient basilicas, renaissance palaces and vatican buildings. the project has been in development for 20 years now, but its implementation is constantly delayed due to lack of funding and the need for archaeological excavations. now the work is in full swing. approximately metro station at square in...
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with some very interesting artifacts, so it’s expensive, it’s impossible to dig it up, because every time you stop and look and study, and you see, but anna valerievna, i have a question for you that is completely unrelated to ancient rome, what dessert is yours? my favorite, my favorite dessert, i make it difficult to love everything, sweets in general, i think you would really love it, and really ice cream in the form of attractions, that’s what our next news is about, let’s tell you. one comes in, they are in vietnam, by the way, they are producing, yes, the collection includes 11 three-dimensional images, including ice cream in the form of a turtle tower, mamzalei ho chi minh city, or the hanoi opera house. the creator of navitgi honestly admitted that the appearance of such ice cream in the form of famous places was inspired by the example of china, where a similar product was sold earlier.
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local ingredients are actively used in the production of ice cream, including fruits, avocado, mango and even durian. the last ones are probably too much after all. why, if it's in the right phase so. catch, clear from skins, it is very tasty, as well as cocoa, green tea and various jams for fillings, in the near future the range of architectural delicacies is planned to be expanded, it will include such sights of hanoi as the railway station, the flag tower and others, you understand that only they won’t come up with anything in this world, but i still prefer to look at the sights rather than eat them, here are the interior paints, i prefer to choose the right ones, how did you switch from ice cream right now with our shopping bag we’ll teach you. choose everything correctly interior paints. today we choose interior paints; their wide range simplifies and complicates the renovation process at the same time. on the one hand, you can choose a paint to suit any ideas, on the other, it is becoming increasingly difficult to decide between the many options, but you need to focus not only
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on decorative functions, let’s figure out how to choose paints for interior work, there are paints for... purpose, that is there are paints for the ceiling, that is, they will be especially white, especially opaque, uh, there are paints for wallpaper, that is they will be silky-matte, thin-layered, to emphasize the structure of the wallpaper. for interior work they use water -based paints, vinyl, emulsion, acrylic, latex, pva, silicone, there are also organic solvent-based paints, alkyd, oil-based, enamel, adhesive, for example, casein. when choosing, it is best to focus on the room in which you will paint the walls, for example, for a nursery or kitchen you should choose washable paints; vinyl latex coating is suitable. for the bathroom it is better to take a special one moisture resistant paint. a good choice is silicate. consumption, again, it all depends on
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the surface, if it is wallpaper, then the consumption is approximately 4 km per liter in two layers. if it is... a puttyed, primed surface, then 5 m2 per liter in two layers. paints also vary in texture. it can be smooth, rough, uniform, or interspersed with other materials. according to this criterion, paint is divided into matte, semi-matte, semi-gloss, glossy and textured. for example, semi-matte hides wall unevenness better and forgives small blemishes and is easier to apply, and the glossy surface is easy to clean. interior paints are tinted in the same way as façade paints, using a tinting system, 10,000 shades for every taste, after opening the can until the expiration date, indoors at a temperature not lower than 0°. so, when choosing a paint, start from
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what exactly you want to paint, the floor, walls or ceiling; washable bath paints are well suited for children’s paints. safe and remember, the main criterion is the safety of quality purchases. computer game or real world, they they entered the game, but did not take one thing into account, everything here is for real, this is the most extreme project in the country. heroes, reboot, are fighting with themselves; this time, instead of young
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fire and rescue professionals , representatives of belarusian show business will fight. the first lines in the charts, rating projects on tv. they want to show their character and express themselves even louder. i confess honestly. i’m not an athlete, i’m an artist, this is not a vocal competition, i would like my fingers to remain intact, anton kushnir is waiting for you, i need these dances, cutting, falling, every time gives birth to its heroes, and the mission control center is ready, tsup, ha, you need to unscrew it, otherwise you will stay there to live, that’s it, i lost. yes, it seems, yes, yes, what does the light do, serge, it’s incredible, guys,
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watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel, everyone is always cheerful and positive, in a good mood, you look at the product, it breathes, light, something, well it’s nice to even hold it in your hands, so we basically try to work only.
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getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work is very interesting work, because you come to work in your own department and in other departments. we are constantly introducing something, constantly developing something, when it is still released it turns out that the consumer also makes his choice in our favor, this is such pride and such happiness as from the manufacturer, you can’t imagine. an approach to business that everyone should strive for. what is vinegar production? this is actually, to be honest , a specialty for which the most responsible people in the enterprise. work for me is joy is pleasure. result: this is stability, confidence in the future. my work is life for me. they always say to me: you go to work, smile, go home from work, smile, go
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forward, move, and we are here too, so come to us, see how we live, watch the project, a quality mark on the belarus 24 tv channel. good ranitsa belarus, we continue to welcome you on june 18, today is tuesday, this morning will continue, and the news is one, one, very important news, because for everyone who is right now goes to work, so, the map to the studio, look at the morning indicators, it’s up to 16°c here. region in brest the situation is the same, slightly higher than the figure in the northern region in vitebsk, up to 18 degrees celsius, it’s actually raining this morning, +16 +18 in the gomel region, in
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grodno, up to 16 degrees celsius and +15 +17 in magilevo, everywhere cloudy with clearings, beautiful summer, fresh june weather, yes, friends, well, the weather is fresh, you know that in every big plus you can definitely find some minus, look for this minus called a tick, and...
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for humans , their soda ticks are of epidemiological importance, on the territory of belarus there are 12 species of ixodid ticks, the most common two types of ticks are the european forest tick and the meadow tick, however , the first species poses the greatest danger, it is aggressive relation to humans and feeds mainly on his blood, the meadow tick prefers to... attack animals, but still poses a danger, since it is a carrier of vector-borne diseases. more often tick-borne barilliosis or lyme disease is registered in our country, and less often - tick-borne encephalitis. tick-borne encephalitis must be remembered that it can be transmitted through raw goat milk or when a tick is crushed through microcracks. the process of a tick bite is divided into two stages:
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choosing a place for attachment and cementing it into the epidermis. skin of a person, he attacks a person from the grass at a height of up to 70 centimeters, so he crawls along clothes and chooses a place where the softest place is and where he can attach, this process takes him from ten, here is the choice of place when fastening takes from 10 to 30 minutes, after... the tick has found a suitable place, it bites into the epidermis of the skin, with special teeth, chelicerae, then its proboscis penetrates into the blood, from where it receives the nutrients it needs, along with this from the proboscis viruses and bacteria enter the human blood. in this position, the tick can remain on a person’s skin for up to two days, and then it will fall off on its own when it is saturated with the required amount of blood for further development, but it is better not to wait, to take action immediately.
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it is best to have it removed at a medical facility. u... slowly twisting the tick out of the skin. after removal, we treat the bite site with an antiseptic. our further action is the prevention of barilliosis. in the first 72 hours after a tick bite, it is necessary to take an antibiotic; in our country, clinical recommendations include doxycycline 200 mg
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once for adults and children over 8 years of age. but post-contact. there is no prevention of the encephalitis virus, but there is pre-exposure prevention, this is vaccination. before the start of the tick activity season, experts recommend going through it. donate ticks to the analysis does not make sense, since after a bite , 72 hours later, if you are going to the forest, follow preventive measures, wear closed clothes and always a hat, tuck your pants into your boots, tuck your t-shirt into your pants , make sure that the cuffs cover your wrists. after returning home, undress and carefully examine your entire body for physical examination.
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with the city of grodno, we’ll find out what interesting things happened there during the week, and we’ll also find out that at the end of june in the brest region, in pruzhany, there will be a very cool, very large-scale rock festival, it’s called solstice, literally in a matter of minutes, well , 15-20, 30 minutes, yes, we are waiting for the organizers of this project, yes, well, in the third hour, of course, we will definitely talk with our author constantly.
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but nothing can be produced, i can’t imagine another job where i won’t be connected to the earth, i’m ready to share my knowledge and show one day from my life. the battalion is intended to carry out tasks of searching for investment graves of military personnel with a view to their further perpetuation. based on the results of field search work , information about more than 3,700 those who died during the great patriotic war, as well as during the first world war. watch on tv channel belarus 24. the ostromechevsky expanses have the most fertile land and the most hardworking people.
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the television news agency begins informational morning on tuesday, in the studio. sergei loponitsin, hello, watch the episode.
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the freestyle athletes are entering the fight, the sixth day of the series in kazan, who else will compete for medals at the brix games? switching on on our air. agents misspoke twice, declaring the transfer of fighters to kiev, said, that f-16s will be flown in ukraine.


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