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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 18, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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without embellishment, as verified and objective as possible. the president's main demand is no formalism; we cannot simplify this issue. the future of our country is our security. minsk automobile plant continues to expand the geography of supplies of bus equipment to russian regions. 20 low-floor city buses were sent to vladimir. in the near future, the equipment will reach the routes of the administrative center. getting belarusian cars onto the market. region is of great importance, since the region has a local major manufacturer of passenger transport, and the choice of belarusian equipment once again proves its competitiveness. a center for nuclear medicine has been created in gomel; now it unites scientific institutions of the national academy of sciences, but in the future they may be joined by belarusian healthcare institutions and russian nuclear scientists. the nuclear medicine center was created on the basis of the institute of radiobiology of the national academy of sciences, an institution. it is no coincidence that nuclear research
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has been carried out here since 1987 and not only fundamental developments, a month ago the institute received permission from the ministry of agriculture and food to produce food additives for livestock. the main task of the nuclear medicine center is to unite the efforts of scientific institutes in belarus dealing with this topic, and we are talking about a wide range of studies, including the effect of various doses of radiation on living organisms. participation in the fifteenth republican competition of innovative projects. this year, the chances of applicants to receive cash awards for the introduction of innovative developments into production at enterprises in the real sector of the economy have increased significantly, almost three dozen nominations have been established. this year, a record number of additional nominations were submitted, which were established by government agencies and also organizations of the real sector of the economy. it is expected that as a result, projects that took part in additional nominations will receive the opportunity. implement and pilot their
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projects on the basis of these organizations. organizers accept applications until august 1 winners and runners-up will be determined traditionally at the end of the year. the third working semester was solemnly opened on the state flag square today. the republican headquarters of the belarusian republican youth union student groups has already concluded over a thousand contracts for 15 thousand people. in total , they plan to employ at least 43.00 boys and girls. young people worked at all the landmark construction sites. means of independence, national library, reconstruction of khatyn, this year they are building a patriotic center in the brest fortress, they will continue to work at the industrial giants mas mtz atlant. in addition, medical teams have been formed since last year. the belarusian national team has 30 medals, nine of them are of the highest standard. after the successful performance of our athletics team at the brix games in kazan, representatives of this sport were met at the minsk national airport. as athletes and coaches note, just now. the athletes are reaching peak form
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, so they could expect so many awards, plus five personal records were set and nine more athletes showed the best results of the season. i think it was expected, we have a good team, about personal records and the best season, this is natural, because we are just gaining momentum, it is opening, well, we are opening the season, but we have a season until mid-august, so this is normal, we still need to improve the results , now i also don’t fully understand it yet, i think. it will be easier to take it all home, i’ll rest, i liked the competition, the atmosphere is great, the organization is also good, the surface at the stadium is new and pleasant.
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the program is objective, hello, do you want how in ukraine, alas, our neighbors have turned into a horror story, they scare europeans, although, judging by the elections to the european parliament, it worked in the opposite direction, almost like with sanctions, the panam bill hit itself, ordinary germans, french, belgians do not want to unfasten to war, that... tbilisi’s reluctance to go along the ukrainian path, remember the words of prime minister kabakhidza: there will be no maidan in georgia, however, the right to go your own way is expensive today. maybe this is a short question to start with, because we will talk a lot today about this expensive price independent path, independent voice. now, alex sergeevich, do you agree that today many countries of the world are facing the moment of truth? of course, everyone sees what loss is. sovereignty, everyone sees that
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when the west comes to a country, when it develops a network of ngos, when it imposes its policies there, the country loses its sovereignty, and georgians today are not fighting for... so that anyone thinks there to become pro-russian or pro-belarusian, no, they are fighting for their country, they want to be sovereign, to determine their own destiny, that’s it look, 16 years have passed since the severance of diplomatic relations with russia, georgia today begins steps to open an embassy in moscow, and why it was closed, it was beneficial for the georgians, they needed this confrontation with moscow, they needed this war, which occurred from -for saakashvili, because of his stupid policies, that’s his. the west pushed to war, and today georgians understand that today the fight is not for the law on foreign agents, no, this is a screen, the fight is for sovereignty, to throw georgians into the war to create a second front, sovereignty, we we understand that not only georgia is faced with such a question, between what they choose,
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to put it bluntly, between sovereignty and complete dependence, but the elites will live well, the elites will live beautifully, millions of dollars in their pockets, cottages like...
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they they won’t leave so easily, our film crew experienced all the determination of the local zmagors.
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andrei alexandrov recently worked in tbilisi on instructions from the editors; at some point , in ordinary warm and friendly georgia, he needed police help. well, firstly, i must say that thanks to the local police, they worked very clearly, professionally, there are no questions, only gratitude, but on the other hand you observe that, probably for the first time in many years... georgia has a chance to their voice has been heard, so we wish them good luck on this path, because it just won’t happen. alexander sergeevich, yes, how do you like the situation with our group? yes, well , it’s outrageous, firstly, i have to say thank you to the guys, they’re great, they’re also very professional, you can see our film crew
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worked, yes, calmly, understanding that such a process is actually underway, they are trying to induce some kind of response, well , look, the trigger, of course, was the adoption of the law. an attempt by any country in the post-soviet space to fight for sovereignty is clearly interpreted as russian intervention; in fact, the country , first of all, olga evgenia correctly notes, has turned to itself, i understand, i reason pragmatically that today, in the era of a newfangled term such as the establishment of a new world order , everything comes first understands that the hegemon is weak, he falls and falls. will be tough, well, it should be noted that this is not just happening on the eve of the parliamentary elections in georgia, and of course, right now, and there are still 5 months before the elections, the protest may fizzle out, this is obvious, now western curators
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are laying out their forces in this way, so that , first of all, they can enter the electoral process with a new qualitative composition, but the state bodies understand that today this is a chance for them, and if they maintain support, the majority of citizens will absolutely uncontrollable, this puppet group. they immediately remembered the twentieth year, someone remembered the fourteenth year of the maidan, here is the phrase
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that they uttered without saying a word, that the zmagars have no nationality, here are the same methods, the same chants, they have the same source of funding, that’s the same goal and the same, one and the same, most important goal, today let’s imagine georgia, we present a pro-russian rally, a party comes out, and let’s say they disperse it harshly with batons, beat everyone.
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sell factories to them, doesn’t want land for them well, he doesn’t want to sell the country, but he doesn’t want to sell, he doesn’t want to give up everything that belarusians have, he’s not a democrat, gaddafi was not a democrat, why because he didn’t want to give libya to the west.
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recently, the well-known american senator lince graham says: ukrainians are sitting on 10-12 trillion of critically important minerals. they could be the richest country in all of europe, says lintegrem slyly. and putin wants to share these assets with china. next, the most interesting thing is that if we help ukraine now, they can become the best business partner. this is the expression you immediately remember. that there is no crime that they will not commit for the most interesting thing, it was so, even before these
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resources, when every ukrainian president since the ninety-first year, he gave something to the west, they started with enterprises, they are like that with us wanted, sell the enterprise at the beginning, no need, then the land, there are no more enterprises, that’s all, now what’s next, now we’ll do it without visas, so that all your qualified labor, smart people leave when all this the war is over, now fight. regarding the entry of georgia and ukraine into nato, yes, the question is, when will ukraine be accepted into nato immediately after georgia, and georgia when, and georgia never, you know, now this is what, well, smith is already replicating that the proto -europeans , handsome men, it means that when the europeans said:
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a specialist, a scientist, an expert who would deal specifically with belarus, understand whether there is an electoral process, what it is like, what kind of presidential system we have, so let’s name it publicly.
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shown and will be shown again at the national level, we see that georgia is faced with this issue, before this hungary observed, slovakia, in serbia this issue is being raised, the role of a leader, an individual, a strong government, because they used to say that some abstract institutions can replace this completely, democracy in it works automatically, it doesn’t work, as it turned out, in this sense,
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in july we will have 30 years of the institution of the presidency, it’s probably logical. don’t say that some people are bad, they are right, when they start to criticize the ukrainian people, this is wrong, the ukrainian people are good, and belarusian, we had such extreme nationalism, they wanted to make belarus
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worse than ukraine, taking into account our geopolitical position, border, oh, the west would have started such a civil war here. and , by the way, there were many such moments, not only in ninety-four, ninety -six, if it weren’t for lukashenko in ninety- six, if there had been another leader, now i’ll go back to my father again, he told his opinion that if if he had been in that place of the president, he would not have been able to cope, uh-huh, why, because then lukashenko had political instinct that we need to firmly resolve this issue, announce a referendum, sort it out, get these presidential powers, and my father says, i could have endless dialogues. if they would have demolished me and the country to hell , these politicians from the supreme council would have destroyed the role of the individual, it is large-scale, and the twentieth year, well , the parallel is simple, for me it is always the fourteenth year and yanukovych, lukashenko the twentieth year, yanukovych the fourteenth year, that’s how much blood spilled in ukraine after the fourteenth year, someone thinks that after on the twentieth there would have been less rain, more,
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because the geopolitical significance of belarus is even higher than ukraine, that’s true, and of course. unfortunately, in the countries of the post-soviet space, there parliamentarism and the struggle of various parties and blocs simply lead these countries in a cycle into permanent chaos. alexander, i would like to touch on today, we started talking about georgia and we understand perfectly well what is happening, what pressure is coming from the southern borders, our western
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people in order to then use them in the right moment, this is described in detail using specific examples, but... there is an even more dangerous, terrible thing when today they are processing our teenagers, just your direction, very complex, when we see they turn them into extremists, into terrorists, they find a talented guy, a guy who wins chemistry olympiads there, they start looking at some kind of family disorder he has there, plus some teenage problems, everyone starts working with him on his profile. i'm sorry, it's a lot, but they are not in politics or in the media, they are correct, they are in the sphere of intelligence services, in the sphere of those organizations that have been involved
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for decades, they know the mentality, they know what we are capable of, they know how we can influence, in this regard their work is sometimes ineffective, of course, but very painful, especially for parents who have not seen something, and it seems to me that it is masterful in this regard... your product, dmitriysanovich, is children at gunpoint, this is exactly the line that is being reviewed, how, where, through which organizations, structures, how can this child be hooked through social networks into an environment for him, at first glance, comfortable, where he has the opportunity to express himself, in this regard, of course, building the work of not only the belarusian republican youth union, youth public organizations, institutes, institutions, education, today education -
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not not having a frank conversation, but our teachers, excuse me if someone misunderstood, but they know how to work with children, god forbid that the teachers correct this point, because oh
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what else, why did i remember about the children, said that this is alarming and scary, because it completely breaks this conviction, this desire to remain in some kind of lethargic sleep in anticipation that the power there will change and we will come to the surface and begin to live , it will not affect us... in europe, in france the national rally party is winning, in germany scholz’s party is only in third place, the general trend is a protest against an unnecessary war,
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arms supplies, anti-russian sanctions and us hegemony in europe. however, right the centrist european people's party will most likely remain the leading faction in the european parliament. as a result, vonlein has already promised that the majority in the european parliament will be pro-european and pro-ukrainian. this is the situation: the lower classes want something new, and the upper classes, represented by ursula and the company, will do everything to continue the current course. dmitry evgenievich, how do you perceive the results of these elections, because they speak so loudly that we are forced to pay attention to it. you know, it's like a pinch of yeast in an old compote that is now starting to wander around, that’s a pinch of tremors - this is just a nationalist party. look who won, the far right in the overwhelming majority, so if we take the european parliament, who comes, but nevertheless the funderline remains, what does that mean, it means that
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it’s kind of normal, some other things, so normal, complete failure, so normal, why it suits, it is needed suits who, suits, of course, the united states of america, now, now the only one, no one talks about the population, no one talks about the population either european countries, not georgia, not ukraine, no countries, no one is talking, now we are talking, and this is really visible, just about the governing elite, now
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the nationalists are coming. it’s hard to say exactly in this political cauldron how it will play out, but you can predict it, in any case it will result in some kind of collapse, then, as i said before, america is interested in the collapse of the european union, and they don’t need such a strong partner , they are partners now, but they are not friends with them, the sooner they extinguish, forgive me for the slang, the european union... what did europeans vote for? the europeans wanted people to pay attention to them and take care of their problems. a conventional german, pole, austrian sits, turns on the tv, watches this fondelein, she tells him, we are throwing everything at the front, ukraine must be supported to the last, we will fight with russia to the last, he watches, prices
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are rising, gas is becoming more expensive. no dear, there are more and more migrants, they voted to take care of their problems, so the election results will worsen the split in the european union, the fact that the day after the elections ursula actually comes out and she says nothing will change, we will pursue the same tough policy against russia, we will not stop the war, we will fight the right-wing parties that have gained such a percentage as she says, she will fight her own people, that is, she does n’t care, she openly... speaks to the opinion of millions of voters who said this, i don’t care, we will pursue the same agenda that was, then the results, the most important result is france, germany, austria, why? first, the european parliament does not influence anything; this body actually sends resolutions, we throw them in the trash, but the fact that early elections were announced in france, the fact that macron, as a politician, is not wealthy today, by the way, they blame us there for the ratings of putin and lukashenko. guys, your
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ratings there are 15%. you, if we had something even close, we have 80, 70, 90 each, you would have already realized that there is no power here at all, you have no power, you are illegitimate in your logic, according to your logic, although, by the way, what makes us different from them, we don’t get in the way, you chose, live, that means, come to us don’t interfere, so macron, this is an indicator that his policy has not taken place, the french are terrified, he screams, napoleon’s hat is for war, the french are waking up, god, leave the crazy man on his own. there are enough problems, then scholz’s party is also the collapse of scholz as a politician, and austria, these are three key countries in essence of the european union, where the people have completely distrusted the current government, so it is extremely important how their national elections go, but there won’t be much change, the last thing i would definitely like to say is who is ours? but my friends, ours - these are the four parties that are in parliament and in the state duma, with which we cooperate, we cooperate, there are none of ours, everyone thinks about themselves,
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so there is no need. have illusions, expect that someone will win somewhere and something will happen, trump or the right, we must be strong, our task is to be strong and develop our country, everyone will talk, both the left and the right and even the crazy the green ones, if we are strong, they still say, after the twentieth year , 4 years have passed since they shouted: you and i will never speak again, but already they say, they talk to lukashenko, they will talk, and even more every month. and during the day they say, closing the topic with macron, but not closing the topic about the european parliament, we will talk about this later, the ukrainian factor certainly influences the elections to the european parliament and what will happen within individual states during the parliamentary elections. there are still sensible people in france, so i suggest watching a short fragment of french television, how they see , alternatively to macron, what is happening to their country and its actions.
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please. it’s the same story in this war, it’s escalation, we’re playing with fire, arguing that we sent offensive weapons and nothing happened, then tanks and nothing happened, then planes and nothing happened. now we allow shooting on russian territory, you’ll see, nothing will happen, but the problem with the red lines is that we don’t know which of them will be the last, well, that’s the situation a huge country finds itself in,
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because only then will we see what really happened on the political field european, then there are already such
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statements that are being made now, that we will settle everything, everything will be as before, it won’t work out that way, i think that the ukrainian question is important, but not that important, and what is the more important question - economic, economically.
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council of the sco countries, next week a meeting of the youth council will take place in astana, we are moving systematically, thanks to the wise policy of our president, towards development with those blocs that support us, and here, of course, we will just now watch everything collapse less united, as you aptly noted with the european union, we’ll pause for a couple of minutes now, and after that we’ll talk about who wants to flirt with the nuclear topic, why, stay with us. we continue the long-range missiles of the f16 aircraft, the promise to transfer their instructors, the west is not shy about declaring grandiose plans, which include everything they want, but only the reluctance of peace, it would seem, is much
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harsher, yet, lately they have been talking too much about the threat of russia using tactical nuclear weapons, that alone looks like a provocation, if god forbid it comes to... some kind of strikes, then everyone should understand that russia has an early warning system, a warning system, the united states has an early warning system for a missile attack, there is nowhere else in the world such a system not developed, we have, this is the first, second, strike power, our tactical nuclear weapons are three times four times more powerful than the bombs used by the americans in... against kheroshima and nagasaki three to four times, we have the number there are many times more of them, but if it comes, god forbid, yes, so that i didn’t want to, i’ll cross myself, that’s what it means, but then you said, we will reduce the sacrifices, but
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they can increase indefinitely, this is the first, second, of course, these same europeans will have to think about it if those with whom we exchange they won’t exist with such blows, they will get involved. americans in this exchange of strikes are already at the level of strategic weapons or not, i very much doubt it. you know, here’s step by step, they ’re the same clichés everywhere, and it’s exactly the same here, and you know, we should probably focus our attention on a very important things, when over the past 30 years these little nazis began to creep out somewhere, yes, that’s what i said, there was a procession in lithuania, latvia. neo-fascists also passed somewhere there, now
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we see, well, they have multiplied, we need to do something about this, including europe. now we have actively started talking about nuclear weapons, and we are actively talking about them everywhere. russia will launch nuclear weapons, let's put warheads with combined uranium there, and russia will definitely attack, and russia will definitely attack ukraine there, and you sit down and be afraid, macron, there’s a nuclear missile coming your way. conflict between europe and russia
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, they will be out of business, they would be happy with it, they would agree, putin is hinting at this, they would agree to an exchange of tactical nuclear strikes on europe, europe will become 100 times weaker, this is great, but for what, for example , belarusian-russian exercises are being conducted with elements of tactical nuclear weapons, because what i like is, look at putin and lukashenko, they don’t have nuclear rhetoric, in fact, they won’t be hysterical like european leaders, approaches this topic very... cautiously, how many times in their concessions putin, lukashenko, the two of them synchronously, say for a reason: “guys, why are you raising these nuclear issues, we are never going to do this, we don’t want to, but why we are conducting exercises so that this never happens, so that those who stand behind europe, this is primarily america, great britain, understand that sitting on an island if there is such a conflict will not work, and this is really the only deterrent to these people. americans are now making money from war
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millions of dollars, in a nuclear conflict a dollar is not needed, so of course they don’t want it, they now look at the rhetoric of all the senators, ukraine is a business project, palestine-israel is a war, a business project, the middle east is a near project, post-soviet space , all the color revolutions, georgia, everything that happens, money, dollars, dollars, oil, gas, wealth, and in a nuclear war the dollar is not needed, it’s... all dust, so, of course, they don’t want it, but the risks there is, it is impossible to simplify, too often in world history politicians sat and said nothing would happen, and then, when it happened, they grabbed their heads and said, listen, how can this be, so i now cling to the words of our president, who said, we will no longer believe in the promise, we will not guarantee , the only way to avoid war, a hackneyed phrase: it is already on all television screens, but it must be said and
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said, be strong, the stronger, the less likely it is, a lesson has been spoken, let’s listen to our minister of defense, viktor khrenin. representatives of some countries make a statement about allowing strikes with their weapons, which were transferred to ukraine on the territory of the russian federation. well , the head of the lithuanian ministry of foreign affairs, in his militaristic frenzy , reached an agreement... to the point that he actually called for attacks on military installations of the russian federation located on the territory of our country. we monitor and analyze all these aggressive attacks and consistently strengthen our defensive potential. and our participation in the second stage of the exercise of the armed forces of the russian federation by application.
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they are trying to demonstrate how they are naked and waving a nuclear baton, and the inability to invest in some projects, the second important factor is, of course , ukraine, today, taking into account the rhetoric of western experts, deliveries will take place in the near future, including
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the basing of a large aviation group in romania, from which, in theory , strikes could be launched deep into the territory of the russian federation and the union state.
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everything has been charged for a long time and is ready if necessary, but here you need to understand that this there is still a very serious information flow, first of all, a flow, i don’t want to be a skeptic, i still think that things will not come to any, god forbid, even sharp statements in this regard, but this is information work on the subject of probing the enemy’s position. as for information work, there is another front, events on it happen unnoticed.
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at the celebration of these events, and this point, i think, will one day become the point of assembly of the common historical memory that we had, we can also count on this, but if it’s not for the work, the memory of the soviet union, which was given 6% , the problem is that we will not be able to change them, their teaching of history, i think it is pointless to work with this, the most important thing today is that we preserve this, this must be preserved with us, but before can we convey them?
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throat to still admit this, so there are a lot of poignant moments here, they are not erasing our memory, they are erasing their memory, they are france, in the form, in its natural form, in which it was in the forties, when it was trampled by its neighbor germany, she they don’t need it now, they are erasing themselves, not us, i agree, the most important thing is that by destroying the history of the great patriotic war, they are destroying themselves, not us, we will read our history to us, the main thing for us is ours take care of children, but... i have one point, they say that no matter how much america and great britain contributed to the great patriotic war, for them
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it is the second world war, this is still some kind of knowledge of history, unfortunately, many in the west believe that comic book heroes have already won the great patriotic war, that’s why they have this attitude towards the war, why didn’t they win in 3 days, they think, now we’ll deliver three missiles, tomorrow russia will end, they don’t understand that war is long, that war is blood , that the war is a year, what kind of... crime, even if it ends, from migrants, from weapons, the same thing in the near future, europe will suffer from the east for decades, that’s what ignorance of history is, this is not only propaganda, this is not only ideology, in this case i agree, they destroy themselves by demolishing our monuments, they they spit at themselves, at their grandfathers too... they will step on this rake again, like macron, their great-grandfathers, and most importantly, they are sure to rush to get to moscow again,
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forgetting what this leads to, how many times they have already wanted to get there and with what ended, like those who want to destroy belarus, forgetting what was here in the brest fortress, and what happened here from 1941 to 1943, when we destroyed and burned fascists near every village, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, partisans. they would rather read history, then the relationship with they established us and said: “god forbid we fight with them, let’s be friends, it’s unprofitable, very unprofitable, because the current policy being pursued by european countries is completely counterproductive if even a shred of memory of the second world war remains.” olga igorievna absolutely she said correctly, why do they need to know history, how countries fell, the modern superpowers, which are now supplying, went through the krieg blitz and fascists.”
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security council, examining issues, and there the state secretariat was very competent built work with public institutions, political parties, from history, moving away and summing up why this or that decision is made, rises, he gave an example that in one of the delegations, precisely the youth one, which arrived back in the 19 -18 on the territory of the republic of belarus, the united states, to young people, ordinary fifteen to sixteen years old. telling the guys about the history to the trained guide of our museum of the great patriotic war in english, she simply threw out the phrase: this is how we will allow one
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of the elements of such a conclusion... laid down on the european union, these are the main two points: first, the main theater of military operations is normandy, films saved the average person and so on, the second two were generally opposed, these were generally two kind of regimes i carry different ones, well , of course, but the focus is shifted to the communist party of the soviet union to the third reich of hitler and young people
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don’t know anything else about it, other than that, so we come to the main issue,
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voting and nothing, they consider themselves elected, the parliament was elected, they went to ask for money in the cities and weighed, well, that’s their problem, why draw parallels here, i ’m just hinting at that, but if you accused the authorities that the authorities were indecent, dishonest, behaved using administrative resources, what do they call it now, and i’m just for this, so we must hold these elections with dignity.
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that besides ourselves, no one really wishes us well, so i am convinced that we will cope, we will survive, the presidential elections have always been the most important in the country, yes, a single voting day, and indeed the entire belaya people's assembly, but our people know that everything depends largely on a strong leader, on a person who leads the country , so this campaign will become the most important in the country. you know, it’s hard to say that
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now is the time for the brave, it’s probably always...
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strong, especially in times like these. so i would like to end with the words of psychotherapist and philosopher viktor frankl. he went through a concentration camp, although he could have avoided it, lost loved ones there, but not only did he not break, but
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i brought out precious healing meanings from this hell. so, victor frankol. the first to break were those who believed that everything would end soon, then those who did not believe that it would ever end. those who survived were those who focused on their own affairs, without expectations of what else might happen. once again, frankl knew what he was talking about, it’s worth listening, so common sense, patience and between memories of the past and fantasies about the future, don’t forget about this moment, it’s not for nothing that they call it the present. that's it for today, happy.
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i am history, nature, culture, faith, people. shchodrastsya, you adzin once and don’t work any more, everything is right here.
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you watch the panorama live, with you.


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