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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 19, 2024 4:00am-4:50am MSK

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the traditional folk expressions are bright and imaginative, to enhance their daily life, and even the competition is coming. respect, iago umov. the commands indicate the correct meaning of phraseological expressions, which appear on the basis of the command. kosht ​​pravilnaga adkazu - 10 points for adzin phrasealagism. at the same time, two envelopes appeared on the screen, in which phraseology and their meanings overlapped. your task is correct. supastavіts, just need to figure out, we have nothing on these moments, need to figure out, who first chose the envelope for themselves, ksyusha, aksana tsi volga and andrey, andrey, what are your prapan ’s cessions to the zyachtka, so everything is the same, let’s work it out like this, you are profitable, of course, i love you all andrey, well, zyachtak i, at once...
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and at once z' i've got a first expression, kali weasel, pears on the varba, i'm flying, i'm flying, just geta anyway, i can't have pears on the varba, good adkazy, you have gatov adkaz, ksyusha, aksana, so, pears on the varba on your idea , geta anyhow, it’s crazy, dzyakuy, i jumped like hell, let’s chat other expressions on the screen, the edges are not packed, ksyusha, what do you think, well geta, there's probably a lot of crap. or the whole thing, i think,
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there’s a lot of stuff, well, i’m useful, our thought, the edge is not packed - there’s a lot of stuff, there’s a lot of stuff, the edge of the work is not packed, yakuy, and this adkaz i jumped, step on the screen, from head to toe, here ’s the whole thing budze, i'm the most profitable, we 're flying, that from the head and heels geta ўves, dzyakuy for adkaz, and gety adkaz i'm washing, and aposhni grew on the screen, zvoka navoka, geta... so dzyakuy you for adkaz, we're washing adkaz , let's look at what you said was correct or not, pears on the tree, whatever the hell, no the edge is packed, there’s a lot of stuff, from the tops and the heels, the weight, the call to the wok, to the wok itself. this is exactly
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the same thing as i said, as long as it is 100% correct, and then the team has the right to look at the fact that it has a defective generator, 40, 0.20 ci 10, 20, 20 days.
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all the reports here are so kind, so, let’s get started, at the pig’s galas, knowledge, in every age, meetings, beyond the world, far away, neither light nor dawn! wound. on the right is that the generator of the drop-out arms can protrude twice in this competition, let’s take a look at how much profit volza and andrei have gained. kali laska, 40, 40, the traditional tour has brought new balls, let’s take a look. 160-180 understand the adzin of one hand - this talent, the words of diligence plus intuition, looking at how we will deal with the fourth round of our victory.
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respect, brains of the competition. gulets apisvae prmet pa-belaruska, do not call yago, if the partner guesses. on tlumachenne. aksana and ksyusha are getting excited about this new competition for them. aksana, now you ’re fucking first slide, in 10 seconds ksyusha musіts dats adkaz na vym tlumachenny. kali
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weasel, pershy slide. geta bird. the people have such a prejudice. tell me, how many bastards are there to live? dze zyulya. malaya velma hutka told zyazyulka. step on the slide. this is a sign of jumping, putting the end of the tale, how do you express emotions? klichnik. malaychynka. aksana, kali laska. geta budynak, people go there and at the end of the day, sometimes adpachynku, parazza, myyuzza.
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i haven’t grabbed the lid in an hour, but i wonder what ’s going on with all these hooks in the wrong order, ksyusha, what’s right, they’re crazy, crazy, well, if the nazi pastavila was correct, then we would be happy, foreman, they’re still so funny, let’s support ksyusha and aksana, well, i ’ll say, what a hell of a party, aksana, ksyusha, remember, what a caress, month. ksyushachka, are you bragging? no, no, well, this is good. pershi slide for tsyabe. geta adzenne nosyats men, and even zhanchyny dachshunds mogut adzivaetstsa on, well, to the top. kashulya? no,
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dear? no, here you go with the brooks. pinjak. kali laska, ksyusha, step on the slide. this bird, what a low flyer before the dajjom, lastauka, good, tsudouna, guessed, navat signs of the courtyard, kali weasel, offensive slide, geta, geta urach, like the regime of people, surgeon, and yashche adzin slide, aposhni, ksyusha, tlumachyts, you will be.
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with adzenna you can start and create a fold at the nose, two nostrils. malaychyna! step on the slide! are you on your feet in winter? bots, adzinochny lik, bot. wonderful, wonderful. step on the slide. yes. geta is a milk-feeding animal that can be laid at night in the quarters. velma is terrible, miserable. maybe cauldron? the malays, yashche adzin slide, are stupid, but the antonym is reasonable,
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the knife is dull, and the antonym is sharp. shmatsignnaya words, so, andrei malaychyna, you know, in any situation such indicators emerge. tlumachyts slides budze andrey, and volga igarauna, budze adkaz. snow? no, anyway, well, from the whale, the
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lords of the world, we thought of it in china, shouk, so, here we have guessed history from geography, right, andrey? the slide is coming, there are life there, there is a forest there, there is a life there, there is such a life there, punya adryna, bread. so andrey, you are a patlumachy citizen, like a stone, like a rock, like the most joyful competition of getai viktaryns completed, i’m glad, the gults themselves were as intent as we are, so tell you. for the walk, the prahodztse, the kali weasel, shepherding the chatsvertaga tour to the rakhunka of our
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teams 300 and 340 balalas, the twentieth year taught a very serious lesson. our country, we saw the logic of hostility and began to look at things differently. we wanted to show a belarusian morning in belarusian nature. the models had practically no makeup, as it is, that’s nature, yes, because linen is a natural fabric, and female beauty, naturalness, well, that’s how it’s all in one concept, someone said, wow, for some it was very unexpected, there will be no winners in this war, taking into account everything that we have accumulated from that point on.
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we will hear lessons from classic literary works in this competition, but we will also get to know them a lot. teams jump avtarau literary works, walk in the charze, kolkasts balla for the right adkaz hell 40 yes 10 deposits hell kolkastsі try. well, it’s a literary competition. and for these moments of the most cryptic ball at ksyusha and aksana, i encourage them to unpack it,
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for you, great accomplishments are in order. it seems that the language of may is growing, its age is going on, a couple will meet. for me, yana is eternally alive, like a race, like a slush, like a dawn. you have suffered, the nobles you know, i know that the skin is from school, i know for the memory of these radki. who wrote them: kantsantsyya builo, danuta bichel, yanka kupala tsi pimen panchanka? is this all you have to say and what do you need to say? i don't know.
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i'm happy with the canstanza bull and yakim budze adkaz for us with the geta canstanza with the bull geta correct adkaz versh i love kanstanza there was another part of the getaga tour we hear excerpt from the prose of ksyusha and aksana mikalaev. the pit of souls and these remote corners was covered with dust, and at home so many people have heard the hell of one old abyss. and the people of this country are very proud of the belarusian people, especially those who have risen labanovich. geta did not touch the edge of the old people, who threw a hole and eyes on the skin. there was a lot of joy in
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prose, and there was a need to know who was writing it. kali laska, ksyusha, read the names of the autara, which is our scoreboard. lukashka luga, janka kupala, yan kabryl and yakub kolas. i'm sorry, ian kabril getsa. no, yan kabril, that’s what you think, right? are you listening to the words of aksana mikalaya? yes, of course. geta, of course, yakub kolas on rostan. we don’t know anything, don’t we think the adkaz is correct? aksana mikalaevna, yakubka ўlasnarodannykh ci no? yakub kolas. geta correct adkaz. vyadoma, nicknamed labanovich. who knows and remembers from belarus that this is a mentor, a young mentor from the yakub kolas trilogy on rosstany. thank you for your bad adkazy.
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paglyadzim, as we do well with the prose levels volga igarauna. i andrey. kali weasel. the end of the world is near zablotsk. i know that i would be engaged in this business, i know that it is not earnings, but expenses for this product . usyudy zablotsky is at home. usyudy zablotskaga for svaygo chalavek mayuts. when the edge is reached, a new pit is opened, and the old days begin to tell tales. that's all there is to it. well, the geta for you, of course, is not like the colas on the rise, there is more... folded, maybe andrei knows, maybe at the olympics yana solved it, well, volga igarauna dakladna knows, lukash kalyuga, yanka kupala, yanka bryl qi andrey makayonak? i have a lot of fun in galava, otherwise i’m more inclined to yanka brylya.
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come on, dear brylya, let’s roar. your adkaz: yanka bryl. yestsya pamylka, not atrymala 40 balau zarabіts, ale magchyma atrymaetstsa 30, kali laska, lukash kalyuga, yanka kupala ci andrey makayonak? lukas kalyuga. geta correct adkaz. the malays, the apovest of the zablotskys. literary tour changes the situation, multiplying the balls. the final stage of the party is now upon us, and they will help you with your reactions, reactions, and an hour-long shutdown. i welcome you to the kryzvanka, which you are musіce zapoўnіts adkazami. i’ll just guess
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that the digraphs occupy two cells. let's listen to the brains of the competition. uzelniks solve the kryzhanka through torture, when the signal is sent to the command, which has a ready version, for the correct skin you will receive 10 points. kryzhanka, the first words from five years ago and pachynaetz on the night with. a synonym for the word tavarysh geta. kali laska, volga, andrey. syabar. dakladna, your truth. respect, another word. it’s a month and a month volga andrey cherven is correct. give a riddle. za gaspadar syabrue, house vartuye, i know volga, andrey, you know,
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dog, dakladna, pa-ruska, eccentric, and pa-belaruska, kali laska, aksana and ksyusha, dzivak, your right, chyrvony, rare, part of my language nazavitse, kali laska, ksyusha, aksana, geta prymetnik, malaychyna, malaychyna, what do people call the month, garuchym, or not daruchym? kali laska, ksyusha, aksana. lipen. without pamylkova. what do you get excited about? kali laska, volga and andrey. abrusam. dakladna. what did
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ulyanitsa sow in belarusian folk songs? kali laska, volga, andrey. ulyanitsa village lyanok. geta correct adkaz. adgadayce riddle. the black matsi has passed, the blessings have dried up. aposhnyae tortured, short words. the settlement is located near the grodzen region. the first were ksyusha and aksana. the adcas is correct. shanovny
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udzelniki, and now it’s time to listen to our expert, svyataslav krupenka. shanovny udzelniki, that’s all for this evening’s party. the last hour of the kanchatkova paddzitsa. vynіki, the orders were great, subtle and trappy, not necessary and give. tsyaper prazhmenki adkrupenki, this is the most folded for me. sennya zdziulli abedzve teams, i don’t remember it’s just such a walk, as long as we walked practically without any pampers, there were some great insignificant failures, and how big the balls are, i have a great man to tell you, but in the future it will be like this: how many generators of drop-out liquids... hella kamanza are available ў three pain balls, covered with the same another thing about this and the other party, my future will be this: for ksenia aksana i declare 20 points, and for
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andrey and volga - 10 points. blame you for such a stupid party. the tv show has come to an end, and now we know, like the face of the getai gulni. kseni, aksana, 460 bal. all of the village's sunny letters are based on the new rules of belarusian arphagraphy and punctuation. i will not let you know that the correct gavarian is a belarusian - a back and not a back, a citizen, not a citizen, a mustache, not a mustache, just one way and not the other. gavaritse and pishytse without pamylak.
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i felt like i was having a blast, i was scared to death, but then i felt comfortable, well, great.
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all the great people, fathers of fantasy, give birth to lands, we are expanding our efforts, we are plowing, right kill the battlefield, be evil of the earth, our bright one. i greet the peoples of the great terek union,
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our beloved mother, pradima, forever living belarus, our beloved mother, ranina, forever alive. belarus, once again from the hearts of our souls, we gave birth to a couple of villas by slaughter, the wine is forgotten by the slaughter. hail to the earth our
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bright name, glory to the peoples of the provers union, our beloved, moti, prodino, live forever, our love.
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rashi belarus, our beloved mother, dear, live forever.
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you are watching the panorama live, tatyana korol is with you, good evening, let's get together let's summarize this day: national security issues are the focus of the president's attention today, one of the main accents is to prevent formalism in the work on an important document, he assessed the first and new uniforms for military personnel, when fences do not help europe, they resorted to taunts, the poles decided to scare away migrants field border. pig manure, but we are no longer surprised, berlin is already playing its own games with refugees, germany has started bringing migrants to poland, why will this lead, answers in ksenia’s program lebedeva is different. my colleagues will continue
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announcing the program. the president discussed improving legislation in the field of national security at a meeting of the security council, as well as a new uniform for military personnel from domestic enterprises of ligprom. bye. military, dual-use and special-purpose products will be presented at the forum. experts, scientists, specialists will discuss conceptual ideas at conferences, seminars and round tables. details very soon. the fourth season of your country's most talented
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has finally begun to sing. factor bai begins its casting tour from vitebsk. the tv news agency was working behind the scenes today. to you, all the juiciest stories and first notes. belarusian. football clubs recognized their opponents in the champions league and conference league, and victoria azarenka started the prestigious tournament in berlin with a confident victory, about this and more in the sports day. the president of belarus today convened a meeting of the security council. in this format, we discussed an updated document that corrects approaches to assessing the state of the national security. this is a step in the development of the concept of the same name, which... socio-economically performs
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combat training tasks. the military themselves, during the threat in various areas from year to year, tested the elements of the uniform in various conditions. the price of the issue, reviews and details of legislative decisions of today's security council from our political observer ilona. alexander lukashenko today convened the security council, but there was no emergency, everything was according to plan, we publicly discussed, and then adopted the concept and military doctrine at the supreme council. these are strategic documents about protecting our national interests, ensuring peace, stability, and now, in simple terms, we need to decide how we will determine the criteria for assessing national security for specific areas. we said that the concept of national security is a public document, we... thoroughly studied it, reviewed it at dialogue platforms, and then approved it at the supreme council, but in the development of this concept, it is a concept, it is basically a direction, a general theory, we need specific regulations that
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they will concretize it and ground it. the concept has been approved, our national strategic interests, threats, priority areas, their neutralization, a common vision for the future.
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based on the fact that a new ninth sphere has emerged, this is the sphere of biological safety, five strategic directions have been identified in which specific decisions will be developed, accordingly, and the ministry of health has been identified as the coordinator, as a structure that guards issues of life, people’s health, first of all , well other issues related to biological activity and security, so i think that these...the innovations that were reported today at the security council meeting will provide a more complete, objective assessment of the state of national security. specifically, the ministry of defense proposed its own methodology for assessing military security, a fundamentally new document that is based on all other civilian spheres. changes in the geopolitical situation, new challenges to military security force us completely revise the methodology. approach to assessing military security, which was done
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by the military department on the basis of the already approved concept of national security, which contains fundamental assessment indicators, we have developed a completely new methodology for assessing military security and today it was proposed to the head of state, well, i will say one thing that it bears objective, comprehensive and timely. character is interconnected with issues of politics and economics, security and defense of sovereignty are key tasks for the commander-in-chief and the security forces, here is a well-known presidential thesis: ensure the economy - this is up to each of us, in the year of quality, a task with a special meaning, but the ministry of economy , taking into account the provisions prescribed in the concept , has also decided on its own security indicators. in the economic sphere, of course, we are concerned about issues related to diversification. our exports with an assessment of the performance of the economy in comparison with other
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countries, therefore, in this regard, we proposed appropriate additions, indicators, which would give us a more objective assessment in this area. the scientific and technical sphere, today this is also number one, because everyone and many countries are talking about technological security, digital security, so we proposed to the head of state to tighten the parameters somewhere in order to encourage... regulators to work more dynamically in this direction. in general, the head of state approved the draft decree, but some nuances voiced at the security council must be taken into account. the document will be finalized, discussed at the next meeting and then presented to the president for signature. however, today not only legislative decisions were announced, they also showed a new uniform for military personnel, everything is sewn by our domestic enterprises, such as magatek, skombol, slavyanka, the fabrics are also belarusian. what are you unhappy about that you want something new? new, we want to get away from the collar.
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practical, there are also lightweight options for clothing and shoes, depending on the season. we took into account world experience; now we are not only talking about uniforms, but also the conditions in which combat operations are conducted. we have suggested based on experience, firstly turn, of course, for a special military operation . a tactical shirt, this is a completely new item for our armed forces, it is extremely convenient according to the reviews of military personnel, according to the experience that we see what is happening in the world, it is very convenient when using body armor, when using vests, unloading belts, any the subject that... we offered to the head of state today, he has already passed this test, testing, as a rule, we
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spend 6 to 12 months practicing some subject according to the wishes of the military personnel, so experience that we have studied, we issue it directly to the troops for this period of up to one year, that is, any of our new products, innovations are feedback, and the fact that our girls were waiting for military dresses and new accessories, the designers tried to withstand and say from... on the contrary , they withstood some heat-protective properties, all this was taken into account by the president. men will also be pleased, formal clothes, new shoes, accessories, polo, now a summer base, these are not all new items. the price of the issue, the price of the issue remains the same, by increasing the wear time of replacing other items. okay, don’t ask for extra money,
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so be it, but we need to improve something along the way, if necessary, that is , what we are doing, especially combat uniforms, well, not 4 years. maybe it takes a week to remove something, add something, constantly, already here we are constantly working with wagner with the russian federation, just now i came from a business trip with the russian federation, that is, we sew everything here, all the fabric , our manufacturers, well, with tatyana alekseevna we are now resolving the issue on a plc basis, we will already see some elements of the new uniform at the parade on july 3, for example, one of the boxes of the foot crew of the 120th separate mechanized brigade will be wearing those very advertised tactical shirts. ilona krasutskaya. buta ivan martynovich and ilya puchko, television news agency. including ammunition, as well as the most modern technologies, will be presented tomorrow at the second international exhibition national security belarus 2024. in particular, organizations of the national academy of sciences will present about 150 innovative developments
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and technologies, from space to geological exploration, proposals from the state committee on science and technology, including the work of the technopark. enterprises of the russian defense complex, representatives from other countries will also come to share their experience, in general, the international exhibition national security was born as a response to modern geopolitical events, today it is obvious that ensuring
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national security poses the task of improving the conceptual foundations, and this is work for scientists, specialists, practitioners, representatives of science and expert. therefore , the forum, in addition to the exhibition, is also a platform for the exchange of ideas, conferences, seminars, round tables, experts will discuss the conditions of industrial scientific and technological development, as well as international cooperation in the field of national security. topics such as customs control, medical care and, of course, cybersecurity issues will not be left without attention. i will also remind you that the international exhibition "national security belarus 2024". starts tomorrow at 11:00. except for the area near the minsk arena and directly inside will be used by the institute of civil defense of the ministry of emergency situations, as well as the national library. in general , the forum will last until june 21, friday, the atn film crew will continue to work here near the minsk arena, and we will broadcast all
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the latest news. it's hard for the west to hold on. during a speech at one of the scientific centers in washington, he commented on the transfer of f-16 fighters to kiev. regarding the supply of f16 fighters, this means the creation in the future of the air force, nato, excuse me, the ukrainian air force, which will interact with nato, nato aircraft, nato pilots, or rather, trained nato pilots. and it seems that the nato secretary general specifically made these reservations so that it would be clear between the lines who will fly the f-16 fighters. another round of escalation, and indeed, the west does not want peace; neither the elections to the european parliament, nor the gcm summit, nor the meeting in switzerland met the hopes of millions of europeans to stop their countries being drawn
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into the ukrainian conflict. the train has left and no one will stop it, we are approaching the last possibilities. reconsider what is happening in ukraine, if the big leaders do nothing, in the near future we will face a real catastrophe, no one wants peace, no one talks about peace, peace is already a forbidden word. it is not surprising that there is an opinion that the best path to peace in ukraine is the collapse of the eu, because it is there that they are calling to fight to the last ukrainian, although they have enough problems of their own, so in poland there is special attention to the migration crisis. which, according to the deputy minister of internal affairs and administration of this country, foreshadows the collapse of the european union in the next 10-15 years. warsaw, of course, blamed belarus for this, but in reality it was a massive importation.
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the polish authorities cover up the use of huge budgets for the purchase of new weapons and the creation of a buffer zone with the thesis about the threat that supposedly comes from belarus, but according to polish political scientist alexander jak, this is just a way for the elites to justify themselves to the population for huge expenses. officially, as you know, this buffer zone was introduced by decree of the minister of internal affairs and umashanyak administration, it has been working in principle since thursday, but this is nothing new in our relations and what is happening in poland, illegal groups that help migrants from the polish side cross the border.
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they also get through belarus, the main route is, of course, the mediterranean sea, there every year...


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