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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 20, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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development of joint scientific and educational projects. cooperation from medicine to industrial cooperation. minsk and havana are strengthening economic relations. almost as we remember, belarus is preparing to celebrate the eightieth anniversary of its liberation from the nazi invaders. the military is holding parade rehearsals. and a living thread of history, a unique tapestry, is being created in grodno for independence day in belarus. the events program is on air. in the studio of alena lapo. hello. union integration is becoming stronger, and the benefits will also be felt by belarusian applicants who have received the right to enter russian universities, including through grants, how many quotas will be allocated for the first time in general, how the unified scientific and educational space will develop, we will find out from our columnist veronica buta. total 1,300 seats. the prospects for a union state were discussed at a meeting of the parliamentary meeting of belarus and russia, which was held in minsk. a union state from brest to vladivostok...
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which is based on science. it is important to look not only into tomorrow, but into the distant future future. the conclusion of the parliamentary assembly is that the number of joint initiatives needs to be increased. let me remind you that the supreme state council approved the strategy for the scientific and technological development of the union state until 2035. but it is important not to forget about the humanitarian sphere. here, priority attention will be paid to youth, strengthening moral principles, spirituality, traditional values, and civic consciousness of patriotism. at the head.
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including stable work and the union state and belarus economy. domestic enterprises are developing new sales markets. tell us about examples of successful supply diversification. there are plenty of them. one of the latest in the industry is grodnoazot. the company began supplying its products to brazil, india, and turkey. exports exceeded the plan, the july volume was sold out. and, of course, what buyers always pay attention to is the quality of the product itself. the enterprise has a quality management system, control is carried out by 20 laboratories, a consumer survey is conducted annually, in accordance with the requirements of standard 9001, a survey is conducted consumers, surveys, consumers send their questionnaires with a score, we have the highest possible scores for product quality, for stability, as i said, for the quality of cooperation with our consumers, one of the main
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export lines is the russian federation market, where we for the third year in a row , we have been increasing volumes, despite the fact that the russian market has significant capacity for the production of nitrogen fertilizers. diversification issues allowed us to look at logistics differently. accordingly, work has been carried out to develop port capacities; currently we have the ability to transship nitrogen fertilizers in 15 terminals in the az... and baltic seas. the branch of grodno-azot, khim fiber is also developing, specializing in the production of polyamide threads necessary for tires, carpets, and knitwear. capacities allow the production of up to 50 million linear meters per year. during the covid period, the company provided all hospitals in grodno with liquid oxygen gas. success, no matter how trivial it may sound , is constant work on oneself. investments, new projects, modernization. for example, the production of that very new chemical industry.
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oxygen production enterprises were urgently established to help specialized producers, but as for the traditional fertilizer product, today the enterprise has already completely met the needs of the spring seeding company. the eleventh meeting of the belarusian-cuban joint commission on trade and economic cooperation, where they announced a new trade turnover level of 15 million dollars for each side over 5 years. according to the results during the meeting, various documents were signed, including a contract for the supply of mtz tractors to cuba, as well as an agreement between the national
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academy of sciences of belarus and the cuban state organization of the biotechnological pharmaceutical industry biocuba. recently, the bilateral dialogue has intensified. writing the appropriate protocol to the agreement on mutual supplies during the commission meeting creates the necessary conditions for this. the second direction is directly projects that relate to joint investments - in production sphere. i believe that
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the preparatory stages in the discussion of these projects have taken too long. it's probably already enough, we've familiarized ourselves with the capabilities and e.g. each other’s needs, and it is necessary to put an end to this issue and begin to work specifically. the parties are convinced that minsk and havana will not only overcome all barriers and obstacles, but will also turn them into opportunities. innovative technologies open up economic opportunities. minsk city technopark is preparing for a big premiere. tell us the details. on a large scale the site on the territory of motovelozada will house production offices, and citizens will have access. to new services, more than 170 thousand km in total. one of the emphasis in the work of residents is the development of the implementation of information technologies, for example, for the clinic that is being built in smolevichi, they are making a conference call and video surveillance system, an electronic queue, we now have 59 residents, their number will
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increase, i think by 10- 15% by the end of the year, the main benefits, of course, are income tax, preferential 10%. thank you, the review was prepared by veronica buta. more news from the economic sphere and not only on the website of our tv channel on june 27-28, the vitebsk region will host the eleventh forum of regions of belarus
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and russia. the geography of participants is traditionally wide from the brest region to the khantemonsi autonomous okrug. over the years , the event has already proven its worth and effectiveness. about it. agreements and signed contracts speak. what topics will be key this year and what agreements do we plan to reach? let's ask alexander subotin, chairman vitebsk regional executive committee. the forum of regions acquired the status of a traditional dialogue platform, representatives of government authorities, and the business community of russia and belarus. this year the event will be held in a new format. tell us more about this? indeed, this year we wanted to improve the format a little. change or refresh, we, firstly, are holding a forum in three cities, these are vitebsk, polotsk, novopolotsk, this is an unusual phenomenon, this was also done with intent in order to show our region as widely as possible and its possibilities, and of course to acquaint
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all guests with the most ancient city of our country, with the cradle of slavic culture - this is polotsk, the youngest city of our state is novopolsk, well. traditionally a festival city, where the main events will be, the main meetings, the main signing, there is also something to see, there is something to explore, there is something. why be surprised, that’s why we chose this format, through tourism, through history, through getting to know people, with enterprises of the region, and this, of course, caused genuine interest, and a huge number of guests, only now this year we will have nine sections , officially three huge panel sections that are outside the format, like a forum. but this is also youthful, the joint meeting of the state control committee, the accounts chamber, and so on is rich. from year to year
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, the amount of contracts signed at the forum is growing, what numbers are we counting on this year? everything here cannot be measured by money, because the bulk of the agreement, the bulk of any agreements, is the intention to cooperation, the intention of the agreement on, the intention to cooperate in the field of culture, in the field of education, in the field. science and so on and so on, but if we talk specifically about the numbers, we already have about 45 signed ready for the forum - contracts amounting to more than 52 billion russian rubles, this amount is increasing from year to year from year to year, the last forum , which was in ufa, there were contracts for 11 billion, 11.2, if... exactly in the previous ones in grodno for 4 -5
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billion russian rubles, but now the amount has passed 50 billion, as i already said, and we are still expecting the preparation and signing of another 15 contracts, what areas are in the portfolio of agreements? if we are talking about general agreements, this is of course, and this is... correct, this is a single, common approach to education, to scientific projects, joint scientific projects, this is culture, this is tourism potential, this is ideology, these are all the things that are not measured in money, they should be discussed, and here special emphasis is also placed on them, but of course you are also interested in living projects, namely money ones, so-called...
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continuing this, hydraulic lifts of various sizes, of various calibers, which can be installed on various chassis, including the russian automobile industry. we have advanced cable products that allow us to save on construction costs when laying cables and various capacities, this is water treatment equipment that does everything so that we receive clean water and give the same water back to nature, that is, there are a lot of competencies here, these are all directions they are in demand, but once again i would like to show them, once again i would like to make it clear that we do not stand still and do not just produce, but we invest in neo-technology,
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in science, our equipment, our products are constantly being improved, constantly increasing their competitiveness and acquiring everything more, more supporters, both in the near abroad and far away. the forum will traditionally host a large-scale exhibition of the achievements of the national economies of the two countries. what will surprise the vitebsk region? really.
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they will only enjoy surprise, just getting acquainted with what our two countries were able to come up with, were able to develop among...
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the participants are not finished, you said several hundred, this is true, but they are added daily, and the main task of this site is to get started new relationships, new contacts, perhaps some new projects, new contracts have been signed, maybe not now, but in the near future, well, this is important for the enterprise, because this is an exchange of experience, this is... the birth of new projects, some new ones perhaps -that logistics routes, opportunities to purchase , equip, sell goods, the most important thing, perhaps, is the transfer of technologies that you can spy on from your partners or ask or make a joint product that we all need, so i think the platform will be in very, very high demand, one
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of the most in demand platforms on our forum and very important for business like: smolensk here, ending with real contracts between enterprises, but we are looking quite broadly, we have begun to closely interact with the regions, it seems long in distance, but very close to us in spirit, in such warm friendly relations, this is the saratov region, this is the volgograd region, this is the krasnodar
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region, we look with hope and confidence at...
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accelerating at a significant pace, only in the union track with us there are about 40 projects that are aimed at import substitution, and these projects are constantly being added. this is a product that is constantly required in more and more different directions, and our enterprises are also of different calibers, with... understanding this task is taken up and implemented, so import substitution is still the right track, and we are already
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starting to produce and sell most of the products that we purchased in foreign countries ourselves. this year the forum will be held for the eleventh time. in your opinion, what is its role in the development of economic union integration? a forum is such a starting point or a fireproof boundary. which takes place annually in various locations, but the forum itself we understand that this is only the tip of the iceberg, that is, the crazy work of preparing contracts, their formation, the preparation of joint projects, it is carried out throughout the year, this day or two, when regional leaders, federal leaders, and leaders gather at the forum. republican governing bodies, it allows everyone to mobilize and approach this very date a little more intensively, a little more closely, so all the dozens
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of contracts, dozens of agreements that will be signed are the result of at least a year of work that the two countries have done, so the forum is needed, the forum is needed for so that there is such motivation to approach this date with a contract. with the living with agreements, this is the first, second, i think the forum is needed for people who, as a rule, do not have free time, meet, at least for a couple of hours, shake hands, talk, exchange opinions, experiences, contacts, well, things start would be the basis for future even larger-scale projects, and of course, the third, but not the least important, is that the region receives... guests, it always wants to show itself in all its glory, and those guests who come to us , a after all, many of them may not have heard of pravitebsk at all, but we have a glorious history,
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we have something to be proud of, we have a lot of wonderful fellow countrymen, we have the most beautiful places, and this is also an opportunity to show, show two countries, and once again loudly to make themselves known, so the forum is a very important milestone in the life of not only enterprises, but in general... all regions, not only the one in which it takes place. thank you, alexander subotin, chairman of the vitebsk regional executive committee, answered the program’s questions. this program events on belarus 24 and we continue. a home where it is calm, peaceful and safe, the president of belarus signed a decree on admission to citizenship, how many foreigners will become belarusians in the near future? 244 people, 220 adults and 24 children, received belarusian citizenship; these are persons who arrived from eighteen
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countries. before presenting their passports at a ceremony, they will take an oath; this is a new format for acquiring belarusian citizenship. in minsk, the words of the oath, promises to comply with the constitution, defend sovereignty and be patriots of the republic will be heard, respecting its traditions. president alexander lukashenko also decided to reject it. a number of applications from foreigners who have not fulfilled all the conditions for admission to belarusian citizenship. 80 years under peaceful skies, belarus is preparing to celebrate on a grand scale the anniversary of its liberation from the nazi invaders. traditionally, the most spectacular part of the celebrations will be the military parade. how are the calculations trained? the parade will be international; military personnel from eight countries will take part in it. about 500 people will be part of the first crews. total delegations confirmed their participation in the celebration. representatives of 21 countries, spectators will see 250 units of military equipment, including new items from the belarusian military industry, drones and a modernized t-72 tank,
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the legendary t-34 tanks will lead the parade, a train with vehicles arrived by rail from russia, 10 units in total. it was the t-34 that was the first to enter occupied minsk in july 1944. for the first time , iskander missile systems will appear on the streets of minsk, military aircraft will take to the skies, and the finale of the festive parade will be traditions will be the parade ground concert of the honor guard company and the performance of the military orchestra. cultural evenings in the historical center of minsk in the capital , the musical and tourist season is in full swing. what program have you prepared for residents and guests of the city? an open-air library, an evening of argentine tanga classics at the town hall. there's a lot on the summer schedule. interesting. every day , a thematic performance takes place on the balcony of the city hall, where everyone can win a gold coin from voit; on weekends, the venue in the upper city
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turns into a large art gallery. painting, open-air concerts, historical interactives, all this creates a special atmosphere . the summer music and tourism season will end on september 14. its finale will be the concert music of the beloved city, accompanied by the presidential orchestra of the republic of belarus. a living thread of history for independence day in grodno creates a unique tapestry. what plot will be depicted on the canvas. the tapestry, measuring 2x2.5 m, will tell the story of the post-war development of the neman region.
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uh, the final stage of creation, but it’s still difficult to say at a more precise place in time, for example, presentation, we are all trying to present the tapestry in a more pathetic way by july 3, perhaps somewhere on a stage, perhaps with the involvement of some additional cultural resources. the tapestry is created using the double weaving technique, it is being actively revived in the grodno region, the craftswoman works on unique machines, which have no analogues... thanks, the review was prepared by elena puntus. results, analysis of the main events of this week in information and analytical program of the television news agency main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel are available on the website, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you. all the best.
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imagine that all the countries in the world suddenly stopped cooperating through interpol. in fact, now the same thing is happening between the countries of the european union and belarus, in particular with lithuania. but this is probably different. we know that criminals are coming to us. when crossing we receive an alert notification that your person who is wanted checked. these are the ones we get every day.
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safer, european police filters don't actually work. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. every day we work to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information. the twenty-minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus and the world. worth a look. and. suggest projects and films that will certainly become your favorites. this and much more for you waiting in the project ether 24/7. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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evening prime time opens with news on belarus-1, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let’s talk about the main thing at this hour.


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