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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 21, 2024 12:00pm-12:11pm MSK

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live you watch the main news at noon, pavel lazovik is with you. hello
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to this episode. improving the agro-industrial complex, developing the satellite city and opening a social facility. the president is on a working trip to the derzhinsky district. a good education requires good investment. german teachers protest against existing working conditions. 23 belarusian cities on the route. a unique mobile museum, the victory train arrived in brest. how are the president's instructions for the construction of modern dairy farms being carried out? complexes, the head of state today personally inspects the construction, alexander lukashenko is on a working trip to the minsk region. the country continues to modernize its military -industrial complex; the goal is to build or reconstruct 10 dairy complexes in each region in the near future. lyakhovich in the derzhinsky district is the premiere of such reconstruction.
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alexander lukashenko took part in the opening of the olympus sports and recreation complex. modern sports facility. it will become not only a training center for future champions, but also a place for family recreation. the head of state is convinced that such facilities should be in every district of the region. this is a good help for people to improve their health and play sports on an amateur and professional basis. criminal cases in special proceedings. started against 108
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people, chairman of the investigative committee dmitry gora spoke about this before a scientific and practical conference on improving the national security system. according to the head of the investigation departments, these individuals are identified on a systematic basis and collect evidence of their guilt, including identifying their property for the purpose of further confiscation and conversion to state income as compensation for harm caused. to date. we continue to work to identify all persons who, through their extreme activities , cause damage to the national security of our state, the interests of our state, the work is systematic, the work is on a planned basis, and we are not going to stop this work until all those responsible are held accountable. the international conference takes place within the framework of the national exhibition.
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modern technical achievements in various areas of security protection. a surprise test of the armed forces' readiness began today. the belarusian army began to carry out its intended tasks. the event involves
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military units and units of operational commands, special operations forces of missile and artillery forces, air force and air defense forces. according to the ministry of defense, at the first... testing sites will be used areas in the brest and gomel regions, during this period the movement of military equipment on public roads is possible; motorists are asked to pay attention to this. the us authorities have authorized the use of american weapons supplied to kiev for attacks on any targets on... russian territory attacking the ukrainian side across the border, the political publication reports this, citing a statement by national security advisor sullivan. we are talking about attacks using artillery and other ground-based systems anywhere where russian troops cross the border from the russian
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side to the ukrainian side. washington's initial permission only applied to regions bordering the kharkov region. an attack on... the russian-speaking population in latvia, the seimas voted for a revision of residence permits that were issued before 2003, document holders will have to go through a tougher bureaucratic procedure, pass language exams, convince of loyalty to the latvian state, collect documents that prove the right to reside in the country . we're talking about several thousands of people, most of them russian-speaking and at the same time elderly people. the latvian authorities do not even forget about... the russian language was banned from atms. german teachers demand better working conditions, the posters speak for themselves. a good education requires good investment. smaller classes, more benefits. due to the shortage of school teachers, administrations
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are inflating class sizes, in fact they are skimping on salaries, saving money, the workload on school teachers is increasing, and the quality of knowledge is steadily falling. this is stated by the participants. protests and this is the second protest meeting since the beginning of the year organized by the german trade union for education of science, which includes 34,000 german teachers. the unprecedented nature of security challenges in the eurasian region requires greater unity. in almaty, meeting of the council of foreign ministers of the csto countries. a statement on the use of outer space for peaceful purposes was agreed upon, as well.
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the council of ministers of foreign affairs of the uec adopted a decision on methodological recommendations for the preparation and conduct of exercises with peacekeeping contingents of the csto member states. and one more important point: the ministers agreed on a statement in connection with the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. a unique traveling museum. arrived in belarus. first stop - brest. the interactive exhibition is dedicated to the feat of the soviet people during the great patriotic war. ten thematic carriages reflect the transition from one historical period to another. pre-war period, great patriotic war and great victory. in this way, visitors can go
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from gomel to moscow, from stalingrad to berlin. modern technologies, video projectors, multimedia screens, sensors, holograms, create the effect of presence. last year, the exhibition was expanded, a carriage was added that tells about the military tribunals over the nazis, part of the carriage is new, it is dedicated, and already... to the tribunal over the nazis over the germans, this is the nubert tribunal, we recreated the first row of the dock, and these were the most notorious criminals in nazi germany, and of course they showed our hero, it is important for us that the generation remembers what our grandfathers, fathers did, what feat they accomplished for our...


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