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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 23, 2024 12:35am-1:05am MSK

12:35 am
but fortunately they managed to get to the water and 80 on the other side of the earth, as i understand it , i don’t know how it is 87 m in general, how deep is the water 87 and water from a well 90 m deep, as it seems to me , you can not only get drunk but you can get wounds treating the farm animals repairs caring for the land that is allocated for walking takes a lot of time do you have time for simple things? youth pranks, joys, for what guys and girls your age usually do, some walks, movies, socializing, some, these first timid crushes, relationships, how about this? you know, in fact, i can’t say that i’m like everyone else, who constantly needs to run around the city and do something, no, basically i have enough of all this, naturally, i have friends, but where without them, yes, at school. mostly these are school
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friends from my class, well, there seems to be enough communication at school, after all, i spend most of my time at school, and in general i have enough of what’s happening here. i hope it seemed to me that zhenya was talking about friends with a little bit of sadness, i really hope so. we are now 100 meters from the house, it’s kind of abandoned here, it’s an old hut, yes, i understand, it’s already a very old hut, very old as it is. there are not one, not two of these, most likely about ten foundations, that is, only foundations remain, this is probably the best preserved fragment where there are at least logs, that is, this is such a tragic story, when a village turns into a farm over time, and why our channel is even called prokhutor, and not about the village, on the one hand, it would seem, well, even our settlement is called, when you indicate somewhere in the documents, the village is such and such, but because there are only two houses left here... of which
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only ours is residential, and then not yet fully renovated, the second one is just a dacha. why is this happening? a question to which i’m afraid we will never find an answer, although recently there has been a real trend towards the revival of the belarusian village, and this is great. what comes first? animals, some exotic species, breeds, caring for them, and organizing this entire farm space, or the internet, blogging, popularity, fame, like. comments, some sympathy on the internet, i don’t know what a difficult question, listen, here it’s probably equivalent, because both of them come from the heart somehow, that is, i’m inspired by all of this, and animals , this is, well, communication with animals, it’s generally incomparable with anything, especially with so many animals, you can have a cow , a goat, a donkey there, and so on, you can go on for a long time to list who to stare at, at the same time , such a kind of popularity can even... call it that, it’s also very
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nice that sometimes a person can walk somewhere down the street and once a person recognizes you, it’s already very true, well, right great. zhenya is not often recognized on the streets in stores, and it seemed to me that this upsets our hero a little, but he strives for more. and while we were walking along the road to this place, i saw there was a red brick there, well, of course, it was you who strengthened the road so that it would not be yes, but here here i see the real ones. stones, that is , this is not a fortification, no, this is not a fortification, here, if you lift a small layer of earth, under it there will be real paving stones from those times before the external ones, i don’t know what year it was there, again let’s go back to what it was village, and this road passed from the forest behind us, went there straight to ostrovets, ahead there will be ostrovets, if you drive through, well, again, it’s no longer here, i can’t say how long, there was also a tavern near it. there are other master's houses around here somewhere
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there were some standing there, we even found - the remains of it, these are just huge stone walls rising about three meters up, down there is also some kind of basement, everything that was from the tree rotted, only this remains, that is , it is clear that it was some kind of expensive building of some rich wealthy person, yes, and this road was not just a street between, it’s not simple, it connected ashmyany and ostrovets, just like that, in addition to the gorgeous view.. .
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that they are all somehow different, so i think that, well, in any case, every person has one. i have a feeling that i’m somehow different, i’m something else, but in myself. why did it happen so? most likely, again , due to the fact that everyone from here left this village, because in general, almost all the foundations that i spoke about earlier are located right here, in this exact place, and here you can see a lot, for example, apple trees, which tasty, that is, the fruits from them are just
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so juicy, that is, they were once someone’s apple trees, most likely yes, but they are everywhere here, perhaps they just scattered, it’s hard to say how the seeds were sown and that’s it. since we have taken this territory for grazing, we must clear it, this is a rather difficult question, because in the summer, firstly, there is no time at all, well, it’s basically the same as with any other business, and secondly , of course, there are a lot of ticks, after all , there is such a problem, it’s very good that they just talked about it now, i’ll definitely look into it later, yes, our day has come to an end, it’s time to take stock, and my wife also said that he has there is something intriguing...
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it was very nice to meet you, thank you, i can’t say that i’m like everyone else, perhaps this one phrase says it all to zhenya, it’s so great that there are still such young guys who, not in words, in deeds, wish success to this wonderful family, let them succeed.
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june 22, 1944, exactly 3 years after the treacherous attack of nazi germany on the soviet union, the red army. the entire length of the front conducts reconnaissance in force before the start of the strategic offensive operation bagration. supreme headquarters the high command, after a lengthy discussion, approved the general staff's plan for two directions of main attacks, in the area of ​​​​the settlement of parichi in the rogachev region, with the closure of the enemy's encirclement near bobruisk. until the complete liberation of belarus. 36 days left.
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the war does not have a woman’s face, but nothing in this war was remembered more, even more terrible and more beautiful, than the faces of our mothers, every day, every minute, risking their lives, the lives of their children, they did everything they could, and from this, sometimes small something great grew up crushed fascism. the war broke under the roofs of the small. the villager entered anna mikhailovna’s house. this woman, like thousands of others, lives and fights as her mother’s heart and duty tells her. her
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sons also become underground fighters, and then partisans together with their mother. who said everything burned down? tadla, don’t throw the seed into the ground anymore, who said it. that the earth hid for a while, motherhood cannot be taken from the earth, cannot be taken away, just as the sea cannot be scooped up, who believed that the earth was burned. no, she turned black with grief, like cuts, trenches lay
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and the craters shine like wounds, the exposed nerves of the earth, unearthly suffering know, she will endure everything, she will wait it out, don’t write it down. the land of a colleague, who said that the earth does not sing, that it is silent forever, no, it rings with a deep deep, from all its wounds from the soul, because the earth is our soul, do not trample the soul with your boots, who said... that the earth is dead , no,
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she hid it for a while, hello, who is this with you, hello, good afternoon, yes, fritz brought his niece, uncle, well, take yours! let's go, duh, and these are our protasovichs who are destroying, yes, wow, protasovichs, this is you’re not forty-two years old, when the germans were chasing us, eh, parichi, azarichi, kozyulichi, kosarichi, shklov, mogilev, old bykhov, ragachev, but wait for me here, wait, uh-huh, okay, let’s wait, listen, but where is the native? there in protasovichi, you know, his dad joined the police, serezhkin, my niece, he is
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from the same village as him, there will be a story, well, he was in the partisans in 1941, but no, i ’m not talking about how he finds out, then dad himself, that's for sure, well, what the hell, you wait here for me, i'll tell you that you've arrived, well, let's go, well let's go, let's go, such a chatterbox, nothing about your uncle, yeah, sit down with us, so you're lina, lina, what are you doing? i should at least lay down a twig, be careful, once a year i shoot a gun myself, oh my god, i haven’t been here for a long time, but come on here, quickly, quickly, quickly, run, so run, i’ll run away for you, i thought you were police, i i was looking for you, but i was scared, scared. you’d better tell me who sent you to look for us, they were running all over the forest, like a surprise, they saw us and ran,
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new girl, clearly, i myself, when i joined the partisans, kept smiling too. i thought oh how can i he’ll be happy, wow, he’s sleeping on the move, i heard him go to my post, make him work, ours will come back, there’s no firewood, i can do it myself, but what will he do?
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we haven’t turned around yet, no, nothing yet, i’ll come.
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what is it, and this is yours, anna mikhailovna, well, don’t forget your platoon, where there are such voices, it turned out cleverly, such a garrison, after all, we split it, what’s true, the blockade, who told you there, but why is it necessary , now it's white.
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and if they give you a rifle, teach the guy how to cut it!
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maybe he joined the police on instructions from another detachment, we need to figure it out, so i i’ll figure it out, well, we’ll go to the glands, come in, thank you, just don’t go alone, seryozha, i wanted to ask you about mitka, you look after her. well, you know, it’s all toys, okay, seryuzha, ksyusha, please leave me alone, well, that’s bad, that’s right, so
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what, leave me alone, let’s go, well, let’s go, i still have the trophies, let’s go, but let’s go, well, here we go , i ’m visiting you, yes, hello, well, today i’m flying from moscow, straight from there, and i’m asking you, they say you’ll only be back in a week, well, i’m right here, i brought you the news, the central headquarters of the partisan movement planned a real war, to take away their railways, all at once, they have new tanks, you heard, it took a long time to fly, an hour and a half, right? “here, you’ll be happy, i remember you, your tastes, i brought you here, smoke, porte health, oh, are you a hunter, oh well
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, a hunter, hello, is this your home, yes, here, come in, meet me, sorry, it’s not night slept, bashkevich, kazimir pavlovich, viktor alekseevich, i see, excuse me, i ’ll just be a minute, yes, yes, please, grandfather, sit down, this is for you, then, later, then, then, well, then, so, then, yes, first look at you, grandfather, just a natural grandfather.
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i ordered my people, you will see the hay, tear it up, well , in fact, here is the second front, but you read in the newspapers, what legends are written there, the earth is burning under your feet, secrets have been exposed, kolya, wake up, guys, i really am coming here, you have here like in a double village council, even telephones, i meet the general in spurs, yes, you work here, it’s great, just great, but now we need more. take away their railways, all at once, we that’s why they flew here, to discuss everything on the spot, everything, this is great, from
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a meeting, yes, well, for victory, from the soviet information bureau.
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after all, in this terrible time there is something of its own, unique, now everyone knows that there is only a little time left until victory, until a happy ending, yes, but in forty-one, then we were rushing out of encirclement, we knew.
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guys, guns, germans, guys, rise, rise, quickly, quickly, alarm, germans, kolya, get up, quickly, germans, take the wheels, fight, yes, blockade, calm, calm, don’t panic,
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minsk has long headed for the east, this is a response to the challenges of the time. and the desire to establish mutually beneficial partnerships with those who are ready for such cooperation, ready to work without ultimatums. we have long-standing friendly relations. we are moving across the world map in all directions, despite the closed nature of individual countries that are accustomed to talking from a position of strength. asia, africa, europe and latin america, people, cities, enterprises where they know, value and respect minsk. belarus is impossible not to notice.
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