tv [untitled] BELARUSTV June 23, 2024 6:25am-6:36am MSK
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dear brothers and sisters, today the orthodox church celebrates the great 20th holiday, the day of the holy trinity, this is a triumph. the day after easter, therefore it has another name : pentecost. during the savior’s ascension into heaven, holy angels appeared to the apostles and announced that the lord who had entered heaven would come to earth again, in the same way as the disciples saw him ascending to heaven. from the teachings of the orthodox church we know that the second coming of the lord jesus christ. will be glorious and loud, because
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that he will come not with a humble preaching of repentance, but in order to judge the living and the dead. after the lord’s ascension into heaven, the apostles returned to jerusalem, but not in sadness, in the joy of anxious anticipation, because even during his earthly life, jesus told them about the comforter who would come after the end of earthly life. ministry of the savior, it should be noted that during the earthly preaching of christ, not all the words were understood by the disciples, something was said allegorically, and something else they could not contain, this was replenished - later by the appearance the holy spirit, who revealed to the disciples the essence of those words that sounded from the lips of their beloved teacher, the comforter, the holy spirit
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was given to the holy apostles on the feast of pentecost. on the tenth day after the ascension of the lord jesus christ, on which the jewish holiday of the first harvest fell, the apostles and the virgin mary with him were in the zion upper room. at the third hour of the day, those present in the upper room heard a loud noise, similar to the sound of the wind during a storm. tongues appeared in the air.
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the gospel, the readiness to evangelize people even to the point of death. exactly for this after preaching the salvation, the apostles received the gift of speaking in tongues, which they had never known before. and before his ascension , christ said to his disciples: “you will be my witnesses in jerusalem, and in all judea and samaria, and even, the lord continues, to the ends of the earth. preaching to the ends of the earth about the saving feat of christ. this is the main work of the apostolic ministry. in jerusalem the great work of saving humanity has been accomplished, but from now on all nations are called to take advantage of it. this is why they were sent.
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apostles to preach. in memory of this important event, the church established one of the twelve great holidays, the feast of pentecost, which is also called the day of the holy trinity. at the moment of the descent of the holy spirit on the apostles, in the upper room of zion, god again revealed to us the secret of his triune. nature. god, the holy spirit comes from god the father, according to the promise of god the son. and thereby reveals to us the unity of the holy trinity. there is another name for today's holiday. pentecost is called the birthday of the church. at that great moment of the descent of the holy spirit, the apostles, gifted with grace-filled power, became the first members of the church of christ. since then, for more than... years, the church has continued on
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this earth the saving work of its head, the lord jesus christ. feast of the descent of the holy spirit on the apostles. this is a special day that follows the feast of holy pentecost, and this is not just a remembrance of that great event, but the church has a very important property, it is called universal, which means that all orthodox christians who have lived and live will live in any corner of the earth, constitute one christ a church over which neither space nor time has power. holy pentecost reminds us that today we are members of the church of christ, the church that appeared 2.0 years ago in the upper room of zion, and today the holy spirit continues to act in the church to evaluate each of its
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members with its grace. but what does it mean for us to be part of the church today? we know that every person who receives holy baptism becomes a disciple. christ and joins the unity of his church. but just as in the time of the apostles, those who received the grace of the holy spirit were called to testify about christ to all nations. so today, each of us is called to carry the gospel message to our neighbors. we live in the 20th century. today we are not required to go to distant lands and preach the gospel in other tongues. know his commandments, his amazing examples of christ, did not think about eternal life, not love, humility, patience, towards the people
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he met on his life’s path, often these people, who do not know the basics of christian life, are not somewhere... far away, and next to us, in our work collective, among our acquaintances, relatives, near and far. how can we preach the saving gospel? our age of information, so many words have been said that modern man simply gets lost in this information whirlpool. people get tired of endless advertising offers, loud headlines, bright... pictures, in this case, the only effective means of christian preaching becomes an active lifestyle. a christian does not so much talk about the gospel as he lives according to it, speaks with his life, by embodying those
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principles, ideals that the savior of the world showed us. and this exalted way of life is preached daily in silence. telling everyone around us that christ has indeed risen; anything that is different always attracts attention. the life of a christian differs from the generally accepted way of behavior, differs in the pursuit of virtue and avoidance of sin, a kind and merciful attitude towards others, a thrifty attitude towards property and other people's work. all this makes people around them pay attention to the christian and become interested in the gospel, and human attention today has a very high value. dear brothers and sisters, on the day of holy pentecost, the holy spirit descended on
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the apostles and from now on relentlessly dwells in the church of christ. from now on, the great mystery of the holy trinity has been revealed to us, everyone... received holy baptism, became part of the church that was born on that ancient day. day of pentecost. and for more than 2,000 years he has been making his earthly journey, helping more and more people find the grace-filled path to god and receive spiritual healing. may the grace of the lord jesus christ, and the love of god the father and the fellowship of the holy spirit is with us all. strengthens us on the path of spiritual life, illuminates our hearts with unearthly joy, triple radiance, happy holiday, happy pentecost.
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