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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 26, 2024 4:05am-4:50am MSK

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teams have 270-290. we will hear lessons from classic literary works in this competition. let's listen to the yago umova. teams jump avtarau literary works, walk in the charze, kolkasts balla for the right adkaz hell 40 yes 10 deposits hell kolkastsі try. who will be the first to begin, i will begin to work with this victory and volze, menavita and their krykhumen, balla and literary competition menavita will begin. kali laska, images of dear native land, confusion and joy of may, that my dear father and you are so fond of, why i am so drawn to you, my dear uzgorachs fields, rivers, mounds, forests, full of confusion and it would be a pity...
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“heta are correct adkas, you are well aware of the work of yakub kolas, you studied at school, imgnennaya adkaz, looking at how you are coping with your task, svyatlana and yulia , kali laska , i will be little to the hearts and thoughts, i will unravel the little soul, so that the black share of the snake will no longer be foolish over our native land.” dzyauchaty, who could write...
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tsi yanka kupala tsi pimen panchanka, nyah tsyaper budze yanka kupala. and all this is correct adkaz, yanka kupala, may malitva. jakui, zyauchaty. volga and victory are giving in to the competition, for their painful snatches from prose. kali weasel. during the hours of mikolkavag partisanship, things became worse and worse at my native station and my native city. dozens of workers were displaced from turma. some were sent to
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katarga, some were sent to concentration camps, the depots were sent on duty and the workers did not have to go to work, but the drivers went to steam locomotives, trains, etc. uryvak and autara mikhas lynkov, ivan syarkov, yanka bryl i yanka maur. who's the getana? what kind of writings are you looking at? mikhas lynko, jan kabryl. folded. unbeknownst to you, it’s folded. come on, call us laska, adkaz. mikhas slunku. geta correct adkaz. on the right, you who are speaking, you have heard and heard gladly from the apovest of mikolka-paravoz by mikhas lynkov. julia and
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svyatlana are listening to their task. kali weasel. i'm thinking of trying to get rid of paparazh papalev in order to get his own zherdak and punishment. and there will already be something of a slave. all night long there were boats in the streets and alleys. the next day we came out into a wide stream. geta i there was a magilanava duct. in front of us the high snowy mountains rose, then the cantonment of america began to grow. daughters: vasil vidka, ivan syarkov, yanka bryl. and yanka maur, the portraits of the menavita of these autaras are important to you, you are a parasite and a great adkaz, you don’t have to be disrespectful, i think so, no matter what, here you are, and pra padarozha i pra jumping dogs yanka maur. malays, tsudona adgulyali, gucha. uryvak za
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apovestsi is the son of vada yanka maura. dzyakuy, dzyakuy. as a tribute to the literary competition volga and victory. the final stage of the party is now upon us, and you will have to deal with the reaction, reactions and exhaustion of the hour. dear friends, before you there is a kryzhanka, which you musіce zaponіtsya adkazam, i will only give you that the dygraphs j and d occupy two cells. let's listen to... udzelniks are solving the kryzhanka through torture, the fall signaled the team, which version has a good version, for the correct payment of 10 points. in the hell of a competition , there is a kick, and a hell of a lot of thanks, because the same team pressed the button and gave it
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the adkaz is wrong, another team can save their luck, and if the adkaz is right, the team is on board for... victory, praising this. dakladna. respect, those words, the stench, what a waste. the belarusian city is a prisoner in connection with the secretion and distribution of the happy potassium salt. kali
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laska, svyatlana and yulia, here in the city of saligorsk. so it is, i know. svyatlana of svetlagorsk is similar to these words. meetings are taking place in saligorsk and svetlagorsk. what is the meaning of svetlagorsk, you tell us? geta are the youngest cities of belarus, city ​​of nyaftsians, chemists and young people. tsudouny adkaz, yakuy you, vyaliks. friends, let's go for a walk. іх in the current belarusian alphabet 32. volga i...
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radzima, in adzin golas, malays, pratsyagnіtse prymaku, addalіtstsa voўku, vechyya. kali laska, svyatlana, yulia. there are eternal tears. geta correct adkaz. like the day of papyarednіchae panyadzelku. kali weasel.
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kali laska, svyatlana, yulia. cancer is dangerous, right behind your eyes. you can do it, malaichchyna. advance words, pa-ruska, case, and pa-belaruska. kali laska, volga, yulia. call out, call out. pa-rusku, case pa-belarusku. geta words attack. malaychyna, malaychyna.
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our party is cute, and the whole lot is very big, and the team just fascinated me with our knowledge, outstanding mood, humours, well, everything was the highest level, there it is: balls i love the couple and the other kamanze and the other 15 balaў, and the dachshund vyalik dzyakuy you for a stupid party, we ask you to go ahead. the tv show has ended, and now we know which team was trying i can help you. volga victoria 420, svyatlana yulia! 435. all the villages of the sunny victars
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are in line with the words of the new rules of belarusian spelling and punctuation. let me not become an acknowledgment for you that the prisoner was in the cellar for a long time and the earthen parts were softened, and the items of rymar’s shovel were clamps. zadorna, i was very happy with the party, the vyaliki dzyakuy. the velma's gulny subsided. my love and respecter, i will come to you, requester. dzyakuy, for the party, it was velma tsikava and zamalna. i'm flying because our skin is covered i know my native belarusian language. the gulny velma was falling down for me, and the gulny velma was clucking. dzyakuy vyaliki ўsey kamanze.
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from time to time, husbands, we rammed our native
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people, and evil slaughter, ourselves, our own, forgotten search, layers of earth. and even the bright name, the pious union was glorified among the peoples.
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the strength of our people is for the victorious, evil paths, the clear roads of our land, the joy of ours, the words of our bright land. enjoy the great union of the people, our beloved mother, dear belarus, our beloved mother
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slaves, lived forever. good evening, live panorama, in the studio ekaterina tikhomirova about the main events of this tuesday. when do we expect to become full members of the sco, as well as the strategic objectives of coordinated work on the union track? alexander lukashenko held talks with russian foreign minister sergei lavrov. preparations for the forum of regions of belarus and russia are at the final
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stage, is vitebsk ready to receive guests and what are the plans for contracts? we will tell the agreements in a panorama: 400 experts, more than 100 reports and history without subjunctive mood, a large-scale international forum dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus is being held at the national academy of sciences. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. not only the economy, but education. belarus is interested in developing cooperation with china in this area. let's tell you what was said at the meeting between the president and the secretary of the beijing party committee. university. their mission is to open and lead the parade. suvorovites are preparing for a march on july 3. the minister of defense personally came to check the readiness of the foot columns. how the military sharpens its skill on the parade ground. look in panorama. since
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the fall, nato has a new secretary general. will the alliance's policies change and how will this affect the conflict?
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to receive not only answers, but also support on certain problems, well, now we will participate in making all decisions that
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by status belong to the shanghai cooperation organization, everything has been decided for the shanghai organization, all agreements have already been fixed, the very first act of the summit in astana will be official acceptance.
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russia as part of our parade, thank you for making a decision in russia on a large-scale the presence of the russian armed forces and senior officials at this parade, we really appreciate it. you can hope that everything that we have planned together on the belarusian side will be resolved without delay, without any stop.
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the foreign policy component of the union between belarus and russia is growing in the world, it will have increasingly practical significance in the future, sergei lavrov is convinced of this, all the work of minsk and moscow in the international arena will be aimed at the most effective union building. integration processes recruiting. in force, belarus and russia are implementing 28 union programs; cooperation covers dozens of priority areas. at the meeting, the topic of eurasian security was touched upon; it was noted that the osce not only fails to cope with its main task, to promote equal cooperation in these issues on the continent, but is also subject to overseas influence and manipulation. minsk and moscow advocate that security issues be resolved with the countries of the region independently, without outside interference. last year in the fall, on the initiative of alexander grigorevich lukashenko held the first conference on eurasian
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security here in minsk. it was very successful, even attracting some participants from nato and eu countries. the minister of foreign affairs of hungary participated in it, in particular, and we actively support the belarusian aims. from all countries of the continent, it was noted at the meeting. partners, minsk and moscow, have been invited to this work; they are unanimous on these issues, sergei lavrov emphasized. about bilateral
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relations. working bodies of the parliamentary assembly of the union last week, the composition of both belarus and russia was formed. lawmakers in the two countries must work together. among the important tasks is mutual support on international platforms. we support those initiatives.
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the meeting took place in the council of the republic, the policy of belarus and russia is aimed at protecting sovereignty and independence, noted the speaker of the upper house of parliament natalya kachanova. they talked about preserving our historical memory, in turn sergei lavrov emphasized: our common task is to prevent the revival of nazism, especially in against the backdrop of a campaign to remove monuments in honor of the liberators, glorifying those who tried to enslave all of europe. so. the russian foreign minister thanked belarus for the support expressed in connection with the terrorist attacks that occurred the day before in sevastopol and dagestan. belarus and china will more actively develop partnerships in the educational sphere. today alexander lukashenko held a meeting with the secretary of the party committee of peking university, hauping and representatives of chinese universities. ahead of them is participation in
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forum of rectors of belarus and china. communication with colleagues. minsk is counting on cooperation with china in matters of training personnel in modern areas. at the palace of independence they talked not only about the education of young people, but also about the development of belarusian-chinese relations in general. natalya breus, more details. representative guests from china often visit belarus, from politicians to businessmen, but we have definitely never seen such a solid delegation of rectors before. this only confirms it.
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i support the initiative to create a center fundamental research, i am confident that his activities will become a new round of scientific and technological development, given that we have absolutely no closed topics from our friends in china, we are ready to share , among other things, those technologies that china does not possess today, you are our friends , you are our brothers, you can count on us,
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good personnel. science specialists are a solid foundation for any economy; university leaders will discuss how to do both better, not without each other’s help, at the rectors’ forum. to participate more than four dozen higher educational institutions of belarus and china were invited. colleagues have already had time to talk about the guests, take part in the symbolic ceremony of laying wreaths at the victory monument, and appreciate patriotic education. we also really appreciate this visit because it...
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we will not remain in debt, today we are preparing a very serious program with which our youth will come to china and present not only. russian, but all slavic culture in the people's republic of china, i think we will do this in the near future. beijing the university is considered one of the most prestigious in china, with more than 46 thousand students receiving education there. lukashenko has his own history with the university. while there 8 years ago, our president, communicating with young people, said how important it was that we were able to build friendship and cooperation in a short period of time, and even then that china is one of the pillars of the multifield.
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this caused a remarkable reaction among the students in the media: the president plays hockey. as for sports, we are very interested in quickly realizing our dear the project we agreed on in beijing and to build a sports center at peking university.
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even before his presidency of the people's republic of china, he came to see me in minsk, we spent a long time with him.
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where we do not have technologies, you create an enterprise with us, of which there are only 4-5 in the world, such as the belarusian national biotechnological corporation bnbk, this is one of the leading
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enterprises, we are constantly expanding the activities of this company, only thanks to our chinese friends, china helps us a lot in area.
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this is my third time, now i see how dynamically and energetically the city is developing. i would like to note that the development concepts of belarus and china are very similar and in belarus and china we all must act as a single force, as a united front, in order to make our contribution to the development of the country. as for education, the logic here is simple: if universities strengthen cooperation in the field of basic sciences, then young people will have more contacts.
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we are implementing many high-profile projects in china, from automobile production to biotechnology, we build sports facilities, and more. we have many common facilities, including sports, humanitarian ones, you are building a stadium and a swimming pool, this year we will finish this construction, we want to agree that you help us.
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ready to invest in the future. natalya brios, alexander oleshka, tv news agency. and also cooperation, which gives real numbers in the economy. we are preparing to host a forum of regions of belarus and russia. it will become the eleventh, this time the host of the site is the vitebsk region. forum for the first time will be held in several cities at once, these are vitebsk, polotsk. novopolotsk for 2 days on june 27 and 28, our countries will present
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their industrial, cultural, and tourism potential. my colleague marina romanovskaya will tell you what else the forum program will contain. the vitebsk region is looking forward to the eleventh forum of regions of belarus and russia. in young novopolotsk, ancient polotsk and festival vitebsk they promise a warm welcome. they thoroughly prepared for the arrival of guests; the cities have noticeably changed and become even more comfortable. in the regional the center will receive a new sound from the main venue of the slavic bazaar - the summer amphitheater. here , on the territory of the cultural and sports complex , the installation of pavilions is in full swing, where an exhibition of achievements of the national economy of the regions of belarus and russia will be held. the intellectual potential of the two
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states will also be presented, an exhibition of technology will take place on freedom square within walking distance, we are doing everything to, of course , justify this high trust, this high honor to make this forum unforgettable for its participants, and of course it has brought practical benefits for business entities, for our regions and for cultural exchange, so we try, of course, to take into account all the needs of our guests, it has changed beyond recognition. there will be a plenary session and a ceremony for signing agreements, we are already 100% ready to receive guests, all of our halls that will be used at the forum have already been put in decent shape, there is a lot of equipment here, a lot of light. delegations from belarus and russia are aimed at
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fruitful work, over the years of the forum acquired the status of a productive dialogue platform for government officials and the business community. our closest neighbors and geographically distant regions, but so close in spirit, come here with ideas and specific proposals for cooperation. agreements will be concluded between the vitebsk region and the volgograd region, and an agreement with a region quite distant from us - the orenburg region. the range of regional agreements is very large. the forum of regions is intertwined with the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of vitebsk from the nazis. invaders - this is very symbolic, because we have a common history, and the regional center is also celebrating its 1050th birthday, perhaps this number of guests is the best gift for the ancient city, always young at heart. there are very good reviews about the vitebsk hotel, and people come to the square and watch us
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turn on the fountains in test mode. i would like to recommend that residents of our city definitely visit the sites of the forum of regions, which, by the way. they still work on city days, saturday and sunday. tomorrow on victory square in vitebsk there will be flower laying ceremony at the memorial in honor of soviet partisan and underground soldiers. in the evening there is a festive concert. and of course, the long-awaited event is the opening of the fountains. the holiday promises to be grandiose and bright, like the whole coming week. marina romanovskaya, mikhail khristoforov, terenovostei agency, vitebsk. the memory train continues its journey through the places where victory was forged. let me remind you that the route includes 14 cities in belarus and russia. the train started on june 22 from brest, today it stops in st. petersburg. memory train participants they were solemnly greeted at the petergov station, where they talked with belarusian and
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russian senators. elizaveta sinyak will tell you what program the cultural capital of russia welcomed. st. petersburg greeted the passengers of a special express with golden reflections and refreshing splashes of water. fountains are rightfully considered the main attraction of peterhof. in total , there are 150 of them in this place, each a work of engineering and artistic thought. this is not my first time in st. petersburg, this is the third time, i love the city very much, it is very beautiful. historical, these are the streets, i love them, the canals, why are you participating in the project, the issue of preserving historical memory seems to be very important to me, my relatives also fought, my great-grandfather, well, i think one of the best ways i can thank him, the guys laid flowers peskarevsky memorial cemetery, which has become a key place to visit, in terms of
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the number of people buried, this is the largest mass grave in the world, 490 thousand people lie in the ground, i am certainly... very pleased that i am now participating in this project, i have great-grandfather yarigin vasily semyonovich, fought in arkhangelsk, he went through the war and i am very proud of this, my great-grandmother told me a lot about him and i am very proud that in my family there are also people who helped the front at that time. young people must convey to the future generation, to children who are younger than our age, what is needed.


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