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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 26, 2024 6:20pm-7:01pm MSK

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front, after a massive air and artillery strike, capture the village of barchitsa. on the same day, the city of zhlobin is liberated. over the course of 24 hours, 1,500 settlements in belarus were liberated, including gorki, dubrovna, tolachin, beshinkovichi, and vitebsk. in honor of the liberation of zhlobin and vitebsk, an artillery salute was given in moscow. there were 32 days left until the complete liberation of belarus.
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information and analytical project current microphone on air on the belarusian radio tv channel belarus24, with you the presenter andrey owl, as well as our guest, political scientist yuri voskresensky, good afternoon, we are discussing the most current news that worries not only belarusians, but i think also our closest border region. yuri, in recent days some kind of house-2 has been happening on the territory of ukraine around narde potishchenko, who kidnapped people, someone was imprisoned, in my opinion.
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even in a pit, as they say, on the territory of ukraine, that is, in fact, a person was taken from the street and forcibly detained, now he seems to have been sentenced to house arrest, although it is also being discussed that they already saw him somewhere in a restaurant, because it turns out that he was in the restaurant before he was sentenced to this house arrest, in general, what do you think about this regarding what is happening when people’s deputies of ukraine are involved in such things, kidnapping, but this is the maximum. a strange story, you know, andrey, i’ll just clarify, probably not the last 2 days, but the last 2 and a half years, and maybe even much more, maybe even 22 years, people’s deputies of ukraine, well, folk, of course, this is in quotes, this is an allegory, we call them in the old fashioned way, since soviet times, because they are anti-people, rather deputies, engaged in rocketry, kidnapping people.
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they are engaged in raiding, they are organizing a channel for export abroad, taking fantastic sums from the ordinary ukrainian, up to 10-15 thousand dollars per person, just yesterday they stopped a minibus in the odessa region, there were 47 people there, each paid on average these amounts, here in this story with deputy tishchenko, well... that's it we see the same thing and it’s very gratifying to see it, because this is not some story we made up, all ukrainians see it, all ukrainians see the amounts that were seized from tishchenko, these huge, huge stacks, i laughed when they published the video, where he says in court that please don’t take this money from me, i won’t have anything to live for, and then, well, just in bundles, that’s how... millions of dollars, it’s
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just some kind of joke, but the question is, that we see this, the ukrainians see it, but why don’t their western patrons see it? what aid is being stolen, that all these officials are stealing, selling land left and right, the rest, engaging in outright crime, uh, don’t they understand that on the outskirts of europe a criminal enclave is being created, where organs are traded, weapons are traded, weapons are traded, positions are traded, in connection with this, most of us, of course...
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are criminals, well, judging by what we see from the ukrainian news, we cannot see whether this is true or not, in fact , from here, but after reading the news reports, the picture , as i said, a classic in oil, i like in this sense, of course, i really like it, also in recent days a video has spread, a fairly
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well-known ukrainian journalist masiychuk, who held a certain round table, invited the polish ex-minister of labor there - continues to communicate with her colleagues, has this information, i think that from the first hands, your opinion, in this regard, is the very money found from tishchenko part of those very voted laws in the right direction for official kiev?
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i think in this money, in these huge stacks of foreign currency are probably part of it. “if my husband had 800 thousand dollars behind the sofa, would we really begin to deal with the issues of ordinary belarusians? well, in ukraine the situation is a little different, the fact is that for 30 years there, the entire elite, the so-called, the entire ruling class is completely decomposed,
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corrupt, but i remember, you know, the words of the late yuri anatolvich ziser, which means he was born in lvov and he..." he said that you know, what’s surprising is that even in soviet times they came to belarus, that means, we encountered traffic inspectors, doctors, teachers, education workers, utility workers, i think in 1987, they immediately opened the drawer and showed me there with their eyes, that is, over 30, at least, or maybe and for 35-40 years ukraine has been corrupt.
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yushchenko, another corrupt official came, everyone was talking about yanukovych’s corruption, poroshenko came, everyone was talking about poroshenko’s corruption, well, now the level of corruption is simply. goes off scale, poroshenko is a boy in short pants, compared to what now, how the ukrainian people are being robbed, by all these deputies, there, heads, and so on, and you probably even know this, we must emphasize that not entirely to some extent, to some extent, our theses, because this is voiced quite a large number of ukrainian civil servants, that since under zelensky they did not steal under any president, so... and we watch footage, every day someone is arrested, someone is handcuffed by ukrainian law enforcement officers
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, then this is the head, then this means a deputy, this means a governor, now he has gone to resignation, corruption scandals everywhere, these searches everywhere, everywhere these shots with huge stuffed dollars and euro safes, but what are we talking about, that is, the ukrainian authorities are still fighting corruption or fighting, so to speak, competitors in this dangerous business? well, here, here, if you dig deeper, of course, it’s just one competing group fighting another competing group, there is no systemic struggle, there is no systemic cleansing, so ukrainian society doesn’t expect anything good, even if the war ends, well, ukrainian the state, because the entire ruling class is affected by this poison, when the ruling class is affected by the poison of corruption, no development...
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ideology due to the fact that you robbed not just someone personally, you robbed the whole society, you robbed the state , in this
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sense, belarus is, well , adheres to at least this policy, well, we have already touched partly on the polish direction, i would also like to discuss here these statements that are heard quite often about the complete blocking of the belarusian-polish border, what do you think on this occasion? dog? this caravan is moving, they can talk, but this is definitely not the first, maybe not the tenth statement in this direction, but it’s also interesting for what purpose they systematically do this, well, they always want to check, raise their rates, check, check , how do we react to all this, well, do you want to close the border at the last two points, well, one point for cargo, trucks, one remaining point for... cars in brest, but for god’s sake, close it, let’s see what happens this will happen, the fact is that we understand
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that the guts of the tank they have to close the points, because china on the one hand, well, i just wanted to say about this, that if possible, in this sense there is some kind of torque due to the fact that andrzej duda just the other day flew to beijing and held negotiations there, and couldn’t this narrative be used precisely in negotiations with china, that...
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china is useless, it is possible to bargain so that poland also will be isolated from trade with the people's republic of china, with on the other hand, poland is being pressured by western european partners so that they , on the contrary, open more points, increase transit, as for trade with belarus, in our interstate relations, we proposed to open all points calmly, there are no obstacles to this, return to normal, to normal interaction, which we’ve had it for decades, belarus is reliable, poland’s neighbor has always been a partner, but what do we see in response: beating migrants,
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erecting walls, mocking truckers, mocking everyone citizens. who cross the border, a mockery of polish citizens who are forced to stand in queues, because the polish authorities do not want them to travel under our visa-free program to belarus, because they see what is not shown on their tv, but they see what what is actually happening, in this madness of its own, few people paid attention to it, but the polish government is violating all conceivable ethical norms. european standards, well, in particular legislation related to migrants, which they are obliged to accept and submit all these questions to the court for decision, but the polish government has reached the point of impermissible in its medieval madness, because you probably noticed that they began to water,
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yes, this is an extremely strange initiative, which is more like schizophrenia, overflowing some kind of anti-humanity. religious, i beg your pardon, hostility, that is , they are watering the border with some kind of pig waste so that muslims will flee from this waste, and what we hear, we hear some kind of shouting from brussels, because this, these are those european values, incitement to hatred, definitely incitement to religious hatred,
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few experts paid attention to this, but this is an illustrative case, it needs to be... i mean, and moreover, we just put such a good face on a bad game in this they said that in ukraine there is such a law, and often throughout the entire post-soviet space, with the exception of belarus russia, that each subsequent one is worse than the previous one, this also applies to rulers, laws, and rules, and so in europe the same story is observed, every
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the next politician coming is worse than the previous one, now we have learned about what turns out to be
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the russian federation, her husband, her company, him, or rather the company, so there is a rather ironic story here, and i think that in this sense, well, it is possible that it will continue, it will also declare that it is necessary to destroy russia, russians, and so on, with one hand, and will lobby with the other. in fact, she lobbies the interests of her husband, who was involved in the production of coronavirus vaccines and the family made simply colossal money from this money, here, in my opinion, well, it’s just
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a one-on-one case just happening, continuing this good bridge that you laid regarding the fact that each next one is much worse than the previous one, i would like to discuss the news that the new secretary general of nato , comrade mark rutte, in your opinion, is this how it works here?
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began, she began supplying weapons to one of the parties, she began militaristic rhetoric, anti-russian rhetoric in places, so i’m afraid that in the case of this new secretary general, who is preparing to replace stolpenberg that in this case the same scheme can work, in order to meet the expectations of inadequate european politicians and leaders, it is still necessary to have this kind of military-political alliance, one must listen to the leaders of leading countries, it may
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not be as restrained as was the prime minister of the netherlands, it seems to me that he can slide to the level of this half-crazy scandinavian, who now leads the north atlantic alliance, but hope... the last one dies, maybe this will be an exception to the rule, where everyone the next one is worse than the previous one, but to be honest, i already doubt that an interesting situation happened in a different direction, let’s say, well, at least for me, it really caused, well, such a pleasant surprise and unexpected, let’s say, due to the fact that he was released mr. asansh, who... at one time became such a conductor of quite high-profile investigations into the activities of the official white house, the collective
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west, how they eliminated competitors, how they carried out their operations in the middle east, to what extent it was shrouded in war crimes, which is typical, these war crimes were never investigated, there were attempts, but after , say, the beginning of these attempts, certain tough measures were taken by the white house to extinguish them. one way or another, everyone discussed this for quite a long time, asanch himself was subjected to unimaginable repressions, it seems to me that he was such a truly international prisoner, whom everyone watched with interest, whether he could eventually defeat this system, it seems that that on the one hand he managed, he was released home, he admitted what... part of the responsibility for disclosing this information, which caused quite a serious international outcry, but at the same time many say that not everything is so
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pure in this story and in general including, comrade should worry for his life, because the information that he published caused quite serious reputational damage to the white house and the entire collective west, and that one way or another... his life is in serious danger and perhaps he was just released now home, so that it would be easier, so to speak, to get close to him, what do you think about this ? well, in the case with sosanj, of course, we all saw hypocrisy, first of all, the hypocrisy of western human rights structures, that is, they squeal from morning to evening that someone is sitting in that country, someone is sitting in that country, that’s a person . they seized the truth, which means they illegally broke into a diplomatic institution in order to seize it,
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they are keeping them in prison for many long years... imprisonment, and we do not see a single award, not a single award, not a single concern, they word, no one said anything about assange, who is talking about awards, this is of course very clear regarding what is happening, it is very important, where are the merits of this person in connection with the kind of resonance his investigations caused, of course, all human rights organizations should have stood up on the contrary for this man, who never had to ride around the world for a day, is a lie. and hypocrisy, this is their motto, which we saw first of all from this case, the second point, but it is clear that asansh is already, including for reasons, due to his condition health, he could not stay in these inhumane conditions for long, and he had to make a partial admission of his guilt, which is what state department propaganda will now trump, they are sure to be his... styles home
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to australia, today he arrived, finally to his native pinatas , they probably released him on the condition that he would remain silent, here we are in the very near future, if we do not see his press conference, then, probably, such separate agreements were concluded, he will remain silent, and if he speaks, they will then liquidate, poison, kill, shoot down machines, they have great methods, large arsenals, we saw this on... a deal with the american side, but this is his right, in any case, he has already done so much for progressive humanity that
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his... us policy, foreign policy, and this is wonderful, this is sensational, that’s how, regardless of how his future fate turns out, of course, many thanks to him, we saw american secrets, we learned, we saw the hypocrisy, the hypocrisy of human rights organizations, the so-called international ones, and of course, now let's go
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deal, if... he doesn’t shed light on all the issues related to his release, then this deal is successful for the americans. yuri, here is some interesting news, since we are a current microphone, we discuss news that appears live, right away. the shkvarka telegram channel publishes news that in latvia they have proposed growing marijuana in tomato greenhouses and selling it in the usa. the initiative was taken by the minister of economy viktor valainis.
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the most, you know, enlightened west, like them , that this is present on the territory of that they like to call themselves, it doesn’t fit into any simple gates at all. yuri, thank you very much for taking the time to visit our
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broadcast, i understand. busy, thank you, we are waiting for you next time. the information and analytical project “current microphone” was broadcast on the belarusian radio, tv channel belarus24, with you was the presenter andrei sych, also our guest, political scientist yuri voskresensky. see you. they hoped that soviet soldiers would not shoot at their own. and so it was. having let civilians pass through the battle formations, the soviet wars confronted the enemy in... hand-to-hand combat they destroyed him. the vitebsk-orsha offensive operation was carried out from june 23 to june 28, 1944. during its course, the regional center was actually liberated. this operation was one of the first stages
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of operation bagration. the third belarusian and first baltic fronts took part in the vitebsk-orsha operation. they were opposed by the third and fourth tank armies of group center under the command of general felt marshal ernst. bush. the retention of vitebsk and the surrounding area was of paramount importance for the german command, since this made it possible to maintain interaction between the army groups center and north. already on the first day of the offensive operation bagration, a formation of the sixth guards and forty-third armies of the first baltic front broke through the nazi defenses in northern vitebsk and advanced 12-16 km. on the night of june 24. they reached the western dvina, crossed it and captured several bridgeheads on the left bank of the river. the offensive of the troops of the first baltic front turned out to be a complete surprise for the german command. june 25 troops forty
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the third army of the first baltic front and the thirty-ninth army of the third belarusian front encircled five infantry divisions of the enemy’s third tank army, numbering about 35 thousand people, near vitebsk. the nazis desperately resisted. they tried to break out of the shrinking ring and go to the southwest, but nothing worked, and then the fastas decided to make a breakthrough, hiding behind the local population, old people, women and children. they hoped that soviet soldiers would not shoot at their own. and so it was. having let civilians pass through the battle formations, the soviet wars fought the enemy in hand-to-hand combat and destroyed him. the red army troops have begun. implementation of the plan to encircle enemy groups in the areas of vitebsk and bobruisk. they entered vitebsk on june 26. the enemy was going to blow up the only bridge across the western dvina. this could not be allowed to happen. the sapper
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group of senior sergeant fyodor blokhin was given the order to prevent the explosion. this bridge was heavily shot at and guarded by the enemy. defuse the explosive device. was entrusted to six soldiers, the german sappers managed to set fire to the bickford fuse, but senior sergeant blokhin broke through to the bridge under fire and pulled out the fuses, but this was not enough, it was still necessary to remove the electric machine for detonation and eliminate the mechanical devices for the explosion. while performing this task, the senior sergeant also had to shoot back from enemies, so he destroyed seven enemy soldiers. for heroism and courage shown in the battles for the liberation of vitebsk, fyodor timofeevich vlahin was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. already in the first half of the day, june 26, the remnants of the german division surrendered, and the city was
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taken. the liberation of vitebsk included 145, 204 rifle divisions, 155 fortified area of ​​the ninety-second rifle corps, 105 - 262 rifle divisions of the eighty-fourth rifle corps, 957 self-propelled artillery regiment, 139 army artillery brigade, thirty-ninth army of the third belarusian front. first air army - lieutenant general gromov. soldiers of the first vitebsk partisan brigade under the command of biryulin and other units. entering vitebsk, after almost 1,100 days of fascist occupation, the red army soldiers did not see buildings or houses. only 7% of pre-war
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housing stock has been preserved in the city. and out of a population of almost 17 thousand on the banks of the western dvina , only 118 local residents met the liberators. recovery. 230 military personnel were awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. moscow saluted the soldiers of the first pre-baltic and third belarusian fronts, which liberated vitebsk with twenty artillery salvoes from 224 guns. the enemy group surrounded near vitebsk was finally defeated on june 27. the nazis lost 20,000 people in killed alone. more than 1000 soldiers and officers were forced. surrender. the enemy group surrounded near vitebsk
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was finally defeated on june 27. the nazis lost 20,000 people in killed alone. more than 10 thousand soldiers and officers were forced to surrender. among them were the military commandant of vitebsk, the infantry general, friz galvitser and commander of the 206th infantry division, lieutenant general alfons heeter. on june 26, 1944 , dubrovensky, tolochinsky, and goretsky were also liberated. kirovsky, parizhsky, zhlobinsky and krupsky districts. a show that will not leave anyone indifferent. as soon as they lifted me up, i looked. and i think maybe i don’t need it, that i
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came here at all, please let me out of here, and meanwhile alexander is almost catching up with him, cling on with your hands, come on, the main thing is to choose your path, even if it is the most dangerous, calmly, don’t rush, wait, not there, not there, not there, wait, take your time, wait, yes, carefully, up down below, who's ready? overcome yourself and become a hero, a time of great feats, a turn, we have never seen such emotions, this is a cossack, i don’t know about sports, i don’t remember when something like that, you can cry, you don’t come to compete in order to compete, for in order to win, i always have the same mindset, either everything or nothing, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the news is on air in the studio yulia pertsova, good evening. first, briefly about the main topics release. for perseverance, courage and bravery. for 50 years, minsk has been called the city of hero, and vitebsk celebrates the eightieth anniversary of liberation. in memory of heroic deeds, laying ceremony. on the way to global scientific and educational. the joint initiative platform is actively discussing:


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