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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 27, 2024 5:35pm-6:00pm MSK

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the art of the little one, because before getting married, every woman ordered herself such a carpet, interfered with the wall, i already know, she did everything a lot, but i don’t know how to do it either, we’ll teach you, no problem, but you can do it today, of course it’s possible, but not so under not so old ones. ways, that means, choose what is simpler here, what you like, which one, which one you like, yes, this one, take a brush, thicker, and thicker, yes, thicker, thicker, so that it’s faster, this way, or maybe, no, here’s another we have beauty, yeah, so, you think about the color, you have to do it quickly, because, in principle, everything absorbs into the paint, and so on... immediately paint paint and green
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black black on black, yes, that means you probably need to apply black, yeah, open it and then you can finish painting, you can make a white stock and then paint it, so we don’t apply it thickly there is almost no regret, no need straight from the jar, we don’t mix the paint, we apply it , we need to do everything quickly, carefully so that it doesn’t have time to dry out, so i help you know how you know how you can you don’t know yet. okay, you stimulate, yes, but what about? and neatly press with one confident movement, once and press well. so, louise, here's to you. hold it for 2 minutes. so, everything is fine, i think that’s the whole point. we take it out carefully. all. so. so that everything is beautiful. will. here. everything is fine. now we take a brush and carefully paint on it.
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yes, of course, the simplest thing, a piece of fabric, you can buy ordinary fabric paint in the store, but in general, in principle, they used to cook paint or oil paint on the basis of wood glue, paint on anything, a blanket, bedspread, oilcloth, everything, what was underneath with my hands, i think that today was an excellent day, despite the fact that i was alone today, but so were you , i learned a lot... everything about this city,
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which was incomprehensible to me at first, starting with the name , and also that yakuva ears for me are no longer just squares where you can walk in minsk, these are great writers, and for me it was an honor to visit exactly those places where he lived, and of course, i already know what i will study in the evenings, if, of course, it turned out beautifully, very well, everything is ahead, see you at...
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late on a january evening in 1970 , a telephone rang in the third city hospital of minsk. third city hospital. tatyana vasilievna birich, tatyana vasilievna is busy with a patient, this is urgently on the line of the ministry of defense. take another phone, a high-ranking employee of the ministry has an eye injury, there is a metal object there. when did the injury occur? 2 days ago, a bloody swelling formed around the eye. i will operate tomorrow, prepare the patient for departure, after which he will be able to continue treatment in moscow. we would like the treatment
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took place in minsk, under your control. fine. tatyana vasilievna birich, known in the ussr as an autothalmologist, hero of socialist labor, corresponding member of the academy of sciences of the bssr. the first woman in the history of belarus to become a professor, doctor of medical sciences in the distant pre-war years. honorary titles, awards, position of deputy chairman of the supreme council of the bssr in the sixties. people from all over the soviet union tried to get an appointment with her. it was in minsk that one of the best ophthalmologists in the country worked. but on throughout her long life, tatyana vasilievna often asked herself the same
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question. how could everything have turned out at all, if not for a different time, not for other circumstances. biric addressed this issue in her speeches. from the rostrum of the session of the supreme council and during communication with students, who would they be if the country remained the same, with the exploitation of the common man, for whom even getting a primary education was a problem. in the early twenties in the republic , the attention of young people, especially girls, active participation in the construction of a new society. the meeting and bureau of the borisov district komsomol committee discussed the candidacy of komsomol member tatyana birech, and a decision had to be made on sending her to study at the university on a komsomol voucher. i propose to listen to the characterization of komsomolskaya pravda birich. the floor is given
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to the secretary of the lokshit komsomol cell. ask. birich born in 1905. graduate. she joined the komsomol and was sent by the volost revolutionary committee to three-year pedagogical courses. comrades, the youth are faced with new tasks. the republic needs certified specialists in many areas; in belarus, where even before the revolution there was not a single higher education institution, institutes are now opening, in 1921 the belarusian state
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university. thank you, there is a proposal to send komsomol member birich on a komsomol ticket. it was more of a formality. unanimously, congratulations. the young komsomol member tatyana birich was well known. the fate of komsomol member birich changed dramatically. special attention to the faculty of medicine. dial for him by topic at times considerable. 80 people, 117 of them girls, including tatyana birich, just a few years later another important event took place in the life of the country and birich herself.
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photographer elya berman, secluded in his laboratory, looked with interest at the photographs he had just hung up to dry. what is it like, this is the new intellectual elite. in case, i inserted a photo into them and signed them with a beautiful font: alexandra ivanovna vornova.
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birich tatya. they are clearly pleased with their work, they put photographic portraits in a prominent place, what a pride, science, hey! event for of the young soviet republic was really important at that time, the first graduating class of graduate students took place at the academy of sciences. 17 applicants for academic degrees defended their dissertations, including women alexandra ivanovna voronova. she became the first woman among belarusian historians to receive a candidate of historical sciences. attention to the dissertation of the young scientist tatyana birich - a special subject is the study
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of eye diseases, problems of the optic nerve, the fight against glaucoma. the defense has become akin to a sensation, and not only because the topic current. for the first time in the republic, a woman became a scientific ophthalmologist. a business trip to odessa to the institute of experimental ophthalmology for tatyana birich became. the young colleague’s bold proposal aroused genuine interest. now there was a discussion about the upcoming operation, which none of the colleagues dared to decide on. a lot of doubts have been expressed. i think the proposed technique may well be justified;
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transplantation of the cadaveric cornea or lip mucosa is quite possible; we use it as a transplant. darling, it's you you understand that it is hardly possible to guarantee a positive result; we do not know how this experiment will end. yes, this is the first time in medical practice, but under your leadership, comrade felatov, i think everything will be successful. gave this with her developments and bold experiments. one of them became a sensation.
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to restore lost vision, she decided to use oxygen, injecting it under the trace of the eyeball. this was not just an important discovery, it was the first time in world practice. this oxygen method therapy subsequently became widespread in the ussr and abroad, everything seemed to be going well in scientific activity. on the morning of june 22, 1941, entering her office, tatyana vasilievna saw two men there; they clearly did not look like patients; who are you? the questions they began to ask on the spot were more like an interrogation. tatyana vasilievna. why do you subscribe to a lot of foreign literature,
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don’t you think they write a lot about you abroad, your husband was repressed, and if they didn’t touch you, it doesn’t mean that you’re not a wife enemy of the people, firstly, not you, but you, and secondly, if there are questions, i will answer, if not, do not interfere with work, urgently turn on the radio, declaration of war, german troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and bombed from their planes, our cities, zhitomir, kiev, sevastopol, kaunnas and some others, terrible. footage of the first bombing of minsk on june 25, 1941, there was a panic in the city, a shell
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hit the novolodarsky hospital, many were killed, wounded, the emergency room had already been destroyed, there were dead, birich took over the organization evacuation, gives commands to stop the panic and begin to remove the patients from the wards, the impossible was done, they were able to organize transport that brought the patients to the ambulance car at the station, they were sent to the rear. the last person to leave the hospital was tatyana birich. she herself, having taken her daughter to her parents, independently reached the front line, and then with a train of wounded to saratov, the hospital was evacuated there. military doctor of the second rank, head of the military department of eye diseases of the saratov medical institute, on the basis of which the evaka hospital was organized, and thousands of lives saved, vision saved.
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it was here that the importance of its discovery was confirmed in practice. using oxygen to restore it, a method she actively used in wartime conditions . see what is most precious to you. in 1961 , the film “
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she made an invaluable contribution to science, exploring various areas of ophthalmology, creating vision treatment centers in many regions of the republic, was released on the screen of the republic, and is the founder of the scientific school of this area in medicine. she has hundreds of trained ophthalmology specialists, thousands of patients
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in whom vision was restored. what categories of belarusian goods are most in demand in foreign markets? of course, these are the most, probably, we ourselves can always say that these are meat and dairy products, these are our food products, and mechanical engineering is enjoying great success,
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agricultural engineering attracts foreign partners, our flagships. mtz mas is always at its best at any exhibition, confectionery products are also a huge success, and of course, scientific and technical developments. in your opinion, this is how belarusian products successfully compete in foreign markets. first of all, this is quality, this year is the year of quality, and i can say that at foreign events, at our exhibitions. products are presented that can rightfully be said to be of the highest quality, and if we talk about food products, especially in our country they monitor the standards with all guests, so international partners
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value this very highly, we have this year planned there will be even more events next year. bright, i think even brighter than last year, we have planned an event in african countries, first of all, this is a very important market for us now, and we have been entering this market for a long time, but we have such a geography of countries in africa of course , it hasn’t been for a long time, but we are starting with algeria, then we have zimbabwe, zimbabwe we are participating now in 2000. than egypt, so for the african region we will export our belarusian enterprises to international ones almost every month
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forums, of course, this is asia, china, we have the number one annual exhibition in the world on food products in the world in asia, i think it, of course, may soon become the world's largest, this is seal shanghai, a very famous exhibition at... our enterprise is participating there, food manufacturers, and the exhibition, we are also planning an exhibition in the city of chongqing, in china, well, the asian market will also be widely represented, this includes korea, malaysia, and hong kong, we are planning, so we hope that in this region our companies will find partners, and... don’t forget about the middle east, we started the year with the golf exhibition, this is the number one annual exhibition for food products, our enterprises successfully
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participated in the exhibition in february, we are planning saudi arabia, jordan, as well as the exhibition countries in countries in uzbekistan, kazakhstan, azerbaijan, in general. all our already beloved partners, we always need to maintain contact with them, come to the exhibition, and of course , do not forget about new partners and look for them in these countries. television in our country, as in russian federation, dominates the information field and since the twentieth year our audience has grown, it has a very clear request for... socio-political broadcasting, many say: you cannot teach to love your homeland, you can, you need to teach to love your homeland, you need to talk about it achievements, how much has been done for a person, and
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this needs to be talked about, the media is a very important link between, well, i’ll call it very loosely the people, the authorities, without the media this communication cannot exist, the media conveys the main meanings, ideological directions, the course that is determined by the state, feedback should come from the population. the achievements of our country, not a single citizen, we will never give them up, we will not betray them, with all our might, even if necessary, and the president said this, even with our lives, we are obliged to protect all our values, all our achievements, markov’s project is nothing personal, watch on belarus24 tv channel.
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historical memory for a long time now at the museum vyalikay aychyny aguchily names of the performers in the competition of patriarchal films for the war.


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