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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 2, 2024 8:15am-9:01am MSK

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business. in addition, taking into account the development of modern technologies, it is possible to certify real estate contracts by two or more registrars. now, in exchange rates, the belarusian ruble has weakened against the dollar, the euro and the yuan have strengthened against the russian ruble. so, the current rates for the national bank. the dollar has risen in price by 3 rubles 19 kopecks. its exchange rate, the euro, also added 3.43. for 10 yuan he asks 4.36 belarusian, and for 100 russian - 3 rubles and 66 kopecks. if exchange rates regulate the market, then the fight metals, the ministry of finance directly, they reduce prices for everything that purchased for the state fund, from gold to platinum, the prices that have fallen the most are rhodium -37 rubles per gram and ridi - 6.5 rubles. gold became cheaper by almost 5 rubles to 230 per gram, silver lost 23 kopecks. a gram costs 2.91, and platinum has lost almost 4 rubles in price. grams are purchased for almost a hundred belarusian dollars. last time. settlement
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prices changed from june 1. and that's all the economic news for this hour. good luck in your business and see you soon . the morning broadcast continues. program "zone x". i'm violetta sokolovic. hello. hemp in hogweed thickets. camouflage level maximum. the idea of ​​an amateur plant grower from braslov was appreciated by the police. and it is reported that seedlings of plants similar to hemp were discovered by employees of the rescue department. they were checking the area to see if the toxic plant had been removed. and as a result, a site was developed in impenetrable thickets and a place was prepared for planting hemp. there were also 12 pots with planting material. soil planting
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circles. then the investigative team and forensic experts got involved in the case. when checking in the state committee of forensic examinations, traces found at the scene. it was established that they were left to thirty-five-year-old residents of braslov. based on the results of the examination of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues and precursors, potent substances, it was established that the plants provided for research contain a particularly dangerous psychotropic substance. the review of criminal and emergency incidents will continue to be published. two cases of smuggling were recorded on the border with the european union. in belarusian-lithuanian border of smargon border guards discovered a drone. the drone was landed using an electronic weapon. the aircraft's operators tried to escape in a car. having created a real danger to the life and health of law enforcement officers, military personnel of the internal troops. the suspect was detained,
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no one was hurt, in addition to smuggling, the defendants may face criminal punishment for disobedience to official requirements, by a representative of the law. another incident occurred in the latvian direction; polotsk border guards detained two belarusians who tried to smuggle goods using a homemade probe. at the place of detention they also found six helium cylinders, a thermal imager, a radio station, a navigator and phones with latvian sim cards.
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a resident of the vitebsk region received funds as an advance payment and used them for his personal purposes. in total, the director embezzled 217 thousand belarusian rubles. the defendant faces up to 9 years in prison. the secret disappearance of a wallet in a car sharing service was uncovered by capital detectives. minsk resident, using the services i forgot a rented car in portmann’s car; when i found the car again, the money was gone . the detectives had no difficulty in finding the next driver, it turned out that they did. a three-year-old girl, she honestly admitted that she took 700 rubles and managed to spend more than half; a criminal case was opened into the theft. the bmw flew off the road in minsk; the accident occurred the day before during the evening rush hour. apparently, the driver lost control and the car drove across the pedestrian sidewalk and ended up in a green zone. kievsky square, but no casualties were reported. the thief was identified by smell, and a resident of the klichevsky district complained to the police.
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missing motorcycle. minsk was kept in the courtyard of his private house. the victim admitted that the keys were always in the ignition and the gate was not locked. finding transport was not difficult. the motorcycle was parked at a neighboring house with a broken mirror and a broken turn signal. an adorological examination helped identify the suspect. experts managed to remove scent traces that brought to an eighteen-year-old fellow villager. i got carried away by sup boarding. last day, on the minsk sea, workers of the rescue center rescued a vacationer. a man swam on a board 2 km from the shore. when strong winds rose, concerned friends called rescuers. it turned out that... the shift was carried deeper into the reservoir, trying to return he spent all his strength, and besides, he was without a vest, the duty service of the rescue station came to the rescue. this was the project zone x. don't miss our evening broadcast on belarus-1.
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today we meet with you anna quilloria and marianna murenkova. yes, friends, july 2 is on the calendar. we continue our special broadcast dedicated to the independence day of the republic of belarus and the eightieth anniversary of the country's liberation from the nazi invaders. and tomorrow grandiose events will take place in honor of memorable dates throughout the country, in minsk - a military parade and a special theatrical procession, eight years of victory. serious preparation has been underway for more than a month, literally for everyone. we told you what you can see at this grand parade, yes the procession will be opened by a foot column, according to the tradition of the suvorovites, for the first time in the history of a sovereign country; employees of the investigative committee will also march in formation. yes, it impresses the audience, in addition to the belarusian security forces, military personnel from seven countries are preparing,
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in total there are 36 crews in the column, in the ranks of the parade participants and those who literally carry the gene of valor and courage of their ancestors, these are the grandchildren and great-grandsons of the heroes of the front-line soldiers. not only them, but all belarusians. actually, july 3 is a date with special meaning for all belarusians, and especially for residents of the capital, about the liberation of minsk,
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let's find out in a special story from our colleague nina mozheiko. operation bagartion is absolutely exclusive, not only from a military-strategic point of view. this is a monument to the spiritual feat of all those who fought to the last drop of blood, not sparing their bellies. they didn’t have the right, they didn’t have the spiritual ability to do it. step back. 80 years ago, it was borisov that became a strategic point on the offensive map. since it was a large transport hub, it was such a point, one of the points of serious defense at this the german sector, through this point it was possible to develop a further attack on minsk, so the capture of this city was given great importance, and part of the fifth guards tank army. had to cope with this task, do you know what kind of monument this is
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? against everyone, we were happy to meet these tankers, they were coming here from the other side, from sides of the grain. this is how different generations of borisov residents describe the monument to the feat of the tank crew of pavel rak. one tank held out in the city cut off from the red army. 17 o'clock. they had to cross the bridge over rekusha, then across the berezina, because they established that these bridges were intact. but there was a german ambush on the left bank and on the right bank. and they transferred the fifth german tank division here, that is, they had something to lose, because next was the city. minsk, they all specifically understood how this could end. on the night of june 30th
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four tank crews went to the right bank for reconnaissance. it was necessary to find out what the fascist defense was. only the crew of pavel rak on the t-3485 was able to break into borisov unharmed, but the bridge behind his tank was immediately blown up, and the escape routes were blocked. the germans were in such shock and horror that, firstly, the tank was able to break through. through these lines of defense, and secondly, the fact that he remained in the city, in general, drove the enemy back and forth, the tank was able to destroy an armored personnel carrier with manpower, was able to destroy an anti-aircraft battery, which also covered the crossings, and the crew also approached the commandant’s office, the headquarters, which was located in the city and also caused damage to buildings and caused damage to the enemy. many enemy officers were destroyed in this format, the tank continued street
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battles until about 16 hours, all three of them died liberating our city of borisov, and they say that ivan danilovich chernyakhovsky himself crossed the bridge structures on foot, they lay there, two very badly burned paths, one recognizable, they were lying not far from this one... the entire tank crew became part of the soviet union, their feat became a significant help for the red army, which already liberated the city of borisov on july 1. the tank corps of general burdeyny is rushing to minsk. german tanks occupied these heights, but we had to break through in this direction to minsk.
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the capital of belarus, the tank is a symbol, yes, because some of the first who broke into the city of minsk were tankers. tankers of the fifth tank guards army burst into our capital from the northern part, and this was rotmistrov, marshal of the armored forces, commanding. of this army, from the logoisk tract , again, it was the tank units of the corps of the second guards tatsinsky and burdeyny who burst in, but a little later the tankers of the first belarusian front under the command of lieutenant general panov and had already burst in from the partisan avenue. it was general burdeinov’s corps that was the first to enter minsk and started the battle for liberation.
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a sign like this indicated that mine clearance work was being carried out in this area. from the very first days after liberation, roll up everyone had to put up their sleeves. the best minds in the field of architecture and engineering of the soviet union reflected on the new master plans for the capital of the bssr. pre-war minsk was a relatively small city by today’s standards, with about 2,000 people living there. accordingly, in order to recreate the city. already with the expectation of population growth, it was necessary to radically change this architectural solution, which was done, in particular, here we see independence avenue, a fairly wide street, it was quite small the width of the street is approximately how wide we have karl marx street now. minsk became a postcard city by 1953, with such wide
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avenues, beautiful squares and rich green areas, parks, according to the general plan , appeared... not only in the center, in every residential area, this trend continues today, although, of course, over the past 80 years, our capital has been transformed and expanded with new objects in the spirit of the times. together with the chief architect of minsk, we take it high to make an important announcement. a very large group of people is involved in ensuring that in the city there was cleanliness and order, it’s not for nothing that there is a saying, but you are greeted by your clothes, you are seen off by your mind, so, of course, you always really want to have,
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minsk is still beautiful and safe, such an image was given to us at a difficult price, with blood and sweat, so that we can be proud they could say i’m from minsk, the city of the hero.
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know that it is difficult to be the first when choosing your path, but you can do everything just by being yourself, and don’t give up, don’t break, hold on to life. know that the sun is shining for us through the clouds, now, behind you, there are hundreds of hands, hundreds of eyes, in this world you and i are not alone. look, the sun on belarus, shines brightly, because he loves us all, the day will be good, let him know what is in my heart now, we want
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to live, believe, dream and love in peace. the sun will shine above us, know, not only in fairy tales, good wins, with one breath open your heart to people, bring warmth to this world of love, let’s think, friends will help, they will stand next to you, with their backs. let the world know what is in my heart, now, we want to live, believe, dream
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and love in peace, the sun will shine on us, i am the sun on belarus, because. love everyone us, and the day will be good, let the world know, what is in my heart now, we want to experience, believe in, dream and love, everything will be brought in, the sun will be over belarus, it will bloom,
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a large elastic ball, a must-have equipment for serious people adult training and for children's recreational activities. it’s not easy to even just sit on a fitball, but if kids have learned to ride on them like horses, they are almost champions. in general, what some may consider to be a hobby is, in fact, the acquisition of important motor skills, prevention of posture problems and an excellent option for physical activity for children. select the size of the fitball so that when sitting on it, the child confidently rests his full foot on the floor, and the angles between the body, thigh and lower leg are straight. first of all, teach. for the child to maintain balance while sitting on the sword, then you can add basic exercises: turns of the body, movement of the arms and legs. if the fitball is equipped with handles, children quickly
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master jumping with pleasure. with the help of fitballs you can strengthen your back and abdominal muscles, train the strength of your legs and arms, develop flexibility and the ability to maintain balance. gymnastics with a fitball is suitable for training at home, in the gym, and on the street. depending on the age of the child, the lesson may continue. repeat from 15 to 30 minutes at least daily. performing even the simplest exercises on fitballs allows you to use stabilizer muscles, develop a sense of balance and coordination of movements. and, of course, fitballs make any physical activity more fun. and someone is ready to argue that a healthy image does life begin with this? play with your children, let them be active, do fitness together.
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kali is known in the wild, so the light poured into the world, all the husky evenings were gone, and only the wind blew the sand of the ear, as long as you slept and understood, which was singing shynya. the skin's magic spreads across nature, in the forest, in the field, on rivers and lakes, smelling the fresh wind, smelling the clean skies, hearing the singing birds and the sandy forests, smile, darling! for the salad, the respected person jumped vocally at the harmony with
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say hello to belarus 24. good raanti belarus, good morning country. our beautiful morning continues. anna quilori and mariana marenkova stand guard over your awakening today. i remind you that today is tuesday, today is july 2. and during 3 hours of our special broadcast, we tell you about the most significant stages of the bagration liberation operation. this was one of the largest military operations of the great patriotic war and lasted 68 days. the total number of soviet troops participating was almost 2 and a half. million soldiers officers. and according to researchers, the ussr lost more than 178 people in operation bagration. and sanitary losses amounted to another 587 people.
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the legendary operation, which began in the belarusian swamps, turned out to be not only strategically successful, it became victorious. and the last regional center to be liberated was the city of brest. right now for your attention, my story about the lublin-brez offensive operation, to be honest, i’m very worried, because how much effort i, our colleagues, put into making these stories with love, well we won’t list them, just for your judgment, look. please, july 1944, then the whole of belarus was literally dotted with front-line roads, wide, narrow, barely noticeable, they were laid even in places where a person had never traveled or even walked before, but they had one thing in common, they all came from no matter where, at that very height of the summer of forty -four they were leading in one direction, to the west, back, to the west, soviet troops were driving the fascists, all the major belarusian cities were already
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free, brest was in line about the situation, because for him, the war began on september 1 , 1939, when german troops invaded the territory of poland, of which the western lands of our country were then part. then there was the reunification of belarus, after almost 2 years of respite until june 22, 1941, later the heroic defense of the brest fortress, occupation, and finally the beginning of the lublin brez operation, the final stage of operation bogartion. cities and towns were liberated, if we may use the word “quickly.” but the troops advanced really quickly, sometimes within a day. cover about 13 km, and this is not just a trip by car, this is a distance taking into account the liberation battles. and now i am at the famous bison sculpture, not far from the city of baranovichi. today many people stop here to take photos, but then in july 1944, the red army, without stopping, almost immediately broke into baranovichi. the germans created a powerful fortified area here, mined the approaches to the city and did not expect such a development
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of events, this large railway... after difficult bloody battles was liberated on july 8, a little later vatsevichi, bereza, pinsk and many other cities and towns were recaptured, all moving towards brest. an important role in carrying out the lublin-brest operation, which ended with the liberation of brest, was played by the partisan formations that operated in the brest area, and the underground, thanks to them, they collected the necessary data on the movement of troops, on the construction of defensive... fortifications around the city, all this data was transmitted in units of the red army, which were already preparing with this in mind their offensive operations, this of course played a big role. the brest underground carried out sabotage work in the city, provided weapons, medicines to partisan detachments, and also transported people under threat of destruction by the nazis to the safe wilderness of forests and swamps. in march of forty-three , the brest partisan unit was created. it united many
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brigade detachments operating in the brest region. the center of this connection was the khovanshchina tract. these are islands among the marshy impassable swamps. only a few knew the way there; they were called guides. there was a regional party committee, a regional komsomol committee, the editorial office of the underground newspaper zarya, a san unit, a family camp that accommodated more than 300 people , and even a forest school. it was through such a radio station that self-made partisans often kept in touch with each other, between different units, and most importantly, transmitted valuable information to the advancing units of the red army. to the chief of reconnaissance of the forty-eighth rifle regiment. divisions in the north-eastern part of brest, the enemy needed this data for preparing offensive assaults on populated areas, crossing rivers, preventing guard operations, and of course, the partisans needed to receive orders for synchronized actions with the advancing troops themselves, since they often closed the rear ring encirclements around populated areas, that is , they created such peculiar cauldrons in order to the germans simply did not
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have time to escape. a huge role in the fight. underground publications also played with the nazi invaders in preparation for the offensive. during the great patriotic war, printed the word was equated to a real military weapon. such partisan newspapers, like the dawn , informed the local population about what was really happening at the front, in the rear and even in germany. it was such a vital newspaper, which was very important to everyone, like a breath of fresh air, because the connection. there was nothing more than through printed publications at that time, and this newspaper was so lovingly called our little charge, they read it to the gills, but no one ever used it for other purposes, even those already so sophisticated life experience, men who smoked hand-rolled cigarettes never used this rolled-up newspaper, the newspaper was passed from hand to hand, along with it the most important information,
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the red army is approaching, our troops... are crushing the fascists on all fronts, liberation is coming, partisans and units of the red army the armies united into a single fist and after the liberation of these territories, together they launched an offensive on brest, before the armies... and units of the first belarusian front faced a very difficult task, all approaches to the city were mined, the enemy created a powerful fortified area, three lines of defense, wide minefields, it was impossible to enter the city directly, so the decision was made to first cross the western beech river on june 20, this was successfully done, to gain a foothold on the opposite bank of the bridgehead, even a number of settlements were liberated on... july 26, brest was surrounded by soviet troops. for 2 days there were terrible, difficult battles, because the german command, realizing the importance of holding this city for the outcome of the entire war, pulled a huge amount of equipment and human resources here. they they launched a desperate counterattack, trying
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to break out of the encirclement, but the red army took the enemy with an iron fist, gradually squeezing him. on july 28, brest was liberated. fort grafberg is one of the first buildings of the brest fortress. today it is on... located on the territory of the brest meat-packing plant, the fact that it was once a fortress is reminiscent of the cosimas of earthen ramparts, but then on july 28, 1944 , the first red banner was hoisted on the roof of this building, its proud banner indicated that that brest is free. there is still a lot of work ahead, difficult battles to liberate europe, but the last meters of soviet land were cleared of invaders. for 1132 days brest was under occupation, the brest fortress was the first to take the terrible blow of the war, the last was liberated, for the first time since that tragic date, june 22
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, 1941, the soldiers of the red army are returning to their fortress, they are returning home, raising their heads proudly, because they are heroes , among hundreds and thousands of names , it is of course impossible to stop at each one, however, the exhibition of the brest fortress contains photographs: one of the orderlies miraculously noticed that this man was still alive. he underwent an emergency operation and was sent to a rear hospital in penza; after being discharged from there, he again headed to the front, which was then already in prague, but
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on the way he learned of victory. ivan sidorovich continued to serve in the army in 1955, retired to the reserve and decided to spend his peaceful life in brest. just in 1956, the museum of heroic defense opened. fortress for more than 30 years , he worked here as a weapons technician, led extensive correspondence with veterans of the regiment, collected information, met with many personally, originally from ukraine, kiev region, for the rest of his life he, a real war hero, an honorary citizen of brest, devoted himself to glorifying those who, like him, promised not to give up a single inch of his land to the enemy, and he kept this promise. he is buried here in one of the city cemeteries. and there are hundreds of such heroes here, all of them who defended brest in the first days of the war, and who liberated the city from the nazis, found their peace on the very edge of the independent belarusian land for which they fought.
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we all rush after miracles, but there are no miracles and nothing, something like the earth under heaven, where the roof of the house is. yours, where the roof of the house is, yours, and if you suddenly feel sad, then sadness does not mean anything when you know that under the sun there is
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the roof of your house, there is the roof of your house. any moment of grief, every single one will disappear, as soon as you remember the blue stars above the roof of your house, above the roof of your house.
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the world is full of the joy of happiness, but the native land is the dearest of all, and it’s so wonderful to return under the roof of his house, under the roof of his house. everything you wanted to know about the unique relics that are found in the ancients.
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i won’t lie, we’re turning our idea of ​​life in the countryside around together with the heroes of the project. i’m from the village, but i come home here, this is mine, i really liked it here, and i didn’t think about anything else, well, when everything is assembled, here five children, yes, yes, there was an idea that, as if to prevent the children from scattering everything in their rooms and spending as much time as possible in nature in the open air, in general, ask them to leave the house for their own.
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i want to look at this world for everyone and my skin day to reveal something new for myself, this is so important to us, because we work on this with anyone, with anyone and belarus. friends, this is how our morning
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on july 2 turned out. mariana marinkova, anna quilloria were happy to spend these 3 hours of our live broadcast with you, just like all our colleagues: and katerina antonova, tatyana matusevich, olga venskaya, nina mozheiko, and a huge number of people who are now behind the scenes, we are all we tried for you to show the entire chronicle of the liberation of belarus. yes, thanks to everyone who helped us in preparing the stories, your contribution, preservation. appreciate what we have, remember what we had to go through, what a difficult path on the way to independence, take care of your home, take care of your country, we congratulate you on the holiday, love yours and be proud, we are proud, we are proud, proud, good morning belarus, belarus, this is us, this is you,
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this is me, we are relatives to each other, neighbors, friends, we are a big family, belarus is us, i am proud of you, fair, honest, wise, bright, white russia. my people are protected from adversity of evil, justice and faith, two white wings, in us history wisdom and prayer are strong, together we, belarusians, belarus is
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us, belarus is us. it’s you, it’s me, we are related to each other, neighbors, friends, we are a big family, belarus is us, i’m proud of you, fair, honest, wise, bright, white russia, belarus. ladies, among the storms of loss, the infinity of days, we
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will save our land, with our love, belarus. this is us, belarus, this is us, this is you, this is me, this is you, this is me, we are relatives to each other, neighbors, friends, we are a big family, belarus, this is us, me i’m proud of you, thoughtful, honest, wise, bright, white-handed.
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news live on belarus 1 and belarus 24 in the studio pavel zovik, good morning in this episode the heroic history of each region.


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