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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 2, 2024 12:10pm-12:40pm MSK

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they have been searching for four-year-old maya lyubimtseva, who disappeared the day before in the brest region, for the second day; the search was carried out all night. the search operation involved the police, emergencies ministry employees, volunteers from all over the country, and local residents. let me remind you that yesterday afternoon, from the yard of a house in the agricultural town of pelishche, kaminetsky district, a child left in an unknown direction. the search is still ongoing. it is known that the girl does not speak and was wearing a black t-shirt. any information. maya's location can be provided by phone, which is on the screen, as well as by numbers 102 or 112. factorby lights up new stars, today in mogilev the casting of the popular show continues, registration for auditions began at 10:00 am and will last until 17:00, you only need a passport, the team will offer to fill out forms, then sing and talk about yourself, and then surprise the jury with your voice range and scale of talent.
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derzhinskogo street 19, the culmination of auditions for the popular show in minsk, you can take part in the casting from july 4 to july 10, inclusive. next we have
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sports news, we are on air at 13:00, see you! successful for belarusian athletes the eighth children's games of asia are taking shape, which continue in yakutsk. in basketball 3:3 both our teams became champions. both the boys and girls had no equal to the belarusians in the finals. the boys 11:5 were stronger than the uzbekistan team. among the champions is ilya baran. ivan kotovsky, yaroslav gest and oleg soley. the girls, in the decisive match, defeated their rival from the ural federal district, 149. alexandra kudryavtseva, marta golovach, olesya tolkovskaya, daria kulik and ulyana polyei rose to the highest step of the podium. yegor sharongovich remains in calgary, the forward of the belarus national hockey team signed a new long-term contract with the flames. the agreement is for 5 years and is worth almost $29 million. i note that the new agreement will activate. season
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2025-2026. the current contract of belarus is designed for another season. in the nhl, sherangovich played 287 games and scored 165 points, 84 goals and 81 assists.
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there is a beaten horse, here the germans are killed, my mother jumped out through the window, the little girl is lying there, but there is no head, i am alive, i have waited for victory, viktorovich of the deposit, the village of novaya kolyuzhitsa, verezensky district, minsk region, military rank of corporal, position of ptr gunner, in the ranks of the workers' peasant red army in 1944. my father is a refugee collective farmer, he worked on collective farms, and my mother
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was a teacher, she worked as a teacher at a local school. i graduated from the seventh grade, i was not yet 15 years old. on the 22nd we got ready and went to the village of cherneuka. before the war, it was famous for the fact that there were always some kind of bazaars held there on weekends. around 12, it seems, there was this roar, they started reading speeches molotov. today at 4 o'clock. morning, without presenting any claims to the soviet union, without declaring war , german troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places.
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he sees someone more or less dressed like this, they forced us to undress, undress and there, in the month of september, atrocities began among us, the germans were driving cars, they stopped around
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the village and began to walk, in one yard they saw a pretty girl, they immediately grabbed her ha- ha and... sragiya began to feel skinny, well , it’s clear why, but she began to cry and scream and it was not given to them, at this time a young torturer jumps out of the hut, then we already found out that it turns out to be a husband and wife who just got married the last sunday before the war, so he jumped out to help her, but these warriors are angry, how is this possible? , didn’t give it to everyone - then they take them... they bring both of them to this barn, two of them next to each other, they shoot them, get into the cars, drive away, in 1942, what happened to us,
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the germans began to catch the boys and took the girls somewhere, we they didn’t know then, but later we figured it out, they were taking something away in their... camps, we were teenagers, heading into the forest, deep into the forest, about 10 kilometers away,
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borisovsky and berezensky, there were large forests here, that is, in these forests our partisan detachments built their camps, and we went there, so i did on december 16, 1943 became a partisan, the partisans of belarus, a resistance movement whose role in the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders is difficult to overestimate. from june 1941 to july 1944, the partisans of belarus disabled about 500,000 troops of the occupation forces, derailed 11,128 enemy trains and 34 armored trains,
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destroyed 29 railway stations and 948 enemy headquarters and garrisons, blew up and destroyed 819 railway and 4,710 other bridges, shot down and burned 305 aircraft at airfields, knocked out 1,355 armored vehicle tanks, and destroyed 939 military warehouses. our task was to build new dugouts, camouflage them, prepare firewood for
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the partisan kitchen, somewhere, for about two months we weren’t allowed to go anywhere else, we had one well known to me, well , somehow, an elderly man , partisan, well somehow he liked the kid, he said: here i was given a task, the village of rudnya was there, and there the germans made heaps of potatoes, poured them in, then covered them with straw, then in order to gradually take and provide for their troops, from these heaps we need to take potatoes for the partisans, and at night the two of us...
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the partisan units carried out tasks from the command of the fronts and kingdoms. the belarusian offensive operation began to prepare.
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forced the germans not to go through the partisan line, because it was covered by forest, they turned they came out, and it was open there, at that time our aircraft attacked, they were so defeated there, so many, so many carts, cart on cart. here a beaten horse, here the germans were killed, everything, so this, the whole road was embroidered, abandoning weapons, leaving populated areas, under the onslaught of our fighters, the defeated german troops were retreating to the west, we receive a task via radio from
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the partisan headquarters. we have 11 people, he says, wounded, four of them are not walking at all, seriously wounded on a cart, now i have received, he says, a message that ours has arrived military field hospital, in this hospital they contacted them, they agreed to accept
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our wounded partisans for treatment, and he says, here’s what they’re entrusting you with:
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i ended up in a separate anti-tank artillery division, i was enlisted as a machine gunner, they gave me this anti-tank rifle, and i fought with him until the end of the war. on january 14, 1945 , a powerful offensive of troops of the second belarusian front began under the command of rakosovsky on the narew river (northern town of poltusk) - this is northern warsaw already on the territory of poland. we found ourselves in a zone
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that was covered. the closed distant magnesium grooves and paisley gaps so we were forced to climb all over where at that time tanks went behind the high-rise buildings, accompanied by german infantry, here i saw for the first time what an attack was at what cost? victory is given, as people die, i ended up in a group that they said was a little behind... where cars with ammunition approached behind the high-rise building, they cannot be allowed here, otherwise they will shoot at them, drag them, drain the ammunition, i just got there,
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handed them over to the boxes, this time the germans re-opened the fire was turned off, a medical instructor was lying next to me, a girl, tanya, leningradko was already there, we were lying down and at that time a shell was exploding in front of a cannon, a wounded soldier was struck by it, that a shrapnel had gone through his stomach, he was holding his intestines, screaming, my dear mother, help, tanya is lying on her, we run, we’ll help, she just raised her head, a shell explodes, when a shell explodes, you know, it’s the same dust, it’s on its own, i walk around like that, i look, it’s lying, tanya is lying, but there’s no head,
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i didn’t have time uh, well, figure out what and how, as soon as i took my head, immediately the second shell exploded, and a wave of parapets hit me, i don’t remember anything that happened to me there, but after some time i was lying in this trench, i woke up, and i saw my two soldiers undressing me with i was, i look, the company commander is standing in front of me, i don’t understand what it is, and then when they undressed me, the company commander grabs me, oh, i’m alive, son, we ’ll fight again, a fragment, it turns out, i was hit hard, but the fragment went into the back, passed along the spine and came out here, two holes in the back, and...
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machine gunner in such a way as to sneak in from the side, remove him when he ’s not there, kill him, and then we attack, i crawled,
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crawled, crawled, the trench was already over, and there was such an open high-rise building, i popped when i was already level, i saw where these bricks are, these fascists... i then took my ptr gun, and i was already leaning on the ptr gun, pointed it at him and i’m lying there, i think, i’ll shoot myself, they ’ll shoot me out, i think that i’ll already be waiting, at this time i hear from behind, hurray, and there our infantry commanders cheated, they forced the soldiers to put on their rifles and put on helmets, where is the machine gun, well, so that the weapon is as it was, put everything on... they raised it and began to shout loudly, hurray, to indicate that it seemed like they were starting an attack, it was, well, like an imitation, the germans, who
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before... from the award order while pursuing the retreating enemy, moving all the time in infantry combat formations, on january 19, 1945 , efreiterpenko discovered an enemy heavy machine gun in the window of a brick building and destroyed it along with the servants. for the courage and bravery shown in the battles for the soviet homeland, comrade korpenko is worthy of being awarded the order glory of the third degree. commander of the 263rd sevazh infantry division, major general.
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we looked through - he opened a machine-gun fire on ours and a bullet hits the squad leader in the temple, he falls, i ran up, grabbed him, then blood was gushing out of him, he held it with his hand so that, but it wouldn’t stop the blood, but i see he turns pale, turns pale and so on his hands drop, and then he somehow poked me in the chest. showed
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himself something, and his hand fell, they say soldiers at the front don’t cry, so i say, soldiers at the front cry, but they hide their tears, we didn’t hide anything then, our commander, who was always with us all the time, all the battles, the whole territory, just left us. we came here to poland, he was with us, he seemed to protect us, defended us, but he couldn’t save us from himself, we were marching, somewhere early in the morning they gave us the command to break through, i put my ptr steering wheel, leaned against this
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the frame of the gun and on... someone is playing some kind of music, there is nothing, then we look, a car is coming along the road, a covered one, a big one, it immediately throws it out, so they started reading the text, germany's unconditional surrender, something shut down.
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