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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 3, 2024 8:30am-9:00am MSK

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of course, drones, armored vehicles, tanks and many other equipment. well, according to tradition, the parade is opened by t-34 tanks, and, interestingly, this year t-34 tanks from russia also came to the parade, they will open it at the very beginning of the parade. i note that the military themselves say that these vehicles are combat vehicles. despite their age, they are still in such good condition that they can even today get into combat formation, well, i think the spectators who came to the parade will be convinced of this, and of course, the cameraman and i will also try their best see, but for this we now need to return to the beginning of the column, this is where i end my live broadcast, once again, happy holidays, colleagues, yes, thank you, yura, it seems that there has never been so much equipment before, we are looking forward to the start and celebrating together.
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independence day. the historical truth about the events of the great patriotic war unites many countries of peoples. this is the memory of our common victory. former member of the european parliament from latvia andrey mamykin sends his sincere and good wishes to us. dear citizens of the republic of belarus, my dear belarusians, with all my heart i hasten to congratulate you on the most important state. happy independence day to your wonderful country. it is symbolic, understandable and justified why this day coincided with the historical period when you and your republic forever said no to nazism and liberated beautiful belarus from the invaders. according to the most conservative estimates, every third resident of your republic died in the great patriotic war, so you know what peace is and what its price is. the modern republic of belarus holds such... a policy that, it seems to me,
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is the envy of many neighbors and global players, as the first line of your anthem says, we are belarusians, peaceful people, i sincerely congratulate you on this holiday, i want to wish you a lot and a long summer of your statehood and i want to finish in belarusian, forgive me my accent, to the ancient belarus, all day on the streets of belarus... our correspondents will collect all the colors and emotions of this day so that everyone can feel the atmosphere of the holiday. the baton is being taken up by mogilev, vitebsk and gomel. colleagues, happy holiday. we are waiting for you to see some bright shots. mogilev congratulates belarus on independence day; according to tradition, there will be a start. here
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at the memorial there is a buniche field as a symbol of courage and heroism during the great patriotic war. representatives of public associations, veterans, including the armed forces, and youth will take part in the memorial rally. flowers will be placed in chapels at the main symbol of the memorial. the holiday will unite all corners of the beautiful city, film screenings, today dedicated to the theme of the great patriotic war and heroism, interactive areas in parks and photo zones and an exhibition of intangible cultural heritage will be presented by the regional methodological center. excursions are prepared by the military club museums. the construction will open up a soldier’s clearing, for the smallest actions i draw belarus on unity square. the family holiday will take place in the podnikolye recreation park, artists will also perform here, and at 8 pm everyone is invited to a big festive concert by slavy square. my colleague marina romanovskaya will tell you what bright moments the festive program in vitebsk will be filled with. major celebrations in vitebsk will unfold on victory square, and a procession of thousands of labor collectives will arrive here. to the eternal flame.
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fresh flowers will be laid at the memorial in honor of soviet soldiers, partisans and underground fighters. on an important day for the whole country, the city and regional honor boards will be updated; this is the result of labor achievements over the past year. there will also be a laying of flowers at the bust of the hero of the soviet union pyotr masherov. the festive schedule is full of concerts, musical gifts are prepared by soloists, dance groups, and a brass band. interactive playgrounds and children adults are welcome. to the amusement park, there are a lot of events, and they will take place in several locations at once, now i give the floor to my colleague natalya ignatenko in the south of the country, the bright moments of the holiday in gomel are with her. the marathon of ceremonial events will begin in gomel at 10 am. along the main street there will be a single column of thousands and several generations will march: veterans, athletes, creative youth, work collectives. the solemn procession will proceed to the eternal flame memorial.
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wreaths will be laid with the knife of the complex, parade equipment will surprise with its greatness and power in the poster for awarding the winners of the competition dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus. the program is laid out so that everyone remembers the holiday. for children and youth there are interactive areas, master classes, sports competitions, art projects. the organizers invite adults to attend the play war and fate. the city's leading creative groups and symphony orchestra musicians at different locations will give citizens hours of creative flight. gomel congratulates everyone on independence day, happy holidays of belarus. today we are rightfully proud of the achievements of modern belarus: we love and value ours:
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sports records, scientific discoveries, medicine, industry, culture, art - everything that was done in belarus, but our main wealth is the people, those who survived then. ..
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the training was every day for two for 2 hours, this started from may 16, that means for a month and a half, but they chose the profession of defending their homeland, and of course, our safety, us belarusians of our country, will depend on them, here we will see the full power of our military industry,
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multiplied, as many decades ago , by heroic exploits in the labor field, because, for example, our belarusian developments are known all over the world; we are in top positions. both in the military industry, as well as in civilian equipment, for example, our tractors or dump trucks, they are known on all continents, i am sure that many will capture the brightest moments on their phones, this video will be either a photo to watch later, we have already looked, that the audience is already armed with in the first rows, in general, in order to take a place in these first rows, i had to wake up at dawn, so i came here to better see everything, this is along imasherova avenue, as well as the winners. we will also keep an eye on what is happening here, of course, there will be some new products, of course, the parade always attracts attention, and the military has prepared something new, and of course some musical compositions from our creative teams, i won’t reveal everything , of course, you will soon see everything for yourself, we continue here
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work, but after the parade, of course, we will watch carefully, we will already talk with the guests who are present here on the main stand, colleagues, thank you, light! together with the whole country we will watch the big parade in honor of independence day. well, of course, one of the most spectacular parts is the aviation performance. the aircraft will be piloted by the best pilots of belarus and russia. most of the aircraft will take off from the machulishchi military airfield, where our film crew is already located. vladimir korolev is in touch, in touch. good morning s holiday and what have you. readiness, now it seems to everyone that everything is calm here, although from the very morning the pilots and technical personnel are preparing the equipment for flight, the most difficult part of the air parade is to connect all the equipment in the sky at one point above stella, minsk,
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the city of hero, the fact is that the speed of planes and helicopters is different and each subsequent participant flies faster and faster, helicopters will open the parade. mi-8-m tv5, followed by the newest iron birds of our country, mi-35. they entered service last summer. next in the sky there will be aviators from russia, and after that - the yak-130, su-30sm, l-39 and il-76 aircraft. in a single column, the aviators will line up approximately in the sky above the mound of glory. the total duration of the air parade is about 7 minutes, but we will soon see the result of this painstaking work. studio. volodya, yes, we are looking forward to the spectacular performance of the air aces. well, what would a holiday be without music and songs? all corners, today the motives of the word are heard, which are picked up by the whole people, they reflect the belarusian soul, love for the native
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land, preservation of memory and cultural values, modern challenges, struggle, struggle for our sovereignty, lydia zablotskaya listened to a fresh selection of songs and collected a sharp hit parade, sing along, blaska with us. cool in the world, he’s the only one like that, swadish, the country is calm, but he doesn’t know enough, a well-built hit in which the everyday life of the strong president lukashenko was embellished by the bykov-oleynik tandem, here are the facts that are not for the sake of words. sound it for the first time.
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here with mistrust or mockery, they
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have forgiven us sinners a lot, but they will not forgive betrayal, to the international agenda, more precisely to the question of those who once fled and still look negatively towards belarus. i'm here, and you're there, here's mine. this is a response to those who are trying to separate the nation from anna blagova. not everyone still knows that i am a police lieutenant of our valiant belarusian police, and of course, i cannot help but pay attention in my work directly to the topic of the security of our country. and a year earlier, fortunately, she was a soloist of the orchestra.
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yes, independence day is a special holiday
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for every belarusian. 80 years ago our grandfathers and our great-grandfathers gave us the opportunity to live under a peaceful sky, raise children and not fear for our own future. and now it is especially important for us to preserve and increase all this. these july days we celebrate another significant political date. 30 years ago, belarusians cast their vote for the first president. and then, like 80.
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that there is such a country, belarus, in which people live the way they want to live, and not the way pseudo-democracy, this is western squalor, with the misanthropic, crazy ideas that they are trying to instill in the whole world, so clearly neither the usa, as i say, the united states of europe,
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nor their branch will be able to do anything for belarus while we are really building it. and to work for its benefit, of course, we are taught, it must be said that even the not-so-best experience of the twentieth year showed us how fragile the balance in our country is, and how much more needs to be done in order for the government to really be able to to protect ourselves at any time, and we understand that the president, we have limited the terms of the president’s stay in power, two terms,
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according to the constitution now, and we understand that after some time our generation will leave, but other people will come, so that there are no hesitations in the political life of the country, this is the history of our country, even if it is not a very long history of the country, but no less, you always know that the president, the highest bodies of our government have always consulted with the people, and also about a significant decision, an act of humanism on the part of the state on a significant date, president alexander lukashenko signed an amnesty law in connection with... the document will also touch upon minors who have committed crimes related to drug trafficking, the main conditions are compensation for harm and a positive characterization while serving their sentence, but those who have committed
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a crime against human health and life, sexual integrity, and were also related to those let us recall that the day before the president, speaking at a ceremonial meeting in honor of independence day, did not rule out the possibility that those convicted for the riots in 2020 would be released, as the head of state noted, we we approach and treat everyone humanely, we must help them, because we are such people, slavs. today we have the opportunity to work, study, develop industry, medicine, agriculture, and most importantly, despite all the geopolitical vicissitudes, to live under a peaceful sky, today it is relevant again, as it was 80 years ago, our people know, see and appreciate it. well, let's listen to what the belarusians themselves say directly.
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our country has been following its own path for 30 years, we ourselves decide how to live, what laws accept. what pensions to pay, what will be in our stores, and of course, 30 years of these conquests are worth a lot, we are proud of our achievements, our cities are flourishing, enterprises are working, medical institutions are functioning, so we have something to be proud of . happy holiday to all belarusians. we did the most important thing, we maintained our production at a time when everyone had practically collapsed; today we are an export power, supplying our products, ensuring not only our own food security. but we supply many countries, agriculture is the same, almost no one has preserved it, today look with what leaps and bounds we are taking in this direction, we are an independent country, i work in medicine, i see...
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russia, china, japan, mongolia, usa , argentina, brazil, cuba, united arab emirates, azerbaijan. kyrgyzstan, germany, the netherlands , the list goes on and on. on the clouds above the earth, smoke on the shore, i am
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always my native land, in your debt, the best land in the world. belarus, my belarus, belarus. the liberation of belarus was a turning point in the entire war; it was on our soil that the enemy was dealt a crushing blow, thereby bringing our victory closer to the collapse of fascism. from the first day of the opening of the museum of the history of the great patriotic war, the permanent exhibition has been on display.
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onsky detachment named after the pravda newspaper brigade of the pravda newspaper. and they say: oh, this is the one. and they then said that you know, when we discovered this gun in 1943, it turned out that those who were retreating were our guys in 1941, near the village of usokha, pukhovichsky area, the artillery tried to hide the cannon, even if it was broken, only the central part of the shield remained, there were no wheels. and yet it was functional, the wheels were found from an ordinary peasant cart, they were put on these wheels, and in this form it already fought.
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you can still see the weapons of the victory of the partisans today, the doors of the museum of the history of the great patriotic war are open. a busy program awaits belarusians throughout the day today, the tv news agency will tell you everything and show you, follow our informational. from the city of hero, where in just a few minutes the parade in honor of independence day starts. well, we, polina shuba and sergei lugovsky, tell you, see you at noon
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on the holiday, native belarus. attention, says shows, hero city, minsk, happy independence day, belarus. today is the main holiday of belarusian statehood, today it is here, at the intersection of the capital’s wide avenues.
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not only belarusians, but also residents of many countries are focused on their feelings, as our country celebrates its eightieth anniversary liberation from the nazi invaders. 80 years separate us from that memorable day when the troops of the three belarusian and first baltic fronts, together with belarusian partisans and underground fighters during the strategic offensive... the chronicle of the struggle for the liberation of belarus is rich in examples of the heroic exploits of soviet soldiers; over one and a half thousand participants in the belarusian operation were awarded the title of hero of the soviet union, more than 4,000 were awarded orders and medals. there is
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a historical truth in the pattern that this day, by the will of the belarusian people, became the day of independence of the republic of belarus. the great patriotic war became a severe test of the courage and strength of our people. we remember and will never forget at what cost the opportunity to live and work under a peaceful sky was won. we remember the feat of the generation of winners, the soldiers , officers of the red army, partisans and underground fighters who fought on belarusian soil. and this memory is immortal. as symbols
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of the eternal glory of the soldiers of the soviet army, partisans and underground fighters, rise in minsk, other cities and towns of belarus, majestic obelisk monuments. in total, there are 8,270 monuments and memorials of glory, 180 man-made mounds in belarus. highest gratitude for. this great feat, today's deeds, are embodied in maintaining peace, stability and security in our country. remembering the lessons of that war, we are pursuing a consistent policy of good neighborliness and peace. we actively advocate for the preservation of peace and security in the region and on the continent. in just a few minutes
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we... ready for the parade and more than 300 units tracked and wheeled vehicles. a large-scale action will unfold in the sky. this time there are 10 parade crews in the air echelon, including aerobatics teams of the russian federation. president of the republic of belarus, commander-in-chief of the armed forces alexander grigoryevich lukashenko.
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