tv [untitled] BELARUSTV July 3, 2024 7:55pm-8:45pm MSK
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i had to work on the wording. in the updated document, the article is rather advisory in nature. in addition to some rights and freedoms, the constitution also has responsibilities. in particular, the constitution clearly states that citizens of the republic of belarus must take care of their health. and this year we saw that with regard to the disspecialization of the population, the forms were specifically defined, how this will take place, in what format this procedure will be carried out. also important to note. that as a duty, as a duty of our society, the preservation historical memory, about the feat of the belarusian people during the great patriotic war, naturally, this is also an extremely important point, and the state is already taking a number of steps in this direction, and society is actively involved, and of course it is important to note that the state separately emphasizes the role of each person in building on our life, namely participation in some social issues, some processes in the economy, so that every citizen is involved, so that his
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contribution is within his power, while the constitution guarantees the protection of the health of citizens, adhering to the principles of free, accessible, high-quality. and the time has come for us to understand that the basic law is not a set of benefits, it is a series of guarantees provided by the state, and increasing personal responsibility is just another step towards the model of interaction between the state and partner, which was enshrined in the resolution of the sixth all-belarus people's assembly. the term constitutionally social state, that is, the creation of appropriate social conditions for our citizens, it is actually being implemented. of course, we see that the main goal of the system of public authorities is to ensure the well-being of citizens on the constitutional principle of social justice. this principle also prevails among us today.
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the constitutional commission continued to accept proposals, so when the time came to vote, belarusians knew what they supported and why we needed this step, so that the same wonderful schools, hospitals, clinics, kindergartens could be built. for me today it is important to live in a free, independent, in free...
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traditions and, most importantly, the right to self-determination. other proposed amendments at the republican referendum were supported by 82% of belarusians from among those who took part in the vote. at the same time, we have not deviated from our traditional creative path. over these years, over 30 years, we have built our country. we said that there is a country - belarus, in which people live the way they want to live, and not like everyone else.
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therefore, definitely neither the usa, nor, as i say, the united states of europe, its branch, they will be able to do nothing for belarus as long as we really build our lives the way we want. attention! says, shows, hero city, minsk, happy independence day, belarus, today is the main holiday of belarusian
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statehood, today it is here, at the intersection of the capital’s wide avenues, that the feelings and views of not only belarusians, but also residents are directed. and many countries, because our country celebrates the eightieth anniversary of liberation from the nazi invaders. president of the republic of belarus, commander-in-chief of the armed forces, alexander grigorievich lukashenko. korat under the state flag of the republic of belarus is mortal to meet on the right edge.
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the honor guard company group brings in the state flag of the republic of belarus. the combined orchestra performs the well-known march on the theme of igor luchenok's work "my dear kut". the national flag embodies the memory of generations and represents our national unity. acts as a source. confidence and inner strength, this is a symbol under which belarus was built and developed as an independent and sovereign state. generations of people bound by historical memory were born and raised under this flag. and today it
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helps us to continue the path chosen by the people, confidently overcoming ever new threats and challenges. the banner group marches along masherov avenue. the national flag has absorbed all the best that the people had in their history. its color palette reflects the purity of the belarusian people. our struggle for independence, our victories, including in the great patriotic war. and also. is our peacefulness, national ornament, preserves ancient, cultural belarusian traditions. all these unshakable images underlie the state symbol of our country, which has become a true talisman of our native land.
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the national flag of belarus is a symbol of sporting and creative labor victories of a sovereign country. our flag was raised by... polar explorers in antarctica, paratroopers at the north pole, climbers on the peak of everest, and it has been in space three times. like previous generations, we strive to create peace, we are proud of our the state flag and national history, we look to the future, remembering our origins, this is... our path, this is our strength.
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the other, the commander of the parade is the deputy minister of defense, major general andrei zhuk. comrade lieutenant general, the troops of the minsk garrison are ready for the parade. commanding parade, major general zhuk, the troop tour begins. the combined orchestra of the minsk garrison performs counter marches.
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military personnel earned the right to participate in the parade through conscientious military work, high performance in combat training, and successful completion of combat training tasks. young parade participants, suvorov students, cadets and cadets embody the traditions of generations in defending the fatherland. hello, fellow cadets! we sincerely wish you, comrade, general, master! i congratulate you on the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the republic of belarus from nazi invaders! hooray! hooray! the modern armed forces of sovereign, independent belarus carefully preserve and
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enhance the glorious traditions of previous generations. the belarusian army today is a school of courage, citizenship and patriotism. hello, comrades, wishes, comrade general! i congratulate you on the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the republic of belarus from the nazi invaders. hooray! during the great patriotic war , the fraternal peoples of the soviet union heroically fought against the common aggressor in the west and together with chinese warriors they crushed the militarists far to the east. today we are together. once again we stand guard over the peace and well-being of our states. hello
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comrades. i congratulate you on the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the republic of belarus from the nazi invaders. the republic of belarus is proud of its. army and does everything necessary to increase its combat effectiveness. the training of military personnel has been adjusted taking into account the specifics of modern wars and the studied real experience fighting. hello, comrade cadets, hello,
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comrade lieutenant general. i congratulate you on the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the republic of belarus from the nazi invaders. hooray! hooray! in the armed forces of belarus, the absolute majority of formations and military units. trace their heroic history back to the great patriotic war, while they were awarded military decorations and were given honorary names. hello, comrade guardsmen, i congratulate you on the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the republic of belarus from the nazis invaders. during the year of field training
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, priority attention is paid to combat training of military units and subunits. soldiers are learning to counter threats in new ways and in new ways. hello, comrades, i congratulate you on the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the republic of belarus from the nazi invaders. hooray! hooray! the leadership of belarus is taking systematic measures to strengthen the country’s defense capability and
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maintain the combat potential of all subjects of the military organization of belarus. the country is developing a territorial defense system people's militia. hello comrades. knowing we wish the general's cook. i congratulate you on the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the republic of belarus from the nazi invaders. hooray!
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veterans defenders of the fatherland. today our country solemnly celebrates its main national holiday, independence day. exactly 80 years ago, third. the capital of our belarus, but these salvos are now echoing in our historical memory, and we know that we must do everything so that the last battles in july 1944 die down to bring this memory through the centuries, there is a lot of pain in it. and suffering, patience and courage, exploits and the triumph of justice, it contains hundreds of thousands of names of heroes, it contains the strength of a nation
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of heirs, winners, here on the future of many nations was being decided on the belarusian land; recruits from all over europe came together in this fateful battle. fascists and warriors of the great multinational red army, head to head. this was a battle for the freedom and future of our people, for the freedom and future of the peoples of the entire continent. this was a confident step towards a great victory. celebrating independence day. it is on july 3 that we pay back to our debts. orsha and bykhov, on
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countless other, large and small borders, to the capital of our homeland, moscow. we admire the willpower of soviet women, old people and children who fought alongside '. worked in the rear, supporting the front. we bow our heads to the blessed memory of the peaceful victims and fallen heroes. these are millions of people, a terrible price for our freedom and independence. we admire the great commander, zhukov vasilevsky, rakosovsky, as well as our fellow countryman, the army general. its entire course from conception and preparation in unprecedented
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secrecy to the active phase is an example of high military art and one of the most heroic pages of the great patriotic war. in every belarusian city, every village. the memory of our heroes lives on, it is passed down from generation to generation, from heart to heart, connecting us all with a living thread of love and loyalty to the fatherland, this parade is in their honor, with us, along the avenue of winners, military personnel of the armed forces of azerbaijan, kazakhstan, chinese folk... kyrgazstan, russian federation, tajikistan and uzbekistan. today we will walk together because we learned
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the main lesson from the great patriotic war. nazism. this is absolute evil. there is no and cannot be an excuse for the crime of the nazis and forgiveness, not then, not now, not in the future. we say this to those who sow again. enmity, throwing its seeds onto our lands, who are ready to drag their peoples into a new bloody massacre. in the high offices of washington, they are calculating the benefits by selling weapons and driving the ukrainian people into poverty, moving towards the main goal. it has not changed for centuries, but information feeds are being improved. at the beginning of the last century , the slavs were accused of being unable to read and write. dispose of their natural resources and territories, which for some reason should belong to the entire world community,
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now... our democracy is supposedly not the same, then hitler’s germany took on the role of teacher, today the entire european union, led by the united states, is trying to teach us. we know the true goals, we know who is behind every provocation on the state border of belarus, behind every terrorist threat to the civilian population, we know, because we work proactively, we are... more vigilant than ever, we have learned all the lessons of the beginning of the great patriotic war, we have only one teacher, our history is the history of the winners, therefore, today, across the earth through the sky, we will also walk the road of pride for the true heirs of the heroes of the great patriotic war, those who put on a military uniform in such a dangerous time, we will walk in the name of peace. in the name
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of peace, we are strengthening and developing the armed forces, improving the entire military organization of the state. our people must know and see, everything and even more is being done so that the army, as well as the territorial defense troops, the people’s militia, are ready to defend the country, and you know, they are ready. we talk a lot about weapons, weapons, ammunition, but the main thing is our people, our people. just yesterday they felt the aggravation of the situation on our southern borders, thousands of calls to the military registration and enlistment offices in the unit, to our military generals, take us into the army, give us weapons, we will defend our homeland, no need, work calmly, we have big labor ahead everyday life, and we, people in uniform,
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are able today not only to protect, but to prevent any provocation on the state borders of our country. belarus has the most modern samples of weapons and equipment. we are actively developing the defense sector of the economy, creating a domestic missile system, small arms, artillery weapons, unmanned aerial vehicles, communications and automation equipment. exactly what is needed. for modern warfare, we will show a lot today, but our main strength, as i already said, is people, soldiers , officers, heroes of our time, who are already demonstrating courage and fortitude. our parade is a recognition of the professionalism and dedication to duty of the military, border guards, fighters, special service officers, doing
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everything to prevent provocations from... the forces, everyone else at the combat post, we are immensely grateful to them, we know how difficult it is , we know how difficult it is, but no one else will complete this task except us, we are meant for this, for this we are... our parade is a sign of the strength of the allied strategic partnership of belarus and russia, interaction with state members of the csto, cooperation in the military sphere with the people's republic of china, a sign of our readiness today to stand in one line to defend historical memory, the values of their sovereignties. we all have a great thing in common.
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victory over the common enemy, the countries of the hitler alliance, teaches us to defend the world by any means of deterrence. the inspection of the joint regional grouping of troops of belarus and russia, the first training of non-strategic nuclear forces for our country , showed that the level of defense capability of our alliance has never been higher. and this is a guarantee that... that our voice is the voice of allies and partners, which sounds in defense of a multipolar, just world, will be heard, our parade will take place in a peaceful future, this is our goal, therefore, in the same ranks with the defenders of the fatherland, youth, next to military equipment, equipment for peaceful life, the winners bequeathed to us to live and build a future for new generations, we... will not
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let you down, we have no right, dear veterans, low bow to you, you taught us to love, defend and take care of our land. “today we are building our future, leaning on your mighty shoulders; understanding the burden of trials you have lifted and endured gives us strength and courage to face the new challenges of the time, and nothing new has been given, for this time has chosen us, and we can, dear compatriots, our generation has been given the mission of maintaining peace in our native land. the world that our grandfathers and great-grandfathers gave us 80 years ago. we will be worthy of their immortal feat. on this sacred day for each of us, i wish everyone happiness, peace, and prosperity. glory to the belarusian
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people, who defended their right to be sovereign and independent. eternal glory to the soviet soldiers who fell in battles with the enemy, who gave their lives for us. freedom is with you, honor and glory to the valiant defenders of the fatherland, i congratulate everyone on the holiday, the independence day of the republic of belarus and the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the homeland, hurray, hurray,
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and parade are opened by its youngest participants, students of the minsk suvorov military school. with the ringing beat of their drums, they set the pace for the entire foot column. within the walls of the school , worthy and strong young men of the country are educated, ready to future to accept high responsibility for the fate of belarus. in front of the podium with the banner of the lyceum of the ministry of emergency situations there is a parade parade presented by students of the specialized lyceum at the university of civil protection. at the parade, a summary calculation of students from the specialized lyceum of the ministry of internal affairs and nine cadet schools. the parade squad is headed
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by the head of the lyceum, police colonel, evgeniy abramovich. for the first time , cadets from the kemerovo presidential cadet school are taking part in the parade. the head of the parade crew is captain dmitry denisov. in front of the stands state flag of the republic of belarus. it is followed by the standards of the fronts that liberated our country. paying tribute to the generation of the great victory in the red army uniform, the combined parade squad of military academy cadets. there is a real banner ahead.
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in 1942 near stalingrad. at the stands there is a parade squad in the uniform of the combined police battalion under the command of captain vladimirov, who heroically defended magelev in 1941. the parade squad is headed by colonel igor yutsov. the parade crews of our strategic troops are approaching the stands. allies and friendly states. in front of the stands, the parade squad of the armed forces
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of the republic of azerbaijan, the parade squad is commanded by captain sagizadeh magamad el managly. about 10,000 azerbaijanis took part in the liberation of belarus. the parade squad of the armed forces of kazakhstan is in formation. it is represented by the thirty -eighth air assault special forces brigade. at the head of the crew is major.
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until the march continues, the personnel of the national guard of the armed forces of the kyrgyz republic. commander of the parade squad of the guard, colonel duishenbaev nurbeg zhaldoshevich. in the name of the hero of the soviet union. dzhemash asanaliev named street in minsk. the parade squad is in formation. cadets of the military order of kutuzov of the military air defense academy of the armed forces of the russian federation named after marshal of the soviet union vasilevsky. the procession continues with the parade squad of the armed forces of the republic of tajikistan. the parade squad is headed by lieutenant colonel saparali zada kurbon lali alim. in front of the stands, a parade squad of the military
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contingent of the ministry of defense of the republic of uzbekistan led by colonel khairov shakir faridovich 20 uzbeks became heroes of the soviet union for the heroism shown in the battles during the liberation of belarus. a ceremonial march with the battle banner of the military academy. a parade squad of cadets from the combined arms department of the military academy is approaching the stands; the cadets are mastering modern weapons and military equipment and mastering advanced forms.
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marche parade squad of cadets of the military-technical faculty of bntu. at the end of the academic year, the military-technical faculty of the university was recognized as the best among the military. faculty. for the first time in the parade of minsk troops the garrison is attended by cadets of the military faculty at the belarusian state university of informatics and radioelectronics.
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the account is headed by the brigade commander, colonel ruslan golovatsky. 134 soldiers of the corps were awarded the title of hero of the soviet union, four of them twice. the parade squad of the eleventh separate guards mechanized brigade is on the march. the parade squad is headed by the commander of the guard brigade colonel sergei shillin. at the end of the academic year, the brigade was recognized as the best among mechanized formations and military units of the armed forces. the military personnel of the 72nd guards joint training center are stamping a step. the parade squad is headed by the head of the guard center, major general vadim
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sura, a hereditary tanker, grandson of the front-line soldier, hero of the soviet union, alexander. a separate rifle battalion of territorial troops with the banner of the territorial defense of minsk continues the march. the crew is headed by the chief of staff of the zone territorial defense of minsk, colonel alexey kalyvanov. the parade squad of the air force command is marching solemnly. and the air defense troops are headed by the deputy commander of the air force and air defense forces, colonel mikhail matrosov. checkanet shak
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is a consolidated parade squad of cadets from the air defense and military intelligence faculties of the military academy. every graduate of the academy carries a motto in his heart. duty, honor, homeland. the beauty and pride of the belarusian army is approaching the stands. at the head of the calculations is major natalya voitsekhovich. more than 400 women are worthy carry out important and responsible tasks to ensure the military security of the state. the border service of belarus is represented by the parade squad of the institute for the border service, headed by the head of the institute , major general sergei zhilinsky.
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the parade squads of the ministry of internal affairs begin. the column is headed by a general. the commander of the amon gvd of the minsk city executive committee, police colonel dmitry balaba, adds the parade crew. the black beret is a symbol of valor, courage and honor. employee amon. for the first time on the march, a parade squad
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guards paratroopers today continue the glorious combat traditions of front-line soldiers. the fifth separate special forces brigade completes the march of the walking parade squads. this is one of the most elite units of the armed forces. the brigade is designed for the most complex and responsible special tasks. at
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