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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 3, 2024 8:45pm-9:00pm MSK

8:45 pm
equipment approaches the festive stands: powerful armored vehicles, anti-aircraft missile systems, artillery installations and multiple launch rocket systems. all samples of mechanized column technology, with the exception of retro technology, have been modernized or produced. at domestic enterprises and enterprises of our allies. the right to go first in the parade column is given to the symbol of the great patriotic war. roto t-34 of seven units. in the most difficult days of the war, the company staff of medium tanks had a separate tank.
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modern equipment and weapons of the belarusian army are approaching the stands.
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t-72b3 tanks on the march. in terms of their combat capabilities and technical characteristics, these tanks are rightfully considered one of the best in the world. the modernized tank received an improved weapon system, a new power plant, modern digital communications, and control systems. the automatic cannon mounted on the bmp-2 can fire effectively at both ground and air targets. in front of the podium there is a column of those who entered service with the belarusian army new armored personnel carriers btr-82a. combat vehicles with high firepower.
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“the armored personnel carrier is equipped with new belarusian digital communications equipment, which have significantly improved the stability, concealment and quality of information transmission. armored personnel carriers btr-70 mb1. these vehicles are designed for delivery and fire support of special operation forces.” before being protected from damage by grenade charges, it is equipped with screens on all sides, the parade procession is continued by a lightly armored floating artillery mount, a self-propelled howitzer the carnation, capable of firing from closed window positions at a distance of over 15 km, amazes with the power of the acacia, this is a formidable military weapon capable of firing. fire both from indirect
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firing positions and direct fire, can also use high-precision ammunition, fires up to 24 km, in parade formation with self-propelled geocint c, this is the longest-range inter-barrel artillery system of the belarusian army, the maximum firing range is more than 30 km. on the march , the successor to the katyusha jet system, famous during the great patriotic war belgrade multiple rocket launcher on a belarusian -made chassis. the missiles modernized at the country's enterprises hit targets at a distance of over 20 km. for the first time in parade formation as part of a column.
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a column of lis pm armored vehicles equipped with machine gun modules. in front of the podium are caymans, armored cars with a wide range of tasks. in terms of technical characteristics and combat capabilities, belarusian armored vehicles are significantly superior to their foreign counterparts. the column is continued by the new special-purpose tiger armored vehicles, which combine the quality of an all-terrain vehicle and a high-speed maneuverable vehicle. advantages include the ability to install a large number of types of
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weapons. at a distance, a modern development of the belarusian military-industrial complex, multifunctional. the brdm-4b reconnaissance complex allows you to conduct reconnaissance of the area simultaneously with six types of terrain at a distance of up to 300 km from your troops. on the march , the 2s-12b mortar system with the imported sony b mortar is designed to destroy or suppress with overhead fire. enemy manpower and fire weapons located openly or in shelters at a distance of over 7 km. the nona m1 mortar continues the parade. this weapon has great power and is capable
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of hitting enemy targets using a wide range of mortar shells. range over 7 km. towed. a domestically produced car. in front of the stands, sunny-b and gaubis mortar systems are presented at the mikhailovsky military artillery academy of the russian federation. the academy is one of the oldest military educational institutions in russia. released over a two-century history. over 90,000 artillery and rocket men. the mstab towed howitzer is one of the most reliable fire
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weapons in artillery. performs the entire range of fire missions, firing range at a speed of 7-8 rounds per minute over 24. rszzo uragan combat and transport-loading vehicles are on the march. damage range up to 40 km. a salvo of sixteen rockets is capable of covering an area of ​​more than 350,000 m2. according to this indicator, the hurricane is considered one of the most powerful weapons in the arsenal of belarusian rocket scientists. jet in front of the stands multiple launch rocket system smerch. this is a modern
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means of long-range fire destruction. in its class, one of the best in the world hits targets over an area of ​​18 hectares in one salvo. on the march, the pride of the russian military-industrial complex is the polones m missile system. it hits targets with high-precision guided missiles at a range of up to 300 km. calculation would be. the machine can aim missiles at eight different targets and hit them with one fifty-second salvo. iskander m for the first time in the parade
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procession. this is the most powerful operational-tactical missile system for hitting targets in operational depths. the deployment of non-strategic nuclear weapons in belarus.
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z2k and this complex is one of the best in its class, tora anti-aircraft guided missiles are capable of reaching a target at a distance of up to 12 km in the altitude range from 10 m to 7 km, one vehicle is capable of destroying up to... on the march
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s-300 ps anti-aircraft missile system , capable of fighting any air targets. every year , anti-aircraft gunners perform live firing at russian training grounds and are among the best according to the results of the exercises within the framework. at the distance for the first time the parade crew includes the most advanced long-medium- range anti-aircraft missile systems s-400 triumph. the system is capable of hitting any air attack and reconnaissance means, including completed ones. using stetells technology and flying along ballistic trajectories at a range of up to
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400 km. in front of the stands are unique , advanced technologies, means and complexes of military communications of the armed forces. they were created at belarusian enterprises. combined radio station bogatyr-2, satellite communication station voskhod. radio relay stations pine, high-speed tropospheric.
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the procession continues with the parade squad of the state military-industrial committee with the department's banner in front of the podium , a line of new drones with pilot aircraft from the chikkan-v burevestnik uav strike complex.
9:00 pm
ace low-power air defense system, perserk robotic fire complex, mayakak integrated communications hardware, flute multiple launch rocket system. the car is a defender and transports special forces. two modifications. armored personnel carrier b2 with various combat modules on the move mzkt road train with a carrying capacity of 52 tons. the air parade is opened by a group of mi-8 mtv-5 helicopters. they carry the state flag of the republic of belarus, as well as the flags of the armed forces.


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