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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 5, 2024 3:25pm-4:20pm MSK

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on the 55th anniversary of the belarusian memory of khatyn and the mound of glory. on 22 sakavika 1943, the village of lagoisk district became the month of masavaga pakarannya nazistami. 149 people were burned and destroyed. in memory of the atrocities of the carnival, the ensemble of the leaders of gradav, dzhankovic, levin and selikhanav is remembered. i remember the document was called the state report. for the havala of the leather trees that led to the tragic khatyn. instead of dead silence, the place began to ring. 26 houses, and they stand, monuments to each house, stand on those places where they were, that is, at the beginning we found the foundations of chimneys, we used them to navigate where the houses were, this is absolutely, absolutely documented.
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eternal glory to the heroes of belarus. in the wake of the mound of glory, the most important measures have been taken since 1980 in the region. kiraўnіtstva mns times from kalegami i youngadzi ўsklaі kvetі da pnozhzha great memoryala. high professionalism and unconditional professional service are assigned to eight senior officials of the ministry of taxes. the private medals in dachshunda duties of the president of belarus.
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in many of our units , significant events took place to perpetuate the memory of our heroes, we must remember this, know to worship the fallen heroes who liberated our land from the enemy, therefore today state awards were presented to our rescuers, fire and emergency rescue equipment was presented, which today is the most modern, we consider the best samples that enter the units to ensure the safety of our people. the edge of the getag, on the symbolic alley there is a name mikalaya gestely. the main alley for the mound of glory is named after the nineteen firefighters who contributed to the shutdown of the bastards . mobile museum of cygnic history of the season of fishing in minsk. at the chygunak station iago sustreli urachysta. and the first soldiers and veterans visited the expatriation on the stakes . skin carriage partalu reptiles vyalikay aichynai. adna z aposhnikh ekspazits.
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this is of course a difficult memory, but it is necessary. i am a patriot of my country, as a person who is ready to stand up for his country. i think this is correct dedicates young people like me to all kinds of patriotic activities in our country. the museum is an excellent opportunity to show young people, some adults, what patriotism is, to talk about their past, like everyone else. it was, i would like to note that it is
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really very important and significant that the victory train arrived in minsk in the year of the liberation of our belarus from the nazi invaders.
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we are all happy that he was born on such an important day for our country. the first baby in our maternity hospital was born at 12 hours, 30 minutes, and this shows the need for our institution to work 24/7. and we are proud of these achievements. in general, over the 6 months of 2024 , 1,358 babies were born in our institution and were replenished.
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marching at minsk ўzho ў 16th time, ў ў stalіtsі ў ў nezalezhna day the light of 57 children appeared. 5 years venezuela marks the day of independence, at the honor of the holy high gasties direct to the minsk house of friendship. our country is full of traditions, history, and cultural decline. sennya belarusian-venezuelan adnosiny exit to... new levels of strategic partnership, we are implementing exuberant two-tank projects in various spheres, the day of independence for us, as for many people, is a great honor for important saints. 213 bastards there we succeeded in causing hell to the spanish empire: from the belarusian republic we
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are developing harmonic anosins in the palatine and environmental spheres, which seem to be more ground, then this is in the agricultural, industrial, pharmaceutical and academic sectors. tretsyae paliku, gistarychnaya primera hell bibliateki sayuznay dziarzhavy. aperatsiya bagrytsien partisans belarusian land. this is a fictional story of the belarusian partisans, who were lethal in their efforts to save the land from the nazis. our heroes stood against the punitive raids, there were military echelons,
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the bushes satisfied life, they were scorched for the chestnuts of intelligence and pharmaceuticals. the national supracision ab'yadnala pradstaўnіkoў 50 nationality and nationality. syonnya. historic archival documents are recorded in azinnym apavyedan, if it weren’t for the liberation of belarus on the eightieth anniversary that we are celebrating, yes, this means that if this had not happened, then there would be neither the belarusian nor the russian peoples, there would be no our states, because the plans that nazi germany set for itself were clearly understood, which, by the way, was raised, that is, with the support the collective west at that time does not like to remember this, but we should not forget about it, so we must remember those tragic pages.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts especially important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians. exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria. jordan, livn. set up
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a satellite dish azer space 1 satellite . the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. native menchan. goes to the village to find out why it is better than the city, this is a house that was built in parallel with the first house from which it all began here, and here i want to tell you, a corner of india, here people lie on the highway, everyone will have a small table, a tandoor here, here, here, right here, it will be prepared on a little bed, lay down, and yes, everyone is lying down, someone is wearing this, it’s serving, it’s someone not you, i hope i won’t lie down, we turn our idea around.
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it means i’m alive, when they work, that means i’m already like that, so i’ll work, work, we’ll come up with something, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. another blow to kiev or the incredible
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adventures of the zelensky formula in switzerland. it is very important how it ends. nato countries have begun consultations on the issue of bringing nuclear weapons to a state of combat readiness. buy or sell? what to do with dollars? how to overcome us sanctions against the moscow exchange. i have a feeling that there was an attempt to make money from this story. germany and the pigeons in the german city voted to destroy all birds, it's a pity. the garbage war of north and... south korea, as well as the robot dogs of the chinese people's liberation army. what is all this for? this is the trends program. hello, we are starting. russia must pay ukraine
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$486 billion. this statement was made after the meeting of the g7 countries. shaking the air with loud phrases should have encouraged zelensky, who now looks frankly bad, even worse than the nato summit in vilnius last year, a blow, which happened to the illegitimate president at the swiss resort of bürgenstock knocked him down even more. instead of a world summit, a big show that has been promoted since the beginning of the year, it turned out to be a second-rate buffet that gave birth not even to a mouse, but to something even smaller. postponed five times, on day x, biden sends his deputy kamala haris in his place, the global south will completely ignore this gathering, for the sake of mass participation we had to complete the list with all sorts of organizations, on social networks they openly laughed at the overdue clowns from block 95, in on the first day of the amusing summit , internet users will count how much
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the illegitimate leader of ukraine sniffs out of the ten points of the so-called formula: a world without russia will leave nothing at all, and a number of countries will even begin to refuse the final communication, we did not sign anything. the swiss hosts of the summit insist that russia needs to participate in the next conference. what kind of phenomenon was this, negotiations on a world without russia according to the so -called zelensky formula, commentary on the program. russia was not invited to the summit, but meanwhile. the royal resort of bürgenstock is a complete luxury resort, pop stars and millionaires usually relax there, so the new addition to the armed forces of ukraine can be sure that the harsh need to send them to death was accepted in an atmosphere of the highest coziness and comfort. why is the peace summit in switzerland a white noise, not only because the western media are not impressed by it and print a cartoonish
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dove of peace in a combat helmet, although the journalists and guests were excellently fed. everything is much more prosaic, the geniuses of political forecasts who believed in the spring of twenty-two year, that the russian economy will collapse by the end of the year, and will not overtake germany and japan, as it actually happened, who in the twenty-third believed that kiev was capable of defeating moscow on the battlefield, and now in the twenty-fourth they all continue to talk nonsense. i believe that this task of the summit was to bring together the positions of the west and non-west, it failed, we were unable to do this, all countries. stayed with their own. the summit failed before it even started. hopes to attract influential people were not realized. of the 160 countries invited, there were only 92. the coveted figure of 100 participants had to be scraped together with the help of various international organizations, such as the council of europe or the un. even biden didn’t come, not to mention sidinpin or the president of brazil, like many other
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heads of state, but there were their representatives, for example, from new zealand the minister from ... correctional institutions, this is not a joke. german chancellor scholz and japanese prime minister fumiu kishida arrived for another hour, preferring more interesting matters to the world summit without russia. us representative kamala haris fled under cover of darkness without waiting for the conference to end. in general, observers saw a tour of a group of high-ranking officials, including ministers for disability insurance, in a resort town in switzerland. as soon as kiev declares that they are ready for such a decision, they will begin a real withdrawal of troops from these regions, and will also officially notify of the abandonment of plans to join nato. our side will immediately, literally at the same minute, receive an order to cease fire and begin negotiations. on the eve of this they said putin made a real peace proposal.
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the conditions are very simple: the armed forces of ukraine must be withdrawn from the dpr, lpr, kherson and zaporozhye regions. ukraine needs to refuse to join nato. all. a refusal followed from kiev in favor of zelensky’s naive fantasies. apparently, next time russia’s conditions will also include the kharkov, dnepropetrovsk, odessa and nikolaev regions, and kiev will remember moscow’s rejected proposal with nostalgia. what are the results of the swiss gatherings? at first what was not said there. american senator graham, who said that killing russians is a good investment, said the day before: the united states is at war with russia for resources in ukraine. ukraine is home to 10 to 12 trillion worth of critical mineral resources.
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president of ukraine no one discussed zelensky’s peace plan, understanding its isolation from reality. the partners cut 10 points to three, leaving only humanitarian conditions there. out of 92 countries, the final document, very reminiscent of a letter to santa claus, was initially signed by 80. countries refused brix, brazil, india, south africa, the united arab emirates, not surprisingly, armenia, as well as bahrain, the vatican, indonesia, libya, mexico. saudi arabia and thailand. another humiliation for zelensky was the withdrawal of signatures from iraq and jordan. the result of the two-day gatherings in switzerland
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was that we agreed to negotiate further. that is, zelensky’s peace formula is war. he already wants to organize the next summit. there is a strong feeling that a real peace conference on ukraine will be held with the participation of russia, but without ukraine. this year is election year about an incredible development of events, there is a sharp right turn, many conservative political parties, as well as outright far-right ones, are gaining points with voters, macron’s party lost almost twice in the elections in france, the national rally marine le pen takes first place. the other day a march of her opponents took place there, gathering 3,000 people. in belgium...
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in general, a very strange decision is being made in germany, the country’s parliament voted to decriminalize the possession of child porn, about sites positioning themselves as anti-fake are already writing about this and explaining that this is manipulation. the bundestag simply reduced the minimum sentence for crimes related to child pornography from one year to 3 months. look, don’t get confused, but why? there have been a lot of cases where child porn is, quote, simply searched for and stored. for distribution there, the sentence was also reduced to 6 months. this is the logic, more news from the german votes. residents of the city of limburg andelan decided to completely exterminate pigeons in a referendum on june 9. 53% of residents are in favor some kind of final solution to the dove question,
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is this kind of radicalism really very german? on june 13 , something happened that had not happened since 1990: russia stopped trading in dollars; after additional us sanctions were imposed , trading in american currency and euros stopped on the moscow exchange. the rate first rose and then fell. some people have already called the incident a little financial shambles. why weren't these sanctions implemented 2 years ago? russia was punished for threatening to transfer. groups and countries capable of inflicting a blow to western countries, when it comes to real security, the united states acts quickly and uncompromisingly, since september the state department has been prohibiting the provision of it services to russia, will all this together lead to rising prices for goods and shortages? let's talk about this with economist mikhail khazin. mikhail, the moscow exchange has stopped trading dollars and euros. what does this mean? what will happen
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to the exchange rate in russia? this does not threaten anything, generally speaking, the rate is determined by the central bank, which has all the capabilities for this, so so-called market rates are a fiction, this is an excuse for the central bank when it commits certain acts, such as devaluing the ruble by half, as happened in the fourteenth year and, accordingly, in the past, so that it is not scolded too much, so from the point of view from the point of view of common sense, this means nothing at all , as... as often happens, you see, i was still alive, i remember well what happened in the nineties, in the nineties there were several stories with a sharp jump in the exchange rate, for example, there was such a black tuesday in the fall of ninety-four year, where people earned a lot of money, i have a feeling that there was an attempt to make extra money from this story, when on the day you announced that the americans had imposed sanctions
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on the stock exchange... they announced that some banks that the dollar buying rate was 50, and the sale of 200, well, pretty quickly this disgrace ended, that’s all. will the yuan now become russia's main foreign currency? i generally suspect that the main entry point for russia into the global financial system will ultimately be not china, but vietnam. well i have one like this hypothesis, after putin's visit.
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we need to create a settlement system that would work outside of dollars, this needs to be done, that’s actually the whole picture, so i’m inclined to think that the legend that the yuan will greatly strengthen in russia is, after all, exactly what legends are. mikhail, another piece of news: saudi arabia has not renewed its fifty-year agreement with the united states on selling oil exclusively in dollars, this is
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the end. thank you, economic expert mikhail khazin was in direct contact with us. poland has introduced a buffer zone on the border with belarus 60 km long, that is, it is a restricted area, one section 44 km long is closed at a distance of 200 m from the border, along
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a stretch of land. 16 km is already a full 2 ​​km from the border, the zone covers more than twenty settlements in the podlakie voivodeship, thus covering most of the bialowieza region. was introduced by a decree of the minister of internal affairs and administration mamas siemieniak, it has been operating in principle since thursday, but this is nothing
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new in our relations and what is happening in poland, illegal groups, who help migrants from the polish side, to cross the border and consist of ukrainians, georgians, and in belarus it is rare for someone to get caught there, this, in my opinion, is more of a show, so that our government can say that we are doing something in this area, and throw, throw this stick to the eastern, to the eastern question, because mainly foreigners, these illegal immigrants, get to poland through the whole of belarus, the main one. the path is, of course , the mediterranean sea, where about a million refugees enter the european union every year, and some of them they also end up in poland, but in order to somehow justify their inactions,
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such resolutions are adopted, they are also needed in order for the population to somehow justify the huge costs that poland is incurring now. we buy all sorts of weapons and making decisions like this, well, let’s say poland has signed 150 contracts in recent years alone, mostly billions of dollars from poland, from the polish budget, will now flow to the united states, the states will go to these same armed enterprises to purchase tanks , helicopters, patriots, and launchers haymars installations, let’s say, poland has already ordered 48 patriot launchers, which will cost the poles 15 billion dollars, and today
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poland’s debt is officially 15 million zlotys, unofficially taking into account the hidden costs in various funds, about two billion.
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i mean kaliningrad, so no one is hiding this in poland anymore, so we need such high-profile enterprises, like this buffer zone, for example, we know that a polish soldier died on the border, who was wounded by some migrant , very, very much about this it was loud in all polish media, much louder. the fact that over the past year several soldiers have died during military exercises at the training ground, and no one says that these exercises should be closed or the training ground should be closed, because these cases are used,
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i say, only to whip up this military psychosis and so that there was somehow an opportunity to explain to the population those without at all. the reckless expenses that we are now incurring on the purchase of weapons and all sorts of military operations, of course, the bulk of this money ends up in the united states. the states are the only win in this, in this game. but this permission to shoot at refugees who are breaking into poland, if you look at it, is it not so humane, or is poland no longer up to humanism? many in poland believe that this is a case where the government simply wants to justify the possibility of using weapons directly against people. because today these are migrants, but tomorrow it may turn out that there will be some kind of
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unrest due to the economic situation in poland, the poles will speak out, but the laws will remain the same when, say, there is a threat to some kind of public order, those permissions to use weapons against migrants today can be useful for the authorities to use against their own people, so many people have thoughts here today. about this, but they are all, of course, bad. thank you, it was polish political scientist alexander jacyk. in yerevan, at a protest against pashinyan, a man’s hand was torn off by a stun grenade. the demonstrators were pushed back by police, this time the meeting of the armenian parliament was interrupted due to fights between deputies. it began after pashinyan called the generals cowards and deserters. the leader of this country has been doing a lot lately.
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belarus does not want to quarrel with armenia, respects its people, is ready to continue building partnerships within the framework of economic and military-political alliances, however , pashinyan’s actions aggravate the situation, why all this is happening, we tried to understand our material. another series of anti-government protests in armenia has been going on for more than a month; how... the victims number in the hundreds. it’s ironic, because they are in favor of the resignation of the prime minister, who came to power during the velvet revolution in 2018. pashinyan has more than enough experience in this matter. he began participating in marches and demonstrations before he even finished school. for his rebellious tendencies , he was expelled from the university and even served time for organizing mass riots in yerevan by a group of people in 2008, during which 10 people
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, what pashinyan’s biography really needs is the right political decisions and a clear line behavior, their absence, led tens of thousands of people demanding the resignation of the prime minister to mass protests. pashinyan diligently and indiscriminately attributes his miscalculations and mistakes to external forces. sharp critical statements against russia, belarus, the csto and the cis are heard every time another crisis breaks out in armenia. pashinyan froze the country’s participation in organizing a collective security treaty. back in the twenty-second, the prime minister did not sign the declaration of the csto council. years later, armenia ignored the organization's teachings and its summit in minsk. may 8, 2024 pashinyan visited moscow and pointedly did not stay for the celebration. from victory day, arguing that
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it was unnecessary for armenian politicians to come on such a day year after year. pashinyan attributed the failures with nagorno-karabakh to the csto, while completely forgetting that the organization does not exist to incite conflicts, but to prevent them. and the armenian prime minister had no right to talk about its inaction, because under the chairmanship of yerevan in 2022 , thanks to the csto. the largest crisis in kazakhstan in 30 years was resolved, while pashinyan wanted more, to involve the organization in a military conflict on the side of armenia. the next logical step would be to leave the csto organization. i would like to remind you that in the government program for 2021-2026 we did not state that we would remain the csto. tea and not independently, in september twenty-two
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, a delegation of the us congress headed by ninsi pilosi arrived in armenia on a visit. we reaffirmed our commitment, the commitment of the us congress, to strengthening security, economic development, democratic institutions in armenia in region. in the same month , american-armenian military exercises took place, after which yerevan’s rhetoric acquired a more radical character, and only 3 months later in the army. an eu military-police mission was deployed under the guise of observers. pashinyan repeatedly rejected the proposed plan similar to the dkb plan. at the age of 23. usa, eu, armenia, in brussels. its result is a report of the so-called network of friends of armenia,
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compiled under the leadership of the former secretary general, anders fogh rasmusen, who was previously actively involved. and strategies for ukraine, according to the document, armenia is urged to leave the eac, in which it is, in fact, the main beneficiary. in midrossia, it was rightly noted that the west is dragging the southern caucasus into a geopolitical confrontation, seeking to turn armenia into an instrument for the implementation of its extremely dangerous plans in the region, but armenian politicians, unlike their citizens, are... not at all embarrassed by this, but even this, apparently a matter of time: there are thousands of foreign-funded ngos and npos operating in the country, the diplomatic mission of the us embassy, great britain, france, germany, poland, switzerland. with multi-million dollar grants, they lobby the interests of sponsors in the field
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of economics, politics, law, media, human rights and even education, to be sure, if the editors. armenia 2015 was prepared with the involvement of experts patronized by the german organization gtz. and the union of information citizens foundation, owned by soros, has been admitted to public administration in armenia. ngo head daniel ionisyan was appointed by pashinyan as secretary of the government reform commission electoral code. avoidance of cooperation with the csto, the cis, and the key ones. partners in the region, revolutions and protests, reorientation to the west, foreign ngos and ngos, all of this, up to a certain point , solely belonged to ukrainian history, but now its pages fit into the annals of another post-soviet state.
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june 22 is a special date for us, the moment of the invasion of the belarusian lands in 1941 and... then the nazis , then the multimillion-dollar sacrifices of the soviet union in order to survive and four long years to get to berlin. recently , a fresh survey was conducted in great britain, which country made the greatest contribution to the victory over nazi germany; it turned out that britain itself was in first place by a convincing margin. next, in the second usa, if the survey in america would have been the other way around, but let’s look further. on... the ussr was put in fourth place after france. well, here are the results of rewriting history: to catch up,
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us president joe biden, speaking at the arlington military cemetery in honor of national remembrance day, said that exactly american soldiers saved the world from fascism during world war ii and liberated europe. this was the credo of my son, all of you, the credo of generations of soldiers who died in the lands around us. fallen heroes of all major conflicts in history, to defend our independence, to preserve our unity in victory over fascism, strong alliances were built, two world wars were survived, representatives of the greatest generation, in a week it will be 80 years since we landed in normandy, liberated the continent and literally saved the whole world. small remark, if the ussr identified the occupation troops, as they were called in the west, from europe, then the united states has not done this until now. who would
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save the world now from the ubiquity of american pr? there's a lot to be said about biden's assertion. let us note two things: first: the landing of us, british and canadian forces in normandy took place on june 6 , 1944, that is , the allies did not open a second front for 3 years. by this time, the best german military personnel and forces. destroyed by the red army. on march 28, forty-four of its advanced units entered the territory romania. she was already in europe. it was obvious that the ussr was able to resolve the issue with the third reich on its own, without downplaying the role of the second front, i note: 156,000 people took part in the operation on the part of the allies, their total losses were about 10,000, 2,500 of them were american soldiers, and... the ussr suffered millions of losses, as the country that took the brunt of the blow. already in september 1944, just 2 months later, the allies
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were stalled in europe, the push to the rhine was unsuccessful, and then their plans for the imminent surrender of germany were dispelled, even drained of blood on the eastern front, it could well force the allies from across the ocean to go on the defensive and even retreat. the second point is that no one is taking away from the americans their contribution to the victory over fascism, but their current rhetoric - rewriting textbooks and belittling the role of the soviet union, deleting it from the ranks of the winners - is an abomination. in the bundestag , defense minister pistorius announced that germany will be ready for war in 4 years. you know, this is a copy of hitler-goering’s four-year war plan. literally two quotes: the german army must be ready for war in 4 years. one more: the german economy must be ready for war in 4 years. indeed, if you scratch any current
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social democrat scholz pistorius, you will find braow, a national socialist. the united states also changed its nuclear strategy towards escalation. president joe biden is betting on the growth of the nuclear arsenal. the competitors, read, enemies, are china, russia and north korea. the white house also called for it. against this background, vladimir putin is also not excludes changes to russia's nuclear doctrine. let me remind you that according to available data, russia has 4.5 nuclear warheads, the united states has slightly less than 3,700. this arsenal. is it time to talk
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about the nuclear threat to the world? our comment. at first glance, events occurred that were normal for wartime, but they could be as dangerous as the destruction of russia. ukrainian drones hit the early system. the device flew a record distance to the voronezh-m radar station in the vicinity of ork. before this, may 23 in the armed forces of ukraine the voronezh-dm radar station in armavir was attacked, and on april 17, ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles attacked a mordovia container behind the horizontal radar station. and the ukrainians themselves did this. they decide for themselves. or is it done for them by the same americans who... launches patriot missiles and provides reconnaissance data on targets. the answer is obvious: no ukrainians have such skills.
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for such initiative, the owners would give them their heads. events surprisingly coincided with nato exercises to practice nuclear strikes on russia, and now imagine being destroyed by someone else's hands, all stations for early detection of intercontinental nuclear missile launches. russia's armed forces are blinded. will the us strike it at this moment? especially when they make predictions that there may be winners in a nuclear war. suddenly the americans began to say that here we are now. we will make rockets with new engines and a rocket with this engine, it will fly to the russian federation at such a speed, and we will give you this, this, this, this has been cancelled, you only have silo-based missiles, we first we will cover the mines, and then our aegis system is an egis in russian, that is, the shield of zeus, the trajectories from the mines are clear, we will hit them all on takeoff, and now we have especially high-speed missiles, they will destroy everything for you and
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you won’t be able to do anything you can, and get ready if yesterday... the united states is also not a good call, it has become more aggressive, while russian authorities have repeatedly ruled out the use of nuclear weapons in ukraine, insisting that this is not consistent with the country’s nuclear doctrine. does not hide, the alliance held consultations on the withdrawal missiles from storage and transferring them to standby mode, china and russia are called potential adversaries; nine states possessing nuclear weapons in the twenty-third year continued to modernize their arsenals. the number of operationally deployed nuclear weapons has increased, says the annual report of the stockholm international peace research institute. nato
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is also preparing for the ground. war, given what is happening in the world, the russian and belarusian militaries are also conducting regular exercises with tactical nuclear weapons to ensure territorial integrity of the union state. you have probably often noticed that we also emphasize the leadership of russia, not of a strategic nature, god forbid that they take this button again, thousands, thousands of people will die, this is a terrible weapon, but... this weapon, of course, is not a machine gun, but this is a weapon, and in order to use such a weapon, you need to train, you need to be able to do it, this is our third training session, i already said this today. the second stage of maneuvers of non-strategic nuclear forces has begun. during the exercise, issues of joint
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training russian and belarusian military personnel for the use of tactical nuclear weapons. at this time, off the coast of miami, there is a big commotion among americans who are very worried about the presence of the russian navy off the coast of cuba, where there is a carrier of hypersonic missiles zircon, a frigate admiral gorshkov, as well as a nuclear submarine kazan with cruise and hypersonic missiles. the distance from havana to the us coast is 180 km. the united states sent as a show of force.


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