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tv   247  BELARUSTV  July 5, 2024 7:20pm-7:40pm MSK

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liberation of belarus throughout the country , significant events took place in many of our units to perpetuate the memory of our heroes. we must remember this, know to worship the fallen heroes who liberated our land from the enemy. therefore, today our rescuer was presented with state awards, fire-emergency and rescue equipment was presented, which today is the most modern, we consider the best samples that are supplied to the units for support.
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reserve of our people. the memory of another hero is immortalized on the ukurgan heroes' walk of fame nikolai gastella. now it bears the names of nine firefighters who showed exceptional qualities during the great patriotic war. that's all for me, they gave me sports news. the informational results of the day in panorama at 9 pm will be summed up by sergei lugovsky. thank you for your attention and all the best. four sets of awards were played on the fifth competitive day of the belarusian championship in rowing and canoeing in zaslavl. the title-winning elena nazdreva had no equal in the women's single canoe at a distance of 500 m. it is noteworthy that the athlete brought her rivals more than three seconds. in the same type of program, but for men , ivan potapenko was the first to reach the finish line. in the boydarok singles race , the representative of russia, yulia barbashinskaya, won the 200 m short sprint. at the same distance.
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tomorrow, on the final day of the competition , 5 km long distance races will be held. following the results of the belarusian championship , crews will be distributed to perform at the goodwill cup in moscow and the champion.
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tv news agency presents in the public domain we have no secrets from our people, on behalf of the presidium of the supreme council and the council of ministers of the belarusian ussr, to fulfill the honorable duty of lighting. there is
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nothing more valuable than human life, nothing more terrible. people came from all over belarus, they brought pain and ashes with them. a requiem floats over the sacred memory of khatyn, adding to this memory of those who have died. in memory of the dead, to be worthy of their bright
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this is our historical nature, you will never forget it once and
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never forget it, everything is right here. everything that doesn't kill, does we are stronger, this is a well-known phrase, applicable to how the industry of the union state responded to the sanction challenge, replacing imports with its belarusian-russian products, a matter of honor for the factories that felt this pressure for themselves and a way out was found in close cooperation, cooperation between the regions is truly at the heart allied... relations, integration, which is proven annually by the forum of regions of belarus and russia. for the eleventh time , he gathered the heads of regions into parliamentarians, heads of ministries, departments, representatives of business, expert circles, public and youth organizations of the two countries, that is, those who actually
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develop russian-belarusian ties and, in the current difficult conditions, help build the innovative economy of the union state. our special report has mastered engineering. the foresight of the leaders of belarus and russia and the skill of managing a large industrial organism, because the production workers of the two countries are working on projects without which it is impossible to imagine the future of many enterprises. +50 on thermometers and the same the long minus of this mining dump truck is all the same, it’s not only about the power of the machines, but also about the allies, who in difficult times found a solution like imported components quickly. replaced with a product created in a union state, they were able to maintain not only the traditional line, but went further, developing technology, and as an example, the project of a union truck with an electric attachment. the leading mining company in russia,
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the battery from rosatom, the engineering and design thought, already intends to appreciate it. belarusian on one charge, the machine is operational for 8 hours, alternative environmentally friendly fuels, a canopy of gold. necessary. understand that we not only provide the mining dump trucks themselves, we also provide the infrastructure, that is, these are charging stations, these are plants for... liquefying natural gas, these are plants for liquefying hydrogen, we provide a range of services for this to switch to alternative energy sources, continue development of modern machines, and replace imports with our own components, if a couple of years ago the machine builders of the union state spoke about this with caution, today they cover almost all issues on their own. kusbass, the belarusian heavyweight in the coal mine, is a familiar one. the base, one might say, is the native landscape, and many technologies for introducing new mechanical engineering products are being developed in the allied
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team, now that foreign countries, leading performers are leaving, well, we worked with belarus before, now there is special work going on, filling this niche, with our we actively work with belarusian partners, especially with belaz, we have workshops here where additional assembly is carried out, where repairs take place, and we agreed... it has been used for many years and is being improved, today work is underway to test new belazs and robots in kusbas. in many ways, we are even a testing ground for new machinery and equipment, especially lifting equipment and trucks.
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in belarus and russia, using each other’s components is already the norm, and many of the products can easily be called allied, an impulse decision of the highest state council of the union state, and today we are talking about the formation of a unified industrial policy, about reducing all possible barriers to the supply of components for products that are produced in russia, as well as, on the contrary, the supply of components and mechanical engineering products, primarily for complexes.
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at this moment, the industrial giant’s line includes seven of its own models of manipulators on its flagship logging equipment from among the top belarusian-russian investment projects. the goal is to increase volumes, because the union market in these needs cars. gumsilmash found itself in approximately the same situation. by the way, he was the first to begin implementing joint belarusian-russian import substitution projects. sanctions have reduced supplies to zero.
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and the number of mechanical transmissions supplied to russian enterprises, these giants work on harvesting grain, corn, feed crops, they are supplied to 70 regions of russia, a joint venture in...
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this is also a strategy with concern for technological sovereignty. belarus and russia are following the development roadmap stangstroeniya. it was a continuation of the signed documents on a common industrial policy and on mutual recognition of technological operations. competencies are distributed between enterprises of the two countries, including the creation of components for machine tools. provided state support for manufacturers of tank-tool products of the union state. what concerns. they grow and increase. during my visit to the russian federation, i met with the leaders of transmashholding, a large russian company that produces freight railway transport, produces various types of equipment, and there is a problem associated with the production of high-speed gearboxes, gearboxes that are used for the production of trams, gearboxes that are used for
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passenger vehicles, this is the request received to try.
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we will support you in all areas, and our projects have already gone beyond the earth’s surface. this is about space, which has been ours, our union, for a long time. in joint programs, in work on common products for example, optoelectronic and radio-technical equipment for measuring trajectories and photographing surfaces was handed over, and technologies were developed for covering spacecraft. we plan to continue concrete work on the implementation of joint import substitution projects. technological sovereignty and economic directions ensuring the achievement of the security goals of our state, in connection with the so-called sanctions, and more of them were introduced against russia than against
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anyone else in the world, 16 thousand different ones, they create certain problems, of course, we see that. we feel, but they create for us certain opportunities for development, where we have lost previously existing competencies, we quickly restore them, and where they were not there, we need them, we create them. interregional cooperation is a strong point, as confirmed by regional forums, in more than seven dozen russian regions.


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