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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 6, 2024 6:45am-7:31am MSK

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[000:00:32;00] watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous
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belarusians. exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia. lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel
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and discover belarus. the belarusian pop scene has seen many great singers, such as eduard mitsul adzina in his own family, non-paustorns, non-paraunans, the first of the people of the world, the idol of the public, the canadian of vocal fashion, the manager of a rare jump ahosti
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voice, what a stav... will suddenly come when there is no one at all waiting to see how eduard lenardovich managed to keep the audience in suspense, he needed it ask, you don’t want peace, he was born on may 9, i was born on may 8, my father is leonardovich, of all things. it’s so good that you are like that, he never indulged in gossip, never discussed anyone, he always carried everything in
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a very cool way with him that you know how to love so much. at the beginning of the 60s, when eduard mitsul began to appear on the belarusian stage, his name was very popular. concerts from the performance centers gathered in large halls, and their recordings were constantly heard on the airwaves. at the philharmonic hall, the legends are true
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fantastic haste me eduard mitsul. in the public, assemblies are in charge, if senior officials are beginning to pay attention to their voices, the results of the meeting are being held. and the film, this song was sung by the entire soviet union at that time, it turns out that this song was sung by eduard misl, the film is a success, look how good the stars are in the sky, they shine brightly in the silence of the night and... as if they were telling me from above that i need, i need only you in my life, you, hell, i only need you, this is
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how mitsul was known in the most pink corners of the savetsky union. i took place at the belarusian philharmonic in 1989. eduard leanardavich was already retired, and i worked as a senior worker as a watcher, as well as the right one, who works at the philharmonic. such bright, noble, intelligent, humorous, gentlemen, and only then did they tell me that i realized that... such is the right mitsul, then this is not just a sciple, zyazhurny vahtser, that this is the first star now and not only in belarusian, ale ўvogule on savetskaya
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stage. name eduard leanardavich mitsul the whole lot of paid-for writers was featured on the belarusian stage. the young boys already sleep with the kings. in the middle school, i plowed the pit with the regents, and learned the old skills. i finished my musical studies at gomel and studied at the canteen. being students of the canservatory, he would already be the salist of the harawa chapel of belarus of rygor szyrma. on the belarusian stage, he is a father, after all , in 58 years. i graduated from 59, well, the elders are behind me. and then i already feel that mitsul, sauna,
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abudzhiu sirtsy nepak, with mitsul i was choking to deal with a little troubles of the 59th year, many trips to museums, it’s not enough that this is a scoundrel, he’s just like a chalavek would be chalavechny. hell, you don’t smell it at all , like the others, a little bit of a drop, he already has a scythe on his face, mitsula didn’t have a getag, as they sold geta equipment, well, we had such a bright self-sabotage equipment, geta 62nd year, and mitsul himself tsyagau these columns, other things, yana zhli, heta, prafesura,
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where there, he would... opened his ears, mouths, eyes, it was everywhere, wherever mizzu appeared, even if unanswered, just to love, just to follow heaven and walk on earth. in 1965, eduard mitsul had to perform in a long concert tour of the belarusian philharmonic called “150 songs of variety”. special
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programs for getai were requested by garry goldi. geta would have been the most aware of the spies that the ussr taught to foreigners. nashchadak emigrant. she arrived at the savetsky union in 1947 from china, when she was 27 years old. praz
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some hours yon pasaliў. rashchany, imposing, and then treat with it mitsul, such as streamans, sciply, and not less talenavits, no less adorans, and our artists behind mitsulya’s back so, well, kindly, of course, they parried, yana gavarili, that there is no need for the pit to be so modest, because he doesn’t step up to goldzi, ale mitsul, geta had such a nature, yon zasyody adykhodziu y tsen, don’t look at
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your vyalik talent, that’s all... we don’t tell dry historical facts, we immerse ourselves in an era when people sailed along the river, but here on the shore there were columns, you could tie up boats , it ’s still correct, the very name svyatilovichi, svyatilovichi says that it was a holy place, one of the legends says that once upon a time on lake berechi on... artifacts with a centuries-old history are a real
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puzzle for us as time travelers. during their stay at this site, our ancestors hunted 25 mammoths; in addition to mammoths, many remains of reindeer and one six-hundredth rhinoceros were found here. the task of our guides is to ignite in you a desire to experience
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belarusian culture personally. where he lived on lov-lop avenue, he he says: why didn’t you come, breakfast at ten, that’s it, and so off we go. the main task is to honestly answer all the original ones. and sometimes uncomfortable questions. the belarusian republican youth union calls itself the heir of the komsomol. why do we even need to preserve this soviet heritage? i believe that a successful state and country understands that building a reliable foundation and state is only possible by respecting the past. see the project 100 questions
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for adults. on the tv channel belarus 24. better get up, smile, look, it was
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december 31st, all after the concert. when he invited harry goldie, we were very happy about the new guest, because there was someone to sing with, and he taught us to sing in english, tropic knight, and it was very fun, he was glad that the whole family was singing, my father took part in it , and we didn’t sleep that night and had fun until the morning, singing all the time, daughters. eduard mitsul, yulia and rufina mitsul were famous vocal duets in the 60s. their recordings could often be detected on radio broadcasts. the most popular song they released was the song about minsk, which was published in 1967
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godze became their favorite musical bastards and 900-year-old minsk. our songs and the melodies were so popular, my sister and i felt offended that there was no such wicked melody about minsk, so we sat down and wrote this song, zhenya wrote this very thing, a very good arrangement, zhenya grishman, he made a very good twist, and we we even went
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to moscow, my city, with this song. the girl who accompanied him, he also performed with a vocal accompaniment for some time, he managed to bring their accompaniment, their songs, as they say, to perfection, he did it masterfully, one remark, everything has already somehow changed. in 1966, in maskva, there was a national competition for a sculpted savetsk song and a sculpted savetsk song. and the stars
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are lighting up. he was very successful in this viktar competition. yachych with the songs of igara luchanka, words by mikhail yasin “memory of the sir,” this song, darechy, dachshama became the first, but to go to the competition it would not be vuyachych, but mitsul. we went to the competition, yes, mohler, sarmant, we lost our favorite repertoire, then luchynok brought his own sweet song to the text ash, moner has created the most exquisite arrangement,
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and the sunny day is mine. another singer, overpowered all the hares and slept in the army choir, viktar vuyachych sings there, well, besides, there are young people, jumping lads, i have asked, he is happy to say, mitsul, extraordinary artists let's hurry up and hurry up another one it was obvious that he would add his entire repertoire to the young man. the singer is small, he is very busy with him, as if he himself were singing this song,
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as if he wanted to pass it on to viktar, and viktar , the little one, is getting to know everything, right? so many busy people went to this competition and victar are there for the peramozhtsam, we can show ourselves, well, we’re parading, we’re parading with the haste of our brother, i’m also jumping. with the brilliant talent of eduard mitsul , the pop-song mastery of belarus gained great momentum and boomed throughout the ancestors of the ussr. in 1969 , the 50th century of the bssr was appointed. i z getai nagody dziarzh kanzert. organizing tours for belarusian artists in london. at the warehouse there were belarusian delegates, of course, and eduard leandavich
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mitsul. hell yeah gala concert, paslya once upon a time, mitzul's father was the empress of the karaleevskaya opera theater at covin garden in london, and began to enter into a contract with these theaters. uyaulyaetse saba, what kind of person
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he is. he said to me, “listen, barada, well, i was already young, and already with barada, listen, barada, take your connection with you, mitsulya, and only your advertising, i don’t have much work for you here.” what about advertising, tell me, i’ll give you 300 cantsertav in a month, if it’s not possible, i say, i ’ll tell you 300, and that’s right, that’s it
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are you trying, do you know this, kabzon? "" a bunch of pavers, ale gety archivny zapis 1998, adzin s pershikh, and, unfortunately, here are
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a few, like ўvasobіў, zhivot. the ministry of culture and the philharmonic paid great attention to it, so the best artists in different genres were in this group, so we went there, and there i met eduard mitsel, in the levonikh team we had the chance to start the ensemble of volodya mulyavin together with eduard, another piece of luck, such a noticeable milestone in the life of a musician that suddenly , just like that, a musician whom you knew from childhood, which was known throughout
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the soviet union, so to speak, not everyone could. to boast of such a musical biography, there is a lot in common, for me personally, he was born on may 9, i was born on may 8, my father is leonardovich, and he is leonardovich, well, the roots are probably some kind of polish, belarusian, when we got to know all this better, he turned out to be an amazing person, but this is also not enough, the fact is that volodya already knew who eduard mitzel was when we started preparing the repertoire, thinking: we didn’t have any singers there about our careers, and volodya told us i said, that’s who it is, i, lenya tashko, to my brother, that, be friends with edik, he will teach you to sing, he is a professional, wonderful musician, you can talk a lot about him, but the main thing is that edik taught us to sing, put on breathing, but for me maybe to a lesser extent a brass player, but in fact he had a hand in the most important parts, these are the vocals, which we
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generally did not own. he insisted on working first, then legally, to continue the beautiful life of an artist. i just thought that in order for a person to be happy, he just needs to be on time very delicious food, we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, freshly
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grated raspberries with flour and honey, and honey, yes, that’s right. you see, you guessed it all, amazing taste, this dish, i think, is hundreds of years old and has been prepared here for a long time, but the quality and taste of ivyevsky chanterelles remains unchanged. let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians, have you heard anything about the treasures of the augustow canal? this is not a joke, they really exist. once upon a time there was a corps of the russian army that was surrounded, the entire treasury of this corps was hidden. we'll show you what they eat. in different parts of our country, chanterelles, chanterelles, potatoes, sour cream, pepper, salt, everything, and you want to feed me something tasty, and i also want to feed you kulish, a very interesting texture, this is meat jelly with flour, and the flour is very it is clearly felt on the tongue, watch the project, food anywhere, on
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the belarus24 tv channel. verasa's song on top of vyda. akpanіruyuchaga composition, and what do you think, are they calling the gety kalektyў? correct,
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veras, pine trees, pine trees, on the ground, once bloomed there were little trees here, he and i sang, we all sang along to his songs, because he was older, he had more experience, firstly, he always sang for a long time before the concert, he sang differently than we then sat down loudly, stole everything, and he closed mouth somewhere in a corner, like this, without fail, every time before every concert, so, but the most interesting thing is that when my future husband came to the team, he was hired as a stagehand, here he is... for the first time when we probably , left for crimea, in yaalta somewhere or somewhere there, in short, they planted him in the light, he illuminated scene, and he first heard it when
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mitsul came out and sang the song coachman, don’t drive the horses, i’m talking now, it gives me chills, he, he still remembers how his hair stood up when he sang this song , this is so subtle, so intelligible, it’s a direct hit on... our dad, he’s so sweet, very gentle
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, he just felt sorry for us, he loved us, he, he just treated us, the girls, everyone very- he was very protective, it was very cool with him, but once i remember, there was one case like this, but not very much, maybe for me, for us, for the girl. good in altai, when after the concert they gave us a reception here, well, we were well received, then we went home, well, i mean to the hotel, the bus was like this, lyuda isupova, uncle poplavskaya and i were sitting in the front seat, facing everyone, we were having fun, we sang songs, sang songs, oh, my mother wanted me, yes, but i sang in the highest voice of a soprano and was already squealing up there and squeaking every verse. so i’ll probably climb in, yes, even louder, he’s girls, take care of your voices, take care of your cords, work tomorrow, we’re having fun, the soul sings, he told us several times, it was
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useless, well, he had to get up and so, in one fell swoop, all three of them fell silent, i’m so offended, i got up, that’s it, i ’m quitting tomorrow, i’m going, i’m going home, well, for tomorrow we talked to him, or rather he talked to us, of course, it was all funny, that’s it, but it didn’t happen again, of course, maybe my girlfriend was walking along the shady alleys, of course, it’s not unknown that he was a very good fisherman, very loved nature. he knew the voices of birds, he brought a large amount of literature, this always concerned animals, i was always surprised, he never discussed anyone, he
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always carried everything within himself, never engaged in gossip, although there were all sorts of incidents, because he went to the council of the artistic philharmonic society and a lot depended on him, but he... if he came from trips, friends always came with whom he shared the products he brought, and he could bring fish from kaliningrad, and some scarce
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things, grapes and melons in boxes from kazakhstan. i forget my suit, i’m on tour all the time, heart, you don’t want peace, heart, how good it is to live in the world, heart, how good it is that you
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are, thank you heart that you can do this... mitsulya, amal no longer remember anyone, hour, bezlitasna scer, in memory of today, the image of the getag of a unique singer, a kind of leader of the belarusian pop song scene, is bright. pa unfavorable escape abstavina, yon
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naradziўsya ўadzіn day i year s bulatam akudzhavay, may 9, 1924. this is only a simple supadzenne thing that was not known. asabista, ale kali akudzhava stav sіmvalam svaygo kalennya, then eduard mіtsul at svyu chargu ўyourself the most stupid thing that was ўlastsіva ўіm ўіўі ўі зідзідівівўі, and first of all, their insignificant ramantyism, which allows them to live and create, radki owls, there is nobility and dignity, here it is, our holy army. were the great credit of eduard leanardavich mitsul, the patriarch of the belarusian variety, an outstanding artist and man of the century, who brought valuable contributions to the belarusian musical
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culture. thank you very much for reminding me of the old man, this happens so rarely, don’t cry, don’t be angry, we’ve known for a long time that it’s not we can. stand up for each other, it’s better to stand up,
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smile, look behind the lawn, where the burning fire is. the fields are spinning and spinning, do you remember how in our youth, among the alleys, we swore, along one path, to walk through life
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