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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 7, 2024 4:50am-5:40am MSK

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was stopped when now, by the way, this idea, the concept of the iron curtain, is being renewed, it was not we who built it, it was the west with its sanctions, its pressure, its arbitrary severance of ties and relationships that were previously established, by the way, many agreements were torn apart by a completely anti-anti-legal way, that is, not illegally, all this forced us to turn in the other direction from... to look for friends, supporters in other regions of the world, the word seek is probably not entirely correct, rather to strengthen relations with them, and many countries have realized that the west is an unreliable partner, it is impossible to have not only long-term, but even medium-term cooperation with it, it is a deception, this is the norm for the states, the west, unreliability as a partner, this is now recognized by everyone as a fact, it turns out that yes indeed the west is starting to push it out, ignore it, well...
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we are implementing it - this is a small turn, let’s say, to asia, it is not entirely correct, it was noted that the policy that we are pursuing is a consistent policy, because the president also noted that he started in china come while still in the status of a deputy, so we will watch the progressive development of our relations with asia, i am sure that... these relations will develop and, moreover, develop so quickly that many even today cannot imagine how dynamically things are already going on in in the future, our movement will go not only to asia, but in general to the countries of the far arc, to the countries of the post-soviet space, which are both members of the sco and members of other integration structures with which belarus is connected, and it seems to me that in the near future time, months and years, this will be a time of a qualitative leap in strengthening our relations with partners outside the west. thanks a lot.
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your opinion. belarus' path to a prestigious club? why is the sco a shock for the west and where is the eurasian azimoth leading us? is the organization of mutual respect attracting more and more partners? does it have its own currency and payment system? what is the benefit for minsk? what projects can we now fully participate in? we'll tell you in clear terms on monday after the panorama.
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majority, because narcissistic, the selfish west was not capable of this. no matter how much the rope twists, the truth still cannot be hidden. the czech mercenary admitted to working as an executioner in the ukrainian armed forces, in particular to shooting people in bucha. czech media write about this. philip simon is now on trial in his homeland. he is accused. year, in order to earn money by fighting
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for the kiev regime, he joined the carpathian sich volunteer battalion, not having the right to do so, according to the laws of his country, managed to avoid death and return home, brought guchi glasses from ukraine as trophies, breathing mask from an airplane gold and silver bars, as well as other jewelry, said that he took off... their gold jewelry because, quote: everyone did so, and confirmed that the ukrainian military not only robbed, but also shot civilians under kiev. the western media naturally ignored such revelations. the emphasis in the materials is placed exclusively on mercenarism and marauding, and the fact that a direct participant in those events is not noticed in front of them is unprofitable. moreover, at that time the western media were actively producing fakes, including including staged filming, trying to blame everyone for everything. russian military.
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our president spoke about the fact that the west needs to stop lying back in 1922 in an interview with the associated press. stop lying, you are in vain giving the example of buche, what happened in buche, i don’t know how immersed you are in this, but we know who organized this show, we controlled the process of the british, it was mainly the british who were in cars , then we saw four cars, we gave the license plates to the russians cars. cars that arrived from lviv, that filmed in bucha, were then thrown into this information space. this is not surprising for me, i survived my twenties, and i know how it’s done, so there’s no need to talk about butch. at
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the beginning of april 22 , photos and videos appeared in the ukrainian western media when russian soldiers left the city, but this wave of fakes quickly subsided after... irrefutable revelations of this provocation and psychological special operation began to appear in the press english. more and more is becoming known about the activities and atrocities of foreign legions fighting in ukraine. the new york times writes that the ukrainian armed forces have a unit of foreign volunteers that shot captured russians. in particular, we are talking about the chosen company reconnaissance company, which is allegedly fighting as part of the fifty- ninth brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. the detachment is headed by a retired american. military ryan oleary. the authors of the publication refer to a message from a german military medic who took part in the battles, but after the killings decided make these horrifying facts public. iran has a new president - sixty-nine-year-old masoud pezishkian, a former
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health minister. he received 16.5 million votes, which is almost 54%. the head of the belarusian state, alexander lukashenko, sent congratulations to the elected president of iran. the successful conduct of the election campaign in difficult circumstances for your country is an unconditional victory for the iranian people, who continue to dignified and steadily follow an independent path of development. the voting results confirm your high political authority indicates public support for the course of the country's leadership to defend the national interests of iran, creating prospects for its citizens to cooperate with the countries of your region. our president expressed confidence that in the near future we will be able to implement all the agreements reached, including on giving belarusian-iranian relations the character of a strategic partnership. alexander lukashenko invited masoud pezishkian to pay an official visit to belarus. special elections were called
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following the death of ibrahim raisia ​​in a plane crash in may. he has held the post since 2021. the president of iran is the second most important politician in the country after supreme leader aetala ali khaminei. it's his responsibility. as the implementation of the provisions of the constitution and the leadership of the executive branch proceeds, the general direction of the country's foreign policy will depend on the new president. the patriot long-range air defense system was deployed in lithuania; it was delivered from the netherlands for the duration of the baltic connection 24 military exercises. the patriot will be deployed on zaknyai air force base, from where fighters from nato member countries rotate on duty in the airspace of the baltic countries. the maneuvers themselves will start tomorrow. during the exercise , participants will practice the redistribution and integration of forces, unified command and air defense operations. the key task is to identify enemy aircraft. the illegal activities of a group of criminals were stopped on the border with lithuania. the day before, in one of the
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settlements of the voronovsky district on the site of the border outpost drobishuny, litskie border guards, with force support from members of the typhoon special forces detachment , detained a group of people red-handed. residents of reitze. suspected of violating the border using a quadcopter, four multi-rotor drones , 66 batteries, charging stations, control panels and other components, a 4 gps thermal imager, a smartphone compass were found and seized. further operational investigative measures are being carried out to establish all the facts of illegal actions of the attackers, we note that this is already the second case since the beginning of the week. the situation on the borders of belarus under close constant control cannot be allowed to escalate and worsen, but if someone crosses our borders, the response will be harsh, the head of state emphasized this at the ceremonial meeting in honor of independence day. and indeed, in our days of independence, it can only be considered such
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if the country, every citizen is ready to defend this sovereignty. continuation of the topic in the disposition project. disposition is on the air, this is gagarin. go. our independence by far the greatest achievement. this includes bread in well-groomed fields, children in well-maintained gardens, and the city. mothers on the military oath of their sons, but this makes very few happy, and some neighbors seem to have insomnia even from the stability of minsk, plus a bone in the throat from our sovereignty of our land, but most of all, the west is saddened, of course, by the peace in belarus and is outraged by adherence to the heroic past, in all the countries around, except russia, history has already been changed, heroes have been appointed, monuments have been demolished, here is minsk with its continuity and gratitude their own, and not other people's ancestors. every success is gratitude to the heroes who fought and died for a peaceful future. we built it,
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and we are obliged to save this future, we will definitely save it. such words from the commander-in-chief are certainly a signal to the military. in the sense that the speed will have to be increased. even maintaining the status quo today is an extremely difficult mission. however, the belarusian army is accustomed to this. she manages to maintain the level and quality of security practically. increasing the quantitative composition, this is nonsense these days: groups nato near the borders of belarus is growing at such a pace that soon they will simply physically hang over us, ready to fall over. we are already being probed. reconnaissance drones over belarus are not for landscape photography. fortunately, the military and border guards calmly neutralize these drones, like last week. recent events show that the country's independence comes at a difficult price. the world, unfortunately, is not becoming safer. there is a growing imbalance in
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the structure of the overall international security system. hot conflict unleashed west at our borders. today we are fully aware of frank attempts to drag belarus into war. under these conditions , the state is doing everything to prevent this, maintaining a peaceful sky over our country. one of the main factors. preventing war from happening on our soil are armed forces that are well equipped and trained, ready to carry out tasks in any situation. perhaps the last two years have been the period of the most intense transformation for the army. capacity building occurs in parallel across several directions, one of the most important is the provision of advanced weapons and military equipment. the troops came zrks-400, missile systems, iskander, modernized polonaises, tors, helicopters. 35, a wide range of electronic warfare, airspace scanning, and secure
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communications tools. it is worth saying here that the country has previously paid increased attention to military equipment. another thing is that now the military strictly links each type of weapon with the new requirements that the svo identified in ukraine, and she revealed that sometimes more depends on the preparation of the crew or crew than on the novelty of the technology, and therefore buying a sample is not the goal itself, it is important to know where and how to use it and , most importantly... the main thing is to whom we realize that a huge responsibility lies on our shoulders responsibility for the combat readiness of the armed forces, for the combat training of personnel, the development of new models of special military equipment, and the consolidation of military teams. protection systems such as fortified areas, strongholds, and in general there will definitely be someone to hold the defense in belarus. in addition to units of territorial troops , militia units are also being formed,
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they were near moscow in less than six months, this is a freak for us. nuclear weapons certainly show that the country is determined to defend its own... in any case, but this is an extreme measure, a much more positive friendship with those who respect us who knows, perhaps the general system of those who are for equal rights and respect is the main thing hope of the world. social and patriotic action on roads
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glory, dedicated on the eightieth anniversary of the offensive operation, bogaration continues to travel across the country, its route to... exactly repeats the path of liberation of belarusian lands from the nazi invaders. this saturday polotsk joined the event, which is very symbolic, because today local residents and guests are celebrating 1,162 years since the founding of the most ancient city of sineokaya. the action started with a car rally, a column of cars proceeded to the “mound of immortality” memorial. there the participants laid flowers at the eternal flame, in memory of those who gave their lives for the freedom of their homeland, and after that the activists joined...
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mislava is preparing to host grodno, and this journey in the footsteps of the heroes will end on belarusian soil in brest on july 28. the resistance of the state and society to external challenges is determined by the level of economic
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independence. belarus, thanks to its well-considered policy, has not destroyed industry and science now. we create advanced products and earn good money, which cannot be said about our neighbors, they chose the path of free money from the west and lost. why is independence always about work? alexey ovdonin will reveal the hidden relationships of economic policy. author's column simple economics right now. hello, this is simple economics from alexey mavdon. in modern conditions, we can safely introduce the term economic independence to determine the success of nations. if you have modern production, applied science, you create complex products, successfully sell them on foreign markets, earn
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foreign currency by exporting and don’t get involved in debt to international funds. banks, then you are definitely an economically independent country and society. after the collapse of the soviet union, the west actively spread the idea of ​​​​trade advantages and said: if you have the sea, for example, then just fish, eat bananas, you just trade them, here we, the west, have an advanced industry, don’t compete and don’t compete with us, just buy our cars, tractors, combines, airplanes for our loans. many countries in the post-soviet space believed in this unique economic know-how of the west, but it was a classic deception. the goal is to destroy key competitors, the manufacturer of automobile, aviation, ship equipment, and radio equipment of the soviet union. belarus, thanks to lukashenko’s foresight , did not follow the lead of the west and did not destroy its production, which we inherited
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from the ussr. the head of state, despite a string of western advisers, in the nineties began to painstakingly protect and develop our industrial flagships maz, mtz, bilas, mzkt, motor plant and others. representatives international financial organizations came and issued tons of pseudo-analytics about why we, belarusians, do not need domestic production. take loans, get rid of this junk. the post-industrial age is coming, there are fewer factory pipes, think more broadly, take our free money quickly. close the business. later, in 2004, the famous writer and activist john perkin, in his acclaimed book , clearly described the confession of an economic killer as above. approaches of cynical western bigwigs. the author indicated: imf, world bank, convinced representatives of developing countries of the need to attract loans for
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the development of infrastructure projects, as performers, who, as a rule, were considered american companies. the loans provided washington with political influence on the recipient side and provided american companies with access to mineral resources. in his book, the author calls a similar one: an approach to economic murder of states by the greedy western corporatocracy, corporate elites, although 20 years have passed since publication books, but ukraine, poland, the baltic countries, apparently, have not read such works, while belarus is rapidly developing national industry, science, strengthening its economic independence, these countries are increasingly immersed in debt dependence and unquestioningly carry out any orders from washington and lon. but debts always have to be repaid, so the economist magazine writes that ukraine has a month to avoid default, for the last 2 years
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ukraine’s creditors have agreed to suspend payments servicing the debt, the deferment already amounts to 15% of gdp, debt payments are now comparable to defense spending, creditors are hungry for money and are not ready for the next postponement, as we see, independence is always a pro-economy...
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of goods, the most popular belarusians found it difficult to answer. among domestic products, 89% use food products. in second place was light industry, more than 40 and a half. the next position in the ranking of consumer preferences is occupied by technical goods (23.5%). next comes household chemicals, almost 17%. quality control of belarusian goods on a weekly basis. conducted by our correspondents, this time we will plunge into soviet times, we will remember porcelain figurines, which are now bought for a huge price, we will find out how they are made
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at the only enterprise in the country for such production, sets of dining rooms, tea, coffee sets, sets of plates, salad bowls, in 20 million products are produced at dobrozhsky porcelain every year, our control checked for quality, tomorrow on the main air. what is real porcelain made of? it turns out like plasticine. we will visit the country's only production plant in dobrush. let's find out how the modernization is going. there is only one such dog, it must be brought into perfect condition. we purchased pressing equipment, we purchased new molding lines. how have the qualities been preserved and whose ideas are they embodying? everything inspires. porcelain product. will definitely shine through, we will answer for the quality this sunday on the main broadcast. both the quality
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of life and the foundation of our statehood directly depend on the achievements of scientists. today, belarusian science meets all modern needs, from advanced developments in the field of agricultural medicine to artificial intelligence of complex electronic systems. we really do. there is something to be proud of; yulia khmel will talk about the latest developments. this is the first node of a belarusian supercomputer. so it has gone through quite a lot of evolution in 30 years, one might even say in 25 years. now the same computing node, which ranked ninety-eighth in the world in terms of performance, can exchange for a regular smartphone. and you can’t argue that today belarusian science really amazes with its successes and many innovations. there are no analogues in the world, for example, the account of the united institute of informatics problems has many such progressive developments, among the new products is an industrial-style 3d printer, its development took a little less than a year,
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it is planned that it will work... already this summer, so on a domestic 3d printer it will be possible to print dimensional parts, the same frames for unmanned aerial vehicles, prototypes of prostheses for medicine and parts for enterprises. developments, of course, are aimed at creation, at creation in the field of medical technologies, in the field of work technology in the field of artificial intelligence in image recognition and a whole series of new things, literally right behind me here is a so- called robot. for agriculture for field analysis, it seems like this is a simple development, but no, it moves absolutely independently across the field according to a given program and transmits online the state of crops in the fields as a whole, and what does electronic healthcare cost today? back in 2004 we started with a simple electronic patient record, now a large medical information system has already been implemented, it includes all the information about the patient’s treatment, sick leave, diagnoses,
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medication prescriptions, results... ultrasound, ct, mri, as well as referrals to other hospitals. one of our main developments is the ais clinic, which is located in hospitals. in 2021, during the covid time, we created a mobile doctor service that allows medical workers to quickly view information about the treatment of patients in a hospital. belarusian scientists are also actively working in the field of laser medicine. today , domestic devices are not inferior to large foreign ones in terms of functionality and therapeutic effectiveness.
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certification of this equipment is currently being completed. in addition, laser-optical technologies are used in agriculture. for example, this new laser photostimulator is used for artificial insemination of pigs, and this is one of the ways to increase the livestock. yes and in general, the agricultural sector itself today cannot do without scientific developments. agriculture in belarus has become more intelligent in recent years and now meets modern requirements. there are much more examples of belarusian achievements. has thousands of developments. our scientists have achieved success in the field of artificial intelligence and microelectronics, mastered chips and microcircuits, we can assemble a drone into instruments and machines using belarusian components, launch a domestic laptop into production, and in space technologies, are far from newbies. as for belarusian medicine, it is already ahead of many world trends, these are modern materials for prosthetics, our artificial heart valves, and finally a vaccine has appeared in the country that helps fight cancer.
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however, each of the achievements of belarusian science in education, culture, industry and medicine is not just a replenishment of the innovative data bank, but a contribution to the development of the state and strengthening its position in the international arena. yulia khmel, nikolay lashkevich, telenews agency. and right now we return to the main event of the day, the alexandria festival. in these moments. the president of belarus also arrived for the holiday. alexander lukashenko greeted the guests of the event and opened the festive concert according to the good old tradition. for 15 years now , people have been gathering for the festival in this picturesque corner of belarus to feel the connection of times. all these years, alexandrey has really been gathering friends, and there are more and more of them. the festival has become a place of attraction for creative people and true fans original slavic culture from all over.
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national culture, you see, it’s not enough to remember these traditions; they should become part of modern history. our children should see how we ourselves carefully treat what has been created over centuries, they should absorb the idea that everything that is made with our own hands, a wicker basket, a clay jug, an embroidered towel, is always beautiful, will always be
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relevant and fashionable. and folk music is the song of the slavic soul, it is our song. alexandria has truly become the center of the revival of ancient rituals and crafts. traditions.
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here are the shots of the day: the world's diplomats are lining up, everyone wants to know how to become a president, and so that he can successfully be at the helm for 30 years, someone will suggest that you need to read more, someone that you should raise your hand higher, everyone will be human from the people.
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alexandria school the first belarusian president studied in this class. they say that everyone who sits at the desk of alexander grigoryevich lukashenko will achieve great success in their career. oh, i wish i could then. how do you generally feel here in alexandria? well, it’s very cozy, it’s such a friendly atmosphere there it’s very easy and somehow we’re impressed that the president studied here and somehow there’s a special feeling when you’re sitting on that barty who sat when you were little, so well done, they saved everything, and your president is also great , yes, he’s been president for 30 years already... what an excellent manager alexander grigorievich is for you, an excellent business executive and an excellent president, well done, he saved your country, and you should appreciate this, because everything around you was destroyed, and he saved
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everything you have here, they will tell you everything about the production preserved in belarus, about the highest quality products, the land that belongs to the state, there is something to pass on to descendants, despite the fact that such things happen in the world. these are non-standard things that you know that belarus also includes a sanction there, one, two, three there, but despite everything else, i would say, here everything is going like aerobatics, 30 countries, of which 19 are representatives of diplomatic missions in rank of ambassadors or confidants.
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we got some water, we got some, of course, we tried it, the water was very tasty and good some water. krynitsa was once found by the grandfather of alexander lukashenko, the famous grandson brought the matter to fruition in august 2013 on behalf of alexander lukashenko. krynitsa was restored and ennobled, family traditions are strong in belarus, we carefully preserve history. if you had the time and desire, for example, to depict belarus or alexandria, this is how you would depict it, what kind of landscapes it would be. well, here in heaven it’s just very, very
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beautiful, i feel at home here, a girl from azerbaijan will start embroidering right away, using the brightest colors as a basis, in the pavilion opposite, we will see the most sincere emotions, all my relatives on my mother’s side were traveling here, my sister came to see me, we haven’t seen each other for 9 years, that is, it’s only now that you come up to hug, that we have the time only now.
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continues at 23:40 the main concert will end, only here there are such stars, then there will be festive fireworks, and of course a bonfire, this is kupala night. anastasia benedesyuk, alexey sosnovsky, tv news agency, alexandria. another big event this summer awaits all fans of the number one game. as part of the legends match, world-famous players from russia and belarus will compete at the dynamo national olympic stadium: arshavin vs. gleb, titov vs. kalachev. the teams will be coached by the masters, eduard molofeev, yuri semin and valery
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gazaev. such a meeting is timed to coincide with the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. andrey kozlov will anticipate a bright football festival. the concentration of world legend tomorrow at dynamo will delight the audience, exactly 15 years ago russian football star andrei rshaven in scored four goals in the london arsenal shirt. will soon delight the minsk audience with his brilliant performance. the star of the english premier league of the 2000s is also on the belarusian national team. alexander gleb will also take to the field at dynamo stadium tomorrow. coach meters and blocks. from us malofeev and baidachny from russia are semin and gazaev. just imagine. such an event, it is useful, means that it once again shows what kind of relations are developing between the two countries. belarus. and russia - it has always been
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fraternal peoples and people who, so to speak, always related, especially in the most difficult, in the most difficult times, always came to each other’s aid. tomorrow we will see eduard malofeev again at dynamo, a unique belarusian football classic, like in the great 1982. hello, hello, great guys, at training there was especially keen interest from the children, because sychev, shishkin, and pimenov played football relatively recently. the june match of the national teams of belarus against russia showed that the interest of the viewer was huge, and we are always happy to see big football here.
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they came with great pleasure, played for their country, defended the honor of their country, sang the anthem and always gave their all. tomorrow the delegation has a busy program, because before the match the participants of the legends match will go to khatyn to honor the memory of the victims of those terrible years, the start of the meeting itself is at 16:30, and 2 hours before it a bright entertainment program will begin. don't miss out on tickets on sale. andrey kozlov and viktor borisov, tv news agency.
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we don't tell dry historical facts, we are immersed in an era when people sailed along the river, and here on the shore there were columns, boats could be tied to them, and well... it says that this was a holy place, and one of the legends says that when on the shore of lake svetilochskoe there was a pagan cathedral. artifacts with a centuries-old history are a real puzzle for us as time travelers. during their stay at this site, our ancestors hunted...
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sports day is on the air, with andrei kozlov with you. hello. let's start the release with football. borisovsky boteni scores in the second round in a row, but takes one point away from smargoni. the yellow-blues today failed to beat the local bears and remained goalless on the scoreboard until the final whistle. in fifteen rounds, the borislov team scored 19 points over smargoni 16. on july 13, both clubs will play a match.
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ivan bionchik. 3:00. the main accents of the game are in our plot. today, of course, i’m happy that three goals were scored, and most importantly, after the last round , well...


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