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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 9, 2024 2:05am-3:05am MSK

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in general, what opportunities does an employer have to establish this length of the working week? our labor code provides for no more than 40% of working hours and 12 days off per year, no more, while the employer can set 34 or 36 days in his internal labor regulations, the normal working hours, and this is now a question rather on an economic level. really with the productivity of labor, maintaining the level of remuneration, whether he copes with his tasks, production tasks for this shortened working week and then this question is really such a massive yes, that is, for all employers the spread of a different time and length of the working week, it is also very debatable if we are talking about shortening this working week. that is
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, a number of areas, industries, professions that really help us live, for example, the service sector, public transport, teachers, doctors, yes, here, the trade sector, again, if we say that we are shortening the working week for everyone, including these categories of workers, then, of course, we must understand that this is either a reduction in the provision of these services or an expansion in the number of workers.
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is there an elevator, a ramp, and so on in the house, that is, things that we don’t notice in everyday life, when, well, yes, but they are really needed separately by belarusians, absolutely true, the model is really expanding, early neediness or lack of need for care for assistance medical indications, now it is already the whole spectrum, including household, material, everyday components, and you are absolutely right, you gave an example, a very good one, if we have... a person who needs help lives, and he has limited mobility, lives in in such a room or building where there is no barrier-free environment, our social services will indeed assist him in moving when going for a walk and will accompany him if he lives in a locality where he, well, for example, only has certain, for example, problems with heating, or with some conditions, then of course he...
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well, we will connect when necessary, or in the segment that is needed from social services, that is, in no case a kind of, so to speak, invasion, but help in all these directions, well, well, once upon a time a decision was made to get rid of orphanages in favor of family-type homes, now from boarding schools in favor of social boarding houses, but that’s what this really gives changing and changing these definitions first turn, well, here we are. rather, we are
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bringing the name of our boarding houses, now social boarding houses, after july 1, but we are bringing it into line with that, indeed. those institutions in terms of the components of this institution, in terms of the quality of life in these institutions that we have today, earlier, if it was just care, then it was just care, and well, living in a boarding house, that is, now it is a range of social, rehabilitation, medical services, really such serious equipment, moreover, we understand that at home there are also different boarding schools or social boarding houses, as well as territorial social service centers.
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we have many families with many children, who should not be allowed near the ruble at all, and the money should reach the children, these are the words of the president, yes, and this is not at all a figure of speech, the fact that our state is socially oriented, we
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figured it out when everyone is irresponsible, not conscious, about whom these words are, yes, when will they become socially responsible?
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these are families who are ready to show all their creative potential, and of course over it potential to work further, and the best families, it’s hard to say that the best, they are all wonderful families, but taking into account the qualifying stages of the regional and minsk
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city, the final of the family of the year competition should take place before october 14 of this year, of course we want to hold it well, at such a very good level. very serious level, so it’s very important here to really show these families and talk about them, but as for dysfunctional families, if we come back, yes, then it’s plausible that they are in our there are not so many in society, there are only 2% of them, if we are talking about recipients of payments, social payments, benefits, then this is 2% of the recipients, that is , this message was addressed to them, well, excuse me for interrupting, i want highlight this one.
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and both with one child and a large family, that is, we cannot say that we have a large family only from this category, and the measures that we are taking, well, first of all, we are planning to go through the entire layer of legislation, which is provided for by certain restrictions, well, first of all this, for example, is a restriction related to the payment or assignment of family capital if the father does not work, for us this is an indicator, provided for by the norms of the decree.
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they are under control, yes, they are under control, if we see that the situation is really getting worse, then measures are taken, and the child is placed under state protection, well, of course, we continue to work in the family, because the child is happy in the family and the parent must correct himself to stand up on the true path, and the child must return to his home, so what about control of these funds is provided for here, again today i have already mentioned the law more than once. so, on the part
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of state bodies for the payment of these funds to employers, that is, such an information exchange, this did not exist before, also more indicative, so to speak, there will be opportunities, well, further , taking into account the practice of development, further development of these tools, who would deal harshly with such parents who... maternity leave, 3 years, yes, well, really, only those who can appreciate this
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living in another country, he receives 2 weeks, and for the same purposes, human sick leave, especially since we are now talking about the fact that they will increase, and pensions without delays and strict control over this, i read about special benefits for helping families from two or three children and so on, twins in the first place and twins or twins. what else is there in belarusian legislation, social, yes, we should and can be proud of. maraz sergeevich, this is a clearly structured support system at all levels, i will start first of all with wages, no matter how strange, yes, the state regulates the minimum wage; for several years now the law has stipulated that the minimum a person should receive is 30% of the average monthly salary. in the country, the minimum level, the minimum wage is built in exactly this
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way, that is, for a year, well, it is subsequently indexed, this is a guarantee for a year, if it is subsequently indexed, again the economy grows, which means the minimum wage grows, and so on, certainly, that’s right, these are social payments, this is 3.4 billion in benefits for families raising children, such colossal funds, yes, this is family capital, and it really is so serious. which over the past decades has made it possible to double the number of large families, and here we also can’t help but say about pensions, about expenses for retirement costs of 22 billion, and we try to index them at least annually, increase them, and of course we always think, really taking into account the resource capabilities of the fund's budget, we hear a request on how to do this more than once every two or even three years, such questions are always addressed to us. comes, well, a number , a number, a number of other innovations that we have, well, today, and we do not
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stop at them, but we also look, including international experience, yes, this is an active longevity strategy, which has been developed, which includes a whole range of activities, here are new formats of social services, and also, if we talk about the quality of social services, we discussed it today, we too one might say, they adopted the experience of kazakhstan and...
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all sorts of things, yes, on independence day, which passed, they gave gifts to little belarusians who were born on that day, yes, well, this is already a good tradition that has existed for many years, and if in russia there is a year of family, then sometimes i get the feeling that we have had a family for decades, but it exists in the country, so how unique are these examples that i have outlined? and maraz sergeevich, can i correct you, right?
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the amount of childcare benefits for children up to 3 years of age compared to the average wage in the country increase twice a year, that is, we understand that the average salary in the country is increasing, the amount of benefits is increasing, today it is very significant, and then this is improving assistance to young families, families raising families, large families, families raising children, improving housing conditions, this is providing preferential loans, this is the introduction of the institution.
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well, unfortunately, the latter is a near-philosophical traditional question. the union with a man and a woman, enshrined in the constitution, was chosen by our citizens themselves and they don’t know anything they want to talk about pride month, which just took place in europe, about lgbt parades, but
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the truth is that belarusian society does not accept this. we have different parades in our country, completely different, and we showed it to the whole world again.
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family, yes, a prosperous family is indeed a very important element of their life and a priority, so taking this into account, taking into account the priorities of society, of course, my most important task is to support the family, a prosperous family in the first place, of course, and support families raising children, this is such a serious basic task, and we now, as in the ministry, we are working on adjusting the main directions. serious information is strengthening this area, and margeevich, we really count on the support of the ministry of information in this matter, together we must
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create such a pro-family, powerful information field that would really be for the benefit of our wonderful belarusian families, our smart belarusian children, well, the belarusian people in general to society. well, i won’t promise, but in my person you will definitely get such a pro-family lobby. thank you. thank you for this conversation, thank you, this is not the time to relax and rest on your laurels, it’s time to work ahead, it’s time to understand and feel your information enemy, and these are, first of all, the centers of information and psychological operations that are grouped under the roof. nato: ukraine, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia and half the world, but our main weapon is not stunts and lies, the enemy’s favorite methods, but the truth. the international
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non-governmental organization reporters without borders presented its new rating, world press freedom index. ukraine ranks 601, while belarus and russia are 167 and 162, respectively. lithuania is thirteenth, latvia is 12th. well, what kind of free press can there be in the baltics, is there at least one russian or belarusian portal working? no, they were defended right here one by one. if we take latvia, these are 14 journalists who are in the dock. alexander lukashenko very correctly said that the word is a weapon. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on the tv channel belarus 24. only for... our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, the only city in belarus where you can arrive at one railway station and find yourself at another, we are in
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the west of the country, welcome to baranovichi and go to exciting travels, good news, you can touch the exhibits with your hands, that is, literally touch history. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler weighing 41 kg, or a houseboard, using a wobbler, that is, a plastic fish. house, ship, they haven’t yet come up with a term for floating stations, landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers, watch the program “cities of belarus on” on the belarus24 tv channel. jumping is the natural wealth of belarus. the size of tayamnits can be adshukatsya in braslauschyna. here you will find enchanting lakes with an unusual
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quality, called “god’s water”. the name of the lake was inspired by the dzyakuyuchy abras, which reminds us of the waters. vozera is in the shape of a regular circle, which does not change for many hours. yes it’s a pity that there are so many people on the right behind... there are more such charming chandeliers in belarus. a large-scale exposition with the participation of belarusian enterprises belarus is presented within the framework of the largest specialized exhibition inoprom in yekaterinburg. domestic companies, including 24 enterprises, will be presented. and technological solutions in the industrial sector. the belarusian exposition is not inferior to the stand of this year’s partner country, the united arab emirates, in terms of the number of new products and exhibit samples presented. specially
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for the exhibition, inoprom prepared a number of unique exhibits in the field of mechanical engineering, production of products from polymer materials, machine tool building and metallurgy, production of household appliances and electronics, as well as scientific developments and technologies. belarusian enterprises are participating in the state program. renewal of urban electric transport in volgograd; within the framework of the project safe, high-quality roads in the region, passenger equipment is being updated, focusing on environmental friendliness. comfortable city transport for volgograd - a key condition for improving the quality of life. belarusian trolleybuses with autonomous capabilities are already operating on the city streets. the authorities are considering the possibility of new supplies. most of the vehicles were supplied to belarus, including electric and gas vehicles. fuel, it is already working here now, in addition, we, of course, with our partners are discussing issues of participation in this serious program for the modernization of belarusian enterprises,
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which... work directly on environmentally friendly types of fuel, such as compressed gas, yes, electric fuel or liquefied natural gas, and this work is ongoing, we are open to cooperation, interaction, emphasis on cooperation in the volgograd region, there are six joint ventures with the participation of belarusian capital, including volgograd buses partially made from belarusian components , they see the prospect from tank building, they are separately discussing the possibility of creating a potential hub...
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complete its construction and, well, let’s say, the station will be ready for any form of work, both year-round and seasonal from large objects, this is the company's cabins complex, the geophysical module and treatment facilities. belarusian polar explorers made two inland expeditions, the kanavalovo mountain range was explored, and a previously unexplored area was discovered; the area of ​​scientific interest of belarus is marked with markers with the symbols of belarus. a unique memorial, which is located at the junction of the borders of belarus, russia and latvia. thousands of russians and belarusians came here to honor the memory of those who fought shoulder to shoulder with the enemy, having organized an underground and partisan movement in this area, flowers were laid at the monument to the underground komsomol members in the village of proshki on the belarusian side to the monument to the intelligence officer maria pentoo on the territory of russia at the chapel of sergius of radonishsky a funeral was held
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... a lithium was held for those who died during the great patriotic war. young people also actively participated. an educational and patriotic camp was opened on the territory of the mound of friendship. for six decades now they have been singing katyusha and lighting the fire of friendship. archival documents, personal belongings and household items partisan the exhibition operation bogration in the victory museum on poklonnaya hill in moscow is dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus. the exhibition includes unique items from the collections of the belarusian museum of the history of the great patriotic war. war, banners of partisan brigades, a typewriter used by underground fighters in minsk, personal belongings of the organizers of the partisan movement in belarus, heroes of the soviet union. the offensive operation to liberate belarus bagration began in june 1944. during the 17 german divisions, three brigades of army group center were destroyed, more than 400 thousand german soldiers and officers were liquidated, about 200,000 were taken prisoner.
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camps for students have opened in the minsk region. 90 guys booked a ticket to become a professional student, 50 places were taken by future farmers and the same number by engineers. the summer intensive is organized in three colleges in the central region, in nesvezh, derzhinsk and smilovichi. the program includes trainings, master classes, excursions. belarusian athletes returned home after successful performance at the eighth children of asia games, which took place in yakutsk. the team brought 78 awards, 27 of which. in total , 142 athletes under 16 years old in 12 sports represented belarus at the competitions in russia. i can say that it was not easy, because we met with the team for the first time, it was very interesting, first of all, it was a very good experience for us, we got a lot of emotions from playing with different teams, and we completed our task, came with gold medals , i think this was our main task for this tournament. i really
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enjoyed the competition. this scale the first one was shared on a plane, the air conditioning was very difficult, i really liked the competition itself, the race, everything went very well, according to new personal records, i am very pleased, when i took first place in the 100 m, i set myself a goal that i want four medals , i did it. in the overall medal standings, the belarusian delegation took third place; the winner was the uzbekistan team.
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in braslauschyna, azers are blue. the sky of the uranium, which is in the right of the racing forest, at the beginning of the evil dawns, creatures and light, and acquaintances fall, the accumulated azers are woven with charms, smiling at the sun, look for yourself, and never from the sea, the bottom, which is gilded with gold, and from their end, the accumulated azer it’s been like this for almost a year now, but it’s still the same. i want to sustrezza, no matter what the stars, the mountains, the seas, and the azerbaijani have never forgotten, my dear. patrus brouk.
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in soviet times, if you went down into the vitebsk pit, then only with skates in your hands; entry without them was prohibited. on the site of the summer amphitheater there was a city skating rink, which means that the structure built here soon would bring vitevskaya world fame, no one could have imagined.
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there is nothing, although all these 35 years there we knew that we were close to our neighbors, the idea of ​​the slavic bazaar was just that, to unite again in difficult times, listen to admire, showing the whole world how wonderful it is when we are together, i opened the slavic bazaar , the festival was very interesting from the very beginning. the start has always been very festive, and it remains so. the very first festival, which began here in 1992, is already brought together eight countries, there were invitees from australia, canada and georgia, there was no internet yet, nothing, we had to contact
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the ministry of culture of the countries. about 40 people worked at the first festival, my generation is a generation with innate patriotism, we didn’t have to be taught this, we didn’t need it. there are fees and so on, we were happy that people were happy, it was radion bas, who created the team with which he worked in the city cultural center, they believed him, they followed him. and festival art slavic bazaar becomes a cultural event of world significance. i announce that from now on the president of the republic of belarus and my government are taking the vitebsk international arts festival under their patronage. i have always been with the slavic bazaar from the first day, this is such a significant event for our country and he understands this. and the leadership of the country is understood by the people and guests who come, i
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really envy even belarus in vast russia, but there is no festival even close to the level of the slavic bazaar, yes, i said before and still repeat that the slavic bazaar is the best festival of all that i know, it is through music, through the unification of cultures, that we get to know each other and it is music that removes all the tension between.
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these are giants, professional forums, they have changed
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their career guidance, yes, what saves our festival is elite art, when indeed, the very concept of spirituality and sincerity, it becomes exclusive in the world, i have heard a lot about this festival, i wanted next time with the whole group play more than just a couple of songs here live, concert. on the stage of the slavic bazaar we have all the most modern equipment, everything that you see on tv in any western similar shows is here... then it was a breakthrough, it was the first equipment of this class in the territory of the former countries of the soviet union, we collected money for tickets, we then chose which row would be enough for us, we went first of all to see what kind of scene it would be, where this flurry of applause comes from, when it was pouring rain, when people were sitting under an umbrella, moreover, they brought sheets of cellophane, because under an umbrella it’s not very convenient, because from your umbrella onto your neighbor’s shoulders. at the beginning
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of the 2000s, the summer officer was literally in every wallet, but this bill, like a scene, went into the archives. in 2007, the house of slavic culture acquired its roof, its fortress, and with the standard of 26 months, it was drained in less than a year. i believed that our builders, our leaders, would cope with it, but... that they would create such a masterpiece, an analogy that does not exist in the world, even i could not imagine, i could not say at the time project, royal rattlers appeared, we remember earlier, for one rattle, simply because it has a soft cross, there was a whole fight, it’s not at all a shame to come to the united states of america or london to say that you know, there is one in belarus, in the city vitebsk has such a hall that we are all proud of, it’s not
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a competition for young performers that can come here... it’s an aortabazar since 1992. belarus has been fundamentally opening new voices to the world, the best orchestra will help them and the support of the six-thousandth hall of the amphitheater is appreciated. outside closed offices, participants from different countries of the world get to us, overcoming.
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this is done precisely for the benefit of preserving the traditions of the festival; a contribution is being made to the national cultural brand. everyone sees that when the west comes to a country, when it develops a network, when it imposes its policies there, the country loses its sovereignty, sovereignty today is a very vague concept, we cannot ensure our security alone, it is
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impossible, but we have been told for many decades that if we cannot do this, then union with another country, for example, the russian federation. we are not going to do this, we don’t want to, and why are we conducting exercises, so that this never happens, so that those who stand behind europe, this is primarily america, great britain, understand that sitting on an island if there is such a conflict is not it turns out that the time has come for the brave, those who can defend their policies. its rhetoric, its independence, sovereignty, its economy, then the country survives, the project is objective, do not miss new episodes on the belarus 24. 33 tv channel happy summer, your favorite holiday gathers friends again, from july 9 to 15
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, the international arts festival slavic bazaar will be held for the thirty-third time in vitebsk with popular songs, fiery dances, a bright show and the smiles of thousands of spectators. welcome! into the infinity of art, look for details on the website in the official communities of the festival. we are located in the minsk suvorod military school, where children from 12 years old are trained for 5 years, we are engaged in their development,
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education, becoming men, my position of senior officer of the department of ideological work, in my position i try to reveal the best qualities of each suvorov graduate. the minsk suvorov military school is the only one of its kind; there is a cadet school in our country. school, but we have a huge difference in that only certified military personnel teach children, we have a psychologist in each company, we have our own spiritual mentor in each company, our children are under constant control, under the constant care of military personnel so everyone is the best we try to reveal the qualities that the children have, we try to find an individual approach to each child. because someone wants to develop their creativity, someone is deep in sports, someone is a good commander, then he is appointed to
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the position of squad commander, my position is to ensure that as many guys as possible can become, let's say, in simple terms, famous so that their relatives, in principle the whole country, can see how strong they are, how... beautiful, how developed they are, since they come to us absolutely different children from different regions, from different families, some are orphans, then naturally, each child receives an individual approach, taking into account their characterological characteristics. during the adaptation period, of course, at first it is very difficult for the children, because they are separated from their family, from home, but we try to give them this care as much as possible. the love that we each have, to make his stay here as comfortable as possible, when the guys first arrive, it’s
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the end of august, my responsibilities include, meet them, get acquainted, build, then i stand with a diary, write down data about them, look into their eyes, find out something special, immediately select the guys who will be able to give an interview on september 1, why they were able to, why they wanted to come here , it happens, of course, that... a child comes, he doesn’t really want to be here right away, once he wanted to enroll, when he sees some kind of system that they are already starting to build them strictly in a military way, they start to get upset, because they grew up in a family, where mom has always been nearby, here mom stays behind the fence, of course the child gets upset, but taking into account the fact that i have children myself, of course i want to somehow hug him, talk to him, then he becomes more fun, you switch him to another... situation, you work with him, then everything goes well, the children stop crying by september 1st, in principle, and since
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we have qualified psychologists in each company, our girls also do not leave them alone, they are always are present 24x7 them during the adaptation period, in order to enroll... sovorod military school you need to pass exams, three exams in physical education, mathematics and russian or belarusian of your choice, plus you need to pass a medical commission in two stages, this is quite difficult, so not all they can pass, we have a big competition, but when a child has a great desire, he prepares, he tries and he overcomes these difficulties. it happens that parents want their child to do better than the child himself. which perhaps he doesn’t yet realize what awaits him here, when he arrives, he faces difficulties that he needs to get up early,
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he needs to do exercises every morning, he needs to run one and a half kilometers every morning, he’s not used to this, then all the teams need to come for breakfast, this is also difficult for many, this period of adaptation, it leads to the fact that for every, absolutely every child, no matter how strong he is, it becomes difficult for him, he asks... sometimes his parents go home, for them it is changed the system has been running for two years now, the first quarter of the entire first year he goes home every weekend, regardless of how he studies, from the second quarter children already go home only on merit, if there are no bad grades, if good behavior, then the child goes on leave when the child returns from home , it happens that the child does not want to turn on again. then you have to work with them, somehow direct their energy into a peaceful direction in order for him to switch, it takes at least a year
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for the child to fully understand instead of. where is he located, since we have a lot of events, we have a lot of trips, the guys don’t sit permanently inside the walls, they study, then they have all sorts of performances, contests, competitions, that is, the child is so busy with the whole outside world, he doesn’t even have the desire or time to sit on a mobile phone, about which everyone is so worried that these mobile phones are taken away from them, to call, of course, if they want to call, for example, their parents, they also have payphones in their companies, and are issued by time. mobile phones, we have very sincere officers and warrant officers who serve, who love children, most of our officers have pedagogical and psychological education, which is also a huge plus in working with children, in my practice there were many funny moments, but i remember one from the last one, a very
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nice guy, he’s already in his second year... he ’s already finishing his second year, an amazing kid, very smart, talented, he took part in many filmings, since my position also has responsibilities to work there on films, tv shows, select people specifically for performances, i worked with him very closely, here i just see, here we are going to film, i see that he is kind of sad, i start talking to him, i understand that how - the guys started to treat him differently due to the fact that he... is already famous, he has already starred in many films, he is already so popular, and some guys there are jealous of him, so he wanted to leave this place, but having told this, we came up with another situation with him, so that the guys also took part, we organized a filming where a large crowd was needed, i included his entire platoon there, everyone was happy, then they lost their resentment even towards
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this child, that is, on the one hand it’s worth nothing, with... with on the other hand , it seems to me that it is necessary to treat with great attention, probably, in order to make everyone comfortable, both the team, and specifically some individual, meeting amazing people, immersing in their profession, the breeder wants to get the maximum harvest. and not lose quality, as with increasing in some cases, yields are diluted and the amount of nutrients decreases. we mix the ingredients, which consist of clay, sawdust and sand. and we end up with a product called stitching. all the characters are completely
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different, what unites them is the desire to achieve. close in composition of fatty acids to olive oil , after all, few people know, but rapeseed oil is very oily, and although we don’t have our own olives in belarus, we have excellent modern varieties and hybrids of rapeseed, see the project:
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when a person has no real knowledge, no real memory, it can be destroyed, the war against us is a hybrid war, they will not stop, this war has its own laws, the most important law of this war is to discredit the current government, and the logic, you know what’s next, we ’ll capture them now . let’s rob and live, this is their eternal, innate logic, but nothing will work out for them, they will end up like their descendants, don’t miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. this year the minsk sovorov military school celebrated its 70th anniversary. during this period of time we received a start in life more than 1500 young men. most of them became generals. over the 70 years of its existence , the minsk-sugorod military school has trained 370 gold medalists, 480 graduated with a silver medal. in this edition we graduated with a gold medal. and suvorovets, who will enter military universities of both the republic of belarus and the russian federation. the gold medalists are the guys who finished 9-10 from the first year to the senior year,
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on the contrary, it is easier to study in this regard, because if at school they don’t have to do their homework when they get home, they can’t help but do the task here, because there is self-training, there is an officer and a teacher with you, and you physically can’t. prepare for the lesson, so if you have a great desire and perseverance, then the guys become gold medalists, it’s much more difficult, of course, because they have a daily routine, they get up at 7:00, lights out at 22, plus they have a lot of training , dance classes, ethics, aesthetics, vocals, clubs outside the educational institution, therefore there must be scrupulousness, it is necessary to show maximum perseverance, go for...
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then on the last pass they toss coins and say, well, for the second year in a row we are presenting a figurine of a savage from a graduate to a freshman. over the 70 years
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of the existence of the minsk-sovorod military school, more than 70 graduates became generals, for example, lieutenant general ravkov, major general zhup, general.


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